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PHÂN TÍCH BẢN CHẤT CỦA HAI HỌC THUYẾT VỀ TẠO ĐỘNG LỰC CHO NGƯỜI LAO ĐỘNG TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION I ANALYSIS THE NATURE OF THE TWO THEORIES IN CREATING MOTIVATE FOR WORKER Maslow's theory of needs pyramid HERZBERG’s two factor theory The relationship between theory of Maslow and Herzberg's theory II CONTACT PRACTICE AT HANOI VIP EDUCATION SYSTEM .5 Negative issues about employee motivation .6 Analysis of motivation based on the theory III SOME SOLUTION TO IMPROVE THE NEGATIVE IN COMPANY .7 CONCLUSION REFERENCE LIST Organizational Behaviour Slide, Associate Professor Dr Tran Van Binh Website:http://vi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Th%C3%A1p_nhu_c%E1%BA%A7u_c%E1%BB%A7a_Maslow Website: http://www.dinhpsy.com/2011/11/thuyet-nhu-cau-cua-maslow.html .9 Website: http://tailieu.vn INTRODUCTION Today, in every business, organization in general, we can not any mention the major force it's employees They are the workers and employees who directly or indirectly make the product or service Workers play an important role in the organization They bring success and profit for every business Therefore, the importance of employees is recognized and more pay attetion by the enterprise Many businesses have specific policies to retain their good employees and attract new talent ones To this, businesses must know the essential needs of the workers, the expectation of their employees Since then, the business can make the reward policy, encouragement, and timely support to create incentives for employees in the company Organization Behavior Subject is a very important subject for those who are working in an organization This course helps us to understand the psychological, desire of workers, give us the way to communicate efectively, behave well in business, help us learn how to make the decision In the time to study organizational behavior, I can apply knowledge in to my company that help us to see the good side which my company has done, and limitations sidet in creating motivation for employees In this my individual assignment, I would like to present the limitations in creating motivation in Hanoi VIP education system I ANALYSIS THE NATURE OF THE TWO THEORIES IN CREATING MOTIVATE FOR WORKER Maslow's theory of needs pyramid The need pyramid of Maslow was knew by a psychologist, economist Americans is Abraham Maslow in 1943 by the article "A Theory of Human Motivation" and is one of the most important theories of business management, especiallyis the specific application of this theory in human resource management His theory to explain and show out the specific needs of people, from the essential needs such as the need for: conditions for food, shelter and living conditions to the higher demand as : demand for the safety, needs to be respected All this needs is Maslow arranged in the order arising from low to high in a pyramid structure The need pyramid of Maslow The need pyramid of Maslow is one of the important theories and applications in creating motivation for employees According to Maslow, employees as well as people need to be satisfied the essential necessities before occur of higher-level needs These needs are motivation to promote human behavior Maslow arranged in ascending order of needs as follows:  Physilogical needs  Safety Needs  Belonging needs  Esteem needs  Self actualization Physilogical needs: including the need to eat, sleep, accommodation This is the most basic needs and when these needs have not been met to the extent necessary to maintain life for employees; other needs have not yet been formed Safety needs: with the worker, firstly safety is the safety of life, then the working safety, occupational safety, economic safety This is the basic needs because if the employee not lived and worked in a safe environment and ensure, it is hard in order to they make the other work Belonging needs: including the need for the company, the management pay attention to them, encouragement, encouraging, given appropriate training policies Esteem needs: Workers expect to receive encouragement, praise and commendation from the company where they are working for the good job, their efforts This helps to encourage the spirit of striving of every employee in the company Self actualization: This is the highest demand in Maslow's need pyramid The employees look forward to the company or organization where they are working to create all the conditions for them to grow both in terms of professional qualifications, relationships within the organization and the position HERZBERG’s two factor theory Psychologist Frederick Herzberg gave an explanation of motivation to promote the human activities is different with Maslow theory Herzberg gave two groups of factors that affect the working processes of each employee in business are:  A group of factors have impact to maintain the operation of the people This group only works to maintain a good status, but they not make people work better These factors include salary, management, supervision, working conditions and policies of the enterprise All employees are expected to receive wages commensurate with their strength, the company is managed properly and their working conditions are comfortable When these factors are met, sometimes the workers consider it of course But without them, they will become unhappy and affecting work  The second group is the factor has effect as the motivation, and these factors will promote the individual in the organization to work better These include achievement, challenge, responsibility, advancement and growth The push factors are factors related to job content and maintain factors that related to the scope of work When it is lack of motivation factors, workers will express their dissatisfaction, laziness and lack of interest in work The relationship between theory of Maslow and Herzberg's theory In the theory about needs pyramid of Maslow and Herzberg's two-factor theory are referring to the common elements in order to promote capacity development in the work process of the employee Both theories refer to the demand and the necessary to create motivation for employees Basically, two theories of Maslow and Herzberg have very close relationships with each other If the two-factor theory of Herzberg is mentioned to maintain elements are: working conditions, wages, policies are essential to maintain the operation, in Maslow's theory these factors to be addressed are the first necessities: living needs, safety needs The work motivation factors include promotion; the development is the same as the needs are respected, self actualization needs of Maslow II CONTACT PRACTICE AT HANOI VIP EDUCATION SYSTEM Hanoi VIP educational system was established in 2006 includes all the levels from kinder garden school, elementary school, middle school and high school After nearly six years of operation, the number of school staff, including managers and staff working in the office of 110 people Number of teachers from kindergarten up to secondary school is 150 teachers including 80 official teachers at the school and 70 teachers with short contract During two years work at Hanoi VIP Education system, I could give some negatives in creating motivate for employees of the whole system as follows:  Negative issues about employee motivation Salary policies are not really suitable with the employee Employee's salary in the whole system in general is still very low compared to the same operational model  The policy for employees of the entire VIP system is not specific and clear The company does not implement with the regulations on social insurance for workers This affects the interests of all employees in the company, amd impact directly to the psychological It makes the employees feel not satisfied with the company  The company does not provide specific regulations for remuneration; reward so it makes the employees in the company has no incentive to develop Some of the company's employees get basic training, have good working ability and creativity but due to the arrange of the job, the work environment and also due to the company's remuneration is not good cause keeping them in the company is very difficult  The training policy, enhance professional knowledge is very limited This makes the employees of company not have the motivation to high efficiency   The company's leaders are not interested in the spiritual life of the employees Analysis of motivation based on the theory According to Maslow's theory, biological needs, including the need for food, accommodation and daily necessities today However the salary which the company pays for the employee is low compare with the inflation rate, the consumer price rate, with this salary level is difficult to ensure employees a full life without having to worry about meals, accommodation and activities  The company also does not make insurance for employees According to Maslow's theory, the need for security here can not be guaranteed No insurance, employees are not entitled to sick, sickness, accident, pregnant women cause they not feel protected by an organization This has a huge impact on the psychology of employees, causing them to feel depressed and not want to contribute to the organization According to Herzberg's two-factor theory, the dynamic factors have not been  promoted in the company The company does not have reward policies, specific treatment and training so employees not have the motivation in order to strive and effort III SOME SOLUTION TO IMPROVE THE NEGATIVE IN COMPANY Motivation is an important factor and the businesses and managers are very interested Motivate for employees to help promote the work and provide high efficiency If workers are working in an environment which have good favorable policies will motivate them to strive and its work To motivate the employees in the entire employee in the company, the company needs to understand the importance of motivation The leaders must know the needs and expectations of employees to make appropriate policy For the VIP education system, the board should have a number of policies as follows:  The company needs to give regulations reward and remuneration for each particular case For example: For the employees who work long years in the company, the company should have an annual salary increasely In addition the company should create conditions for the employees to improve, try with the new job to encourage them to strive to work  For qualified staff, the company should create conditions for them by the way arrange work reasonability, assigned to them more challenging work in order to they themselves strive, strive and can express themselves  The ompany need to provide clearly regulations on compensation and through the entire staff know Higher wages to ensure the currently minimum spend Beside it, the salary regulation need to se specificlly  The company needs to give policies for women employees follow by labour law  The manager should pay more attention to the spiritual life of employees, regularly visit, encourage and participate in the general activities of the company union to shorten the distance with the entire staff CONCLUSION Nowaday, creating motivation for employees in organizations is not a new problem However, these problems have not been the organizations, businesses focused and pay attention As well as the situation in Hanoi VIP education system, a lot of companies are not interested in creating motivation for employees; they not realize the importance and significance of this work This issue lead to a lot of employees in the organization only work in a short time and always switch jobs until they find a location, an organization that suits them Through the course of organizational behavior by Associate Professor Dr Tran Van Binh teaching has helped me realize the importance of creating motivation for employees Sincerely thank the professors and him's lectures during the learning process REFERENCE LIST Organizational Behaviour Slide, Associate Professor Dr Tran Van Binh Website:http://vi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Th%C3%A1p_nhu_c%E1%BA%A7u_c %E1%BB%A7a_Maslow Website: http://www.dinhpsy.com/2011/11/thuyet-nhu-cau-cua-maslow.html Website: http://tailieu.vn ... This is the most basic needs and when these needs have not been met to the extent necessary to maintain life for employees; other needs have not yet been formed Safety needs: with the worker, firstly... Maslow, employees as well as people need to be satisfied the essential necessities before occur of higher-level needs These needs are motivation to promote human behavior Maslow arranged in ascending... policies to retain their good employees and attract new talent ones To this, businesses must know the essential needs of the workers, the expectation of their employees Since then, the business

Ngày đăng: 17/12/2018, 15:49



