B Effective use of social media like Twitter can build a company's brand and extend its Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 6 AASCB: Written and oral communication 12 Good business communication
A) posting updates on Facebook to keep in touch with geographically distant friends and familyB) emailing your employer to confirm scheduling issues
C) speaking to your mother on the phone
D) gesturing across the table to a friend to get him to stop telling the story he has begun
E) reciting a list of dates to memorize them for an upcoming exam
Answer: E
Explanation: E) All of the other choices are examples of the complex process of communication:planning, creating, delivering, and interpreting messages This choice is simply a means to learn and retain information
Diff: 1 Type: MC Page Ref: 3
AASCB: Written and oral communication
2) The communication skills you already possess in the workplace
A) will likely hamper your attempts to communicate
B) are inapplicable to communication
C) are most likely sufficient to meet the challenges of communication
D) will be valuable to you for communicating
E) must all be unlearned if you want to successfully communicate
Answer: D
Explanation: D) The communication skills you have already developed will be valuable to you
in the workplace, where communication is considered to be the most important of all abilities you can possess However, your current skills may not be sufficient to meet many challenges of communicating in the workplace
Diff: 1 Type: MC Page Ref: 3
AASCB: Reflective thinking
3) Which of the following is NOT an example of communication?
A) texting a colleague that you will be a few minutes late for your meeting
B) tweeting that you are headed to a concert in the park
C) updating your page on a social networking site
D) listening to classic tunes on an MP3 player
E) whispering to a friend that her comments may be perceived as rude
Answer: D
Explanation: D) All of the other choices are examples of the complex process of
communication: planning, creating, delivering, and interpreting messages In this choice you are using an electronic device to listen to music, but are not seeking to share information with others
Trang 24) Which of the following workplace activities is NOT one in which your communication skills will be utilized?
A) calculating whether sales are up this quarter using the latest figures
B) explaining why sales were down last quarter
C) persuading your colleagues that your idea will likely lead to increased sales
D) ensuring that your department understands that increasing sales is the top priority
E) discussing your employee's poor sales figures without making her feel defensive
Answer: A
Explanation: A) All of the other choices represent situations in which you will need to use your communication skills Computing sales figures from data is not an example of communication.Diff: 1 Type: MC Page Ref: 3
AASCB: Written and oral communication
5) In a survey report for the Canadian Council of Chief Executives (CCCE), what skills were given the highest priority for needs?
Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 4
AASCB: Interpersonal relations and teamwork
6) In a survey of over 900 employers by the Canadian Association of Career Educators and Employers, which skills were ranked the top two out of 20 skill sets?
A) leadership skills and communication skills
B) flexibility and entrepreneurial skills
C) communication skills and teamwork skills
D) teamwork skills and strategic planning skills
E) strong work ethic and initiative
Answer: C
Explanation: C) These were the top ranked skills sets
Diff: 1 Type: MC Page Ref: 5
AASCB: Written and oral communication
Trang 3Ryan, a recent college graduate, possess exemplary written and oral communication skills He always received top marks on the papers he wrote as part of his course work and was a
successful member of the school debate team
7) As he begins his job search, Ryan can expect that
A) his effectiveness as a communicator will give him a competitive advantage
B) he will not stand out from the pack, as most post-secondary graduates possess similar
communication skills
C) employers will not be unduly impressed by these skills, as most people in the workplace have mastered them
D) this ability might hinder his chances as a job candidate
E) his speaking skills will be a plus for him, but writing skills are taken for granted in the
Answer: A
Explanation: A) Ironically, although communication skills are important, few people in the workplace have mastered them A 2015 survey of British Columbian employers, for instance, found a high level of concern with regard to finding employees with communication skills.Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 5
AASCB: Written and oral communication
8) In terms of his career, Ryan's communication skills
A) won't help him find a job but will help him keep it
B) will give him prestige in his job but won't make any difference in his salary potential
C) will be perceived as valuable by his employers but cannot translate into monetary savings for his company
D) may give him an opportunity to produce documents that save money or generate income for his firm
E) may have a positive impact on his professional life but a negative impact on his personal lifeAnswer: D
Explanation: D) Even a small change in communication can have a large return on investment for an organization, enabling it to save money or generate income A skilled communicator can also improve a company's public image and employee satisfaction, can earn up to three times as much as a poor communicator, and can apply their communication skills their personal life as well
Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 6
AASCB: Written and oral communication
Trang 49) Research confirms that communication can help your career and your employer in all of the following ways EXCEPT which of the following?
A) Communication skills will help you find a job
B) Communication skills will make employers overlook that you don't have the necessary qualifications for a job
C) Communication skills will make you a more valuable employee
D) Communication skills can improve your salary
E) Communication skills can have a positive impact on your life outside of work
Answer: B
Explanation: B) Because communication is a valued commodity in the workplace, it can
enhance your professional and personal success Research confirms that it will help your career and your employer in all of the ways described in the other choices
Diff: 1 Type: MC Page Ref: 6-7
AASCB: Written and oral communication
Kaylin just graduated from college in June For the last three years she successfully ran a small business at her school Her business arranged for the delivery of personalized birthday cakes and other gifts to students in her school Since many of these students were from out of the province
or even out of the country, this service provided a way for their family and friends back home to celebrate special occasions Kaylin used social media like Facebook and Twitter to remind potential customers of upcoming birthdays and other gift-giving occasions such as holidays or campus events (care packages for mid-term exams, picnic packs to celebrate the arrival of spring after a snowy winter, etc.)
10) Prospective employers are likely to
A) admire Kaylin's initiative but see little application to a "real job"
B) think Kaylin should have focused on her studies while at school instead of on a side ventureC) expect that Kaylin, as a successful entrepreneur, will have experience with many types of business communication
D) place little value on a hobby that did not lead to many valuable skills
E) impress upon Kaylin that real business communication will be very different from what she engaged in as an entrepreneur
Answer: C
Explanation: C) If you run your own small business as an entrepreneur, your communication abilities will be especially critical since most of the communication responsibilities will fall squarely on your shoulders
Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 6
AASCB: Written and oral communication
Trang 511) How might companies view Kaylin's experience with social media?
A) While Facebook is a good way to keep in touch with family and friends, it does not have significance in the workplace
B) Effective use of social media like Twitter can build a company's brand and extend its
Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 6
AASCB: Written and oral communication
12) Good business communication skills
A) can have a positive impact on your life outside of work
B) will help advance your career but will hinder your personal relationships
C) are inapplicable to your personal life
D) will improve personal relationships, although they offer no financial benefits in your life outside of work
E) are not worth the investment of time and energy necessary to acquire them
Answer: A
Explanation: A) If you learn good business communication skills, you can apply them in your personal life to improve your relationships You may also be able to use them to negotiate a better deal on a car, persuade your cell phone provider to give you a refund, or write an effective application letter for graduate school
Diff: 1 Type: MC Page Ref: 6
AASCB: Interpersonal relations and teamwork
Trang 613) Good business communication skills can have a positive impact on your life outside of work through all of the following applications EXCEPT .
A) negotiating a better deal on a car
B) convincing your landlord to refund your security deposit
C) persuading a merchant to give you a refund
D) calculating your monthly expenses
E) writing an effective application essay for graduate school
Answer: D
Explanation: D) All of the other choices involve developing, creating, delivering, and
interpreting verbal and nonverbal messages Computing your monthly expenses involves
numbers and calculations, not conversation and persuasion
Diff: 1 Type: MC Page Ref: 6
AASCB: Interpersonal relations and teamwork
14) Which of the following is NOT a form of social media?
Diff: 1 Type: MC Page Ref: 6
AASCB: Interpersonal relations and teamwork
15) Why is it that many students do NOT acquire sufficient communication skills as they pass through school?
A) Business communication is complex, even for dedicated students
B) Most schools don't offer any business communication courses
C) Business communication is an innate skill that cannot be taught
D) You're either a good communicator or you're not
E) Since many students perceive it to be such a difficult course, they are discouraged from takingit
Answer: A
Explanation: A) Some students do not take business communication courses, while others do but
do not devote enough time to understanding what communication involves because they think it
is an "easy" course However, even for a dedicated student communicating well in a business context is complex
Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 7
AASCB: Written and oral communication
Trang 716) Which of the following is an example of unsuccessful communication?
A) ordering an item online and deciding after it arrives that you don't like it
B) asking a friend for advice and then trying to apply it to your problem
C) getting instructions on how to put something together and then assembling the item
D) making an urgent request on a colleague's voice mail and getting no reply for a week
E) writing a letter to a manufacturer complaining about a recent purchase and receiving a
discount on a future purchase
Answer: D
Explanation: D) In this example your urgent request goes unanswered Your colleague may havemisunderstood your request or your message may have been unclear There might even have been a technical problem with the recording or playing of the message
Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 7
AASCB: Written and oral communication
17) Which of the following statements best expresses the goal of communication?
A) The goal of communication is for a receiver to decode a message
B) The goal of communication is for a sender to transmit a message
C) The goal of communication is to develop shared meaning by communicating in a dynamic loop
D) The goal of communication is to select the appropriate channel for sending an encoded message
E) The goal of communication is to maximize the potential for feedback
Answer: C
Explanation: C) The goal of communication is not just for a sender to transmit a message to a receiver, but for a sender and receiver to develop shared meaning by communicating in a
dynamic loop, sending messages back and forth
Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 7
AASCB: Written and oral communication
18) Which of the following is an example of encoding a message?
A) deciding how to phrase a request to your boss for clarification on your new assignment
B) deciding that text messaging is an inappropriate medium for communicating with your
C) deciding to purchase a new smartphone so that you can check and send email while you are
on the go
D) deciding to toss out an advertisement that was mailed to you
E) deciding to read an email sent by a friend
Answer: A
Explanation: A) Communication begins when the sender has something to "say" to a receiver Tocommunicate this thought, the sender must encode the message—put it into words, images, or
Trang 819) Deciding that an email is the best way to request information from a colleague for the proposal you are writing is an example of which step of the communication process?
A) sender encodes a message
B) sender selects a medium
C) receiver decodes the message
D) receiver encodes feedback
E) sender and receiver close the communication loop
Answer: B
Explanation: B) The sender transmits a message to the receiver through a medium (a channel used to transmit the message), such as a face-to-face conversation, a phone conversation, a letter,
or an email message
Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 7
AASCB: Written and oral communication
20) When you your message to the receiver, you also need to
A) encode; decode
B) encode; choose your medium
C) decode; choose your medium
D) decode; prepare feedback
E) encode; close the dynamic loop
Answer: B
Explanation: B) To communicate your idea to the receiver, you must encode the message; that
is, put it into words, images, or actions While you do this, you also need to choose your medium(e.g., a phone conversation, an email, etc.)
Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 7
AASCB: Written and oral communication
21) The medium you choose to transmit your message
A) makes no difference in how your message will be received
B) will always be determined by your company's policy
C) depends solely upon which method you are most comfortable with
D) should take into account how the receiver will best process the information
E) should be selected after the receiver decodes your message
Answer: D
Explanation: D) The medium you choose should depend on which one best supports the purpose
of your message, as well as how the receiver will best process that information The medium is chosen while you encode your message to the receiver, not after
Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 7
AASCB: Written and oral communication
Trang 922) The receiver decodes a message by .
A) putting it into words, images, or actions
B) selecting a channel through which to transmit it
C) interpreting its words or actions and attaching meaning to them
D) deciding which form of verbal or nonverbal response should be sent
E) closing the dynamic loop
Answer: C
Explanation: C) This meaning is filtered by the receiver's knowledge, experience, and context.Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 7
AASCB: Written and oral communication
23) The process of a message involves interpreting its words and actions and attachingmeaning to them
Explanation: B) The meaning that a receiver attaches to a message that she decodes is affected
by her knowledge, experience, and context
Diff: 1 Type: MC Page Ref: 7
AASCB: Written and oral communication
24) When a message is decoded, the meaning that is attached to it is filtered by which of the following?
A) the transmittal medium
B) the sender's experience
C) the receiver's knowledge
D) the feedback response
E) the dynamic loop
Answer: C
Explanation: C) The receiver decodes the message by interpreting the words and actions of a message and attaching meaning to them This meaning is filtered by the receiver's knowledge, experience, and context
Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 7
AASCB: Written and oral communication
Trang 10You email a fellow student requesting help on a class project and he sends a terse reply stating that he does not believe in cheating
25) Your classmate
A) doesn't understand how to use email appropriately
B) may have had a bad experience in the past that caused him to misinterpret your request
C) should have used another communication medium to signal a negative response
D) is correct that a request for help must imply cheating
E) should have ignored your email request
Answer: B
Explanation: B) The meaning that a receiver attaches to a message is filtered by his knowledge, experience, and context Since he read "help" and thought "cheat," he may have been asked in the past for help and found out that the classmate wanted to copy his work or have it done for him
Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 7
AASCB: Written and oral communication
26) This miscommunication might have been avoided if
A) you had been more specific about the type of help you wanted from your classmate
B) your classmate had angrily deleted your email instead of replying to you
C) you had used the same wording but sent your request as a letter instead of an email
D) you had been more vague in your message about what you wanted
E) your classmate went directly to your professor with his suspicions
Answer: A
Explanation: A) The meaning that a receiver attaches to a message is filtered by his knowledge, experience, and context Since he interpreted "help" to mean "cheat," he may have had a bad experience in the past involving cheating Avoiding ambiguity and specifying the help you wanted might have helped him understand that cheating is not what you intended
Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 7
AASCB: Written and oral communication
27) A(n) is any obstacle that gets in the way of effective communication
Explanation: D) There are many barriers that can obstruct effective communication, for example
a sender's ambiguity or a receiver's lack of knowledge
Diff: 1 Type: MC Page Ref: 7
AASCB: Written and oral communication
Trang 1128) Feedback .
A) must be verbal
B) can't include gestures
C) may request clarification
D) must be transmitted in the same medium as the original message
E) hinders the communication process
Answer: C
Explanation: C) Feedback is any form of verbal or nonverbal response to a message sent from the recipient to the original sender
Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 8
AASCB: Written and oral communication
29) Which of the following is NOT an example of feedback?
A) nodding your head in agreement as a colleague describes a possible solution to a problem B) giving the thumbs down gesture to a friend who asks your opinion of his new tie
C) sending a text message to your friend accepting the invitation to lunch that she just texted youD) forwarding a funny email that you just received to a group of friends
E) calling a client to discuss with them why the schedule they just faxed you will need some adjustments
Answer: D
Explanation: D) Feedback is any form of verbal or nonverbal response to a message sent from the recipient to the original sender All of the other choices are feedback This example does not involve a response to the original sender, but rather sharing information with a new audience.E)
Diff: 3 Type: MC Page Ref: 8
AASCB: Written and oral communication
30) Shaking your head in disapproval after your coworker makes a discriminatory statement is anexample of
Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 8
AASCB: Written and oral communication
Trang 1231) Hearing loss is an example of which type of barrier?
Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 8
AASCB: Written and oral communication
32) arise from language that is ambiguous or difficult to understand
Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 8
AASCB: Written and oral communication
33) If a new employee doesn't know what is expected of her when she is asked to review the P&L, a is interfering with effective communication
Explanation: C) A language barrier arises from senders and receivers not using a shared
language One example is someone new to a company or industry not understanding its jargon, for example the fact that a P&L is a profit and loss statement
Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 8
AASCB: Written and oral communication
Trang 1334) You joined a team just as it was finishing up a big and much anticipated project at your company You feel a little insecure as the team's newest member and the one who contributed theleast to this project At the next staff meeting your boss thanks you for all your hard work in making the project a success Instead of this making you feel good, you feel uncomfortable, interpreting the comment as a sarcastic remark about how little you actually participated in this project This is an example of a .
Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 8
AASCB: Written and oral communication
Padma, an avid home cook, has no culinary training or experience in professional kitchens After dining at her house one evening, her friend Tom is so impressed by her cooking that he gives Padma the opportunity to work in the restaurant he manages
35) On Padma's first night she is asked to help plate the appetizers for the 4-top that just arrived Padma freezes She doesn't understand that she is being asked to arrange the appetizers on the proper serving dishes, along with the necessary garnishes and condiments, for the table of four diners that just arrived at the restaurant This is an example of a
Explanation: C) A language barrier arises from senders and receivers not using a shared
language This does not necessarily mean that one is speaking English and the other Chinese A less obvious example of a language barrier is when someone new to a company or industry doesn't understand its jargon Not having worked in a restaurant before, Padma could not be expected to know what "plating" and "4-top" mean in this environment
Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 8
AASCB: Written and oral communication
Trang 1436) Padma is assisting with with the prep work for that evening's dinner service The chef asks her if the mise en place for the meat station is ready Padma answers no; she was asked to
assemble and prepare ingredients, not to do mise en place The chef storms off, angrily shouting for someone else to get it done Padma mentions this to a coworker, who informs her that the French term "mise en place" translates to "set in place," and signifies the set-up of ingredients needed for a particular dish or area of the kitchen Now Padma has to tell the angry chef that the job he just started someone else on is duplicating the prep work she has already done This is an example of a
Explanation: C) A language barrier arises from senders and receivers not using a shared
language In this case Padma is unfamiliar with the French term "mise en place." Even if she spoke French, she might not know that in professional kitchen jargon this term means something very specific, namely the set-up of ingredients needed for a particular dish or station
Diff: 3 Type: MC Page Ref: 8
AASCB: Written and oral communication
37) Padma is asked if she knows how to make a red wine reduction Padma looks down at her feet, quietly mumbles "sure," and starting wringing her hands Padma is confused when the job
of making the red wine reduction is assigned to someone else, as she answered affirmatively that she knew how to do it Which of the following is the best explanation of what happened here?A) A psychological barrier has obstructed communication; by answering quietly, Padma is signalled that she was offended by the request
B) A semantic barrier has occurred; since Padma answered "sure" instead of "yes," her answer was confusing
C) A language barrier has obstructed communication; Padma should have said "yes" in several different languages to ensure that she was understood
D) A physiological barrier has obstructed communication; by wringing her hands, Padma gave the impression that they hurt and that she could not perform the task
E) A mixed message has obstructed communication; Padma's verbal and nonverbal responses communicated different things
Answer: E
Explanation: E) Padma's answer was "yes," but her quiet tone did not express confidence, and looking down and hand-wringing further expressed discomfort with this request When verbal and nonverbal communications are at odds, a mixed message is said to have occurred
Diff: 3 Type: MC Page Ref: 8
AASCB: Interpersonal relations and teamwork
Trang 1538) Effective communication is also challenging because it takes place in a specific context, which is defined as .
A) a set of circumstances that influences the purpose of communication, the best medium to use, and how receivers interpret messages
B) a set of principles that guide decision-making and lead someone to do the right thing
C) a medium used to transmit a message
D) the process of working together to achieve a common goal
E) the act of influencing or convincing your audience to accept your position
Answer: A
Explanation: A) Effective communication is also challenging because it takes place in a specific context or set of circumstances that influence the purpose of communication, the best medium to use, and how receivers interpret the message
Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 9
AASCB: Application of knowledge
39) influences the purpose of communication, the best medium to use to communicatethe message, and how receivers interpret the message
Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 9
AASCB: Written and oral communication
40) Communication typically occurs
A) in a vacuum
B) between two people
C) between people with identical concerns
D) among multiple people with different contexts
E) among multiple people who encode and decode messages in exactly the same way
Answer: D
Explanation: D) Communication typically occurs among multiple people who encode and decode messages differently and who have different contexts, backgrounds, concerns, and agendas
Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 9
AASCB: Written and oral communication
Trang 1641) Oral communication methods are required for all of the following EXCEPT .A) one-on-one meetings
Diff: 1 Type: MC Page Ref: 9
AASCB: Written and oral communication
42) Caroline knows that while her oral presentation skills are stellar, her writing style could use abit of work Which of the following would be the best medium for Caroline to communicate effectively?
Diff: 1 Type: MC Page Ref: 9
AASCB: Written and oral communication
43) Questions such as, "What is your goal?" and "How can you organize your message to state and support your main point?" are related to which characteristic of effective business
Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 9
AASCB: Written and oral communication
Trang 1744) According to the text, which question is relevant to the strategic aspect of being an effective business communicator?
A) Is my message ethical?
B) What medium should I use for my message?
C) Am I communicating in a way that is appropriate to the situation?
D) Is my communication medium current with technology?
E) How can I make my message work with many cultures?
Answer: B
Explanation: B) All of these questions are related to being an effective communicator, but only this choice is relevant to the strategic aspect A strategic communicator is purposeful, audience-oriented, and (in many cases) persuasive
Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 9
AASCB: Written and oral communication
45) According to the text, considering whether your message is appropriate to the situation is related to which characteristic of effective business communicators?
Explanation: B) The professional aspect of effective communication deals with being
appropriate to the situation, being ethical, and being clear and concise
Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 10-13
AASCB: Written and oral communication
46) According to the text, which consideration is relevant to the adaptable characteristic of effective business communicators?
A) What do I want to accomplish with my message?
B) With whom should I communicate to accomplish my goal?
C) Is my message able to work with other cultures?
D) Is my message clear and concise?
E) Is my message ethical?
Answer: C
Explanation: C) The adaptable characteristic of effective communicators involves being current with technology, being able to work with other cultures, and being collaborative
Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 10-19
AASCB: Written and oral communication