Whom -Dùng đểhỏi người ( tân ngữ) Ví dụ: Whom you go with? ( Bạn với th • WHO WHO dùnghỏi người Who is the best football player in the world? • WHERE WHERE dùngđểhỏi vị trí địa điểm Where is the library? • • WHEN WHEN dùngđểhỏi thời gian kiện When the shops open? When are we going to finish? WHY • • WHY dùngđểhỏi nguyên nhân tìm lí việc Why we need a nanny? Why are they always late? Câu trả lời thường bắt đầu "Because " WHAT • • WHAT dùngđểhỏi việc, điều chưa biết What is your name? What is the time? WHICH: Dùngđểhỏi lựa chọn • • • WHICH dùngđểhỏi cần biết đáp án lựa chọn (= I want to know the thing between alternatives) Which drink did you order – the rum or the beer? Which day you prefer for a meeting – today or tomorrow? Which is better - this one or that one? • • • HOW HOW idùng đểhỏi cách tiến hành việc diễn (= I want to know the way) How you cook paella? How does he know the answer? How can I learn English quickly? Với HOW có thêm nhiều dạng câu hỏi sau: How much – đểhỏi giá (uncountable nouns) • • • • How much time you have to finish the test? How much is the jacket on display in the window? How many – đểhỏi số lượng (countable nouns) How many days are there in April? How many people live in this city? How often – đểhỏi thường xuyên • • How often you visit your grandmother? How often does she study? How far – đểhỏi khoảng cách • How far is the university from your house? Whose -Dùngđểhỏivềsựsởhữu Ví dụ: Whose are these shoes? (Những đôi giày ai) How long: hỏi cho thời gian