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Characterization of a novel virulence factor in Penicillium marneffei and Aspergillus fumigatus

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Fungi are microorganisms ubiquitous in our daily living. While most fungi pose little threat to human health, some, which are classified as pathogenic fungi can cause opportunistic infection in human. Opportunistic fungal pathogens infect human with primary or acquired immunodeficiency as a result of radiotherapy, chemotherapy, hematological disorders or human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection (Guarro, GeneJ et al. 1999). As a member of the genus Penicillium, which is most noted for the importance in food and drug production, P. marneffei is an opportunistic pathogen which infects immunocompromised patients particularly HIV positive patients. Invasive aspergillosis (IA) is a fatal disease caused by fungi of the Aspergillus genus in immunocompromised host. A. fumigatus, A. flavus and A. terrus are the three species that most commonly cause mycosis in immunocompromised hosts. In immunocompetent hosts, Aspergillus species cause selflimiting diffuse pneumonitis after massive spore inhalation or aspergilloma in patient with preexisting chronic lung diseases (Denning ; Denning and Stevens 1990).

Characterization of a novel virulence factor in Penicillium marneffei and Aspergillus fumigatus Doctor of Philosophy Thesis Tung Tsz Kwong The University of Hong Kong August 2011 Abstract of thesis entitled “Characterization of a novel virulence factor in Penicillium marneffei and Aspergillus fumigatus” Submitted by Tung Tsz Kwong for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at The University of Hong Kong in August 2011 MP1, a gene previously identified in P marneffei by cDNA library screening, encodes a secreted cell wall mannoprotein Mp1p Thirteen MP1 homologues named MPLP1 to 13 were previously identified in P marneffei by BLAST analysis Two MP1 homologues namely AFMP1 and AFMP2 which encodes Afmp1p and Afmp2p were previously identified by expressed sequence tag library screening in Aspergillus fumigatus – an important fungal pathogen closely related to P marneffei Mp1p, Afmp1p and Afmp2p have previously been reported to be immunogenic Mp1p was also reported to bind fatty acid and was suggested to contribute to virulence in a MP1 knockout P marneffei strain in a mouse model and a cell line model although the Koch’s postulates has yet been met to establish MP1 as a novel virulence factor With reference to sequence identity of Afmp proteins to Mp1p, Afmp proteins were speculated to have functions similar to Mp1p BLAST searches against the A fumigatus genome identified two novel AFMPs namely AFMP3 and AFMP4 Sequence analysis of Afmp3p and Afmp4p revealed the presence of putative N-terminal signal peptide and substantial sequence identity to Mp1p, Afmp1p and Afmp2p Two MP1 knockdown P marneffei mutants were constructed to demonstrate suppression of MP1 expression alone can result in loss of virulence and also the dosage effect of MP1 expression on P marneffei virulence towards mice Subsequent mice challenge experiments using MP1 like protein (MPLP) knockdown strains suggested MP1 to be the most important virulence factor among all its homologues in P marneffei Histopathology examinations of organs from challenged mice suggested survival disadvantages in mice for P marneffei mutants with knockdown of MP1 and effect of MP1 on granuloma formation in infected mice Mice challenge experiments using AFMP1 to knockdown A fumgiatus mutants suggested significant decrease in virulence of A fumigatus upon AFMP4 knockdown and complete protection of challenged mice upon knockdown of AFMP1 to Histopathology examinations of organs from challenged mice suggested survival disadvantages in mice for A fumigatus mutants with knockdown of AFMPs and effect of AFMPs on granuloma formation in infected mice Mice experiments using Pichia pastoris expressing MP1 or AFMP4 suggested the effects of MP1 and AFMP4 on virulence are not caused by factors specific to P marneffei or A fumigatus It was shown using a human peripheral blood mononuclear cells model that Mp1p and Afmp4p confer intracellular survival advantage to P marneffei and A fumigatus upon infection Expression of Mp1p or Afmp4p in P pastoris also confers survival advantage to this nonpathogenic yeast in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells Reduction in proinflammatory prostaglandin E2 production were noticed in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells infected by P marneffei, A fumigatus or P pastoris strains that expressed Mp1p or Afmp4p Such reduction in eicosanoids production also coincides with the inhibition of apoptosis as shown by enzyme activity of caspase-8, caspase-9 and caspase-3 in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells These findings suggest two novel virulence factors – Mp1p and Afmp4p, which confer survival advantages to P marneffei and A fumigatus respectively (497 words) Characterization of a novel virulence factor in Penicillium marneffei and Aspergillus fumigatus by Tung Tsz Kwong B Sc (HK) A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy at The University of Hong Kong August 2011 Declaration I, Tung Tsz Kwong, declare that this thesis represents my own work, except where due acknowledgement is made, and that it has not been submitted to this or other institutions in application for a degree, diploma or any other qualifications Tung Tsz Kwong i Acknowledgements None of this would have been possible without the generous help of many people and tremendous luck I offer my gratitude to all my teachers, in particular, Prof Patrick Woo for his enlightenments and his tolerance of such a mediocre and reckless student I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who shared their valuable time and knowledge with me particularly Prof KY Yuen, Dr Susanna Lau and Dr Herman Tse Special thanks to Dr Ken Chong who equipped me with all the basics of mycology; Mr Andy Leung and Mr Timothy Cheng who I learnt most of my laboratory techniques from; every one of the fungal team especially Ms Apple Leung, Ms Emily Tam and Mr Franklin Chow for their support and assistance in all the difficult times; Dr Rex Au-Yeung for his help with histological examinations; Mr Jian-piao Cai who helped tremendously in generation of Pichia clones; all helpful collaborators; my friends and colleagues And may I express my deepest gratitude to my family and to all who loved me ii Contents Declaration i Acknowledgements ii Contents iii List of figures ix List of tables xii Abbreviations xiii Symbols xv Chapter Introduction 1.1 Penicillium marneffei and Aspergillus fumigatus as emerging pathogenic fungi 1.2 Classification of Penicillium marneffei and Aspergillus fumigatus 1.3 Penicillium marneffei 1.3.1 Mycology of Penicillium marneffei Thermal dimorphism Mould phase of Penicillium marneffei Yeast phase of Penicillium marneffei 1.3.2 Ecology and epidemiology of Penicillium marneffei 10 Reservoirs 10 Route of transmission 11 Seasonal variation of Penicillium marneffei infections 12 Geographical variation of Penicillium marneffei 12 Risk factors 14 iii 1.3.3 Pathology, pathogenesis and immunology of Penicillium marneffei 16 Conidial adhesion 16 Immunology and evasion from host immunity 17 Role of innate immunity 17 Role of adaptive immunity 21 Evasion from host immunity 21 Toxins and virulence factors 23 Pathology 24 1.3.4 Treatment of penicilliosis 26 1.3.5 Prevention of penicilliosis 27 1.4 Aspergillus fumigatus 29 1.4.1 Mycology of Aspergillus fumigatus 29 1.4.2 Ecology and epidemiology of Aspergillus fumigatus 31 Reservoirs 31 Route of transmission 31 Risk factors 32 1.4.3 Pathology, pathogenesis and immunology of Aspergillus fumigatus Immunology and evasion from host immunity 34 34 Role of innate immunity 34 Role of adaptive immunity 36 Evasion from host immunity 37 Toxins and virulence factors Reactive oxygen species scavengers 38 38 iv Transcription factors 39 Growth related factors 40 Secondary metabolites 40 Pathology 42 1.4.4 Treatment of aspergillosis 44 1.4.5 Prevention of aspergillosis 46 1.5 The antigenic mannoprotein superfamily 48 1.5.1 Mannoprotein (MP1) in Penicillium marneffei and Aspergillus fumigatus mannoprotein (AFMP) 1.5.2 Mp1p like protein in Penicillium marneffei 1.6 Rationale and scope of present studys Chapter Materials and methods 48 51 52 54 2.1 Fungal strains 54 2.2 DNA extraction 54 2.3 RNA extraction and reverse transcription 55 2.4 PCR amplification and sequencing 57 2.5 Identification and characterization of homologues of Mp1p in A fumigatus 59 2.6 Phylogenetic analysis 60 2.7 Plasmids construction 61 2.7.1 Construction of plasmids for gene knockout 61 2.7.2 Construction of plasmids for gene knockdown 65 2.7.3 Construction of plasmids for protein expression 75 2.8 Fungal transformation and screening for mutants 2.8.1 P marneffei transformation 78 78 v C Andres-Lacueva, U Senin and J M Guralnik (2006) "Relationship of plasma polyunsaturated fatty acids to circulating inflammatory markers." 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Ngày đăng: 18/08/2018, 16:17