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PHÂN TÍCH VAI TRỊ SỰ CẦN THIẾT CỦA XÂY DỰNG CHIẾN LƯỢC KINH DOANH CONTENT With the competitive environment of global nature as at present, to take the victory in the market, whether domestic or international markets, businesses must have effective business strategy Many businesses have been successful thanks to effective business strategy but also many businesses have failed because there is no strategy for their business Business strategy is extremely important for the existence and operation of the business, it set out big goals, planning a business venture or investment, or of a business before a new phase now A good business strategy pointing out all the issues necessary to prepare before the implementation of the project and what to (action plan) for implementing business processes Business strategy is to build good help businesses get more profit, there is a safe foothold in the business, proactively adapt to the business environment Therefore, in its business activities, enterprises need to develop a strategy for their business in accordance with the conditions and circumstances of each particular, this is a necessary requirement for any public enterprises Prior to the analysis of some of the basic benefits of the strategy, we need to find out what the strategy is and why you should build strategy? Strategic Management: Page Is a set of management decisions and actions determine the long-term performance of a company Management strategies include continuous action: review environment (both internal and external); strategy development; strategy implementation and evaluation of strategic control Therefore, the research emphasis on strategies to monitor and evaluate the opportunities and external threats in the context of strength and weakness within Strategic management is the originating business policy, strategic management topics combined long-term planning strategy However, contrary to strategic management business policy-oriented general management, primarily inward interested in the integration between the functional activities of the organization Meanwhile, strategic management is not only concerned with the integration of internal functions like business policy, but more emphasis on the environment and strategy Therefore, we use the term strategic business policies instead Necessity of strategies: A question is posed with many managers is "Why should businesses have a strategy?" To answer this question, Mintzberg (1987) explains four basic reasons to help managers and scientists to better understand the role of strategy for the organization in general and for a joint particular industry According to Mintzberg, businesses need to have a strategy because strategy allows: - Establish long-term oriented business; - Focus efforts on implementing business tasks to achieve desired goals; - Specify the type of organization and action-oriented goals set out; - Develop strong computer and organizational harmony Business strategy plays an important role for the existence and development of every business Sound business strategy will produce a good direction for the business, the business strategy can be seen as a guide to lead the way in the right direction now In fact, there are many small businesses have the right business strategy that achieves success, surpassing competitors and make their position in the marketplace Business strategy brings many benefits to the enterprise, its importance is reflected in the following aspects Business strategy to help businesses orient its activities in the future Page through analyzing and forecasting business environment Business activity is always subject to the influence of external factors and internal Business strategy to help businesses both proactive flexibility to adapt to the fluctuations of the market, while also ensuring that business operations and development in the right direction That can help businesses to strive for the goal of improving its position in the market Business strategy to help businesses grasp opportunities as well as a full range of risk for the development of enterprise resources It helps businesses exploited and rational use of resources, promote the strength of the business Strategy creates a trajectory for business operations, business associates are helping individuals with different interests together towards a common goal, and business development It creates a close link between staff and between managers and staff Thereby strengthening and further enhance the enterprise's internal resources Strategic business tool is efficient competition of enterprises In the conditions of globalization and economic integration now makes the influence and mutual interdependence between business enterprises Process itself has created fierce competition between firms in the market In addition to the competitive factors such as price, quality, advertising, marketing, businesses still use as a strategic business tool to compete effectively Benefit of the strategy: - Provide an opportunity to look at the future of the business but it contrast with the current operations of the business or considering the performance of the business in the past Generally, we not spend enough time thinking about the future of the business because we are bogged down in the daily operations This process will ensure you take the time to it; - Focusing organized around activities important for businesses; - Communicate to all stakeholders will now know where to go, what to focus on and resources will be allocated somewhere; - Create a structure for securing approval and funding for initiatives to support business strategy; - Provide a framework for business planning details on all business units and departments within the organization; Page - To facilitate the necessary changes in the organization; Develop a strategy to bring true benefit to the enterprise? If a business built a true strategic, specific and successful implementation, according to my personal opinion that businesses will achieve the following basic benefits: First: There is a place in the market; Second: Providing brand and corporate reputation; Thirdly: profitable and long-term commitment of the employees and the enterprise a The first benefit: "There is a place on the market" In the context of the country is difficult, due to the global economic downturn, the business activities of enterprises difficulties, tightening consumer spending, manufacturing goods are not sold out , making a large amount of inventory, no money to maintain production Many businesses have closed and declared bankruptcy because of tightened bank debt, many businesses pay employees by the products they make, for example chili, candy, wine, seasoning But some downsizing right now, for alternating holidays, please suspend premiums for employees because there is no money But there are also many businesses still operate normally and profitable high, the staff of life is guaranteed Why they still exist and have been consuming market share in this difficult period, because it is the survival of the business community to the rigors of the market has made the business decision, the specific strategic actions and objectives clearly They are passionate people and desire to win, their collective activity, so that strategies are needed to determine how to link the organizations activities Moreover, the strategy is not only to guide the activities of individuals in the organization to set objectives that need to be created to hold a particular value, a particular sense of the presence of joint now for members inside and outside factors As this is a plan or a model, and a particular position or prospects, strategies are needed to determine the characteristics and specifies the nature of existence as well as the progress of the organization ; help members understand the role and significance of different organizations and institutions, other businesses For example: Page As we know the economic situation is in a difficult period greatly affected the business activities in which the real estate sector , many companies had to bankruptcy because not a sale , the real estate companies are racing to reduce the price of apartments, offering various promotional way to find customers but also few people interested During the difficult period that has now caused a " fever " in the market by selling 10 apartments with trieu/1m2 , business owners that Le Serenity In 2012, probably the year that the name Le Serenity ' hot ' than at any time A series of projects have been entrepreneurs discount " shock " " Shock " because for the first time in Hanoi have a commercial condominium project sold for $ 10 million m2 , cheaper price all social housing Dai Qing Project ( Ta Thanh Oai commune , Thanh Tri , Hanoi ) had made a " fever " in the rare earth market time was “frozen" at present By properly implement specific strategies such as : - Speeding, rapid turnover and enlist sales opportunities can be seen as success stories of businesses; - Apply advanced techniques, if applicable, the 1-month old technology can only be one story, but if new technologies are applied can progress times faster, ie month completed floor And so, the project's progress will be accelerated, the handover time is much shorter than in the past; - Enterprise also pay special attention to the location of the project Businesses are willing to pay high prices for one important position If there is a beautiful location can project high profitability Strategy "buy high sell higher in an important position," he always applied strictly to business; - When you have less capital and capital markets, should adopt strategies to sell cheap or cheaper to buy long-term business, cheap policy is a "way" best selling " - There are supplies, materials stability; - Restricting loans from banks, so the capital mobilization of its customers want to buy; - Is the policy reasonable price, depending on the vibrant or quiet; - Use of human resources in a reasonable manner; - Another reason which makes brands such as business reputation and product quality Page Thus, by the construction of specific strategies, action fast, seize good opportunities have created a real estate market but not new but very "hot" today The success of a business not only in the field of real estate, but also very successful businesses in the hospitality business with over 20 hotels across the country with quality 3-star or higher, and the number but he is rising in the next year b The second benefit: "Bring back the brand and business reputation" Today the world as well as in the country has a lot of companies associated with the famous brands that come with it is the quality of the product Example: Microsoft; Samsung; Toyota; Trung Nguyen Café; Duy Loi hammock ranked A successful brand, consumers know and admire will bring enormous benefits to the enterprise The value of a brand is profitable prospects that brand that gives businesses both now and in the future Besides, as has been wellknown brands, investors are not afraid to invest in the business; 's customers will now also ready to cooperate business, supply of raw materials and goods for businesses Brands are always intangibles and cost of business, branding is a long process and durable, require a specific strategy, depending on the circumstances reasonable and creativity , boldness of each business Branding process will be influenced by many different factors, both subjective and objective So it needs to have a specific strategy to be able to respond promptly to incidents that may occur It is important in building brand strategy is to come from the target's immediate and long term business So brand strategy is always associated with product strategy, associated with the investment strategy and financial plan of the business In fact, businesses can choose from brand strategy of the particular brand of goods to business or vice versa from general corporate brand to brand for each individual commodity To go from brand strategy to brand individual has developed general or particular brand has developed a common brand is the way that businesses often choose large (multi-brand Page strategy) The advantages of this approach is the ability to market faster, limiting the risk from a particular brand is not successful and rapid development of other brands thanks to a successful brand, but costs are large In today's market mechanism, analysis of an enterprise are the advantages and disadvantages of themselves so that navigating own suit has become a matter of survival Worldwide, one of the methods has long been famous enterprises preferred option is based on the SWOT matrix The accurate analysis of SWOT factors have brought more business success beyond expectations SWOT model is favored also by an important reason: Easy to implement in different phases and in accordance with any other business model; Especially for small and medium businesses In recent years, Vietnam has many enterprises have applied this model to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of business to find the right direction and success For example: Company Casumina, Hanoi Milk Company So when the market has been steady, stable, reliable partner, plus there is a brand and a product, the quality of business development at this time how the result has maintained that and bring profits to your business For example: Branding Strategy of Nike: "Just it" poster for Nike brand was launched in 1988.'s poster showed Craig Blanchette - wheelchair racer famous American (wheelchair racing only for athletes with a disability) - with the words powerful, concise "Just it!" (roughly translated: "Be bold you want!) This advertising strategy, Advertising Age magazine rated fourth in the best ad of the 20th century, just behind the Volkswagen ad campaign, Coca-Cola and Marlboro With this strategy Nike have hit on one of the most important psychological graves of Americans: rising asserted, the will to succeed despite all obstacles Page During the 1970s , Nike's sales jumped double , even triple the year , from 14 million to 71 million in 1978 and $ 280 million in 1980 , $ 900 million in 1983 1979 , half of the market for running shoes in the U.S is controlled by the Nike brand Next year Nike surpassed Adidas in the U.S market The main reason of this success is due to extraordinary Nike seized the moment : use jogging shoes market sports vacant since the mid-1970s Both Adidas and Reebok not pay attention to this market The main strategy of the Nike brand in this period focused on the three spearhead : branding around basketball superstar Michael Jordan , ad networks use across the country to create the overwhelming presence of Nike brand in all places , system development " Nike city " based on the idea of providing customers with a unique experience and very focused , " living in space Nike , Nike hear sound , look Nike found everywhere " It's no overstatement said that Nike has raised the branding strategy to a new level that competitors can rarely be reached c The third benefit: "Bringing profitability and loyalty of workers now" The development of sustainable enterprises is determined by the strategic planning specifically, clear vision, always act when really capture opportunities Choosing the right business strategy embodied in the product or service that business customers are always choices, no inventory, ensuring a stable customer base and are always increasing in stages, supply of goods for manufacturing enterprises ensure To ensure profitable and stable business life staff officers, the choice of strategy for each department and each individual to how a particular product or service when making incur lowest cost and most competitive price for example, should be applied as profitability measures such as striving to reduce production costs and lower product costs; saving materials; Proper use of effective capital management; have a team of skilled staff trained; introduce enhanced products to many consumers But a very important issue for business managers how to obtain a stable force production , not overturn destabilizing in the manufacturing process of such enterprises Page Thus the need for a long-term strategy and specific to retain their employees to stick with the job , stick with the business for example, a number of businesses in the major industrial zones in Ho Chi Minh City each holiday, they finished the registration table workers employed for a number of workers after Tet holiday has not returned to work , directly affecting continued production of enterprises Avoid circumstances that happen to your business , some companies have made positive strategies such as building accommodation for workers , increased allowances , rental car initiative for home workers Tet In short, if a business is whether activity in any field no matter what, want their businesses operate better, not subjected to risk, the need to develop a proper strategy and this work requires asked a lot of effort, time and money-minded to creative thinking and vision is to have the macro for related professions For those involved in developing the strategy for a business, need to have the following conditions: - Understand the current market, understand competitors, closely to the needs of customers; - Understand the business itself, core competencies, advantages as well as disadvantages; - Understand the elements of the business environment have an impact on business operations of the enterprise; - General knowledge, broad vision for the sector, the professions can be related to business activities, including the potential market in the future; - Understand the strategic planning process; - Experience in strategic planning to implementation and completion schedule References: - Documents lecture courses in strategic management - Dr Vu Thanh Hung, University of National Economics - http://saga.vn, - http://tailieu.vn, http://infotv.vn/, http://com.vn - http://www.taichinhvietnam.com - http://vneconomy.vn, http://marketingchienluoc.com Page - http://vietbao.vn/Xa-hoi/Chien-luoc-xay-dung-thuong-hieu-cua-Nike-Just-doit/40004569/157/ Page 10 ... obstacles Page During the 19 70s , Nike's sales jumped double , even triple the year , from 14 million to 71 million in 19 78 and $ 280 million in 19 80 , $ 900 million in 19 83 19 79 , half of the market... period that has now caused a " fever " in the market by selling 10 apartments with trieu/1m2 , business owners that Le Serenity In 2 012 , probably the year that the name Le Serenity ' hot ' than... Page - http://vietbao.vn/Xa-hoi/Chien-luoc-xay-dung-thuong-hieu-cua-Nike-Just-doit/40004569 /15 7/ Page 10

Ngày đăng: 11/12/2018, 14:13


