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http://thuyquynh.violet.vn/ PRACTICE TEST 15 I. PRONUNCIATION Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others. 1. A. throughout B. although C. right D. enough 2. A. history B. significant C. philosophy D. pioneer 3. A. believed B. considered C. advocated D. controlled Choose the word whose main stress is put differently from that of the others in the group. 4. A. ability B. equality C. enlightenment D. naturally A. status B. argue C. basis D. against II. GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY 6. A child receives his early ________ from their parents. A. educate B. education C. educator D. educative 7. Thanks to the women's liberation women can take part in ____ activities. A. social B. society C. socially D. socialize 8. In some most Asian countries women are undervalued and they never have the same ________ as men. A. formality B. basis C. limit D. status 9. Mrs. Pike is a feminist, who ________ that women should be offered the same job opportunities as men. A. varies B. advocates C. leads D. votes 10. It is against the law to ________ on the basis of sex, age, marital status, or race. A. suit B. discriminate C. believe D. gain 11. Women's status varies in different countries and it depends _______ the cultural beliefs. A. on B. of C. with D. in 12. On 18 December 1979, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women was adopted by ________ United Nations General Assembly. A. a B. an C. the D. Ø 13. When they are at ________ work, employed men work about an hour more than employed women. A. a B. an C. the D. Ø 14. The women's movement has brought light to the areas _______ women do not have equality with men. A. which B. which in C. in which D. in where 15. My husband spends far more time helping our three kids ________ homework and studying for tests than I do. A. on B. to C. with D. in 16. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt you. Please, go on and finish what you were saying. A. talk B. quit C. continue D. stop 17. The firefighters fought the blaze while the crowd _______ it. A. watched B. was watching C. has been watching D. is watching 18. It took us over twelve hours _______ over the mountain. A. to hike B. to hiking C. hiking D. hike 19. What does "www" ________ for? - Is it short for “world wide web?” A. sit B. stand C. lie D. look 20. Mrs. Jones's husband passed away fast Friday. We are all shocked by the news. A. got married B. divorced C. died D. were on business 21. If you do not understand the word "superstitious, look it ______ in the dictionary. A. for B. up C. down D. after 22. If people drove more carefully, _____ fewer accidents. A. there will be B. there are C. there would be D. there have been 23. It _____ a long time since I last saw you. A. had been B. was C. will be D. has been 24. You won’t achieve anything _____ you take risks. A. if B. unless C. when D. that 25. The man _______ is very friendly. A. that lives next door B. which lives next door C. who live next door D. whom lives next door 26. This school is only for children _______ first language is not English. A. of whom B. whose C. who is D. who 27. I like Tom and Ann. They are _______. A. such nice people B. such nice peoples C. such a nice people D. such as nice people 28. Why did you buy ________food? A. such lot of B. such many C. such a lot of D. such much 29. The program ________wasn't very good, but I liked the MC. A. it's B. itself C. its D. it 30. “Let’s go to the movie now.” – “Oh, ________”. A. Good idea B. I don’t C. Why's that? D. I need it 31. There have been significant changes in women's lives ________. A. since the women's liberation movement B. since the women's liberation movement starts http://thuyquynh.violet.vn/ C. when the women's liberation movement started D. as the women's liberation movement starting 32. ______ that women should stay at home and do housework. A. Many people still thoughtB. Many people still thinking C. Many people still think D. Many and more people still think 33. Despite her age, she gets about easily. A. She is too old to do anything easily. B. Because she is old, she cannot go anywhere. C. Although she is old, she can travel easily. D. Her age prevents her from going from place to place. 34. The criminals got away in spite of the efforts of the police. A. Without the efforts of the police, the criminals would have escaped. B. Even though the police made their efforts, the criminals escaped. C. Thanks to the efforts of the police, the criminals were imprisoned. D. The criminals were caught because of the efforts of the police. 35. "I will ring you up after I get home." Peter said to Mary. A. Peter promised to give Mary a wedding ring after he got home. B. Peter asked Mary to pay him a visit after he' got home. C. Peter promised to visit Mary after he got home. D. Peter promised to telephone Mary after he got home. III. Choose the underlined part in each sentence that should be corrected. 36. Several years ago it was even difficult to imagine people talking in women's rights. A B C D 37. In traditional society women played only the role of wives and housewife and did not get exposed to the outside world. A B C D 38. Women's movements ensure the full education, develop and advancement of women. A B C D 39. Women's movements work for the purpose of guaranteeing women the enjoy of human rights. A B C D 40. We had a long discussion about the problem, so we couldn’t solve it. A B C D IV. Read the text carefully and then choose the correct answers: In the 1960’s, the US went through a social revolution commonly referred to as The Women’s Liberation Movement. One of the goals of this movement was to promote the idea that women are equal to men in their ability to learn and to succeed in almost any occupation. The movement has benefited women in many ways, especially in terms of job opportunity and advancement. But it has also created great confusion regarding manners. Formerly, men were considered the stronger and the dominant sex, so they adopt a protective attitude toward the so-called weaker sex. That meant helping women on and off with their coats, lighting their cigarettes, opening doors for them, allowing them to exit from elevators first, and so on. Today, American women do not consider themselves the weaker sex and do not generally feel in need of male protection. Most men continue to perform the traditional courtesies, but both sexes are more casual about them. If a man does not help his girlfriend into or out of her chair in a restaurant, no one will think he is rude. 41. The Women’s Liberation Movement is a . A. political revolution B. social revolution C. cultural revolution D. economic revolution 42. One of the goals of this movement was . A. to promote the idea that women are equal to men on every aspect B. to promote the idea that women do not need men C. to promote the idea that women are superior to men D. to promote the idea that women are the stronger sex 43. The Women’s Liberation Movement . A. has no effect on women B. has no effect on men C. makes women uncomfortable D. provides women with benefit 44. In former days, . A. men paid no attention to women B. men regarded women as the lower class C. men adopted a protective attitude toward women D. men were equal to women 45. If a man does not help his girlfriend into or out of her chair in a restaurant . A. he is considered to be rude B. he is not thought to be rude C. he is polite D. he is impolite V. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best fits each space in the following passage. Almost every American (46) ______ a watch, and there is a clock in nearly every room in an American home. “Be on time.” “Don’t waste time.” “Time is money.” “Time waits for no one.” (47) ______ these familiar sayings reflect the American obsession with promptness and efficiency. Students and employees displease their teachers and bosses when they arrive (48) ______. This desire to get the most out of every minute often affects behaviour, (49) ______ Americans impatient when they have to wait. The pressure to make every moment count sometimes makes it (50) ______for Americans to relax and do nothing. 46. A. puts B. sets C. wears D. brings 47. A. Most B. All C. Many D. A lot 48. A. late B. lately C. latter D. so far 49. A. causing B. encouraging C. starting D. making http://thuyquynh.violet.vn/ 50. A. hardly B. difficult C. possibly D. reasonably . still thinking C. Many people still think D. Many and more people still think 33. Despite her age, she gets about easily. A. She is too old to do anything. B. which lives next door C. who live next door D. whom lives next door 26. This school is only for children _______ first language is not English. A. of

Ngày đăng: 19/08/2013, 11:10

Xem thêm: ÔN THI 15- NTQ



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