Climate change & The need for Vietnam’s National Adaptation Plan Hanoi, Nov 2016 Department of Meteorology, Hydrologyand Climate change Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of V
Trang 1Climate change &
The need for Vietnam’s National Adaptation Plan
Hanoi, Nov 2016
Department of Meteorology, Hydrologyand Climate change Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Vietnam
Trang 2CCA policies at international level
CCA policies in Vietnam Achievements of CCA activities in Vietnam Gaps and the need for NAP in Vietnam
Trang 3Cancun Adaptation Framework (2010)
enhance action on adaptation, including through international cooperation
and coherent consideration of matters relating to adaptation under the Convention;
reduce vulnerability and build resilience in developing country Parties, taking into
account the urgent and immediate needs of those developing countries that are
particularly vulnerable.
Parties affirmed that adaptation must be addressed with the same level of
Priority as mitigation.
Paris Agreement (2016)
International CCA policies
The Paris Agreement creates a global goal on adaptation that had been absent
from previous UNFCCC agreements, aiming to enhance ‘adaptive capacity to
the adverse impacts of climate change , strengthening resilience and reducing
vulnerability to climate change’ (Art 7.1)
Requests that the Green Climate Fund provide expedited support to developing
countries to prepare national adaptation plans and implement the priority
actions identified in these plans.
3 It’s necessary to formulate the National Adaptation Plan for each Parties
Trang 4CCA in Vietnam
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change (UNFCCC) (1994), the Kyoto Protocol (2002)
The National Target Program to Respond to Climate Change
(NTP-RCC) in 2008 (stage 1), in 2012 (stage 2).
The National Strategy on Climate Change (NSCC Decision
No 2139) (2011).
The Party’s Central Committee’s Resolution No
Climate Change (2013),the highest legal document that
expresses Viet Nam’s strong political will to address climate change issues towards 2050.
Socio-Economic Development of 2016-2020 period (2016)
Action Plan for implementation of Paris Agreement (2016)
Trang 5CCA policy in Vietnam
1994 2002 2008 12/2011 9/2012 6/2013 9/2015 10/2016
UNFCC KP Policies related to NTP-RCC CC GG Resolution No 24 VN NDC Action Plan ratification CDM,CC Strategy Strategy of Paris Agreement
External factors Int
-negotiation’s outcomes;
CC’s global
Other countries'
-efforts, policies' trend…
Internal factors Increased CC impacts;
-High vulnerability to
Changed mindset,
-awareness on CC;
-economy towards low carbon, GG;
Requirements for
-long-term solutions;
strengthening institutional, resources issues
CC policy decision
Development of a number of important legal documents in last six years under a variety of effect factors,
creating a solid policy framework on CC in Vietnam
Trang 6Policy Order
Resolution No.24/NQ/TW (2013)
by Party Central Committee
National Strategy on Climate Change (2011)
NTP-RCC (2008) NTP-RCC for the period
2012-2015 (2012) Action Plans for
each sector
Action Programme Resolution No 08/NQ-CP (2014) by PM
National Action Plan on CC for the period 2012-2020 (2012)
Green Growth Strategy- GGS (2012)
Other National Strategy for each sector
NTP for each sector
Resolution No.13/2011/QH13 (2011)
of the National Assembly
Higher Political Will by Party, National Assembly and Prime Minister
National Strategies and Policy Actions
by the Government
Particular policies and concrete actions by line Ministries to to realize the Government’s policies.
CCA in Vietnam
Source: SPRCC report (2014)
Vietnam’s NDC;
Action Plan for implementation
of Paris Agreement (2016) Action Programme Resolution
No 63 CP-NQ (2016) by PM
Trang 7Achievements of CCA activities
in Vietnam
of CCA
policies in
-Developed Action Plans for all sectors, focusing on vulnerbility areas.
-Short term Plans for CCA to 2020.
Develop and update Climate change
-Scenarios for Vietnam (2009, 2012,2016).
Climate change Assessment for all
-sectors CCA solutions forwards to multi goal
Trang 8Challenges of CCA in Vietnam
Finance Government’s capacity satisfies 30% the need Implementation
-Specialists on
assessment of CCA’s
- awareness raising
Capacity of natural
-disaster forecast and
Replicate CCA pilots
-Select and priority
-sources for CCA
- Intergrate CC into SE development plan
Cooperation among Ministries, sectors
-Incentive methods for investing into CCA from
-private sector
Technologies Mordern technologies on observation and forescast hydrology Meteorology, early warning of ND and CCA8
Trang 9Next steps
MONRE takes lead to formulate National Adaptation
Plan (2016-2020)
To Implement the requirements of adaptation to climate
change in the Paris Agreement;
To implement the activities to adapt to climate change
which have been identified in Resolution 63/NQ-CP on the Government Action Programme to execute the
socio-economic development plan for 2016-2020
To execute investment activities for climate change
adaptation and co-benefits in NTPRCC, GG
To implement activities to increase resilience, protect
livelihoods and create the conditions for greater
contributions in GHG emissions.9
Trang 10Next steps
MONRE takes
Plan (2021-2030) with
climate monitoring;
Trang 11Next steps
Establish working group for 7 regions including
Northwest, Northeast, Red River Delta, North Central Coast, South Central Coast, Central Highlands,
South; Finance (MOF) + Institutions (MONRE)
Trang 12It’s necessity to formulate the NAP for Vietnam,
especially after 2020 with medium- and long-term adaptation needs and developing and implementing strategies and programs to address those needs
Trang 13Division of Climate Change Adaptation
Department of Meteorology, Hydrology and Climate Change
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Vietnam
Add: No 10 Ton That Thuyet, Cau Giay, Hanoi, Vietnam