Giới thiệu về loại giàn chuyên dụng của quân đội Mỹ ứng dụng trong xây cầu tạm tại Việt Nam
Trang 2Impact on WWII
Trang 4=¬ "Education- Leys School,
HE Cambridge, and Sheffield
University (Doctorate of
| Engineering)
_ ¢Career- Sheffield City Engineer
' Department, Experimental Bridging
| Establishment (1928), First Director
of the Military Engineering Experimental Establishment
Trang 5Bracing Frame
esign employed prefabricated panels and parts
Can be carried by trucks and assembled using
Erection using simple tools (ropes, pulleys, jacks
Can be moved, rebuilt, or replaced in several
hours, even under enemy fire
Trang 6Incredible Versatility
Trang 7
w it works
Recon Site
-Determine construction requirements
Table 14-1 Classes of Bailey bridge M2 (reinforced with partial stories)
W represents wheeled-load class
T represeats tracked-load class
Trang 13
: ?
— v ẨN MẠI THÔI Pe ` xi “vu, NT Ác“?
Trang 14
How a bridge won WWII
Field Marshal Lord Bernard L Montgomery
““, one of the three pieces of equipment that most
contributed to our victory in Festung Europa.”
General Dwight Eisenhower
Trang 15* = - 4 ( é a! } «,
EL ( Brussels 1 » Cologne Exfurl Dresilte 1
nen, Conta: “Z2 “0 7 ‘dae h" là Hye enbourg soli
Trang 16
ea anteti
Trang 17
Versatility of the Bailey
Trang 18
Bailey Bridge
components were sold as
surplus after
World War Il Used here in
erecting a
gravity dam
in Quebec
Trang 19second World War because of their wide availability and low cost
Trang 20
Trang 21What of the name Bailey now?
Donald Bailey lived his life in relative obscurity
During the 1960s Thomas Storey Engineers Ltd
of London marketed Bailey Bridges under the name
Bailey-Uniflote all over the world