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FERNS: '' BEmSH MD VOLUME EXOTIC V CONTAINING ASPLENIUM DIPLAZIUM HEMIDICTYUM CETERACH SCOLOPENDRIUM BY E J LOWE, ESQ., F.KA.S., F.G.S., F.L.S., F.Z.S., M.B.M.S., Hist Soc, Mem Geolog Soc Edinb., York, Corr Mem Manchester Lit and PhiL Soc, Hon Mem Dublin Nat Corr Mem Lyceum Nat Hist., New etc LONDON: GEOOMBEIDGE AND SONS, 5, M DCCC LVIII PATEENOSTER ROW a4 ^'lUM I < t\ • ', wi (I ; A I I— VOL T) FLABELLIT OLIUM J.D.S TO HIS GRACE HENEY PELHAM-FIENNES-PELHAM CLINTON, KG., P.C, DUKE OF NEWCASTLE, LORD-LIEUTENANT OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM, A NOBLEMAN UNIVERSALLY BELOVED FOR HIS PUBLIC AND PRIVATE WORTH, THE "NATURAL HISTORY OF BRITISH AND EXOTIC IS WITH PERMISSION DEDICATED BY HIS grace's MOST OBEDIENT SERVANT THE AUTHOE I'ERNS" CONTENTS Plate 55 petrarchse XXXV B 105 xxxii 95 xxxix 113 VA XV B xivB 17 49 pulcheUum pumilum xxxi A xxxiB 45 rachirbizon xxxiv xl 115 xi 33 xliv 125 XX 59 rhizopliyllum xvi 51 ruta-muraria xlv 127 septentrionale xliiiA 121 serra brasiliense Brownii compressum dentex dimidiatum ebeneum xxix 85 Ib xix 57 81 iii A xxxvi zamiae folium 35 pubescens xx^i 79 plantagineum iv 15 striatum xxi A 61 sylvaticum xlii 119 xxiii 69 xxxvii 109 lA XXX 88 43 xxvii Ceterach officiiiarum 107 65 117 xxviii 83 ix 29 A 97- Hv 151 xlvii 123 139 Iii 143 xlvi 131 xlviii 135 xlix 137 27 xli XXAJii Diplazium ambiguiim •^ xxii viviparum xiiA raultifidum, (var J 41 xiv A viride decussatum xiiis 11 monanthemum 37 103 umbrosum iiiB marinum xiiB 93 101 XXXV A viii macropliyllum 23 91 63 Isetum vii ii lucidum Michauxii reclinatiim 123 31 99 xxIb lanceolatum X xxxiiiB refractum strigillosum Hendersoni radicans xliiiB 111 trichomanes flaccidum fontanum formosum germanicum prsemorsum 39 21 xxxviii 53 Filix-foemma planicanle polyodon A vi xvii xiii flabellifolium 19 xviii axillare diversifolium VB obtusatum palmatum belangeri decurtatum 47 73 auritiim cicutarium XV A xxiv attenuatiim 75 appendiculatum caudatum Plate Page XXV bulbiferum Y Aspl(mium nidus nigrum brachyopterum YOL Fage splenium adiantnmangustifolium OF tkelypteroides li 141 Hemidictynm marginatmu liii 147 Scolopeiidriuin Krebsii Ivi 159 Iv 155 vulgare EREATA IN VOL V Page 5, for Cavanelhs, read Cavanilhs Page 7, for Pluckenet, read Plukenet Pages and 11, for Hoffman, read Hoffmann Page 11, for Wdss, read Weis Page 23, for Thunburg, read Tliunherg Page 27, for Larigsdorf, read Langsdorff Page 32, for Steward, read Stewart Pages 49 and 50, for Brachyopterum, read Brachypieron Page 75, for Scholz, read Schultz Page 79, for Trachia, read Tarachia Pages 122 and 134, for Downs, read Downes FERNS; BRITISH AND EXOTIC ASPLENIE^ The Smith Ferns included under the family Aspleniem are so well would not be easy to mistake the great majority They differ from the PteridecB in the position of the marked, that of them sori, J for in it tribe this parallel with they are the midrib or margin of the frond, whilst in Aspleniece they are oblique to the midrib, or axis of venation The sori are elongated, venules free simple or binate, having a special anastomosing, or lateral attached, linear, sori plane, or vaulted indusium The Aspleniece comprise the Scolopendrium, pleniurrii Ceterach, Neottopteris , one or two other small VOL Y • Antigramma, tribes JB Diplazium, AsCallipteriSy and —— — — SCOLOPENDRIUM VULGARE 156 Exceedingly common in England, Scotland, and Ireland Found Orkney and Shetland in the also Islands, the nel Islands, throughout Europe, Greece, Italy, Spain, in the Azores, Madeira, Chan- Algiers, Minor, and the United Persia, Asia States Known in England Common the as Hart's-tongue Fern Fronds simple, glabrous, and broadly linear, with an attenuStipes and rachis ated apex and a cordate base; margin entire scaly Terminal; adherent to a somewhat creeping rhizoma Yeins forked; venules Caudex and short free, terminating in Stipes stout club-shaped apices covered membranous with scales Sori linear and Length from Some of Moore we indusiate six to twenty-four inches colour bright green ; exceedingly handsome the are greatly indebted interesting a Catalogue From are varieties giving to for the To Mr public so of the forms of Scolopendrium vulgare his account the following are extracted : Fronds narrower, margin deeply crenatelylobed, and sori short: found in the West of England Cornutum The apex in the form of a hook: found in Polyschides — Yorkshire as Having a lobed margin below the frond Very Found in the West of England Marginatum well as above: distinct Crispum A frilled Very form distinct, and mostly barren Multifidum Ramosum Multifid near the apex Multifid, and dwarf, the stem below the leafy portion of the frond branched apex Laceratum dilated, Very multifid, Mr Young Macrosorum variable, profoundly irregularly-lobed, and Found crisped Taunton, at — Rimosum 15 j Fissum l6.-^Inops 10 Ohtusidentatum 17 11 Crenato-lohatum, 18 12 Resectum 19 13 Sinuatwn 20 Nudicaule 14 Incequale 21 Ahr upturn Irregular e Spirale — Compositum by — — SCOLOPENDRIUM VULGARE 22 23 — — Supralinea 44 Variahile 15' turn Striatum 45 Supralineato-resectum 24 Suhvariegatum 46 Multiforme 25 Apicilohum 47 26 Lanceolum 27 Sigittifolium, 28 Sagittato-cristatum — 48 — 49 Digitatum — Glomeratum 29 Retinervium 51 30 Pachyphyllum 52 Coriaceum 53 32 Pocilliferu7n 54 Lacerato-marginatum SS Peraferum, 55 Ramo-margi7iatum 34 Miiricatum LtQ —Pamosum-majus 57 — Constrictum 58 Pugosum 31 — St> SQ Chelcefrons (7ns ta-galli — Jugosum —Papillosum 50 Flabellatum Depauperatum — Cristatum 37 Scalpturatum 59 Bireniforme 38 Imperfectum 60 Salehrosum 39 Siciforme 61 Laciniatum 40 Suhmarginatum 62 Proliferum, Q>o 42 Fimhriatum 64 43 Bimarginatum 65 41 Suhcornutum — TJndulatum — Undulato-lohatum Acrocladon Found near Ambleside, in 1857, by the author To Mr Moore's "Hand-book refer for descriptions /S' vulgare is of British Ferns" we must of all these varieties very readily raised from spores, and when the spores are from the multifid varieties there is a great diversity of form in the seedling plants This plant can be gathered in almost every part of Great A few of the varieties may be procured of Messrs Sim, of Foot's Cray; Veitch, of Chelsea; and A Henderson, Britain of Pine-apple Place The illustrations are from plants in my own collection \v r\ n 'w '"/; V Juceralum V Multiforme ariclio? n; -f.-oiDiicii'li'iuir v'U KiC SCOLOPENDRIUM KREBSII LVI VOL Pinna of mature Frond— under side SCOLOPENDEIUM KKEBSII KuNZE J Smith Fee PLATE Moore Schkuiir VOL V LVI KuNZE OnycJiium Krehsii, Scolopendrium An —Hart's Schott Tongue Krehsii — ? dwarf species Introduced by Mr Joseph Henderson, of Wentwortli An evergreen warm greenhouse Fern Native of the Cape of Good Hope and Natal interesting Frond coriaceous, pinnate, broadly lanceolate abruptly acuminate; pinnae smooth, spreading, sessile lanceolate, auriculate above and below apex and numerous; in form; at the base; base subcordate; margin repand and revolute Sori numerous, short and oblique Stipes brief, terminal, and adherent to a semi-erect rhizoma Length of frond from twelve longest My for to eighteen inches; length of pinna three inches thanks are due to a plant of this species; M to Mr J Henderson, of Went worth, and to the same gentleman, and Schott, Director of the Imperial Gardens, of Schonbriinn, for fronds SCOLOPENDRIUM 160 It may be procured of Tooting; of Messrs Sim, of Foot's Cray; Rollisson, E G Henderson, of of Covent Garden; and Booth, of The illustration is KREBSII from a plant St John's Wood; Kennedy, Hamburg in my own collection — 161 CONTEIBITTOES The Author TO VOL begs to tliank the following individuals, Y who have kindly- supplied plants and fronds for illustration: Miss Blackwall, Llanrwst, Carnar- Mr Booker, Matlock Messrs Booth and Son, Nurserymen, Hamburg Mr Clapham, Scarborough Mr Clarke, Eoyal Botanic Gardens, Mr T B Charlton, Chilwell, IS'otts Mr E CooHng, Nurseryman, Derby Mr T Downes, Hillsboro' Terrace, Ilfracombe Messrs A Henderson and Co., PinePlace, Edgeware Eoad, London Messrs E G Henderson, Wellington St John's Wood, London Mr Joseph Henderson, Wentworth Eoyal Gardens, Kew Dr J D Hooker, F.E.S., Eoyal Gardens, Kew Mr Ingram, Eoyal Gardens, Gardens, Chelsea Sir Oswald Mosley, Bart., EoUeston Hall Mr E T Millet, Penzance Mr G Norman, Hull Mr Pass, gardener to Mr T Brocklehurst, The Eence, near MacclesMr Parker, Nurseryman, Holloway Mr Pearson, Nursery, Chilwell Mr Eollisson, Nursery, Tooting, near London M Schott, Imperial Gardens, Schon- briinn, near Vienna Mr J Smith, F.L.S., Eoyal Gardens, Mr E Sim, Eoot's Cray, Kent Mr Joseph Sidebotham, Manchester Mr Stratton, Botanic Gardens, Cambridge Mr Stewart, late gardener to Lord Yernon Windsor Mr James, Vauvert, Guernsey Miss Kingston, Long Eaton, near Derby gardener to Mr E Wright, Osmaston Manor VOL V Mr Thomas Moore, E.L.S., Botanic Kew House, Yorkshire W J Hooker, F.R.S., Sir Mr Lamb, Nursery, field Mr E J Grey, St Thomas', Exeter Nursery, Exotic Dr Mackay Glasgow apple Mr Masters, Canterbury vonshire Messrs Yeitch, Exotic Nursery, Chelsea Mr Wraight, Newlands, Kent Mr G B Wollaston, Chisselhurst, Kent F 162 AUTHORIT][ES QUOTED n^ VOL V Alton Gilibert Plukenet Allioni Greville Pratt, Miss Allcbin, Dr Gray Presl Arnott Henderson, Joseph Poiret W Babington Heward Purdie, Bain Hoflfmann Eaddi Bauhin Bauer Hooker, Sir Hore, W S Belanger Houlston Eetzius Berger Eequiem Bergius Houttuyn Hudson Bergm HuU Eollisson Berkenhout Humboldt Euprecht We J Eay Eeinwardt Eoth Bernhardi Jacquin Sadler Black Karst Salisbury Blume Breyn Brown Kaulfuss Schumacher Kitaibel Schreber Kinahan, Dr Schultz Bolton Kunth Kunze Schkuhr Borkliausen Labillardiere Schott Cameron Lamarck Langs dorff Leibmann Smith, J Clapliam Lightfoot Sprengel Clowes Link Swartz Bory Cavanilles Chanter, J M Schrader Schlechtendal Smith, E Cunningliam, A Linnocus Sieber Deakin Loddiges Sowerby Delves, Mrs Loiseleur Strempel Desvaux Lowe, E T Lowe, E J Tait Luranitzer Tournefort De CandoUe Dickie, Dr Taberna-Mont Dickson Mack ay Thunberg Don Martens ViUars Edgerley, John Moench Yeitch, Jun Ehrhart Mohr Viviani Endlicher Morisson Enys Mettenius WalUch Weber Fee Michaux \Yithering Fischer Moore, T \Yilkinson, Miss Forster Newman Willdenow Francis Opiz ^Yollaston, G Fraser, T Osborn "\Ycis Galleotti Petiver Gerarde Pamplin, Gibson Plumier Wulfen W Woods Wright, Miss INDEX TO VOL V £Those Ferns having an authority attached, are the respective names adopted in Work, of which a description, together with a coloured illustration, and one or more woodcuts are given Names not having an authority attached, are those adopted by other authors, and are therefore to be found under other names It sometimes happens that the same name is used by different authors for different species: this will at once be seen by referring to each page given in the index.] this Acropteris septentrionalis Acrosticlium septentrionale Adiantum caudatiim pygraseum trapeziferme trapeziforme AUantodia axil] aids Australis umbrosa Amesium Germanicum ruta-muraria JFilix-foemina var var 115 var 81 ambiguum 43 attenuatum 113 auritum axillare 55 77 63 bracbyopteris 113 79 49 Kunze brachypterou 17 bracbyoptcrura 96 95, Kunze Billotii 75,77 93 Smith Belaugeri , 73 Br own27 ,10^, IOC 88 75 76, 80 133 65 Prcd 37 37, 49,50 Linticeus 2, 77 11 Michaux Swartz 63 117 77 77 109 2,76 77 angustifolium argutum 77 antliriscifolium adiantum-nigrum anceps var variegatum appendiculatum monstrosum umbrosum altemifolium 77 oblongum obtusum oxyphyllum 11 85, ]09 acutum 69 113 77 intermedium 137 Asplenium acutum var var multifidum 131 fontanum Halleri var 69 axillare rilix-fosmina 81 77 143 rhizopliylla Aspidium angustum decompositum sylvaticum Antigramma acuminatum adiantum -nigrum var var fissum Anisogonium serampurense Asplenium 37 117 septentrionale Brasiliense Breynii Svartz 45 11 164 INDEX PAGE Asplenium BroTvnii Smith J 115 Forster 33, 37, bulbiferum 55, canariense capense Forster caudatum ceterach , cicutaria cirrhatum Sic artz cicutariura Swartz crenulatum cuneifolium Kunze var Aiton erectum var stenodon 109 fseniculaceum Filix-foemina 23 24, 25 51 29,30 Bernhardi 2, 109 Aberdeenenso abrnptum acuminatum var confluens Bernhardi var proliferum formosum 103 39, 121, 122, 123 fragrans furcatum Gcrmanicum Weis 31 23 2, 11, 13 111 87 Hcmionitis 87 Hendcrsoni Houlston 35, 36 87 horridum 87 incisum 87 erosum 87, 88 frondosum Willdenow Hallori var cxcurrena var fnrcarum 37 2, 63, 103, 104 87 dopaupcratum 7,88,89 var dissectum var flabellifolium Cavanilles 5, fontanum 88 57 87 var cristatum var davallioidcs 87 87 var crispum glandulosum 87 87, Forster flaccidum 85, var 62 89 121 fecundura 87, 88, var trifidum 89 87 semi-depauperatum 88 143 87 88, 7,8 87 var rhseticum 87 purpureum ramosum 87 praemorsum pruinosum var Smithii 87 87, 88 var 53 87 139 var , var poly dacty Ion 89 127 53 A Cunningham 88 87, 88, 87, 88, 89 var pol3'-clados var elongatum var 75 87, 88 87 var multifidum var dubium var var molle 49,59 ebeneum, var 59 ovatum dissectum var marinum 39 dimorphum erosum laxum var 121, 122 Swartz elatius var 59 var , dimidiatum ebenum 151 87 87, 24,79 , diversifolium var latifolium obtusum odontomanes decussatum 125 87 var 23, Link var decurtatum var irregulare var laciniatum 88 87 51 87, var interruptum 45 cuneatura Filix-foemina, var inciusm 75 133 compressum dentex 25,97 23, 58 Asplenium Karstenianum 125 63 21 75 37 laceratum lanceolatum Hudson 23, 24, 25 2, 79, 80 87 87 var crispatum 87 var laciniatum 80 80 INDEX 165 PAGE Asplenium Asplenium polyodon lanceolatum, var multifidum var proliferum laxum Swartz Isetum polypodioides 80 polypodioides-ebenum 55 prsemorsum 61 Forster 15, 19, 20, lucidum 21,75 Swartz macrophylluni marginatum marimim Linnceus var acutum dichotomum microdon var ramosum var sub-bipirmatum Sprengel Mikani monanthemum monanthes J nigrum obtusatum obtusum odontites otites 75 57 palmatum Petrarcae 75 Petrarcbse Lamarck Dc platyncurou Wallich plantagineum 21, sarmentosum 20 65 61,62 Sull Sbepberdi 2, 9, tabulare 133, 135 112 107, 108 Tbunbergii 151 Lowe 7, 141 17 137 75 tricbomanoides truncatum 133 sylvaticum 45 13 27 sinuatum 155 Langsdorff serratum 17 tbelypteroides 82 scandens 22 32 strigillosum 131 82 82 saxatile serra var unilaterale 112 31, 82 82 pinnatum probferum striatum Candolle 111, var planicaule 82 91 111 cuneatum var dissectum septentrionale onopteris 82 var 20 81 var cristatum 75 19, 2, 11, 12, Scbkubrianum Forster 79 LinncBiis scolopendrium 43 45, 47, 121 37, 101 43 37 tnncBus ruta-muraria var .81 103, 104 rbizopborum rbizopbyllum rotundatum 81 42 37, 41, Moore rbacbirbizon 121 Linnceus Soulston var multifidum 45 Moore and 147 75 93 37, 101 37, 101 var Smith Raddi 31, 32 109 mutilatum murale miirorum myriopliyUum, var nidus multicaule refractum .65 Michauxii 70 70 71 91, 95 70, 71 var trapeziforme reclinatum 70 Raddi Sivartz 70 71 radicans Eaddi 70 Swartz 71 70 mexicamim racbirhizon var melanocaulon 147 crenatum var cuneatum var Swartz 23, 24, 25, 97, 99 76 pulcKellum pumilum 99 productum 119 2, 19, 68, var assimile var Forster 80 65, 75 31 trichomancs Linnceus 2,65,6(> INDEX 166 ramosum 83 Aspleniura trichomanes Cetenich trichomaues var.bifurcatura 67 var cristatum var var depauperatum 66,67,68 dichotomum 67 Vallisclausae Smith 67 Hudson viride var acutum var bipinnatum 2, 83, 104 var multifidum viviparum Presl Zamiajfolium 97, decurtatum depauperatum fontanum Halleri incisum laxum ovatum strigillosum thelipteroides trifidum Bleclinum llnguifolium squamosum Callipteris Malabarica Seramporense Camptosurus rliizopbyllus Ceteracli officinarum 63 lasiopteris 85 Malabaricum 85 plantagineum 133 133 133 pubescens 143 133 139 143 Swartz 131 143 LinJc radicans serampurense 37, 101 107 Shephcrdi 141 striatum 143 133 Presl 135 subulatum sylvaticum 135 Swartz 137 Fred thelypteroides 151 Filix pinnulis-christatis 143 Grammitis ceterach 143 Gymnogramma 149, 151, 152 135 85 officinarum, var crenatum 152 143 85 Willdcnow 17 fraternum 43 29 decussatum J Smith 139,140 esculentum 155 143 63 85 59 85 117 Digrammaria ambigua dubium umbrosum 85 109 57 vivipara Micliauxii niolle scandeus coarctatum 85 membranacea Link 127 29 ambiguum 113 Pilix-foemina cicutaria esculenta 17 59 Diplazium acuminatum 55 115 cyclosorum 98 29 109 australe axillare Belangeri fajniculacea , 57 29,37 29 L flaccida 29, 30 Atliyrium angustum Cyrtogonium flagelliferum 84 Willdenoiv 39, 59 84 83,84 55 vivipara Darea appendiculata 76 149 flaccida Ill 149 Cystopteris bulbifera Virgilii 117 149 cordatum cicutaria 66,67 var, subajquale 152 Coenopteris appendiculata 66 67,68 ramosum depauperatum var latifolium 67 var multifidum urabrosum var 66,67 lobatum var var var var capense 66, 67, 68 var incisura officinarum 141 151 ceterach polopodioides Gymnopteris ceterach Hem idictyura marginatum 59 151 29 151 Presl 145, 147 INDEX 167 PAGE Hemidictyon marginatum 147 Hemionitis palmata pumila Microstegia ambigua esculenta Neottopteris nidus vulgaris 29 var 93 var acrocladon abruptum 157 157, 158 143 var angustifolium 157 143 var apicilobum 157 Page Scolopendrium vulgare 155, 156, 157 47 var 47 var bireniforme 86 var chelsefrons bimarginatum 157 157 Keplirodium Filix-fcemiua Notolepium ceterach Onycliium Krebsii 151 var 159 var constrictum 157 Phyllitis crispa 155 var coriaceum 157 multifida 155 var polyscbides 155 var crenato-lobatum 156 scolopendrium 155 var crispatum 157 Polypodium adiantoides alpinum , dentatum Filix-fcemina fontanum incisum Isetum moUe oblongo-dentatum ovato-crenatum trifidum umbrosum Yallisclausa? vulgare Polystichum angulare proliferum Scolopendrium ceterachDurvillei Kunze var crispum 63 var crista-galli officinarum phyllitis pinnatum vulgare J Smith var cristatum 157 157 depauperatum 86 var 86 var digitatum 86 var doedaleum 63 var endiviaefolium 157 86 var fimbriatum 157 86 var fissum 156 86 var flabellatum 86 var 86 var 86 var insequale 157 var inops 111 var irregulare 157 157 glomeratum imperfectum 117 157 157 156 157 157 jugosum 157 24 24 var 29 var lacerato-margina tum 157 var laceratum 15 6, 158 157 153 var laciniatum 153 var lanceolum 157 157 var 153 var macrosorum marginatum 153 var multifidum 156 155 var multiforme 15 7,158 15 3, 155 var muricatum 157 155 var nudicaule 153 var 81 155 septentrionalc 156 lobatum ruta-muraria var minus oflBcinale 156 15 3, 159 lingua longifolium cornutum 157 151 hemionitis Krebsii compositum 79 113 axillare bifidum 157 23 ,153, 157 157 15(> palmatuni var papillosum 156 obtusidentatum var paehypliyllum var 157 156 157 157 INDEX 168 PA.OE Scolopendrium Scolopendrium vulgare, var peraferum var pocilliferum var polyscliides var proliferum vulgare, 157 var spirale 157 var striatum 156 var 157 var 156 var 157 157 subcornutum submarginatum subvariegatum 157 156 var ramosum var ramo- marginatum 157 var ramosum-majus 157 var resectum 157 var supralineatum 157 157 var undulato-lobatum 157 157 var undulatum 157 157 var variabile var retinervium var var rimosum rugosum var sagittato-cristatum 157 var sagittifolium var salebrosum var scalpturatum var serratum var siciforme var sinuatum U var supralineato-resectum 157 157 Tarachia acuta 76 157 adiantum-nigrum 157 lanceolatum 156 obtusa 157 ruta-muraria Vittaria ceterach , 76 81 157 76 79 Trichomanes crenata VOL 156 END OF 157 65 151 V KAWCKTT, KNGUAVKIt AND I'UINTKU, UUIPi'IELD A ... read Schultz Page 79, for Trachia, read Tarachia Pages 122 and 134, for Downs, read Downes FERNS; BRITISH AND EXOTIC ASPLENIE^ The Smith Ferns included under the family Aspleniem are so well would... Scotland, it is is usually two inches found in Forfarshire, Edinburghshire, RoxIn Wales, in Caernarvonshire and burghshire, and Perthshire Denbighshire In England, in Northumberland, Cumberland,... COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM, A NOBLEMAN UNIVERSALLY BELOVED FOR HIS PUBLIC AND PRIVATE WORTH, THE "NATURAL HISTORY OF BRITISH AND EXOTIC IS WITH PERMISSION DEDICATED BY HIS grace's MOST OBEDIENT SERVANT