42 Which of the following describes a mechanism that brings the internal environment back tonormal?D Increased blood sugar stimulates the release of a hormone from the pancreas that stim
Trang 1Test Bank
Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology
Frederic H Martini, Ph.D
Edwin F Bartholomew, M.S
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Mexico City São Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei Tokyo
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ISBN 0-321-79227-0
ISBN 978-0-321-79227-3
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Trang 3Chapter 1 An Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology 1
Chapter 2 The Chemical Level of Organization 25
Chapter 3 Cell Structure and Function 49
Chapter 4 The Tissue Level of Organization 82
Chapter 5 The Integumentary System 103
Chapter 6 The Skeletal System 125
Chapter 7 The Muscular System 169
Chapter 8 The Nervous System 194
Chapter 9 The General and Special Senses 225
Chapter 10 The Endocrine System 248
Chapter 11 The Cardiovascular System: Blood 270
Chapter 12 The Cardiovascular System: The Heart 289
Chapter 13 The Cardiovascular System: Blood Vessels and Circulation 313
Chapter 14 The Lymphoid System and Immunity 341
Chapter 15 The Respiratory System 366
Chapter 16 The Digestive System 389
Chapter 17 Metabolism and Energetics 416
Chapter 18 The Urinary System 434
Chapter 19 The Reproductive System 459
Chapter 20 Development and Inheritance 485
Trang 1438) Itʹs the middle of winter and a typically healthy person starts to exit a building without a coat,but re-enters the building to retrieve her coat. This regulation mechanism is an example ofA) negative feedback.
Trang 1542) Which of the following describes a mechanism that brings the internal environment back tonormal?
D) Increased blood sugar stimulates the release of a hormone from the pancreas that
stimulates the liver to release blood sugar
E) An increase in body temperature triggers a neural response that initiates physiologicalchanges to increase body temperature
Answer: A
Learning Outcome: 1-6
Bloomʹs Taxonomy: Application
44) Regarding components of negative feedback in thermoregulation, what is the correlative of theskeletal muscles?
Trang 24Figure 1‐4 Abdominopelvic Quadrants
Use Figure 1‐4 to answer the following question(s):
72) Tenderness in which region(s) may be an indication of gallbladder or liver problems?A) 2
Trang 28Answer: There are several reasons why your body temperature may have dropped. Your body
may be losing heat faster than it is being produced. This, however, is more likely tooccur on a cool day. Various chemical factors, such as hormones, may have caused adecrease in your metabolic rate, and thus your body is not producing as much heat as itnormally would. Alternatively, you may be suffering from an infection that has
temporarily changed the set point of the bodyʹs ʺthermostat.ʺ This would seem to be themost likely explanation considering the circumstances given in the question
Learning Outcome: 1-5
Bloomʹs Taxonomy: Analysis
Trang 3424) Matter containing two atoms of the same element that are bonded together by shared electronsare called
Trang 50Use Figure 2‐4 to answer the following question(s):
92) Glucose‐based starches are an example of the structure labeled #1. Identify the structure.A) triglyceride
Trang 51Answer: C
Learning Outcome: 2-14
Bloomʹs Taxonomy: Comprehension
Trang 5297) A certain reaction pathway consists of four steps. How would increasing the amount of
enzyme that catalyzes in the third step affect the amount of product produced at the end of thepathway?
Answer: Increasing the amount of enzyme at the third step might not affect the whole series of
reactions because the rate of the first, second, and fourth enzymes would remain thesame. While more substrate would be available for the next step, that doesnʹt necessarilymean that the fourth enzyme will increase its speed. The net result would be no change
if the first, second, and fourth enzymes were working optimally before the change ismade. On the other hand, there could be an increase in the amount of product if thefirst, second, and fourth enzymes were working at below optimum before the change