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Adrian tinniswood pirates of barbary corsairs, ean (v5 0)

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Cấu trúc

  • Title Page

  • Copyright Page

  • Dedication

  • Epigraph

  • ONE - Prosperity at Sea: The Mediterranean World

  • TWO - Where Are the Days? The Making of a Pirate

  • THREE - Hellfire Is Prepared: Turning Turk on the Barbary Coast

  • FOUR - The Land Hath Far Too Little Ground: Danseker the Dutchman

  • FIVE - Your Majesty’s New Creature: Pardons and Pragmatism Under James I

  • SIX - Rich Caskets of Home-Spun Valour: Fighting Back Against the Pirates

  • SEVEN - Treacherous Intents: The English Send a Fleet Against Algiers

  • EIGHT - Fishers of Men: The Sack of Baltimore

  • NINE - Woeful Slavery: William Rainborow’s 1637 Expedition to Morocco

  • TEN - The Yoke of Bondage: A Slave ’s Story

  • ELEVEN - Deliverance: The Liberation of Barbary Captives

  • TWELVE - The Greatest Scourge to the Algerines: The Occupation of Tangier

  • THIRTEEN - Breaches of Faith: Making Peace with Barbary

  • FOURTEEN - No Part of England: The Evacuation of Tangier

  • FIFTEEN - The King’s Agent: Life in Late-Seventeenth-Century Tripoli

  • SIXTEEN - The Last Corsair: Colonialism, Conquest, and the End of the Barbary Pirates

  • Acknowledgements




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Table of Contents Title Page Copyright Page Dedication Epigraph PREFACE ONE - Prosperity at Sea: The Mediterranean World TWO - Where Are the Days? The Making of a Pirate THREE - Hellfire Is Prepared: Turning Turk on the Barbary Coast FOUR - The Land Hath Far Too Little Ground: Danseker the Dutchman FIVE - Your Majesty’s New Creature: Pardons and Pragmatism Under James I SIX - Rich Caskets of Home-Spun Valour: Fighting Back Against the Pirates SEVEN - Treacherous Intents: The English Send a Fleet Against Algiers EIGHT - Fishers of Men: The Sack of Baltimore NINE - Woeful Slavery: William Rainborow’s 1637 Expedition to Morocco TEN - The Yoke of Bondage: A Slave ’s Story ELEVEN - Deliverance: The Liberation of Barbary Captives TWELVE - The Greatest Scourge to the Algerines: The Occupation of Tangier THIRTEEN - Breaches of Faith: Making Peace with Barbary FOURTEEN - No Part of England: The Evacuation of Tangier FIFTEEN - The King’s Agent: Life in Late-Seventeenth-Century Tripoli SIXTEEN - The Last Corsair: Colonialism, Conquest, and the End of the Barbary Pirates Acknowledgements NOTES BIBLIOGRAPHY INDEX ALSO BY ADRIAN TINNISWOOD The Verneys: A True Story of Love, War, and Madness in Seventeenth-Century England By Permission of Heaven: The True Story of the Great Fire of London His Invention So Fertile: A Life of Christopher Wren The Art Deco House The Arts & Crafts House The Polite Tourist: Four Centuries of Country House Visiting Visions of Power: Ambition and Architecture from Ancient Times to the Present Life in the English Country Cottage Country Houses from the Air The National Trust: Historic Houses of Britain RIVERHEAD BOOKS Published by the Penguin Group Penguin Group (USA) Inc., 375 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014, USA • Penguin Group (Canada), 90 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite 700, Toronto, Ontario M4P 2Y3, Canada (a division of Pearson Penguin Canada Inc.) • Penguin Books Ltd, 80 Strand, London WC2R 0RL, England • Penguin Ireland, 25 St Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2, Ireland (a division of Penguin Books Ltd) • Penguin Group (Australia), 250 Camberwell Road, Camberwell, Victoria 3124, Australia (a 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American ed p cm eISBN : 978-1-101-44531-0 Pirates—Mediterranean Region—History—17th century Pirates—Africa, North—History—17th century Mediterranean Region—History—1517-1789 Africa, North—History—1517-1882 I Title DT201.T56 2010b 2010023421 909’.09822096—dc22 While the author has made every effort to provide accurate telephone numbers and Inter-net addresses at the time of publication, neither the publisher nor the author assumes any responsibility for errors, or for changes that occur after publication Further, the publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party websites or their content http://us.penguingroup.com For Carol, Clive, and David: absent friends Imagine (as thou readest) that thou hearest the cannon playing —JOHN BUTTON, Algiers Voyage (1621) And there were some who went on the sea jihad and found fame —AHMAD BIN MOHAMMAD AL-MAQQARI (c 1621) Henry VIII Islam, ignorance concerning Istanbul, ambassador in James I ban on privateering blockade of Algiers diminishing of navy pardon of pirates permission for Dutch pursuit of pirates in Ireland proclamations against piracy Somerset House peace conference levy on merchants for ransom money Long Parliament losses due to Algerian piracy Mediterranean trade Morocco, peace with Offences at Sea Act Ottoman Empire, trade treaties with Parliamentary Committee for the Captives in Algiers privateering and piracy Royal Navy Somerset House peace conference Spain, peace with Tripoli, peace with Tunis, peace with wives of captives See also specific Barbary states; specific individuals Esmond, Lord Eston, Peter Exchange, mutiny aboard Exmouth, Admiral Lord Fairborne, Palmes Fasciardo, Don Luis Fawlett, Edward Fenner, James Ferne, William Fiennes, William Fight at Sea, Famously Fought by the Dolphin of London Finet, John Fitzgeffry, Charles Flood, Bessie Foscarini, Antonio Foxley (corsair commander) France Algiers, attacks on Algiers, peace mission to Algiers, peace treaty with Algiers, tribute payments to ambassador in Istanbul endearment to Barbary Franỗois I, Henry IV, losses due to Tunisian piracy Morocco, control of naval presence in Mediterranean Ottoman Empire, trade treaties with Tripoli, peace with Tripoli, war with Tunis, invasion and control of Tunis, peace mission to Francis, Edmond Franỗois I of France Frizzell, James Frobisher, Martin galley, as fighting ship Genoa Algerian slaves in French attack on mole at as Ottoman enemy under Sardinian control al-Ghailan, Abd Allah Giavarina, Francesco Giffard, Richard Gondomar, Count Goodale, John Goodwyn, Thomas Gordon, Charles Graves, William Gunter, William Hackett, James Hadji Ali Hadji Khalifa Hajj Hasan Hakluyt, Richard Halkett, James Hamidou Raïs al-Hammami, Ali ben Abd Allah Hammuda Bey (later Hammuda Pasha) Hammuda ibn Ali Harbord, William Harris, James Harris, John Hasan Abaza Dey Hasan Aga Hasan Agha Hawkins, John Hawkins, Richard in Algiers expedition corruption death recall to England report on condition of ships Hayman, Richard Henry IV of England Henry IV of France Henry VIII of England Herbert, Arthur Holland See Dutch Republic Hollar, Wenceslaus Hooke, Francis Hornachero rebels Howard, Henry Howell, James Hughes, Captain Hull, William Hume, George Ibn Abi Dinar Ibrahim bin Ahmad Ibrahim I, If It Be Not Good, the Divel Is in It (Dekker) Inchiquin, Earl of Innes, Robert Ireland Baltimore captives from decline defense against pirates fishing industry pirate raid on Protestant community in Dutch pursuit of pirates in Great Rebellion shelter to pirates Islam conversion ceremony English ignorance concerning forced conversion religious wars as world terror Isma’il Pasha Jacob, pirate attack on James I of England ban on privateering blockade of Algiers diminishing of navy pardon of pirates permission for Dutch pursuit of pirates in Ireland proclamations against piracy Somerset House peace conference Janissaries Jawdar ben Abd Allah al-Jazairi, Ali Jefferson, Thomas Jenkins, Leoline Jennings, John Jephs, John Jones, David Jones, William Karamanli, Yusuf Karavilli Raïs (Anatolian corsair) Karavilli Raïs (Tripolitan corsair) el-Kasri, Abd Allah ben Ali Kassan Qaid Kussa Ken, Thomas Khair ad-Din (formerly Hızır Barbarossa) King, Richard Kirke, Percy Knight, Francis Knights of Malta Knights of St John Lake, Robert Laud, Archbishop Lawson, John Leake, Richard Lear, Tobias Lesdiguières, Duke of Levant Company appeals for action against piracy financing of diplomatic posts levy on, for anti-piracy expedition Mediterranean trade Lewis diplomatic affair Libertas, or Relief to the English Captives in Algier (Robinson) Limberham, or The Kind Keeper (Dryden) Ling, William lingua franca Lithgow, William Loftus, Viscount Longcastle, William Lorye, Richard Louis XIII, Madison, James Mainwaring, Henry career as pirate on forced servitude on pirate ships on Irish hospitality toward pirates king’s pardon of transition to naval officer writings on piracy al-Malik, Abd Malta Mansell, Robert in Algiers expedition attack on corsair fleet corruption criticism of final appearance at Westminster glassmaking business report on condition of ships return from Algiers Manwaring, Arthur al-Maqqari, Ahmed bin Mohammed marque, letters of Mawlay Isma’il Mawlay Zidan Mehmed II, Mehmed IV, Mercedarians, Order of Middleton, Earl of Middleton, Roger Mitchell, Stephen Mohammed ech-Cheikh el-Ashgar Mohammed IV, Mohammed Laz Dey Mohammed the Eunuch Molière Monroe, James Monson, William anti-piracy operation in Ireland on conditions in Royal Navy criticism of leader in Algiers expedition fall from king’s favor on modification of merchant ships for piracy on navigation instruction for Turks proposal of international anti-piracy force Moore, John Moore, Jonas Morgan, Henry Morgan, John Morocco America, peace with captives in civil war Dutch blockade of harbor England, peace with English expedition against blockade of harbor commander English casualties proposal for release of captives return to England from French and Spanish control of Hornachero rebels Tangier, conflicts in Murad Bey Murad III, Murad Raïs (Dutch renegade) Murad Raïs (Genoese renegade) Muslims See Islam Mustafa Laz Dey mutiny Narbrough, John Nassimbene, Andrea National Intelligencer Netherlands See Dutch Republic Newes from Sea, of Two Notorious Pirates (Nixon) Newport, Christopher Newton, Thomas Nichols, Mr (master of Dolphin) Nixon, Anthony Nutt, John O’Driscoll, Cornelius Ogilby, John Okeley, William ambivalence toward Algerians capture by pirates complacency as slave escape publication of narrative religious observance return to England sale of servitude shopkeeping Omar Dey Oneby, Humphrey Ossory, Earl of Ottoman Empire attacks on Christian Europe Barbary Coast bases benefits of piracy extent of Janissary corps official language signing of Declaration of Paris outlawing privateering trade treaties with European nations See also Barbary Coast; specific states Pananti, Filippo Parker, Richard Penn, Giles Penn, William Pepwell, Henry Pepys, Samuel Perry, Oliver Peterborough, Henry Mordaunt, Earl of piracy attraction of capture of prey career path discipline aboard ship end of forced servitude galleys havens for Mediterranean hunting ground modification of merchant ships mutiny navigational skills and technology payment to crew personal qualities required versus privateering privateering as seasonal activity ships resisting at sea Plymouth, Earl of Ponder, Nathaniel Portugal Barbary outposts Dutch Republic, war with marriage treaty with Charles II, sanctuary for pirates Spain, war with Tangier, occupation of Tangier, surrender of Powell, J R privateering English ban on government’s share of prize letters of marque outlawing of versus piracy profitability of Purchas, Samuel Rainborow, William Algiers blockade, proposal for death hero’s welcome home Moroccan expedition on Parliamentary Committee for the Captives in Algiers Raleigh, Walter Ramadan Raïs (a.k.a Henry Chandler) Randal, John al-Rashid, Mawlay Rashleigh, Jonathan Rawlins, John Rickles, John Roberts, Lewis Robinson, Henry Roe, Thomas Rolle, John Roper, John Roupe, Gilbert Rowlands, Samuel Rupert, Prince Ryswan Raïs Sackville, Edward Sandwich, Earl of Saxbridge, Tibault Selim I, Shaler, William Sheres, Henry on Algerian piracy problem construction of mole at Tangier defense of Pole Fort demolition of Tangier Sherley, Anthony Shirley, Robert Shugers, Gregory Simpson, Richard Skipwith, Henry Slanning, Nicholas slaves and captives Algerian economic dependence upon Algerian slave market Algerian slave quarters Algiers, captives in from Baltimore, Ireland Barbary, number of European slaves in Barbary slave trade Catholic redemptist orders English anti-slavery policy escape exchange of captives forced conversion to Islam master-slave relationship Morocco, captives in perforced-men punishments endured ransom slave narrative ambivalence toward captors capture by pirates complacency escape publication of narrative religious observance return to England sale of servitude shopkeeping Tripoli and Tunis, abolition of Christian slavery in Tunis, captives in wives of Smith, John Soderina, capture and refitting of Spain Algiers, tribute payments to Algiers expedition Barbary outposts Charles V, Dutch Republic, war with England, peace with losses due to English privateering Morocco, control of Portugal, war with sanctuary for pirates Tangier, interest in acquiring Tunis, tribute payments to Spencer, John and Thomas Spragge, Edward Spratt, Devereux Squibb, Thomas St John, Captain St Leger, William Stoakes, John Stokes, Captain Stuijt, Simon Maartsszoon Sulaiman the Lawgiver Sunderland, Earl of Swanton, Peter Sweet, Thomas Tangier description of English acquisition of English demolition of forts governors mole in harbor Moorish siege of fort Moors, conflicts with population Tariq, Mohammed Taverner, William Temple, William Teviot, Earl of “To a Reprobate Pirate That Hath Renounced Christ and Is Turn’d Turk” (Rowlands) Tooker, Samuel Torghud Trelawny, Captain Trinitarians, Order of Tripoli abolition of Christian slavery America, peace with America, tribute payments from America, war with American losses, compensation for corsair activity Dutch Republic, peace with Dutch Republic, war with economic dependence upon piracy England, peace with France, peace with France, war with governmental instability history Italian control of as Ottoman naval base True and Certain Report (Barker) Trumbull, William Tuckey, Robert Tunis abolition of Christian slavery America, peace with American losses, compensation for captives in corsair activity, government regulation of corsair fleet economic dependence upon piracy England, hostility toward England, peace with English attack on harbor French invasion of harbor legitimate commerce Ottoman conquest of as pirate haven power structure prosperity and cosmopolitan society Uluj Ali Umar ben Haddu United States See America Usta Murad Dey Uthman Dey Uthman Pasha Vacher, Jean Le Venice battle with arch-pirate, Ward blockade of Istanbul Mediterranean trade Ottoman Empire, trade treaties with Tunis and Tripoli, tribute payments to Verney, Francis Villa Raïs Walsingham, Robert Ward, John capture of English merchant ship capture of Venetian merchant ship career path conversion to Islam in English navy personal characteristics in popular culture reputation retirement years and death return to piracy Tunis, pirate base at Watts, William Weale, John Wentworth, Thomas Whitbourne, Richard Wilson, John Winchilsea, Earl of Winwood, Ralph Wotton, Henry Wren, Christopher York, Duke of Yusuf Dey Yusuf II, Yusuf Karamanli Yusuf Pasha a Some quotations from older sources have been reworded for clarity, and their spellings modernized ... piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights Purchase only authorized editions Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Tinniswood, Adrian Pirates of Barbary : corsairs,. .. End of the Barbary Pirates Acknowledgements NOTES BIBLIOGRAPHY INDEX ALSO BY ADRIAN TINNISWOOD The Verneys: A True Story of Love, War, and Madness in Seventeenth-Century England By Permission of. .. Mediterranean / Adrian Tinniswood. —1st American ed p cm eISBN : 978-1-101-44531-0 Pirates Mediterranean Region—History—17th century Pirates Africa, North—History—17th century Mediterranean Region—History—1517-1789

Ngày đăng: 29/05/2018, 14:38