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www.ebook3000.com Encyclopedia of EDUCATIONAL THEORY and PHILOSOPHY www.ebook3000.com Editorial Board Editor D C Phillips Stanford University Associate Editor Valerie K Phillips Editorial Board Johannes Bellmann University of Münster Eric Bredo University of Toronto Nel Noddings Stanford University Shirley Pendlebury University of Cape Town Lee Shulman Stanford University Paul Standish University of London www.ebook3000.com Encyclopedia of EDUCATIONAL THEORY and PHILOSOPHY Edited by D C Phillips Stanford University Copyright © 2014 by SAGE Publications, Inc FOR INFORMATION: SAGE Publications, Inc All rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher 2455 Teller Road Thousand Oaks, California 91320 E-mail: order@sagepub.com SAGE Publications Ltd Printed in the United States of America Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Oliver’s Yard 55 City Road London, EC1Y 1SP United Kingdom SAGE Publications India Pvt Ltd Encyclopedia of educational theory and philosophy / edited by D.C Phillips, Stanford University pages cm Includes bibliographical references and index B 1/I Mohan Cooperative Industrial Area Mathura Road, New Delhi 110 044 India SAGE Publications Asia-Pacific Pte Ltd ISBN 978-1-4522-3089-4 Education—Philosophy—Encyclopedias I Phillips, D C (Denis Charles), 1938– Church Street #10-04 Samsung Hub Singapore 049483 LB17.E52 2014 371.001—dc23 Acquisitions Editor: Jim Brace-Thompson Developmental Editor: Diana E Axelsen Production Editor: David C Felts Reference Systems Manager: Leticia Gutierrez Reference Systems Coordinator: Anna Villaseñor Copy Editor: QuADS Prepress (P) Ltd Typesetter: Hurix Systems Pvt Ltd Proofreaders: Christine Dahlin, Bonnie Moore Indexer: David Luljak Cover Designer: Glenn Vogel Marketing Manager: Carmel Schrire 14 15 16 17 18 10 2014000278 Contents Volume List of Entries vii Reader’s Guide xi About the Editor xix Contributors xx Introduction xxvii Entries A B C D E F 73 97 207 249 321 G H I J K 345 359 397 431 439 Volume List of Entries vii Entries L M N O P Q R 455 501 565 585 593 677 687 S T U V W Y Index 865 729 789 821 829 847 859 List of Entries Abilities, Measurement of Accountability and Standards-Based Reform Achievement Gap Achievement Motivation Activity Theory Actor–Network Theory: Bruno Latour Addams, Jane Adler, Mortimer, and the Paideia Program Adolescent Development Advance Organizers Aesthetic Education Affirmative Action Aims, Concept of Alienation Analytic Philosophy of Education: Development and Critiques See Continental/Analytic Divide in Philosophy of Education; Peters, R S.; Scheffler, Israel; Wittgenstein, Ludwig Analytical Psychology: Carl Jung Anthropology of Education: Main Traditions and Issues Apple, Michael Aptitude–Treatment Interactions: Evolution of Research Aquinas and Thomism Arendt, Hannah Aristotle Arnold, Matthew Assimilation Associationism At-Risk Children Augustine Autonomy Bildung Bilingual Education Bourdieu, Pierre See Reproduction Theories Bruner, Jerome Buber, Martin Buddhism See Indian Religious and Philosophical Traditions and Education Capability Approach: Martha Nussbaum and Amartya Sen Capital: Cultural, Symbolic, and Social Cardinal Principles of Secondary Education Case Studies Castoriadis, Cornelius Causation Cavell, Stanley Century of the Child, The: Ellen Key Character Development Charter Schools Childhood, Concept of Children’s Rights Chinese Philosophical Traditions and Education See Confucius Chomsky, Noam Church and State Cicero Citizenship and Civic Education Code Theory: Basil Bernstein Cognitive Load Theory and Learning Cognitive Revolution and Information Processing Perspectives Coleman Report Colonialism and Postcolonial Theory Comenius, Johann Amos Common Curriculum Common School Movement See Schooling in the United States: Historical Analyses Communicative Action See Critical Theory Communitarianism Communities of Learners Bacon, Francis Beauvoir, Simone de Behavioral Objectives and Operational Definitions Behaviorism Bell Curve vii viii List of Entries Competence Complexity Theory Conceptual Change Confucius Connoisseurship and Educational Criticism Constructivism See Radical Constructivism: Ernst von Glasersfeld; Social Constructionism Continental/Analytic Divide in Philosophy of Education Cosmopolitanism Cost–Benefit and Cost-Effectiveness Analyses Counts, George See Social Reconstruction Creative and Lateral Thinking: Edward de Bono Creativity Critical Race Theory Critical Theory Critical Thinking Cultural Literacy and Core Knowledge/Skills Curriculum, Construction and Evaluation of Dalton Plan Daoism Deconstruction Deliberative Democracy Democratic Theory of Education Deschooling Society: Ivan Illich Design Experiments Dewey, John Dialogue Dilthey, Wilhelm See Hermeneutics Disciplinarity Discourse Analysis Discovery Learning: Pros and Cons Distributed Cognition Diversity Dropouts Du Bois, W E B Economic Development and Education Edinburgh School of Sociology of Knowledge Education, Concept of Education, Transcendental Justification of Education Production Functions Educational Measurement and Assessment See Abilities, Measurement of; High-Stakes Testing; Intelligence: History and Controversies Educational Research, Critiques of Educational Science Educational Theory, Nature of Embodiment Emerson, Ralph Waldo Epistemologies, Teacher and Student Epistemology, Multicultural Equality of Educational Opportunity Erasmus Essentialism, Perennialism, and the “Isms” Approach Ethics in Research Ethics in Teaching Ethics of Care See Noddings, Nel Ethnicity and Race Evaluation of Educational and Social Programs: Models Evidence-Based Policy and Practice Evolution and Educational Psychology Existentialism See Beauvoir, Simone de; Sartre, Jean-Paul Experiential Learning Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Designs for Research: Campbell and Stanley Faculty Psychology and Mental Discipline Feminist Epistemology Feminist Ethics Feminist Standpoint Theory Foucault, Michel Freire, Paulo: Pedagogy of the Oppressed and Critical Pedagogy Freud, Sigmund Froebel, Friedrich Gadamer, Hans Georg See Hermeneutics Gandhi, Mahatma Gender and Education General Systems Theory See Accountability and Standards-Based Reform; Complexity Theory Globalization and World Society “Gold Standard” Research: Controversies See Educational Research, Critiques of Goodman, Paul Great Books See Essentialism, Perennialism, and the “Isms” Approach Greene, Maxine Habermas, Jürgen See Critical Theory Habits Happiness Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Heidegger, Martin Herbart, Johann F Hermeneutics Hidden Curriculum Higher Education: Contemporary Controversies High-Stakes Testing Homeschooling List of Entries House of Intellect, The Human Capital Theory and Education Identity and Identity Politics Ideology Immigrants, Education of Indian Religious and Philosophical Traditions and Education Individual Psychology: Alfred Adler Indoctrination Insight Learning Intelligence: History and Controversies Intelligent Tutoring Systems International Student Assessment (PISA) Isocrates James, William Jewish Educational Philosophy Justice as Fairness See Rawls, John Kant, Immanuel Key, Ellen See Century of the Child, The: Ellen Key Knowledge, Analysis of Knowledge, Structure of: From Aristotle to Bruner and Hirst Kuhn, Thomas S Laboratory School, University of Chicago Lakatos, Imre Language Acquisition, Theories of Learning, Theories of Legal Decisions Affecting Education Liberal Education: Overview Liberalism Lifelong Education Linguistic Diversity Literacy and the New Literacy Studies Little Commonwealth: Homer Lane Locke, John Loose Coupling Lyotard, Jean-Franỗois MacIntyre, Alasdair Makiguchi, Tsunesaburo Managerialism Maritain, Jacques Martin, Jane Roland Marx, Karl Mead, George Herbert Mencius Merleau-Ponty, Maurice See Phenomenology Metacognition ix Mill, John Stuart Mixed Methods Research See Qualitative Versus Quantitative Methods and Beyond Modernization Theory Montaigne, Michel de Montessori Education Moral Development: Lawrence Kohlberg and Carol Gilligan Moral Education Motivation Multicultural Citizenship Multiculturalism Multiple Intelligences: Howard Gardner Multiversity Murdoch, Iris Muslim Educational Traditions Narrative Research Neill, A S., and Summerhill Neoliberalism Neurosciences and Learning Newman, John Henry (Cardinal) Nietzsche, Friedrich Noddings, Nel Oakeshott, Michael Open Schools Paideia Patriotism Peace Education Pedagogical Content Knowledge: Lee Shulman Perfectionism See Cavell, Stanley Pestalozzi, Johann H Peters, R S Phenomenological Pedagogy Phenomenology Philosophical Issues in Educational Research: An Overview Phronesis (Practical Reason) Piaget, Jean Plato Play Popper, Karl Positive Psychology and Education Positivism Postmodernism Postpositivism Poststructuralism See Deconstruction; Postmodernism Privatization Probability and Significance Testing 894 Index power, 1:334–335 principles, 2:664 Rousseau, 2:724 social reconstruction, 2:767–769 Spencer, 2:783–784 Summerhill, 2:567–568 traditional education vs., 2:663–664 United States, 2:663–664 Project method, 2:655, 665–669 See also Problem-based learning basic models, 2:666–667 criticisms of, 2:667 current concepts, 2:668 empirical findings, 2:668–669 origins in Europe, 2:665–666 overview, 2:665 social interaction, 2:794 Project-based learning, 2:668 Projective identification, 2:670 Prosser, Charles, 2:658–659 Protagoras, 1:259, 2:677, 777–779 Protection rights, 1:124 Protestantism, 1:376, 2:741 Provision rights, 1:124 Psacharopoulos, George, 1:250 Psychoanalysis, 1:340–342, 2:491–492 Psychoanalytically oriented theories of child development, 2:669–673 Adler, 1:411–412 attachment theory, 2:672–673 developmental theories of the self, 2:671–672 ego psychology, 2:671 Freud, 1:340–342, 2:669 Jung, 1:35–36 neurodevelopmental attachment theory, 2:673 object relations theory, 2:669–671 Psychological structure, 2:670–671 Psychological tools, Vygotskian concept of, 1:11, 2:845 Psychology See also Mind analytical psychology, 1:35–36 behaviorism, 1:79–80, 82 Bruner, 1:91–93 evolution and educational philosophy, 1:311–313 faculty psychology, 1:321–322 Freud, 1:340–342 individual psychology, 1:411–412 James, 1:431–433 Jung, 1:35–36 Lane, 2:491–492 learning, theories of, 2:466–467 positive psychology, 2:637–639 Rogers, 2:718–720 science as model for, 1:312, 2:467 social constructionism, 2:762–763 Vygotsky, 2:844–845 Psychometric measures of creativity, 1:188–189 Puberty, 1:18–19 Public choice systems, 2:738 Public deliberation, 1:161, 162 Public education aesthetic education, 1:26 anthropology of education, 1:37 Aristotle, 1:59 Arnold, 1:60 charter schools, 1:117–120 England, 1:60 France, 1:37, 60 history of U.S schooling, 2:740–743 Jefferson, 1:136 Marx, 2:516–517 privatization, 2:650 religion, 1:130, 2:741 Public policy achievement gap, 1:7 anthropology of education, 1:38 caring, 2:584 charter schools, 1:118–119 cognitive differences, 1:86 conditional deduction, 1:428 cost–benefit and cost-effectiveness analyses, 1:183–185 critiques of educational research, 1:265 curriculum, 1:203 data-driven decision making, 1:48 educational research, 1:269 evidence-based policy and practice, 1:309–310 international assessments, 1:423–426 neoliberalism, 2:569–571 quality of education, 2:682 religious symbols and clothing, 2:704–706 Public sphere, 1:195–196 Puerto Rico, 1:118 Pugno, L., 1:450 Punishment See Discipline and punishment Pure and applied research and Pasteur’s Quadrant, 1:146, 220, 231, 2:674–675 Purpel, D., 2:837 Putnam, Hilary, 1:111, 228, 2:679 Putnam, Robert, 1:101 Quacquarelli Symonds, 2:509 Quadrivium, 1:448, 2:476 Qualitative Inquiry (journal), 1:267 Qualitative versus quantitative methods and beyond, 2:677–680 See also Experimental and quasi-experimental designs for research: Campbell and Stanley anthropology of education, 1:43 aptitude–treatment interactions, 1:48 case studies, 1:105 contrasting principles, 2:678–679 design experiments, 1:220 educational criticism, 1:175–177 educational research, 1:265–268, 2:617 hermeneutics, 1:381 historical antecedents, 2:677–678 mixed methods, 2:679–680 phenomenology, 2:614–615 postpositivism, 2:649 probability, 2:651–653 strengths of methods, 2:679 weaknesses of methods, 2:679 Quality of education, 2:681–684 capability approach, 2:683–684 critical perspectives, 2:683 economic perspectives, 2:681–682 evidence-based policy and practice, 1:309–310 International Student Assessment (PISA), 1:423–426 loose coupling, 2:495–497 management perspectives, 2:682 Montessori education, 2:534 progressive/humanistic perspectives, 2:682–683 Quality-of-life indicators, 1:306 Quasi-experimental designs See Experimental and quasi-experimental designs for research: Campbell and Stanley Queer theory, 1:450, 2:753 Quetelet, Adolphe, 1:84, 85 Quinn, Therese, 1:450 Quintilian, 1:132, 448, 2:684–686 Quotas, enrollment, 1:28 Race See Ethnicity and race Race to the Top, 1:201, 2:571 Index Racism and multicultural antiracist education, 2:553, 687–689 See also Ethnicity and race characteristics and types of racism, 2:687 critical race theory, 1:190–192 Gandhi, 1:345 institutional racism, 1:304 multicultural antiracist education, 2:689 multicultural education vs antiracist education, 2:687–688 quality of education, 2:683 Radical constructivism: Ernst von Glasersfeld, 1:148, 2:690–693 Radical feminist ethics, 1:327 Rahman, Fazlur, 2:563 Ramanuja, 1:409 Rambusch, Nancy, 2:533 Rancière, Jacques, 2:754, 793 Randomized experiments, 1:266–267, 309–310, 318, 2:617 Rank stability view, 1:2 Rankings, school, 2:509 Raths, Louis, 2:541, 834 Rational psychology, 1:322 Rationalism, 2:586 Rationality and its cultivation, 2:693–696 See also Critical thinking “appropriately moved by reasons” account, 2:695–696 gender, 1:324 individual vs social capacity, 2:693–694 indoctrination, 1:414 Kant, 1:443 Locke, 2:495 logical reasoning account, 2:694–695 MacIntyre, 2:502 metacognitive account, 2:695 overview, 2:693 Plato, 2:630 teaching, 2:792–793 Ravitch, Diane, 1:200–201 Rawls, John, 1:xxxiii, 2:696–699 autonomy, 1:71–72 capability approach, 1:98 criticisms of, 1:327–328, 330 deliberative democracy, 1:213 democratic theory of education, 1:216 justice, 1:71, 2:696–697 liberalism, 2:479, 481, 482 philosophy of education, 2:698–699 right to education, 2:714 self-respect, 2:547–548 utilitarianism, 2:823 Young and, 2:859 Reactive learners, 2:747–749 Readhead, Zoe, 2:567 Readiness for learning, 1:47–48 Reading, 2:494 Reading comprehension, 1:22–25 Reading Excellence Act (1999), 1:265 Reagan, Ronald, 1:352, 353, 2:569, 571 Realist evaluation, 1:308 Reason See Rationality and its cultivation Recapitulation, theory of, 1:121, 2:699–700 See also “Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny” Reciprocity, 2:581, 751–752, 774 Recurrent education, 2:483 Redfield, Robert, 2:528 Reductionism, 1:148 Rée, Paul, 2:578 Reeves, Thomas C., 1:221 Referential adequacy, 1:177 Reflective learning, 2:655 Reflective practice: Donald Schön, 2:700–702 See also Single- and double-loop learning; Theories of action Reflex arc, 1:226 Reform See School reform Refutational text, 1:172 Regents of the University of California v Bakke (1978), 1:28, 29, 243 Reich, Wilhelm, 2:567 Reid, Louis Arnaud, 1:159 Reification, 1:33–34, 195 Reimer, Everett, 1:219 Reinforcement theory, 1:8, 64 Relativism concept of education, 1:256 critical theory, 1:194 hermeneutics, 1:380 Kuhn, 1:453 morality, 2:538 multicultural epistemologies, 1:287–288 multiculturalism, 2:551–552 social constructionism, 1:253–254 895 Reliability (test measures), 1:390–391, 2:829 Religion See also Catholicism; Christianity; God; Judaism church-state relation, 1:129–131, 2:471–472, 704–706 Froebel, 1:342–343 fundamentalism, 1:92 Hegel, 1:367 Indian traditions, 1:406–410 James, 1:432 public education, 1:130, 2:741 toleration, 2:813 Religious education and spirituality, 2:702–703 church-state relation, 1:131 criticisms of, 1:114 Indian thought, 1:410 Jewish educational philosophy, 1:433–437 Muslim educational traditions, 2:563 Waldorf education, 2:847–848 Religious symbols and clothing, 2:704–706, 715 Reproduction theories, 2:706–710 cultural theories, 2:708–709 economic theories, 2:707–708 educational applications, 2:707–710 functionalist theory, 2:707 recent and future directions, 2:709–710 social reproduction, 2:707, 742 state-hegemonic theories, 2:709–710 Research See Educational research, critiques of; Ethics in research; Philsophical issues in educational research: an overview; Pure and applied research and Pasteur’s Quadrant; Qualitative vs quantitative methods and beyond Resistance, 1:39 Resistance theories, 2:709, 710 Respect, for difference, 2:551 Response strengthening, 1:145–146 Response time, 1:2 Response to Intervention, 1:48 Responsibility, 2:608–609 Responsive evaluation, 1:307 Rest, James, 1:116, 298 Reverse discrimination, 1:29–30 Rhetor, 2:685 896 Index Rhetorica ad Herennium, 2:711 Rhetorical canons, 2:711–712 Cicero, 1:133 Isocrates, 1:427 Quintilian, 2:684–686 Rhoads, Robert, 1:352–353 Rice, Joseph Mayer, 1:224 Rich, Adrienne, 2:613 Richards, Charles R., 2:666, 668 Ricoeur, Paul, 2:827 Riessman, Catherine Kohler, 1:234, 2:565, 566 Right to an education, 2:473, 712–714 Right-wing Hegelianism, 1:364–366 Rights agency vs welfare, 1:124 capacity as basis for, 1:125–126 choices vs interests, 1:124–125 citizenship, 1:134 criticisms of, 2:715 form and function, 2:713 globalization, 1:352 group rights, 2:548–549 justification of, 2:713–714 quality of education, 2:682–683 types/generations of, 2:715 Rights: children, parents, and community, 2:714–717 autonomy, 2:717 children’s interests, 2:716 homeschooling, 1:392 parents’ interests, 2:716–717 parents’ rights, 2:471 religious symbols and clothing, 2:704–706 states’ interests, 2:717 students’ rights, 2:473–474 Rilke, Rainer Maria, 1:369 Rink, Friedrich Theodor, 1:440 Ritzer, George, 1:352 Roberts, John, 1:30 Roberts, Peter, 1:363 Robinson, Richard, 2:776 Rodin, Auguste, “The Thinker,” 2:693 Rogers, Carl: freedom to learn, 1:189, 2:718–720, 794 Rogers, William B., 2:666 Rogoff, Barbara, 1:11, 163 Role playing, 2:837 Romanticism, 2:844, 845 Rome, education in, 2:685–686, 711–712 Rorty, Richard, 1:228, 2:501, 586, 594, 679 Rose, Nikolas, 2:508 Rose v Council for Better Education, Inc (1989), 2:473–474 Rosenak, Michael, 1:435 Rosenthal, Robert, 2:786 Rosenzweig, Franz, 1:94 Rosiek, Jerry, 2:566 Ross, Charles, 2:658 Ross, Sabrina, 1:450 Rossman, Gretchen B., 2:680 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 1:300, 2:720–724 autonomy, 1:70–71 childhood, concept of, 1:121 concept of education, 2:722–724 discipline, 2:491 Émile, 1:70–71, 121, 2:601, 661–662, 720–724, 734, 824, 827 inequality, 2:826 influence of, 2:662, 720, 723–724 Key and, 1:114 liberty, 2:481 life and work, 2:721 Martin and, 2:513 mental faculties, 1:321 modern education, 1:36 Montessori and, 2:534 morality and gender, 2:539 paideia, 2:594 pedagogy, 1:276 perfectibility, 1:373–374 Pestalozzi and, 2:601 progressivism, 2:661–662 reason and gender, 1:324 Spencer compared to, 2:784 structure of knowledge, 1:448 utopia, 2:824, 827 Wollstonecraft and, 2:856 Rousseau Institute, 1:35 Royaume d’Antagil, 2:825 Royce, Josiah, 2:518 Rubin, Lillian, 2:758 Rubinstein, S L., 1:10 Ruddick, Sara, 1:15 Rugg, Harold O., 1:204, 450, 2:767–769 Runco, Mark, 1:188 Runkle, John D., 2:666 Rushd, Ibn, 2:562 Ruskin, John, 1:346 Russell, Bertrand, 1:xxxiii, 81, 2:459, 568, 725–727, 849 Russell, James E., 2:458 Russia, 1:387 See also Soviet Union Russian Revolution, 1:193, 2:768, 843 Ruyer, Raymond, 2:824 Ryan, F., 1:52 Ryle, Gilbert, 1:53, 79, 82–83, 2:694, 695, 792, 836, 841 s See Task-specific factors (s) Saffran, Jenny, 2:463 Sahin, A., 2:563 Sahnun, Ibn, 2:561 Said, Edward, 1:61, 152–153, 352 Saint Martin, Monique de, 1:102 Saint-Simon, Henri de, 2:639, 824 Salmon, W C., 1:109 San Antonio v Rodriguez (1973), 2:473 San Francisco Unified School District, 1:289–290 Sansone, C., 2:787 Santa Fe Independent School District v Doe (2000), 2:471 Sarason, Seymour, 1:384 Sarkozy, Nicolas, 2:688 Sartre, Jean-Paul, 1:75, 324, 356, 2:608, 611, 613, 729–730 Satyagraha, 1:346 Saussure, Ferdinand de, 1:139, 2:644, 749, 751 Saxonhouse, Arlene, 1:242 Scaffolding, 1:20, 23, 450, 2:774 Scheffler, Israel, 1:xxxiii, 2:730–732 analytic philosophy, 1:178, 2:602 Martin and, 2:513 philosophy of education, 2:731–732 postpositivism, 2:646 rationality, 1:78, 2:696, 731 teaching, 2:792 Scheffler, Samuel, 2:548 Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph, 2:733 Schemata, 1:22, 23 Schiller, Friedrich, 1:26 Schleiermacher, Friedrich, 1:271–272, 376, 2:607, 733–734 Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 1:217, 242 Schlick, Moritz, 2:639, 641, 854 Scholasticism, 1:293 Scholem, Gershom, 1:94 Schön, Donald, 1:316, 2:700–702, 754–756, 807–809 School and classroom climate, 2:735–737 Index adolescent development, 1:21 civic education, 1:138 code theory, 1:140 complexity theory, 1:169 distributed cognition, 1:240 feminist ethics, 1:329 hidden curriculum, 1:383–384 influences on, 2:736 moral education, 2:543 research findings, 2:735–737 School choice, 2:737–740 See also Homeschooling autonomy, 2:739 charter schools, 1:118 criticisms of, 2:738–739 equality, 2:739–740 global perspective, 2:737–738 research findings, 2:738 School District of Abington Township v Schempp (1963), 2:471 School finance, 2:473 School reform caring, 2:583–584 Illich and deschooling, 1:218–219 loose coupling, 2:495–497 School resources, 1:151 Schooling See also Homeschooling; School reform anthropology of education, 1:37–39 character development, 1:116 Chomsky, 1:128 class, 1:139–140 critiques of, 1:114, 128 democratic theory of education, 1:215–218 deschooling, 1:218–219 Dewey, 1:226–227 Goodman, 1:354–355 Key, 1:114 loose coupling, 2:495–497 Schooling in the United States: historical analyses, 2:740–743 meritocratic functionalism, 2:741–742 postmodernism, 2:743 rationales, 2:741 social reproduction, 2:742 status competition, 2:742–743 Schools for Thought, 1:165 Schopenhauer, Arthur, 1:324 Schore, Allan, 2:673 Schroeder, S., 1:191 Schroeder, William, 1:180 Schütz, Alfred, 2:762, 763 Schwab, Joseph, 1:451 Schwab, Joseph: the practical, 2:743–745 Schweitzer, Friedrich, 1:88 Science Bacon, 1:73–74 change in, 1:170–171, 452–453, 2:460, 498 conceptual change, 1:170–171 critiques of, 1:379, 2:806 Dewey, 1:223–224 educational research modeled on, 2:617 feminism, 2:806 hermeneutics, 1:377 history and, 2:460 Kuhn, 1:451–454 liberal education, 2:476 literature vs., 1:60–61 Lyotard, 2:498 modernity, 2:642, 643 normal science, 1:452 objectivity, 2:648, 831–834 positivism, 2:639 postpositivist, 1:382 psychology modeled on, 1:312, 2:467 revolutions in, 1:452–453 social science modeled on, 1:268, 277, 2:831–834 sociology of, 1:12–14, 252–255, 2:806 theory, 1:276–278, 2:526 value-free ideal, 2:831–834 Scientific Research in Education (National Research Council), 1:265–269 Scientifically based research, 1:265–268 Scientism, 1:268 Scollon, Ron and Suzanne, 2:488 Scotland Mental Survey, 1:2 Screening, as function of education, 1:386, 396 Scriven, Michael, 1:205 Seaman, Jayson, 1:316 Sears, James T., 1:450 Secondary education Cardinal Principles of Secondary Education, 1:102–103 comprehensive high schools, 1:103, 158 dropouts, 1:244–245 production functions, 1:262 897 Second-language learning, 1:90 Segregation achievement gap, 1:5–6 Coleman Report, 1:150 equality of educational opportunities, 2:472 persistence of, 1:192, 242 Séguin, Édouard, 2:532 Selection, as function of schools, 2:741 Self, the See also Character development; Personality; Subject, the autonomy, 1:69–71, 372 Beauvoir, 1:75–76 Buddhism, 1:409–410 communitarianism, 1:160 developmental theories, 2:671–672 domains, 2:672 Heidegger, 1:368–369 hermeneutics, 1:376–377 Mead, George Herbert, 2:519–520 Murdoch, 2:559 object relations theory, 2:670 Rousseau, 1:71 Self-determination, 1:9, 2:545 Self-directed learning, 2:532–533, 654–655, 663, 665 Self-efficacy, 1:8, 2:469, 748, 759–760 Self-evaluation, 2:748 Self-fulfilling prophecies, 2:786 Self-government, 2:490–492, 548 Self-interest, 2:766 Selfobject, 2:671–672, 673 Self-organization, 1:168–169 Self-psychology, 2:671–672 Self-recording, 2:748 Self-regulated learning, 2:745–749 comprehensive account, 2:746–748 Confucius, 1:174–175 Dalton Plan, 1:207–208 educational implications, 2:748–749 historical background, 2:746 research, 2:746 Self-respect, 2:547–548 Self-study of teacher education practices (S-STEP), 2:701 Self-understanding, 1:381 Self-worth, 1:8 Seligman, Martin, 1:362, 2:637–639 Selim III, Sultan, 2:563 Seller, Wayne, 2:794 898 Index Selz, Otto, 2:636 Semantic organizers, 1:22 Semantics, 2:750 Semiotics, 2:749–751 Sen, Amartya, 1:97–99, 2:683 Seneca, 1:181, 362, 2:476 Sennett, Richard, 2:758 Sensitivity analysis, 1:185 Sensorimotor stage, 2:624 Sensory memory, 1:144 Separate-but-equal doctrine, 2:472 Separateness of persons, 2:823 Serrano v Priest (1971), 2:473 Service-learning, 1:314, 2:751–752, 837 Sesame Street (television show), 1:37 Set-asides, 1:28 Sexism, 1:17 Sexual orientation and gender identity, 1:350, 2:752–754 Sexuality, 1:341 Shadish, William, 1:319 Shakespeare, William, 1:xxviii, 121 Shankara, Adi, 1:409 Shapin, Steven, 1:254 Shapiro, Ian, 2:717 Shattuck, Julie, 1:221 Shavit, Yossi, 2:529 Sheldon, Edward, 2:588 Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft (Godwin), 2:856 Shia tradition, 2:561 Ship-positioning systems, as distributed cognition, 1:239 Shirazi, Qutb al-Din al-, 2:561 Shor, Ira, 1:217 Shotter, John, 2:763 Shulman, Lee, 2:598–600 Shusterman, Richard, 1:26–27 Siegel, H., 1:323 Siegel, Harvey, 1:50, 2:694–696, 731 Signaling theory, 1:396 Signature pedagogies, 1:232 Significance testing, 2:651–653 Sikhism, 1:406–407 Silence meanings of, 1:230 oppression and, 1:337 power and, 1:334–335 Silvio, Arena, 1:448 Simon, H., 1:146 Simon, Herbert A., 1:238, 312 Simon, S B., 2:541 Simon, Sidney, 2:834 Simon, Theodore, 1:2, 85 Simons, Herbert, 1:38 Simpson, J H., 2:492 Simpson, Thomas, 1:84 Sina, Ibn, 2:561 Singer, Peter, 2:821 Single- and double-loop learning, 2:754–756, 809–810 See also Reflective practice: Donald Schön Situated knowledge, 1:324 Situated meanings, 1:234 Situated Multimedia Arts Learning Lab, 1:282 Situational judgment testing, 1:2 Situative theory, 1:239 Six Thinking Hats, 1:187 Skepticism, 1:111, 259–260, 410, 2:636, 814 Skill bias theory, 1:250–251 Skinner, B F., 1:xxxiii behaviorism, 1:77, 78, 81–82, 2:468, 646, 794 language acquisition, 1:82, 128 moral education, 2:605 positivism, 2:646, 832 Rogers and, 2:718 teaching, 2:794 teaching machines, 2:498, 796–797 Walden Two, 2:825–826 Slattery, Patrick, 1:450 Slote, Michael, 2:581 Slovakia, 1:208 Sloyd teaching, 2:657 Sloyd Training College, Boston, 2:490 Small group settings, 2:655 Smedslund, J., 2:760 Smith, Adam, 2:479, 516, 766 Smith, B O., 2:792 Smith, B Othanel, 1:197 Smith, Dorothy, 1:331 Smith, Jessi, 2:787 Smith, Richard, 2:504 Smith, T V., 2:768 Smith v Board of School Commissioners of Mobile County (1987), 2:471 Smuts, Jan, 1:346 Snedden, David, 2:658 Snow, Richard E., 1:46–47 Social action and participation, learning values through, 2:837 Social capital See Capital: cultural, symbolic, and social Social class, 2:756–758 See also Socioeconomic factors affirmative action, 1:30 Arnold and, 1:60 Bourdieu, 2:757–758 class schemas, 2:757 code theory, 1:138–140 hidden curriculum, 1:384 Marx, 2:756 modernization theory, 2:530 parenting styles, 1:139 reproduction theories, 2:708 schooling, 1:139–140, 2:742 Weber, 2:757 Social cognitive theory, 2:469, 758–761 educational applications, 2:760 overview, 2:758–759 self-efficacy, 2:759–760 triadic reciprocal determinism, 2:759 Social cohesion, 2:553 Social constructionism, 2:761–764 childhood, concept of, 1:122–123 constructivism vs., 2:761 criticisms of, 1:253–254 educational applications, 2:763–764 feminism, 2:763 learning, theories of, 2:469 light vs dark, 2:764 origins, 2:761–762 power, 2:764 psychology, 2:762–763 race, 1:191 science, 1:253–254, 453 (see also Sociology of scientific knowledge) Social contract, 2:723 Social Darwinism, 2:765–767 basic premises, 2:765 Dewey contrasted with, 1:224 misconceptions about, 2:766–767 neoliberalism, 2:766 origins, 2:765 overview, 2:765 political-economic implications, 2:765–766 Spencer, 2:765–766, 783 survival of the fittest, 1:312 use of term, 2:783 Social discount rate, 1:184 Social diversity See Diversity Social justice, 1:29, 2:859–860 Index Social languages, 1:234 Social meaning, 2:518–519 Social media, 2:862 Social mobility, 2:529 Social norms and relatedness, 2:545–546 Social reconstruction, 2:767–769 Social reproduction See Reproduction theories Social return on investment assessment, 1:306 Social sciences action and habit, 1:359–360 bell curve, 1:84–85 causation, 1:110 childhood, concept of, 1:120–121 critical social science, 1:191–192 Dilthey, 1:376–377 educational research, 2:616 Gadamer, 1:378–380 phenomenology and, 2:614 postpositivism, 1:382 research, 1:150, 268, 318–319 science as model for, 1:268, 277, 2:831–834 values in, 2:832 Social systems theory: Talcott Parsons and Niklas Luhmann, 2:770–771 See also Complexity theory Social Text (journal), 1:254 Social value, 1:306 Socialism, 2:783 Socialisme ou Barbarie, 1:106 Socialization, 2:772–774 anthropology, 1:37 childhood as, 1:122 class, 1:139 control, 2:773–774 criticisms of, 1:354 education, 2:770–771, 772 evolution, 2:772 genetic factors, 2:772–773 guided learning, 2:774 hidden curriculum, 1:384 overview, 2:772–773 participation, 2:774 personal-social interaction, 2:771–773 protection, 2:774 reciprocity, 2:774 social systems theory, 2:770–771 U.S schooling, 2:741, 742 values education, 2:835–837 Society, Rousseau on, 2:721–724 Society of Sisters, 2:471 Socioeconomic factors See also Economic development and education; Social class achievement gap, 1:4, 6–7 affirmative action, 1:29 anthropology of education, 1:37–43 at-risk children, 1:66–67 cultural literacy, 1:201 second-language learning, 1:90 Sociology of education, 1:44–46 Sociology of scientific knowledge, 1:252–255, 2:806 See also Social constructivism: science Socrates and Socratic dialogue, 1:228–229, 2:521–522, 775–777 Confucian teaching methods, 1:174 critical thinking, 1:186, 197 elenchus, 2:522, 629, 776 epistemology, 2:677 ethics of teaching, 1:300 fundamental principles, 1:228–229 Hegel and, 1:365 Isocrates and, 1:426 liberal education, 2:476, 478 moral education, 2:540 paideia, 2:593 Plato and, 2:629 Platonic dialectic vs., 2:594 Sophists, 2:779 structure of knowledge, 1:447 teaching, 1:70 thinking skills, 1:187 transcendental arguments, 1:259 Sokal, Alan, 1:254 Sokal hoax, 1:254 Solon, 1:362 Soltis, Jonas, 2:794 Sontag, Susan, 1:219, 2:613 Sophists, 2:777–779 Aristotle, 1:56 epistemology, 2:677 ethics of teaching, 1:300 Isocrates, 1:429 liberal arts, 2:476 schools of, 1:300 teaching and curriculum, 2:778–779 Sosa, Ernest, 1:446 Soskice, David, 1:251 South Africa, 1:345–346 899 South Korea, 1:202 South Side Academy, Chicago, 2:458 Soviet Union See also Russia moral education, 2:836 project method, 2:667–668 science practices, 2:648 U.S rivalry with, 2:768 vocational education, 2:659–660 Vygotsky, 2:843–844 Spatial intelligence, 2:555 Spearman, Charles, 1:1, Special education, 2:532–534, 844 Special representation rights, 2:548–549 Spectator theory of knowledge, 1:223–224, 2:727, 779–781 Speedy, Jane, 2:565 Speke, John Hanning, 2:781–783 Spence, Thomas, The Rights of Infants, 1:124 Spencer, Herbert, 2:781–785 concept of education, 2:781–783 evolution, 1:311 influence of, 1:113, 114, 2:783 mind, 2:780 modernization, 2:528 progressivism, 2:783–784 recapitulation theory, 2:699 Rousseau compared to, 2:784 Social Darwinism, 2:765–766, 783 survival of the fittest, 1:312 Spencer, William George, 2:781 Speyer School, 2:458 Spiecker, B., 2:608 Spindler, George, 1:37 Spinoza, Baruch, 1:325 Spirituality See Religious education and spirituality Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty, 1:27, 153–154 Spranger, Eduard, 1:271 Sputnik, 1:92, 2:664 Stables, A., 2:750 Stage–environment fit, 1:21 Stakeholders, 1:269, 307–308 Stalin, Joseph, 2:648, 660 Standard English, 2:552 Standard Social Science Model, 2:603–605 Standards-based reform See Accountability and standards-based reform Standpoint epistemology See Feminist standpoint theory 900 Index Stanford Aptitude Project, 1:46 Stanford Revision, 1:85 Stanford University, 1:17, 37 Stanford-Binet test, 1:85–86 Stanley, Jason, 2:841 Star Wars (film), 1:35 States See Nation-states Status, 2:708, 742–743 Staughan, R., 2:836 Steele, Claude, 2:787 Stein, Edith, 2:610 Steiner, Rudolf See Waldorf education: Rudolf Steiner STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics), 2:510 Stenhouse, Lawrence, 1:32 Stephen Lawrence Inquiry Report, 2:689 Stereotype effects and attributions: inside and out, 2:785–787 Stereotype threat, 2:787 Stern, Daniel, 2:672 Sternberg, Robert J., 1:2, 188 Steutel, Jan, 2:623 Stiegler, Bernard, 2:610, 611 Sting (musician), 1:35 St John’s College, 2:477 Stochastic frontier estimation, 1:261 Stöcker, Hélène, 1:114 Stodolsky, Susan S., 1:383 Stoicism, 1:181, 182, 362, 367 Stokes, D E (Donald), 1:146–147, 220 Pasteur’s Quadrant, 2:674–675 Stonequist, E V., 1:62 Story, C M., 1:25 Storytelling, 1:191–192 See also Narrative analysis; Narrative research Stove, David, 1:254, 2:635 Strategic education research program, 1:264 Street, Brian, 2:488 Strike, Kenneth, 1:170 Strong Programme, 1:252–255 Structural corroboration, 1:177 Structural learning, 1:22–25 Structural linguistics, 1:127 Structuralism, 2:466–467, 644, 749 Student-centered education curriculum, 2:637 Dalton Plan, 1:207 discovery learning, 1:236 open schools, 2:588–590 project method, 2:665 quality of education, 2:682 Rogers, 2:719 Rousseau, 2:724 structure of knowledge, 1:448 Summerhill, 2:567–568 Students’ rights, 2:473–474 Student-teacher relationship See also Teaching, concept and models of Buber, 1:94 classroom climate, 2:736–737 concept of education, 1:272 Foucault, 1:334–335 Jung on, 1:36 Thomism, 1:52 Style (rhetoric), 2:711–712 Subject, the See also Self, the actor–network theory, 1:13 Bildung, 1:86–88 Castoriadis and, 1:106 Foucault, 1:334, 398 identity, 1:398 Subject matter knowledge, 2:598–600 Subjectivation, 1:398–399 Subjectivism, 2:691–692 Subjectivity, 1:75–76, 153–154 See also Identity and identity politics Suchman, Lucy, 1:11 Suchodolski, Bogdan, 2:482 Sufis, 2:561 Summative assessment/evaluation, 1:205 Summerhill See Neill, A S., and Summerhill Sumner, William Graham, 1:312 Sunni tradition, 2:561 Superego, 1:341 Supervenience, 1:169 Suppes, Patrick, 1:421–422, 2:798 Survival of the fittest, 1:312, 2:765–766, 783 Sustainable development, 2:682 Sutton-Smith, Brian, 2:633 Swann, Joanna, 2:637 Swann v Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education (1971), 2:472 Sweden, 1:118 Switzerland, 1:89 Symbolic capital See Capital: cultural, symbolic, and social Symbolism, 2:731, 732 Syntactics, 2:750 System, in complexity theory, 1:167–168 Systemic functional linguistics, 1:234–235 Szelényi, Katalin, 1:352–353 Tabula rasa (blank slate), 1:121, 223, 374, 2:492–493, 780 Tact, pedagogical, 1:374 Tagore, Rabindranath, 1:346 Tahtawi, Rifa’a al-, 2:563 Talented Tenth, 1:245, 246 Taoism See Daoism Tarule, J M., 1:324 Task-specific factors (s), 1:1 Tate, William F., 1:192 Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, 2:789–791 behavioral objectives, 1:77 criticisms of, 2:790 origins, 2:789–790 revisions and alternatives, 2:790–791 structure of, 2:790 Taylor, Charles, 1:380, 2:501, 552 Taylor, Frederick, 2:507, 658 Taylorism, 2:507 Tea Party, 2:688 Teacher assessment, 2:599 Teacher education, 1:374, 2:616, 701 See also Preservice teacher education Teacher knowledge, 2:598 Teacher quality, 1:6, 151 Teacher-centered instruction, 1:207, 327, 2:589, 590 Teachers See also Student-teacher relationship charter schools, 1:119 classroom climate, 2:736 roles, 2:794 Teachers College, Columbia University, 1:41, 222, 356 Teachers College Record (journal), 1:267 Teachers’ rights, 2:474 Teacher-student relationship See Student-teacher relationship Teaching, concept and models of, 2:791–795 See also Pedagogy; Student-teacher relationship advance organizers, 1:22–25 aptitude–treatment interactions, 1:46–49 Index Augustine, 1:52, 53, 68–69 behaviorism, 1:82 code theory, 1:140 Comenius, 1:155–157 concept of teaching, 2:791–793 conceptual change, 1:171–172 Confucius, 1:174 contrary activities, 2:792–793 culturally sensitive, 2:552 Dalton Plan, 1:207–208 Dewey’s Laboratory School, 2:456–457 direct, 1:47 discovery learning, 1:235–237 distributed cognition, 1:240 epistemologies of teachers, 1:284–286 ethics in teaching, 1:299–301 feminism, 1:329 Freire and critical pedagogy, 1:336–339 Herbart, 1:372–374 indirect, 1:47 Isocrates, 1:428–429 liberal education, 2:477–478 models of teaching, 2:793–794 Peters, 2:604 Piaget, 2:625 problem-based learning, 2:654–656 reflective practice, 2:701 research on, 2:598 Socrates and Plato, 1:70 teacher-centered, 1:207, 327, 2:589, 590 teaching machines, 2:795–798 Thomism, 1:52–53 Teaching machines: from Thorndike, Pressey, and Skinner to CAI, 2:795–798 behaviorism and prominence of, 2:796–798 computer-aided instruction, 2:797–798 drawbacks, 2:797 early period, 2:795–796 intelligent tutoring systems, 1:421–423 legacy of, 2:798 Teaching to the test, 1:390 Technicism, 2:586, 622 Technology affordances and constraints, 2:801 embodiment, 1:281–282 research in relation to, 2:674 skill bias theory, 1:250–251 Technology and education, 2:799–802 See also Computers, mind modeled on conceptions of technology, 2:799–801 intelligent tutoring systems, 1:421–423 modification and creation of, 2:801–802 overview, 2:799 polytechnical education, 2:516–517 settings, 2:800 social relations, 2:801 teaching machines, 2:795–798 understanding of, 2:800–801 use of, 2:800 youth culture, 2:862 Technology and society, critiques of, 2:803–806 constructivism, 2:806 determinism, 2:803–804 instrumentalism, 2:805 left dystopianism, 2:805–806 substantivism, 2:804–805 Terman, Lewis, 1:2, 85 Tertiary education, 1:385 See also Higher education Tessellation, 1:343 Test design, 1:85–86 Test for Creative Thinking–Drawing Production, 1:189 Testing See Abilities: measurement of; High-stakes testing; Intelligence tests; International Student Assessment (PISA) Text structure, 1:22 Textbooks, 1:155–157, 2:768–769 Thagard, Paul, 1:170 Thales, 1:370 Thatcher, Margaret, 1:92, 352, 2:569, 571, 586 Thayer-Bacon, B., 2:534 Thematics, in educational criticism, 1:176 Theology, 1:370 Theories of action, 2:807–810 See also Reflective practice: Donald Schön activity theory, 1:10–12 components, 2:807–808 espoused vs in-use, 2:808 evaluation of, 2:808–809 901 overview, 2:807 single- vs double-loop, 2:809–810 types of, 2:808 Theories-in-use, 2:808 Theory and theories See also Educational theory, nature of concept of, 1:xxix–xxx functions of, 2:466 in education, 1:xxxi–xxxii of education, 1:xxxii in the sciences, 1:xxix–xxxi practical theory, 1:276–278 practice in relation to, 1:xxxi–xxxii, 272, 275–276, 2:674–675, 842 received view of, 1:xxx–xxxi Schleiermacher, 2:734 scientific theory, 1:275–278 Theory of mind, 2:810–813 atypical populations, 2:812 cognitive processes, 2:812 developmental stages, 2:811 false belief, 2:810–811 importance of, 2:812–813 neuroscience, 2:812 social environment, 2:812 Theory of universal grammar, 2:462–465 Theosophy, 2:847 Thinking See Creativity higher-order thinking, 1:418–419 pragmatism, 1:223 productive vs reproductive, 1:416 progressive education, 2:663 Thomas, Douglas, 2:634 Thomas, Kendall, 1:190 Thomism See Aquinas and Thomism Thoreau, Henry David, 1:111–112, 431, 448 Thorndike, Edward, 1:8, 64, 80–81, 224, 415, 2:468, 667, 700, 795–796, 820 Threshold concepts and troublesome knowledge, 1:232 Thurstone, Louis Leon, 1:1 Tillich, Paul, 1:93, 94 Time hermeneutics, 1:377, 378 phenomenology, 2:613 Times Higher Education, 2:509 Time-traveler approach, to values, 2:837 Tinker v Des Moines Independent School District (1969), 2:473 902 Index Tinkertoys, 1:343 Titchener, Edward, 2:466–467 Tjiattas, M., 1:214 Toleration, 2:813–816 alternatives to, 2:816 conditions and circumstances, 2:814 foundations, 2:813–814 limits of, 2:815–816 multiculturalism, 2:551 objections to, 2:814–815 rationales, 2:814 Tolman, E C., 1:82 Tolstoy, Leo, 1:346, 2:724 Tomasello, Michael, 2:463 Tönnies, Ferdinand, 2:528 Topophilia (love of place), 2:816–818 Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking, 1:189 Total quality management, 2:682 Toxic stress, 1:66 Tradition, 2:503 See also Cultural literacy and core knowledge/ skills; Essentialism, perennialism, and the “isms” approach Training, 2:841–842 Trait psychology, 1:312, 2:837 Transcendental arguments, 1:259–260 Transcendentalism, American, 1:111, 283, 448–449 Transfer of learning, 2:818–820 Translanguaging, 2:490 Transnational citizenship, 1:135 Trilling, Lionel, 1:61 Trivium, 1:448, 2:476 Trochin, Jean Robert, 2:721 Trolley example, 2:822 Trollope, Anthony, 2:746 Troutman, A C., 1:77 Troutner, Leroy, 2:613 Trow, Martin, 1:386–387 True experimental designs, 1:318, 2:832 Truth absolutism vs relativism, 1:365 critical theory, 1:194 Dewey, 2:648 Indian thought, 1:410 James, 1:432 pragmatism, 1:223, 432, 2:648 Whitehead, 2:854 Tu Fu, 1:449 Tufayl, Ibn, 2:562 Tufts University, 1:2 Turing, Alan, 1:419 Turkey, 2:563 Tutoring See Intelligent tutoring systems Tversky, Amos, 2:459 Twain, Mark, 1:222 21st-century skills, 1:2 Twersky, Isidore, 1:435 Twin studies, 1:2, 420 Twitter, 1:135 Tyler, Ralph, 1:32, 77, 204, 450, 2:458, 498, 743, 789–790 Uebel, Thomas, 2:640 Ulich, Robert, 1:448 Ultimate attribution error, 2:786 Unconscious, the, 1:340–341 Unger, Rhoda, 2:763 Unicode, 2:801 Unit Block system, 1:343 United Kingdom antiracism, 2:689 competence-based education and training, 1:166–167 comprehensive education, 1:158 Dalton Plan, 1:208 grant-maintained schools, 1:118 higher education, 1:387 high-stakes testing, 1:389 Lane and New Education Movement, 2:490–492 multicultural education, 2:688 project method, 2:668 school funding, 2:740 United Nations gender and education, 1:351, 352 peace education, 2:596 quality of education, 2:682 United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, 1:123–125, 2:713 United Nations Declaration of the Rights of the Child, 1:124 United Nations Development Program, Human Development Index, 1:306 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 2:483 Interactive Atlas of the World’s Languages in Danger, 2:485 United Nations International Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, 2:486 United Nations Millennium Goals, 1:348 United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1:352, 2:511, 713, 715 United States history of schooling, 2:740–743 multicultural education, 2:688 multiversity, 2:558 open schools, 2:588–590 population diversity, 1:241–242 progressive movement, 2:663–664 Universal Declaration of Human Rights See United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights Universal grammar, 1:127, 2:462–465 Universal schooling, 2:856, 857 Universities See also Multiversity concept of, 1:385, 2:557–558, 575–576 MacIntyre, 2:503 Newman, 2:575–576 University of Chicago, 1:17, 222, 2:616, 743–744, 789, 859, 861 See also Laboratory School, University of Chicago University of Houston, 1:17 University of Michigan, 1:2, 29 University of Pennsylvania, 1:37 University of Saskatchewan Process Philosophy Research Unit, 2:852 Unschooling, 1:391–392 Unselfing, 2:559 Upanishads, 1:181, 408 Urban, Klaus, 1:189 U.S Constitution, 1:129, 2:715 U.S Department of Education, 1:201, 264–265 U.S Department of Health and Human Services, 1:297, 299 U.S Office of Research, 1:299 U.S Public Health Service, 1:299 U.S Supreme Court See also specific cases; Legal decisions affecting education affirmative action, 1:28–30 church-state relation, 1:129–131 rights concerning education, 2:715 Use-inspired basic research, 1:146, 220 Using Science as Evidence in Public Policy (National Research Council), 1:269 Utilitarianism, 1:448, 2:821–823 Index educational applications, 2:822–823 happiness, 1:361 objections to, 2:821–823 Utopias, 2:823–828 attempts at creating, 2:824–825 Bacon’s New Atlantis, 1:74 educational implications, 2:827–828 inequalities and exclusion, 2:826–827 knowledge in, 2:825–826 meanings of, 2:824 reality in relation to, 2:827 Skinner’s Walden Two, 1:81 Validity, 1:317–318, 390–391 Validity, types of, 2:829–831 Valla, Lorenzo, 1:293 Value neutrality, of research, 2:648 Value-added analysis, 1:6, 306 Value-free ideal for research: controversies, 1:xxxi, 2:831–834 Values See also Morality achievement motivation, 1:9 adolescent development, 1:21 applied in education, 1:xxxi difference-affirming, 2:551 educational research, 2:619 equality-based, 2:552–553 in theories of education, 1:xxxii in theory, 1:xxxi Makiguchi, 2:505–506 Values clarification, 2:541, 834–835, 836, 837 Values education, 2:541–542, 596–597, 835–837 Van den Berg, Jan Henrik, 2:608, 613 Van Dijk, Teun A., 1:238 Van Driel, J H., 2:600 Van Manen, Max, 1:450, 2:614 Vandenberg, Donald, 2:612–613 Vanderbilt University, 2:752 Varenne, Hervé, 1:39 Varro, 2:476 Veblen, Thorstein, 1:359 Vedic culture, 1:407–408 Vergerio, Pierpaolo, 2:476 Vernacular literacies, 2:489 Verstehen, 1:376 Vico, Giambattista, 2:690, 691 Vidal, Gore, 1:351 Video-based testing, 1:2 Vienna Circle, 1:178, 2:639–640, 731, 853–854 Virtue character education, 2:542 Confucius, 1:173–175 defined, 2:839 Kant, 1:441–442, 444 Mencius, 2:521–522 moral education, 2:540 Murdoch, 2:559–560 teachability of, 2:630 Virtue epistemology, 1:325 Virtue ethics, 2:821, 838–840 ethic of care, 2:582 MacIntyre, 2:501–504, 836 phronesis, 2:622 Vives, Juan Luis, 2:476 Vlastos, Gregory, 2:776 Vocational education, 2:840–842 Aristotle, 1:57–58 competence, 1:166–167 critiques of, 1:17 education through occupations vs., 2:656 justice and, 2:842 project method, 2:666 rationale for, 2:840–841 rise of, 2:658–659 training vs., 2:841–842 Vokey, Daniel, 2:504 Voltaire, 2:721 Voluntary minorities, 1:405 Voluntary separation, 1:404 Von Glasersfeld, Ernst, 2:690–693 Von Hayek, Friedrich, 2:569 Vosniadou, Stella, 1:171 Vouchers, 2:650, 738, 740 Vygotsky, Lev, 1:450, 2:751, 843–845 activity theory, 1:10, 11 adolescent development, 1:19–20 Bernstein and, 1:139 communities of learners, 1:164 constructivism, 2:761 controversies, 2:843 discovery learning, 1:235–236 evolution, 1:311 holism, 2:845 intelligence, 1:419–420 learning, theories of, 2:469, 625 linguistics, 2:692 play, 2:633–634 principles, 2:843–844 project method, 2:668 psychology, 2:844–845 quality of education, 2:682 903 rationality, 2:694 socialization, 2:774 Waghid, Y., 2:563 Wagner, Richard, 2:577, 578 Wain, Kenneth, 2:504 Walby, Sylvia, 1:332 Walden (school), 1:35 Waldenfels, Bernhard, 2:611 Waldorf education: Rudolf Steiner, 2:847–849 aesthetic education, 1:26 curriculum, 2:848–849 spirituality, 2:702, 847–848 Waldorf-Astoria Cigarette Factory, 2:848 Waletsky, Joshua, 1:234 Walker, Alice, 1:297, 450 Walker, Lawrence, 2:539 Wallas, Graham, 1:188 Walters, Richard, 2:774 Walzer, Michael, 1:216, 2:813, 816 Ward, Lester Frank, 1:312, 2:699 Watkins, William, 1:450 Watson, Elizabeth, 1:188 Watson, John B., 1:79–80, 2:467, 700, 718, 851 Watson, Peter, 1:86 Weber, Carl Maria von, 2:525 Weber, Max, 1:33, 106, 2:507, 528, 708, 741, 742, 757, 831–832 Weber, Michel, 2:852 Wechsler test series, 1:417 Wegener, C W., 2:745 Weick, Karl, 2:495 Weil, Marsha, 2:793–794 Weil, Simone, 2:580 Weisberg, Robert, 1:187 Welfare rights, 1:124, 2:715 Welfare state, 2:570 Well-being, 1:97–99 See also Good life; Happiness Welzel, C., 2:528 Wenger, Etienne, 1:41, 240 Weniger, Erich, 1:271–272 Wertheimer, Max, 1:416 Westernization, 1:352 Westheimer, Joel, 1:136–137 Wetherell, Margaret, 2:763 “What works,” research designed to discover, 1:309 What Works Clearinghouse, 1:266 Where’s the Learning in Service-Learning, 2:752 904 Index White, John, 1:31, 258, 2:595 White, John P., 1:159 White, P H., 2:787 Whitehead, Alfred North, 2:483, 726, 849–852 Whitehead Society of Korea, 2:852 Whitehurst, Grover J (Russ), 1:266, 2:675 Whitman, Walt, 1:18, 222 Wickes, Frances, 1:35 Wigfield, Allan, 1:18 Will, 1:432, 441 Williams, A., 2:489 Williams, Bernard, 2:838 Williams, Patricia, 1:190 Williams, Raymond, 1:45, 401 Williamson, Timothy, 2:841 Willis, Paul, 1:34, 384, 450, 2:709, 758 Wilson, Bruce L., 2:680 Wilson, E O., 1:313 Wimmer, H., 2:810 Winch, Peter, 2:619 Winne, Philip, 2:746 Winnicott, Donald, 2:670, 672 Wisconsin v Yoder (1972), 1:131, 2:471, 716, 717 Wisdom, 2:851–852 Wisdom, Jennifer P., 2:680 Witte, John, 1:130 Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 1:xxxiii, 2:830, 853–855 analytic philosophy, 1:178 Cavell and, 1:111 discourse analysis, 1:233 first-person utterance, 1:112 forms of life, 1:452 language games, 2:497–498 literacy, 2:487 overview, 2:853 Philosophical Investigations, 2:854–855 private language, 2:603 teaching and learning, 2:855 Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, 2:853–854 Woessmann, Ludger See Wưßmann, Ludger Wolff, Christian, 1:322 Wollstonecraft, Mary, 1:326, 2:514, 855–857 Womanism, 1:450 Women See Females Wong, Sau-ling, 1:303 Wood, Allen W., 1:442 Woodson, Carter G., 1:450 Woodward, Calvin M., 2:666, 668 Woodward, J., 1:109 Woolf, Beverly Park, 1:422–423 Woolf, Virginia, 2:531 Woolgar, Steve, 1:13 Wordsworth, William, 1:61, 2:525 Working memory abilities measurement, 1:2 cognitive load theory, 1:142 information processing, 1:144, 146 World Bank, 1:250, 351, 2:571, 837 World society, 1:352–353 World spirit, 1:367 World Trade Organization, 1:351, 2:571 Wortham, Stanton, 1:234 Wưßmann, Ludger, 1:250, 252, 2:681 Wright, Erik Olin, 2:757 Wulf, Christoph, 1:272 Wundt, Wilhelm, 2:466, 518 Wurzburg, G., 1:425 Xenophon, 2:779 Xuan, King of China, 2:522 Yale University, 1:17 Yeaxlee, Basil, 2:483 Yijing (I Ching), 1:209 Young, Ella Flagg, 2:457, 662 Young, Iris Marion, 1:29, 160, 161, 196, 215, 230, 2:859–862 Young, Michael F D., 1:450 Youth culture, theories of, 1:354–355, 2:861–862 See also Adolescent development Žižek, Slavoj, 1:364, 366 Zacharias, Jerold, 1:92 Zarnuji, al-, 2:561 Zetterberg, H., 2:529 Zhou, Ming, 1:63, 402 Zhuangzi (Chuang Tzu), 1:209 Zimmerman, Barry, 2:746 Zinchenko, P I., 1:10 Zionism, 1:94, 127 Zone of proximal development, 1:11, 20, 164, 419, 450, 2:469, 625, 774, 845 ... Spectator Theory of Knowledge Philosophy of Science, Sociology of Science, and Epistemology Causation Dewey, John Edinburgh School of Sociology of Knowledge Educational Research, Critiques of Educational. .. Thorndike, Pressey, and Skinner to CAI Technology and Education Technology and Society, Critiques of Theories of Action Theory of Mind Toleration Topophilia (Love of Place) Transfer of Learning Utilitarianism... and Models of Teaching Machines: From Thorndike, Pressey, and Skinner to CAI Theories of Action Theory of Mind Transfer of Learning Youth Culture, Theories of Social Sciences Orientation in Educational

Ngày đăng: 22/06/2018, 11:23