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UPPSALA UNIVERSITY & VNU UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS & BUSINESS V N U -U E B U PPSA LA Vr»JL U N IV E R S IT E T M A ST E R T H E SIS O F M P P M “ ASTUDYON COM PETENCIES OFYOUNGCADRESINPUBLIC SECTOR: THECASEOFDAITUDISTRICT PEOPLE’S C O M M ITTEE, THAINGUYEN PROVINCE V IE T N A M ” A u th o r CRN : N g u y e n T uan D un g : 0 - P253 S u p e rv iso r s : Dr S v e n -E r ik Svard A ssoc Prof Le Q uan C lass : M P P M - Intake H anoi, J a n u a r y 2015 U PPSA L A U N IV E R SIT Y & VNU Ư N IV E R SIT Y OF E C O N O M ỈC S & BU SINESS U PPSA LA U N IV E R S IT E T ACKNOVVLEDGEM ENT I would like to express my gratitude to my supervisors, Dr Sven-Erik Svard and Assoc Prof Le Quan for their invaluable useful comments, remarks, encouragement and engagement through the learning process o f this master thesis Furthermore I would like to thank iM r Ho Nhu Hai for introducing me to the topic as well for the support onthe way I sincerely thank the lecturers who enthusiastically imparted useful knowledge onpublic management during the master program to all class attendants I also tliank the support o f the VNU University o f Economics and Business, the coordinators and program managers for their support and assistance I am using this opportunity to express my gratitude to my classmates, who supported me throughout thc course o f this M PPM course, by their aspiring guidance, invaluably constructive criticism and fricndy advice am sincerely grateíul to them for sharing their truthful and illuminating vicws ona number o f issues related to my thesis Also, I like to thank the participants in my survey, who have willingly shared their precious time during the process o f interviewing I would like to thank my lovcd oncs, who havc supportcd me throughout cntirc proccss, both by keeping me harmonious and helping me putting pieces together Thank you all very much! Sincerelv yours, ABSTRACT Title: Astudyoncompetencies o f youngcadresinpublic sector: Thecase oí'Dai TuDistrict People’s Committee,ThaiNguyenProvince,Vietnam Level: Final assignmcnt for Master Program inPublic Management A u th or: Nguyen Tuan Dung Supervisors: Dr Sven-Erik Svard; Assoc Prof Le Quan Datc when the thesis is prcsented: Dcccniber 5, 2014 Aims ofthestudy Though has repeatedly been mentioned over the vvorld, conipetency development based on competency framework approach are hardly found inVietnamin general, let alone its application to any particular localities Thus, thestudyin its application is conductcd in onc administrative unit o f the country Thestudy is entitled “A studyoncompetencies o f youngcadresinpublic sector: The casc o f DaiTuDistrict Pcople’s Committee,ThaiNguyenProvince, Vietnam” Thestudy aims: - To develop theyoung leader s ta f f o f thedistrict for meeting the demand oí' the next period - To idcntity the essential competencies for D PC ’s youngcadres - To clarify the current level o f fulfillment o f theyoungcadresin comparison with the near futurc’s nccds - To indicate barriers and solutions to develop competencies o f theyoungcadres bascd onthe competency framework approach Methods Secondary data are obtained through credible sources as research joumals, published papers, books, official documents issued by State administration agencies or websites that associatcd with reputable institutions such as a respectcd university (Harvard University, etc.), a governmcnt body (Government o f UK, etc.), or well-known non-governmental organizations (UN, etc.) With the primary data, questionnaire is applicd by using four survcy tbrms for getting data Questionnaire is used popularlv tor getting personal ideas with relatively exact results, so that I choose it for my method o f obtaining primary data Hovvever, I focus only on staff and offícials o f the DPC, \vho can provide the most accurate and fair results Results and Conclusions Thestudy has systematized general issues on competency framework, its application in compctency developnient; find out the core essential competencies needed tor the D PC ’s youngcadres divided into tvvo clusters: Cluster I: Building a successful team; Facilitating Change; and Quality Orientation” , and Cluster II: “ Research and Analysis; Strategic Decision Making, and Negotiation” Current levcl o f thc six abovc competencies is evaluated, will overall average score o f 2.11, vvhicli is adequate for the current needs and have some potential for the future’s demand The most mạịor barriers are indicatcd as “ inconsistent support ot' the senior cadres, unclear job descriptions, young cadres’ resistance, lack o f appropriate communication and unspoken codes” However, the author has made out some practical solutions for applying the competency framework in thc DPC, those are “ Maximizing support o f the top scnior cadrcs, involving participation o f thc wholc staff, comprchensivc communication campaign, building deserving encouragement policy, and being closer to theyoung cadres” Suggestions for future research The findings from thestudy can be examined ina pilot process to check its compatibility A further research for this study can be “to monitor and evaluate the pilot process o f the competency frame\vork inDaiTuDistrict People’s Committee”, then to propose amcndment and adjustment for thc next step of implementation Limitations - Due to limitation o f time and resources, this study mainly focuses on competency dcvclopment tbr youngcadres o f DaiTuDistrict Committee - Since the sample size is relatively small, the ĩindings cannot be generalized to the broader community - The results o f thestudy (ie: the level o f essential competcncies) can be affccted by bias o f the respondents - Thestudy solely mentions to competencies required for needs o f thedistrictinthe next tìve years Cuntribution ofthe thesis The thesis’s results fill in thc gap o f Dai T u ’s knowledge about compctcncy framework, and are initial basis for dcveloping a comprehcnsive competency framework for competency enhancement o f youngcadresinthedistrictThe thesis also gathers valuablc íìndings on competency-bascd approach for those who interested in studying this field Key \vords Compctcncy, Compctcncy Framcwork, DaiTu District, young cadrcs, competency dcvelopmcnt TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 1.1 Background 1.2 Research Q uestions 1.3 Research Purposc 1.3.1 General o b jective 1.3.2 Speci/ic objectives ,2 1.4 Scope of stu d y 2 Frame of refcren ces ,2 2.1 Key cep ts 2.1 ỉ C a d re s 2.1.2 Civiỉ se r v a n ts 2.1.3 YoungcadresinDaiTu D istrict P eople's C om m ittee .3 2.1.4 C om petencv ,3 2.1.5 Com petency fram ew ork (C F ) 2.1.6 Competencv development (C D ) .5 2.1.7 Force-field analysis .5 2.2 Competency frame\vork practices inthe \vo rld .6 2 History and developm ent o f C F 2.2.2 Benefits o f applying C F un C D 2.2.3 Barriers ofbuilciing and appỉying C F 10 2.2.4 Solutions o f building and applying C F .11 2.2.5 Com petency Assessm ent M e th o d .12 2.3 Necds of developing competenciesof leadcrs inDaiTuDistrict 13 2.3.1 Potential developm ent oJ DaiTu D istric t 13 2.3.2 TheDistrict 's missions inthe 2015-2020 p e rio d 13 2.3.3 Current State o f DaiTuDistrict 's civil servants 14 2.3.4 D em and o fC D fo r DaiTu 's civil serv a n ts 15 2.4 Needs of CD for thc DPC’s voung c a d r e s .16 2.4.1 Introduction to D PC 16 2.4.2 Youngcađres o /D P C 18 2.4.3 Needs o fC D fo r the D P C ’s voung c a d re s 18 2.5 Research m o d c l 19 Research m c th o d s 19 3.1 Data collection 19 3.1.1 M ethod o f data c o lle ctio n 19 3.1.2 Steps o f da ta collection 20 3.2 Methods of Data analysis 21 Data analysis 21 4.1 Essential conipetencies for DPC’s youngcadres 21 4.1 ì Two Central/ ocuses ofD cii Tu D istrict inthe 2015 -2 p e r io d 21 4.1.2 The m ost essential com petencies f o r D P C 's young c a d r e s 23 4.2 Current status of essential competenciesofthe D P C ’s youngcadres 26 4.3 Barriers and solutions for theyoung cadres’C D 29 4.3.1 Bcirriers fo r th e yo u n g cadres ’ C D .29 4.3.2 Force-field analysis 31 4.3.3 Solutions Ịor theyoung c a d re s' C D 33 Conclusions and suggestion for further stu d ic s 34 5.1 C onclusions 34 5.2 Limitations and suggestion for further stu d ie s 35 R eĩercn ces 36 A ppcndices 40 LIST O F A B B R E V I A T I O N S AND A C R O N Y M S CF : Competency Framework CD : Competency Development DPC : DaiTuDistrict People’s Committee DFID : Department for International EI : Extemal investment Development HUCF : Harvard University’s Competency Framework IPAA : Institute o f Public Administration Pts : Points UK : The United Kingdom UN : The United Nations us : The United States (of America) L IS T O F T A B L E S AND F I G U R E S TABLES Table 1: Lists o f chosen competencies for D P C ’s youngcadres 22 Table 2: Priority order ofcompetencies for D PC ’s young c ad rcs 24 Table 3: Assessment ofcompetencies o f five selected youngcadres 27 Table 4: Assessment o f competencies o f fíve selected youngcadres 27 Table 5: Current status o f each essential co m p eten cy .29 FIGURES Figure I : Force-field analysis m o d e l Figure 2: Organizational structure o f D PC's Administrative Branch 17 Pigure 3: Agc structure at the D P C 18 Figure 4: The research model 19 Figure 5: Average scores o f theyoung cadres’ essential com petencies 26 Figure 6: Forcc-ficld analysis o f competency development for the D PC ’s youngcadres 32 1 Introduction 1.1 Background Novvadays, intemational integration is an inevitable trcnd o f most countries inthe world, and Vietnam is not outside o f this trend It brings considcrable opportunities and challenges to Vietnamin general and each o f its localities in particular In order to make use o f comparative advantages and respond to challenges o f the newly complex and dynamic environment, leadership inthepublicsector must be radically transíbrmed Ina traditional context, publicsector oíten just concentrates on training competency for planning and implementing policies tor leaders Hovvever, no\vadays, leaders need to have global mind, deep understanding on international issues, effective leadership and management skills ina constant change world It can be said that improvement in quality and efficiency o f human resources management has been one ot' the important contents inthe career o f innovating State organizations and modemizing thepublicsectorinVietnamThe pressing demand o f Vietnam to enhance competencies o f the human resources is also stated inthe Strategy for developing human resources toward 2020 o f thc Government Thereíore, in 2008, a brand new innovative concept named “Job position'’ appcarcd in Law onCadres and Civil Servants On that basis, the Government (2013)1 issued Decree No 36/2013/ND-C’P on ịob positions and structures o f civil ranks The Decrce regulated that each job position is required to have its tunctions, missions and competencies requirements The signiíìcance o f using that approach is to hclp find right pcrson to right things, then it can hclp rc-organizc thc civil servants staff; detect ovcrlapping íunctions and duties o f the job position, agencies and organizations; effective serve the recruitment activities, utilization o f human resources, and assessment o f staíT training and planning Though this issue has repeatedly been mentioncd over the vvorld, official research on competency development based on competency framework approach inVietnam are hardly found, let alone its application to any particular localities Thus, TheVietnam Governm ent (2013) D ecree N o.3 /2 /N D -C P 34 * Being closer to theyoung ccidres Besidcs the work pressure, there arc many other things that affect theyoungcadres' effíciency on work, such as tầmily issues, relationship with colleagucs, behaviors, job satisfaction, and so on Thosc things arc not reported inthe meeting or talked ữeely inpublicThe senior cadres should knovv those things and create iầvorable conditions for theyoungcadres to strive for competency development Conclusions and suggestion for íurther studies 5.1 Conclusions With the title “A studyoncompetencies o f youngcadresinpublic sector: Thecase o f DaiTuDistrict People’s Committee,ThaiNguyenProvince, Vietnam”, thestudy has systematized gcneral issues on competency framework, its application in competency dcvelopment; tìnd out the core essential competencies needed íor the D PC ’s young cadres; evaluate cuiTcnt lcvel o f those competencies; and indicate barricrs and solutions for applying the competency iramevvork inthe DPC Spccitìc contents that the thesis has obtained are as following: Hirstly, six esscntial competencies for D PC ’s youngcadres are idcntified Those compctcncies are divided into two clusters, namely: Cluster 1: “ Building a successful team; Facilitating Change; and Ọuality Orientation”, and Cluster II: “ Research and Analysis; Strategic Decision Making, and Negotiation” The six above competencies are called out respectively in order o f importance Secondly, the current levels o f theyoung cadres’ fulfíllnient tor the six essential compctencies are assesscd Competenciesin cluster I are better met than those in cluster II In general, the averagc score o f the six competencies are acceptable with 2.11, but in particular, the competency “ Research and Analysis” is the only competency \vhich does not meet the demand o f thc present, lct alone thc future’s needs Thirdly, barriers and solutions to devclop competencies o f theyoungcadres based onthe competency framework approach are pointed out Some baưiers for implementing the ữamevvork arc inconsistent support o f the senior cadres; unclear 35 job descriptions, staff resistance to change, lack o f appropriate communication; and unspoken rulcs; \vhile practical solutions are to m axim ize SLipport o f the top senior cadres, involving participation o f the whole staff inthe devclopment plan, execute comprehensive communication campaÍRn, carry out dcserving encouragemcnt policy, and be closer to theyoungcadres 5.2 Limitations and suggestions íor lurther studies Although thestudy has yielded some initial findings, some o f its limitations still exist Due to limitation o f time and resources, this study mainly tbcuses on competcncy development for youngcadres o f DaiTuDistrict Committee Since the sample size is relatively sniall, the íìndings cannot bc generalized to the broader community Thestudy solely mentions to competencies required tor Iieeds o f thedistrictinthe next five years The results o f thestuđy (ie: the level o f essential competencies) can also be affected by bias o f the respondents The fíndings from thestudy can be examined ina pilot process to check its compatibility A further rescarch for this studv can bc “to monitor and evaluate the pilot process o f the competency framework inDaiTuDistrict People’s Committee” , then to propose amendment and adjustment 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Please take some time to answer the following question: What are the two rnost important / òcuses o f DaiTu for the next term (from 20 ì 6-2020)? 43 APPENDIX 3: SURVEY FORM No 02 (for youngcadresofDaiTuDistrict People’s Committee,DaiTu District, ThaiNguyen Province) To vvhom it may concern, I am Nguyen Tuan Dung, a stưdent o f Master o f Public Management Program at VNU University o f Economics and Business Currently, I am conducting a research with the title “A studyoncompetencies o f youngcadresinpublic sector: Thecase o f DaiTuDistrict People’s Committee,Thai Nguycn Province, Vietnam” Plcasc kindly spcnd somc time answering thosc following question according to suggestions Tliis survey serves no inore than educational purposes hope to receive your cooperation Sincerely yours! Please State the point o f importance onthe appropriate space to arrange the level o f importance ofcompetenciesin each cluster in order o f priority (from to 5, in \vhich is the least important and is the most important) I CLUSTER OFCOMPETENCIES FOR PERSONNEL DEVELOPMENT Namc o f coinpetencies Aligning Performance to Success Building a successful tcam Coaching Communication Delegation Pacilitating Changc Quality Orientation/ Drive tor results Points of importance 44 II CLUSTER OFCOMPETENCIES FOR INVESTMENT ATTRACTION Name of competcncies Points of importance Negotiation Stratcgic Dccision Making Planning and Organizing Information Monitoring Technical/ Professional Knowledge Research and Analysis Building Partnerships Follow-up questions: Why you choose those 04 competencies as the most essential competencies for thc youngcadresin DPC? 45 APPENDIX 4: SU RV EY FORM No 03a (for youngcadresofDaiTuDistrict People’s Committee,DaiTu District, ThaiNguyen Province) Please tick (^) onthe appropriate space to self-assess your competencies (1 cquals to Bad, cquals to Good, cquals to Exccllcnt); I CLUSTER OFCOMPETENCIES FOR PERSONNEL DEVELOPMENT Self-assess Name o f competencies Building a successful team Hacilitating Change Quality Orientation II CLUSTER OFCOMPETENCIES FOR INVESTMKINT A'TTRACTION Sclf-asscss Name ofcompetencies Negotiation Strategic Dccision Making Research and Analysis Thanks for your cooperation! Wish you all the best! 46 APPENDIX 5: SURVEY FORM No 03b (for senior cadresofDaiTuDistrict People’s Committee,DaiTu District, ThaiNguyen Province) Please tick (yI) on thc appropriate space to selí-assess your competencies (I equals to Bad, equals to Average, equals to Good); I CLUSTER OFCOMPETENCIES FOR PERSONNEL DEVELOPMENT Assessnient Evaluatees' names Name ofcompetencies Building a successful team , Đặng Cương Ọuyêt Facilitating Change Ọuality Orientation Building a successful team Nguyễn Thị Loan Facilitating Change Ọuality Orientation Building a successful team Lang Thị Ngọc Bích Facilitating Change Quality Orientation Building a successful team Nguyễn Ngọc Hưng Facilitating Change Ọuality Orientation Building a successful tcam Trần Đăng Minh Facilitating Chanue Ọuality Oricntation [ 47 II CLUSTER OF COIVIPETENCIES FOR 1NVESTMENT ATTRACTION Assessment Evaluatees’ namcs Name ofcompetencies Negotiation Đặng Cương Quyết - - Strategic Decision Making Research and Analysis Negotiation Nguyền Thị Loan Strategic Decision Making Research and Analysis Negotiation Lang Thị Ngọc Bích Strategic Decision Making Research and Analysis Nguyền Ngọc Hưng Negotiation — ' Strategic Decision Making Research and Analysis Negotiation " Trần Đãng Minh Strategic Decision Making Research and Analysis Thanks for your coopcration! Wish you all the best! ỉ 4X APPEND1X 6: SURVEY FORM No 04 (for senior an dyou n g cadresofDaiTuDistrict People’s Committee,DaiTu District, ThaiNguyen Province) Questions Ansvvers What are barriers o f the DPC young cadres’ development based onthe competency framework approach? What arc solutions to develop competenciesoftheyoungcadres bascd onthe competency framework approach? ... quality in and out the country In addition, the district is rich in natural mineral resources; 23/30 administrative areas in Dai Tu has mineral mines as coal, zinc, titanium, iron, etc 2.3.2 The district. .. area o f Thai Nguyen Province The total areas o f tea plantation in Dai Tu are account for one third o f those areas in the province Tea Products in the district have certiíìed their premium quality... application to any particular localities Thus, the study in its application is conductcd in onc administrative unit o f the country The study is entitled A study on competencies o f young cadres in