To facilitate the social economy and the industrializingmodernizing process, Vietnam has been investing in a hightype and motorway system. The motorway system in Vietnam is due for completion in 2020 and will be covering the whole country with a total length of 6000 kilometers. Arterial motorway routes such as Hanoi – Ninh Binh, Hanoi – Lao Cai, Hanoi – Hai Phong, Saigon – Trung Luong, HCM City – Long Thanh – Dau Day are on the way to utilization. The motorway routes allow vehicles to speed over 80kmh. With such velocity, all motorway routes have to be up to standards, including high roughness, eveness and dewatering capacity, among which roughness plays a crucial role. In developed countries, motorway covers are constructed with hollow asphalt possessing high roughness, which demands specialized and highcost technology.
-0- THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING UNIVERSITY OF TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATION ***** NGUYEN PHUOC MINH RESEARCH ON IDENTIFYING THE PROPER COMPONENTS FOR THE FRICTION COURSES ASPHALTIC CONCRETE COVER OF HIGH TYPE ROADS IN VIETNAM Major: Civil Engineering Program Code: SUPERVISORS 1-Dr Tran Tuan Hiep, Assoc Prof 2- Dr Vu Duc Chinh, Assoc Prof ASTRACT DOCTORAL THESIS Hanoi - 12/2013 Hanoi, December 2013 -1INTRODUCTION Overview To facilitate the social economy and the industrializing-modernizing process, Vietnam has been investing in a high-type and motorway system The motorway system in Vietnam is due for completion in 2020 and will be covering the whole country with a total length of 6000 kilometers Arterial motorway routes such as Hanoi – Ninh Binh, Hanoi – Lao Cai, Hanoi – Hai Phong, Saigon – Trung Luong, HCM City – Long Thanh – Dau Day are on the way to utilization The motorway routes allow vehicles to speed over 80km/h With such velocity, all motorway routes have to be up to standards, including high roughness, eveness and dewatering capacity, among which roughness plays a crucial role In developed countries, motorway covers are constructed with hollow asphalt possessing high roughness, which demands specialized and high-cost technology In Vietnam, asphalt concrete covers have been put into use on some motorway routes despite being at testing stage Our country also suffers from having to depend on expensive foreign technology The biggest question now is to fully grasp the manufacturing technology for friction courses asphalt covers to meet the demand of thousands kilometers long high type roads and motorways nowadays This issue proves a serious challenge for Vietnamese constructor To achieve mastery of the aforementioned technology, we must prioritize researches into determining the proper components for friction courses asphalt so that our constructions reach the right poroxity, the durability as well as the required roughness and agree with specific conditions in Vietnam The thesis “Research into determining the proper components for the friction courses asphalt cover of high type roads in Vietnam” exists to solve these urgent practical scientific issues Research purpose: To determine the proper components used in constructing friction courses asphalt covers for high type roads in Vietnam with Open Graded aggregate, residual void ratio ranging from 16%÷18 and to give out technical standards for the friction courses asphalt cover components in order to adapt the -2designing, manufacturing and constructing technology, meanwhile suggesting solutions to the enhancement of the friction courses concrete material for high type roads in Vietnam Research subject and scope Subject: on friction courses asphalt components with high poroxity and Open graded aggregate Scope: + The study of friction courses asphalt components means to combine highway engineering theories with asphalt components utilization experiences both worldwide and in Vietnam, to investigate and evaluate highway surface status, local material, geographical and climatic conditions in the Southern area; + To carry out both in-lab and field empirical researches to suggest the proper components of friction courses asphalt and other relevant matters in order to raise the quality of friction courses asphalt components; Theoretical and practical significances of the thesis This thesis brings forth contents regarding: Theoretical significance 4.1 General researches on the utilization of friction courses concrete for highways both worldwide and in Vietnam; 4.2 Establishing mixed components with specific technical requirements for composite material and publishing technical regulations for friction courses asphalt components; 4.3 Determining the proper components for friction courses highway asphalt on the base of empirical researches to indentify physical-mechanical criteria for friction courses asphalt mixtures; 4.4 Researching on solutions to the enhancement of the quality of friction courses asphalt components through the following tasks: To research on determining the relation between the residual voide ratio and the macro-texture of friction courses asphalt covers; To research on the relation between the macro-texture and the waterabsorbing quality; To research on the effects of the aquaplanning phenomenon on driving conditions; -3 To research on determining changes in the time-dependent macro-texture of the friction courses surfaces of some motorway routes in Vietnam; To research on the effectiveness of increasing the macro-texture and the water-absorbing level of road surfaces by employing high-pressure cleaning technology; to establish and suggest a periodical maintenance routine for friction courses road surfaces; To research on solutions to enhancement of the quality of friction courses asphalt components utilization across all stages: manufacturing, constructing; supervising; quality acceptance; management of friction courses asphalt components utilization Practical significances The thesis has generally considered utilized friction courses asphalt components in other countries and in Vietnam; Drafting a designing workflow and a new method for determining proper components for friction courses asphalt covers that agree with utilizing conditions in Vietnam Drafting empirical methods of evaluating physical-mechanical criteria for friction courses asphalt components; limiting technical requirements of materials used for the design of friction courses asphalt components; Suggesting solutions to increase utilization quality of friction courses asphalt covers for high type routes in the Southern area Structure This thesis consists of the following chapters: + Chapter I: Overview of friction courses asphalt + Chapter II: Establishment of friction courses asphalt components serving the empirical research purpose + Chapter III: Empirical researches on determining physical-mechanical criteria for asphalt mixtures and selecting the proper components of these mixtures + Chapter IV: Researches on increasing the utilizing quality of highway friction courses asphalt components ********* Chapter 1: OVERVIEW OF FRICTION COURSES ASPHALT General researches on high type highway and motorway routes friction courses asphalt consist of the following points: -41.1 The structure and components of regular asphalt v a-Asphalt structure ● Microscopic structure: consist of plastic and mineral powder to form asphalt binder ● Neutral structure: consist of sand and asphalt binder, forming asphalt mortar ● Macroscopic structure: consist of ballasts and asphalt mortar, forming asphalt mixture b- Asphalt mixture components + Aggregate, with the greatest particle size + Binde 1.2 Open Graded Friction Courses Asphalt 1.2.1 Aggregate OGFCA (Open Graded Friction Courses Asphalt) is a form of skeleton macroscopic structure (picture 1.3), the mixture consists of large aggregate, with few or no small aggregate and mineral powder and is designed so that the compacting component can achieve residual void ratio ranging from 18%÷25%; Picture 1.1: The structure of OGFCA mixture and some images of regular asphalt and OGFCA 1.2.2 Binder: mostly use enhanced bitum 1.3 Factors affecting the rugosity 1.3.1 Notion + Micro-texture: is the hard-to-see surface roughness of aggregate that can eliminate the aquaplaning effect + Macro-texture: create drain channels 1.3.2 The effect of aggregate on the rugosity Factors affecting macro-texture Factors affecting micro-texture 1.3.3 Other factors affecting the rugosity Designing the material; construction process; utilizing characteristics -51.4 Overview on Open graded friction course asphalt 1.4.1 Concept of Open graded friction course asphalt Open graded friction course asphalt has different names over the world such as: Porous Asphalt (PA), Porous Friction Course (PFC), Open Graded Asphalt Concrete (OGAC), Open Graded Friction Course (OGFC), Porous European Mix (PEM) 1.4.2 Characteristics of Open graded friction course asphalt a/ Reduce spray and spindrift, slips on wet road surfaces b/ Reduce light reflection and head light glare c/ Reduce vehicle noises d/ Increase road surface sliding resistance e/ Reduce wheel tracking 1.4.3 Analyzing and evaluating the utilization of Open graded friction course asphalt in other countries Open graded friction course asphalt has been utilized in other countries from the 1930s, most popularly in the late 1980s The OGFCA utilizing statuses are as followed a/ In America ● OGFCA from NCAT (National Center For Asphalt Technology-Mỹ) States in America have had experiences in using OGFCA since the late 1970s + Utilizing status of OGFCA in NCAT is as followed: Aggregate abrasion resistance PSV (Polish Stone value); Particle size dmax= 9,5÷19mm among which d=12,5 mm is used regularly; Using polymer; bitumen content varies from 5÷7%, and fibrous admixture Residual void ratio of the mixture 15÷25% The thickness are 2÷5 cm thinner than compacted asphalt Wheel tracking is averagely 1,25cm deep after 10-12 years Utilizing life 8÷12 years with OGFCA depth h=5 cm Maintaining OGFCA rugosity: by using high pressure pump to clean the surface ● Arizona Arizona has been experimenting Open graded friction course asphalt since 1954, in the 1960 the result was positive, so OGFCA has been utilized across the whole state ● Oregon -6In the late 1970 the State of Oregon-America (ODOT-Oregon Department of Transportation) has been experimenting OGFCA on heavy load routes with speed limit more than 80km/h and equipped with bitum polimer ODOT has susggested using OGFCA as a thin layer and does not audit the material to the pavement structure ● California and Georgia In 1944 Caltrans-California Department of Transportation used OGFCA as a surface dewatering layer Caltrans used the mixture with particle size dmax=9,5; 12,5; 25mm, residual void ratio 18% The most regularly implemented thickness is 3,0 ÷ 4,5cm; particle size dmax=25mm, allowing the increase of thickness to 5,0 ÷ 8,0 cm, and since 2006 Caltrans has allowed the act of directly covering OFGCA layer on compacted asphalt ● Georgia The State Georgia (GDOT-Georgia Department of Transportation) has been using OGFCA since 1950 Currently there are two types of OGFCA that GDOT uses: Type 1- OGFCA with two different particle size dmax=9,5 and 12,5mm, designed thickness 2,0 cm, mixed residual void ratio 18-20%; Type 2- European-based OGFCA with thickness 3,0cm and mixed residual void ratio 20-24% GDOT uses OGFCA as the cover for interstate routes and highways with two-way traffic volume reaching 25.000 vehicles daily on average With particle size dmax=12,5mm, utilizing life 10÷12 years Summary: OGFCA has been utilized since the 1930 and the material possesses many strengths as a friction generating layer on motorway routes in America; yet there are unsolved weaknesses, which is the ability to maintain residual void ratio and the time-dependent dewatering capacity downgrade phenomenon Moreover, the technical criteria of designing components for OGFCA and the thickness of component layers in the states of America have not been agreed upon but rather depend on specific climatic, load conditions and material availability b/ Europe European countries such as Denmark, Holland, Australia, Belgium, Switzerland, England and Spain have been using OGFCA for motorway routes According to an accumulated report by Huber-NCAT in 2000, Europe hasn’t had a single designing criteria for OGFCA The OGFCA mostly used in Europe is Porous -7Asphalt – PA with noise-reducing quality Two Porous Asphalt layers are utilized on high speed routes The material is suggested not to be used as layers in city areas, with vehicle speed below 45km/h, which means the void layers in these area become congested easily; In Holland, Denmark, Belgium and France, OGFCA are used or experimented dual-layered, including: the below void layer has particle size d=11-14 mm with thickness from 4,0 to 5,0 cm, the upper compacted layer has particle size d= 6-8 mm with thickness 2,5-3,0 cm Designed void ratio from 19÷25%, polimer is the binder, bitumen contentfrom 4,5% to 6,5%, thickness 3,0÷4,0 cm The material is used for noise reduction and dewatering purpose ● Belgium, Spain, England OGFCA is used as the cover for motorway routes Designed void ratio from 18÷ 25%, aggregate size dmax=9,5÷12,5mm; bitum polimer is used, bitumen contentfrom 4,5% to 6,5%, OGFCA thickness 3,0÷5,0cm Used for noise-reduction and dewatering purpose Aggregate and mixture technical criteria include: + Polished Stone Value PSV, attrition value Los Angeles ≤ 20%; + Puddled Marshall 50 tampers/layer; + Residual void ratio ≥ 20% + Attrition value Cantabro: ≤ 30%; + Compaction model based on the Marshall 50 tampers/layer method Summary: European countries have been using OGFCA from the 1980 on motorway routes and this proves highly effective for increasing surface sliding resistance; additionally for noise reduction and dewatering capacity.However, there are weaknesses in the decreasing residual void ratio of OGFCA, which is hard to control and can negatively affect the rugosity; OGFCA is also not listed as part of the pavement structure thickness calculation c/ South Africa South Africa requires the aggregate as followed: PSV > 50%, the amount of water absorbing the aggregate < 1%; equivalent sand ES > 45%, dual-sided grinding 90-100%, Compaction model: based on the Marshall 50 tampers/layer method; residual void ratio: 18-22%; unregulated gum melting index, Cantabro loss: max 25%30%; bitum polimer is used:SBR-Styren Butadien Rubber, synthetic fiber and natural rubber -8d/ Australia The designed OGFCA consists of three mixtures; symbol: OG-10, OG-14 and OG-20 OG-I and OG-II differ in the designed traffic volume; between which OG-II has an additional use of fibrous admixture and is recommended for routes with traffic volume higher than 5x106 standardized vehicles and over 500 vehicles/lane/day Technical criteria and requirements: Attrition Losangeles, LA, %: max 12%, dual-sided grinding, %: max 100 bitum polimer serves as binder: 80/100 + SBS or synthetic fibrous admixture, rubber powder; bitumen content(%): 4,0% - 6%; compaction model: based on the Marshall 50 tampers/layer method; residual void ratio, %: 18%-23%; unregulated gum melting index; attrition value max 25%-30%; unregulated waterproof index e/ Asia ● Japan, Korea, India, Malaysia Japan, Korea, India and Malaysia consider this material highly due to its benefit when used as friction generating layer on motorway routes They have adapted the European technical criteria and apply the material The tar used is polimer, aggregate and fibrous admixture; Marshall 50 tampers/layers compaction model Technical criteria for OGFCA in Japan include: Residual void ratio: 18-22%; bitumen content: 4,4÷4,6%; waterproofing capacity: 52÷56 mm/sec; gum melting index: ≤ 0,3%; Cantabro loss: 17÷23%; indirect tensile strength (ITS): 5÷10 kg/cm2; Summary: Australia or South Africa or the countries of Asia can develop the use of OGFCA on motorway routes thanks to the utilizing experiences in America or in European countries Although OGFCA is utilized effectively; most technical criteria for designing components, component layer thickness, utilizing life characteristic evaluation have not been agreed upon, but rather are decided from practical uses Collecting and analyzing the overview result from other countries’ researches 1) Design method: Marshall method, design residual void ratio 18%; 2) Cantabro loss value or gum melting index is used as the limiting value when designing the OGFCA; -93) Technical criteria for OGFCA are not agreed upon, OGFCA is also not listed as part of the pavement structure loadbearing calculation This are the main characteristics that need thorough study due to the conditions in Vietnam f/ Utilization of friction courses asphalt in Vietnam In Vietnam, the use of friction courses asphalt has been experimented to enhance the surface rugosity since 1994 The overview status of researching on friction courses asphalt in Vietnam is as followed 1-Experiementing hollow asphalt on the section connecting Northern Thang Long – Noi Bai In 1994 The Institute of Transport Science and Technology cooperated with ESSO to carry out preliminary researches and construct a pilot section using hollow asphalt as the OGDM (Open Graded Drainage Mix) throughout the section beween Northern Thang Long – Noi Bai 3-Friction courses asphalt produced with Novachip technology The thin layer using Novachip technology as a friction courses layer on motorway routes or high type roads, Novachip layer thickness from 1,25÷2,5cm, this layer is not added to the calculation of pavement structure loadbearing capacity The layer has been built for the motorway route between HCM City – Trung Luong 4- Asphalt with high rugosity based on 22TCN 345-06 High rugosity asphalt with thickness from 2,0 to 3,0 cm are used for: motorway, high type roads (speed limit over 80km/h), in order to increase the rugosity and the surface sliding resistance This is the material used to construct the friction courses layer for the motorway route between HCM City – Long Thanh – Dau Day 1.5 Chapter conclusion There are many positive benefit as well as limitations to the utilizing characteristics of OGFCA as the road covers on motorway routes or high type roads; so from the result of general researches, some conclusions can be drawn: Countries using OGFCA with the maximum aggregate size, limiting technical criteria, thickness, residual void ratio depend much on their own conditions In Vietnam friction courses asphalt has been implemented; the residual void ratio of friction courses asphalt ranges from 12÷16% OGFCA is only at the - 11 Components in OGFCA mixture include: Raw aggregate: from 4,75mm to Dmax, fine aggregate: from 0.075mm to 2.36mm mostly from crushed stone; mineral powder: below 0.075mm and grinded from limestone + Mix aggregate chracteristics The target function of OGFCA researches is to create residual void ratio Va= 16-18% + Sussgesting aggregate mixture for OGFCAin Vietnam Table 2.1: OGFCA mix suggested for research in Vietnam Sieve mesh size (mm) OG-A.9,5 12.5 9.5 4.75 2.36 1.18 0.075 100 87 12 - 100 100 42 14 - RESEARCHED MIX OG-B.9,5 100 96 42 - 100 100 67 - 14 24 OG-C.9,5 100 95 26 12 - 100 100 46 26 - 100 Lợng lọt qua sàng (%) 90 80 70 60 OG-A.9,5 OG-B.9,5 OG-C.9,5 50 40 30 20 10 Cì sµng (mm) 0,075 2,36 4,75 9,5 12,5 Hình 2.1: Researched mix OG curve + Selecting aggregate for mixture design ● Raw aggregate (ballast): originally from Tan Cang-Dong Nai stone mine ● Fine aggregate: grinded from từ bedrock; no use of natural sand in creating friction courses asphalt 2.3 Binder: The author suggests using bitum polimer PMB-I and ensures all technical requirements of Polimer 22TCH 319-04 standard are met 2.4 Mineral powder: grinded from limestone with CaCO3 content >85% (Ha Tien mineral powder with CaCO3 content>90÷95% is recommended) 2.5 Designing friction courses asphalt mixture components 2.5.1 Designing mixture components by Marshall method - 12 Casting process, machinary, testing equipment and sampling order 2.5.2 Testing the friction courses asphalt mixture components + Estimating the necessary bitumen content(experiment appendix IV, V) Table 2.2: The necessary bitumen contentfor the three suggested mixes The bitumen content according Suggestion for the to the surface rate (%) varied estimated bitumen OG Type by mixture mass content (%) according to mixture mass Lower bound Upper bound OG-A OG-B OG-C 4,2 3,9 4,3 4,0÷5,5 4,0÷5,5 4,0÷5,5 4,7 4,8 4,9 + Testing to determine the physical-mechanical properties of samples (Appendix VI) + Determining the optimum bitumen content(Appendix VIII) Table 2.3: Suggesting the limiting technical value for the researched mixture Required techinical criteria VTO (22TCN 345-06) Suggested OG Voids in Mineral Aggregate VMA Melting gum index Stability Plasticity Air voids Va (kN) (mm) (%) (%) (%) >6 2÷4 12÷16 ≥ min.22 ≤ 0,2 >6 2÷4 16÷18 ≥ min.22 ≤ 0,2 Results for determining the optimum bitumen contentare in the table below Table 2.4: Optimum bitumen contentfor the three mixtures suggested NO OGFCA Type OGC according to mixture mass (%) OGC according to aggregate mass (%) OG-A 4.8 5.0 OG-B 5.2 5.5 OG-C 5.2 5.5 Collecting the experiment results: - 13 Table 2.5: Collecting results and selecting the suggested mixes Suggested technical limit OG-A OG-B OG-C (kN) 9,82 15 15,76 (mm) 3,9 3,2 3,3 (%) 16,44 13,59 14,29 Voids in Mineral Aggregate (%) 24,98 19,92 24,08 Suggested > 8,0 3÷6 16 ÷ 18 ≥ 22 OG Type Stability Plasticity Air voids Draindown (%) 0,04 0,07 0,12 ≤ 0,20 2.5.3 Establishing the mixture components and suggesting technical criteria Through experiments, results are established into three components as the table below Table 2.6: Establishing mixture components for research purpose No Sieve size (mm) 12,5 9,5 4,75 2,36 1,18 0,075 Bitumen content according to mixture mass (%) OG-A 100 87-100 12-42 5-14 3-6 OG-B 100 96-100 42-67 14-24 0-6 OG-C Method 100 95-100 26-46 TCVN 88603-2011 12-26 3-8 TCVN 8860PmB-I: 4,0 ÷ 5,5 2-2011 Table 2.7: Suggestion of technical criteria for friction courses asphalt mixtures No Properties Air voids (%) Bitumen content (%) Permeability (10-3m/s) Cantabro Loss Indirect Tensile Strength Ratio (ITSR) (%) Value Standard Suggestion Marshall compaction 2x50 tampers/layer Marshall compaction 4,0÷5,5 2x50 tampers/layer EN 13108-7- Marshall compaction ≥ 0,1 2006 2x50 tampers/layer Marshall compaction 10÷20 EN 12697-17 2x50 tampers/layer EN 13108-20- Marshall compaction ≥ 70 2005 2x50 tampers/layer ≥ 16÷18 EN 13108-7 2.6 Chapter conclusion Results from chapter can help draw the following conclusions: Aggregate mixture components were suggested; - 14 Optimum bitumen contentfor the three asphalt mixtures has been determined; with limiting technical criteria for component mixtures, in which air voids vary from 16%÷18% Three friction courses asphalt mixture components for empirical research purpose specifically in Vietnam’s condition have been established to evaluate the physical-mechanical properties to select the proper components for friction courses asphalt in chapter ********** Chapter III: EMPIRICAL RESEARCHES ON DETERMINING THE PHYSICAL-MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF FRICTION COURSES ASPHALT MIXTURES AND SELECTING THE PROPER COMPONENTS FOR THE MIXTURES Chapter covers empirical researches on evaluating the physical-mechanical criteria Through the experiment results, analyzing and countering samples; evaluating OGFCA components according to the suggested technical criteria, from which the proper components for highway friction courses asphalt in Vietnam can be selected 3.1 Graded mixtures suggested for experiments To research on the properties of OGFCA for utilizing purpose, the doctoral student has suggested the mix and the bitumens as listed by table 3.1 Table 3.1: Suggestions of mixes and bitumens for research Bitumen use TT OGFC typeoptimum bitumen content according to mixture mass PmB-I Application criteria OG-A-4,8% X Suggested by thesis OG-B-5.2% X Suggested by thesis OG-C-5.2% X Suggested by thesis BTNNC.9,5 x 22TCN 345-06 3.2 Components preparation: must conform with regulating criteria, (Research appendix III; IV and V) - 15 3.3 Prepared sample: must conform with the directions of the experiment process as with the required criteria 3.4 Empirical researches on physical-mechanical criteria of the samples 3.4.1 Experiments to determine the elastic module of the components Determine static module of elasticity for friction courses asphalt by pressing circular cyclinders in unconfined compression condition (compress one cyclinder, sample not placed in mould, the compressed version has equal diameter with that of the sample) The results are shown in picture 3.4 below ( Mpa) 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 OG-A OG-B OG-C 322 258 226 242 236 PmB-I 226 242 236 345 337 277 269 PmB-II 258 277 269 PMB-III 322 345 337 Picture 3.1: Result of the research on elastic module of three studied mixtures 3.4.2 Experiment to determine indirect tensile strength (Appendix IX) The result shows that: According to European criteria EN12697-12, the ITS factor of the three research models all exceed 70% and are qualified This is one of the bases to assess and select the proper components for friction courses asphalt Hệ số ITS (%) BTNNC.12,5-4.8%-… 0.84 BTNP.9,5-4.8%-PmB.III 0.99 OG-C-5,0%-PmB.III 0.94 OG-B-5,0%-PmB.III 0.997 OG-A-4.8%-PmB.III 0.92 OG-C-5,0%-PmB-I 0.95 OG-B-5,0%-PmB-I 0.98 OG-A-4.8%-PmB-I 0.90 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 Picture 3.2: Indirect tensile strength (ITS) factor of the three mixtures for researching and the counter samples - 16 3.4.4 Experiments on determining the coefficient of percolation [EN 131087] (Research appendix XI) Thầm nước Kv-OG-A Thấm nước Kv-OG-B Thấm nước Kv-OG-C Kv (10-3 m/sec) 5,0 4,6 4,0 4,0 3,0 3,5 3,1 2,3 1,6 2,0 0,9 1,0 1,0 0,6 0,4 0,0 4,0% 4,5% 5,0% 0,8 0,1 5,5% Bitumen content (%) mixture mass Picture 3.3: Perculation checking device and experiment results Thấm nước: Water penetration The results show that: According to the technical European regulating criteria on void asphalt, the qualified coefficient of percolation is Kv ≥ 0,1 (10 -3m/s) The results also show OG-A to be the components with the highest coefficient of percolation, qualified for the void asphalt regulations 3.4.5 Reseaches on determining Cantabro loss [EN 13108-7] This research criteria is used for evaluating the wear-resistance of friction courses asphalt compaction model at 250C, rotating 300 circles in revolver The results show that: Cantabro loss of OG components decreases when the bitumen content increases; Cantabro loss type OG-A is greater than that of OGB and OG-C, still, the attrition value conforms with the criteria and is qualified for being