Giáo trình Tiếng Anh
Scope and Sequence Get to Know Your World! ." Unit People Video Journal IV Unit2 Work, Rest, and Play Video Journal Unit Food Video Journal Unit Sports Video Journal 12 14 24 Unit Going Places Video Journal Unit vi 26 36 38 48 50 60 Destinations Video Journal 62 72 Unit Communication Video Journal 74 84 Unit The Future Video Journ al 86 96 Unit9 Shopping for Clothes 98 Video Journal 108 Unit 10 Li festy les Video Journal Unit 11 110 120 Achievements Video Journal 122 132 Unit 12 Consequences Video Journal 134 144 Bonus Communication Activities Skills Index Credits 146 150 152 Contents Hi • Ask for and give personal information • Describe different occupations Be + adjective (+ noun) Possessive nouns introductions information 11 i i -'rn, -'re, -'5 IWdtl,g "bou' , person and her occupation • Talk about people and their A radio celebrity interview • Talk about free time • Describe a festi val or a celebration One F estiva l, Ma ny F aces' • Compare different festivals Conversations at travel destinations • Ask fOf and give personal travel information • Give travel advice I~~~~::~ listening: In a restaurant • Order a meal • Talk about diets • Discuss unusual and favorite foods Expert Opinion" travel forms lw,,,,,," "Mell tips Rising intonation inlim at a store Writing a favorite recipe Ordering from a menu Reduced forms: I~~:::~: • Compare every day and present time activities Ilodi,','",'1 sports • Talk about favorite sports listening: E veryday activities vs today's activities people are doing , ow Writing an email Discussing favorite sports • Discuss adventure holidays • E xcha nge information about vacations • Use waslwere to describe a personal experience • Talk about a discovery "The City of Machu Picchu, the Cradle of the Inca Empire" A vacation vacation trips to Describing persona l experiences Writing a postca rd Sounds of -edendings Grammar Vocabulary • Ta lk about person al communication wi th direct and indirect objects Commun ication • Give and write down contact details linking verbs LIstening Speaking and Reading and Pronunciation Writing Focused listening: A radio call-in program Asking for contac t information Communication i!.lI!1" 74 Electronics senses • Descr ibe characteristics and qua lities Writing a text message Endings -Iy and • Compare different types of Discuss lo ng and sho rt term plans Describing sights, sounds and other sensations "The Secret Language of Dolphins' - teen Will for predictio ns Writing statements Weather conditions Discussing the weather Make weather predictions I,t,outth" future Discuss the future • Explain preferences Superlatives • Talk about clothing materials Textiles' Descriptive adj ectives Sho pping-at the store and online Clothing materials • Understand and describe Suggest ways to improve bad habits Rising and falling Questions with how Compound adjeCtives lifestyles Giving advice for improving habits Ask about lifestyles • Interview for a job • Talk about li fetime achievements understanding and specific details: A jo b intelView Present perfect tense S imple past tense • Discuss scientific managing money • Make choices on how to spend your money • Talk about how our actions can have positive consequences Discuss ways 10 prevenl habitat destruction Writing about favor ite clothes Ca tching up w ith a friend ii Reduced form Real cond iti o nals (also called the First conditional) Animal habitats i Talking about im portant issues Sentence stress I a letter to : • Flore nce, Ita ly : Visit the last fac tory in Florenceto make silk by hand Tradifional5i1k Making North Africa learn how to use :he sun's heat to cook your dinner Solar Cooking , = Sites of the video cl iPS you will view in World English Who are these people? Share your ideas with a partner • What are their names? b How old are they? c.Where are they from' d What they doT Are they like you? Australia - Australian Mexico - Mexican Jordan - Jordanian Peru - Bahrain - Vocabulary Thailand - Thai France - Bahraini Peruvian Ireland - French A Fill in the blanks Use words from the boxes Irish dance r from Mexico Thi s is Norma She's a This is Ma ria She's a t I f\r \ "'"{l from \) ~ 11 r " J Th is is Fra nk,He'sa C'll':' , (L~ from ::rl~1 "" d Thi s is Nicolas He's a ~lJ(Qr"}l1l1f !~\ from Th is is Mohamed He's an ( ,j!er ,l from fl DA- f"\ Th is is F atima She's a TJ ~vt , MJJc.'\ from BN11'>\ Th is is Sutanee She's a W -(oQ from fl U\\lJ\'r,O Occupations dancer teacher police officer engineer doctor travel agent pilot photographer f, -:; Engage! Which occupations you t hink are the most diffic ult? Real We say what does she/he to ask about a perso n's occupation or Job, People ar B Work with a part ne r Talk about the people in the pict ures Norma is from Mexico, 1'-, She's a dancer - Grammar: Be Statements with be Subject pronoun + be Be contractions Subject l am I'm You're We're They're He's pronoun I You/VVelThey be Negative am are not He/She/It is YouiWeIThey are a dancer Yes/no questions Thai He/She/It is Be Pronoun Short answers Are you/they Is he/she/it Thai She's It's Yes, I am No, I'm not Yes, they are No, he isn't Mexican? A Match the questions and the answers Are you a doctor? ~ Is she Korean? Is Ben British? A & Are you America n? L Are Maria andTeresa students? ~ a Yes, he is b No, she isn't She's Japanese c Yes, they are They come from Argent ina, d No, I'm not I'm a nurse e No, I'm not I'm Canadian B Fill in the blanks with a pronoun and the correct form of the verb be I _ _ from Japan I'm from Thailand _ _ _ _ _ from Indonesia? Yes, I am Where _ _ _ _ -: from? They're from China an architect He's a doctor from Canada? No, we're from the United States Conversation o Track 1-2 AI A Listen to the conversation Where is Sean from? Sea": Claudia: Sea": Claudia: Sea": Claudia: Sean: So, Claudia, where are you from? I'm from Chile So, you're Chilean, eh Sounds cool Are you from Santiago] Yes, I am And you, Sean?Where are you from? I'm Canadian Wow! Canada I'd love to go to Canada Wh ich city are you from? I'm from Toronto B Practice the conversation with a partner Switch roles and practice it again Meet people Wo rk with a partner Create new personallDs Use the conversation above to meet ea ch other lesson A D GOAL DISCUSS WAYS TO PREVENT HABITAT DESTRUCTION , EUROPE \V AFRICA o · Ill inois chorus frog ~" 0' """" , , ou~l M 0"" 1,000 Reading [l A Disc uss th ese questions with a partner, These animals are in danger of extinction Where they live? In what kind of habitat? Why is it im portant to look after animal ~.o, ' ~,ooo Habitat Destruction "" , , o,OOAAI't*O '1> ~ "' ''~ -"""-"", { :"""" "" ,'M """" ,,,,,,., ""_''''''''' ",~, habitats? OCEAN S ttl B Answer the questions Fi sh are like money in the bank I r you overspend, soon you wi ll hnvc no money [(we overfis h, soon we will have no morc fi sh Fi shermen now h,lVC bigger boal s th an in the past and they can catch more fi sh, so th e number of fi sh is going d owll Many sci enti sts want to reduce or S\OP fishing completely in many pari s of our ocea ns so th e number of fi sh can recover 1, Why is til e number of fl sh going down ? 2, If we stop fishing, what will happen? Why is it important to look after wetlands? Which are w e losin g mo re quickly, co ral reefs or wetland s? _ Why are cora l reefs dying? • ,; """ ~, -: , nWlAN D 120" : '"or"," 'W AYSIA \ '" - ~INOAf'{l~ L YRUNE ~' , D' N " endangered coral reefs 142 Consequences liON , ~ MA uWSIII o ';~ l "" , ,., /1''r' ' r S''' BOR NEO N ~ ;:;r t.\ ,/ I ,~nd, ~ ~ , j Vlof NAM } ,.", '"' 1'1 ,, ,1' ~ ~.' ~' SOUlh Chin CA ~O O I A , WETLANDS _ ,I " _ : '" E ~i!£ , J' ~ : Freshwater and sa ltwater wetlands remove pollutants and provide habitat fo r fis h, birds, and other an imals Many people, especially in Southeast Asia, depend on wetlands for food One hundred thirty-two nat ions have Signed th e Convention on Wctl ands However, the result s have been disappointing From th e Amazon Basin to Iraq, we are draining wetlands for agri cul ture, dams, and developmenl Scient ists estimale lhal we have lost 50 percent of our wetlands in the last 100 years If we continue, there will be no wetlands left in 100 years Word Focus NORTH AMERICA ,s ' /IOj'ICDfCNOCUl , ~" I ) - .,: ""'- "1 recover = to get bac k the sa me amount drain =to remove water disappointing = When something is disappointing it is not what you wanted or expec ted explosive =like a bomb poison = a chemical that ki lls living things ,oom AMERICA (10" COIIAl IIEEFS OFTHEWORlD H', _ Ca,.,,,,.f Minimum wDI e ~ ur1 ", I""'''''' alu' 2O'C 168'F I P ,o "." il l< " Coe l OXHrI ""NI ", Wa,m _ n "",,"" Writing Co mplete the letter to a magazin e edi tor Use lhe information you have learned in the article and your own ideas Dear Editor, coral reefs of the world I read your article with interest and I agree with all you say But what can the individual do? CORAL REEFS A quarter of all an im als that li ve in the se3 live in coral reefs They nre the minforests of the sea However, we have losl' 27 percen t of our coml reefs in the past 50 yenrs accordi ng to the Com l Rcef Al li3llce Why arc they dying? Man- somctinles directly sometimes indirectly- is the problem Fishermen use explosives and poison to kill fi sh 111cy kill thc fish bUl they also kill the cora l Ocean temperatu res have increased due to clim31e ch3nge Coral needs water to be at exactl y the right tempcr3tllrc If the water is too hot , th e coral will die So man's activities nre indirectly kil li ng the coral reefs The answer to the overfishing problem is simple If everyon e stops ea ting fi sh, The problem of the wet lands is more complicated because it is politica l If people write to their senators, _ The loss of co ral reefs is part ly caused by climate change, so if _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-::-:-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • th at will he lp ", M But how can one person change everything, I hear you say Well, if everyone does something, " Yours sincerely, Earl B Butler Wisconsin NICARAGUA I , -COST • '* • - ' RICAarks/National Geographic Image Col lection, (7) W R oberl W!OOreINational Geographic Image Collection (8) Jason [clwards/ National Geographic Image Collection: 5: Mironovl istockphoto; 6: (t to b) P Close! istockphoto, eter Sirnon Jarrat1/ Corbis.O BartonlShutterstock tock ImageslNatior\cll istockphoto; 7: Al aska S ollection; 8: (tOP, I to r) Nicole Gro::jfaplic Irnage C S Y oung l istockp"lOto, P"lOtos,com Cannen Mc 1rtin ez Banuslislockpholo,lVIonkey Business ImageslShutterstock (bottom, I to r) I+ (,all/ istockpholO Louis MichaudlShulterstock, Rhienna Cutler!istockphoto, Oavid Freundlistockphoto; 9: Aldo MurilloJistockphoto; 10: (t) Ivars Silis/National Geographic Image Collection , (b) K evin F iemiogl National Geograplic Image C ollection; 11: (tl) Joel S anore/National Geographic Image Collection, (tr) William Albeit Allard/National Geographic Image Collection, (m) William Albert Allard/National Geographic Image Collection, (b) R owt Essel NYC! 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