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KHDH tiếng anh tuần 2

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Week Period: Days of teaching: STARTER UNIT: LESSON Aims: Help students to review the outdoors activities, ask and answer about the activities Teaching aids: book, flashcards, CD T G Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Introduction Play a mime game with the class to - Play the mime game revise free time activities Mime one of the activities from the key vocabulary and the children guess the activity Ask individual children to come to the front Whisper an activity to them or show them the word and they mime for the other children to guess Development Ask the children what they can e.g Can you skateboard? Answer the teacher’s questions Get the children to open their class - Open book page 7, and books on page and look at the pictures the exercise in exercise Ask them what they can see in each picture The children exercise Pair work speaking: On the board write - Work in pairs and practice the following: Can … swim? Can … ride ask and answer a bike? Yes he can, no he can’t Ask the children to look at the table in exercise Choose different children and ask, Can Paul swim? Can Milly ride a bike? Make sure the children answer Yes he can or no he can’t The children work in pairs and take it in turns to ask and answer from the table in exercise Consolidation Pair work: Cut the extra activity I can, - Work in pairs and fill in the you can work sheet in half Tell the table children to work in pairs Give the children the worksheet and ask them to fill in the table for themselves The children then ask their partner and fill in the table for the partner Give an example with a child for the whole class Feedback: Choose some of the children - Feedback to tell the class about their partner Complement: …………………………………………………………………………………… … ……………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… Week Period: Days of teaching: STARTER UNIT: LESSON Aims: Help students to review the outdoors activities, ask and answer about the activities Teaching aids: book, flashcards, CD… T G Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Introduction Play Pictionary Choose some of the - Play Pictionary vocabulary from the starter unit Put the children in teams of 5-6 Ask one child from each team to come to the front of the class Show them a word – they must not say the word The children run back to their team and draw the word, without speaking The first team to guess correctly gets a point Development Exercise 1: Ask the children to look at - Look at p7 of work book p7 of their work book and tell you what and tell what activities can activities they can see in each picture in see in each picture in exercise exercise Ask them what the children in and tell what the children in each picture can and can’t The each picture can and can’t children exercise Exercise 2: The children exercise - Do exercise Feedback: Choose different children to - Feedback ask and answer the questions they wrote in exercise Tell the children to close their books - Close the book and answer and ask them questions to see if they can questions remember e.g Can Lucy ride a bike? Consolidation Picture dictionary: Ask children to - Open Workbooks to p.68 open their Workbooks to p.68 and and write the words under write the words under each animal Ask each animal them to colour the animals Hello everyone board game: Either use - Work in groups and play the the colour version or the black & white game one (with the black & white version? Put children in groups of four and give each group a board game They play the game moving around the board, and saying the words as they land on that square Complement: …………………………………………………………………………………… … ……………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… Week: Period: Days of teaching: UNIT 1: LESSON Aims: - To understand a short story and present the vocabulary of school subjects Teaching aids: - CD track 5,6,7, Flashcards – school subjects 1- 6, Story poster T G Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Introduction Warm up: Review numbers Numbers - Play the game to review the dictation Ask the children to write the numbers numbers they hear Dictate numbers from 11- 20 The children compare to with their partner Same or different? Use flashcards 1-6 to introduce the new - Look at the flashcards and words Hold up the flashcards and elicit listen to teacher introduce the the subjects from the children Hold up new words And then repeat each one in a different order and say the words for children to repeat Development Recording & 6: Ask children to look - Look at the pictures, listen at the pictures and play the first and and point And repeat after second parts of the recording as children the audio point to the words Play again for children to repeat the words after the audio Recording 6: Ask the children to listen - Listen and repeat and repeat Hold the flashcards up as the words are said Ask the children to close their books - Look at the story poster and Show them story poster and talk about listen to teacher present the each picture Recording story 7: With books closed - Listen to the story and put children listen to the story and put up up their hand when they hear their hand when they hear one of the one of the words from words from exercise exercise Recording 7: Ask the children to open - Listen their books and listen to track and point to the speech bubbles in the story as they hear the sentences Ask the children to read the story again - Read the story and point to the words from exercise Consolidation Listen and mime:With the children think of an action for each of the school subjects Play recording again and the - Listen and the actions children the actions Give the children a copy of PMB p Ask them to exercise - Do exercise Complement: …………………………………………………………………………………… … ……………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… Week: Period: Days of teaching: UNIT 1: LESSON Aims: - To practice the spelling of school subjects and the structure what have you got on…? Teaching aids: - CD track 5,6,7, Flashcards – school subjects 1- 6, Story poster T G Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Introduction Warm up: Review school subjects - Work in team to review Spelling Quiz Put the children in teams school subjects of Show a flashcard of a subject The first team to write the subject correctly wins a point Continue with all subjects Ask the children what day it is today - Say the days of week and elicit the days of the week Development  The children exercise and on - Do exercise and on page page in their workbooks in their workbooks Word search: ask the children to work - Work in pairs and make a in pairs and make a word search word including the subjects The children give their word searches to - Complete the another pair and they complete them word searches Ask individual children what subjects - Answer the subject have got they have got on each day e.g What have on each day you got on Monday? Use the flash cards if necessary as prompts for the children - Work in pairs to ask and Open pair work: Choose one child to answer ask the question and another to answer Do this a few times with different children asking and answering Closed pair work: Children in pairs ask and answer what have you got on ? using the pictures in the workbook on page Consolidation Writing practice:the children exercise in the workbook on page The children write one sentence for each day of the week e.g I’ve got maths and science on Monday - Do exercise in the workbook on page - Write one sentence for each day of the week Complement: …………………………………………………………………………………… … ……………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… ... children in each picture can and can’t The each picture can and can’t children exercise Exercise 2: The children exercise - Do exercise Feedback: Choose different children to - Feedback ask and... the dictation Ask the children to write the numbers numbers they hear Dictate numbers from 11- 20 The children compare to with their partner Same or different? Use flashcards 1-6 to introduce

Ngày đăng: 09/10/2018, 12:52


