human resources of an organization are formed on the basis of individuals with different roles and linked together to perform certain objectives of the organization.Ensuring sufficient quantity and appropriate structure for human resources Improve the regime on arranging human resource. SEVERAL HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT SOLUTIONS
“THE HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY AT THE JOINTSTOCK COMPANY OF AUTOPARTS AND INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENTS MANUFACTURING INTRODUCTION URGENCY OF THE DISSERTATION Human, resource of all resources is the motivation for the development of human society since its initial formation and development until now Hence, countries and ethnic communities around the world are all concerned about human, especially human training and development, and consider this as the most important element to the success in our development progress Practice has proven that not only resource-rich countries are able to develop modern industry with high living standard On the contrary, there are small countries where natural resources or other advantages are limited, however, by using appropriate development policies, utilizing and promoting their strengths and especially developing the special element - human resource, they have become developed countries and strong economies in the world, such as Japan In the increasing globalization trend nowadays, where the international division of labor has been taking place strongly and dramatically, the most important advantage that plays as the key in long term must be the high quality of human resources Because the lack of capital resources can be solved by mechanisms and policies, the lack of technology and equipments can be overcome by purchasing etc., however, the lack of high-quality human resources cannot be easily absorbed as for modern technology We cannot convert the capital or modern technology into this valuable asset for development Therefore, human resources development has a decisive role for the future of each country, each nation Vietnam is carrying out its “industrialization and modernization” in the context of the world economy turning into the integration and globalization stage In order to conduct the country’s industrialization and modernization progress successfully, the 10th Congress of Vietnam Communist Party has affirmed that “Human resource – the fundamental element to social development, rapid and sustainable economic growth” and “Human and human resource are the decisive factor to the development of the country in industrialization and modernization progress” Therefore, human resource development is the topical issue that draws lots of special attentions from national strategic policy planners as well as corporate managers The Automotive industry is an important manufacturing industry which benefits from many favorable conditions of the Party and the Government for its development It plays a significant role in promoting the socio-economic development progress; contributes to accelerate the industrialization and modernization movement of the country The production and business practices of Vietnamese automotive industry in the past few years has shown that the development of the industry was still not commensurate with the preferential conditions that the government has given to this sector; or in another word, has shown its failure There are many reasons for the past failure of the automotive industry but for some perspective, the weak ancillary industries cannot satisfy the localisation requirements of the automotive joint-venture manufacturers in Vietnam is considered to be an important cause Why many other countries such as Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia etc have succeeded in this sector, especially Thailand is currently the reliable address for placing factories of the automotive industries of Japan, Taiwan etc This is because the supporting manufacturing businesses of these countries are well developed and satisfy the requirements of foreign automotive manufacturers From the lesson of ancillary manufacturing of other countries within the region, in order to develop Vietnamese automotive industry, the development of ancillary manufacturers is a direction of prioritizing and urgent matter as expressed through the Decision No 12/2011/QĐ-TTg dated Feb 2nd, 2011 by a Prime Minister regarding the development policy for several ancillary industries The Joint-Stock Company of Autoparts and Industrial equipments Manufacturing JAT is a young small-and-medium-sized enterprise but has created for itself an appearance of a company with vision, effective investment and initial reputation to a number of automotive assembly plants of many well-known domestic and joint-venture companies, such as TOYOTA, HONDA, etc However, the development of the firm is currently not really stable and strong enough to reach its goal in Strategy 2012-2020 which is: “The manufacturing enterprise with low costs and market capability in the leading top of Northern Area of Vietnam” Starting from such thoughts, I have chosen the topic “The human resource development strategy at the Joint-Stock Company of Autoparts and Industrial equipments Manufacturing JAT in 2012-2020” to research for my disertation RESEARCH PURPOSES Base on the theorical and practical basis to suggest solutions for human resources development of the company - Clarify the basic theories about human resource and human resources development - Analyse actual situation of the company and its human resources development; identify the achievements, issues, weaknesses and reasons Upon analyzing the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and challenges to establish forecasts of the factors that would affect the human resources development of the company - Determine perspectives, objectives and orientations so as to suggest solutions for human resources development for the company RESEARCH SCOPE Human resource development, factors affecting human resource development and other elements related to human resources development of the firm in 2012-2020 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY To use synthetically a number of methods as following: - Methods of systematizing, generalizing, systematic thinking, logical thinking and comparing (Chapter and 2) - Quanlitative method through group discussion technique to develop measurement scales and design questionnaires about the firm’s human resources development situation - Methods of forecasting, analyzing, synthesizing professionally through SWOT technique to form and suggest solutions for human resources development of the firm in the period 2012-2020 (Chapter 3) Chapter I THEORICAL BASIS OF HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT 1.1 OVERVIEW ABOUT HUMAN RESOURCE AND HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT 1.1.1 The concept of Human Resource Nowadays, the concept of human resource is no longer strange to anyone of us, it is seen in many different aspects The “human resource” concept was mentioned for the first time in the 80’s of the 20th century which was the period containing fundamental changes in procedure of human management and utilization in labour economics Human resource was considered to be more important If previously employees were considered to be the executive, dependent force whose labor-power should be exploited to maximum with the lowest cost then from this period till now employers or the labor users began to manage and utilize their human resources in a softer and more flexible way, create better conditions for laborers to promote their existing potential abilities to the highest level through natural accumulation during labor and development process However, the concept of human resource has been interpreted in many different ways: According to the assessment report by United Nations about the impact of globalization on human resource, the definition of human resource has been given: Human resources are actual skills, knowledge and capacity together with abilities existing in the form of human potential Human resource here is interpreted in favor of the quality of human resources In this concept, the most appreciated point is to describe human potentials as their actual abilities so that we can have appropriate mechanisms in management and utilization As Nicholas Henry (Public Administration and Public Affairs, 10th Edition, 2007), “Human resources is the resources of human in organizations (with different sizes, types or functions) that have abilities and potentials to participate in the development process of the organizations along with the socio-economic development of the country, region and the world” This definition comes from the conception that considers human resources as a resource with material and spiritual elements generating capacity, power to serve the overall development of organizations In Vietnam, the concept of human resource has been widely used recently, especially since the renovation started A number of scientists who participated in the state-own science and technology program under the code KX-07 by Prof Dr Pham Minh Hac being the chairman believed that human resources are the population and quality of human, including physical and mental status, health and intelligence, capacity and quality With this understanding, human resource is understood as a synthesis form of the quantity and quality of human resources Or according to Mr Nguyen Tan Thinh (Human resources management in enterprises, 2005) human resource is interpreted as all of physical and mental capabilities of human that are employed in production and labor process It is also considered to be the labor power of the human – the most valuable resource in all the production elements of enterprises In summary, although there are different understandings of human resources depending on the angle of research approach, the common point that we can easily realize through the concepts, definitions above is that talking about human resources means referring to the quantity and quality of human resources In which: Quantity of human resources is expressed through the indicators of scale and speed of human resources development Quality of human resources is synthetic factor of various partial factors such as mental, physical strength and aesthetic character of the employees - Mental strength is the power of intelligence, the understanding, knowledge and education level, expertise and labor skills, or the potential part of the human being as talents, gifts etc not only dues to innate nature but also depends on the process of cultivating, training, striving process of each individual - Human physical strength includes not only muscle strength, the ability to work flexibly under pressure, but also flexibility of neural activities, the power of their will, the active ability of mentality Physical strength is the precondition to maintain and develop intelligence; it is a basic tool conveying knowledge into practical activities, to transform knowledge to physical strength Therefore, the intellectual power can only promote its advantages successfully when human physical strength is fully developed In other words, intelligence is the most valuable asset of all assets, but health is the one necessary precondition to create that asset and they have an intimate relationship with each other In short, in terms of the overall, human resource is the labor potential of the human at the sides of quantity, structure (industries and training levels, structure by regions, structure by economic sectors) and quality, including the quality and capacity (mental strength, physical strength, occupational skills) to meet the needs of socio-economic development within the country, territories, locals or sectors, and competitive capacity nationally and in the international labor markets Besides, to mention about human resources we cannot but taking into account their aesthetic personality, culture and life perspective These elements represent a range of laborer values such as: ethics, behavior, activeness, self-discipline and sense of responsibility at work, the cooperative ability in teamwork etc Among them, ethics plays an important role because it gives people the ability to better implement their social functions and enhance their creative capacity in practical activities Thus, when mentioning about human resources we are referring to the harmonious combination between the three elements which are mental strength, physical strength and aesthetic personality These are the most basic elements that direct laborers towards their comprehensive development 1.1.2 The concept of human resources development The concept of human resources development, similar to the concept of human resource, is understood in various aspects and perspectives: According to the ILO (International Labour Organization), "human resources development involves not only dominating skill levels or even training issue generally but also developing human capacity and using that capacity of human to progress to effective employment as well as job satisfaction and personal life." The concept considers human resources development in a wide scope It is not only including skill levels but also the capacity development in the full sense for the laborers Skill, according to them, is the process of finalizing to supplement and enhance knowledge in the process of living and working in order to meet human expectations According to McLean & McLean (2000), "Human Resources Development is any process or activity in order to develop basic working knowledge, expertise, productivity, and satisfaction that are necessary for a team, group, individual or in order to benefit an organization, community, nation or in short, neccessary for all humanity." According to Swanson and Holton III (2001) "Human Resources Development is a process to develop and promote the expertise of employees through organizational development, training, and personel development in order to improve productivity " As Prof Dr Nguyen Minh Tang defined, "Human resources development is understood as adding value to people in the sides of intelligence, labor skills, physical strength, ethics, spirit etc so that they can participate in the labor force, to enrich the country, contribute to social improvement as well as to promote the traditions of the nation and contribute to embellish the colorful picture of humanity Therefore, human resources development must be carried out on all three aspects: personality development, organism development, and simultaneously creating a favorable social environment for human resources to develop." Thus, even there are many ways to approach the problem, generally human resources development means the process of enhancing social capacity and dynamism of human in every aspect (physical strength, mental strength and aesthetic personality, life perspective) as well as allocation, use and promotion of the capacity in the most effective way to develop businesses, organizations and the country That is the process of developing human resources from the form of potential elements to "human capital, human resource capital" In the economic perspective, this process is considered as the accumulation of human capital and the investment of that capital effectively to the development of the economy In the socio-political perspective, it is the process of creating a loyal workforce with the sense of organizing and discipline, being creative at work and abide strictly by the policies of the Party and the State, assured in quantity and quality, and at the same time, this force is utilized effectively to meet the needs of socio-economic development of the country or territory for each period In individual perspective, human resource development is to improve knowledge, health, practical skills, sense of organization and discipline so as to increase labor productivity which in turn leads to increase income and improve quality of life Hence, in a general way we can understand that human resources development is the process of creating changes in quantity and quality of human resources together with improving the efficiency of using them to meet better and better the demand for socioeconomic development of the country, region, sector or a business In other words, human resources development is the aggregation of all forms, methods, policies and solutions to improve and enhance social labor-power to meet the requirement of human resources for the socio-economic development in each development period 1.1.3 The role of human resource and human resources development Since the 90s of the 20th century, the business philosophy has had a large change from seeing technology as the center to considering human as at the heart, prioritized human in the aspect of knowledge, expertise and work motivation Traditional resources of production and growth such as land, capital, monetary and fiscal policies have been diminishing their importance while human resource, which is the ability to create, distribute and exploit information, scientific knowledge and technology, became the biggest comparative factor that determines the competitive strength of each nation, each enterprise in the in-depth globalizing market When considering the role of human resources in a narrow range which is a company, according to Prof Van Phuc, the human resources of the company is "an independent input; the input that decides the quality, cost, duration and effort of other inputs; decides the quality, cost and duration of intermediate products, partial products and output products of a firm" This is fully proved because all of activities within a firm are performed by human and come back to serve human Most of the theories about economic growth recently have pointed out that the most important motivation of economic growth with sustainability is the human factor, human resources However, these theories also emphasize that: human, human resources must be invested to develop, create the skills, knowledge, expertise, experience, creativity and sense of organization and discipline in order to become "the capital - human capital, human resource capital" Through which we have emphasized the importance of human resources development That is the investment in people through education, training, vocational training, health care, job creation, social security, etc to develop the physical strength, intellectual strength, cognitive ability and acquiring knowledge and skills; enthusiasm and creativity of the human; along with the promotion of cultural identity, historical traditions of the nation to mould the skill and spirit of human in labor That is the internal resource, the endogenous factor that if being promoted and used effectively it will be the motivation and the great strength to serve human themselves, the businesses and the society 10 + Step 12: The Company will sign probation contract with candidate, make and agree criteria system after probation period Make handover probation report for the recruited departments + Step 13: HRD and related departments will corporate to evaluate candidate after probation period Make probation contract ending for the unsatisfactory candidates, change satisfactory candidate into official contract + Step 14: HRD makes handover report for the related departments Propose director to sign official labor contract attached policies and regulations and right of labor + Step 15: HRD reviews the whole recruitment process of the candidate, propose director to sign recruitment decision Secondly, enterprise must initial rearrange employee before deciding to recruit new one It should review existent employees, prefer to appoint appropriately internal employees It also should build internal recruitment process, create opportunities for internal candidates (4) Prepare adjacent team for managers of JAT In order to go initially in economic integration process in the region and in the worldwide, to increase competition for JAT with other related companies in the region and in the world about both quality and quantity, JAT must have an adjacent team who have been trained methodically, equipped good skills to succeed all experiences of senior managers, as well as have ability to approach modern management method and manufacturing operation system To educate a team like that, JAT can carry out the following solutions: - Recruit children of employees who have good morality, excellent study result, then send them to train at the famous university in the nation - Select, recruit children of employees who have excellent study result, young staffs that have promising in program of training talent engineer, training after graduated in 85 oversea sponsored by the company and scholarship program funned by foreign organizations Improve the regime on arranging human resource This stage will be carried out follow the below foundations: • Job description, job standard, requirements, characteristic and content of each job • Factual capacity of labor • Ensure the principles: Each job will be done; every job is not overlapped, job will be carried out by the most appropriate people This rule helps employees develop maximum their strong point When one staff takes off will have other replacing his/her position without disturbing general business and manufacturing operation These rules require managers must have awareness about psychology factors and leadership art • Regularly organize taking professional exams in the scale of JAT such as: well manage, professional skill, well worker…, this activity aim to discover new factors, arrange them into suitable positions, and promote them to appropriate departments… • For the job will be done by team-work, beside team-work job description, they need to build a coordination mechanism between members of the team and responsibility of team leader - When distribute right person, right job, employees will feel comfortable The strategy combines with other attractive policies (salary, bonus, welfare…) to stimulate employees to work harder leading to higher productivity Moreover, the company also pays attention on rejuvenation policy Concretely: + Build standard about age of labor when assigning task such as: worker at the important position of manufacturing line system, workers working the jobs that requiring the norms of age 86 + Confidently assign task for young staffs, direct them to achieve good experience… Improve education operation and evaluate education effect (1)Apply education solution follow the preferential order for each position Normally, education need of each company is high, including many different fields Therefore, the company has no ability to invest all education needs at the same time It has to consider the preferential items of each period with each different management level and different job Principle of preferential order in education is the weakest area and has the most important role will be preferred to be trained first This principle is named preferential order training method The steps will be done as follows: - Step 1: Determine key value of JAT It is mean that identify the targets which need to reach of each management level of JAT - Step 2: Determine the major and necessary capacities of each management level or each position - Step 3: Identify important level of each capacity, of each management level or of each job - Step 4: Determine skilled level according to requirement of capacity: + Skilled level is working capacity of each individual in each position For each capacity, depend on each position will have different fluent levels Skilled level under the requirement is the norm that has been set for individual when he/she complete their task as required - Step 5: Determine factual skill level (factual capacity) Factual skilled level is factual capacity of each employee when they complete their task 87 - Step 6: Find out slit of capacity It is mean that identifying which factual capacity is weakest, then, focus education on this capacity In other way, this is preferential order - Step 7: Educate the weakest stage: The new education form is appropriate with the focus of each management level and each position of each period After determining capacity slit, the company conduct to educate additionally for the weakest capacity This analysis should be considered for each employee at each position to identify rightly education need This stage needs much time and force because of the huge database that the company has to collect and store Therefore, with limited capacity, narrow time, we just analyze each department Improvement of the regime to encourage the employees physically and mentally (1) Innovation of the wage policy To put the human resource on work, it is needed to innovate the wage policy with the following contents: a Building evaluation criteria of each department and unit - To evaluate achievement of the department in a month, JAT can complement in accordance to methods below: + Based on functions and duties of each department, evaluation criteria are formed and the importance of each criterion is determinedsimultaneously + Performance evaluation of each department is implemented monthly through performance results, work contents, number of standardized products completed, sales and monthly plan b Supplementing the criteria to evaluate the work capacity of staffs when distributing additional wage 88 - Paying additional wage depends on not onlywage coefficients and dates of employees, but also their performance result and additional resources from the residual total payroll (2) Correct employee evaluation Apply quantitative analysis method to evaluate the work capacity of staff To evaluate the results of the work of employees in the company accurately and fairly, and to achieve practical purposes from this assessment, some solutions can be outlined as follows: -Company leadersneedtoclearly identifythe areasand skills, andevaluateresultsforeachspecificemployee For example,theadministrativestaffsdifferfromthetechnical workersandotheraccountingstaffs It is important notto buildagenericevaluationforallemployees In particular,assessmentoftheheadsofdepartmentsandunitsshould beconstructedtoassesstheresults oftheir workspecifically, but generally ortoself-assessment - Considering features of JAT, quantitative analysis method is the most suitable The other methods are used a little bit or not proper; for example, alternate rankingmethods, pair comparison methods and storage ones will have difficulties due to fluctuation of the number of staffs and costly effort, little difference of the work results of each employee According to quantitative analysis method, implementing is as follows: + Step 1: Identify main requirements when carrying out the work + Step 2: Classify levels satisfying work’s requirements + Step 3: Assess the importance of work implementing efficiency of each employee group + Step 4: Evaluate generally performance capacity of staffs 89 - Do not include titles, qualifications, skills and seniority at work in the performance evaluation of employees These factors will be used to: determine the wage coefficient, time of increasing salary and allowances and etc - Those who the assessment ofperformance results of employees need to participate in courses of staff assessment skills The company can also invite experts to guide this issue at the company To that will contribute to the objective, scientific and fair evaluation - It is needed to discuss with staffs about the assessment results, outline directions, how to improve the job better, if necessary, asking forsupports from the leaders, stimulate employees to strive by themselves and notice the opportunities to develop their career One thing to keep in mind is that assessment of the performance results of employees in the company before the amendment is applied widely in the company When the situation changes, the assessment methods need to bechanged properly (3) Provide feedback for staffs Providing feedback for the staffs is very necessary, aiming to: - Provide the staffs with errors in order to promptly remedy Encourage them to assert the achievement they gained Supplement staff training projects Make them understand the company’s requirements so that they have clear orientation in line with the common line ofthe company The steps to carry out informing are as follows: - Step 1: Investigate and collect information about their performance - Step 2: Compare with standards in standards of work performance - Step 3: Provide feedback for them: + Assert achievements they got + Suggest them recognize mistakes by themselves + Supplement the existing errors they have not mentioned yet 90 + Together with them, find the reasons of the mistakes, and propose the solutions simultaneously; if necessary, give supports from the Company + Suggest them committing to repair the errors + Empathizebelief in their commitment (4) Renovate the regime of promotion and staff mobilization: To complete the regime of promotion and staff mobilization, it is important to carry out the following solutions” - Build the standards for each title - Build the diagram of staff rotation It is needed to implement the regimes below: + Set up career goals + Hold career counseling workshop + Enrich the work + Expand the work + Circulate the work + Authorize and delegate the tasks for them + Give them more complex works The development of organizational culture in accordance with business environment To ensure that production and business activities of the company are always stably and sustainably developed, one of key issues JAT need to take care is to create organizational culture in line with cultural values, traditions of the Company, enhance sense of responsibilities, change the way of thinking, activeness, and creativeness for the company’s sake, orienting the motto “the best customer service, the best quality products, low cost, timely delivery to customers”, enhance their powers and responsibilities, arouse the sense of self-discipline, hard work 91 behavior and so on To that, the Company should conduct the steps to build corporate culture as follows: - Step 1: Disseminate general knowledge of corporate culture, the elements, and the significance of corporate culture for all members of the company The Company can organize the meetings and courses about corporate culture, or launch contests to build a database of corporate culture for employees to learn It should prepare the contents to disseminate throughout this period, from basic to advance The purpose of this job is to help members understand the corporate culture and aware of its benefits for the development of themselves and their businesses Companies can hire the training partner, or conduct self-training in this content - Step 2: Shape corporate culture This step requires the chairmanship of the Board of managers and the senior managers of the company The result of this period is to determine the factors of corporate culture, including: Ideology (ambition and mission of the business), the value (business philosophy and core values); behavioral standards and corporatelogos Some selected values accepted will be maintained and developed by the company With some other values, the enterprise will carry out the construction of action plans to develop and honor - Step 3: Implement construction In this stage, the corporate culture should be carried out gradually but synchronizingly and persistently, from propagandizing view points, value systems to implementing the behavioral standards which must be held wisely The enterprise can organize the movements, mode of honoring cultural behavior, contributing to the development of culture in the right direction in Step In this period, the enterprise has to face with some changes; firstly, it can promulgate regulations to force Then, the staffs will conduct voluntarily This is signal of success Together with adjustment of intangible factors, the corporate needs to change such tangible factors as architect, color, office furniture, etiquette 92 in line with its culture The result of this period contributes to form features of corporate culture and help members aware of cultural values of their enterprise - Step 4: Stabilize and develop the enterprise’s culture Any cultural factors have formed already, the Company has to immediately maintain and update it not to be outdated The leaders are persons who decide corporate culture, but it is alive depending on power of all members Cultural activities will be effective as a tool in management and administration The enterprise should organize internal propaganda activities, disseminate outside, honor individuals, groups and behaviors in accordance with corporate culture It should try to make every member know that it won’t be meaningful if there is no corporate culture When the corporate culture is a kind of asset or a resource, it needs to be used to create values of the enterprise, as well as values of member chain In additional, the company needs to build and implement democratic regulation, facilitating staffs to carry out their rights and obligations participating in managing the process of production – business From that, the belief of staffs is reinforced The opinions of individuals and groups need to be carefully considered; if necessary, it should ask the specialist’s support for the final decision In the case of recommendations unaccepted, levels of management must ingeniously explain not to reduce the enthusiasm of the members of the organization 3.4 RECOMMENDATIONS 3.4.1 In terms of the government - It should have planned to develop the automotive industry stably and clearly in long-term, together with the preferential policies on land, tax, interest rates and mechanisms to train the human resource for supporting flexibly and more practically - It is required toscientifically evaluate the localization strategy of automotive industry as well as strategies to build car models in Vietnam in order to find out the defects for development ofthat industry in the future - It should participate in global value chains of the world famous car firms and then shape the model of Vietnam 93 3.4.2 In terms of the company It should focus on completing corporate administration Firstly, it is important to reorganize the enterprise in both neat and effective way In terms of human resource management, it should give priority to build the organizational structure which is able to advise and implement the human resource development to create a breakthrough in corporate governance in JAT In order to facilitate the development of the human resource in JAT better, I would like to give some recommendations: - At present, there are some problems which need to be remedied below: + The company needs to build a full range of technical and economic norms, including norms for specific details + Norms for a production shift, or a plant, etc - Build training programs, develop qualification of employees, make a long term and medium term plan and notify publically and transparently - Implement the policies to facilitate the workers in line with the enterprise’s conditions and abilities, such regimes as: 24/24 hour insurance, shift meal, toxic fostering based on the real price in the market, uniform, convalescence, learning inside and studying oversea as it can - It is difficult to attract young workers, especially technical workers due to income and accommodation issues Therefore, the company should build and maintain wage fund to pay 3-5% of total of wage fund for skilled managers and technical workers Supporting the employees in gasoline, accommodation should be considered to help them stabilize and improve the life So they can keep staying for a long time Therefore, the company’s profit has recently been higher The company should invest in developing the human resource, meaning investment in the depth of business development - Create the cultural activities and sport activities to improve the spiritual life, joy, excitement of the staffs This contributes to improve work efficiency and increase labor productivity in the enterprise, then build JAT own corporation culture 94 Conclusion: Chapter The theories of the human resource development in Chapter 1, along with the analysis of the situation of the human resourcedevelopment in JAT in Chapter contribute evaluate things well-done, as well as the existing weaknesses in the human resource development in JAT Chapter presents the solutions in order to complete this work for JAT, namely that: - Establish the SWOT matrix, forming optimal schemes - Build the specific methods to develop the human resource of JAT until 2020: + Strengthen the organizational structure to develop the human resource of JAT + Improve the process of planning and recruiting the human resource +Enhance the training program and evaluation of training efficiency + Improve the regime of physical and mental encouragement for employees + Develop corporate culture in line with business environment The solutions mentioned above are appropriate and useful for JAT, helping the company develop the human resource efficiently, meeting its production and business orientation and increasing the values of the enterprise CONCLUSION Production of automotive parts and industrial equipment is a component in the auxiliary equipment manufacturing sector It plays important role in localization strategy of automotive and motorbike industry of our country This is shown through developing policies to encourage production, preferential tax policies, land and other preferential conditions The enterprises like JAT have been developing strongly enough to serve the needs of automotive and motorbike assembly industry in the country and export needs These are the goals of the enterprise and also the requirements of the country at this time JAT is a unit of spare part production with large scale and high production and business efficiency, confirmed quality, and enhanced reputation Improving human resource development in JAT will be very 95 meaningful because it benefits not only JAT, but Vietnam automotive and motorbike industry as well With research objectives proposed, by system approach, the thesis “The strategy of the human resource development of JAPAN – AUTOTECH- JAT in the period 2012-2020” has solved some theoretical and practical issues of human resource development of JAT as follows: Firstly, the thesis considers comprehensively the basic theory of human resource, human resource development in order to draw the concept of human resource, human resource development and the basic content of the human resource development of the business Secondly, the thesis analyses the situation of human resource development of JAT to identify the strengths, weaknesses, advantages and disadvantages for human resource development in the years to come Thirdly, the thesis builds perspectives and objectives of human resource development of JAT on the basis of strategic objectives to develop production of automobile parts, electric scooters of JAT in the period 2012-2020 Fourthly, the thesis also proposes major solutions necessary to develop human resources of JAT until 2020 At the same time, the thesis also proposes some recommendations to the State and the Company, aiming to create conditions for the development of human resources of JAT in particular and auxiliary production in Vietnam in general However, although the solutions to develop the human resource of JAT are very good, it will be difficult to put all its effects to work if there is no consensus and a strong commitment from leaders and managers of the company Also, it is needed to have a strong change in the way of thinking of managers and a large number of officials and employees in the Company With these results, we hope to contribute partly our effort to the development of the JAT This thesis is written in the difficult circumstances of shortly approaching with the company, providing materials both missing and synchronous, interviewing limited, and so on Therefore, it is difficult to avoid from defects We are looking 96 forward to receiving sympathy from you and commenting from the Council, the lecturers and the audience 97 References I Vietnamese references: Trần Xuân Cầu Mai Quốc Chánh (2008), Human resource Economic, National Economics University Edition, Hà Nội Trần Kim Dung (2009), Human Ressource Management, Statistic Edition, Hồ Chí Minh Lê Thanh Hà (2003), 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Experience of human resources development of companies in the world and in the country 35 CHAPTER 2: SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS OF HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT IN JAT AUTOPARTS AND INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENTS MANUFACTURING JOINT STOCK COMPANY 2.1 INTRODUCTION OF JAT AUTOPARTS AND INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENTS MANUFACTURING JOINT STOCK COMPANY 2.1.1 Formation and development Current profile information of the Company: - Company s... on the basis of the regulations on operation mechanism of the Government 34 Summary of Chapter 1 This chapter has introduced the theorical basis of human resources development: - An overview of human resource and human resources development, including the contents of: The concept of human resource; Human resources development; Role of human resource and human resources development - About human resources... orientation impact on the nation's human resource strategy related to the issues of human resources training and talent development Human resource development strategy of a firm, especially in terms of attracting new human resources, also need to be considered in the context of reference to the national strategies of human resource training and development Laws and policies of the Government For the human. .. the development of human resources in the Joint Stock Company of Autoparts and Industrial equipments JAT as follows: First, the company needs to raise awareness of the role of human resources for the business development from which issued the guidelines, policies, plans for human 33 resources development properly to contribute to decide the success in business activities of the enterprise Second, the. .. appreciating the nature and level of contribution of individual employees accurately to encourage, treat them timely are the key factors promoting personal efforts to improve themselves, increase contributions towards achieving objectives of the organization And so, the regulations of human resources allocation and utilization are one of the important factors affecting the human resources development of the. .. name: The Joint Stock Company of Autoparts and Industrial Equipments Manufacturing JAT - International Trade Name: JAT AUTO PARTS AND INDUSTRY EQUIPMENTS PRODUCTION JOINT STOCK COMPANY; Abbreviation: JAT.JSC - Address: Lot G11 - Que Vo Industrial Zone, Bac Ninh City, Bac Ninh Province - Telephone: - Fax: - Website: - Email: - Logo: The Joint Stock Company of Autoparts and Industrial Equipments Manufacturing. .. resources development within the 24 enterprises Besides, it directly affects requirements and methods of human resources development of the business (2) Regulations of human resources allocation and utilization Personal work inspiration is the result of many resources operating simultaneously inside human and in the living and working environment of the human In which, assigning the right person to the right... standard of living, investment pace etc have direct impact on the demand of human resource and policies of enterprises for human resources This may create opportunities or pressure for the human resources development of enterprises Population, population growth rate affects the quantity and quality of human resources as well as the strategy of labor structure within enterprises 21 Guidelines of the Party... dialectical relationship with the human resources development of the nation or territory and under the influence of policies, strategies of human resources development of the country or territory Secondly, the human resource of an enterprise is not a simple sum of individual working capacity of each person in the company but must be a coherent coordination in working capacity of those people It means the collection... addition, the quality of training facilities must also be considered as a factor that determines the quality of the company s human resources in the future Thus, the two micro environmental factors affect the supply and demand in the industrial labor market, increase competitive pressure of human resources and affect the orientation and goals of human resources development of each enterprise in aucillary manufacturing