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Jung, c g studies in word association (1916)

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SCIENCE LIBRARY OF WELLESLEY COLLEGE PURCHASED FROM LIBRARY FUNDS STUDIES IN WORD- ASSOCIATION WAR-SHOCK THE PSYCHONEUROSES IN WAR PSYCHOLOGY AND TREATMENT By M D, Eder, B.Sc (Lond.), M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P Crown 8vo, 5s net ON DREAMS By Prof Dr Sigm Freud Only authorized Enslish translation, by M D Eder, B.Sc (Lond.), M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P With an Introduction bv W Leslie Mackenzie, M.A., M.D Crown 8vo, 3s 6d net LONDON WILLIAM HEINEMANN (MEDICAL BOOKS) LTD STUDIES IN WORD-ASSOGIATION EXPERIMENTS IN THE DIAGNOSIS OF PSYGHOPATHOLOGICAL CONDITIONS CARRIED OUT AT THE PSYCHIATRIC CLINIC OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ZURICH UNDER THE DIRECTION OF C G JUNG, M.D., LL.D (FORMERLY OF THK UNIVKRSITY OF ZURICH) AUTHORIZED TRANSLATION BY Dr M D EDER NEW YORK MOFFAT, YARD & COMPANY 1919 SCIENCE 3F Printed in Great Britain \ i^to%^ INDEX Abulia, case of, 359 Acoustic motor language, Association, in case of hysteria, 35611, 377 175 not intrapsychical, 409 paraphasia indirect, 30 verbal experiments, 16, 231 " Active opposition," 497, 498 Adamkiewicz, 448 " Adjustment," part played by, 282 Affect, pathological, 333 Affects, influence of, 288, 289 Amnesia, rare in healthy persons, 289 occurrence in sudden changes, 292 case of Mrs Verena D., 337 psychology, pathological, 308 verbal, 35 Associations, classification of, 13-38 influence of attention on, 167 culture on, 167 individual peculiarity of on, 167 respiration in complex, 542-546 case of Julius Schw., 347 case investigated fully by Jung, 369 Amnestic manifestations, 352 Amplitudes, respiratory, 542-560 Anamnesis, case of Miss E., 300 incomplete, of patient, 389 Aphonia, its relation to the unconscious, 278 Aschaffenberg's experiments in asso- Attention, Bleuler's view, 415, 507 distraction of, 359, 497-498, 504- 507, 514, 540 " mtellectual," 540 importance in the association its process, 8-9 Lehmann's view, 507, 540 nature of, 122-125, 282-296 " sensual," 540 ciation, 13, 14, 28, 29, 30, 34, 39, 41, 48, 49, 61, 124, 229, 232, 234, 235, Autohypnosis, 49 236, 238 Automatic speaking, 275 writing, 275, 277, 291 Association, Bleuler's theory of, 294 conscious complex, 532 subject Automatisms, word, 251 unconscious complex, 532 disturbances in, 407-445 importance of investigations into, 1-7 experiments on educated women, 40-64 on educated men, 65-91 on uneducated women, 91-114 on uneducated men, 115-122 Balint, 25, 53, 125, 439 Binswanger, 446 On Phenomenon in Association Experiments, 446— the Psychogalvanic 530 Bleuler, 379, 415, 507, 527 Upon the Significance of Associa- tion Experiments, 1-7 Consciousness and Association,26Q- on epileptic men, 206-226 group statistics in, 122-167 in hysteria, 354-395 on imbeciles and idiots, 172205 and the ps3'chogalvanic phenomenon, 446-530 important results of, with Sommer's apparatus, 532-555 296 Bleuler's definition of attention, 507, 543 " phenomena of adjustment," 67 use of the term " affectivity," 455, 477, 506, 531 Bois-Reymond's experiment, 455, 456 Bonhoffer, 152 Bourdon, 569 16, 35 INDEX 570 Breuer'and Freud, 531 use of term " repression," 168 Breukink, 206 lb Complexes, conscious, 544-554 emotional, 239 emotionally toned, 539 in relation to respiration, 549 Carpentek, Mental Physiology, 271 sexual, 264, 257 Case of " Havana cigar," 153 hysteria, 323-353 suppressed, 512 hysteria in young woman 354 M Joseph (Jung's), 210 unconscious, 511, 512, 544-560 (Jung's), universal, 236-237 obsessional neurosis (Jung's), 300 paranoid dementia praecox, 279 prison psychosis, 195 Catatoniacs, automatic actions of, 294 and the psychogalvanic menon, 507 pheno- Cerebral syphilis, associations in, Choreiform tic, Concepts, concrete, 236-237 Conscious, Bleuler's use of term, 281 and " willed," not synonymous, 293 and unconscious, nature 268- Consciousness and association, 266-296 Constellation complex, 328, 377, 417, 419, 544 401 case of, 354-395 definition of, type, complex, 133, 140, 246 Clang- associations, 29 simple, 138 and galvanometer deflections, 511— 520 Clang-displacement, of, 296 centrifugal, 30, and complexes, 73 Conversion symptoms, 352 Cordes, 13, 155 " phenomenon, 12 Cordes' " Constellations A 32 centripetal, 31, 32 Clang-reactions, 28, 38 Classification of association tests, 13 Cryptomnesia, 275 Curves, galvanometer and graphic compared, 550 pneumo- Claparede's investigations into indirect associations, 153 into reaction-time, 227 Colucci's experiments with the ergo- Definition type, 434 Dementia, organic, 507 prsecox, 6, 258, 279, 288, 290, 400, graph, 206 Complex, effect of constant, 401, 550 Jimg's psychology 528 disease, 225, 239, 368, 369, 377 ego, 247, 379, 390, 458, 465, 482, 491 392 Ganser syndrome, 333 hysterogenic, 345, 359 indicators, 397, 398, 405-406, 525 526, 530, 532 intelligence, 423 morbid, 395 pathogenic, 360, 361 pei-severating, 500 erotic, 259, 370, 383, phenomena and the imconscious, 78 senilis, of, 434 408, 423 Delabarre's investigations into respiration, 540 Dessoir's " Doppel-Ich," 280 Dissociation, treble, 550 Distraction of attention, 497^98, 504, 507, 514 experiments, 144, 361, 362, 363 inner, 508 outer, 498, 504 phenomena, 359 to surroimdings, 353 Double personality, 290, 291 Dreams, analysis of, 377-389 317 presentation, 359 erotic, reactions, 47 explanation of, 292, 293 repressions, 520 Drowsiness, a psychological process, 49 school, 377, 391 Dynamic secondary dominated, 395 sex, 377, 379, 380-383, 389, 392 Complex curve, 460, 466 wave, 460, 489 theory, 282 Education and reaction-time, 232 Egocentric attitude, 138 reaction, 33, 37 INDEX 571 Ganser, 353 Emotional inhibition, 498, 511 paralysis, 350 presentations, unconscious, 291 syndrome, 238, 251, 290, 333 Goethe complex in a subject, 473 stupidity, 350, 351, 352 Grasset's theory of the existence of unconscious mental phenomena, 266 in recruits, 289 Epilepsy, associations of, 206-226 Gross, 34 egocentric reactions of, 214 criticism A., of reproduction method, 396 Erb, 508 Ergograph, Sommer's and Breukiuk's and A The Psychological H., Diagnosis of Facts, 299 experiments with, 206 FAMHXiL agreement, 443 associations, 407^46 Hajos, 41 Father complex, 308 Feeble-mindedness, associations of ganic, 400 F6r6, 229, 447, 449, 505 Hallucinations, 278, 290, 349, 354, 369 Figures of illustrative Hallucination, case of Betty or- associations, 169-172, 535, 542-548 Flight of ideas, 124 SI., of persecution, 408 teleological, 278 Hallucinatory paranoiacs, 278 Hartmann, Ed von, treatment Hebephrenia, association reproductions 399 Hebephreniac, 278, 290, 434 of, Flournoy, 275 case of H616ne, 291 Heilbronner's studies in epilepsy, 41, Forel, Die Zukunjt, 272 152 Free association, Freud's method of, 153, 298, 340 Frequency, law of, 124, 234 Freud, 247, 251, 276, 277, 292, 323, criticism of the reproduction method, 396 Hellpach's denial of the unconscious, 324, 328, 339, 369, 392, 393, 458, 295 Helmholtz, 271 465, 472, 502, 532 Hemiansesthesia, hysterical, 508 Freud's method of free association, 153, 298, 340 conception of repression, 258 psycho-analytic method, 297-321, 342, 390, 516 Stvdies in Hysteria, 297 Interpretation of Dreams, 298, works, 514 between the 208 " unconscious " reactions, 207 Fiirstenau's (and Sommer's) experiments, 447 distinction and the Hermann, 451 Hofidmg, 514 Hypermnesia, Freud's, 315 epileptic, 174, Galton, 230 Galvanic apex, 551 deflection, action of conscious its value in the treatment of hysteria, 340, 346 its value in the study of the unconscious, 274 615 idiot Herbait, 267 Hypnosis, Psychopathology of Everyday Life, 517 Fuhrmann's of the unconscious, 266 definition of, 17 The 350 com- plexes upon, 553-559 " unconscious " complexes upon, 511-520, 553-559 Galvanometer, use of, 450-530, 549-560 the phenomena of, 291 Hypnotic treatment, Jung's case of ]VIiss E., 300-310 Hypnotism in automatic speaking, 275 in automatic writing, 275 in thought reading, 275 Hysteria, 258, 323-353, 354-395 associations in, 400 case of Catterina H., 322-328 Anna L., 328-329 Matilde R., 330-333 Mrs Maria C, 333-337 Mrs Verena D., 337-345 Bertha Sch., 345-347 Julius Schw., 347-350 Betty SI., 350-352 INDEX 572 Hysteria, Freud's theory of, 297 psychogenic character, 297, 298 Jung's case, 355 its Hysterical chorea, 354 R tions, Vigouroux' investiga- 447 Hystero-epileptic attacks, 345 Imbecile epileptic, v woman in twilight state, classification of associations, twilight state, 350 Hysterics, Jung, case of automatic writing, 277 several personalities, 280 emotional stupidity, 289 toned complex, 546 experiments, 297-321 and difference, 410,414,421,435,438 method for registering deviations in reactions, 453 familial agreements Fuhrmann's view, 174 Imbeciles, associations of, 173-205, 400, On 401 Disturbances in Reproduction in Experiments, Association classification of, difficulties in 177-178 " emotional 178-179 396- 406 experimenting, 174, Psycho-analysis and Association, 297-321 stupidity " (Jung's Reaction-time in Association Experiments, 227-265 term), 177, 185, 187, 197 hysterical traits of, 177 two means, 489 Jung and Peterson, connexion between respiiation and speech, significance of the occurrence of marked phenomena of perseveration in, 191 poverty of language of, 175 comparison with the uneducated, 176 stupidity and dementia in, 186 540 experiments tion, concepts of, respira- in 541 with the experiments galvanometer, 456, 457 tendency to definition of, 18lO, 205 time measurements in experiments on, 201-202 universal 353 409 influence of repression complex, 520 physical accompaniments of association processes, 180, 188, 204 534 Sommer's case of, 174 Importance of the unconscious, 278 " Inner pictures," significance of, 157- Imbecility, Jung and Ricksher, investigations in catatoniacs, 507 investigations the into psychogalvanic pheno- 158 mena, 550, 552 Innervation, the psychomotor, 538 Insanity, associations in moral, 399, Jung and Riklin, Associations of Normal 400, 401 Instances of dreams analysed, 378-389 classification of imbeciles, Isserlin's criticism of Subjects, the reproduction 8-172 178 method, 396 definition tion, of persevera- 474 Janet, 295, 392 Janet's conception of the unconscious, Kant, 21, 289 Klein, 299 267 Jeanne d'Arc, Judgment ^'^sions of, reactions, 278 analytic Kraft-Ebing, 318 and synthetic, 21, 22 Jimg, 326, 350, 393, 448, 458, 465, 497, 505, 509 Analysis of the Associations of an Epileptic, 206-266 Dream, and Hysterical Symptoms, 354-395 Association, Kriipelin, 39, 40, 207, 229, 230, 234, 368 Krapelin-Aschaffenburg method classification, 15, 21, 27, 178, Kymograph, wave 409 453, 454, 483, 533, 541 Labile character, plex of in, significance of 471 Lateral oscillations, 535-537 com- INDEX Orth, 16, 228, 239 Laughter, significance of, 369, 373 Law of Frequency, Mill, 15 Lehmann, 454, Liepmann, " 573 Osteomalacia, 354 507, 516, 540 flight of ideas," 124, 125 Paralysis, emotional, 350 Libido, sexual, 318 Paranoiacs, hallucinatory, 278 Lippe, 514 Paranoid dementia praecox, 279 Pathology, " overlong " time in tion to, 239 significance of, 369 Perceptions, definition of, Lob, associative memory, 295 Marbe, 228 Marey, pneumograph of, 532, 541 Martius, 532, 533, 534, 536, 541 Mayer and Orth, upon Perseveration, effect rela- clang-asso- Meige-Feindel type of tiqueuv, 355 514 definition and nature of, 34 in the psychogalvanic phenomenon, 474-499, 510-512 influence of, on reaction-time, 529 of the emotional tone, 258 Melody automatism, 252, 328 Memory, associative, 295 peculiar manifestations of, 347 16, 228, 239 Mean, arithmetical and probable, in duration of association, 230-231 universal, in duration of association, 231 its of imbeciles, 191 relation to association, the conscious, 292-293 pictures, 275, Mill, Law of Frequency, 15 Miiller, E K., 448, 449, 456 Pilzecker, 34, 240, 241 Miinsterberg, 16, 26, 32, 154, 234, 514 " intellectual Pi^ron, 153, 154 Pilzecker and Miiller, 240, 241 Planchette, 275 Plethysomograph, 534 Pneumograph, Marey, 541 Predicate type, 57, 160-167 Prince Morton, 550 Prison psychosis, case eeling," and Psycho-analysis of, 195 association ex- periments, 297-321 477, 509 employment Narcosis, behaviour in, 353 Neurasthenia, associations Neurosis, Freud's theory obsessional, case of, in, 401 297 300-321 of, psychogenic, 299, 300 Nonius, use of, 534 Nordau, 49 Nimberg, On 280 multiple, 279 Peterson, 550 Pick, 340 Preyer, 532 Myers, 33 automatic writmg, 277 Nahlowsky's Personality, conscious, 279 idealized, Mobius, demarcation of the psychogenic, 297 Mosso, 540 and 555 double, 290, 291 Mimiemann, 540, 541, 543 Mixed types of association, 409 Miiller of, dissociation of, 289 540, 542, 543, 545 James, strength Dessoir's double, 280 293 Mentz, 540 Meteorism, 355, 392 Meumann, ciations, Accompaniments of Association Processes, 531560 the Physical of in case of hysteria, 354-395 Freud's method described, 390 non-recognition of, 396 its value in cases of repression, 516 Psychochyme, 292 Psychogalvanic apparatus, 446 experiments, 457-520 survey of former, 447-450 phenomenon in association ex- periments, 446-530 Obsessional neurosis, case of, 300-321 Obsessions, conscious but not willed, 293 and the analysis of emotions, 451 Onanism, 304, 307, 309, 317 and Onanists, characteristics of, 315 statistics, 549-560 520-530 respiration, the INDEX 574 Psychology of the unconscious, 266-296 Psychopathia, associations in, 400, 401 Psychopathology, 268, 278, 296 " Psychophysical parallel," 296 Psychophysiological changes in association tests, 531-560 Raimann, 295 Eanschburg, 14, 25, 41, 53, 125, 231, 439 Reaction-time in association ments, 227-265 Reactions, clang, 28-29 experi- 17-38 classification of, complex, 324 egocentric, 33, 323, 324 nature of, 13-17 verbal, 13 Repression, manifestation of, 133-135, Stimulus-word, and its relation to re- action-time, 234-264 employed in psychology and in psychopathology, importance of choice of, 163 form of, 163-167 its value in association, nature of, 10, 11, 23 relation between reaction and, 13 Stop-watch, measurement by, 228, 229 Stupidity, emotional, 186, 289 Stransky, 350 Sweat, significance of secretion of, 448 Swiss Asylum for Epileptics, 209 Symbols, importance in psycho-analysis, 298 influence of grammatical Symptomatic Freud's, actions, 339, 502 379 Synsesthesias, 52 definition of term, 168, 258 Reproduction in association experiments, disturbances in, 396-406 Respiration in the association experi- ment, 539-549 psychogalvanic phenomenon in relation to, 549-559 Tarohanoff, 447, 448, 450, 451, 526 Thought reading, 275-276 Thumb and Marbe, 228 Trance, 275 " Transference to the physician," 526 Respiratory curve, 534r-539 Tigerstedt, 540 Riklin, 251, 281, 414, 415 Trauma, Cases illustrating the Phenomena of Association in Hysteria, 322-353 " Occurrence of Epileptic Amnesia through Hypnosis," 208 sexual, 297, 392 psychological, case of, 318 Traumata, psychical, 297 Trautscheldt, 14 Treble dissociation, 550 Twilight states, 292, 293, 349, 352 Type, classification of, 132 SCRIPTTJBE, 154 " Secretory currents," 447 Series, disturbances in, 402-404 complex Sex complex, 254, 257, 377, 379, 380- fatigue, 124 constellation, 132, 140 definition, 434 objective, 132, 135 383, 389, 392 differences in the normal experi- predicate, 133, 142, 160 " sanguine " ment, 143 and its antithesis, 538, 539 Sexuality, case of Catterina H., 323 Sleeplessness, significance of, 308 simple constellation, 132, 138 Smith, William, 154 Sommer's apparatus, 532, 533, 534, 559 subjective, 132 experiments in 228, 447, 449 investigations association, among 10, epileptics, 207 idiots, 173, 174 Sommer-Fiirstenau apparatus, 451, 455 St Vitus's dance, case of, 355-395 Stem, Psychologie der Aussage, 283 Sticker, 447, 448, 526 Unconsoioits adjustment of attention, 273 denial of the, 295 feelings, 276-278 in relation to conscious, 266-281 in psychopathoits importance logy, 278-279 psychology of, 268-296 thought, 27&-277 INDEX Veraguth's investigations with the galvanometer, 446, 448, 449, 450, 451, 458, 505, 508, 527, 528, 549, 550 Verbal -motor forms, 27 Vigouroux, A., 448, 449, 507, 508, 527 Vigouroux, R., 447 Visionaries of Cevennes, automatic speaking of, 274 575 Will, difficulty of its psychological investigation, 1-2 Witticisms in unconscious state, 276 Wreschner, 28, 228, 233 experiments on an idiot, 173 Wundt, 27, 34, 123, 154, 203, 230, 286, 287, 295, 296, 514, 515, 532, 539, 540, 541, 547 criticism of his psychology, 267- 268 Watt, 409 Wehrlin, 207, 208, 209, 214, 226, 233, 299, 305, 330, 335, 412, 432, 433 Associations Idiots, of Itnbeciles Ziehen, 17, 22, 73, 160, 227, 230, 232, 233, 235, 238, 239, 259, 267 and classification of associations, 15 173-205 PRINTED AT THE COMPLETE PRESS WEST NORWOOD LONDON, S.B 27 BF365J85 scni A 5002 00077 5952 Studies ,n word-assocralion; Mpenmenis 3P 365 J85 AUTHOR 168059 JUJli TIT ci-tii/^i aaJLn urn T*

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