Astrophysics and Space Science Library 434 Johan H Knapen Janice C Lee Armando Gil de Paz Editors Outskirts of Galaxies Outskirts of Galaxies Astrophysics and Space Science Library EDITORIAL BOARD Chairman W B BURTON, National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Charlottesville, Virginia, U.S.A (; University of Leiden, The Netherlands ( F BERTOLA, University of Padua, Italy C J CESARSKY, Commission for Atomic Energy, Saclay, France P EHRENFREUND, Leiden University, The Netherlands O ENGVOLD, University of Oslo, Norway E P J VAN DEN HEUVEL, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands V M KASPI, McGill University, Montreal, Canada J M E KUIJPERS, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands H VAN DER LAAN, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands P G MURDIN, Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge, UK B V SOMOV, Astronomical Institute, Moscow State University, Russia R A SUNYAEV, Space Research Institute, Moscow, Russia More information about this series at Johan H Knapen • Janice C Lee • Armando Gil de Paz Editors Outskirts of Galaxies 123 Editors Johan H Knapen Inst de Astrofísica de Canarias San Cristobal de la Laguna, Spain Janice C Lee Space Telescope Science Institute Baltimore, USA Armando Gil de Paz Dept Astrofisica Universidad Complutense de Madrid Madrid, Spain ISSN 0067-0057 ISSN 2214-7985 (electronic) Astrophysics and Space Science Library ISBN 978-3-319-56569-9 ISBN 978-3-319-56570-5 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-56570-5 Library of Congress Control Number: 2017942746 © Springer International Publishing AG 2017 This work is subject to copyright All rights are reserved by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication Neither the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions that may have been made The publisher remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations Cover illustration: This image of the spectacular galaxy NGC 4725 shows evidence of dust lanes in the area surrounding its active nucleus, a bright ring-like region of star formation, and outer spiral arm structure Credit: DAGAL, Nik Szymanek, SDSS, and S4 G, Printed on acid-free paper This Springer imprint is published by Springer Nature The registered company is Springer International Publishing AG The registered company address is: Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland Preface The outskirts of galaxies are mostly unexplored territory Great advances have been made in particular in studying the star formation (through UV imaging) and gas (HI radio emission), but exploration of the stellar component, observed through optical and infrared imaging, can be considered to be still in its infancy Yet the outskirts are key to understanding how galaxies form and evolve and how they have diversified into a class of objects with the wide range of morphologies of properties that we observe today Their importance stems from two facts: the timescales in the outer regions are long, and stellar and gas densities are low Both lead to slower evolution in the outskirts, implying that we are observing conditions at an earlier state there relative to the denser inner regions of galaxies which have been observed traditionally In addition, accretion of pristine gas happens in the outskirts, stars are thought to migrate outwards and the material in the outer regions, when seen projected against the emission from background quasars, yields important information about the properties of the interstellar and intergalactic medium This volume brings together the views and insights of a number of worldrenowned experts in this field, who have written a total of ten chapters summarizing our current knowledge of the outer regions of galaxies, as well as their views on how this field is likely to evolve in the near future The topics described in detail range from studies of the structure and star formation history of our own Milky Way and the nearest external galaxies on the basis of individual star counts, via the deepest possible imaging of the integrated light of galaxies, to the study of the outskirts of galaxies at cosmological distances through the study of the light of background quasars passing through their outer regions Other reviews discuss recent observations of molecular and atomic gas in the outskirts of galaxies and what we can learn from those about topics as varied as the current and past star formation and the shape of the dark matter haloes Observed metallicities and their radial gradients are discussed in the context of chemical composition and star formation in the outskirts, touching on mechanisms such as metal-rich infall and metal mixing in disks Stellar migration in galaxies is discussed in detail, paying particular attention to how observations and theoretical insights are improving our understanding of galaxy evolution, as is star formation in the outskirts of galaxies, which shines a v vi Preface new light not just on the properties of the outer regions but also on the process of star formation itself Our knowledge of the outer regions of galaxies is rapidly improving because new data are now enabling detailed study at a variety of wavelengths and with a variety of techniques As the authors of this volume discuss, the next generation of telescopes and instruments will accelerate the exploration of galaxy outskirts, which will without any doubt lead to breakthroughs in our understanding of how galaxies have formed and evolved We hope that this collection of reviews will provide a resource for a full range of workers in the field—expert investigators in theory and observation, those intrigued by recent discoveries who wish to learn more and students and other researchers who are interested in entering this exciting field Acknowledgements The current volume owes its existence to the research programme developed in the context of the Initial Training Network Detailed Anatomy of Galaxies (DAGAL), funded through the People Programme (Marie Curie Actions) of the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007–2013/ under REA grant agreement number PITN-GA-2011-289313, and to the partnership with Springer developed within that network Editors and authors of this book met and developed ideas during the International Astronomical Union Symposium number 321, held in March 2016 in Toledo, Spain, and thank the organizers of that meeting for bringing them together in such a beautiful and stimulating environment San Cristobal de La Laguna, Spain Baltimore, MD, USA Madrid, Spain December 2016 Johan H Knapen Janice C Lee Armando Gil de Paz Contents Outer Regions of the Milky Way Francesca Figueras 1.1 Introduction 1.2 The Outer Disk of the Milky Way: Stellar Content 1.2.1 Resolved Stellar Populations 1.2.2 The Outer Reaches 1.3 The Milky Way Outer Disk: Structure and Dynamics 1.3.1 Spiral Arm Impact on Disk Dynamics and Structure 1.3.2 The Galactic Warp and Flare 1.3.3 Gravitational Interaction with Satellites 1.3.4 Dynamics of the Vertical Blending and Breathing Modes 1.4 Towards a Chemodynamical Model of the Galactic Disk 1.4.1 Age-Metallicity-Kinematics Relations 1.4.2 The Galactic Thick Disk 1.4.3 The Radial Abundance Gradients 1.4.4 The “Outside-In” Versus “Inside-Out” Disk Formation Scenarios 1.5 Large Surveys in the Next Decade 1.5.1 The Gaia Mission 1.6 Conclusions References Resolved Stellar Populations as Tracers of Outskirts Denija Crnojevi´c 2.1 The Importance of Haloes 2.1.1 Resolved Stellar Populations 2.1.2 The Low-Mass End of the Galaxy Luminosity Function 2.2 Local Group 2.2.1 Milky Way 1 6 10 11 11 12 13 17 17 18 23 23 31 31 33 34 35 35 vii viii Contents 2.2.2 M31 (Andromeda) 2.2.3 Low-Mass Galaxies In and Around the Local Group 2.3 Beyond the Local Group 2.3.1 Systematic Studies 2.3.2 Panoramic Views of Individual Galaxies 2.4 Summary and Future Prospects References 40 47 48 50 53 61 63 The Impact of Stellar Migration on Disk Outskirts Victor P Debattista, Rok Roškar, and Sarah R Loebman 3.1 Introduction 3.1.1 Our Definition of Breaks 3.2 Demographics of Profile Type 3.2.1 The Role of Environment 3.2.2 Redshift Evolution 3.3 Stellar Migration 3.3.1 Migration via Transient Spirals 3.3.2 Multiple Patterns 3.3.3 Evidence for Migration in the Milky Way 3.4 Type II Profiles 3.4.1 Theoretical Models 3.4.2 Observational Tests 3.4.3 Synthesis and Outlook 3.5 Type I Profiles 3.5.1 Origin of Type I Profiles in Isolated Galaxies 3.5.2 Type I Profiles in Cluster Lenticulars 3.6 Type III Profiles 3.6.1 Formation of Type III Disk Profiles 3.7 Future Prospects References 77 Outskirts of Nearby Disk Galaxies: Star Formation and Stellar Populations Bruce G Elmegreen and Deidre A Hunter 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Outer Disk Structure from Collapse Models of Galaxy Formation 4.3 Outer Disk Structure: Three Exponential Types 4.4 Outer Disk Stellar Populations: Colour and Age Gradients 4.5 Mono-Age Structure of Stellar Populations 4.6 Outer Disk Structure: Environmental Effects and the Role of Bulges and Bars 4.7 Outer Disk Structure: Star Formation Models 4.8 The Disks of Dwarf Irregular Galaxies 4.8.1 Radial Trends 4.8.2 Star Formation in Dwarfs 77 79 79 80 81 81 82 84 89 89 90 96 99 100 101 102 104 104 105 107 115 115 116 117 118 120 120 121 125 125 128 Contents ix 4.8.3 The H˛/FUV Ratio 4.8.4 Breaks in Radial Profiles in dIrr Galaxies 4.9 Summary References 130 132 134 135 Metallicities in the Outer Regions of Spiral Galaxies Fabio Bresolin 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Measuring Nebular Abundances 5.3 Chemical Abundances of H II Regions in Outer Disks 5.3.1 Early Work 5.3.2 M83: A Case Study 5.3.3 Other Systems 5.3.4 Results from Galaxy Surveys 5.3.5 Nitrogen Abundances 5.4 Additional Considerations 5.4.1 Relation Between Metallicity and Surface Brightness Breaks 5.4.2 An Analogy with Low Surface Brightness Galaxies? 5.5 The Evolutionary Status of Outer Disks 5.5.1 Flattening the Gradients 5.5.2 Bringing Metals to the Outer Disks 5.6 Conclusion References 145 Molecular Gas in the Outskirts Linda C Watson and Jin Koda 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Molecular Gas from the Inner to the Outer Regions of Galaxies 6.3 Molecular ISM Masses: Basic Equations 6.3.1 Brightness Temperature, Flux Density and Luminosity 6.3.2 Observations of the Molecular ISM Using CO Line Emission 6.3.3 Observations of the Molecular ISM Using Dust Continuum Emission 6.3.4 The ISM in Extreme Environments Such as the Outskirts 6.4 Molecular Gas Observations in the Outskirts of Disk Galaxies 6.4.1 The Milky Way 6.4.2 Extragalactic Disk Galaxies 6.5 Molecular Gas Observations in the Outskirts of Early-Type Galaxies 6.6 Molecular Gas Observations in Galaxy Groups and Clusters 6.7 Conclusions and Future Directions References 145 146 148 148 149 152 155 158 159 159 159 160 160 161 164 165 175 175 177 178 178 180 182 183 187 187 190 195 197 198 199 348 R Abraham et al Fig 10.7 GALEX FUV images (top row), HI observations from THINGS (middle row), and ultradeep Dragonfly imaging (bottom row) for NGC 2841 (left) and NGC 2903 (right), two systems showing extended UV disks (Thilker et al 2007) (Taken from Zhang et al 2017, reproduced with permission) disk stars at very large radii is another manifestation of the important problem first highlighted by the existence of XUV disks (Thilker et al 2007): how does one form stars at radii well beyond the bulk of the molecular gas in galaxies and at locations where disks are at least globally Toomre stable? Certainly local regions of instability can emerge from dense pockets of gas compressed by turbulence (Elmegreen and Hunter 2006), but what drives the turbulence, and where does the molecular gas come from? In any case, it is amazing to see in these data how, at least in some cases, giant disks rather than stellar haloes define the faint outskirts of the galaxies Returning to profiles, it is interesting to explore the relationship between the gaseous and stellar components of the outskirts of galaxies A comparison between stars and gas for one well-studied galaxy, NGC 2841, is shown in Fig 10.8 Between 30 and 50 kpc, the two components appear to track each other rather closely Beyond 50 kpc, the stellar profile flattens, while the gas profile appears to decline, though the significance of this is presently unclear given the rather large systematic errors at these radii Perhaps the upturn in the stellar mass density profile signals the onset of a well-defined stellar halo in this system? This seems plausible, but perhaps more ambitious imaging would also reveal a further continuation of the enormous stellar disk already uncovered, stretching out to radii at which the disk-halo interface fuels 10 Deep Imaging of Galaxy Outskirts Using Telescopes Large and Small 349 Fig 10.8 The stellar mass surface density profile (top) and neutral gas mass density profile (bottom) of NGC 2841 based on the Dragonfly observations shown in the previous figure (Taken from Zhang et al 2017, reproduced with permission) the fire of star formation in the galaxies and ultimately connects these systems into the cosmic web of primordial gas (Sect 10.5.3) 10.5.2 Ultra-Diffuse Galaxies One of the first science targets imaged with Dragonfly was the Coma cluster of galaxies This is the nearest rich cluster of galaxies, and it has been studied extensively for nearly a century, yet Dragonfly’s first observation of Coma yielded an interesting discovery: the existence of a large number of very faint, large low surface brightness objects that turned out to be a new class of giant spheroidal galaxies (van Dokkum et al 2015a,b) We named this class of objects ultra-diffuse galaxies (UDGs), because they have sizes similar to the Milky Way (half-light radii around kpc) but only 1/100 to 1/1000 the number of stars as the Milky Way Figure 10.9 shows a now well-known example, Dragonfly 44, along with its surprisingly abundant globular cluster distribution stretching out into the outskirts of the galaxy The total number of globular clusters can be used to trace Dragonfly 44’s dynamical mass via the proportionality between globular cluster numbers and halo mass (Harris et al 2013, 2015; Hudson et al 2014), backed up by ultra-deep Keck 350 R Abraham et al Fig 10.9 Deep Gemini g and i images combined to create a colour image of the ultra-diffuse Dragonfly 44 and its immediate surroundings This system is in the Coma cluster and it has a remarkable appearance: it is a low surface brightness, spheroidal system whose outskirts are peppered with faint, compact sources we have identified as globular clusters (Figure taken from van Dokkum et al 2016, reproduced with permission) spectroscopy (van Dokkum et al 2016) This particular system has a dynamical mass similar to that of the Milky Way The discovery of UDGs has generated tremendous interest in the community, from observers who are rapidly enlarging the UDG samples (e.g Koda et al 2015; Mihos et al 2015; van der Burg et al 2016), from simulators who must now try to understand the origin and evolution of these galaxies (e.g Yozin and Bekki 2015; Amorisco and Loeb 2016) and even from alternative-gravity researchers who claim their existence challenges dark matter models (Milgrom 2015) The existence of so many presumably “delicate” UDGs (Koda et al put their number at 800 in Coma) in a rich cluster poses the immediate question of why they are not being ripped apart by the tidal field of the cluster They may be short-lived and be on their first infall and about to be shredded, but this seems unlikely given their predominantly old and red stellar populations and smooth morphologies If they have survived for several orbits in the Coma cluster, then simple stability arguments suggest that they must have significantly higher masses than implied by their stellar populations; in fact, in order to survive, their dark matter fractions need to be >98% (van Dokkum et al 2015a) within their half-light radii A central goal of future Dragonfly research is to determine the origin of UDGs in rich clusters It has been suggested that UDGs are low-mass galaxies that are anomalously large (“inflated dwarfs”) because they are undergoing tidal disruption (Collins et al 2014) or have a high spin (Amorisco and Loeb 2016) As noted earlier, an alternative idea is that they are very massive dark matter haloes that 10 Deep Imaging of Galaxy Outskirts Using Telescopes Large and Small 351 are greatly under-abundant in stars because they did not manage to form normal stellar populations (van Dokkum et al 2015a; Agertz and Kravtsov 2015; Yozin and Bekki 2015; van der Burg et al 2016) In this picture UDGs are “failed giant” galaxies Distinguishing between inflated dwarfs and failed giants can be done using dynamical information obtained from absorption line widths, though these are biased towards the interior of the systems As noted earlier, an alternative approach (that is also being pursued with HST) is to probe the dark matter content of UDGs by imaging their globular cluster distributions Studies with HST (and soon with the James Webb Space Telescope) will be a marked improvement on groundbased imaging such as that shown in Fig 10.9 Intriguingly, Peng and Lim (2016) claim that one object with HST data (Dragonfly 17) represents the most extreme conceivable case of a “failed giant”, namely, a system comprised almost entirely of dark matter in which the visible stars are all the product of the initial formation of a stellar halo that somehow failed to initiate the formation phase of the bulk of the galaxy In this case, we need not probe the outskirts of the system to explore the halo—the whole galaxy is a halo! We find a similar situation for Dragonfly 44 (van Dokkum et al 2016), though there are also many systems with lower mass, suggesting UDGs are a mixed set of objects, and a healthy fraction are dwarfs, as noted by Beasley and Trujillo (2016) and Roman and Trujillo (2016) 10.5.3 Imaging the Cosmic Web: The Next Frontier? The ultimate limits of the Dragonfly concept are not yet known Our robotic operational model and tight control of systematics (in particular our real-time modelling of sky variability) allow unusually long integration times to be undertaken With the 10-lens array (as the 48-lens array has only just come on-line), our longest integrations are 50 h in duration (spread over many nights), and over this period of time, we have not yet become limited by any systematics (e.g scattering, sky variability, flat-field accuracy) that would make longer integrations pointless It appears that with the current configuration, the ultimate systematic limit on depth will probably be source confusion from unresolved background galaxies, but we can get a factor of 2–3 improvement in resolution with new CMOS detectors using smaller pixels (The relevant detector technology is driven by demand for better mobile phone camera sensors, so advances happen quickly.) As a result, a 500lens Dragonfly array (equivalent to a m aperture f =0:13 refractor) may well be perfectly feasible, and we can already envision ways to grow Dragonfly up to that scale What would one with a 500-lens Dragonfly? Certainly it would be exciting to go much deeper on our targets, and it would be wonderful to be able to everything in this chapter 10 faster It might be even more exciting to embark on new science objectives such as taking the exploration of galactic outskirts to a completely new level by adding a narrow-band capability to Dragonfly This would allow detailed exploration of feedback at the disk-halo interface of the circumgalactic environment 352 R Abraham et al In narrow-band imaging mode, Dragonfly could be used to study extremely faint nebular emission lines (primarily H˛ and [OIII]) in the circumgalactic medium (CGM) of nearby galaxies to probe the disk-halo interface (Putman et al 2012) Maps of gas flows into and out of galaxies (as inflowing material “fuels the fire” of star formation while winds drive gas back into haloes) would be interesting and would much to constrain galactic feedback models More speculatively, a large array of small telescopes working in narrow-band imaging mode might allow one to directly image ionized gas in the brighter portions of the filamentary cosmic web The intergalactic medium (IGM) and its close cousin, the CGM, are arguably the most important (since they contain the most baryons) and least understood (since they’re relatively difficult to detect) baryonic components of the Universe Of course the denser pockets of the IGM/CGM have long been studied in absorption using UV lines (e.g the Ly˛ forest) and in 21 cm emission using radio telescopes However, both approaches are quite limited Absorption line studies probe limited lines of sight Furthermore, Ly˛ must be cosmologically band-shifted in order to be accessible using ground-based telescopes, so more is known about the IGM/CGM at high redshifts than is known locally At much longer wavelengths, single-dish radio telescopes have the required sensitivity to probe 21 cm emission from HI in haloes in the nearby Universe (z < 0:1), but they lack the needed resolution, while radio interferometers have the required resolution, but they lack the necessary dynamic range Given these limitations, direct observation of local Ly˛ emission (the primary coolant for the IGM) from structures in the cosmic web would be extraordinarily interesting The UV is inaccessible from the ground, but direct imaging of Ly˛ is already one of the core motivations for the proposed French/Chinese MESSIER satellite Could something similar be achieved from the ground? Detecting H˛ emission from the IGM using a ground-based telescope would be a huge challenge, because only 5% of Ly˛ photons ultimately wind up being reemitted as H˛ photons Simulations (Lokhorst et al., 2017, Imaging the cosmic web, private communication) suggest that small telescope arrays could target three aspects of the IGM/CGM: (1) the fluorescent “skin” of local “dark” HI clouds, (2) extended haloes analogous to the extended Ly˛ haloes/blobs recently detected around Lyman break galaxies at high redshifts and (3) emission from filaments of the IGM itself Detection of the first two of these would be highly interesting and would likely be achievable with the current 48-lens Dragonfly array using long integration times (tens of hours) The third component poses a much greater challenge Figure 10.10, taken from Lokhorst et al (2017, Imaging the cosmic web, private communication), presents the predicted surface brightness of Ly˛ from the diffuse gas and dense gas clumps in the Bertone and Schaye (2012) hydrodynamical simulation of the z D IGM We use these simulations to model the corresponding distribution of H˛ signal-to-noise ratio and surface brightness for various regions in the simulation Assuming qualitatively similar structures and surface brightnesses in the local Universe and assuming the required very long integration times can be undertaken without hitting a “wall” of systematic errors, direct imaging of dense clumps of the IGM is within the capability of the existing 48-lens Dragonfly imaging 10 Deep Imaging of Galaxy Outskirts Using Telescopes Large and Small 353 Fig 10.10 Top: the simulated Ly˛ surface brightness, temperature and density maps from Figs and of Bertone and Schaye (2012), showing the intersection of IGM filaments The side of the and log10 T/ 4–5 are box is comoving Mpc h Regions corresponding to log10 T/ indicated by dashed boxes and solid circles, respectively Bottom left: the SNR as a function of exposure time for the surface brightness 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258 Cepheids, classical, 4, 14 Cepheids, Type II, chaotic scattering, 86 chemical enrichment history, 299 chemodynamical models, 11 churning, 82, 93 circumgalactic medium, 309, 352 circumgalactic medium, radial profiles, 310, 311 cloud size, 310 clumps, 93 cluster environment, 197 cluster lenticulars, 80, 102 CO molecule, 177 CO(J D 0) line emission, 180 CO(J D 1) line emission, 181 CO(J D 1)/CO(J D 0) variations, 184 CO-dark H2 , 184 colour profiles, 99 Coma cluster, 349 composite type II+III profile, 80 conversion factor, 180 core-cusp problem, 228 corotating spirals, 86 corotation resonance, 82 coupling between multiple patterns, 88 covering fraction, 306, 311 damped Lyman ˛ absorbers, 292, 293, 295 dark matter, 211, 214, 215 dark matter haloes, 272, 278 DDO 133, 127 DDO 154, 125 demographics of profile type, 79 diffuse molecular medium, 123 direct method, 146 disk breaks, 271 disk galaxies, 190 disk thickness, 229, 231, 235 disk-halo degeneracy, 215 disks, cut-off, disks, formation scenarios, 17 distribution of specific angular momentum, 270 © Springer International Publishing AG 2017 J.H Knapen et al (eds.), Outskirts of Galaxies, Astrophysics and Space Science Library 434, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-56570-5 359 360 down-bending outer profiles, 117 Dragonfly 44, 349 Dragonfly Nearby Galaxies Survey, 343 Dragonfly telephoto array, 337, 340 drift scanning, 259 dust emission variations, 186 dust mass-to-light ratio, 182 dwarf galaxies, 34, 47, 278 dwarf irregular galaxies, 125 early-type galaxies, 195 edge-on galaxies, 269, 271 effective radius, 156 effective yield, 152 efficiency per unit free fall time, 122 emission measure in outer disk, 131 enriched infall, 163 environment, 80, 99, 121 equilibrium metallicity, 120 escape of ionizing photons, 130 Euclid, 280 excitation conditions, 184 excitation density, 124 exponential light profile, 116 exponential Types I, II, III, 117 extended gaseous disks, 348 extended stellar disks, 347 extreme environment, 183 figure of merit, 338 flare, 120 flaring H I disks, 220 flat fielding, 258 flux density, 178 future facilities, 61 FUV emission, 129 FUV knots in dwarf irregulars, 129 Gaia, 18, 106 Galactic cirrus, 263 galactic winds, 163 galaxy age gradients, 118, 119 galaxy colour gradients, 118, 119 galaxy morphology, 31, 315 GALEX, 129, 176, 347 gas accretion, 223 gas angular momentum, 102 gas metallicity, 297, 300 gas velocity dispersions, 224 gas-dominated, 126 globular clusters around UDGs, 349 group environment, 197 Index H˛/FUV ratio, 130 HI column density distribution function, 293, 296, 297 HI rotation curves, 211, 214 HI to optical diameter ratio, 236 HI -H2 gas phase transition, 177 H2 emission, 197 H2 molecule, 177 halo, 121 halo angular momentum, 116 hierarchical assembly, stellar haloes, 31 high velocity clouds, 294 hot disks, 94 Hubble Ultra Deep Field, 307 IC 10, 125 imaging surveys, 263 inside-out disk growth in spirals, 127 inside-out formation, 90 integral field unit, 317 interacting galaxies, 104, 153, 196 intergalactic medium (IGM), 197 internal reflections, 257 intra-cluster light, 264 ionization gradient, 312 irregular galaxies, 232 isophotal radius, 149 Jacobi energy, 82 JWST, 105, 280, 317 Kennicutt-Schmidt law See Schmidt-Kennicutt relation ƒCDM cosmology, 274, 277 Large Magellanic Cloud, 125 Local Group, 35, 256, 273, 277 Local Volume galaxies, halo-to-halo scatter, 48 lopsided, 116 low surface brightness galaxies, 159 LSST, 279 luminosity, 178 Lyman ˛ forest, 292 Lyman continuum escape fractions, 131 Lyman limit systems, 292 M31, 211 M31 halo, 45 M31 satellites, 46 Index M31 streams, 44 M31 wide-field surveys, 40 M83, 149, 213 mass-metallicity relation, 300 mergers of galaxies, 104, 120, 196, 272 metallicities, 145, 184, 186 metallicity gradients, 120, 300, 301, 304 metallicity gradient, Milky Way, 89 Mg II absorbers, 295, 315 migration, 81 Milky Way, 89 Milky Way halo, 38 Milky Way streams, 36 Milky Way ultra-faint satellites, 39 Milky Way: age-metallicity relation, 89 Milky Way: MDF skewness, 89 Milky Way: molecular gas, 187 Milky Way: mono-abundance populations, 89 minor mergers, 163 mixing, 162 molecular cloud properties, 189 molecular clouds: extragalactic, 191 molecular gas fraction, 122, 297 molecular gas mass density, 299 molecular hydrogen, 302 molecular mass, 180 molecular mass: calibration issues, 183 MOND, 231 mono-age structure, 120 Monoceros Ring, multiple spirals, 84 nebular abundance diagnostics, 147 neutral gas mass density, 297, 298 NGC 300, 101 NGC 765, 125 NGC 801, 122, 131 NGC 891, 222 NGC 2403, 222 NGC 2841, 215 NGC 2915, 234 NGC 3198, 217, 220 NGC 4414, 224 NGC 4449, 233 NGC 5055, 216 NGC 5907, 213 NGC 6946, 226 nitrogen abundance, 158 361 O VI absorbers, 309, 315 orbital eccentricity, 84 orbital motions, Galactic, 22 outer disk gas, 117 outside-in disk growth in dwarf irregulars, 127 oxygen abundance, 146 panoramic halo surveys, 53 pattern speed, 121 planetary nebulae, 154 point spread function, 261, 275, 335 point spread function, variability of, 342 point spread function, wide angle, 341 polar ring galaxies, 195, 219 radial action, 82 radial migration, 268 radial profile breaks, 132 redshift evolution, 81 resolved stellar populations, 96 resolved stellar populations, low surface brightness, 33 resonances, 82, 121, 162 RGB stars, 153 rotation curve, 301 satellite accretion, 94 satellite galaxies, 9, 268, 277 scale length, 116 scattered light, 118, 261 scattered stars, 118 Schmidt-Kennicutt relation, 192, 305, 306 Sersic index for gas, 127 Sersic profile, 117 Sextans A, 125 Sextans B, 125 sky brightness, 257 specific angular momentum, 117 spectral energy distribution, 127 spectroscopic surveys, 14 spiral arms, 190 spiral arms, nature, 21 spiral arms, structure, star counts, 268 star formation, 121 star formation breaks, 90 star formation efficiency, 161, 192, 308 star formation rate per unit area, 305 star formation rate per unit area, distribution function, 306 362 Index star formation: extragalactic disk galaxies, 192 star formation: Milky Way, 190 starburst outflows, 294, 313 stellar churning, 120 stellar halo mass fraction, 346 stellar haloes, 104, 271, 273, 343 stellar initial mass function, 130 stellar migration, 120, 133 stellar population synthesis models, stellar scattering, 120 stellar velocity dispersions, 218 Stripe 82, 264 strong-line abundance diagnostics, 147 substructure, 105 super thin galaxies, 221 surface brightness, 115 surface brightness profiles, 344 systematic errors, 336, 337 systematic halo studies, 50 Type I profile, 79, 100 Type II profile, 79 Type III profile, 79, 104 thick disks, 12, 105, 267 threshold density, 124 tidal streams, 265, 272, 273 tidally induced spirals, 102 time delay and integration, 259 Toomre model of star formation, 128 trapping, 82 trapping efficiency, 84 truncations, 77, 270 turbulence, 162 two-phase medium, 122 XCO , 180 XCO variations, 184 XUV disks, 91, 154, 176 U-shaped profiles, 119 UGC 2885, 122, 131 ultra-diffuse galaxies, 349, 351 ultra-diffuse galaxies, models for, 350 up-bending outer profiles, 117 vertical heating, 268 Virgo Cluster, 99 viscosity, 162 warps, 78, 212, 215, 216, 227 warps, Galactic, yield, 152, 161 zodiacal light, 257 zoom-in models, 117 ... history of our own Milky Way and the nearest external galaxies on the basis of individual star counts, via the deepest possible imaging of the integrated light of galaxies, to the study of the... knowledge of the outer regions of galaxies is rapidly improving because new data are now enabling detailed study at a variety of wavelengths and with a variety of techniques As the authors of this... understanding of galaxy evolution, as is star formation in the outskirts of galaxies, which shines a v vi Preface new light not just on the properties of the outer regions but also on the process of star