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ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI KHOA QUẢN TRỊ VÀ KINH DOANH - LÊ THÚY NGÂN IMPROVE THE ROLE OF SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING IN BANKING SECTOR – THE CASE STUDY OF BIDV NÂNG CAO VAI TRÒ CỦA MARKETING MẠNG XÃ HỘI TRONG LĨNH VỰC NGÂN HÀNG NGHIÊN CỨU CỤ THỂ TẠI BIDV LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ QUẢN TRỊ KINH DOANH HÀ NỘI - 2020 ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI KHOA QUẢN TRỊ VÀ KINH DOANH - LÊ THÚY NGÂN IMPROVE THE ROLE OF SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING IN BANKING SECTOR – THE CASE STUDY OF BIDV NÂNG CAO VAI TRÒ CỦA MARKETING MẠNG XÃ HỘI TRONG LĨNH VỰC NGÂN HÀNG NGHIÊN CỨU CỤ THỂ TẠI BIDV Chuyên ngành: Quản trị kinh doanh Mã số: 60 34 01 02 LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ QUẢN TRỊ KINH DOANH NGƯỜI HƯỚNG DẪN KHOA HỌC: PGS.TS NGUYỄN VIỆT KHÔI HÀ NỘI - 2020 DECLARATION The author confirms that the research outcome in the thesis is the result of author‟s independent work during study and research period and it is not yet published in other‟s research and article The other‟s research result and documentation (extraction, table, figure, formula, and other document) used in the thesis are cited properly and the permission (if required) is given The author is responsible in front of the Thesis Assessment Committee, Hanoi School of Business, and the laws for above-mentioned declaration Hanoi, date of …… / …… /…… Le Thuy Ngan i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I have gained huge knowledge, skill and insights from my MBA course The course raises my capacity of administration and management up to the next level I declare that this is a true copy of my thesis The content of this thesis has been approved by the committee of Vietnam National University, Hanoi – Hanoi School of Business and Management (HSB) This thesis has not been submitted for a higher degree to any other University or Institution In order to finish this project successfully, I have received many helps, supports and guidance from many people who I would like to thank sincerely First of all, I would like to thank all the professors of MBA program, especially Assoc Pro Dr Nguyen Viet Khoi – my supervisor Then I would like to thank deeply to respondents and interviewees who allowed me to gather enough data for this research Finally, I would like to express my thanks to my husband, my family, my colleagues and my fellow friends who always stand by me during the past two years and encourages me to keep moving from the beginning of my study Hanoi, date of …… / …… /…… Le Thuy Ngan ii TABEL OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ii TABEL OF CONTENTS iii ABBREVIATION v LIST OF TABLE vi LIST OF FIGURES vii CHAPTER THE THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK OF SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING - THE UPDATED TREND AND APPLICATIONS IN BANKING INDUSTRY 1.1.Overview of social media marketing 1.2.Social media marketing channels: 1.3.Social media marketing channels in banking sector: 12 1.3.1 The social media channel used popularly in banks: 13 1.3.2 The social media channels in Vietnamese Banking Industry: 17 CHAPTER RESEARCH METHODOLOGY AND DATA ANALYSIS 19 2.1 Methodology and research methods 19 2.1.1 Methodology and research methods 19 2.1.2 The datas: 19 2.2.Data analysis 27 2.2.1.Users of Social Media: 27 2.2.2.Purpose of using Social Media 30 2.2.3.The popular Social Media Sites 31 2.2.4.Time used for Social Media 33 2.2.5.Banks should use Social Media Sites or not 34 2.2.6.Which activities Bank use Social Media for 35 2.2.7.Which of the following social media platforms does your bank use for marketing purpose: 37 2.2.8.Social Media Marketing in Sale 37 2.2.9.Social Media Marketing in Customer Service 38 2.2.10.Social Media Marketing in Customer Relation 40 2.2.11 Social Media Marketing in Recruitment 41 2.2.12.Social Media Marketing in Branding 42 iii CHAPTER VALUATING THE EFFICIENCY OF USING SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING CHANNELS IN BIDV 46 3.1.Introduction about BIDV 46 3.1.1.Summary about BIDV foundation and development: 46 3.1.2.Organiz ational and Governance Structure 47 3.1.3.BIDV Main Products and Services: 49 3.1.4.Business Performance 50 Mobilization 51 51 52 52 financial indicators 54 3.2.Analyze the current application of social media marketing channels in BIDV 55 3.2.1.Analyze factors affecting to BIDV and BIDV‟s social media marketing 55 3.2.2.BIDV‟s social media marketing 61 Social Media Marketing in Sales 61 Social Media Marketing in Branding 64 Social Media Marketing in Customer Service 67 Social Media Marketing in Competitor Analysis 68 Social Media Marketing in Recruitment 68 3.3.The advantages and disadvantages of using social media marketing tools in BIDV 69 3.3.1.The advantages 69 3.3.2.Disadvantages 70 CHAPTER FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR IMPROVING THE ROLE OF SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING IN BIDV 71 4.1.Development orientation of BIDV 71 4.2.Solutions to enhance the importance of social media marketing in BIDV 72 4.3.Recommendations 72 LIMITATIONS 77 APPENDIX QUESTIONNAIRE IN ONLINE SURVEY 79 REFERENCE 83 iv ABBREVIATION BIDV Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam SMCC Social Media Contacting Center AMA American Marketing Association IVR Interactive Voice Response CRM Customer Relationship Management v LIST OF TABLE Table 1: The Social Media channels and their business characteristics: 11 Table 2: The participants of the discussion 21 Table 3: Summary of the benefits of Social Media Marketing for banking businesses 27 Table 4: Time used for social media 33 Table 5: Should banks have their own social network 35 Table 6: BIDV fund mobilization 2013-2017 51 Table 7: Credit 2013-2017 51 Table 8: Financial performance 2015-2017 54 Table 9: Business result 2014-2017 54 vi LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Average hours/week spent on online activities worldwide Figure 2: Benefits of Social Media Marketing: Figure 3: The Social Media Landscape 2008, by Fred Cavazza Figure 4: The Social Media Landscape 2009, by Fred Cavazza Figure 5: The Social Media Landscape 2011, by Fred Cavazza Figure 6: The Social Media Landscape 2012, by Fred Cavazza Figure 7: Social Media Universe for businesses 10 Figure 8: Banks‟ top preferred social media platforms in America 14 Figure 9: Number of comments about bank on social media the first months 2014 17 Figure 10: Number of Internet/ social media users around the world 2018 28 Figure 11: Most popular messaging app 29 Figure 12: Social media service popularity 29 Figure 13: Top 10 reasons for social media usage 30 Figure 14: Social media users, classified by app 32 Figure 15: Which activities American Bank use Social media for 36 Figure 16 : Organizational Structure 48 Figure 17: BIDV Governance Structure 49 Figure 18: Net service income 2015-2017 53 vii INTRODUCTION Rationale: Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large (Approved July 2013 by AMA1 ) Launched in the early 2000s in the form of innovative online applications that facilitate online content sharing, Web 2.0 rapidly evolved into a phenomenon elevating online communications to a new level (Constantinides and Fountain, 2008) All actions of marketing from creating demand to take it in products and deliver, exchange value for customers are implemented on Internet What began as an array of platforms for online interactions with focus on entertainment quickly escalated into a global phenomenon where connectedness to the online networks is everything and the aptitude to “follow,” “like” or “share” means power The astonishing popularity and the fast rate of adoption of social media lead enthusiasts to speculate on the potential goldmine for marketing that lies within the complex web of user commentaries, testimonials and communities, linking consumers with products and brands (Beer, 2008; Eccleston and Griseri, 2008; Hardey, 2009) So that businesses are no longer dismissive the role of Digital Marketing in reaching the target customers as well as building brand for products and their own businesses According to a research statistic, Internet advertising gains 33% of the cost for advertising US companies in early 2012 That same year was the birth and development of the powerful Social networking sites like Facebook, MySpace, Pinterest By the preeminent features, Social networking has attracted millions of people with various ages, geographic areas and different interests participating in That makes up a plus the great pile Only a short time ago, many marketers said that social networking is not suitable for brands However, the trend has changed The result in recent survey indicates that many brands, including high-class brands, such as Mercedes, Burberry , also actively invest in Social Media Marketing like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube to launch mass marketing and enhance interaction with users According to a survey from Alterian2, many company is using social networking to attract new customers and raise awareness about brand This survey polls 400 senior marketing executives from the big brands and gets American Marketing Association (Big US company in collecting and analyzing datas) viii ● BIDV settles social media hub at big branch that show public what the consumer community are thinking, commenting about BIDV both positive and negative side ● The other banks have their own social media sites and interact with customer as bank representative But BIDV had built an image “Mr Consultant” on social media channels like a brand ambassador to make it closed, friendly to customers They don‟t feel as they are interacting, commenting with a “flat, cold bank”, they are connecting with real person willing to help them all time ● BIDV built a department specializing on communication and branding on social media network Beside providing information about products and services, those are the tool finding the signs of crisis that are commented on social media by social listening tool 3.3.2.Disadvantages ● Social media marketing strategy is not focused regularly At present, BIDV concentrates on Facebook channel so much, the other channels like Youtube, Instagram are not used anymore, not updated for a long time ● Content on social sites is similar like other banks Most of posts are about the products and services When customers want to find down deeply, they have to contact with banks Instead of that, bank can illustrate how they work by video or something more attractive ● Connection channels are not consistent That make customers feel difficult to get in touch with BIDV For example, clients have some requests about products they are using, they gave feedback on Facebook page Bank replied that they should call for branch that keep their account for details But both hotline and branch extension are always busy or hard to connect 70 CHAPTER FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR IMPROVING THE ROLE OF SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING IN BIDV 4.1.Development orientation of BIDV Beside business tasks for 2019, vision to 2020, BIDV has been deploying digital banking project on all business activities, regulations, products, distribution channel in line with the Industry 4.0 and competing with other fintechs So social media marketing have an important role to implement those Social networks continuously become an effective bridge between customers and the bank, supporting customers the best to increase the proportion of customers using the services, reduce the proportion of customers leaving, strength and increase customer loyalty with the bank Using social networks like the marketing and making sale channels to spread brand and simplify procedures for registering customers‟ services, reduce time for both bank and customers Following the success of the first phase of establishment, in 2018, SMCC maintained effective operation in three main areas: monitoring online data analysis; social network Communication and social network application development With the advantage of being responsible of operating the tool Social listening, with the function of collecting information about BIDV and the whole banking industry, SMCC continue improving the quality of analysis reports on market and competitors, reports analyzing customer feedback to serve as a basis for evaluating and improving products and services, handling potential risk information and trends of marketing and communication Regarding the communication in digital environment (Digital Marketing), in the next time, SMCC will give priority to develop and promote to make BIDV become a modern bank in the minds of customers Along with building up a new presence of social network on Zalo, BIDV will have the opportunity to communicate, market products, services and customer care on the second most popular social network in Vietnam At the same time, SMCC also researches and implements measures to increase the coverage of BIDV on Google search, supporting to improve the accessibility of BIDV website to customers With the goal of developing to become a “Center to integrate activities at BIDV into the social network application”, SMCC have to study the application of social network 71 in projects of upgrading and modernizing technology by participating in CRM, Digital Banking projects, at the same time, researching big data analysis from data sources on social media 4.2.Solutions to enhance the importance of social media marketing in BIDV Social media channels have to be an official channel in the BIDV They have to be focused, invested seriously The reports of result implemented, the numbers are shown clearly, in detail to see the role of social media marketing in BIDV Actually, with the explosion of high tech, big data, if the bank doesn‟t join the game, the bank will be in behind 4.3.Recommendations Technology has been developing more and more The fintech wave is bigger make banks have to change and adapt day by day Many banks in the world tried and knew how important the role of social media marketing is The bank can to extract more value out of financial institution‟s social media activity The banks‟ social network has to be visual Social media is your chance to go visual, says Steven Ramirez, CEO, Beyond the Arc In fact, HubSpot found that visual content is more than 40 times more likely to get shared on social media than other types of content Tweets with images get 18% more clicks, 89% more favorites and 150% more retweets, according to Buffer Bank of America does a good job with visuals on Instagram, describing the bank‟s Instagram strategy as “pretty bold” They give priority to visual content as the platform naturally demands But instead of just reposting content from their Facebook page, they‟ve tailor made content to suit the demands of the audience They‟ve done a great job taking chances with Instagram, and their page is on par with that of any “fun” consumer brand out there Another institution that success in social media branding is Deer Valley Credit Union In addition to photos of credit union employees, they provide inspirational and humorous posts as well The key to success is to take the time to make it visual If you‟re going to repurpose and repost content from other channels, something visual like turning the information into an infographic or a short video The second thing the bank can that telling personal stories When you hear of the struggle a small business faces and the challenges they overcome which often have huge financial implications, it is incredibly engaging CEO of Techcombank built a close, friendly image when he shared about the hot topic: “Why the banks‟ employees always 72 work late”, and it became the top google search He had an impressive answer “ The staffs have to work late is his fault” Or many banks‟ posts about credit cards promotion, big benefit when making payment through their banks but honestly the customers don‟t know how to get that Therefore, the bank can tell a story or post some videos that are relevant to the products or services the bank aims to promote that attract more customers understand, like and use it Thirdly, don‟t try too hard: “Most banks and credit unions seem like they are trying too hard on social media”, says Tim Pannell, President and CEO of Financial Marketing Solutions The more genuine you can become in social media, the better your connection to consumers The fourth thing is focusing on Micro-Moments: Mr Pannell calls out Google for its micro-moments marketing strategy Micro-moments are those moments that consumers turn to a device- typically a smartphone – to take an action on something happens right now Micro-moments fall into four categories: i I want to know ii I want to go iii I want to buy iiii I want to These moments are loaded with intent, context, and immediacy If the banks can reach consumers during a micro-moment, you‟ll increase the likelihood that they will buy Social listening through Twitter and Facebook provides valuable insight into what key stakeholders are thinking Monitor comments and preferences for clues into what is trending and to access the sentiment towards your brand And don‟t be afraid of negative feedback but use it to improve your messaging and the customer experience Besides, the bank can offer quizzes and contests: Offer contests, quizzes and special deals are the interactive way to connect with customers on social media For example, St Mary‟s Credit Union often posts quizzes on its Facebook page, and Deer Valley Credit Union asks its members to share local tips such as their favorite local restaurant Or First Bank Financial Centre uses Facebook for its “Where‟s Mark Wednesday” A bobble head figure of Ceo Mark Mohr is photo shopped somewhere in the world The first person to guess it wins a $10 Visa gift card Mass media through Kols (key opinion leaders) or influencer marketing and prominent viral channels need to be concerned Brand ambassadors, sponsoring cultural 73 and entertainment events are still an effective way to create attention on social network The success of Shopee in the use of celebrity leverage (Son Tung M-TP) and Oppo “landed” television wave, hot Facebook fanpage and Youtube is the trend not to be missed by 2018 BIDV has to continue maintaining and developing the “Mr Consultant” image That make audience on social network remember about BIDV modernly but very friendly The content on social media needs to be more qualified BIDV should focus on value the content bring to customers and the society Especially, for the younger gender “Gen-K”, the content not only just about giving out new products and services of bank, but also providing them what information they are really need and care Today young people are lacking in personal financial management skills As a bank, BIDV can clarify and support them to optimize personal spending, give them the appropriate product BIDV can use BCG matrix to identify which products or services should make priority in each business period BCG matrix is designed by Boston Consulting Group to help a business consider growth opportunities by reviewing its portfolio of products to decide where to invest, to discontinue or develop products The Matrix is divided into quadrants based on an analysis of market growth and relative market share: 74 - Dog: These products are low growth and low market share - Question: Products are high growth but low market share - Star: Products with high growth and high market share - Cow: Products are low growth but high market share BCG matrix is designed appropriately for products more than services but BIDV still can applies it in its business Evaluating market share and the market growth with each product and service From that, BIDV can remove any dog products or services from portfolio or stop at maintaining information in low-cost channel without any sponsor From the last year, those are Buno, Directbanking, Customized-Deposit… With Question Mark products, they can become star or drop into dog quadrant Theses products often require significant investment to push them into star quadrant The challenge is that a lot of investment may be required to get a return BIDV must have quality content in diversified channels to attract consumers‟ attention to enhance market share and turn “question” to “star” such as: Influencer Marketing (Kols), Sponsor Social network, Adwords marketing… Those are iBank, Pay+ Star products can be the market leader though require ongoing investment to sustain They generate more ROI than other product categories The high growth means that there is opportunity to continue increasing revenue and profits This is an area of moderate marketing and advertising investment Those tool can be used are Adwords tail, SEO long-tail, Organic reach, Blog marketing Those are BIDV Smartbanking, Electric inward-outward account authority… Cash-cows: Products in the lower left quadrant are called “Cash cows” In these instances the company has relatively good share market, but it faced with low growth These products are making money, but they will not necessarily take the seller further, growing revenue or profits over time These associated with your brand, almost exclusively The strategy is to harvest from these to invest elsewhere So marketing cost can be down, just basic content on traditional or low-cost channels Those are BIDV card, BIDV salary payment, BIDV international payment 75 Source: SmartInsight.com From that BIDV can make marketing decisions appropriate with each business period, balance the cost from social media channels 76 CONCLUSIONS Social media is a valuable tool for banks, who can use it to drive customer relationships, building tangible and intangible value Social media marketing for banks is still evolving, but it is helping banks to be more personal, build closer relationships with customers, and to offer more targeted products and services than ever before The recommendations which the author shows above are: - BIDV has to extract value out of financial institution‟s social media activity Instead of posting the same content like other banks, BIDV will tailor make content to suit the demands of the audiences - Making the content as the most visual as possible, turning the information about the products and services into an inforgraphic or a short video - Telling personal stories to attract more attention The more genuine you can become, the better your connection to consumers - Focusing on Micro-Moments: (i) I want to know; (ii) I want to go; (iii) I want to buy; (iv) I want to Social listening tool provides valuable insight into what the key stakeholders are thinking - Offering quizzes, contests or minigames on social media sites - Maintaining and developing the “Mr Consultant” image to connect more and more with customers - Focus on young customer segment that doesn‟t have much experience in financial management Social media marketing needs to be put on the more important position than existing Because with the development of the industry revolution 4.0, the data is the most valuable product If BIDV can take the full advantages of social media in exploiting customers‟s data, they will be on the top of business 77 LIMITATIONS The biggest limitation of the study belongs to the research model The model depends on the results of survey, interview and observation but those are the personal point of view More than that, the social media is changing day by day, so the result can change on testing in the fixed group participants The second things is the study is about simple selection The participant in survey if don‟t care or interested in bank, they will never see anything relevant to bank So it influences on the result of survey They why the author has to use many secondary datas 78 IMPLICATIONS Social media marketing is the indispensable part in 4.0 business industry It helps enterprises spread their reputation further more and more, improve sale, customer service, deeply customer relationship BIDV has known about that and pioneering in social media marketing, started with establishing SMCC in 2015 BIDV continuously invested in social marketing in accordance with the development of banking industry and the economy The implementation process, despite many efforts, but within the limited knowledge, study time is not much, so the thesis is difficult to avoid certain shortcomings The author wishes to receive the comments of teachers, colleagues and friends to complete the research 79 APPENDIX QUESTIONNAIRE IN ONLINE SURVEY Dear Sirs/ Madams I am Le Thuy Ngan, an MBA student of HSB-MBA09 , in Hanoi School of Business (HSB), Vietnam National University Currently I am researching on the topic of “ The role of social media marketing in banking sector Case study in BIDV” I hope I can have your time to answer some below questions Please also note that your responses are the basis for our evaluation the research‟s current status, thereby I am looking forward to receiving your detailed and honest answer All relevant information will only be available for research purposes and will be fully confidential Thanks for your cooperation and help! Question 1: What’s your name? You can provide or not Question 2: What’s your gender? Male Female Question 3: How old are you? Under 18 From 18-25 From 25-35 From 35-50 Above 50 Question 4: What are you doing for work? Schooling Officer Own-business House-work Other: Question 5: Which social network are you using? Facebook Instagram LinkedIn Pinterest Zalo Youtube All above None of them 80 Other Question 6: Which social network you use the most? Please choose from 1- rarely to 5regularly Question 7: How much time you spend for social network daily? Under hour 1-3 hours Above hours Question 8: Which bank you use its products/ services? Vietcombank/ Techcombank/ TienphongBank/ VpBank/ Vietinbank/ Agribank/ Citibank/ Standard Chartered Bank/ BIDV/ Other Question 9: Which channels you get the information of banks’ products and services? Television Book/ newspaper/ magazine Popular social network By mouth (relatives) Bank campaigns Other Question 10: Which utilities you want when using banks’ products and services? Question 11: What you think about the bank’ social presence? If the answer is “Yes”, continuing with question 13 Yes No Question 12: Do you read the article about banks’ products and services when you see on social network? Yes No Never seen before Question 13: If you have seen, which content you want to read? More information about the products and services Quicker replying To be an official channel for customers to request or complaint More visual Question 14: Have you ever seen BIDV’s social network? Yes No Question 15: Have you ever like, comment or share the post on BIDVs’ page? Never 81 Sometimes Many times Question 16: Have you ever give feedback about BIDVs’ products and services on BIDVs’ social network? Yes/ A couple times Never Question 17: Have you ever seen BIDVs’ recruitment news? Yes I have seen others Question 18: Have you ever had demand about banks’ products and services after seeing on social network? Yes, deposit product Yes, credit product Yes, card product Never seen before Other Question 19: Content on BIDVs’ social network is appropriate with you or not? Not good Normal Good Question 20: What you need from BIDV’s social presence? Sincerely thanks and wish you health, success! 82 Very good REFERENCES Beer, D (2008), “Researching a confessional society”, International Journal of Market Research, Vol 50 No 5, pp 619-29 Celine ARCA (2012), Master Thesis report about “ Social Media Marketing benefits for businesses Why and how should every business create and develop its Social Media Sites?” Constantinides, E and Fountain, S (2008), “Web 2.0: conceptual foundations and marketing issues”, Journal of Direct, Data and Digital Marketing Practice, Vol No 3, pp 231-44 Cognizant (2016), Digital marketing in banking: evolution and revolution Daiana Tont (2013) Master‟s Thesis Social media marketing: a gateway to consumers‟ wardrobe? A study based on high-street fashion brands Zara, H&M and River Island Damian & Calvin Jone (2009), Understanding Digital Marketing – Marketing strategies for engaging the digital generation, London and Philadelphia Dương Trọng Huế and PGS TS Lukas Parker, Lecturer of Marketing Department of RMIT VietNam University in interview article in The Saigontimes 2014 Diamond, 2008 “Web Marketing for Small Businesses: Steps to Explosive Business Growth”, Sourcebooks Inc., Illinois Evans, D 2008, “Social Media Marketing: An Hour a Day”, Wiley Publishing Inc., Indiana, United States 10 Eccleston, D and Griseri, L (2008), “How does Web 2.0 stretch traditional influencing patterns International Journal of Market Research, Vol 50 No 5, pp 591-616 11 Fowler Jr, F.J 2009 Survey Research Methods 4th ed California: SAGE Publication Inc 12 Grinnell, R.M 1997 Social Work Research and Evaluation 4th ed USA: Peacock Publishers Inc 13 Hollensen, S 2011, “Global Marketing: A Decision-Oriented Approach”, 5th edition, Pearson Education Limited, Harlow, England 83 14 Hardey, M (2009), “The social context of online market research: an introduction to sociability of social media”, International Journal of Market Research, Vol 51 No 4, pp 562-4 15 Hubspot, 2012, “120 Marketing Stats, Charts & Graphs”, viewed April 28th 2012 16 Kaplan, Andreas M., and Michael Haenlein Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of Social Media Business horizons 53.1 (2010): 59-68 17 Kent Wertime & Ian Frenwick (2009), Tiếp thị số – hướng dẫn thiết yếu cho truyền thông Digital marketing, dịch tiếng Việt Tín Việt, hiệu đính Lê Thúy Hạnh, nhà xuất Tri thức, Hà Nội 18 Levinson, J.C & Gibson, S 2010, “Guerrilla Social Media Marketing: 100+ Weapons to Grow your Online Influence, Attract Customers and Drive Profits”, Entrepreneur Media Inc., Canada 19 Nick Bontis Lorne D Booker Alexander Serenko, (2007),"The mediating effect of organizational reputation on customer loyalty and service recommendation in the banking industry", Management Decision, Vol 45 Iss pp 1426 – 1445 20 Phạm Hồng Hoa (2013), Quy trình ứng dụng Internet Marketing doanh nghiệp vừa nhỏ Việt Nam, Luận án Tiến sĩ kinh tế, Đại học Kinh tế Quốc dân, Hà Nội, bảo vệ ngày 28/03/2014 21 Philip Kotler (2003), Quản trị Marketing, dịch Vũ Trọng Hùng, nhà xuất Thống Kê, Hà Nội 22 Pine, B and Gilmore, J (2011) Welcome to the experience economy 2nd edn, Boston: 69 Harvard Business School Press 23 Phillips Kotler, 2016 “ Marketing 4.0” 24 Singh, Y.K & Nath, R 2010 Research Methodology New Delhi: A.P.H Publishing Corporation 25 Sarah Tsitsi Chikandiwa Eleftherios Contogiannis Edgar Jembere, (2013),"The adoption of social media marketing in South African banks", European Business Review, Vol 25 Iss pp 365 – 381 26 Wipro & Efma (2013), The global retail banking - Digital marketing report 2013 84 ... to improve the role of social media marketing in BIDV Objects of research: The development of information technology and the explosion of social network in life lead to the changing of marketing. .. 3.2.2 .BIDV s social media marketing 61 .BIDV Social Media Marketing in Sales 61 .BIDV Social Media Marketing in Branding 64 .BIDV Social Media Marketing. .. disadvantages of using social media marketing tools in BIDV Chapter 4: Findings and recommendations for improving the role of social media marketing in BIDV 4.1 Development orientation of BIDV 4.2

Ngày đăng: 19/05/2020, 15:29

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Tài liệu tham khảo Loại Chi tiết
1. Beer, D. (2008), “Researching a confessional society”, International Journal of Market Research, Vol. 50 No. 5, pp. 619-29 Sách, tạp chí
Tiêu đề: Researching a confessional society
Tác giả: Beer, D
Năm: 2008
2. Celine ARCA (2012), Master Thesis report about “ Social Media Marketing benefits for businesses Why and how should every business create and develop its Social Media Sites?” Sách, tạp chí
Tiêu đề: Social Media Marketing benefits for businesses Why and how should every business create and develop its Social Media Sites
Tác giả: Celine ARCA
Năm: 2012
3. Constantinides, E. and Fountain, S. (2008), “Web 2.0: conceptual foundations and marketing issues”, Journal of Direct, Data and Digital Marketing Practice, Vol. 9 No. 3, pp. 231-44 Sách, tạp chí
Tiêu đề: Web 2.0: conceptual foundations and marketing issues
Tác giả: Constantinides, E. and Fountain, S
Năm: 2008
8. Diamond, 2008 “Web Marketing for Small Businesses: 7 Steps to Explosive Business Growth”, Sourcebooks Inc., Illinois Sách, tạp chí
Tiêu đề: Web Marketing for Small Businesses: 7 Steps to Explosive Business Growth
9. Evans, D. 2008, “Social Media Marketing: An Hour a Day”, Wiley Publishing Inc., Indiana, United States Sách, tạp chí
Tiêu đề: Social Media Marketing: An Hour a Day
11. Fowler Jr, F.J. 2009. Survey Research Methods. 4th ed. California: SAGE Publication Inc Sách, tạp chí
Tiêu đề: Survey Research Methods
12. Grinnell, R.M. 1997. Social Work Research and Evaluation. 4th ed. USA: Peacock Publishers Inc Sách, tạp chí
Tiêu đề: Social Work Research and Evaluation
13. Hollensen, S. 2011, “Global Marketing: A Decision-Oriented Approach”, 5th edition, Pearson Education Limited, Harlow, England Sách, tạp chí
Tiêu đề: Global Marketing: A Decision-Oriented Approach
14. Hardey, M. (2009), “The social context of online market research: an introduction to sociability of social media”, International Journal of Market Research, Vol. 51 No. 4, pp. 562-4 Sách, tạp chí
Tiêu đề: The social context of online market research: an introduction to sociability of social media
Tác giả: Hardey, M
Năm: 2009
15. Hubspot, 2012, “120 Marketing Stats, Charts & Graphs”, viewed April 28th 2012 <http://hubspot.com/&gt Sách, tạp chí
Tiêu đề: 120 Marketing Stats, Charts & Graphs
18. Levinson, J.C. & Gibson, S. 2010, “Guerrilla Social Media Marketing: 100+ Weapons to Grow your Online Influence, Attract Customers and Drive Profits”, Entrepreneur Media Inc., Canada Sách, tạp chí
Tiêu đề: Guerrilla Social Media Marketing: 100+ Weapons to Grow your Online Influence, Attract Customers and Drive Profits
19. Nick Bontis Lorne D. Booker Alexander Serenko, (2007),"The mediating effect of organizational reputation on customer loyalty and service recommendation in the banking industry", Management Decision, Vol. 45 Iss 9 pp. 1426 – 1445 Sách, tạp chí
Tiêu đề: The mediating effect of organizational reputation on customer loyalty and service recommendation in the banking industry
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