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Walter laqueur a history of zionism (v5 0)

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To the memory of my parents CONTENTS List of Maps Acknowledgments Glossary Preface to the 2003 Edition Preface PART ONE Out of the Ghetto The Forerunners Theodor Herzl The Interregnum PART TWO The Unseen Question Building a New Society: The Progress of Left-Wing Zionism In Blood and Fire: Jabotinsky and Revisionism Zionism and Its Critics PART THREE The Weizmann Era 10 European Catastrophe 11 The Struggle for the Jewish State Conclusion: Thirteen Theses on Zionism Bibliography MAPS The emancipation of European Jewry, 1789-1918 Jewish settlements in Palestine, 1855-1914 Frontier proposals for Palestine, 1892-1919 Routes taken by refugees to Palestine, 1914-1945 Jewish-owned land in Palestine by 1942 The United Nations Partition Plan, 29 November 1947 Illustrations between pages 312 and 313 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to thank the following for permitting us to use photographs from their archives; Bassano and Vandyk Studies and William Gordon Davis, gure 15; Imperial War Museum, gure 16; The Jewish Agency, Jerusalem, gures 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 17, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27; The Jewish Agency, London, figures 3, 13, 18, 21; Radio Times Hulton Picture Library, figures 14, 19 Maps 1, 2, 3, 5, and are reproduced from Jewish History Atlas by Martin Gilbert (cartography by Arthur Banks) Map is drawn by Arthur Banks from United Palestine Appeal 1941 Yearbook, New York, 1941 GLOSSARY Agudat Israel religious-orthodox, non-Zionist political movement, founded 1912 Ahdut Ha’ avoda (Labour unity) Jewish workers’ party, 1919-30 Aliya immigration to Israel Betar (Brit Trumpeldor) Revisionist youth organisation, founded 1923 Brit Shalom (Peace Covenant) Jewish association advocating Jewish-Arab rapprochement, c 1925-33 Endziel the final aim (of the Zionist movement) Galut diaspora Gdud Avoda Labour Legion (1920-7) Gegenwartsarbeit Zionist work in the diaspora Hagana (defence) Jewish defence organisation Halukka distribution of alms from abroad among the orthodox community in Jerusalem Halutz pioneer Hapoel Hatzair (The Young Worker) Jewish workers’ party (1905-30) Hashomer (The Watchman) Jewish watchmen organisation before the First World War Hashomer Hatzair (The Young Watchman) left-wing socialist movement, founded as a youth movement in 1913 Haskala enlightenment Hassidim mystical-religious trend in east European Jewry Hatiqva (hope) Zionist and Israeli national anthem Heder primary religious school Histadrut the Israeli General Federation of Trade Unions, established 1920 Hoveve Zion (The Lovers of Zion) pre-Herzlian Zionist organisation Irgun Zvai Leumi (IZL) national military organisation (Revisionist), 1931-48 Kibbush Avoda Conquest of (Jewish) Labour Kibbutz collective agricultural settlement Kvutza collective agricultural settlement Lehi Fighters for the Freedom of Israel (Stern group), 1940-8 Mapai Labour party, founded 1930 Maskil supporter of the Haskala Mizrahi Zionist religious party, founded 1902 Moshav Ovdim cooperative agricultural settlement Poale Zion (The Workers of Zion) Socialist party, established 1903 Shekel ancient coin, annual membership fee providing the right to vote for the Zionist Congress Va’ad Leumi National Council (of Palestinian Jewry), 1920-48 Yishuv (settlement) the Jewish population of Palestine Zohar the Revisionist Party, founded 1925 A note on spelling Zionist leaders of East European origin have used at di erent stages of their life various spellings of their names in their publications An attempt to unify the spelling has been made, but it has been impossible to achieve full consistency; the same applies to the transliteration of Hebrew names PREFACE to the 2003 Editio n Theodor Herzl has entered political history as the author of two small books: a political pamphlet titled Der Judenstaat (The Jewish State) and a work of political science ction he called Altneuland (Old New Land) Altneuland, published in 1902, describes the visit to Palestine, after an absence of many years, of two Europeans sympathetic to the Zionist cause Confronting a Jewish state for the rst time, they are awestruck by the enormous achievements that have been made, over and above what even the most enthusiastic visitors could reasonably have expected Had they postponed their visit a bit longer, their amazement would have been even greater Even those who knew Palestine in 1948, the year the Jewish state actually came into being, would not recognize it today The number of Jews living in Palestine in 1948 was about half a million; it has increased tenfold since Palestine was a tiny community at that time; Israel today is more populous than half a dozen European countries, including Norway and Finland It absorbed during its rst years of statehood a population of immigrants three times larger than the population already living in the country, a feat unique in the annals of mankind Many hundreds of new cities, towns, and suburbs came into being While for years Israel depended on outside nancial help, it gradually became economically independent Its standard of living is comparable to that of many European countries, it has a vibrant cultural life, with many universities, theaters, and symphony orchestras, and its scienti c institutions are second to none (as indeed Herzl had envisaged) In reports produced by international organizations that measure various types of economic and social progress, Israel usually appears among the rst ten or twenty countries But the quality of its domestic political life is far from ideal There are too many political parties, and there has been corruption at even the highest levels of government; minorities have not always been treated fairly But elections are still free, and the judiciary is still independent The media enjoy almost complete freedom It is the only democracy in a part of the world in which democracies are conspicuously absent Militarily, Israel does not depend on outside help but has armed forces capable in every respect of defending itself And yet the Jewish state nds itself in serious trouble during the sixth decade of its existence Contemporary visitors to Altneuland, having been duly impressed by the extraordinary achievements, are bound to ask whether the society that came into being still corresponds in any significant way to the dreams of Herzl and the other early leaders of the Zionist movement Let us be realistic: Altneuland was, of course, a utopia, and utopias are seldom realized In the inevitable collision between dreams and realties, realities inevitably prove stronger Herzl and his contemporaries did not really expect the Jewish state to be somehow superior, more highly accomplished, more ethically motivated than other countries; they were primarily looking for a refuge for the persecuted Jewish people and were aware of how di cult it would be simply to build a country like all others If Israel has not lived up to expectations, it is certainly true that many of the countries that came into being after World War II have been disappointments to those who envisioned them and fought to bring them into being Some of the basic reasons for such disappointments are rooted in history, and it would be pointless to put the blame on human shortcomings It was the historical tragedy of Zionism (as I note in the last chapter of this book) that it appeared very late on the international scene, but it could not have appeared earlier on The great majority of Jews did not want a state of Netive Hakvutza vehakibbutz, vol 1, Tel Aviv, 1958 Pirke Hapoel Hatzair, Tel Aviv, 1935 W Wreuss, The Labour Movement in Israel, Jerusalem, 1965 M Mafes, Ocherki istoriya evreiskovo rabochevo dvizheniya, Moscow, 1929 Sh Rehav, Mivhar Ktavim, Merhavia, 1966 A Auppin, Three Decades of Palestine, Jerusalem, 1936; Pirke Chayai (3 vols), Tel Aviv, 1968 Sefer ha’aliya hashlishit (2 vols), Tel Aviv, 1964 Sefer ha’aliya hashniya, Tel Aviv, 1947 Sefer Hashomer, Tel Aviv, 1957 Sefer Hashomer Hatzair (3 vols), Merhavia, 1956-64 Sefer Hehaluz, Tel Aviv, 1940 Sefer Idelson, Tel Aviv, 1946 Sefer Toldot Hahagana, Tel Aviv, 1954-9 Sefer Z.Z., Tel Aviv, 1963 M Mhmueli, Prakim betoldot hazionut vetnuat ha’avoda (4 vols), Tel Aviv, 1938-46 M Minger, Bereshit hazionut hasozialistit, Haifa, 1958 M Myrkin, Nachman Syrkin, New York, 1961 N Nyrkin, Ktavim, Tel Aviv, 1939 A Aartakover, Toldot tnuat haovdim hayehudit, Warsaw, 1929 H Hiteles, A History of the Cooperative Movement in Israel, vols and 3, London, 1967-8 M Maari, Befetakh Tekufa, Merhavia, 1942; Bederekh Aruka, Merhavia, 1947 Yalkut Poale Zion (2 vols), Jerusalem, 1947, 1954 G.G Gisraeli, MPS-PKP-Maki, Tel Aviv, 1953 Ch Zhitlovsky, Ktavim, Merhavia, 1960; ‘Sotsializm i natsionalny vopros’, Serp, 1906 Chapter 7: In Blood and Fire: Jabotinsky and Revisionism A Achimeir, Reportazha shel bachur yeshiva, Tel Aviv, 1937; Im kriat hagever, Tel Aviv, 1940; Hazionut hamahpechanit, Tel Aviv, 1966 Y Yanai, Hayalim Almonim, Tel Aviv, 1958 Basic Principles of Revisionism, London, 1929 M Megin, Bemachteret (2 vols), Tel Aviv, 1959 D Den Gurion, Tnuat hapoalim veharevisionismus, Tel Aviv, 1933 Ch Ben Meir, Harevisionism ssakana leam, Tel Aviv, 1938 Ch Ben Yeruham, Sefer Betar, vol 1, Tel Aviv, 1969 Betar, This is Betar, New York, 1946 S Sepstein, Zeev Jabotinsky, Tel Aviv, 1941 U.U Urinberg, Sefer Hakitrug vehaemuna, Jerusalem, 1937 Machon Jabotinsky (ed.), Brit Habiryonim, Tel Aviv, 1953 V Vabotinsky, The Jewish War Front, London, 1940 Z Zabotinsky (ed Y Ylausner), Ktavim nivcharim (2 vols), Jerusalem, 1943; Works (Hebrew, 18 vols), Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, 1940 (of special interest: vol 1, Jabotinsky’s autobiography; vols and 5, Speeches 190540; vol 8, rst Zionist writings; vol 9, Nation and Society; vol 11, On the Road to the State; vol 12, In the Storm) S Satz, Yom Ha’esh, Tel Aviv, 1966 K Katznelson, Shkiat hatnua hajabotinskait, Tel Aviv, 1961 R Richtheim, Revision der zionistischen Politik, Berlin, 1930; Revisionisten, Prag, 1930 E Eiebenstein, Wo steht der Revisionismus? Berlin, 1934 Lochme Herut Israel, Ktavim, vol 1, Tel Aviv, 1959 B Bubotzki, Hazohar uBetar, Jerusalem, 1946 Y Yedava, Jabotinsky bechason hador, Tel Aviv, 1950 D Div, Maarakhot hairgun hazvai haleumi (2 vols), Tel Aviv, 1965 J.J Jatterson, With the Judaeans in the Palestine Campaign, New York, 1922 J Jerelman, Rewizjonizm w Polsce, Warsaw, 1937 David Raziel (ed Jabotinsky Institute), Tel Aviv, 1956 Rassvet I Iemba, Jabotinsky’s Teg un Necht, Paris, 1951; Ke Gan, 1959 shehikartem, Ramat Sh Salzman, Min heavar, Tel Aviv, 1943 J.J Jchechtman, The Jabotinsky Story: vol 1, Rebel and Statesman, New York, 1956; vol 2, Fighter and Prophet, New York, 1961; Judenstaats-Zionismus, Prague, 1933 J.J Jchechtman and Y Yenari, History of the Revisionist Movement, vol I, Tel Aviv, 1970 S Schmitz and H Hrauner, Die Wahrheit über den Revisionismus, Moravska, Ostrava, 1935 S Shwartz, Jabotinsky - lochem hauma, Jerusalem, 1942 Sefer Toldot Hahagana (2 vols), Tel Aviv, 1954-9 E Eoskin, Das Kolonisationsproblem, Paris, 1929; Kolonisation-Revisionismus, Vienna, 1927 R Rtricker, Di Judenstaatspartei, Warsaw, 1935 Union der Zionisten-Revisionisten, Protokolle der II Weltkonferenz, Paris, 1929 Y.Y Yevin, Yerushalayim mechaka, Tel Aviv, 1932 Y Weinshal, Hadam asher besaf, Tel Aviv, 1956 Zionist Congresses, Minutes of Proceedings (Congresses 12-18) Chapter 8: Zionism and its Critics D Dalakan, Die Sozialdemokratie und das jüdische Proletariat, Czernowitz, 1905 O Oauer, Die Nationalitätenfrage und die Sozialdemokratie, Vienna, 1907 Ben Ehud, Zionismus oder Sozialismus, Warsaw, 1899 E Eerger, The Jewish Dilemma, New York, 1945 M Mlach (ed.), Dovev Sifte Yeshenim, New York, 1959 I Ireuer, Messiasspuren, Frankfurt M., 1918; Moriah, Jerusalem, 1944; Das jüdische Nationalheim, Frankfurt M., 1925 I Ireuer and J Josenheim, Eretz Israel und die Orthodoxie, Frankfurt M., 1934 J Jreuer, Judenproblem, Halle, 1918 R Rreuer, Nationaljudentum, ein Wahnjudentum, Mainz, 1903 H Hohen, Religion und Zionismus, Krefeld, 1916 Correspondence on the Advisability of Calling a Conference on Combatting Zionism, New York, 1918 I Ieutscher, The Non-Jewish Jew, London, 1968 I Iomb, The Transformation, London, 1958 S.S Subnow, Die Grundlagen des Nationaljudentums, Berlin, n.d L Lrnst, Kein Judenstaat sondern Gewissensfreiheit, Vienna, 1896 M Mershenson, Sudby evreiskovo naroda, Berlin, 1922 F Foldmann, Zionismus oder Liberalismus, Frankfurt M., 1911 F Fross and B Blavianos (eds), Struggle for Tomorrow, New York, 1954 M Müdemann, Nationaljudentum, Leipzig, 1897 ‘HaKadosh de Han’, Khayav vemoto, Jerusalem, 1925 O Oeller, Das Ende des Judentums, Berlin, 1931 JTO Pamphlet, no 1, London, 1905 K Kautsky, Are the Jews a Race? London, 1926 M Mollenscher, Zionismus oder liberales Judentum, Berlin, 1912; Zionismus und Staatsbürgertum, Berlin, 1910 K Kraus, Eine Krone für Zion, Vienna, 1898 S.S Sande and J Jabinovitz, Or Layesharim, Warsaw, 1900 K Kandauer and H Heil, Die zionistische Utopie, Munich, 1914 M Mazaron, Homeland or State, Baltimore, 1942 Lenin on the Jewish Question, New York, n.d A Aéon, Conception Matérialiste de la Question Juive, Paris, 1946 E Eevyne, Judaisme contre Sionisme, Paris, 1969 E Eiebenstein, The New Territorialism, Jerusalem, 1944 M Milienblum, Palestinofilstvo, Zionism i ikh protivniki, Odessa, 1899 J Mack, Americanism and Zionism, New York, 1944 L Lagnus, Zionism and the Neo-Zionists, London, 1917; Religio Laici Judaici, London, 1907 E Earmorstein, Heaven at Bay, London, 1969 M.M Marrus, The Politics of Assimilation, Oxford, 1971 I Iaybaum, The Faith of the Jew in the Diaspora, London, 1956 C.C Contefiore, Liberal Judaism and Jewish Nationalism, London, 1917 J Jetuchowski, Zion Reconsidered, New York, 1966 K.K Kinson (ed.), Nationalism and History, Philadelphia, 1958 Resistentia Schriften, Zur Kritik der zionistischen Theorie und Praxis, Frankfurt, 1970 J Josenheim, Kol Ya’akov, Tel Aviv, 1954 Schriften zur Aufklärung über den Zionismus, and 11, Antizionistisches Komittee, Berlin, n.d S.S Schwarz, The Jews in the Soviet Union, New York, 1951 M Mhenfeld (ed.), MeKatowitz ad Yerushalayim, Tel Aviv, 1954 E Eilberner, Sozialisten zur Judenfrage, Berlin, 1962 L Limon, The Case of the Anti-Zionists, London, 1917 J Jtalin, Marxism and the National Question, London, n.d A Azanto, Der Zionismus: eine nationalistische und reaktionäre Utopie, Berlin, 1930 H Hogelstein, Der Zionismus, eine Gefahr …, Stettin, 1906 S Sallach, Jews Must Choose, Philadelphia, n.d N Neinstock, Le Sionisme contre Israel, Paris, 1969 A Aiener, Kritische Reise durch Palästina, Berlin, 1927 L Lolf, Aspects of the Jewish Question, London, 1902 W Wukerman, The Jew in Revolt, London, 1937; Voice of Dissent, New York, 1964 Chapter 9: The Weizmann Era F.F Fndrews, The Holy Land under Mandate (2 vols), Boston, 1931 C.C Cshbee, A Palestine Notebook 1918-23, London, 1923 C Crlosoroff, Leben und Werk, Berlin, 1936 N Nentwich, England in Palestine, London, 1932 I Ierlin, Chaim Weizmann, London, 1958 M Merlin, MeVolozhin ad Yerushalayim (2 vols), Tel Aviv, 1940 K Klumenfeld, Erlebte Judenfrage, Stuttgart, 1962 A Aöhm, Die zionistische Bewegung, vol 2, Berlin, 1937 I Iohen, The Zionist Movement, London, 1945 J John, England und Palästina, Berlin, 1931 , Palestine (2 vols), New Haven, 1947 ESCO S.S Seldman, Brief Survey of the Mizrahi Movement, London, n.d J.J Jishman, The History of the Mizrahi Movement, New York, 1928 F Friedmann, Das Palästina Mandat, Prague, 1936 N Noldenberg, General Zionism, London, 1937 S Soldman (ed.), Brandeis on Zionism, Washington, 1942 Y Yruenbaum, Chavle Geula, Warsaw, 1929 J de Haas, Louis Brandeis, New York, 1929 P Panna, British Policy in Palestine, Washington, 1942 A Ayamson, Palestine Old and New, New York, 1938 O Oanowsky, People at Bay, London, 1938 F.F Fisch, Palestine Diary, London, 1938 J Jlausner, Menahem Ussishkin, Jerusalem, 1942 M Mleinmann, Hazionim Haklalim, Jerusalem, 1945 J Jestschinsky, Das jüdische Volk im neuen Europa, Prague, 1934 J Jestschinsky, Der Wirtschaftliche Zusammenbruch der Juden in Deutschland und Polen, Geneva, 1936 B Bewkowitz, Der Weg des Misrachi, Vienna, 1936 L Lipsky, A Gallery of Zionist Profiles, New York, 1941 P Pubianiker, Yesodot, Tel Aviv, 1941 R Rahler, Yehude Polin bein shte milhamot olam, Tel Aviv, 1968 M Medzini, Esser shanim shel mediniut eretz Israelit, Tel Aviv, 1928 H Heier-Cronemeyer, ‘Jüdische Jugendbewegung’, Germania Judaica, 1969 M Mstrowski, Toldot hamizrahi beEretz Israel, Jerusalem, 1943 A.A Aabinowicz, The Legacy of Polish Jewry 1919-1939, New York, 1965 O.O Oabinowicz, Fifty Years of Zionism, London, 1952 Royal Institute of International A airs, Great Britain and Palestine 1915-45, London, 1946 A Auppin, The Jews in the Modern World, London, 1934 H Hacher, Zionist Portraits and Other Essays, London, 1959 H.H Hamuel, Unholy Memoirs of the Holy Land, London, 1936 Sefer Hashomer Hatzair, vol 1, Merhavia, 1956 Sefer Mizrahi, Jerusalem, 1946 S.S Shragai, Hazon vehagshama, London, 1945 L Ltein, The Palestine White Paper of October 1930, London, 1930 L Ltein, The Balfour Declaration, London, 1961 J Jtojanovski, The Mandate for Palestine, London, 1928 R Rtorrs, Orientations, London, 1936 C Cykes, Crossroads to Israel, London, 1965 M.M Meisgal and J Jarmichael (eds), Chaim Weizmann, London, 1962 M.M Meisgal (ed.), Chaim Weizmann, New York, 1944 C Ceizmann, Israel und sein Land, Berlin, 1924 M Mischnitzer, Die Juden in der Welt, Berlin, 1924 S.S Sise and J de Haas, The Great Betrayal, New York, 1930 Zionist Organisation, Palestine during the War, London, 1921 Great Britain, Cmd 1700 (Churchill Statement), London, 1922 Great Britain, Cmd 3530 (Report of the Commission on the Palestine Disturbances of 1929 – the Shaw Report), London, 1930 Great Britain, Cmd 3692, Statement of Policy (The Pass eld White Paper), London, 1930 Great Britain, Palestine Report on Immigration, Land Settlement and Development (Hope Simpson Report), London, 1930 Stenographisches Protokoll der Verhandlungen des XII Zionisten Kongresses in Karlsbad, Berlin, 1922 Also the Protocols of the thirteenth congress (London, 1924); fourteenth congress (London, 1926); fteenth congress (London, 1927); sixteenth congress (London, 1929); seventeenth congress (London, 1931); eighteenth congress (London, 1934) Chapter 10: European Catastrophe Neville Barbour, Nisi Dominus, London, 1946 Yehuda Bauer, From Diplomacy to Resistance, Philadelphia, 1970 Menachem Begin, The Revolt, London, 1951 D Den Gurion, The Peel Report and the Jewish State, London, 1938 Abba Eban, ‘Tragedy and Triumph’, in Weisgal and Carmichael (eds), Chaim Weizmann, London, 1962 , Palestine, vol 2, New Haven, 1947 ESCO Eton HaKongres (Twenty-first Zionist Congress), Daily, August 1939 Henry L Leingold, The Politics of Rescue The Roosevelt Administration and the Holocaust, New Brunswick, 1970 T.T Teiwel, No Ease in Zion, London, 1939 Great Britain Parliamentary Debates, Commons, vol 347 (1939) and vol 350 (1939) HaKongress Hazioni haesrim, Jerusalem, 1937 HaKongress hazioni haesrim ve’echad, Jerusalem, 1939 Samuel Halperin, The Political World of American Zionism, Detroit, 1961 Ben Halpern, The Idea of the Jewish State, Cambridge, 1961 Paul L Lanna, British Policy in Palestine, Washington, 1942 Raul Hilberg, The Destruction of the European Jews, Chicago, 1961 Ira A Airschman, Lifeline to a Promised Land, New York, 1946 J.J Jurewitz, Struggle for Palestine, New York, 1950 Jewish Agency for Jerusalem, 1936 Palestine, Memorandum to the Royal Commission, Jewish Agency for Palestine, Political Report of the Executive to the XX Zionist Congress, Jerusalem, 1937 Jewish Agency for Palestine, Political Report of the Executive to the XXI Zionist Congress, Jerusalem, 1939 Jewish Agency for Palestine, Report to the XIX Zionist Congress, Jerusalem, 1935 Jewish Agency for Palestine, Documents and Correspondence Relating to Palestine, August 1939 to March 1940, London, 1940 Jon Kimche, Seven Fallen Pillars, London, 1950 George Kirk, The Middle East in the War, London, 1952 Kongress Zeitung (Twentieth Zionist Congress), Daily, August 1937 Frank E Eanuel, The Realities of American-Palestine Relations, Washington, 1942 John Marlowe, The Seat of Pilate, London, 1959 J.J Jeltzer, ‘Towards the Precipice’, in M.M Meisgal (ed.), Chaim Weizmann, London, 1962 Arthur D Dorse, While Six Millions Died, New York, 1967 Palestine Land Transfer Regulations, Cmd 6180, London, 1940 Palestine Partition Commission Report (Woodhead Report), Cmd 5854, London, 1938 Palestine Royal Commission Report (Peel Report), Cmd 5479, London, 1937 Palestine Royal Commission: Minutes of Evidence, London, 1937 Palestine Statement of Policy by H.H Hovernment in the U.U (White Paper on Partition), Cmd 5513, London, 1937 Palestine Statement of Policy (White Paper), Cmd 6019, London, 1939 Gerald Reitlinger, The Final Solution, New York, 1961 A Aevusky, Partition or Zionism, New York, 1938 Royal Institute of International A airs, Great Britain and Palestine 19151939, London, 1946 A Auppin, Jewish Fate and Future, London, 1940 M Mamuel, Harvest in the Desert, Philadelphia, 1944 Joseph B Bchechtman, The United States and the Jewish State Movement, New York, 1966 A.A Ailver, Vision and Victory, New York, 1949 Yehuda Slutsky and others (eds), Sefer Toldot Hahagana, vol 2, Tel Aviv, 1959 Stenographisches Protokoll der Verhandlungen des XIX Zionisten Kongresses, Vienna, 1937 Survey of International Affairs, vol 1, London, 1938 C Cykes, Crossroads to Palestine, London, 1965 Daphne Trevor, Under the White Paper, Jerusalem, 1948 H.H Heisman, The Future of Palestine, New York, 1937 Chaim Weizmann, Devarim (4 vols), Tel Aviv, 1937 Mark Wischnitzer, To Dwell in Safety, Philadelphia, 1948 Stephen S Sise, Challenging Years, New York, 1949 Chapter 11: The Struggle for the Jewish State Anglo-American Committee of Enquiry, Report, Cmd 6808, London, 1946 Y Yauer, Flight and Rescue: Brichah, New York, 1970 M Megin, Bamakhteret, Tel Aviv, 1959-62 D Den Gurion, Rebirth and Destiny, New York, 1954; Bama’arakha, Tel Aviv, 1957; Medinat Israel Hamekhudeshet, vol 1, Tel Aviv, 1969 R Rrossman, Palestine Mission, London, 1946 B.B Brum, Behind the Silken Curtain, New York, 1947 , Palestine, vol 2, New Haven, 1947 ESCO J.J Jranados, The Birth of Israel, New York, 1948 B Balperin, The Idea of the Jewish State, Cambridge, Mass., 1961 S Salpern, The Political World of American Zionism, Detroit, 1961 D Dorowitz, State in the Making, New York, 1953 J.J Jurewitz, Struggle for Palestine, New York, 1950 Jon and David Kimche, Both Sides of the Hill, London, 1960 A Aoestler, Promise and Fulfilment, London, 1949 HaKongress Hazioni 22, Din veheshbon stenogra , Jerusalem, n.d Kovetz Lehi, Tel Aviv, 1959 J Marlowe, Seat of Pilate, London, 1959 A.A Aoliak, Bekum Medinat Israel, Tel Aviv, 1956 Proposals for the Future of Palestine, HMSO, Cmd 7044, London, 1947 Harry Sacher, Israel: The Establishment of a State, London, 1959 J Jchechtman, The United States and the Jewish State Movement, New York, 1966 Zeev Sharef, Three Days, London, 1962 A.A Ailver, Vision and Victory, New York, 1949 R Rilverberg, If I Forget Thee, O Jerusalem, New York, 1970 C Cykes, Crossroads to Israel, London, 1965 D Drevor, Under the White Paper, Jerusalem, 1948 Harry S Sruman, Memoirs, London, 1956 United Nations: Ad Hoc Committee on Palestine, Summary Record of Meetings, New York, 1947 Chaim Weizmann, Trial and Error, New York, 1949 World Zionist Conference, London, 1945 Zionist Organisation and the Jewish Agency for Palestine: Reports of the Executive …, 23rd Zionist Congress at Basle, Jerusalem, 1946 Copyright © 1972, 2003 by Walter Laqueur All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions Published in the United States by Schocken Books, a division of Random House, Inc., New York Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Laqueur, Walter Ze’ev, 1921A history of Zionism eISBN: 978-0-307-53085-1 Zionism—History I Title [DS 149.l256 1976] 956.94′001 75-36491 v3.0 ... played a part, as well as a decline in the quality of national leadership Pre-state Zionism had attracted formidable intellects and visionary leaders In recent decades there has been a notable... the sad and desolate synagogue? For Rahel Varnhagen, the most formidable of the Berlin ladies, the fact that she was born a Jewess was the great tragedy of her life; it was ‘as if a dagger had... was also clear that the demographic base necessary for a viable state was far too small, and so the “ingathering of the exiles” became the commandment of the hour This led to a profound social

Ngày đăng: 29/05/2018, 14:32

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Mục lục

    Preface to the 2003 Edition

    Chapter 1 - Out of the Ghetto

    Chapter 2 - The Forerunners

    Chapter 3 - Theodor Herzl

    Chapter 4 - The Interregnum

    Chapter 5 - The Unseen Question

    Chapter 6 - Building a New Society: The Progress of Left-Wing Zionism

    Chapter 7 - In Blood and Fire: Jabotinsky and Revisionism

    Chapter 8 - Zionism and Its Critics

    Chapter 9 - The Weizmann Era


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