Discover English provides a solid grammar and lexical syllabus with the perfect mix of variety and challenge to motivate young learners. The course uses simple tried and tested principles to address the needs of a modern student. The learners are encouraged to explore foreign countries and learn about different cultures. They are also involved and motivated by unusual tasks, such as designing computer games, breaking codes or learning more about themselves – all this and more, as their English improves The Central European edition is based on a thorough research that has been conducted among local teachers and students in selected regions.
PEARSON Longman Pears on Education Limited, Edinburgh Gate, Harlow, Essex, CM20 2JE, UK and Associated Companies throughout the World ©Pearson Education 2010 All rights reserved: no part of this publication may be reproduced stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the copyright holders, with the sole exception of photocopying carried out under the conditions stated below The copyright holders grant permission for the photocopYing of those pages marked 'photocopiable' according to the following conditions IndiYidual purchasers may make copies for their own use or for use by classes that the\~ teach chool purchasers may make copies for use by staff and students but thi permi sion does not extend to additional schools or branches Under no circumstances may any part of this book be photocopied for resale The right of Catherine Bright to be identified as the author of this \\'ork been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright, Design and Patents ~-\ct 19 First published 2010 Third impression 2013 Designed by The Partnership Publishing Solutions Limited uk All other images © Pearson Education Every effort has been made to trace the copyright holders and \\'e apologi e in advance for any unintentional omissions, We would be pleased to insert the appropriate acknowledgement in any subsequent editio n of this publication Set in 11 pt ITC Garamond / AT Quay Sans / Zemke Hand Printed in China SWTC/03 ISBN 978-1-4058-6631-6 Hi and Welcome to Discover English! It is our belief that your experience of teaching and learning with Discover English will be as enjoyable and satisfying as planning, designing and writing the course! Discover English motivates the learners by addressing the need for: Involvement! Discover English aims to harness the learner's natural curiosity of the world that surrounds them and creates an opportunity to explore and become involved in a variety of real issues that will make their English class a positive and enriching experience Discover English is more than a text book; it is full of exciting information that will motivate the learners to connect with the English speaking world, and discover insights into topics as varied as Extreme Weather and Space Variety! Discover English contains all the elements that make learning effective and fun There is a careful balance of different types of activities including dialogues, texts, stories, songs, raps, games, all enhanced by a wide variety of support material designed to make the teacher's role both pleasant and rewarding Celebrating Diversity! Discover English has been developed to reach all learners, respecting the different learning styles and paying attention to the diverse nature of our classrooms We carefully considered the need for multi-sensory teaching, the Theory of Multiple Intelligences, Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, as well as the importance of providing a variety of activities to stimulate Whole Brain Learning Clarity! Discover English carefully guides the learners through the new structure and vocabulary of each unit We have kept in mind throughout the need for clarity and controlled language models as well as the need to make the language meaningful The learners themselves are also able to clearly monitor their own progress The revision pages include an opportunity for self-assessment, reflection and celebration of their growing knowledge and ability to use and understand English Discover English is easy to use and, with the additional recourses, will give dedicated and professional teachers all the support necessary to enjoy every aspect of the teaching programme We wish you all, teachers and learners, a happy and successful school year! Izabella and Jayne III Students' Book contents pages Introduction '" Course components Students' Book features Teacher's Book features Active Teach and CYLETs In the classroom 4-5 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 10-15 ' Discover English Games Bank 16-19 Teacher's notes 20-124 Word list 125-127 Extra Words answer key 128 Workbook answer key 129-133 Photocopiable resources eM Grammar worksheets teaching notes and answer key 134-136 eM Grammar worksheets resources - consolidation and extension 137-146 la Teaching notes for photocopiable resources 147-152 It Beginning of Year resources 153-155 It, Unit resources 156-165 Festival resources - Hallowe'en 166 Festival resources - Easter 167 Festival resources - Happy New Year! 168 ., Hello! Possessive adjectives; to be this / that / these / those Countries and nationalities Favourite things singula r / pl ural nouns People Objects Family Appearance adjectives Possessive have got there is / there are + some / any 19 Prepositions of place Impe ratives Animals 29 can / can't (ability) Animals Body parts Action verbs My life 39 Present simple: affirmative, negative, questions Routine verbs Transport Question words • • Furniture Rooms Homes Sports Seasons and times of day like / love / hate + - ing Object pronouns; in / on / at Sport 49 Detectives 59 Present conti nuous: affirmative, negative, questions Clothes Places in town Celebrations 69 Frequency adverbs Present simple and present continuous Dates The weather was / were School 79 School subjects Feelings Time expressions - Entertainment 89 • Adventure 99 Past simple regular: affirmative, negative, questions Past simple irregular: affirmative, negative, questions Sequencers Revision of tenses Places and activities Camping equipment want to p.109 Entertainment Opinion adjectives p.109 Revision Discover Skills: Cool People! Study Skill: Reading Let's Revise! Pronunciation: Ihl e:1g instructions Discover Culture: Homes Project: My Home Let's Revise! Pronunciation: 181101 Song: Ghost "£1 g for and giving permission Discover Skills: Water Wonders Study Skill: Listening Let's Revise! Pronunciation: I~I la:1 Discover Culture: UK Meals Project: My Meals Let's Revise! Pronunciation: hzl Isl Izl Song: Cha Cha Slide Discover Skills: Holiday Fun! Study Skill: Speaking Let's Revise! Pronunciation: Iwllvl Discover Culture: Spies and Detectives Project: A Famous Spy Let's Revise! Pronunciation: Il]l Song: I Spy _== -~ ri bing people _ :1g the time ~ ," £1 g suggestions -1g di rections Discover Skills: Festivals Study Skill: Writing Let's Revise! Pronunciation: hi li:l _ "ng about feelings Discover Culture: School Project: My School Let's Revise! Pronunciation: It! I dl I Song: Celebrate = :~ ri n g events Discover Skills: Star Report Study Skill: Remembering words Let's Revise! Pronunciation: lullu:1 = : ~e ss ing preferences Discover Culture: Captain Cook Project: Explorers Let's Revise! Pronunciation: I lllarl Song: You Belong To Me _ "£1 g about the weather ~r;)~ Cambridge Young At Learners Englisli Course components Students' Book overview Discover English Students' Book contains ten units and a shorter Starter Unit at the beginning The Starter Unit introduces the Discovery Web team and deals with basic grammar and vocabulary points It provides a motivating, practical starting point for the school year Units to 10 consist of an opening page followed by five lessons, a- e The opening page in each unit introduces key vocabulary, while language items are introduced and practised in lessons a and b with one of the lessons based on the Discovery Web children Lesson c in each unit features the Earth Explorer cartoon, and lesson d or e in each unit consists of a revision lesson, Let's Revise! Finally, every other unit contains a Discover Skills or a Discover Culture lesson The Find extra words feature on page 109 motivates students to develop their vocabulary The codebreaker key is also on page 109 There is a word list on page 110 featuring key vocabulary introduced in each unit Teacher's Book overview The comprehensive Teacher's Book contains: concise teaching notes for each lesson all the Students' Book pages Students' Book and Workbook answer keys Test Book answer key Students' Book tapescripts where necessary one photocopiable grammar worksheet with consolidation and extension resources for each of the ten units Both have teacher's notes and answer keys one photocopiable resource for each of the ten units with teacher's notes and answer keys three extra photocopiable resources to use at the beginning of the school year three photocopiable festival worksheets Hallowe'en, Easter and New Year 80 flashcards covering key lexis taught on the course • Workbook overview The Workbook contains: grammar, vocabulary and skills exercises which provide thorough consolidation and practice for each unit in the Students' Book a starring system of one to three stars for level of difficulty on the grammar exercises for flexibility exercises to practise the extra words from the Students' Book a page of stickers It can be used for homework or, alternatively, can be used in class as additional revision material It could also be used to help deal with fast finishers Audio CD The class audio CD (three CDs) contains all the dialogues and texts from the Students ' Book Exercises involving listening are very easy to manage as all track numbers are shown next to the relevant exercise on the page Students' CD-ROM The Students' CD-ROM contains audio of the Students' Book dialogues and texts as well as lots of additional practice material in a very easy-to-follow format which is ideal for motivating self-access Students simply need to: start the CD-ROM choose a unit (1- 10) from the menu down the side of the screen choose a practice activity Activity types include: games, word squares and anagrams check their own answers Students can keep track of their progress with a learner diary If your school has computer facilities, you could book them at the beginning of the year to teach students how to use the CD-ROM Test Book and Test Master The Test Book contains two progress tests for each unit, 'Student A: and 'Student B' Each test covers the lexis, grammar and functional areas taught in the Students' Book unit Both the two unit tests cover exactly the same material and use exactly the same question-types There are two versions to help you deal with the unfortunate classroom reality of cheating; give Student A and Student B tests to students sitting next to each other Alternatively, you may like to use one of the tests as a diagnostic test at the beginning of the unit and the other as a final unit progress test There are also Student A and Student B skills tests every two units, providing assessment of listening, reading, writing and speaking These are extremely easy to use as they are adapted to your classroom reality The tests begin with a listening test and finish with a short, easy-to-manage speaking test Finally, a Student A and Student B end-oJ-year test facilitates assessment across a longer time period They are especially easy to use as they follow exactly the same format as the progress tests _-\ marking grid for all tests is also provided for you to record your students' marks In order to help you adapt material to your ow n classroom context and to provide as much :lexibility as possible, all the tests are provided as editable Word documents on the Test Master section of the Active Teach disk _-\ motivating DVD also accompanies the course, 'yhich really helps to bring 'live' English into the classroom and to provide variety -=ne DVD, entitled Life in Britain, follows a young JOy w ho is involved in creating a website -:ne DVD has an optional 'interactive' feature T