Russia Against Napoleon DOMINIC LIEVEN Russia Against Napoleon The True Story of the Campaigns of War and Peace VIKING VIKING Published by the Penguin Group Penguin Group (USA) Inc., 375 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014, U.S.A Penguin Group (Canada), 90 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite 700, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4P 2Y3 (a division of Pearson Penguin Canada Inc.) 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bibliographical references ISBN: 1-101-42938-0 Napoleonic Wars, 1800–1815—Campaigns—Russia Russia—History—Alexander I, 1801– 1825 Tolstoy, Leo, graf, 1828–1910 Voina i mir I Title DC235.L49 2009 940.2'70947—dc22 2009042564 Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise), without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book The scanning, uploading, and distribution of this book via the Internet or via any other means without the permission of the publisher is illegal and punishable by law Please purchase only authorized electronic editions and not participate in or encourage electronic piracy of copyrightable materials Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated For my courageous wife, Mikiko, and in memory of the regiments of the Imperial Russian Army who fought, suffered and triumphed in the great war of 1812–14 Contents List of Illustrations List of Maps Acknowledgements A Note on the Text Introduction Russia as a Great Power The Russo-French Alliance Preparing for War The Retreat Borodino and the Fall of Moscow The Home Front in 1812 The Advance from Moscow 1813: The Spring Campaign 10 Rebuilding the Army 11 Europe’s Fate in the Balance 12 The Battle of Leipzig 13 The Invasion of France 14 The Fall of Napoleon 15 Conclusion Appendix 1: The Russian Army in June 1812 Appendix 2: Russian Army Corps at the beginning of the autumn 1813 campaign Notes Bibliography Additional Reading in English Illustrations Alexander I Mikhail Barclay de Tolly Mikhail Kutuzov Levin von Bennigsen Peter von Wittgenstein Petr Rumiantsev Karl von Nesselrode Aleksandr Chernyshev Christoph von Lieven Mikhail Speransky Aleksei Arakcheev Dmitrii Gurev Fedor Rostopchin Petr Bagration Mikhail Miloradovich Matvei Platov Eugen of Württemberg Petr Volkonsky Aleksei Ermolov Karl von Toll Johann von Diebitsch Aleksandre de Langeron Fabian von der Osten-Sacken Ilarion Vasilchikov Johann von Lieven Aleksei Gorchakov Dmitrii Lobanov-Rostovsky Georg Kankrin Andrei Kologrivov Private: Preobrazhensky Guards Regiment Private: Finland Guards Regiment Private: Riazan Infantry Regiment Lieutenant: field artillery of the line – heavy battery Private: Ekaterinoslav Cuirassier Regiment Lieutenant: Guards Dragoon Regiment Private: Sumi Hussar Regiment Private: Lithuania Lancer Regiment Napoleon awards the Légion d’honneur to Private Lazarev at Tilsit Borodino: the Raevsky Redoubt after the battle Spring 1813: the Cossacks in Hamburg Fère-Champenoise: the Cossack Life Guard Regiment attacks the French infantry Picture credits: George Dawe painting, Bridgeman Art Library/Getty Images Christoph von Lieven: British Library Aleksei Arakcheev: British Library Alexandre de Langeron and Fabian von der Osten-Sacken: British Library Andrei Kologrivov: British Library RGVIA, Fond 103, Opis 4/210, Sv 12, Delo 126, fos 52–3, Kankrin to Barclay, 22 Jan 1814 (OS) RGVIA, Fond 103, Opis 4/210, Sv 18, Delo 17, fo 204, Kankrin to Barclay, 27 Feb 1814 (OS); fos 205–7, Alopaeus to Kankrin, 25 Feb (OS) A Fournier, Der Congress von Chatillon: Die Politik im Kriege von 1814, Vienna, 1900, no 27, Metternich to Stadion, March 1814, pp 334–5 Lord Burghersh, The Operations of the Allied Armies in 1813 and 1814, London, 1822, pp 177–85, for a retrospective, ‘sanitized’ view Dispatch from Lieven to Nesselrode, 26 Jan 1814, enclosed in a letter from Castlereagh to Liverpool, 18 Feb 1814: Marquess of Londonderry (ed.), Correspondence, Despatches, and Other Papers of Viscount Castlereagh, 12 vols., vol 9, London, 1853, pp 266–73 F Martens (ed.), Sobranie traktatov i konventsii, zakliuchennykh Rossiei s inostrannymi derzhavami, vol 3: Traktaty s Avstrieiu, SPB, 1876, no 73, pp 148–65 RGVIA, Fond 846, Opis 16, Delo 3399, fos 131ii–132i SIRIO, 31, 1881, pp 364–5, has the protocol of the meeting of 25 February M Bogdanovich, Istoriia voiny 1814 goda vo Frantsii, vols., SPB, 1865, vol 1, pp 268–70 K von Clausewitz, Der Feldzug von 1812 in Russland, der Feldzug von 1813 bis zum Waffenstillstand und der Feldzug von 1814 in Frankreich, Berlin, 1862, pp 375–7; Baron Karl von Müffling, The Memoirs of Baron von Müffling: A Prussian Officer in the Napoleonic Wars , ed P Hofschroer, London, 1997, pp 146–71; V von Löwenstern, Mémoires du Général-Major Russe Baron de Löwenstern, vols., Paris, 1903, vol 2, pp 325–34 Correspondance de Napoléon Ier, 32 vols., Paris, 1858–70, vol 27, no 21439, Napoleon to Joseph, March 1814, pp 288–9 Henri Houssaye, Napoleon and the Campaign of 1814: France, Uckfield, 2004, pp 116–41, tends to be an uncritical apologist for the Bonapartist line Bogdanovich, Istoriia…1814, vol 1, pp 299–307 10 For the basic narrative from rival sides, see Bogdanovich, Istoriia…1814, vol 1, pp 309–29; Houssaye, Napoleon, pp 142–59 R von Friederich, Die Befreiungskriege 1813–1815, vol 3: Der Feldzug 1814, Berlin, 1913, pp 214–22, is semi-neutral and accurate On Heurtebise, and the battle of the Russian jaegers, see S I Maevskii, ‘Moi vek, ili istoriia generala Maevskogo, 1779– 1848’, RS, 8, 1873, pp 268–73 He commanded the 13th Jaeger Regiment during the battle 11 Apart from the works cited in the previous note, see specifically on the Russian retreat, Ivan Ortenberg, ‘Voennyia vospominaniia starykh vremen’, Biblioteka dlia chteniia, 24/6, 1857, pp 18–33, at pp 18–19 12 Burghersh, Operations, p 196 Clausewitz, Feldzug, 1862, p 379 13 Bogdanovich, Istoriia…1814, vol 1, pp 324–5; Captain Koch, Mémoires pour servir l’histoire de la campagne de 1814, vols., Paris, 1819, vol 1, pp 399–400 Houssaye, Napoleon, p 157 Alain Pigeard, Dictionnaire de la Grande Armée, Paris, 2002, pp 648–9 Friederich, Feldzug, writes that 15,000 Russians actually fought 21,000 French soldiers on the battlefield of Craonne 14 There is a good description of meeting Blücher at this time in F von Schubert, Unter dem Doppeladler, Stuttgart, 1962, pp 345–6 15 Friederich, Feldzug, pp 243–8; Müffling, Memoirs, pp 167–76 16 I I Shelengovskii, Istoriia 69-go Riazanskago polka, vols., Lublin, 1911, vol 2, pp 251–75 Skobelev was actually an odnodvorets, in other words the descendant of free peasant colonists who had manned the southern frontier regions of Muscovy in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries By Alexander’s reign the burdens and constraints on odnodvortsy were roughly the same as those of the state peasantry 17 Alexander’s correspondence in RGVIA, Fond 846, Opis 16, Delo 3399, contains a mass of letters expressing these worries: see e.g fos 147ii and 151i for letters of 28 Feb (OS) to Schwarzenberg urging him to press forward more quickly, and of March (OS) to Nikolai Raevsky, who had replaced Wittgenstein, warning him not to become isolated and to expect an attack by Napoleon at any moment For the scenes at GHQ, see Karl Fürst Schwarzenberg, Feldmarschall Fürst Schwarzenberg: Der Sieger von Leipzig, Vienna, 1964, pp 306–8, 483–4 Mémoires de Langeron, Général d’Infanterie dans l’Armée Russe: Campagnes de 1812, 1813, 1814, Paris, 1902, p 423 18 Langeron, Mémoires, pp 434–7, has a good discussion of these two options 19 T von Bernhardi, Denkwürdigkeiten aus dem Leben des kaiserlichen russischen Generals der Infanterie Carl Friedrich Grafen von Toll , vols., Leipzig, 1858, vol 4ii, pp 292–4, cites Napoleon’s own subsequent conversations on this point 20 RGVIA, Fond 846, Opis 16, Delo 3399, fo 154ii, Volkonsky to Gneisenau, 10 March 1814 (OS) The basic narrative of events is the same in Friederich, Feldzug, and in Bogdanovich, Istoriia… 1814 21 Friederich, Feldzug, pp 281–2 On previous criticism of Oertel, see RGVIA, Fond 103, Opis 4/120, Sv 12, Delo 126, fo 71: Barclay to Oertel, 16 Feb 1814 (OS) A MikhailovskiiDanilevskii, Opisanie pokhoda vo Frantsii v 1814 godu, SPB, repr 1841, pp 284–5 22 The only witness of this discussion to leave a detailed account is Toll: see Bernhardi, Denkwürdigkeiten, vol 4ii, pp 310–14 Bernhardi is right to dismiss Austrian claims to authorship of the plan, for which there is no evidence and which make a nonsense of Schwarzenberg’s actions One cannot rule out Volkonsky’s role so easily, however According to Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky, Alexander himself told him of Volkonsky’s advice If Mikhailovsky had merely recorded Volkonsky’s role in his published history one could easily dismiss it as one of his many efforts to please still-living grandees of Nicholas’s reign by praising their role in the war But he says the same in a manuscript not intended for publication in which in general he is critical of his former boss: Mikhailovskii-Danilevskii, Memuary 1814–1815, SPB, 2001, pp 33–5 See also, however, Diebitsch’s brief account in a letter to Jomini of May 1817, published in Langeron, Mémoires, pp 491–3 23 Schwarzenberg, Schwarzenberg, p 323 24 Ibid., pp 308–9 RGVIA, Fond 103, Opis 4/210, Sv 18, Delo 17, fos 227–8, 235, 238–9, Kankrin to Barclay: 12, 13, 17 March 1814 (OS) 25 An interesting letter of 17 March from Count Latour to Radetsky states that the Austrian army had lost prestige because it was generally blamed for twice doing nothing and leaving the Army of Silesia to its fate: Fournier, Congress, no 17, pp 281–2 For Barclay’s compliment to Kankrin, see his letter of 10 March 1814 (OS), in RGVIA, Fond 103, Opis 210/4, Sv 17, Delo 17 26 For the Russian angle, see the excellent and detailed account by Bogdanovich, Istoriia…1814, vol 1, pp 456 ff For the French view – on this occasion not too dissimilar – see Houssaye, Napoleon, pp 296–311 Friederich, Feldzug, pp 287–90, is fair and intelligent as always There is a recent account in English by Digby Smith, Charge: Great Cavalry Charges of the Napoleonic Wars, London, 2003, pp 207 ff., but as with most of the English-language literature on 1813–14 it very much underestimates the Russian impact, in this respect following its German-language sources This chapter, for example, gives the impression that Württemberg’s cavalry played the leading role at Fére-Champenoise, which is far from true 27 Langeron, Mémoires, pp 446–8 28 See n 26 above for the main sources See Ch 5, pp 162–4, for the battle of Krasnyi Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky was present at Fére-Champenoise and gives a good description of the final stages of the battle: Opisanie 1814, pp 294–313 P Pototskii, Istoriia gvardeiskoi artillerii, SPB, 1896, pp 300–310, has interesting details on the role of the Guards horse artillery 29 For an excellent and succinct interpretation of Talleyrand’s views and role in 1814, see Philip Dwyer, Talleyrand, Harlow, 2002, pp 124–40 For Napoleon’s movements and the Council of Regency, Houssaye, Napoleon, pp 317–70 30 Count A de Nesselrode (ed.), Lettres et papiers du Chancelier Comte du Nesselrode 1760– 1850, Paris, n.d., vol 5, pp 183–4, 28 March 1814 31 Löwenstern, Mémoires, vol 2, p 376 I Burskii, Istoriia 8-go gusarskago Lubenskago polka, Odessa, 1913, pp 115–17 I Radozhitskii, Pokhodnyia zapiski artillerista s 1812 po 1816 god, vols., Moscow, 1835, vol 3, pp 109–10 32 Mikhailovskii-Danilevskii, Opisanie 1814, p 327 33 There is a detailed narrative of the battle in Bogdanovich, Istoriia…1814, vol 1, pp 506–60, and Friederich, Feldzug, pp 301–10 34 Bogdanovich, Istoriia…1814, vol 1, pp 534–7 Eugen, Memoiren, vol 3, pp 278–90 35 Langeron, Mémoires, pp 465–73 36 See e.g his orders to Langeron: RGVIA, Fond 846, Opis 16, Delo 3399, fo 160ii, 16 March 1814 (OS), and his plea to Wrede, in Mikhailovskii-Danilevskii, Opisanie 1814, p 324 M F Orlov, ‘Kapitulatsiia Parizha 1814 g.’, VS, 37/6, 1864, pp 287–309 37 See e.g Castlereagh’s comment to the Prince Regent that the Russian Guards were ‘the most splendid that can be imagined’: Castlereagh, vol 9, 30 Jan 1814, pp 210–12 38 Burghersh, Operations, pp 250–52 Baron de Vitrolles, Mémoires et relations politiques , vols., Paris, 1884, vol 1, p 316 39 Orlov, ‘Kapitulatsiia’, p 300 Vitrolles, Mémoires, vol 1, pp 311–12 40 On Talleyrand, see n 29 above J Hanoteau (ed.), Mémoires du Général de Caulaincourt, Duc de Vicenze, vols., Paris, 1933, vol 3, pp 207–30 Houssaye, Napoleon, pp 470–99 For Talleyrand’s own account of these days, see Mémoires du Prince de Talleyrand , Paris, 1891, pp 156–67 41 All the key documents of these days are reproduced between pp 403 and 416 of SIRIO, 31, 1881: these include the various allied declarations, senatorial resolutions, Marmont’s statements and a short commentary by Nesselrode 42 For Alexander’s letter to Louis XVIII of 17 April, see SIRIO, 31, 1881, pp 411–12 Castlereagh, vol 9, pp 450–51, reproduces Charles Stewart’s letter to Bathurst of April denouncing the offer of Elba but there is no mention of his brother’s letter to Bathurst of 13 April: this is published as no 4, pp 420–3, in Baron Fain, Manuscrit de Mil Huit Cent Quatorze, Paris, 1825 Since there is nothing that is implausible in the content of the letter and no reason to think that Fain invented it, the likeliest interpretation is that it was not included in the collection by Lord Londonderry because he did not think it reflected well on his brother He does include many other letters to Bathurst In Castlereagh’s defence, he was seeking to sustain a fait accompli created by others 43 Schwarzenberg, Schwarzenberg, p 337 44 Löwenstern, Mémoires, vol 2, pp 342, 419–23 A Zaitsev, Vospominaniia o pokhodakh 1812 goda, Moscow, 1853, pp 29–34 P Nazarov, ‘Zapiski soldata Pamfila Nazarova’, RS, 9/8, 1878, pp 539–40 RGVIA, Fond 846, Opis 16, Delo 3399, fo 172ii, Volkonsky to Barclay, April 1814 (OS), on the immediate departure of the irregular cavalry Radozhitskii, Pokhodnyia zapiski, vol 3, pp 236–7, on the tremendous reception given to the returning Russian troops in Silesia, thanks partly to the king, who had given million talers for parties and meals in their honour Dnevnik Pavla Pushchina, Leningrad, 1987, pp 166–73, on the Guards’ journey home Bibliography For abbreviations, see list on "Notes" Section Archives Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi voenno-istoricheskii arkhiv: Fond 1: Chancellery of the War Ministry Fond 46: A S Kologrivov Fond 103: M B Barclay de Tolly Fond 125: D I Lobanov-Rostovsky/Reserve Army Fond 140: M G Titov Fond 474: Otechestvennaia voina 1812g + kampaniia 1813 i 1814 gg (campaigns of 1812–14) Fond 489: Formuliarnye spiski (personnel records) Fond 846: Military Scientific Archive (voenno-uchenyi) Fond 9194: L L Bennigsen/Army of Poland British Library Lieven papers: Additional Manuscripts 47410, 47424, 47427 Published Documents Akty, dokumenty i materialy dlia istorii 1812 goda, ed K Voenskii, vols., SPB, 1910–11 Aperỗu des transactions politiques du Cabinet de Russie, Sbornik imperatorskago russkago istoricheskago obshchestva, 31, 1881 Arkhiv grafov Mordvinovykh, ed V A Bilbasov, SPB, 1902, vol Das Befreiungsjahr 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Janet Hartley, Alexander I, London, 1994, and Russia, 1762–1825: Military Power, the State and the People , London, 2008; John Keep, Soldiers of the Tsar, 1462– 1874, Oxford, 1985; John Le Donne, The Grand Strategy of the Russian Empire, 1650–1831, Oxford, 2004; Alexander Martin, Romantics, Reformers, Reactionaries: Russian Conservative Thought and Politics in the Reign of Alexander I, De Kalb, Ill., 1997; Alan Palmer, Alexander I: Tsar of War and Peace , London, 1974; Richard Pipes, Karamzin’s Memoir on Ancient and Modern Russia: A Translation and Analysis, Ann Arbor, 2005; Nicholas Riasanovsky, A Parting of Ways: Government and the Educated Public in Russia 1801–1855, Oxford, 1976; David Saunders, Russia in the Age of Reaction and Reform 1801–1881, London, 1992; Elise Kimerling Wirtschafter, From Serf to Russian Soldier, Princeton, 1990 Readers seeking background information on Russian government, society and culture might consult volume of The Cambridge History of Russia, Cambridge, 2006, which I edited, and which contains many excellent contributions by experts in the field of Russian imperial history Both in this volume and in the books listed in the previous paragraph can be found bibliographies that will lead the interested reader to the rather few academic articles in English on the era of Alexander I and relevant to the wars with Napoleon A number of memoirs originally written by Russians who participated in the wars have been translated into English: Nadezhda Durova, The Cavalry Maiden: Journals of a Female Russian Officer in the Napoleonic Wars , ed and trans Mary Fleming Zirin, Bloomington, Ill., 1989; Denis Davydov, In the Service of the Tsar against Napoleon: The Memoirs of Denis Davydov , ed and trans Gregory Troubetzkoy, London, 2006; Aleksei Ermolov, The Czar’s General: The Memoirs of a Russian General in the Napoleonic Wars , ed and trans Alexander Mikaberidze, London, 2006; Boris Uxkull, Arms and the Woman, trans Joel Carmichael, London, 1966 Some memoirs and commentaries by non-Russian participants in the wars are also available in English and are valuable for their insights into the Russian war effort These include: C F Adams (ed.), John Quincy Adams in Russia, New York, 1970; A Brett-James (ed.), General Wilson’s Journal 1812–1814, London, 1964; Lord Burghersh, The Operations of the Allied Armies in 1813 and 1814, London, 1822; the Hon George Cathcart, Commentaries on the War in Russia and Germany in 1812 and 1813, London, 1850; A de Caulaincourt, At Napoleon’s Side in Russia , New York, 2003; Carl von Clausewitz, The Campaign of 1812 in Russia, London, 1992; the Marquess of Londonderry, Narrative of the War in Germany and France in 1813 and 1814, London, 1830; Baron Karl von Müffling, The Memoirs of Baron von Müffling: A Prussian Officer in the Napoleonic Wars, ed Peter Hofschroer, London, 1997; Baron von Odeleben, A Circumstantial Narrative of the Campaign in Saxony in the Year 1813, vols., London, 1820; Count P de Ségur, History of the Expedition to Russia, 1812, vols., Stroud, 2005 English-language secondary literature on the Napoleonic wars as a whole is vast As regards military operations the bible is David Chandler, The Campaigns of Napoleon, London, 1993, and, as regards diplomacy, Paul W Schroeder, The Transformation of European Politics, 1763–1848, Oxford, 1994 Charles Esdaile, Napoleon’s Wars: An International History 1803–15, London, 2007, is a good recent book on European international relations in this era On the 1812 campaign an excellent recent work is Adam Zamoyski, 1812: Napoleon’s Fatal March on Moscow , London, 2004 Paul Austen’s 1812: Napoleon’s Invasion of Russia , London, 2000 is based on French and allied memoirs and is extremely readable and moving The 1813 campaign is less well covered in English, perhaps in part because German nationalism – the year’s traditional theme – has not evoked much enthusiasm in anglophone circles since 1914 Jonathan Riley, Napoleon and the World War of 1813: Lessons in Coalition Warfighting, London, 2000, is thought-provoking M Leggiere, Napoleon and Berlin, Stroud, 2002; the three volumes by George Nafziger on 1813 (Napoleon at Lutzen and Bautzen; Napoleon at Dresden; Napoleon at Leipzig, Chicago, 1992, 1994, 1996); and Digby Smith, 1813 – Leipzig Napoleon and the Battle of the Nations, London, 2001, are also useful As regards the 1814 campaign, the place to start for the English-speaking reader is James Lawford, Napoleon: The Last Campaigns 1813–15, London, 1976, not least because of its excellent maps Much the fullest account is M V Leggiere, The Fall of Napoleon: The Allied Invasion of France 1813–1814, whose first volume was published in Cambridge in 2008 * This does not include the Reserve Army, Duke Alexander of Wrttemberg’s Army Corps besieging Danzig, or other detachments blockading enemy fortresses ... Battlefield The Crossing of the Berezina The Campaign of Spring 1813 The Battle of Bautzen The Battle of the Katzbach 10 August 1813: The Dresden Campaign 11 The Battle of Kulm 12 The Leipzig... an exceptionally efficient copy-editor I have wanted to write this book since childhood but they encouraged me to so I think that the initial spur to write the book in time for the bicentenary... it would be difficult to know where to start with my thanks But the help of one institution, the Leverhulme Trust, was so fundamental that beyond question it must come first In 2006 I was awarded