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Discover english 1 test book

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Cấu trúc

  • Checklist

  • Starter Tests

  • Unit 1 Tests

  • Unit 2 Tests

  • Skills 1 Tests

  • Unit 3 Tests

  • Unit 4 Tests

  • Skills 2 Tests

  • Unit 5 Tests

  • Unit 6 Tests

  • Skills 3 Tests

  • Unit 7 Tests

  • Unit 8 Tests

  • Skills 4 Tests

  • Unit 9 Tests

  • Unit 10 Tests

  • Skills 5 Tests

  • End Of Year Progress Tests

  • Answer Key

  • Tapescript

Nội dung

Discover English provides a solid grammar and lexical syllabus with the perfect mix of variety and challenge to motivate young learners. The course uses simple tried and tested principles to address the needs of a modern student. The learners are encouraged to explore foreign countries and learn about different cultures. They are also involved and motivated by unusual tasks, such as designing computer games, breaking codes or learning more about themselves – all this and more, as their English improves The Central European edition is based on a thorough research that has been conducted among local teachers and students in selected regions.

Trang 2

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Trang 3

Name: Class:

Unit Test Vocabulary Grammar Functions Total Comment Starter ⁄40 7 /40 2 : i AS co : Skills Test Listening Reading Writing Speaking Total Comment Units 0 -— 2 /40 ˆ Unit Test Vocabulary _ Grammar Functions Fetal Comment

3 /40 |

4 lu as ~ Skills Test Listening Reading Writing Speaking Total Comment Units 3 - 4 /40 Unit Test Vocabulary ‘Grammar Hurchone : ‘Total - : 2 ⁄40 6 /40 foie = ai = Skills Test Listening Reading Writing Speaking Total Comment Units 5 - 6 /40 Unit Test Vocabulary _ Grammar Functions Total —

7 0 :

8 wk ee ee 7401 x Skills Test Listening Reading Writing Speaking Total Comment Units 7 - 8 /40

-_ Unit Test Vocabulary | Grammar Functions | oul | ae 9 (40 10-: : /40-

Skills Test Listening Reading Writing Speaking Total Cornment Units 9 — 10 /40

Total Scores (all tests)

Trang 5

Progress Test A

5 Read the questions Write short answers

Q Are you ten? Yes, | am 1 Is Felix in Year 6? 2 Is your favourite colour purple? 3 Is Ben from Greece? 4 Are you in Year 5? 5 Is Monica eleven?


6 Circle the correct word

You / ou3)mobile phone is blue

He / His is eleven


She / Her name is Gemma

They / Their new home is in the USA

You / Your are Turkish wk &@ N He / His favourite colour is blue

~ hs

7 Circle the correct word 0 These is my camera

That / Those are my CDs

Is this / these your watch? That / Those is my dog

Trang 7

Progress Test B

5 Read the questions Write short answers

0 Are you ten? Yes, | am Is your favourite colour black? Are you eleven? Is Ben from the USA? Is Gemma in Year 5? Are we Russian?

aa fF

Circle the correct word

You /@ous)mobile phone is blue She / Her is in Year 6


It’s you / your CD player

He / His skateboard is purple and yellow

They / There are from Brazil wimp WY Ne

She / Her dog is black and white —/5

7 Circle the correct word

0 đmsy These is my camera

Are these / this your CDs?

That / Those is my mobile phone

This / These are my shirts

Is that / those her CD player?

This / Those are our baseball caps 5


Discover English 1 Name:


8 Complete the dialogue Use these words Hit No How

ten your Are Monica Hello! Felix ° Hil

Monica What's ! name? Felix My name’s Felix

Trang 8

Progress Test A

Vocabula ry 3 Write the family words

1 Match the pictures with the sentences oe dad clune isters nnyrga mmu Ww W we sincou

_⁄5 Grammar

4 Complete the sentences Use bas / hasn't p got or have / haven’t got

0 Monica has got / hasn't got a camera

1 Gemma a beach bag 2 Ben a drink

O Shesaterk € 3 Felix and Ben a towel 4 Monica and Gemma mobile 1 She’stall phones 2 He's old 5 Smartie an ice cream

3 She’s young 5

4 He’sfat 5 He’s good-looking


2 Circle the odd word out

0 brother sister granny uncle 1 black purple young green blue 2 tall eleven ugly fat thin

3 frisbee towel ice cream drink dad

4 this those got that these

5 hasn’t isn’t haven’t old have


@ Discover English 1 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Trang 9

Progress Test A

5 write the questions Use Has got / Have got 0 Ben / camera Has Ben got a camera? 1 Gemma / cousin 2 Gemma and Felix / cat 3 Smartie / ice cream 4 Monica and Gemma / frisbee 5 Felix / uncle


6 Match the short answers with the questions

Q Has Kit got a dog? c

Has Ben got a sister?

Has Fiz got blue hair?

Have Gemma and Felix got a camera?

Has Gemma got a dog? WE BW kh Yes, he has g a

No, they haven't

No, he hasn’t He’s got a cat

ao Yes, she has

® Yes, they have


No, he hasn’t He’s got green hair


Discover English 1 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Have Felix and Gemma got blonde hair?


7 Look and complete

Felix Ben Monica Gemma

dog towel drink ice cream

frisbee mobile phone 0 That is Felix’s drink

1 This is ice cream

2 Where is mobile phone? 3 Smartie is dog 4 Is this towel? 5 This is frisbee

.s/2 Functions

8 Complete the dialogue Use these words favourite hasn’t got good-looking has Yes

A Who is your ° favourite star?

B It’s Orlando Bloom A Is he! ? B? , he is

A Has he * blue eyes?

B No, he‘ He’s got brown eyes

Trang 10

F Vocabula ry 3 Write the family words

1 Match the pictures with the sentences 0 add dad rbothre grdandad counis naut OW mp B&W bw = nucle

ưa Grammar

4 Complete the sentences Use has / hasn’t

got or have / haven’i got

0 Monica has got / hasn't got a camera

1 Ben a mobile phone 2 Monica a beach bag 0 Shes short: £ 3 Ben and Felix a frisbee

4 Kit a zapper

1 She's young —_ 5 Gemma and Monica a towel 2 He’s good-looking _ —3e

3 He’s fat 4 He's old _

5 She’stall



Circle the odd word out

brother sister granny uncle thin young fat cousin tall

Trang 11

Progress Test B

5 write the questions Use Has got / Have got

Ben / camera Has Ben got a camera? Monica / mobile phone Felix and Ben / towel Kit / cat Gemma and Felix / aunt Ben / brother


Match the short answers with the questions

Has Kit got a dog? €

Has Fiz got green hair?

Has Gemma got a cat?

Have Gemma and Felix got brown hair? Have Ben and Felix got a frisbee?





Has Gemma got a brother?

No, they haven’t They’ve got blonde hair



Yes, they have


No, he hasn’t He’s got a cat

Yes, she has Yes, he has a = No, she hasn’t She’s got a dog

— 5:

Discover English 1



7 Look and complete

Felix Kit Gemma Monica Ben

beach bag drink frisbee camera skateboard cat

0 That is Felix’s drink 1 Is this frisbee? 2 Bandit is cat 3 This is camera 4 Where is beach bag? 5 This is skateboard =#35


8 Complete the dialogue Use these words favourite Has short got Yes isn’t

A Who is your ° favourite star?

B It’s Beyoncé A Is she * 2

B No, she * She’s tall A 3 she got brown eyes? Bí , she has

Trang 12

Progress Test A ‘Vocabulary

1 Match the word halves 0 gar a ic 1 bath b chen 2 bed c den 3 kit d room

4 living e room 5 att f room =A S

2 Complete the puzzle

Discover English 1


3 Look and complete the sentences Use

There is / isn’t or There are / aren’t

O There is an attic in granddad’s house

There isn't a treehouse

any ghosts in the attic some old chairs a TV in the attic a bookcase Ww Q N fe any cupboards in the attic


4 Complete the questions Use Is there or Are there 0 Are there any stairs in your home? a TV in your bedroom? 2 any windows in your bathroom?

3 _ —_ any chairs in your kitchen? 4 a shower in your bathroom? 5 a bookcase in your living room?


5 Answer the questions in Exercise 4 Use

Yes, there is / No, there isn’t or Yes, there are / No, there aren’t

Trang 13

Progress Test A Name:

6 Where’s the mouse? Write Fu nctions

7 Positive or negative? Write

under nextto under on in behind

Trang 14

Progress Test B Vocabulary

1 Match the word halves 0 gar a chen

1 KỆ ÉP IÊN den

2 living c ic 3 at đ room 4 bath room 5 kit f room


2 Complete the puzzle

= f'S

Discover English 1


3 Look and complete the sentences Use

There is / isn’t or There are / aren’t

0 There is an attic in granddad’s house

There isn't a treehouse

a table in granddad’s attic some chairs any windows in the attic a sofa ne 1 some cupboards


4 Complete the questions Use Is there or Are there

0 Are there any stairs in your house?

a sofa in your living room? a desk in your bedroom?

any cupboards in your kitchen? a table in your kitchen? AW PB BW N any mirrors in your bathroom?


5 Answer the questions in Exercise 4 Use

Yes, there is / No, there isn’t or Yes, there

Trang 15

Progress Test B Name:

6 Where’s the mouse? Write Fu nctions

7 Positive or negative? Write

in on nextto under behind

+ Don’t open the door! Listen!

Trang 16

Skills 1 Test A (Starter, Unit 1 and Unit 2)


1 (2 1.2 Listen Circle the correct word 0 Charlie lives in London /Cisbon)

He lives with his family / friends

He lives in a big house / flat There are four / five bedrooms

His bedroom is green / yellow

WS &@ Nw = It’s got two cupboards / bookcases


() Listen Circle the correct answer b ° Charlie’s bedroom 1 There’s a mobile phone

a onthe bed bon the desk c in the bed e Charlie’s mum is in a_ the bathroom c the kitchen 2 There’s a frisbee a onthe desk b c under the desk in the cupboard 3 Charlie’s bag is a under the bed b c on the desk 4 The chair is a next to the bookcase on the chair b_ next to the bed c behind the

cupboard 5 Charlie’s dog is

a_ behind the bookcase

b behind the chair c in the bed

aif Reading

3 Read and answer True or false?

| From: || Lily | [To |[ Jack |

Subject: | Hello | Hi Jackl

My name is Lily and I've got a big family I've got two sisters and a brother! My sisters are very good-looking Angela is tall and she's got black hair Celia is short and she's got blonde hair and brown eyes My brother is very funny! He's fifteen years old My mum is called Beatriz She's Spanish and she's got brown hair and brown eyes Write soon!

Discover English 1

0 Lily’s family is big true Lily has got three sisters

Angela is tall and good-looking Lily’s brother is fourteen

Lily’s mum isn’t English Wwe WD kh = Beatriz has got black hair =F 4 Read and circle the correct answer —

0 Ed lives i n(London)/ Liverpool He lives in a flat / house

There are four / two bedrooms

There are lots of windows / cupboards

Trang 17


5 Read the factfile Write five sentences about Sandra

Skills 1 Test A (Starter, Unit 1 and Unit2) Name:

_ FACTFH 0 Sandra is Spanish Name Sandra i

Nationality Spanish 2 Eyes brown 3 Hair black ề


Tall / short tall

Favourite colour green

Favourite thing cat


6 Complete the factfile Tell your friend or teacher

Teacher What's your name?

Trang 18


1 ©) Listen Circle the correct word

0 Charlie lives in England /Gortugal

He lives in a big /small flat

He lives with his family / teacher There are two / three bathrooms His bedroom is small / big Ww @ kh

His favourite colour is red / green _/5 N

©) Listen Circle the correct answer b -Charlie’s bedroom, b next to the bed 0 Charlie’s mum is in a_ the bathroom c the kitchen 1 The books are

a under the bed

c in the cupboard 2 There’s a mobile phone

a onthe bed b_ behind the bookcase c on the desk 3 Charlie’s skateboard is a on the desk b_ behind the bed c in the cupboard 4 The chair is a nexttothe desk b c under the bed next to the bed 5 Charlie’s cat is a inthe bed b c behind the bookcase under the chair


Discover English 1

Skills 1 Test B (starter, unit 1 and Unit 2) Reading

3 Read and answer True or false?

| From: |[ Lily | [ To: ||Jaœ | Subject: | Hello |

Hi Jack!

My name is Lily and I've got a big family I've got two sisters and a brother! My sisters are very good-looking Angela is tall and she's got black hair Celia is short and she's got blonde hair and brown eyes My brother is very funny! He's fifteen years old, My mum is called Beatriz She's Spanish and she's got brown hair and brown eyes

Write soon!

0 Lily’s family is big true Lily has got two brothers Celia is tall and blonde 1 2 3 Lily’s brother is fifteen 4 Beatriz is Spanish


Lily’s mum has got brown eyes

= 5

4 Read and circle the correct answer

kca and spo

0 Ed lives in€ondon)/ Liverpool He lives in a small / big house

There are two / four bathrooms There are lots of stairs / mirrors

Trang 19

Skills 1 Test B (Starter, Unit 1 and Unit 2) Name: Writing

5 Read the factfile Write five sentences about Anya


Name Anya

Nationality Polish

Eyes green Hair brown

Tall / short short

Favourite colour red

Favourite thing



0 Anya is Polish Ww W@W NM

6 Complete the factfile Tell your friend or teacher

Trang 20

Progress Test A Vocabulary 1

0 A pm WB NM


Write the animal words eleoncham chameleon arksh atb igter iragffe rrelsqui


Find five more action verbs jumpswimflyrunpaintplaymusic 0 jump Wo m8 QW h


3 Label the picture 0 hair

= ah 3S Grammar

4 Complete the sentences Use can or can’t

Trang 21

Progress Test A

5 Order the questions 0

ao ®

a m Discover English 1

sharks run Can ? Can sharks run?

Gemma Can run ?

swim Can parrots ?

Can fly Felix ?

Fiz Can talk ?

tigers run Can ?


Match the answers with the questions in Exercise 5 No, he can’t No, they can’t 0 Yes, they can Yes, she can — _ No, they cant Yes, he can —_

= if



7 Complete the dialogues Use these words €an Yes course cant open I


° Can I sit down please?

Of! you can!

Can we 2 the window? No, you * Can Ý have a drink?

2 , you can = 15

8 Circle the correct answer 0 a No, you can’t! 1


Can we take a photo? b Yes, itis

Can I sit down?

No, she can’t b Of course you can! Can Monica touch the tiger?

No, she can’t b_ Yes, they can

Can we open the window?

Yes, you can, b_ Yes, he can

Can I eat this biscuit?

No, it isn’t b No, you can’t!

Trang 23

Progress Test B

5 Order the questions 0 oa o Ff ® h Discover English 1

sharks fin Cán 7

Can sharks run?

swim Can turtles ?

Monica Can fly ?

elephants) water ski

run Gemma Can ?

the squirrel Can «


Match the answers with the questions in Exercise 5

Yes, she can _— —_ No, they can’t 0 Yes, he can No, she can’t Yes, they can No, they cant _— ¿5 Name:


7 Complete the dialogues Use these words

€an take you eat can’t Yes

A ° Can I sit down please? B Of course * can! A Can we? these biscuits?

B> , you can A CanI*# sa photo?

B_ No, you *


8 Circle the correct answer O Can we take a photo?

b_ Yes, it is

1 Can we open the window?

a No, he can’t b Yes, you can

2 Can I have a drink?

a Of course you can! b_ No, they aren’t 3 Can we eat these bananas?

a No, you can’t! b_ Yes, they are 4 Can I touch the dog?

a Yes, you have b= Yes, you can

5 Can we sit down?

Trang 25

Progress Test A Grammar

4 Circle the correct word

0 Gemma get ((gets)up at seven o'clock

I go / goes to bed at ten o’clock

We meet / meets friends after school

He watch / watches TV at eight o’clock

They go / goes to school by bus Wom @ Ne She has / have lunch at one o’clock



Write negative sentences for Exercise 4 0 Gemma doesn’t get up at seven o’clock Ay J at ten o’clock 2 We friends after school 3 He TV at eight o’clock

4 They to school by

bus 5 She lunch at one o'clock

4 6

Circle the correct word

0 Do /@oeÐGemma have breakfast at seven


1 Do/ Does Amit and Samir go to school by bike?

Do / Does you go to bed late?

Do / Does Felix watch TV after school?

Do / Does they have dinner at six o’clock? w me WwW NW Do / Does Ben walk to school?


Discover English 1


Name: 7 Write short answers for the questions in Exercise 6 0 Yes, she does No, she doesn't

1 2 3 4 5 ¬-


8 Complete the dialogue Use the words below

time do o'clock Yes at Its

Gemma What ° time is it?

Ben a ten past nine

Trang 27

Progress Test B Grammar

4 Circle the correct word

0 Gemma get / Getsyup at seven o’clock He go / goes to school by bike

I watch / watches TV after school

We have / has breakfast at eight o’clock

She walk / walls to school on Mondays Wom OW Felix go / goes to bed at nine o’clock



Write negative sentences for Exercise 4 0 Gemma doesn't get up at seven o'clock He to school by bike I TV after school We breakfast at eight o'clock 4 She to school on Mondays 5 Felix to bed at nine o’clock

== /'5

Circle the correct word

0 Do/@oes)Gemma have breakfast at seven


- Do / Does Felix get up at eight o’clock?

là Do / Does they go to school by bus? Do / Does you watch TV after school?

Do / Does Amit go to school by car?

Vi Hà Q@

Do / Does you get up early? =

Discover English 1


Name: 7 Write short answers for the questions in Exercise 6 O Yes, she does No, she doesn't 1 2 3 4 5 35


8 Complete the dialogue Use the words below

time six get past No have

Ben What ° time is it?

Gemma _ It’s quarter * ten

Trang 28

7 Listening

1 2 Listen and answer True or false?

0 Tom is English true He’s thirteen

He gets up early

He eats cereal for breakfast

He goes to school by bus

Mm me WB h Jack meets friends after school


2 ©) Listen again Circle the correct time

0 Tom gets up at Galt past sid seven

o’clock 1 He has breakfast at seven o’clock / eight o’clock 2 School finishes at half past three / quarter past four 3 Jack and Tom have dinner at eight o’clock / six o’clock

4 Tom goes to bed at half past nine / eleven


5 Jack goes to bed at eleven o’clock / twelve



Discover English 1

Skills 2 Test A (unit3 andunit 4) Reading

3 Read and answer True or false?

[ From: |/ Eva | | To: || Maria |

Subject: | Holiday! Hi Maria!

I'm in Spain with my family We're in Valencia today It's a great city There's an aquarium here It's fantastic — and very


My favourite animals here are the dolphins They are grey and have got small eyes and lots of small teeth They are clever — they can sing and dance, And they can swim very fast

Trang 29

Skills 2 Test A (unit3 andunit 4)

4 Read and answer the questions 0 My name’s Clara and I’m from Italy I livein | 1


On school days I get up at half past seven My favourite meal is breakfast I eat cereal and toast I go to school with my sister on

her motorbike! It’s fun School starts at half |

past eight and finishes at four o’clock After 3 school I meet my friends I go home at

five o’clock and do my homework I watch TV with my sister and we go to bed at ten

o’clock , 4




5 Look at the table Write five sentences 0

| sion [ty | je 1

dolphins L4 x Lá x 2 monkeys x x v 4 3 parrots x V x v 4 squirrels

x x v

L4 5


6 Complete the table Tell your friend or teacher

You | get up at half past seven

get up half past seven have breakfast go to school finish school have dinner go to bed

/ 10

Discover English 1 PHOTOCOPIABLE Name:

Where is Clara from? She's from italy

Trang 30

Skills 2 Test B (unit 3 and Unit 4)


1 () Listen and answer True or false?

O Tom is English true He’s eleven

He gets up late

He eats toast for breakfast

He goes to school by cat

Wood Q hw fF Tom’s brother goes to bed early


2 ) Listen again Circle the correct time Tom gets up at Gal past si3/ seven o’clock e 1 He walks to school at half past seven / eight o’clock 2 He has lunch at quarter past twelve / one o’clock

3 Jack goes home at five o’clock / six o’clocls

4 Jack goes to bed at ten o’clock / eleven

o’clock 5 Tom goes to bed at half past ten / half past nine

_/5 Reading

3 Read and answer True or false?

To: || Clara

Subject: | Holiday!

[ From: || Eva =T | |

Hi Clara!

I'm in Spain with my family We're in Valencia today It's a great city There's an aquarium here It's fantastic — and very


My favourite animals here are the dolphins They are grey and have got small eyes and lots of small teeth They are clever— they can sing and dance And they can swim very fast

The sharks are very big and dangerous They are ugly too! They've got big teeth They can swim very fast Write soon! Eva

Discover English 1 0 Eva is in Spain true

1 Valencia is a city

2 Eva’s favourite animals are the sharks

3 The dolphins sing and dance

4 The sharks aren’t dangerous

5 The sharks are beautiful

Trang 31

Skills 2 Test B (unit 3 and unit 4)


4 Read and answer the questions O Where is Clara from? She’s from Italy

My name’s Clara and I’m from Italy | live in | 1 What time does she get up?


On school days I get up at seven o’clock

I have breakfast at half past seven — I eat 2 What does she eat for breakfast? cereal I go to school with my friends by

bus! It’s fun School starts at half past eight

and finishes at four ° clock After school I % Does shewallkto school? read or listen to music We have dinner at

eight o’clock Then I watch TV with my sister We go to bed at half past nine

4 What does she do after school? 5 What does she do after dinner?

Writing tS 5 Look at the table Write five sentences 0 Dolphins can swim, but they can't fly Aly, rp 1

dolphins 4 x ⁄ x 2 monkeys x x 4 V 3 parrots x Lá x ⁄ 4 squirrels x x L4 ⁄ 5

—/10 Speaking

6 Complete the table Tell your friend or teacher

You | get up at half past seven

get up half past seven have breakfast

go to school Listening 10

finish school Reading 10

Trang 32

Progress Test A

Voca bulary 3 elow a the sentences Use the words

1 Complete the puzzle

autumn summer evening morning afternoon night

0 I play football in the autumn 1 I eat breakfast at 7 o’clock in the

2 School finishes at 4 o’clock in V | the "lo 3 Ihave dinner at 8 o’clock in ! the

3 ; 1 > 4 1 go to bed at 10 o’clock at I go on holiday in the


ị af 3 y b| h ihe Grammar 2 tự

4 Circle the correct words ] = F — — i J es : 0 Gemma get up / early

/ l | i

1 Felix and Gemma watch / watches TV after school

; 2 Ben has / have breakfast at seven o'clock

3 We study / studies then have dinner at 4 Gemma finish / finishes her homework at

the weekend 2 Complete Use play or go

Trang 33

Progress Test A

5 Read the answers Complete the questions

with Who, What, Where, When

O Who are you?

I’m Monica

1 is his favourite sport? It’s basketball

has Felix got? e’s got a skateboard

3 does Gisela live? In Gerona 4 is he? Hes Ben 5 does Dinara train? In the afternoon


6 Order the sentences

© KES She volleyball playing

She likes playing volleyball —=#5 Discover English 1



7 Change the underlined words

0 I like playing tennis with my brother him

1 Felix likes listening to music with Gemma and Monica

Let’s play golf with Dad

3 How about going cycling with me and Ben?

I don’t like dancing with my mum! 5 Don’t touch the tiger!

=5 Functions

8 Complete the dialogues Use the words below

ets like about go Sorry OK

Ben ° Let’s go swimming on Sunday

Trang 34


1 Complete the puzzle

Progress Test B



7 Le

= |

pe cu Ga

2 Complete Use play or go 0 go swimming sailing football tennis kitesurfing Woop Q Ne

cycling =>

Discover English 1 3 Complete the sentences Use the words


autumn summer evening morning afternoon night

0 I play football in the autumn

1 I watch TV at 7 o’clock in the 2 School starts at 8 o’clock in


3 Igo to bed at 11 o’clock at

4 School finishes at four o’clock in the 5 Igo to the beach in the :

— Grammar

4 Circle the correct words

0 Gemma get up / early

1 Felix and Gemma finish / finishes school at

three o’clock

Monica watch / watches TV after dinner

I study / studies at the weekend

Trang 35

Progress Test B Name:

5 Read the answers Complete the questions 7 Change the underlined words with Who, What, Where, When

0 Who are you? 0 I like playing tennis with my brother him

i i !

P’m Monica 1 Ilove shopping with my mum! 2 Let’s go cycling with Ben and Felix


1 does Ben live! 3 Don’t eat my pizza!

ic Rogan 4 {don’t like playing football with Felix


2) —— = 4 yor $6-on holiday! 5 Ben likes going swimming with Gemma and In the summer me

3 is your favourite sport? —=ử


4 _— — — isshe? Functions

She’s my friend, Gemma 8 Complete the dialogues Use the words 2 5 below 5 is Ben from? He’s from the USA

tets How can’t OK playing go

= ——

Order the sentences Monica ° Let’s play basketball on Saturday

01 es S e \ lleyb: | laying Gemma No, thanks I like 1

She likes playing volleyball football on Saturdays

Monica 2 about going to the beach on Sunday?

Gemma ở then!

Ben Felix, let’s 4 cycling on

Trang 36

Progress Test A ' Vocabulary

1 Write the place names 0 braliry library upermarkset ostp effico 1 2 3 afcé 4 olicpe staniot 5 immingsw oolp =uf'S 2 Look and complete the sentences

0 Felix is wearing a jumper —

1 Gemma is wearing a 2 Kit is wearing

3 Monica is wearing a

4 Gemma’s mum is wearing a

5 Ben is wearing


Discover English 1 3 Order the directions ~

O right Turn the at café

Turn right at the café

1 straight

2 its lef on the

3 past the supermarket Go

4 atthe Turn park left

—/5 Grammar

4 Complete the sentences Use the present

continuous form of these verbs eat look read play smile walk

0 I’m eating pizza at the moment

She’s volleyball We're to school now

Trang 37

Progress Test A

5 Order the sentences

0 He playing isn’t foo

He isn’t playing football

1 Felix sitting down is

2 am feeling 1 not happy


6 write questions Use the present continuous

0 you / talk on the phone ? Are you talking on the phone?

1 Gemma / wear jeans ? 2 they / look for a café ? 3 we/ sit down? 2 she / smile ? 5 you / help the woman ?


Discover English 1


Name: 7 Look and answer the questions in

Exercise 6 0 ()Yss lam

ưa Functions

8 Complete the dialogue Use these words Excuse go on Turn

looking _ left

A ° Excuse me, I’m * for the bus station

B? right here and ?

past the cinema Then go straight

Trang 38

(6) Progress Test B Voca bulary directions


café at the

] Write the place names be s

Turn right at the café

0 braliry library

; is The 6n left the

arkp aurantrest 1 2 3 eumusm 4 nemaci


sub stionat


2 Look and complete the sentences

O Felix is wearing a jumper

_/5 1 Gemma is wearing a


- 4 Complete the sentences Use the present

2 Kit is wearing brown : we continuous form of these verbs

eat talk follow look play wear 3 Monica is wearing iia 7

0 Im eating pizza at the moment

Genie sma itweatinty a 1 Shes a blue dress today 2 Were for a café

3 They are tennis in the park

4 He’s the thief

5 Ben is wearing 5 Im on my mobile phone _

Trang 39

Progress Test B

5 Order the sentences 0 1 ‘He

She pizza is

# apes See He isn’t playing football

WN Discover English 1


Write questions Use the present continuous

You / talk on the phone ?

Are you talking on the phone? Monica / smile ?

they / wear jeans ?

we / play tennis ? she / look for a supermarket ? you / listen to music ?

—/5 oe

Name: 7 Look and answer the questions in Exercise 6 0 “+ Yes, /am MW we QO N


"4D Functions

8 Complete the dialogue Use these words Exeuse straight left where on past

A ° Excuse me, * is the post office? B Turn ? and go ?

Trang 40

Skills 3 Test A (units andunit 6) Listening

1 @ Listen and complete the table Tick or 2 a2 Listen and circle the correct word

“0955: c— FẾU — 0 Gemma is wearing a red(GkirÒ/ dress today

a pip a pe kEĐe= 1 She's wearing a black / blue jumper football ⁄ 2 Gemma loves / hates wearing boots

immi x

ee 3% Monica doesn’t like wearing skirts / tennis x trousers

golf 4 Monica likes wearing skirts / jeans

windsurfing v Vv Monica is wearing red / black boots

cử» ES


3 Read and answer Write sentences 0 Who loves sailing?

Ruby loves sailing 1 Where is Harvey from?

2 When does Ruby go to swimming club? 3 What does Ruby do at the weekend? 4 What does Harvey do on Mondays?

5 What ball games does Ruby like playing? _/5

Ngày đăng: 16/03/2018, 16:21