A CHECK UP TEST ON ENGLISH SEMANTICS Time allowed: 30’ Choose the correct answer by putting a tick on the space for one of the letters ABCD on your answer sheet Please do not write anything in this reading paper 1. Which of the following DOES NOT HAVE the correct entailment? a. Bill didn’t see a flower entails Bill didn’t see a rose. b. Bill didn’t see a person entails Bill didn’t see a boy. c. Bill didn’t see a boy entails Bill saw a person. d. Bill didn’t see a rectangular entails Bill didn’t see a square. 2. Which of the following involves different possible things that the same expression may refer to? a. sense b. variable reference c. constant reference d. no reference 3. Which of the following HAVE the correct entailment? a. Bill saw a flower entails Bill saw a rose. b. Bill didn’t see a rose entails Bill didn’t see a flower. c. Bill didn’t see a rose entails Bill saw a sunflower. d. Bill saw all flowers entails Bill saw a rose. 4. Which of the following is the contradiction sentence? a. That bachelor is an innocent man. b. That bachelor is not human being. c. That bachelor is never married. d. That bachelor is male. 5. Which of the following expressions of the sentence: The present Prime Minister of Viet Nam is Nguyen Tan Dung has constant reference? a. Nguyen Tan Dung b. Viet Nam c. the present Prime Minister d. a and b
Time allowed: 30’
Choose the correct answer by putting a tick on the space for one of the letters ABCD on your answer sheet
* Please do not write anything in this reading paper
1 Which of the following DOES NOT HAVE the correct entailment?
a Bill didn’t see a flower entails Bill didn’t see a rose
b Bill didn’t see a person entails Bill didn’t see a
c Bill didn’t see a boy entails Bill saw
a person
d Bill didn’t see a rectangular entails Bill didn’t see a square
2 Which of the following involves different possible things that the same expression may refer to?
a sense
b variable reference
c constant reference
d no reference
3 Which of the following HAVE the correct entailment?
a Bill saw a flower entails Bill saw a rose
b Bill didn’t see a rose entails Bill didn’t see a flower
c Bill didn’t see a rose entails Bill saw a sunflower
d Bill saw all flowers entails Bill saw a rose
4 Which of the following is the contradiction sentence?
a That bachelor is an innocent man
b That bachelor is not human being
c That bachelor is never married
d That bachelor is male
Trang 25 Which of the following expressions of the sentence: The present Prime
Minister of Viet Nam is Nguyen Tan Dung has constant reference?
a Nguyen Tan Dung
b Viet Nam
c the present Prime Minister
d a and b
6 Which of the following is NOT independent of circumstance or
particular occasions or topic of conversation?
a sense
b variable reference
c constant reference
d extension
7 Which of the following utterances would be the most inappropriate ?
a Please get me a cup of coffee
b Please bring me a cup of coffee
c Please take a cup of coffee
d Please go to me with a cup of coffee
8 Which of the underlined expressions in the sentence “Barrack Obama isthe elected president of the United States of America ” are referringexpressions?
a Barrack Obama
b the elected president of the United States of America
c is
d a & b
9 Which of the following is an example of the statement?
Some sentences which do not contain ambiguous words can be ambiguous
a Yesterday a 14th century chair was bought by a dealer with a
beautifully carved wooden leg
b He gave her a gold ring yesterday
c He is really so kind to me
Trang 3d I sawed a rotten branch of the ash tree in my garden.
10 Which of the following pairs are NOT gradable antonyms?
d none of the above
12 The predicate afraid used in the sentence John was afraid of this spider
a one-place predicate
b two place-predicate
c three-place predicate
d none of the above
13 Which of the following can be true or false?
a sentence
b utterance
c proposition
d all of the above
14 Which of the following is NOT a generic sentence?
a A bear never eats the dead body
b A bear is the animal that typically hibernates during winter
c A bear sleeps almost during a winter
d A bear is sucking honey from the bee nest
15 Which of the following is an example of the statement:
Some sentences which contain ambiguous words are ambiguous
Trang 4a The chicken is ready to eat.
b You’re so kind to me
c The cranes were transported by the ship
d Fred said that he would pay me on Thursday
16 The expression one of the greatest playwrights in English Literature
in the sentence William
Shakespeare is considered one of the greatest playwrights in English Literature is
a constant reference
b a referring expression
c never refers to different things or person
d a & b
17 Which of the following pairs are hyponym - superordinate?
a daisy - sun flower
a Please take some warm clothes with you
b Please bring some warm clothes with you
c Please come here with some warm clothes
d b & c
19 Which of the following pairs are paraphrases?
a Tom loaned money from ABC Bank ABC Bank loaned money to Tom
b John and Mary are twins Mary and Tom are twins
c Room 101 is above this room Room 101 is below this room
d Bill killed Tom Tom died
20 Which of the following is the synthetic sentence?
a Bachelors are male
b Bachelors are not reptiles
c Bachelors are not human
d Bachelors are lonely
Trang 521 Which of the following describes the relation between (A) and (B)
(A) Fester regretted that he borrowed me 5 dollars
(B) I lent 5 dollars to Fester
a (A) and (B) are paraphrases
b (A) entails (B)
c (A) presupposes (B)
d a and b
22 Which of the following pairs are NOT gradable antonyms?
a worse than – better
b hot – cold
c ugly – beautiful
d near – far
23 Which of the following underlined is an example of referring expression?
a Mother to child: If you don’t behave properly, I’ll report this to yournanny, boy
b Mother to child: This dog will not bite you, son
c Mother to child: The air – goddess will come in your dream
d Mother to child: Don’t touch that barking dog because he may bite you
24 Which of the following is the case of polysemy?
a fast (quickly) and fast (not eat)
b punch (hit with a fist) and punch (a kind of strong alcoholic drink)
c head (body part) and head (hit with the head)
d ball (round object) and ball (dance)
25 The underlined in “Please open the door” is:
Trang 626 The pair unmarried and married are binary
antonyms because
a both of them can combine with very
b between them exhaust all the relevant possibilities
c both of them can be used in comparison
construction d all of the above mentioned
27 Which of the following expressions can be proposition?
a My sick cat that is lying on the armchair over there
b John Lennon who was assassinated in 1980 by a
c A man is walking along the street
d A lovely cat (not understood as an elliptical sentence)
28 Which of the following refer to the thing or person being talked about in the context of the utterance?
a variable reference
b extension
c sense
d none of the above
29 Which of the following is incorrect?
a Analyticity is a sense property of a predicate
b Contradiction is a sentence which is always false
c Syntheticity is a sense property of an individual sentence
d Analyticity is a sentence which is always true
30 Which of the following pairs of expressions binary?
a borrow - lend
b give - take
c conceal - reveal
d evergreen - deciduous
31 Which of the following is the case of homonymy?
a row (line) and row (argument)
b fork (of a road) and fork (a tool)
Trang 7c branch (of science) and branch (of a tree)
d neck (body part) and neck (of a bottle)
32 Which of the underlined is the argument of a simple sentence?
a This dog will not bite you, son
b This dog will not bite you, son
c This dog will not bite you, son
d This dog will not bite you, son
33 Which of the following expressions of the sentence Osama bin Laden is
hiding in Afghanistan is the constant reference?
a Osama bin Laden
b Afghanistan
c hide
d a and b
34 The predicates beautiful and ugly are gradable anonyms because
a they describes the same relationship when mentioned in
the opposite order b between them exhaust all the relevant
c both of them belong to the open-ended English achievement system
d these two predicates are at opposite ends of a continuous scale ofvalues
35 Which of the following DOES NOT mention a connection of language
d all of the above
36 Which of the following pairs illustrates symmetric entailment?
a Mary took all the dishes and Mary stole all the plates
b Mary hid all the dishes and Mary concealed all the dishes
Trang 8c Mary purchased all the plates and Mary bought
all the dishes d both a and c
37 Which of the following is analytic?
a The pentagon is six- sided
b Young Juan’s pet is not a mammal
c A triangle is three-sided figure
d My snake is not reptile
38 Which of the following is the case of analytic sentence?
a Superman is not Clark Kent
b Superman is Clark Kent
c Clark Kent is not
40 The word drive is an example of polysemy because
a drive (of a car) and drive (of a nail) are identical in spelling
b its two senses (drive a nail) and (drive a car) both contain the concept
of cause sth to move
c drive (of a car) and drive (of a nail) are identical in
pronunciation d none of the above
i m e a ll o tt e d : 30’
Choose the correct answer by putting a tick on the space for one
of the letters ABCD on your answer sheet
* Please do not write anything in this reading paper
1 Which of the following DOES NOT HAVE the correct entailment?
a Bill didn’t see a flower entails Bill
didn’t see a rose b Bill didn’t see a
person entails Bill didn’t see a boy c
Trang 10Bill didn’t see a boy entails Bill saw a
d Bill didn’t see a rectangula r entails Bill
didn’t see a square
2 Which of the following involves different possible things that the same expression may refer to?
3 Which of the following HAVE the correct entailment?
a Bill saw a flower entails
Bill saw a rose
b Bill didn’t see a rose entails Bill
didn’t see a flower c Bill didn’t see a
rose entails Bill saw a sunflower
d Bill saw all flowers entails
Bill saw a rose
4 Which of the following is the contradiction sentence ?
a That bachelor is an
innocent man b That
bachelor is not human
being c That bachelor
is never married
Trang 116 Which of the following is NOT independent of circumstance or
particular occasions or topic of
Trang 12a Please get me a cup of coffee.
b Please bring me a cup
of coffee c Please take a
cup of coffee
d Please go to me with a cup of coffee
8 Which of the underlined expressions in the sentence “B a rr ac k O b a m a i s
9 Which of the following is an example of the statement?
Some sentences which do not contain ambiguous words can be ambiguous
a Yesterday a 14th century chair was bought by a dealer with a
beautifully carved wooden leg b He gave her a gold ring yesterday
c He is really so kind to me
d I sawed a rotten branch of the ash tree in my garden
10 Which of the following pairs are NOT gradable antonyms ?
Trang 1414 Which of the following is NOT a generic sentence ?
a A bear never eats the dead body
b A bear is the animal that typically
hibernates during winter c A bear sleeps
almost during a winter
d A bear is sucking honey from the bee nest
15 Which of the following is an example of the statement:
Some sentences which contain ambiguous words are ambiguous
a The chicken is ready to eat
b You’re so kind to me
c The cranes were transported by the ship
d Fred said that he would pay me on Thursday
16 The expression one of the greatest playwrights in English Literature
in the sentence William
Shakespeare is considered one of the greatest playwrights in English Literature
a constant reference
b a referring expression
c never refers to different
things or person d a & b
17 Which of the following pairs are hyponym - superordinate ?
a Please take some warm clothes
with you b Please bring some
warm clothes with you c Please
come here with some warm
clothes d b & c
19 Which of the following pairs are paraphrases?
a Tom loaned money from ABC Bank
ABC Bank loaned money
Trang 15to Tom b John and Mary
are twins
Mary and Tom are twins
c Room 101 is above this room.Room 101 is below
this room d Bill killed
Tom died
Trang 1620 Which of the following is the synthetic sentence ?
a Bachelors are male
b Bachelors are not reptiles
c Bachelors are not
human being d
Bachelors are lonely
21 Which of the following describes the relation between (A) and (B)(A) Fester regretted that he borrowed
me 5 dollars (B) I lent 5 dollars to
b Mother to child: T h i s dog will not bite you, son
c Mother to child: The air – goddess w il l come in your dream
d Mother to child: Don’t t o u c h that barking dog because he may bite you
24 Which of the following is the case of polysemy?
a fast (quickly) and fast (not eat)
b punch (hit with a fist) and punch (a kind of strong alcoholic drink)
c head (body part) and head (hit with the head)
d ball (round object) and ball (dance)
25 The underlined in “Please op e n the door” is:
a deixis
b constant
Trang 17reference c
d variable reference
26 The pair unmarried and married are binary
antonyms because a both of them can combine
with very
b between them exhaust all the relevant possibilities
c both of them can be used in
comparison construction d all of the
above mentioned
Trang 1827 Which of the following expressions can be
a My sick cat that is lying on the armchair over there
b John Lennon who was assassinated in
1980 by a madman c A man is walking
along the street
d A lovely cat (not understood as an elliptical sentence)
28 Which of the following refer to the thing or person being talked about in the context of the utterance?
a variable
reference b
c sense
d none of the above
29 Which of the following is incorrect?
a Analyticity is a sense property of a predicate
b Contradiction is a sentence which is always false
c Syntheticity is a sense property of an
individual sentence d Analyticity is a
sentence which is always true
30 Which of the following pairs of expressions binary?
31 Which of the following is the case of homonymy?
a row (line) and row (argument)
b fork (of a road) and fork (a tool)
c branch (of science) and branch (of a tree)
d neck (body part) and neck (of a bottle)
32 Which of the underlined is the argument of a simple sentence?
a This dog w il l not bite
you, son b This dog will
ot bite you, son c This
dog will not b i t e you, son
Trang 19d This dog will not bite
Trang 2034 The predicates beautiful and ugly are gradable anonyms because
a they describes the same relationship when mentioned
in the opposite order b between them exhaust all the
relevant possibilities
c both of them belong to the open-ended English achievement system
d these two predicates are at opposite ends of a continuous scale of values
35 Which of the following DOES NOT mention a connection of language
d all of the above
36 Which of the following pairs illustrates symmetric entailment?
a Mary took all the dishes and Mary stole all the plates
b Mary hid all the dishes and Mary concealed all the dishes
c Mary purchased all the plates and Mary bought
all the dishes d both a and c
37 Which of the following is analytic?
a The pentagon is six- sided
b Young Juan’s pet is not a mammal