CHUYÊN ĐỀ I – PHONETICS - CHUYÊN ĐỀ VỀ NGỮÂM BÀI PHONETIC SYMBOLS - BẢNG PHIÊN ÂM QUỐC TẾ The symbols vowel sounds (Các kí hiệu phiên âm nguyên âm): 1.1 The symbols of pure vowel sounds (Các kí hiệu phiên âm nguyên âm đơn): Symbols In of the letters Examples in words sounds (Chữ (Ví dụ cụ thể từ) (Kí hiệu) thể hiện) /І/ a village /’vilidʒ/ package /’pỉkidʒ/ assemblage /ә’semblidʒ/ or e pretty /’priti/ represent deliver /di’livә(r)/ /i/ i sit /sit/ little /’litl/ simple /’simpl/ y happy /’hæpi/ easy /’i:zi/ usually /’ju:ʊli/ / i: / ea lead /li:d/ seaside /’si:said/ meaningful /’mi:niŋfʊl/ ee meet /mi:t/ sheep /ʃi:p/ steel /sti:l/ a many /’meni/ any/eni/ manifold /’menifәʊld/ /e/ e send /send/ recommend comprehend /kәmpri’hend/ ea head /hed/ spread /spred/ headache /‘hedeik/ /æ/ a land /lænd/ brandy /’brændi/ sandy /’sændi/ /ɔ/ o pot /pɔt / spot /spɔt / slot /slɔt / a wash /wɔʃ / what /wɔt / watch /wɔtʃ/ a talk /tɔ:k/ walk /wɔ:k/ water /’wɔ:tә(r)/ aw saw /sɔ:/ lawn /lɔ:n/ pawn /pɔ:n/ / ɔ: / oa broad /brɔ:d/ broaden/’brɔ:dn/ abroad /ә’brɔ:d/ oo door /dɔ:(r)/ floor /flɔ:(r)/ floorage /’flɔ:ridʒ/ or fork /fɔ:k/ sport /spɔ:t/ transport /’trænspɔ:t/ ou fought /fɔ:t/ thought /θɔ:t/ bought /bɔ:t/ o some /sm/ come /km/ done /dn/ // u shut /ʃt/ muddy /’mdi/ budget /’bdʒit/ oo blood /bld/ flood /fld/ bloodless /bldlis/ ou tough /tf/ enough /i’nf/ rough /rf/ a task /ta:sk/ fast /fa:stk/ broadcast /br ɔ:d’ka:st/ / ɑ: / ar card /ka:d/ retard /ri’ta:d/ farther /’fa:әr/ ear heart /ha:t/ hearten /’ha:tәn/ hearth /ha:θ/ /ʊ/ u pull /pʊl/ push /pʊʃ/ pullet /’pʊlet/ or oo good /gʊd/ cook /kʊk/ look /lʊk/ /u/ ou could /kʊld/ would /wʊld/ should /ʃʊld/ u frugal /’fru:gәl/ conclude /kɔn’klu:d/ illusion /i’lu:ʃn/ / u: / oe shoe /ʃu: / shoebill /’ʃu:bil/ shoemaker /’ʃu:meikәr/ oo moon /mu:n/ spoon /spu:n/ smooth /smu:θ/ ui fruit /fru:t/ cruise /kru:s/ recruit /ri’kru:t/ a await /ә’weit/ about /ә’baut/ machine /mә’ʃi:n/ /ә/ o tonight /tә’nait/ potato /pә’teitәu/ tomorrow /tә’mɔrәʊ/ er reader /’ri:dәr/ writer /’raitәr/ cruiser /’kru:sәr/ or actor /’æktәr/ doctor /’dɔktәr/ translator /’trænsleitәr/ er prefer /pri’fз: r/ merchant /’mз:tʃәnt/ merciful /’mз:sifʊl/ / з: / ir shirt /ʃз:t/ skirt /skз:t/ first /fз:st/ ur hurt /hз:t/ furnish /’ʃз:niʃ/ further /’ʃз:ә/ or word /wз:d/ work /wз:k/ worm /wз:m/ ear heard /hз:d/ earth /з:θ/ earthen /’з:θәn/ The diphthongs and triphthongs (Các kí hiệu phiên âm nguyên đôi, ba): Symbols In of the letters Examples in words sounds (Chữ (Ví dụ cụ thể từ) (Kí hiệu) thể hiện) a case /keis/ baby /beibi/ lazy /leizi/ / ei / maid /meid/ maiden /’meidn/ maidenly /’meidnli/ ay say /sei/ clay /klei/ play /plei/ ei eight /eit/ eighthly /’eiθli/ eiranic /ei’rænik/ / / i kite /kait/ night /nait/ mine /main/ y sky /skai/ fly /flai/ satisfy /’sætisfai/ / ɔi / oi soil /sɔil/ coin /kɔin/ spoil /spɔil/ oy employ /im’plɔi/ enjoy /ii’dʒɔi/ employment /im’plɔimnt/ / aʊ / ou mouse /maʊs/ mouth /maʊθ/ surround /sз:’raʊnd/ ow now /naʊ/ power /’paʊ әr/ cowboy /’kaʊ bɔi/ o cold /kәʊld/ scold /skәʊld/ fold /fәʊld/ / әʊ / ow slow /slәʊ/ flow /flәʊ/ show /ʃәʊ/ ew sew /sәʊ/ sewing /sәʊiŋ/ sewn /sәʊn/ / iә / ear hear /hiә(r)/ fear /fiә(r)/ near /niә(r)/ ere here /hiә(r)/ merely /’miәli/ atmosphere /’ætmɔsfiә(r)/ ere therapy /’θeәrәpi/ there /eә(r)/ thereabout /’eәrәbaʊt/ / eә / are fare /feә(r)/ share /ʃeә(r)/ stare /steә(r)/ air hair /heә(r)/ fair /feә(r)/ stairs /steә(r)s/ / ʊә / our tour /tʊә(r)/ tourer /tʊәrә/ tourism /’tʊәrizm/ ire tire /taiә/ fire /faiә/ firemen /’faiәmen/ / aiә / yre tyre /taiә/ tyreles /’taiәlis/ tyre-pump /’taiә pmp / yer buyer /baiә/ flyer /flaiә/ buyer /baiә/ / әʊә / ower slower /slәʊә/ slower /slәʊә/ slower /slәʊә/ / aʊә / ower shower /ʃaʊә/ power /paʊә/ flower /flaʊә/ our flour /flaʊә/ sour /saʊә/ flour /flaʊә/ / eiә / ayer prayer /preiә/ player /pleiә/ sprayer /spreiә/ eyer greyer /greiә/ greyer /greiә/ greyer /greiә/ / ɔiә / oyer enjoyer /in’dʒɔiә/ enjoyer /in’dʒɔiә/ employer /im’plɔiә/ oyal loyal /’lɔiәl/ loyalty /’lɔiәlti/ loyal /’lɔiәl/ The symbols of the consonant sounds (Các kí hiệu phiên âm phụ âm): 2.1 The symbols of voiceless consonants (Kí hiệu phiên âm phụ âm vô thanh): Symbols In of the letters Examples in words sounds (Chữ (Ví dụ cụ thể từ) (Kí hiệu) thể hiện) /p/ p pen /pen/ paint /peint/ people /’pi:pәl/ f five /faiv/ formal /’fɔ:mәl/ family /’fæmili/ /f/ ph physics /’fiziks/ physician /fi’ziʃn/ physical /fi’zikәl/ gh laugh /la:f/ enough /i’nf/ rough /rf/ th throw /θrәʊ/ sixth /siksθ/ // thunder /’θndә(r)/ /t/ t teach /ti:tʃ/ temple /’tempәl/ tittle /’taitәl/ ed looked /lʊkt/ laughed /la:ft/ stopped /stɔpt/ /s/ s site /sait/ sandy /’sændi/ sample /’sæmpәl/ /ʃ/ / t∫ / /k/ /h/ c sh ch s ch t k c ch q h wh centre /’sentә/ sheep /ʃi:p/ machine sugar /’ʃʊgә/ choice /tʃɔis/ fixture /'fikst∫ә/ kitchen /’kit∫n/ concert /kɔn’sз:t/ chemist /’kemist/ quite /kwait/ hike /haik/ whoop /hu:p/ century /’sentʃʊri/ sheet /ʃi:t/ chaise /ʃeiz/ sugary /’ʃʊgәri/ church /tʃз:tʃ/ future / 'fju:t∫ә/ kiss /kis/ cancel /’kænsәl/ chemistry /’kemistri/ question / 'kwest∫n/ hunger /’hŋgә(r)/ whose /hu:z/ cell /sel/ English /’iŋliʃ/ champagne /ʃæm’pein/ sure /’ʃʊә(r)/ chimney /’tʃimni/ question / 'kwest∫n/ king /kiŋ/ comedy /’kmedi/ chemical /’kemikәl/ conquest /’kɔŋkwest/ homeless /’hәʊmlis/ wholesale /’hɔʊlseil/ 2.2 The symbols of voiced consonants (Kí hiệu phiên âm phụ âm hữu thanh): Symbols of the sounds (Kí hiệu) /b/ /v/ // /d/ /z/ /ʒ/ / dʒ / /g/ /l/ /m/ /n/ /ŋ/ /r/ /w/ /j/ /ф/ mute cases In letters (Chữ thể hiện) b v f th d ed z s s g j g l m n n ng r w wh y u h k b p Examples in words (Ví dụ cụ thể từ) boy /bɔi/ visit /vizit/ of /әv/ them /әm/ done /dn/ lived /livd/ zebra /zi:brә/ visit /’vizit/ vision /’viʒn/ germ /dʒз:m/ jam /dʒæm/ gift /gift/ little /’litәl/ monk /mɔŋk/ name /neim/ think /θiŋk/ sing /siŋ/ rural /’rʊәrәl/ with /wi/ when /wen/ young /jŋ/ music /’mju:sik/ honest /’ɔ:nist/ knight /nait/ comb /kɔʊm/ pneumonia /njʊ’mɔ:niә/ bamboo /bæm’bu:/ van /væn/ of /әv/ with /wi/ doctor /’dɔktә(r)/ earned /з:nd/ zip /zip/ visual /’vizjʊәl/ usual /’jʊʒʊәl/ gene /dʒi:n/ jam /dʒæz/ gain /gein/ lamp /læmp/ mammal /’mæmәl/ number /nmbә/ thank /θæŋk/ thing /θiŋ/ ring /riŋ/ wine /wain/ whistle /’wisәl/ yearly /’jiәli/ unit /’ju:nit/ hour /aʊә/ knit /nit/ climb /klaim/ psychology /sai’kɔ:lɔdʒi/ band /bænd/ victory /vlktәri/ of /әv/ though /әʊ/ dancer /dænsә(r)/ cancelled /’kænsәld/ zealot /’zelәt/ teachers /ti:tʃәz/ usually /’jʊʒʊәli/ age /eidʒ/ joyful /dʒɔifʊl/ girl /gз:l/ light /lait/ Monday /’mndei/ noise /nɔis/ sink /siŋk/ ceiling /’si:liŋ/ reader /’ri:dә/ wing /wiŋ/ whisper /’wispә/ youth /ju:θ/ university /ju:ni’v з:siti/ heir /aiә/ known /nɔʊn/ debt /det/ psychiatrist /sai’kiәtrist/ 2.3 The clusters of consonants (Kí hiệu phiên âm chùm phụ âm): Symbols of the sounds (Kí hiệu) / s+ / / p+ / / t+ / / k+ / / b+ / / g+ / / d+ / / f+ / / + / Các kết hợp khác In letters (Chữ thể hiện) / sp / / st / / sk / / sf / / sm / / sn / / sw / / sj / / pl / / pr / / pj / / tr / / tw / / tj / / kl / / kr / / kw / / kj / / bl / / br / / bj / / gl / / gr / / dr / / dw / / dj / / fl / / fr / / fj / / r / / w / / vj / / mj / / ∫r / / nj / / spr / / spl / / skr / / str / / skj / / stj / / spj / / skw / Examples in words (Ví dụ cụ thể từ) speak /spi:k/ start /sta:t/ school /skʊl/ sphere /sfiә/ small /smɔl/ snow /snәʊ/ sweet /swi:t/ super /sjʊpә/ plump /plmp/ proud /praʊd/ pure /pjʊә/ train /trein/ twice /twais/ tube /tjʊb/ class /kla:s/ cream /kri:m/ quite /kwait/ cure /kjʊә/ blow /blәʊ/ bring /briŋ/ beauty /’bjʊti/ glass /gla:s/ grow /grәʊ/ dream /dri:m/ dwell /dwel/ duty /djʊti/ flow /flәʊ/ fry /frai/ furious /’fjʊriәs/ throw /θrәʊ/ thwart /wæt/ view /vjʊ/ mute /mjʊt/ shrimp /∫rimp/ nude /njʊd/ spread /spred/ splash /splæʃ/ scream /scri:m/ stream /stri:m/ scuba /’skjʊbә/ student /’stjʊdnt/ spume /spjʊ:m/ square /skweә/ spoil /spɔil/ stand /stænd/ skill /skil/ spheral /sfiәrәl/ smash /smæʃ/ sneeze /sni:z/ swim /swim/ superadd /’sjʊpәræd/ apply /ә’plai/ propose /’prɔpәʊs/ purely /’pjʊәli/ treat /tri:t/ twerp /twз:p/ tubal /’tjʊ:bәl/ clean /kli:ns/ cry /krai/ quit /kwit/ cute /kjʊt/ blame /bleim/ bride /braid/ beautify /’bjʊtifai/ glim /glim/ great /greit/ dread /dred / dweller /dwelә/ dutiful /djʊtifʊl/ fly /flai/ fright /frait/ few /fjʊ/ through /θru:/ thwack /wæk/ interview /’intәvjʊ/ mutual /mjʊtʊәl/ shriek /∫ri:k/ nudist /’njʊdist/ sprawl /sprɔ:l/ splat /splæt/ scree /scri: / strawy /strɔ:i/ scuba /’skjʊbә/ stupid /’stjʊpid/ spue /spjʊ:/ squarer /’skweәrә/ speaker /’spri:kә/ stay /stei/ scan /skæn/ biosphere /baiә’sfiә/ smell /smel/ sneaky /’sni:ki/ swan /swɔn/ superably /’sjʊpәreibli/ please /pli:s/ produce /prә’djʊs/ purify /’pjʊrәfai/ treatment /tri:tmәnt/ twicer /’twaisә/ tuber /’tjʊ:bә/ clame /kleim/ creative /kri:’eitiv/ quest /kwest/ cutely /kjʊtli/ bleach /bli:tʃ/ bridge /bridʒ/ beautiful /’bjʊtifʊl/ glance /gla:ns/ groom /gru:m/ dreadful /’dredfʊl/ dwelt /dwel/ dutifully /djʊtifʊli/ flame /fleim/ fridge /fridʒ/ furiously /’fjʊriәsli/ threat /θret/ thwack /wæk/ preview /pri’vjʊ/ music /mjʊzik/ shrill /∫ril/ nudism /’njʊdizm/ spray /sprei/ splashy /splæʃi/ screen /scri:n/ streak /stri:k/ scuba /’skjʊbә/ studio /’stjʊdiәʊ/ spumous /spjʊ:mәs/ squander /’skwɔdә/ BÀI TẬP THỰC HÀNH Exercise 1: Find the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others of the same group A candy B sandy C many D handy A earning B learning C searching D clearing A pays B stays C says D plays A given B risen C ridden D whiten A cough B tough C rough D enough A accident B jazz C stamp D watch A this B thick C maths D thin A gas B gain C germ D good A bought B naught C plough D thought 10 A forks B tables C beds D windows 11 A handed B booked C translated D visited 12 A car B coach C century D cooperate 13 A within B without C clothing D strengthen 14 A has B bag C dad D made 15 A kites B catches C oranges D buzzes 16 A student B stupid C study D studio 17 A wealth B cloth C with D marathon 18 A brilliant B trip C tripe D tip 19 A surgeon B agent C engine D regard 20 A feather B leather C feature D measure Exercise 2: Find the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others of the same group A geology B psychology C classify D photography A idiom B ideal C item D identical A children B child C mild D wild A both B myth C with D sixth A helped B booked C hoped D waited A name B natural C native D nation A blood B food C moon D pool A comb B plumb C climb D disturb A thick B though C thank D think 10 A flour B hour C pour D sour 11 A dictation B repetition C station D question 12 A dew B knew C sew D few 13 A asked B helped C kissed D played 14 A smells B cuts C opens D plays 15 A decided B hatred C sacred D warned 16 A head B break C bread D breath 17 A blood B tool C moon D spool 18 A height B fine C tidy D cliff 19 A through B them C threaten D thunder 20 A fought B country C bought D ought Exercise 3: Find the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others of the same group A moon B pool C door D cool A any B apple C hat D cat 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 A book A pan A table A host A dear A work A name A how A harm A brought A call A measure A drought A builds A deal A supported A unity A climber B blood B woman B lady B most B beard B coat B flame B town B wash B ought B curtain B decision B fought B destroys B teach B approached B suite B subtle C look C sad C labor C cost C beer C go C man C power C call C thought C cell C pleasure C brought C occurs C break C noticed C studious C debtor D foot D man D captain D post D heard D know D fame D slow D talk D though D contain D permission D bought D prevents D clean D finished D volume D probable Exercise 4: Find the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others of the same group A loved B appeared C agreed D coughed A thereupon B thrill C threesome D throne A chin B chaos C child D charge A wasted B practiced C laughed D jumped A coast B most C lost D whole A energy B gain C gesture D village A population B nation C question D station A meat B sweat C leaf D seat A antibiotic B pant C ant D want 10 A height B myth C type D climb 11 A bush B rush C pull D lunar 12 A bought B sought C drought D fought 13 A killed B cured C crashed D waived 14 A thunder B prefer C grocer D louder 15 A tells B talks C stays D steals 16 A stomach B watch C change D church 17 A attacks B repeats C roofs D trays 18 A drought B fought C brought D bought 19 A builds B destroys C occurs D prevents 20 A name B nation C native D natural ... /’lɔiәl/ The symbols of the consonant sounds (Các kí hiệu phiên âm phụ âm) : 2.1 The symbols of voiceless consonants (Kí hiệu phiên âm phụ âm vô thanh): Symbols In of the letters Examples in words sounds... homeless /’hәʊmlis/ wholesale /’hɔʊlseil/ 2.2 The symbols of voiced consonants (Kí hiệu phiên âm phụ âm hữu thanh): Symbols of the sounds (Kí hiệu) /b/ /v/ // /d/ /z/ /ʒ/ / dʒ / /g/ /l/ /m/ /n/... /nɔʊn/ debt /det/ psychiatrist /sai’kiәtrist/ 2.3 The clusters of consonants (Kí hiệu phiên âm chùm phụ âm) : Symbols of the sounds (Kí hiệu) / s+ / / p+ / / t+ / / k+ / / b+ / / g+ / / d+ / / f+