Copyright © 2009 by Anna Whitelock All rights reserved Published in the United States by Random House, an imprint of The Random House Publishing Group, a division of Random House, Inc., New York Originally published by Bloomsbury, London, in 2009 RANDOM HOUSE and colophon are registered trademarks of Random House, Inc eISBN: 978-0-679-60398-6 v3.1 For Sam, Lily, and Baillie SHE WAS A KING’S DAUGHTER, SHE WAS A KING’S SISTER, SHE WAS A KING’S WIFE SHE WAS A QUEEN, AND BY THE SAME TITLE A KING ALSO —John White, bishop of Winchester, in his sermon at Mary’s funeral CONTENTS COVER TITLE PAGE COPYRIGHT DEDICATION EPIGRAPH MARY TUDOR’S FAMILY TREE AUTHOR’S NOTE INTRODUCTION: RESURRECTION CHAPTER PRINCESS OF ENGLAND PART ONE • A KING’S DAUGHTER CHAPTER A TRUE FRIENDSHIP AND ALLIANCE CHAPTER ARE YOU THE DAUPHIN OF FRANCE? CHAPTER A VERY FINE YOUNG COUSIN INDEED CHAPTER THE INSTITUTION OF A CHRISTIAN WOMAN CHAPTER GREAT SIGNS AND TOKENS OF LOVE CHAPTER PRINCESS OF WALES CHAPTER PEARL OF THE WORLD CHAPTER THIS SHEER CALAMITY CHAPTER 10 THE KING’S GREAT MATTER CHAPTER 11 THE SCANDAL OF CHRISTENDOM CHAPTER 12 THE LADY MARY CHAPTER 13 SPANISH BLOOD CHAPTER 14 HIGH TRAITORS CHAPTER 15 WORSE THAN A LION CHAPTER 16 SUSPICION OF POISON CHAPTER 17 THE RUIN OF THE CONCUBINE CHAPTER 18 MOST HUMBLE AND OBEDIENT DAUGHTER CHAPTER 19 INCREDIBLE REJOICING CHAPTER 20 DELIVERANCE OF A GOODLY PRINCE CHAPTER 21 THE MOST UNHAPPY LADY IN CHRISTENDOM CHAPTER 22 FOR FEAR OF MAKING A RUFFLE IN THE WORLD CHAPTER 23 MORE A FRIEND THAN A STEPMOTHER CHAPTER 24 THE FAMILY OF HENRY VIII CHAPTER 25 DEPARTED THIS LIFE CHAPTER 26 THE KING IS DEAD, LONG LIVE THE KING CHAPTER 27 FANTASY AND NEW FANGLENESS CHAPTER 28 ADVICE TO BE CONFORMABLE CHAPTER 29 THE MOST UNSTABLE MAN IN ENGLAND CHAPTER 30 WHAT SAY YOU, MR AMBASSADOR? CHAPTER 31 AN UNNATURAL EXAMPLE CHAPTER 32 NAUGHTY OPINION CHAPTER 33 MATTERS TOUCHING MY SOUL CHAPTER 34 MY DEVICE FOR THE SUCCESSION PART TWO • A KING’S SISTER CHAPTER 35 FRIENDS IN THE BRIARS CHAPTER 36 TRUE OWNER OF THE CROWN CHAPTER 37 MARYE THE QUENE PART THREE • A QUEEN CHAPTER 38 THE JOY OF THE PEOPLE CHAPTER 39 CLEMENCY AND MODERATION CHAPTER 40 OLD CUSTOMS CHAPTER 41 GOD SAVE QUEEN MARY CHAPTER 42 INIQUITOUS LAWS CHAPTER 43 A MARRYING HUMOR CHAPTER 44 A SUITABLE PARTNER IN LOVE CHAPTER 45 A TRAITOROUS CONSPIRACY CHAPTER 46 GIBBETS AND HANGED MEN CHAPTER 47 SOLE QUEEN CHAPTER 48 GOOD NIGHT, MY LORDS ALL CHAPTER 49 WITH THIS RING I THEE WED CHAPTER 50 MUTUAL SATISFACTION CHAPTER 51 THE HAPPIEST COUPLE IN THE WORLD CHAPTER 52 TO RECONCILE, NOT TO CONDEMN CHAPTER 53 THE QUEEN IS WITH CHILD CHAPTER 54 HER MAJESTY’S BELLY CHAPTER 55 BLOOD AND FIRE CHAPTER 56 EXTRAORDINARILY IN LOVE CHAPTER 57 COMMITTED TO THE FLAMES CHAPTER 58 A GREAT AND RARE EXAMPLE OF GOODNESS CHAPTER 59 STOUT AND DEVILISH HEARTS CHAPTER 60 OBEDIENT SUBJECT AND HUMBLE SISTER CHAPTER 61 A WARMED OVER HONEYMOON CHAPTER 62 A PUBLIC ENEMY TO OURSELVES CHAPTER 63 THE GRIEF OF THE MOST SERENE QUEEN CHAPTER 64 READINESS FOR CHANGE CHAPTER 65 THINKING MYSELF TO BE WITH CHILD CHAPTER 66 REASONABLE REGRET FOR HER DEATH EPILOGUE: VERITAS TEMPORIS FILIA ACKNOWLEDGMENTS NOTES SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY ILLUSTRATION CREDITS ABOUT THE AUTHOR PART FOUR • A KING’S WIFE MARY TUDOR’S FAMILY TREE AUTHOR’S NOTE M in English history, her reputation dominated by the great Elizabethan work of propaganda, John Foxe’s Actes and Monuments, which so graphically depicted “the horrible and bloudy time of Queene Mary.” It is striking that nearly 450 years later Foxe’s work continues to have a tenacious hold on the popular imagination Recently this view found dramatic expression in Shekhar Kapur’s 1998 lm Elizabeth, which portrays the dark, brutal, and barren world of Mary in contrast to the light, liberating accession of Elizabeth Mary is maligned as a cruel, obstinant Catholic bigot who burned heretics and married an unpopular Spanish prince As one early biographer concluded, she had “a fatal lack of that subtle appeal that awakens popular sympathies.”1 This book seeks to challenge such popular prejudice and acceptance of Mary as one of the most reviled women in English history; to “rebrand” her less as the “grotesque charicature” that is “Bloody Mary” and more as the groundbreaking rst crowned queen of England In the last ten years or so the gap between academic writing and popular understanding has grown ever wider, and this has spurred my desire to write Recent scholarship has questioned twentieth-century verdicts of Mary’s reign as one of “sterility” and lack of achievements and of Mary as a “profoundly conventional woman.”2 A number of important revisions can now be made to the pervasive popular view Mary’s relationship with her mother is key, and Katherine must be understood not as a weak, rejected wife but as a strong, highly accomplished, and de ant woman who withstood the attempts of her husband, Henry VIII, to browbeat her into submission and was determined to defend the legitimacy of her marriage and of her daughter’s birth As one of the most proli c Tudor historians of the twentieth century argued, Mary “had ever been her mother’s daughter rather than her father’s, devoid of political skill, unable to compromise, set only on the wholesale reversal of a generation’s history.”3 Yet Katherine of Aragon can be understood as a gure of immense courage from whom Mary could learn much Katherine oversaw Mary’s early education and highly formative upbringing, which was not a prelude to inevitable failure but an apprenticeship for rule Mary’s Spanish heritage informed her queenship but in a far more positive way than is popularly acknowledged Mary’s very accession was against the odds and is a too commonly overlooked achievement the scale of which is rarely acknowledged It was, as one contemporary chronicler described, an act of “Herculean daring” that rarely nds its way into the popular annals Upon becoming queen, Mary entered a man’s world and had to change the nature of politics—her decisions as to how she would rule would become precedents ARY’S REIGN HAS LONG BEEN CONSIDERED A TERRIBLE FOOTNOTE for the future She gained the throne, maintained her rule, preserved the line of Tudor succession, and set many important precedents for her sister, Elizabeth Less a victim of the men around her but politically accomplished and at the center of politics, Mary was a woman who in many ways was able to overcome the handicap of her sex For good or ill, Mary proved to be very much her own woman and a not entirely unsuccessful one at that So the Mary of this book is an unfamiliar queen, and hers is an incredibly thrilling and inspirational story She broke tradition, she challenged precedent; she was a political pioneer who redefined the English monarchy BL, Harley, 1813, pp 259–60 The Epitaphe vpon the Death of the Most Excellent and oure late vertuous Quene, Marie, deceased, augmented by the first Author (London, 1558?), in Old English Ballads 1553—1625, Chiefly from Manuscripts, ed Hyder E Rollins (Cambridge, 1920), pp 23–26, at p 26 See Marcia Lee Metzger, “Controversy and ‘Correctness’: English Chronicles and Chroniclers, 1553–68,” The Sixteenth-Century Journal 27 (1996), pp 437–51, at p 450 E Arber, ed., A Transcript of the Register of the Company of Stationers of London, 1554–1640, vols (London, 1875–77), I, fol 35 “A fourme of prayer with thankes giuing, to be used every yeere, the 17 of November, beyng the day of the Queenes Maiesties entrie to her raigne, London 1576,” reprinted in W Keatinge, Liturgical Services, Elizabeth (London, 1847), pp 548–58 J Knox, The First Blast of the Trumpet against the Monstrous Regiment of Women (Geneva, 1558), p 32 Ibid., p 10 Ibid., p Foxe, Actes and Monuments (London, 1583), p 2098 R Garcia, “ ‘Most Wicked Superstition and Idolatry’: John Foxe, His Predecessors and the Development of an Anti- Catholic Polemic in the Sixteenth-Century Accounts of the Reign of Mary I,” in John Foxe at Home and Abroad, ed D Loades, pp 79–87 W C Sellar and R J Yeatman, 1066 and All That: A Memorable History of England Comprising all the Parts You Can Remember … (London, 1930), pp 64–65 10 M Twiss, The Most Evil Men and Women in History (London, 2002), pp 85–97 11 CSPV V, pp 532–33 12 J Aylmer, An Harborowe for Faithfull and Trewe Subiectes (“Strasborowe” [i.e., London], 1559) (STC 1005) sig H3v 13 Janet Arnold, Queen Elizabeth’s Wardrobe Unlock’d (Leeds, 1988), pp 52, 55 SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY UNPUBLISHED SOURCES M ANUSCRIPTS Bodleian Library Rawlinson MS B 146; 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(Aldershot, 2006) Wooding, Lucy E C Rethinking Catholicism in Marian England (Oxford, 2000) ILLUSTRATION CREDITS 1.1 HENRY VII © National Portrait Gallery, London 1.2 PORTRAIT OF KATHERINE OF ARAGON Private Collection/© Philip Mould Ltd., London/The Bridgeman Art Library, London 1.3 THE FAMILY OF HENRY VIII The Royal Collection © 2009 Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 1.4 LORD CROMWELL © The Trustees of the Weston Park Foundation, UK/ The Bridgeman Art Library, London 1.5 PRINCESS MARY © National Portrait Gallery, London 1.6 THE EMPEROR CHARLES V © Prado, Madrid/The Bridgeman Art Library, London 1.7 MICHAELMAS PLEA ROLL (1553) © The National Archives 1.8 MARY TUDOR CURING THE KING’S EVIL Private Collection/ The Bridgeman Art Library, London 1.9 KING PHILIP II © Prado, Madrid/The Bridgeman Art Library, London 1.10 QUEEN MARY I Library OF ENGLAND © Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum/ The Bridgeman Art 1.11 MICHAELMAS PLEA ROLL (1556) © The National Archives 1.12 PHILIP II and MARY I Trustees of the Bedford Estate, Woburn Abbey, UK/The Bridgeman Art Library, London 1.13 SIMON RENARD Musée du Temps, Besancon, France/Lauros/Giraudon/ The Bridgeman Art Library, London 1.14 CARDINAL REGINALD POLE © Corpus Christi College, Oxford, UK/ The Bridgeman Art Library, London 1.15 “A LAMENTABLE SPECTACLE” The Trustees of Lambeth Palace Library 1.16 THE BURNING OF THOMAS CRANMER © Lambeth Palace Library, London, UK/Bridgeman Art Library, London 1.17 QUEEN MARY I Society of Antiquaries of London, UK/Bridgeman Art Library, London 1.18 THE SIGNATURE OF MARY I Private Collection/The Bridgeman Art Library, London 1.19 THE HEAD OF MARY’S FUNERAL EFFIGY © Dean and Chapter of Westminster 1.20 THE TOMB OF MARY AND ELIZABETH © Dean and Chapter of Westminster ABOUT THE AUTHOR ANNA WHITELOCK has a Ph.D in history from Corpus Christi College, Cambridge University Her articles and book reviews on various aspects of Tudor history have appeared in publications including The Guardian, the Times Literary Supplement, and BBC History Mary Tudor, her rst book, was one of ve shortlisted titles for Britain’s prestigious annual First Biography Prize She was also the winner of the Arts Club’s Emerging Writer of the Year Award in 2010 She has taught at Cambridge and is now a lecturer in early modern history at the University of London ... ALSO —John White, bishop of Winchester, in his sermon at Mary s funeral CONTENTS COVER TITLE PAGE COPYRIGHT DEDICATION EPIGRAPH MARY TUDOR S FAMILY TREE AUTHOR’S NOTE INTRODUCTION: RESURRECTION... of Mary s reign as one of “sterility” and lack of achievements and of Mary as a “profoundly conventional woman.”2 A number of important revisions can now be made to the pervasive popular view Mary s... from whom Mary could learn much Katherine oversaw Mary s early education and highly formative upbringing, which was not a prelude to inevitable failure but an apprenticeship for rule Mary s Spanish