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THONG TIN TOM TAT D~ tai: "Mat trdn vi: LU~N AN TIEN si T6 quoc Viet Nam tham gia xdy dung Dang giai doan hien nay" Chuyen nganh: Xay dung Dang va chinh quyen nha mroc Ma s6: 62 31 02 03 Nghien ciru sinh: Truong Minh Luan Ngiroi huang dfrn khoa hoc: 1) PGS.TS t.e Kim Vi~t 2) PGS.TS Nguyen Van Bi~u CO'sa dao tao: HQc vien Chinh tri quoc gia H6 Chi Minh TOM TAT NHUNG KET LU~N Mcn eVA LU~N AN Mat tran T6 quoc Viet Nam tham gia xay dung Dang la t6ng th~ cac hoat d(>ngthirc hien quyen va trach nhiem cua M~t tr~n T6 quoc Vi~t Nam d6i voi cong tac xay dung Dang, gop phan xay dung Dang sach, vtrng manh v~ chinh tri, tu tuong, t6 chirc va dao dire; gifr virng va thuc hien dung vai tro cua Dang dm quyen, hat nhan lanh dao h~ thong chinh tri; nang cao nang lire lanh dao, suc chi~n d~u cua Dang, cung c6 va tang cuang m6i quan h~ m~t thi~t gifra Dang v6i nhan dan M~t tr~n T6 qu6c Vi~t Nam tham gia xay dlJllg Dang thong qua nhfrng phuoog thuc: 1) Ph6i hqp va th6ng nh~t hanh d(>nggifra cac vien thlJc hi~n tham gia xay d\ffig Dang; 2) T6 chuc cac hOi;ltd(>nggirun sat; 3) T6 chuc cac hOi;ltd(>ngphan bi~n xa h(>i;4) Tuyen truy~n, v~n d(>ngva phat huy vai tro cua cac vien va cac tfrng lOp nhan dan tham gia xay d\ffig Dang; 5) Gop y tflJc ti~p v6i cfrp uy dang b~ng van ban va t6 chuc d6i thoi;litflJc ti~p gifra nguai dUng dfru c~p uy v6i nhftn dan; 6) SU dt,mgva phcit huy vai tro cua cac H(>id6ng tu v~n, Ban tu vk, Ban cong tac m~t tr~n va cong tac vien cua M~t tr~ T6 qu6c Vi~t Nam M(>ts6 vk d~ d~t cfrn giai quy~t d6i v6i M~t tr~n T6 qu6c Vi~t Nam tham gia xay dlJllg Dang hi~n nay: 1) V~n d~ b~t c~p n(>idung, phi;lmvi tham gia xay dlJllg Dang cua M~t tr~n T6 qu6c Vi~t Nam 2) V~n d~ ban ch~t m6i quan h~ gifra vien va lanh di;lOcua Dang d6i vai M~t tr~n T6 qu6c Vi~t Nam nhfrng b~t c~p, mau thufrn 3) Giai quy~t m(>ts6 quy dinh b~t c~p Quy ch~, Quy dinh M~t tr~ T6 qu6c Vi~t Nam tham gia giam sat va phan bi~n xa h(>i,tham gia xay d\ffig Dang 4) Khtlc phl,lc nhfrng b~t c~p v~ trinh d(>,nang llJc va tnich nhi~m cua d(>ingii can bo M~t tr~n T6 qu6c Vi~t Nam 5) V~n d~ tieu chi danh gia k~t qua tham gia xay dlJllg Dang cua M~t tr~n T6 qu6c Vi~t Nam va phan bi~t cac hO(;ltd(>ngtham gia xay dlJng Dang cua cac chu th~ D~ phcit huy vai tro M~t tr~ T6 qu6c Vi~t Nam tham gia xay d\ffig Dang thai gian tai, cfrn thlJc hi~n cac giai phap sau: 1) Nang cao nh~n thuc, trach nhi~m cua Dang, M~t tr~n T6 qu6c Vi~t Nam, cac vien cua M~t tr~n T6 qu6c Vi~t Nam va nhan dan v~ vai tro, nhi~m VlJ M~t tr~n T6 qu6c Vi~t Nam tham gia xay d\ffig Dang 2) Ti~p tl,lcb6 sung, hoan thi~n, ClJ th~ hoa n(>idung va phuoog thuc M~t tr~ T6 qu6c Vi~t Nam tham gia xay dlJllg Dang tinh hinh maio 3) Ti~p tl,lc b6 sung, hoan thi~n phuoog thuc tham gia xay d\ffig Dang cua M~t tr~n T6 qu6c Vi~t Nam 4) Nang cao trinh do, nang llJc va trach nhi~m tham gia xay dlJllg Dang cua d(>ingu can b(>M~t tr~n T6 qu6c Vi~t Nam 5) Xay dlJng, hoan thi~n h~ th6ng cO'ch~, chinh sach va bao dam cac di~u ki~n d~ M~t tr~ T6 qu6c Vi~t Nam tham gia xay d\ffig Dang co hi~u qua, ch~t IUQ11g ca~ 6) Dfry mi;lnhcong tac t6ng k~t thlJc ti€n, nghien cuu Iy lu~n nhfrng v~n d~ cO'ban v~ M~t tr~n T6 qu6c Vi~t Nam di~u ki~n maL Il(li di~n t~p th~hoa PGS TS Le Kim Vi~t hQc Nghien cU'u sinh TnfO'ng Minh Luan BRIEF Title: INFORMATION ON THE CONTRIBUTION OF DOCTORAL THESIS Vietnam Fatherland Front participates in building the Party in the current period Field of Study Code PhD Candidate Supervisors Training Institution: Vietnam Government and Communist Party Building 62310203 Truong Minh Luan Ass Prof.Dr Le Kim Viet Ass Prof.Dr Nguyen Van Bieu Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics SUMMARY OF THE MAJOR CONCLUTIONS Vietnam Fatherland Front participating in building the Party is the overall implementation of rights and responsibilities of Vietnam Fatherland Front for Party building, contributing to build a transparent and mighty Party in term of politics.iideology, organization, and morals; upholding and fulfilling properly the role of the ruling party, the nucleus of the political system; raising the Party's leadership capacity and fighting capability, strengthening and promoting the close relationship between the Party and the people Vietnam Fatherland Front participates in building the Party through the following methods: 1) Coordinating and unifying the action among members in the implementation of Party building; 2) Organizing and monitoring activities; 3) Organizing social activities; 4) Propagandizing, mobilizing and promoting the role of members and people of all strata in building the Party; 5) Making direct comments with party committees in document and direct dialogue between chairmen of committees and the people; 6) Using and promoting the role of the Advisory Councils, Advisory Boards, Front Working Boards and collaborators of Vietnam Fatherland Front A number of proposed issues that need to be addressed by Vietnam Fatherland Front to build the Party: 1) The problem of inadequacy of contents and scope of participation in building the Party of the Vietnam Fatherland Front 2) The nature of the relationship between members and leaders of the Party towards Vietnam Fatherland Front remains inadequate and contradictory 3) Dealing with a number of disadvantages in the Statutes and Regulations of Vietnam Fatherland Front participating in the supervision and social review, participating in building the Party 4) Overcoming the inadequacies of the qualifications, capacity and responsibility of the cadres of Vietnam Fatherland Front 5) Criteria for assessing the results of participating in building the Party of Vietnam Fatherland Front and distinguishing the Party's participation in building the Party To promote the role of Vietnam Fatherland Front in building the Party in the coming time, the following solutions should be implemented: 1) Raising awareness and responsibilities of the Party and Vietnam Fatherland Front; Members of Vietnam Fatherland Front and the people on the role and tasks of Vietnam Fatherland Front to participate in building the Party 2) Continuing, supplementing, finalizing and concretizing the contents and methods of Vietnam Fatherland Front to participate in building the Party in the new situation 3) Continuing, supplementing and improving the Party's method of building the Party 4) Improving the capacity and responsibility to participate in Party building of the cadres of Vietnam Fatherland Front 5) Building and improving the system of mechanisms and policies and ensuring the conditions for Vietnam Fatherland Front to participate in building effective and high-quality Party 6) Stepping up the work of summarizing the practical and theoretical study on basic issues of Vietnam Fatherland Front in new conditions onbebalf~ Ass Prof.Dr; Le Kim Viet :;:;;:L Truong Minh Luan ... DOCTORAL THESIS Vietnam Fatherland Front participates in building the Party in the current period Field of Study Code PhD Candidate Supervisors Training Institution: Vietnam Government and Communist... SUMMARY OF THE MAJOR CONCLUTIONS Vietnam Fatherland Front participating in building the Party is the overall implementation of rights and responsibilities of Vietnam Fatherland Front for Party building,... Boards, Front Working Boards and collaborators of Vietnam Fatherland Front A number of proposed issues that need to be addressed by Vietnam Fatherland Front to build the Party: 1) The problem

Ngày đăng: 01/11/2018, 15:35

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