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FERNS: BRITISH AND EXOTIC VOLUME VI CONTAINING ONOCLEA FADYENIA CYCLOPELTIS DIDYMOCHL^NA, ASPIDIUM, E.J.LOWE, ESQ, IN PART F.R.A.S., F.G.S., F.L.S., Hon Mem Dublin Nat Hist Soc, Mem Geolog Corr Mem Lyceum Nat Hist., New York, Corr Mem M.B.M.S., Soc Edinb., Manchester Lit and Phil Soc, etc LONDON: GROOMBRIDGE AND SONS, 5, M DCCC LVII PATERNOSTER ROW OWOCLEA SENSIBILIS, I-VOL C J.O.S TO HIS GRACE HENEY PELHAM-riENNES-PELHAM CLINTON, K.G., P.C, DUKE OF NEWCASTLE, LORD-LIEUTENANT OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM, A NOBLEMAN UNIVERSALLY BELOVED FOR HIS PUBLIC AND PRIVATE WORTH, THE 'XiTURAL HISTORY OF BRITISH AND EXOTIC FERNS' IS WITH PERMISSION DEDICATED BY HIS GRACES MOST OBEDIENT SERVANT THE AUTHOR CONTENTS OF VOL VL 17 Plate Page Onoclea sensibilis Fadyenia prolifera Cyclopeltis semicordata Didymochlsena tnincatula Aspidium acuminatum articulatum augescens capense 37 marginale 67 molle falcatum filix-raas 127 oreopteris proliferum pteroides 27 87 xxxi b 91 xvii 53 95 25 thelypteroides 77 thelj^Dteris xxvi 75 trifoliatum ix 33 unitum 29 vestitum 41 villosum 31 xxi 63 xli 109 xxxi a 89 xviii 55 xxix 85 xlvii 121 xxxviii 103 viii v vii xxvii xiv 97 39 xHv 115 xxv 73 xv 47 xii xxxiii vi pubescens 59 xiii, 65 119 XXX xx xxii xlvi podophyllum xxxiv, xxxv pungens rigidum spinulosum 123 mucronatum pumilum 83 xlviii 99 93 xxviii xxxvi xl 107 113 xxxix 105 111 xlv 117 falcinellum xlii elongatum 35 decurrens x decompositum dilatatum xlix 125 cristatum xi coriaceum xxiv coniifolium 19 coadunatum iv Goldianum Hookeri xxiii, cicutarium 15 loncliitis iii xliii xxxii macrophyllum Canariense glabellum 57 11 49 ii xvi angulare xix acrosticlioides aculeatum Plate Page, frondosum xxxvii 101 EEEATA Page Page Page IlSr YOL VI 53, for Polypodium ihlypteris, read Polypodium 63, for Polypodium heliopteris, read Polypodium 89, for Polypodium pumillum, read Polypodium pumilum ihelypteris heleopteris FERNS; AND EXOTIC BlilTISH ASPIDIE^ J Smith, In many instances the only difference between Polypodiece and Aspidiece is confined to the former having no indusium, whilst the latter is is furnished with an indusium; sometimes very small, and at others so this, however, soon detached from the sori, that fronds must be examined, the one with a micro- scope and the other at an early stage, in order that the difference from Polypodiece may be detected Mr Smith remarks that there are above two hundred described species of Aspidiece Aspidiece is distinguished from Aspleniece mostly circular instead of lateral sori, is and when the by having sori is lateral it attached across the venule, instead of longitudinally in the direction of the venules as in Aspleniece Sori circular, with one or two exceptions, where oblong is intramarginal, and has orbicular, cucullate, receptacle, YOL YI a special indusium, which is It either produced from the centre, (central,) or reniform or produced from the interior side of the sporangiferous (lateral,) or occasionally attached B all round the ASPIDIUM ARTICULATUM 126 Length of frond from fifty to sixty inches; colour deep green Introduced into the Royal Gardens, Kew, by Dr Gardner, in the year 1846 Fern I am indebted to Mr T Moore, Curator of the Botanic Gardens, Chelsea, and to Mr E, Sim, For fronds of this of Foot's Cray, Kent It may be procured of Messrs Veitch, of Chelsea; A Henderson, of Pine-apple Place; and Stansfield, of Todmorden The illustration is from a frond forwarded by Mr T Moore, of Chelsea A SP I rIUM CCADU N AT r l-^ Pinna of barren Frond— under side COADUNATUM ASPIDIUM Hooker axd Greyille Wallich PLATE Sagenia coadunata, " Mppocrepis, " Macrodonta, Ajij)idiu?)i — Tke L Kuxze Smith VOL VI J S3IITH PeESL, Fee Skield Fern J {not 3I0OEE A^D HOULSTON of SWAKTZ.) Coadunalum —United Ix TPiE Section Sagexia of some Authors An evergreen stove Fern Xative of the East Indies and the island of Ceylon Fronds glabrous, bipinnate, triangularly-elongate in form; the pinncE also triangularly-elongate, acuminate, the inferior pinnules ASriDIUM COADUNATUM 128 being far apart; superior pinnules pinnatifid, having a profoundcrenate edge, and a decurrent base Sori somewhat reniform Veins pinnate, the venules anastomosing Fronds terminal, adherent to a stout, scaly, and somewhat creeping rhizoma Stipes at the base thickly scattered over with narrow scales Length of frond from twenty-four to thirty-six inches; colour pale green Introduced into the Royal Gardens, Kew, in 1845, by Mr G Gardner My thanks are due to Mr of this Fern; and for a plant J to Henderson, Mr R, of Wentworth, Sim, of Foot's Cray, for fronds It is in the Catalogues of Messrs Veitch, of Chelsea; of Foot's Cray; and Booth, of The illustration is Sim, Hamburg from a frond forsvarded by Mr H Sim GLOSSAEY FOE VOL VI [The present Glossary contains descriptions of such terms as arc not described in the other volumes It must he therefore considered as a continuation of those j given in the other volumes.] Alternate —"When ! apparently alternate pinnse are whea without disposed the pinnae are regularity; not opposite thus ' each to other Anterior.— 'Placed in front of others, or outwardly with respect to the which they are arranged The form of a tree Thus an arborescent caudex has a axis about Arborescent — tree-like stem I —Awned Bacciform —Bearing Aristate , I or having a succulent berries, nature like that of i ' berries Ciliato- serrate —When marginal serratures have stiffish hairs —Placed in a —Hollowed resembling a —Having heart-shaped Cordate— shaped —Hooded Where the edges are curved inwards, the point of a up again from Decumbent —Eeclining upon the ground, and the apex Depauperated — Empoverished When the branches or segments almost wanting Excurrent —Extending beyond the usual —Kot having the same the same parts —WTiere in a bundle are together Glandular —Eurnished with glands divided —Lobes deeply approach a pinnate form — So deeply cut ring Circlet Channelled out, gutter auriculate Costoeform ears E,ib- Cuculate or like i rolled slipper rising it at are , limits Eccentric centre collected Inciso-lobate Inciso-pinnatifid VOL originate at several similar Fascicled VI as cut, or as to U spot, • and 130 GLOSSARY Indigenous —Belonging Thus, to a place indigenous to England, is belonging to England the lowest base —Below Thus, —Abruptly pointed by a spinous ordinary form Thus, normal form does Normal — Typical deviate from the ordinary form —Disused round — egg-shaped form — Of a curved, Thus, a paleaceous when the — very —Fixed the by the by some point inferior Inferior base is Mucronate sharp, point stiff, or not Olsolete Circular, or Orhicular oval, or Ovate-falcate Chaffy Paleaceous rachis rachis is is scaly Peltate stalk to the margin, i centre, not at the edge e., to the leaf of the Tropmolum is or ivithin The attachment of the staUi a familiar illustration —Eurnished with a —When the —Eemaining beyond the ordinary wavy margin Repand — Having an uneven —Partly with deep concav—Unevenly and Sub —The word means somewhat, a near approach petiole or stalk Petiolate leaflets are stalked Petiolulate period Persistent slightly Semi-erect erect pinnatifid, alternately Sinuately-pinnatifid convexities ities sub -falcate the term to which it or is appended to Thus, sub-falcate is scarcely curved, or curved in a slight degree Sub-marginal —Almost marginal —Almost rhomboid Sub-rTiomboidal Squamulous — Covered with small scales —Upper Triangularly —A lengtliened triangular form Tri-quadrvpinnate — Three times quadripinnate woolly pubescence Tomentum — Short closely-matted —Imperfectly TruncateTrape%io-oUong — A lengthened trapezoidal form Superior base base -elongate hairs, or truncate dimidiate Umbilicate.—'K^iYm^ a depression in the centre tion in the centre Undulated —Wavy Known as a boss Also with an eleva- INDEX TO VOL VI, [Those Ferns having ati mithority attached, are the respective names adopted in Work, of which a description, together with a Coloured Illustration and one or more Woodcuts, is given Names not having an authority attached, are those adopted by other authors, and are therefore to be found under other names.] this PAGE Acrosticlium thelypteris Adiantum fructicosum lunulatum 55 19 19 Swartz Aspidium aculeatmn lobatum 51 var lobatum-incisum var lonchitidioides var multifidum var proliferum acuminatum var tripinnatum 117 51 argutum 51 articulatum 51 asperum 51 augescens 51, 63 aurieulatum 41 Bootliii 23, 50, Braunii 51, %1, 68 var alatum var angustatum 69, 71 119 Canariense Willdenow 111, 112 carvifolium capense Swartz cicutarium 69, 71 coadunatum decompositum depauperatum var dissimilo var hastulatum var imbricatum var incisum var var intermedium var irregulare multifidum coniifolium 69 coriaceum Loioe 69, 70 cristatum Swartz 68 70 69 69, 70 69 69, 68 117 Wallieh 70 105 100, 107 Swartz 68, 71 var biserratum var 63 67 var aristatum var 65 35 29, 57 68 69 125 Link bifidum acutum Lowe 57 var 70, 71 apifolium 37 Kitaihel 69, 70, 71 Stvartz angulare 69, 70, 71 var sub-tripinnatum Willdenow acrostichoides affinc var proliferum 23, 49, 50, 51, 67, 68 var Aspidium angulare var prsemorsum 69 127 105 WallicJi 99, 107 53, 59, 60, 61 var calliptcris cultratum 59 19 decompositum, Kunze 73, 95 decurrens Lowe 25 decursive-pinnatum 25 132 INDEX PAGE ium depastum PAGE 41 Aspidium lumilatum lobatum Swartz 77, 78, 80 rlilatatum var alpinum 78, 80 var angustum 78, 80 78, 80 var Chanterise var collinum var lonchitidioides 78, 79 var glandulosum 78, 80 moUe Swartz mucronatum Swartz var nanum 78, 79 munitum var Tanacetifolium 77, 78, nemorale discretnm Swartz elongatum erosum Stoartz ocellatum 42 odoriferum 78 oligodonton 75 oreopteris falcatxun Sivartz filix-mas Swartz 44, 47 var paleaceum var pumilum var recurvum Lowe glabellum 47 podophyllum proliferum hastulatum hippocrepis Wallich Hookeri intermedium lancastriense latifolium var Sioartz multifidum var proliferum Ludovicianum 19 Stoartz 83 rigidum 43, 47, 67 serra 85 Sieboldi Sioartz 63, Swartz 59, 59, squamatum squamosum 62 50 thelypteris tbely pteroides 66 trifoliatum Swartz 55, 89 Swartz Sioartz 19 115 65 89 85 19 truncatulum truncatum 109 19 terminans 35 97 61, 77, 78, 79, 80, 66 64 15 var uliginosum 50 Ill 115 spinulosum 31 semicordatum 117 lentum lonchitis Loive pteroides 59 95 48, 89 j 123 39 73, 93 Ill 11, Swartz pulcherrimum Kaulfuss insequale 49 SooJcer 97, 98 pungens, 117 Brown 63 42 85 pumilum 59, 83 heracleifolium pubescens 79 Goldianum Fee Goldieanum 55 47 63 Plukenetii 113, 138 Loioe 42 42 frondosum 35 41, 44, 51 patentissimum varieties.) fragrans 75 Swartz pica (See Lastrea filix-mas for foenisecii 50 53 41 89 63 pallidum 64, 75 41 palustre 23, 41, var incismn paleaceum 33 91 50 ottonianum 29 49 77, 78 falcinellum 27 87 noveboracense 107 107 nevadense 79 Donianmn dumetorum Sioartz dmnetorum 119 marginale 49 I Swartz var discolor 49, 69 macrophyUum macroporum 78, 79 19 19 INDEX 133 PAGE PAGE j Aspidium uliginosum unitum 51 121 Sclilculir Testitnm Sioartz villosum Sic art z 39, yiolascens Wallicliianiim Asplenium filix-fcemina var crispum Lastrea cristata cristata 103 var spinosa 101 var uliginosa 87 decurrens 42 decursive-pinnata 44 decomposita 80 dilatata 19 var angusta 55 var Chauteria? 85 119 Cardioclilsena macropliylJa Cyclopeltis semicorclata Smith J Cyrtomium falcatum 33 , Dicbasium patentissimum var 34 var glandiilosa 19 squamata , 80 20 var multifida 19 var nana 19 var obtusa 20 var affinis Borreri 41 elongata 59 erosa 77 41 filix-mas dilatata filix-mas var abbreviata thelypteris Fadyenia HooTcer prolifera Hemestbeum moutanmn thelypteris Lastrea acuminata affinis alpina augescens callipteris eollina var crispa var cristata 80 80 81 41 75 23, 41 43, 47 43 42 45 42, 43, 44, 45, 67 var deorso-lobata 37 var dichotoma 46 43, 44 43 41 var erosa 43, 44 78 var incisa 43, 45 35 var multifida 42, 43 59 var paleacea 42, 44 45, 46 var polydactyla 43 44,45 111 Canariense Chanteriee 11 53 81 80 55 Hypopeltis lobulata var aiEnis var Borreri 78 81 var abbreviata 55 var vaUida 47 109 81 var tanacetifolia cristata 80 47 41 80 78, pumila var Schofieldii Dryopteris abbreviata 81 80 var Smithii 80, 78, 80, 19 81 80 19 Diplazium pulcherrimum var linearis micromera sinuosa 80, 81 , dumetorum var fuscipes maculata pulclierrima 80 81 var distans var , 80 77, , 78, 78 var 19 23 var eollina 42 Imiulata 2G var dsltoidea Didymoclilsena truncatula J Smith 2G 81 15 111 Cystopteris Canariensis 59 25, 25, ramosiim 119 109 95 var alpina trifoliatum 01 11 Bathmium macropliyllum 59 major proliferum Atliyrium thelypteris 23, producta 78 var 78 var prolifera 43 43 INDEX, 134 PAGE Lastrea filix-mas, var psen do-mas 42 var pumila var recurvum var subintegra glabella glandnlosa Goldiana Ludo\^ciana raarginalis maculata multifiora var collina var dilatata nana montana spinosum noveboracense Nephrodium articulatum 78 acrostichoides 83 cristatum 78 glabellum 77 laeta-virens lucens 121 molle 89 margiuale 27 63 115 87 35 ottonis propinquum pteroides patentissima 41 pubescens 97 Sloanei 47 terminans var abbreviata 47, 48 tbelypteris var subintegra 47, 48 thelypteroides 73 rigida obtusilobata spinulosa tkelypteroides viUosa glandidosum 15 Phegopteris decursive-pinilatum 89 Polypodium aculeatum adiantiforme argentatum aristatum 101 caducum caUij)teris , 41 cristatum 41 de cursive-pinnatum dilatatum elongatum 15 59 cicutarium 107 78 coriaceum 78 78 67 Q7 59 78 107 appendiculatum 25 49, Q7 il, { angulare 103 47 fibx-mas glanduliferuni Linnceu.^ 97 collinum erosum 7, 109 Lephodium abbreviatum callipteris 121 PbaneropKLebia nepkrolepi s 59, 61 vestita 55 35 23, 55 uliginosa 23, 109 tbelypteris 115 89 sensibHis 91 23 Sieboldi spinosa 73, 87 23, G3 37 serra 121 unitum Onoclea obtusiloba Eileyana 113 53 54 recurva 123 41 pubescens 83 93 paleacea pumila 95 pallidum podopbyUa 115 54 var truncata 59 Cumingii decompositum 78 57 27 125 var crispa 59 37 • I 78 109 93 23, 53 uliginosum Lepidonevron acuminatum Ill nana 78 43 var 63 Goldianum Hookeri oreopteris rigidum 43 23, 77 var 43 43, 47 var triangularis PAGE Lephodium multiflorum 117 107 59, 77 25 77 75 INDEX Polypodium falcatum 33 41 filix-mas 109 filix-fcBmina, var spinosa 135 Polysticlium Braunii callipteris capcnse fragrans 53, 63 coniifolium 41, 63 coriaceum liippocrepis japonicum 117 cristatum 33 dilatatum 53 falcinellum 49 filix-mas 65 flexmn 27 frondosum Hmbospermum lobatum lonchitis marginale montamim multiflorum nemorale noveboracense nymphale oreopteris pica Plukenetii poHtmn pteroides 53, pubescens rigidum setifermn spinulosum 85 Plukenetii 49 proliferum stramineum lobatum 23, 39 43 109 77 39 63 78 tanacetifolium thelypteris vestitum 97 107 aspidioides Sagenia coadunata 127 macrodonta 117, 127 127 41 coriacea 67 Tegularia adiantifolia 55 103 Eumohra Thelypteris palustris 103 31, 101 105 39, strigosum Tectaria Calaliuala 53 49 hippocrepis 53 91 Pycnopteris Sieboldi 49 113 Hhagiopteris obtusiloba 49 var lonchitidioides 103 49 41 11 119 57 23, 23, 65 67 aculeatum aristatum oreopteris 85 angulare 53 spinosum Polysticbum acrosticlioides affine mucronatum 53, 55 variolatum var 87 spinulosum 77 29 49 63 vestitum villosum montanum 78 tbelypteris trifoliatum lobatum 89 87 tanacetifolium 41 109 59 105 107, 108 Grevillianum rigidum )9, < loncliitis 115 107 99 73, 77 pungens 53 107 67 59 heleopteris 107 107 19 55 136 AUTHORITIES QUOTED IN VOL VI Alton Gray Poiret Allcliin Greville Presl Allioni Arnott Hoffmann Hooker Eaddi Arrab Houlston Eheed Babington Houttuyn Hudson Eeinwardt Baird Pursh Eetzius Balfour Humboldt Eoth Bauer Jacquin Salisbury Boissier Johnson Schkuhr Bolton Kaulfuss Schott Bory Kinahan Schlechtendal Bowie Kitaibel Siebold Bower Kunze Sim Borkhausen Langsdorff Sieber Braun Ledebour Sloan Brown Burmann Cameron Leibmann Smith, J E Leighton Smith, J Tiindley Sprengel Cavanilles Link Spenner Chanter Linnaeus Stendal Choules Loiseleur Sowerby Cunningliam Lowe Lowe, E Mackay Strempel De Candolle Deakin J Swartz Thompson Desvaux Martens Tenore D6U Don, Maund Thunberg Tuckerman Edgerley Metten Meyer Michaux Moore Yogler Fischer Miiller Walhch Eorskal JN'evvman Forster Petiver Francis El worthy Ehrhart Eee Mantissa Veitch, Jun Yillars Van Houtte Plumier Weis Willdenow Wilson Fries Finder Wollaston Gardner Plukenet Wolsey CONTRIBUTOKS TO VOL The Author begs to VI thank the following individuals, wlio have kindly supplied plants and fronds for illustration: Miss Barker, Trent Lock, Beeston, near Nottingham Messrs Booth and Son, Nurserymen, Hamburg Mr Clapham, Scarborough Mr Clarke, Eoyal Botanic Gardens, Mr Eobert Clark, Gardener to W Dent, Esq., Flass House, Crosby Ravensworth, Westmorland Mr E Cooling, Nurseryman, Derby Mrs Delves, Tunbridge Wells Mr E J Gray, St Thomas', Exeter Messrs A Henderson and Co., Nurserymen, Pine-apple Place, Edge ware Eoad, London Messrs E G Henderson, Wellington Nursery, St John's Wood, London Mr Joseph Henderson, Wentworth House, Yorkshire Mr W Ingram, Belvoir near Grantham J W Bart., Eolleston Mr G Norman, Hull Mr Pass, Gardener to T Brocklehurst, Esq., The Fence, near Macclesfield J Pearson, Nurseryman, Cliil- Nottinghamshire well, Messrs Eollisson and Co., Nursery, Tooting, near London, M Schott, Director of the Imperial Garden, Schonbrunn, near Vienna Mr J Smith, Curator of the Eoyal Gardens, Kew Mr J Sidebotham, Manchester Mr E Sim, Foot's Cray Nursery, near Chisselhurst, Kent Mr Stansfield, Yale Nursery, Tod- morden Mr Stewart, Sudbury Castle, Staf- fordshire Castle, Jeans, F.E.A.S., Gran- tham Mr Stratton, Botanic Gardens, Cambridge Messrs Yeitch, Exotic Nursery, Exeter Captain Legard, Kirby Misperton, Yorkshire Mr E T Oswald Mosley, Hall, near Burton -on-Trent Mr Glasgow Mr Sir , Chelsea Millett, Penzance Captain A S Messrs Yeitch, Jun Exoti c Nursery, H Lowe, E.E.A.S., Highfield House, near Nottingham Mr Masters, Exotic Nursery, Canterbury Mr Thomas Moore, F.L.S., Curator of the Chelsea Botanic Gardens Mr G B Wollaston, Chisselhurst, Kent Mr Wraight, Ncwlands, Kent Mr F Wriglit, Osmaston Manor, Derbyshire ADDENDUM TO Aspidium frondosum Stipes very long, —E-hizoma stout, VOL creeping and nearly erect; VI on the surface base very scaly Frond pentangular and quadri-tripinnate; length two to four Frond borne gracefully and almost horizontally on its feet stalk It will probably prove hardy /"- ... COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM, A NOBLEMAN UNIVERSALLY BELOVED FOR HIS PUBLIC AND PRIVATE WORTH, THE 'XiTURAL HISTORY OF BRITISH AND EXOTIC FERNS' IS WITH PERMISSION DEDICATED BY HIS GRACES MOST OBEDIENT SERVANT... Polypodium pumilum ihelypteris heleopteris FERNS; AND EXOTIC BlilTISH ASPIDIE^ J Smith, In many instances the only difference between Polypodiece and Aspidiece is confined to the former having... SENSIBILIS Native of North America, Florida, and the variety O ohtusiloha in Pennsylvania "Was known in England early as as 1699, and at Kew in 1793 Barren and fertile fronds different Barren fronds