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- I Introductionp,4 teachingnotes'tips,andadditionalactivities BackgÍound, andsocietY P.6 Technology H i g hl i v i n gs: k y s c r a P e r Ps S t u d y i n g t e c h n o l o gPY o 10 MedicaItechno IogY P-42 Design p.t4 1 P e r s o n a l e n t e r t a i n m e Pn t4 in sPort P.18 Technology technologY P.22 Appropriate L I n f o r m a t i otne c h n o l o g YP s o C r i m e - f i g h t i nagn ds e c u r i t yp L4 Careersin technologYP.s9 M a n u f a c t u r i n gP T h ef u t u r eo f t e c h n o l o g YP T e l e c o m m u n i c a t i o nP s s s Transport p.34 activities Grammartestsandcommunication activities ?'66 for communication Instructions t Y a l TechnologyandsocieP H i g hl i v i n gs: k y s c r a P e r Ps StudyingtechnologY P.72 10 M e d i c atl e c h n o l o g YP 8 Design p.74 1 P e r s o n aeln t e r t a i n m e n tP o Technologyin sPort P.76 technologY P.e2 L2 Information A p p r o p r i a t e t e c h n o l o gPY: a nd security p.80 Crime-fighting un i c a t i o sn P 13 Telecomm L4 C a r e e r isn t e c h n o l o g YP s Ma n ufacturing P.82 Transportp.84 Thefutureof technologYP.e8 GrammartestskeYP.roo 4lntroduction Technologyis aimed at preparing studentswho intend to get a job in technology.ltpresentsthem with English from a wide variety of technologicalfields and situations, developstheir communicationskills,and providesthem wlth backgroundin major technologicalconcepts Switchon This is designed as a warm-up activity to the unit It usually consists of a number of pictures,and often introduceskey vocabularyor concepts.Itshould be used to get studentsto focus on the topic It'smy job Theseoccurregularly,either as a readingor listening exercise.They are all basedon authenticinterviewsand sourcesand are designedto be of interestto the students as they stand with only minimal tasks.Studentswill read about a variety of young people in different technology environmentsand gain insight into the skills required General focus questions for It'smy job are:Whatdo you think his / herjob involves?What ski1lsand experiencedoes he / she need?Wouldyou like to it? As an ongoing project,encouragethe classto build up a portfolio of other lt's my job features.For example,if students know someone who works in technology,they can write their own /t,smy job article or intervíew,with photos Customer CaÍe Increasinglyin technology,it is not enough to have technical skills,qualifications,and knowledge of the field The ability to write clearly and present ideas in speechis also important A high proportion of communication will be with fellow specialists,but there will be times when studentswill have to communicate about technical matterswith non-specialistssuch as clients,visitors,and customers.This can be much more demanding.The Customercare feature gives students practicein this important'softskill' stimulate discussion,and often involves ranking exercises or evaluating the practicality of a variety of solutions to a particular problem Topmargin This top part of the page containsfacts,statistics,and quotes.Theseare optionalextrasand can be used to add variety and interest to your lessons,or provide additional ,fastfÍnishers'.Ways materialfor strong students who are of exploitation inciude asking whether your students are surprisedby the facts and statistics,or whether they agree,disagree,or can identify with the quotes It also containsGadgetbox:interesting,often quirky, technologicalinnovationsrelatedto the unit topic.Each Gadget boxhas an associatedquestion,and ailows you to take time out from the flow of the lesson in order to promotea more open-endeddiscussion There are also definitions for difficult words or phrases which are important to understand a text which appears on the same page (Wordsor phrasesin the text are highlightedinbold.) Vocabulary Studentsmeet a large amount of vocabulary during the coulse.it is ímportantto encouragegood learning skills from the start,for example: organizing vocabuiary into word sets and word groups ratherthan sÍmplealphabeticallÍsts understanding the context of vocabulary and whether it is a key word neededfor productionor for comprehension checkingand learningthe pronunciationof a word o r phr ase Languagespot This focuseson the grammar that is generatedby the topic of the unit and concentrateson its practical application Problem-solving If your studentsneed revisionafter completingthe Languagespot,directthem to the Grammar reference, whÍchprovides a handy check This encouragesstudentsto work togetherto solvea problem - a key skill in technology.It is designedto Thereis also one photocopiableGrammar testfor each unit in this Teacher'sResourceBook I n t r o d u c t i o n5 Listening, Reading, Speaking I Paitwork,Writing Theseactivities give realistic and communicative practice of languageskills neededÍntechnoIogy In the listening activities students are exposedto situationsrelatedto technology,including dialogues, technicalexplanations,and interviews.They also hear a varietyof English accents,both native-speakerand nonnativespeaker In the readingsectionsstudentsmeet a varÍetyof technology-based texts (seeReadingbank) In the speakingand pairwork sections,try to ensureuse of English during activities,particularly those involving somediscussion.Encouragethis by teachingor revising any functionai language studentsmay need.There is also onephotocopiableCommunicationactivityforeachunit in this Teacher'sResourceBook Writing practicein the units is designedas consolidationand extensionof the topic with structured, meaningful writing tasks Pronunciation This practisesaspectsof pronunciation which are of maximum importance for intelligibility Youcan repeatthe recordingsin the Pronunciationas often as you like until you and your studentsfeel confidentthey have mastereda particularsound or feature Project/ Webquest Theseencouragestudentsto take an active role in the learningprocess,both in terms of their Englishlanguage work and the subjectof technology itself appearslnthe Glossary.Youshould certainlycheck including the stress,of words students'pronunciation, likely to be used orally This section also provides students with the opportunity to look back through the unit and note anything about how English is used in technology that is new to them In addition to encouraging studentsto build their own personal vocabulary,this activity encouragesthem to reflect Readingbank This is inthe middle of the book and givesspecificskills practÍcein reading.The ability to read and understand texts in English has never been more important in technology than it is today with the amount of written information available on the Internet,the majority of which is in English.The readingtexts are accompaniedby pre-readingtasks and comprehensionquestions.They can be used throughoutthe couÍSe, elther in class,or as selfstudy or homework There is also an Answer key in the Student'sBookto encouragestudentsto checktheir work Pairworkactivities This sectÍoncontainsone oI moIe parts of the information gap activitiesfrom the main units (seeSpeaking/ Pairwork) Grammar ÍefeÍence This can be used togetherwith the Languagespot,as a handy check or revisÍon.It shows the form of a particular grammar point,briefly explains its use,and provides example sentencesas well as indicating likeiy student CTIOIS Projectscan be set as homework assignments,but it is worth spendingtime in classpreparingstudentsfor the task.In Webquestsstudentsare usually requiredto use searchenginessuch as www.google.comtofind information,as well as websites dedicatedto technologicalissues.Help can alsobe given by brainstormingsome standardplaceswhere they can gatherinformation This is a completetranscriptof all the recordings.Direct studentsto Ítfor checking anSweISafter they have completedaListeningtask,or allow weaker studentsto read it as they listen to a particularrecording,perhapsfor a final time Checklist Glossary This ailows studentsto check their own progress.You may want to get studentsto gradeor assesshow weil they can performeach of the'Can do' statements,e.g.'easily','with difficulty',or'not at all'.They can also test each other ln 'Can pairs,by giving examplesfrom the unit of each of the do'st at e me n t s Thísis an alphabeticallist of al] the Key words.Each word is followed by the pronunciation in phonetic script,the part of speech,and a definition in English Keywords Theseare the main items of technology vocabulary introducedin the unlt A definitlon of each of these words Listeningscripts The sectlonbegins with a phonetic chart,with an example word from technology to illustrate each of the sounds U n i t1 Background The purpose of technology is to produce applications which improve our material environment.The people who design,test,and make these applications are called technicians,technologists,and engineers.They work in areas such as civil, mechanical,electrical,electronic,and marine engineering,and in newer fields such as information technology (lT).They use scientific knowiedge and technological experiencein their work They often adapt older existingtechnology(e.g.radio waves)to createnew applications(e.g.mobile phones) Technologyis all around us and affectsevery aspectof our lives.Here are some examples: transport - road,sea,and air travel;space exploration telecommunications - moblle phones,fibre-optics, internet,satellites trade - credit and debit cards,bank ATM machines, (BzB)internettrade Business-to-business work efficiency washing machine s,mÍcrowaveovens, computer software poweÍ_ heatlng,lighting, air conditioning personal entertainment - DVDs,iPods,digital TVs, digital cameras health - lasers in eye surgery,medicines safety and security - ABS brakes,air bags,sensors, smoke detectors food - food processing,agriculture information management - computer databases, searchengines,businesssoftware infrastructure - roads,buildings, sewerage,waste dÍsposal, water supply manufacturing - roboticsin mass production (manufacturingan item in very iarge numbers) Becausetechnology is so important in society, technicians,technologists,and engineers always have to think about values,that is,whether something is good or bad.Unfortunately,some technology has both positive and negative effectson society'Using míneralssuch as oil, coal,iron, and uranium improves our standard of living, but can aiso pollute the air,water,and ground.The same rocketsthat allow spaceexploration can carry nuclear weapons.Road vehicles and planes allow fast travel but also cause accidentaldeaths and createglobal warming The challengefor technologyis how to increasethe positive effectson society but reduceor eliminate the negative effects Switchon Encouragea short dlscussionabout each picture,and how the technology affectsour lives x Tip effectvalfect T h e s es e n t e n c e m s e a nt h e S f f i e : 'l What is the effectof technologyon society? How doestechnologyaffectsocietyT Here,effect is a noun andaffectisthe r e l a t e dv e r b Referstudents again to Picture A, the rocket.Ask:Does this have a mainly positive or negativeeffecton our lives?Encouragea short discussion,and get studentsto considerboth sides,see example -Positive effect:space exploration,negativeeffect:nuclear missiles.Thenget studentsto the matching exercise O.r Picture B C D E F Positive 1t + n I 12 Negative 10 Encouragestrongerstudentsto producefuller answers.For example: T e c h n o l o g ya n d s o c i e t y O'r ltem rocket Positive effects s p a c ee x p l o r a t i o n satelliteslaunchedfo r w eatherfo r ecasting, glo baI po sitio ning,etc nucleardeter r ent Negative effects n u c l e aw r e a p o n sa, r m s r ace,po llutio nin spa ce, hugeex penditurfor e littler esult x Tip lnternetv Íntranet l n t e r n e t a- w o r l d - w i d e c o m p u t e rn e t w o r k i n t r a n e t a- c o m p u t e rn e t w o r ki n a s i n g l e o r g ani z a t i o n x Tip Plasticmoney Credit cardsanddebitcardsareoftencalled 'plastic' in everyday English x Tip S pe l l i ngr u l e s Rule Shortadjectives Add-er Listening Technologyand work discussthe meaning of the foIlowing terms with fi BeforelÍstenÍng, students:Internetandí'ntranet(seeIIp).Show a creditor debit card to elicit creditcard and debit card (seeTíp) PIaythe whole recordingthrough once and ask students to match the peopleto the jobs O.rtb Simple Comparative nr riat ntrialor Shortadjectives endingin e Add -r wide wider Shortadjectives endingin vowel+consonant Doublefinal thin thinner l e t t e ar n da d d- e r S h o r ta d j e c t i v eesn d i n gi n y Changefinal-y heavy t o - i a n da d d- e r heavier good,bad,far C h a n g et h e w o r d g o o d better ( i r r e gluar ) Longadjectives Usemore expensive more expensive 2d 3a 4c (l feU studentsto listen again and decide if the speakerthinks the technology is positive,or negative,or both O'r Speaker I Vera Christine Cupta A nto n Positive /,/ Negative ,/ (J llay the recordingof just the shop owner again,and put students in pairs to write down what he says.Then let them check their answers with the IÍstening scriptin the Student,sBook onp.I24 Languagespot with adjectivesand adverbs Comparisons Aturbofanis a jet engine A Newtonis a u n it of fo rce Check students understand the differencebetween adjectivesand adverbs Ask them to make simple sentencesusing/ast, early,high,andlate as both adverbsand adjectives.For example:7hÍsis afasttrain (adjectíve),andThe traíngoesveryfast (adverb) x Tip Beforedoing the exercise,ask studentsto say which adjectiveswill change their spellingaccordingtotherules inTip table (Iarge,big,heavy) x Tip N u m b e r sa n d u n i t s 397,246.05k9 is saidas: threehundredand ninety-seven thousand two hundredandforty-sixpoint ohfive kilograms P o i n to u t : t h e c o mm a i s n o t s p o k e n t h ed e c i m a p l o i n ti s s a i da s p o i n t t h e n u m b e r sa f t e rt h e p o i n ta r eg i v e na s s e p a r a t de i g i t s a f t e rt h e p o i n tc a nb es a i da s o h o r a sz e r o a l t h o u g hk g i s w r i t t e na s s i n g u l a ri t, i s s p o k e na s p l u r a l O'r2faster larger bigger lessheavy 6smaller cheaper lo w er better 10 mo r eso phisticated 11 moreefficiently Check studentsunderstand the information in the table.Then get students to make some sentencesorally comparing the two planes using comparatÍveadjectives.Finally,set the exercise Or t longer sho r ter heavier faster far ther/ fur ther higher mo r ep owerful more recently U n i t1 El Additionalactivity If necessarydo this orally first,then get students to write their sentences (weakerstudents) Put weaker students into two groups Studentstake it in turns to read out the raw data.(Thisis a useful checkthat they can'transiate'the written numbers and unit abbreviationsinto words.)If a studentreadsit correctly,he / she gets one point If the oppositegroup think the student has made a mistake,and correct it, they get two points Reading Branchesof technology First checkthat studentsunderstand the following words in the news stories(seeTrp) O'rta El Additionalactivity (strongerstudents) Encouragestudentsto produceadditional sentencesusrnga wider rangeof structures,for example: TheBoeinghas a smallercapacitythan theAírbus TheAirbus has the same numberof e n g i n e sa s t h eB o e í n g TheAirbus is slightlyslowerthan the Boeing x Tip textmessage- writtenwordssentvia m o b i l ep h o n e( a l s oc a l l e d5 M S ) microwave- a high-frequency e l e c t r o m a g n e tw i ca v e ,u s e di n microwaveovens h a c k -g a i ni l l e g aal c c e s tso a c o m p u t e r Apple- the name of a computercompany x Tip S e n sor s Z g 3b 4c 5f 6d 7h 8e Vocabulary Recording new words Thesetasks introduce studentsto two useful ways of learning and remembering key technícalvocabuiar}:Word sets and word cards Encouragestudentsto keep a recordof new technical vocabulary in special notebooksand on word cards t Ask studentsto producethe word sets in pairs Ask studentsto produceword cards individually,with a good dictionary.lf possibie,use this as an opportunityto encourageuse of an English-English dictionarv Gadget box oT |nco r r Í rnear s bedr o o ms When studentshave completedProject:classsurveyask them if they were surprisedthat the smoke detectorwas top of the UK surveylist.Ask them whytheythink it was top (possibieanswer:Itsavesalot of livesand Isfound in many homes.) i o n i z a t i o n :g i v i n g a n a t o m a n elprtrir Pronunciation rF'traa o p t i c a l :u s i n g l i g h t w a v e s r p fp r f í r l \ - < e n < p í r l \ Word stress detector(n)=sensor(n) El Additionalactivity (strongerstudents) Put studentsinto groups to producea large-scalesimple diagram of either i) the opticaldetectorsmoke alarm,or 2)the ionization detectorsmoke alarm This can be preparedas homework They can then presentthelr diagram to the class and give a short oral explanation of how it works 6) Cet studentsto listen to the words and mark the stressedsyllables Tellthem to noticecaseswhere the stresschangesaccordingto the part of speech.For example,rnmachineandmachiryerythere is no change,but in feglnical andtechnjcianthe stressedsyllablechanges ol t machíne machinery mechanics mechanic mechanical technical technician techno lo gy electr o n l0 electr o nics '11 eleltr ical l2 electrician Vocabulary Word groups This exerciseintroducesstudentsto another way of learning and remembering key technical vocabulary II T e c h n o l o gayn d s o c i e t y O* Subjects mechanics e lectr o nics t echno lo gy P eo pleandj o bs mechanic t e c h n i c i an e l e c t r i c i an Things mechanism electr o n electr icity Adjectives mechanical electr o nic techn icaI electr ic Ia PairwoÍk Beforedividing students into pairs for this task,briefly discuss the headings in the left-hand column of the table and check their understanding.Payload means paid cargo Geostationarysatellltesorbit the Earth at the speed of the Earth'srotation(andso appearstationaryfrom Earth).Thereis more information about satellitesand orbit in Unit 13.p.96 x Tip Some innovations ABS (AntilockBraking System)- prevents a v e h i c l ef r o m s k i d d i n gw h e n y o u b r a k e a i r b a g - t h i s i n f l a t e sw h e n a c a r c r a s h e s , a n d p r o t e c t st h e d r i v e r D N Á _ t h e m a t e r i a Ii n s i d ec e | | st h a t c a r r i e s g e n e t i ci n f o r m a t l o n l a s e r - a n a r r o w ,i n t e n s e b e a m o f l i g h t w h i c h i s p o w e r f u l e n o u g ht o c u t t h i n g s Proiect:classsuÍvey Put students into small groups.Ask studentsto order the items individually first,and then discusswith their group and agreea final order (see Webquestkey).Ask gloups Ífthey WeIesurprisedby the UK survey findings Discussthe innovationsbrieflV,and checkthat studentsunderstandal1the terms (seeTrp) Tell studentsthey can chooseSomeÍnnovationsfrom the list in I or choose different ones.Get each group to decide on four or five innovations,then have a classdiscussionto decidethe top ten Webquest Setthis task as homework.Ask studentsto their own research,and then comparetheir answerswith their group in the next class O E ( N o t ea: n u m b e ro f a n s w e r sa r ep o s s i b l eb e c a u s es o m ei n n o v a t i o nhsa v e differ entstagesin theirdevelo pment.) lnno vatio n Year Or der 1969 I Smo kedetecto r 1946 M o b i l ep h o n e Microwaveoven 1945/46/48 1987 Digitalcamera 1985 D NA testing l970s Lasereyesur ger y A i rb a g s ear ly197Os 'r9sr C r e d i tc a r d s L o n g - l i f e , l o w - e n e r g y l i g h t b u l b s9 unknown l a t e1 s A B Sb r a k e s 10 E Additionalactivity (strongerstudents) Ask studentsto think of ways of grouping someof the Key wordswith relatedwords Forexample:affect (v)with effect(n); downloadwith its oppositeupload; exploration(n)with explore(v); innovation(n)with innovate(v); (n) pollution(n)with pollute(v);take-off with takeoÍÍ$)and its oppositeland (v)' Key woÍds Go through the list of words to checkstudents'pronunciationand understanding.Referthem to the Glossaryif necessary l O U n i t2 Background What is the differencebetween a technician, a technoiogist,and an engineer?The main differenceis in Ievelof education andtraining Engineershave the most advancedtraining and normally hold university degrees In everydaycontexts,the titles technician and technologist are sometimes used interchangeably,meaning a specialist working in technology below the level of engineer.In training contexts,technologistis normally used for someone at a hlgher level (usuallytraine dfor 2-3 years)than a technician (usuallytrained for l-Zyears) You can progressfrom technician to technologist and then to engineer by following coursesat collegesand universities.Collegesoffer certificatesand diplomas (a diploma is a higher level qualification than a certificate).Universities offer degrees As an example, in the UK system,most young people who want a careerin technology start by studying at a coliege of further education or universÍty.They would normally followthe route:HNC (Higher National Certificate)) HND (HigherNational Diploma)) B.Eng/bi: end3/ (Bachelorof Engineering degree).Some universities allow students to transfer to a degreecourse early,after completing only one year of a diploma course It is also possible for students to leave school at sixteen and work as an apprentice with a company.The company can then releasethem from work for some time everv week to allow them to study at a college.This is called a part-time,day-releaseor'sandwich'course In this unit, there Ísan example of a student,Alec,who is following an HND dipioma course in civil engineering in a collegein Scotland.Civil engineerswork in the planning and constructionof airports,bridges,highways, harbours, etc.The course syllabus includes the following subjects: , Construction surveying This teaches how to measure a site,and mark out lines and points from the plans on the ground Constructíonmanagement This teaches how to ensule that a building projectis compieted on time, with the correctmaterials,within budget,and safely , Fluid mechanics This teacheshow liquids and gases move and affect structures.This is important in constructing pipelínesand dams Geotechnics.This teachesthe mechanical propertiesof soil and rocks.This is important in constructÍngtunnels, pipelines,and foundations ComplexcommunÍcations (sometimescalled simply communication,or communicationskills).This teaches how to communicate on technical matters.Working in technology you need to be able to speak and write effectivelyto clients,write clear reports,and give oral presentationsto colleagues ,, CAD (Computer-assisted design).Surveyorsand architects use computer softwareto help them draw plans anddesigns Switchon t set this first as a Scanning exercÍse Give students a five_minutetime limit to read quickly and silently to answer the questions.Then allow them to re-readthe text more slowly if necessaryto check their answers Or t Twoyears M anager ,techno lo gist,and indus try technicianin the co nstr uctio n Yes Discussthe answers with students and check that thev know what all the subiectsare Or t C i v i l e n g i n e e r i nmga t e r i a l s 7tT M echanicsand str uctur e M aths Communications S t u d y i n gt e c h n o l o g y Chooseone or two pairs to give their answersto the questions.Referto What can l next?for the answeÍto t Discusshow engineeringcouIsesare different in their own country and ask students'opinions about this course Listening Thecourse I Oo this exercisebefore students listen.The exercisewill help familiarize them wíth the tímetable O'r t 09.00 4.5 El Additionalactivity (stronger students) Hereare some additional questionsto ask basedon part of the interview: ,' How is thecourseassessed? ", Whatprojectis he working on? ' In Complexcommunications,what is he writinghis reportabout? , How can a studenttransferfrom an HND to a BEng degree? B.D avis Self-study f) llay part 1of the interview.If necessary,playthe recording more than once,but play the complete sectíoneach time if possible,preferably without pausing O * t Seco ndsemestero f hisfir stvear None Seventeen Craphicommunication Technician A r chitectur al Q llay part of the interview' Use the same procedureas ín 2.Note that the gaps not occur on the tape in the numbered order Theoryof structures O'r l, 3,4 Complexcommunications F l u i dm e c h a n i c s 6,7,8 P r o j ectw o r k fi) First get studentsto predict the answers to the questionswithout piaying the recordÍng.Do not check or correcttheir answers at this poÍnt Then play part of the intervieq using the same procedureas in (Note: the Frrth of Forthis a long channel of the North Sea,just north of the Scottishcapital,Edinburgh.) Or t Takea degr eein Str uctur alEngineer ing BEng Fouryears Bigstr uctur es Get studentsto write theÍrown timetable in English.Tell them to use the one in the Student'sBook as a model x Tip Languagespot Top margin A s ks t u d e n t tso | o o ka t t h e s t a t í s t iacn d i t t o t h e p e r c e n t a g eosf m a l e sa n d compare f e m a l eo s n t h e i rc o u r s el.f a p p r o p r i a t e , d i s c u sw s h y m e n s e e mt o b e m o r ea t t r a c t e d t o t e c h n o l o gtyh an w o m e n Present5implev PÍesentContinuous Elicit the answer that sentences1-4 use the PresentContinuous because they describea temporary situation.In 1,AIec is currently doing an HND, but will soon complete his course and start doing something else.In2-4, the projectswill last a limited time and then come to an end Sentence5 usesthe PresentSimple becauseit describesa weekly routine.Sentences 6-8 have verbs of thinking and feeling (enjoy,Iike,want) P ho to co piable O Ox fo r dUniver sit yPress fl Communication StudentA You are a Computer Hotline Technician.Read the extractfrom your troubleshootingguide.A customer phones you with problems.Give the customer advice and instructions You are trying to set up a wireless network to iink your notebook computer to a wireless router but you are having probiems.Phone the computer hotline technician and note downthe solutions he / she suggests.For example: My notebookcomputercan't connectto the Internetwirelessly What shouldI do? My notebookconnectsto the Internet,but the signal strengthis very low.What'sthe solution? Problem: The installation CD does not start automaticallv Solutions: Recommended close otherWindows programs first Essential click START and then click RUN Tlrpe in D:\insta1l.exe Problem: The installation software cannot locate the wireless router Solutions: Recommended close down anv firewall and anti-virus program first Essential switch off power to the router for ten seconds, and then switch on again Check the power light is on Recommended shut down and restart computer Essential re- start installation CD $rStudentB You are trying to set up a wÍreless network to link your notebook computer to a wírelessrouter but you are having problems.Phone the computer hotline technician and note down the solutions he / she suggests.For example: Problem: The notebook computer is unable to connect wirelessly to the Internet When I put the installationCD into the drive,theCD doesn'tstart automatically.What can I do? Essential move notebook nearer router The installation softwareis running,but it can'tfind the wirelessrouter.Whatshouldl do? You are a Computer Hotline Technician.Read the extract from your troubleshooting guide.A customer phones you with problems.Give the customer advÍceand instructions Solutions: Recommended close down wireless program and reopen Check if there is a connection If there is, move the notebook to a location where the connection is made Problem 2: The notebook computer connects to the Internet, but the signal strength is very low Solutions: Recommended use notebook max 30m from router Essential use notebook max.60m from router Recommended move metal cabinets out of the way Essential move wireless telephone handsets away from router e O x f o rdU n i v e rs i tvPre s s 92 P h ot ocooi abl@ l2 Grammaltest Write sentencesusing the Past Passiveform of the verbs in brackets xXAMPLE I 1-g7l-First email (send) Thefirstemailwas sentin 7977 7973 First mobile phone (produce) 1981 First spaceshuttle(launch) 1985 Firstversionof MicrosoftWindows (ship) 1990 First working version of World Wide Web (complete) 7996 First ciockwork radio (invent) Change the sentencesfrom active to passive EXAMpLE Beforepens,peoplewrote lettersusing feathersdipped in ink Beforepens,IetterswerewrÍttenusingfeathers dipped in Ínk They completedthe Akashi Kaikyo bridge in Japanin 1998 Peoplebeganwork on the InternationalSpaceStation(lSS)in 1998 Spaceshuttiesbroughtthe first crew membersto the ISSin 1999 They flew the first supersonicaeroplane,Concorde,in 1969 Match Ítemsfrom the past with contrastingitems from the present Past Present a P a i n tc a r sU yf r a n d g r a p h i t oe r t i t a n i u m b C a r r yp h o n e * g , b yr i t * * , i n k j e to r l a s e rp t n t r - c M a k e t e n n i s r a c k e t sf r o m w o o d e m a i la n di n t e r n e t d P r i n td o c u m e n t u s s i n gd o t m a t r i xp r i n t e r s c o m p u t e r - c o n t r o l sl epdr a y e P l a ym u s i cb y m e a n so f t a p er e c o r d e r s f i b r e - o o t i cc a b l e s U , i d ' t k s , C ? s , a n di P o ! : Write sentencesusing information from the table ExA M p L E In thepast,carswerepainted by hand,but now they arepainted using computer-controlled sp rays Ask relevant questionsusing the question words in brackets.Do not repeatthe words tnitalÍcs ExAMpLE The suspensionbridgewas built to linktogethertwo islands.(Why) Why was the suspensionbridge built? The first telephoneswere installedin the 1880s.(When) Radarwas first used on shipssaílingthroughicebergs'(Where) The first radios were powered by means of large batteries.(How) Televisionwas invented Ínthe early 20th century.(When) The space station was launched to allow scientiststo experimentsin space (why) P ho to co piable O Ox fo r dUniver sityPress l2 Communication Readthe guide to codes and discuss it with your group until you are sure you understand howthe two codeswork Here are two different ways to codethe same message Realmessage:CARSARE DESIGNEDBY COMPUTER Coded messageusing method 1:EDE BYC UTE SAR OMP NED CAR RXY SIG Coded messageusing method 2:XVMNV MZYZN DBIZy WTXJH KPOZM How they work? MqtLrgdI Real message:CARS ARE DESIGNEDBY COMPUTER ü&K s3Le X$}& s x# Mffi* ffiY* *Mp l.íxH RKY 13xX s&e ÖMp Nffin *A& &XY $:G 3"*345S?ff* 3S*2?53** X*tr ffiy* Key:123456789(realmessage)c 368275194(codedmessage) Procedure: Divide the messageinto groups of three letters Add'dummy'letters(e g.X,Y,orZ)at the end to completea group Change the order of the gÍoups,using the key Metborl_2 Real message:CARSARE DESIGNEDBY COMPUTER tr.$rft$it K,tr13trS T &Nffi X} &YÜ$M PTJYHR Xv}'íNv $4trY X 3.7 SBXtrY WY X;Yffi Kpsxs{ Key:Move the alphabet forward by five characters: S TU iV.Wi Ú2i(reatmessage) I JKLMNoP QR S TU (coded.message7 A B CDE FGH I J KLMNoPQR c.VWXíz,: nBCDEFGH Procedure: Divide the messageinto groups of five letters 'dummy' If necessary,add ietters (e.9.X, Y,or Z) at the end to complete a group (not neededhere) Change each letter to another letter,using the key With your group,solvethese codedmessages.Each messageuses one of the two methods shown above,but with a different key.The messagesaÍealltaken from the readingpassageon p.87of the Student'sBook.They are the names of items of equipment or processesused in the design and manufacture of cars T s H f f i KlL p{ } trspg Nx x $Í s C*i{ pffib {"!&"XgR'& l{sx &*T p{'íx **M Í*& }stjs F ft p S X W!$T"IQXplg{JT"F &*p R.Q W$RG* }A*m&X xQ*e'W v&Y$p vGIx* v&y** pwxÍCtrvv\íTKp r fi&gs With your group,devise a new code system.Write your system out clearly like the ones in l Make sure you write out the procedureand the key Write a short sentence(approximateiy20-25letters)in your new code.Rememberto add.dummy'letters if the last group of letters is too short.Gíveyour coded messageto 'crack'the one of the other groups,and time how long they take to code.Takethe sentencefrom one of the exercisesin the Student'sBook e O x f o rdU n i v e r s i tvPr e s s 94 Phot ocopi abl@ |3 GrammaÍtest Completethe sentencesabout a brotherand a sister,Robertoand Renata,using the PresentPerfector Past Simple form of the verbs in brackets (be)a computer technician for the iast three years Roberto - (setup)five networks for large companÍes During thÍstime, he Beforebecoming a computer technician,he repair man in a shop for four years (repair)hundreds of computers During those four years he Since 2006 he region (be)a computer (work)for Dynatron,the biggest company in the (become)interestedin computers while Robertoand Renataboth they were at school (begin)a university course in In September2006,Renata computerscience (take)three exams Over the last three months Renata Look at the table Complete the answers with sinceorfor,then write the questions BeginH : owlong ? ExAMpLE A How long has the InternationalSpaceStation (ISS)been in space? B It has been in space since 1998 A, How longdid {h, ^onred missionsto theMoon continue? B Theycontinuedfor threeyears They have travelledto space stations It remained in space 1981 fifteen years They have flown to Mars 1960 They have orbited Earth 1957 It has been in space The mission was in space 1990 fourteen years Project Finished? I n t e r n a t i o nSapl a c eS t a t i o ni n s p a c e _*o M a n n e dm i s s i o ntso t h e M o o n Sp a c es h u ttl e st o spacestatio ns R u s s i a nM i r s p a c es t a t i o ni n s p a c e S p a c em i s s i o n tso M a r s S a t e l l i t eosr b i t i n gE a r t h L957 H u b b l e T e l e s c o ipnes p a c e No C a l i l e oM i s s i o nt o p l a n e Jt u p i t e r Yes,2003 O Ox fo r dUniver sityPress P ho to co piable 13Communication GroupA *-lElx aboutUolP Frequently AskedQuestions What are the main advantages of VolP? - youcancallfromanywhere intheworldby VolPis portable VolPhasa sma||Í|at-rate VoIPis muchcheaperthante|ephone your Yourphone international logging into account on thecomputer long-distance and chargeforallcalls,including number is thesameeverywhere p|acesatthesame Youcanta|kwithmanypeop|e índifÍerent - headset Thehardware is smallandlightweight or smalllP time.Onlinemeetings areeasy ne videos,musicÍi|es Pictures, canbe sentatthesametime VolPhasexcellent coverage allovertheworld.Comparethis is quickerandbetter Onlrnecustomer support thanwith poorcoverage mobilephonesinsomepartsoÍthewor|d with of landlines teleohone or mobileohones youhavediscovered inyourownresearch: Addanyotheradvantages youcouldmakeagainst thesearguments Whatarguments doyouthinkGroupB willmake?Notethepoints $r GroupB _lnlx Frequently AskedQuestions aboutUolP What are the main disadvantages of VolP? is switched VolPonlyworksifyourcomputer on andthe is running Theotherpersonmusthavethesame software |oaded soÍtware andrunning on his/ hercomputer onlyallowyoutocallsomeone SomeVolPcompanies tothesamecompany subscribing Thesoundquality canbe poor- delay,echo,silentpatches youhave |Íthereis a powercut,youcan'tuseVolP(un|ess phonestayson becauseoÍcurrent Land|ine battery back-up) inpho neline - theoperator Difficult to useforemergency services cannot locateyouraddress Youmusthavea secondcomputer setupiÍyouwantto runa line second ohone internet VolP' it has buy headsets or |Ía company changesto to phones- expensive, VolPcanonlybe usedwithbroadband connection youhavediscovered inyourownresearch: Addanyotherdisadvantages youcouldmakeagainst Whatarguments doyouthinkGroupAwillmake?Notethepoints thesearguments P hot ocopi ab lOe O x f o rdU n i v e rs i tyPre s s |4 GrammaÍtest Rewritethe statementsusing must,mustn't,should, or shouldn't ExAMpLE A requirement for all applicants for this job is a degreein engineering All applicantsfor thisjob must have a degreein engineering It is essentialthat candidatesfor the job are not over years old Preferencewill be given to applicants who not smoke Applicants for this post are required to be good team piayers Speaking a foreign language by candidatesis preferable It 1sessentialthat applicants not live more than ten miles from London Put a tick in the correctbox next to each question W hat the questio nerex pects lgrry+r::1{ l ,/ What'syourfullname? Lo ngeransw er D o y o uh o l da d r i v i n gl i c e n c e ? W h e nd i dy o ug e ty o u rd i p l o m a ? W h e r ed i dy o us t u d y f o r y o udri p l o m a ? D i dyou e n j oyt h e c o u r s e ? W h a tw a s y o u r f a v o u r i tseu b j e c t ? W h a t d i dy o u l i k ea b o u ti t ? W h y d o y o uw a n t t h i sj o b ? Complete these questions an interviewer asked Aisha Chetty (seeStudent'sBook p.101).Use the verbs in brackets Where How long Have When Where What subjects How Iong ő VVny (work)now7 (work)at Western IT? (work)for any other companies? (gain)yourHND? (go )toc olleg eT (study)atcollege? (study)for your HNDT (organize)a class visÍtto France Te]ecom7 P ho to co piable @ Ox fo r dUniver sityPress l4 Communication Withyourwhole group, complete this job advertisement giving detaiis of a job which you would like to apply for Now divide your group into two sub-groups:A is the interviewing panei, B is the interviewee is looking for a to join a team of - based in the Candidates preferably city of should have a Certificate or Diploma in , but other technical areas wíll be considered.Additional practical skills in would be an advantage Candidates must be prepared to work irregular hours and to travel Experience working in - is an advantage but not essential The successful candidate will be able to work well in a team, and have good communication skills Name of company: (e.g.Network Solutions Co Ltd) Job title: (e.g.S oÍtware Techn ic ia n) Other job titles in team: (e.g.IT Specialists) Name of city: Field of study: (e.g.soÍtware engineering) Practical skills: (e.9.electricol insta llation) Work experience: (e.9.computeror electronics companies) Ss GroupA: Interviewingpanel Preparequestionsto ask the interviewee in the job interview Also make notes onwhatyour company gives its employees Ouestions s u b j e c tss tu d ied? favouritesubjects? reasons? wo r k e x p e ri e nce? e n j o ywo rk e x p er ience? s k i l l sl e a r n e d ? W h i c hs u b j e c tds i dy o u s t u d yi n y o u rd i p l o m a ? W hichsubj ectsdidyo u enj o ymo st in yo urc ourse? W hy didyo u enj o ythat subj ectmo st? t r ni n g s al ary b e n e f i ts( e 9h ealthcar e) Sr GroupB: lnterviewee Prepare a list of points you wantto make, and some questionsto ask the interviewing panel,in the job interview Statements favouritesubjects s tr e n g t h s wo r ke x p e ri e nce w h a tIl e a r n e d Myfavouritesubjectwas - I enj o yedthis subj ectbecause M y main str engthis Notes t r ni n g ? salary? b e n e f i ts( e gh ealthcar e)? D o yo u giveanytr ainingfo r thej o b? e O x f o rdU n i v e rs i tyPre s s 98 P hot ocopi abl@ |5 GrammaÍtest I Complete the table,changing the noun phrase initalics to a pronoun (/tor them) Phrasalverb usedwith a noun object usedwith a pronounobject p l u gi n H a v e y o up l u g g e di n th e adapter ? H a v e y o up l u g g e di t i n ? p r i n to u t Pl e a s ep ri n to u t th e s ed ocuments fo r me P l e a s ep r i n t t h e mo u tf o r m e switchoff Didyou switchofÍthe machines? s e tu p Let'sset up the companyq u ickly Let's- closedown Closedown the computersimmediatelv Close car r yout l ' l lc a r r yo u tth es u r v e y to mo r r o w quickly immediately Match phrasal verbs with their opposites.Complete the phrasal verbs with on, oLtt, off, together,up, or down a p u s hi n t h e b u t t o n p u tt h e m a c h i n e- b s wi t c ht h e p o wero n pickthehammer c ta k eo f fy o u rg oggles p u l l o u t t h pe l u g d p u ty o u rt o o l sd o w n close the office e o p e nu p t h e s h o p turn thelights f t a k et h e e n g i n ea p a r t put- y o u rh e l m e t again Replacethe verb initalics with the correctform of.setup,give up,plug in,find out, carryout,workout,put on,oÍtakeoff ExAMpLE We hope to implementthe new plan in the next financial year We hope to carry out the newplan in the nextfinancial year The safety Ínspectorshope to discoverwhat causedthe accident The video machine isn't working becauseyou haven't connectedtothe power We need to createa new projectteam to design the new product The investigatorshave stoppedtheir searchfor the missing documents one of a technicÍan'sjobs is to calculatethe costsof a projector new product Write informal questíons.Replacethe verbs tnitalics with the activeform of cut down,workout,set up,find out,or put together ExAMpLE The speedof the crashwas calculatedusingsensorsand cameras How didyouwork outthe speedof the crash? Many Ínterestingfacts werediscoveredduríngthe investigation' The computer parts are assembledinWorkshopD The pollution from these chÍmneyswas reducedby attaching filters to them This organization was startedto developyoung business women as entrepreneurs O Ox fo r dUniver sit yPress 9 P ho to co piable 15Communication Your group is a team of inventors taking part in a competition to find the best new technology for the future With your team, prepare and give a short presentation about your Ídeafor the future Try to persuade a funding committee that your idea is the best Technologyof the FutureCompetition:TeamI New technology Car bo nfibr e+ nano techno lo gy l n du s tr y B r i d g eb u i l d i n g Po s s i b l ed a t eo f u s e 2040? H o wi t w i l lb eu s e d M i c r o s c o p itcu b e sm a d eo f p u r ec a r b o na, t h o u s a n dt i m e s t h i n n e r t h a an h u m a nh a i r , t w i s t ei nd t oc a b l e s Advantages C a b l e s1 0t i m e ss t r o n g etrh a ns t e e lo, n e - s i x t i e tthh e w e i g h t M a i na p p l i c a t i o n U l t r a - l o nbgr i d g e su,p t o 0 k m l o n g O t h e p p l i c a t i o n s o ver Super -skyscr aper s a km high Today'stechnology Steel Li mi tsto to d a y ' st e c hn o lo gy No t str o ngeno ughfo r ver ylo ng br idges( >5 km) $r Your group is a team of inventors taking part in a competition to find the best new technology for the future With your team, prepare and give a short presentation about your idea for the future Try to persuade a funding committee that your idea is the best Technologyof the FutureCompetition:Team2 Newtechnology Activecontactlenses Industry Virtualreality Po s s i b l ed a teo f u s e 2020? H o wi t w i l lb eu s e d Tinylaser so n co ntactlensesscan3-Dimageo nto r et inaof ey e A d v a n ta g e s N o b u l k ye q u i p m e n(t h e a d s ect ,o m p u t e rn) e e d e d M a i na p p l i c a t i o n I n s t a nitn f o r m a t i ow n h i l et r a v e l l i n gs ,h o p p i n ge,t c O t h e p p l i c a t i o n s R e a l i s t icco m p u t e gr a m e sm e r g i n gw i t h r e a l w o r l d Today'stechnology lar geheadset, senso r s, co ntr o ls Co mputerso ftw ar e, Li m i tst o t o d a y ' st e c h no lo gy H eavyheadsetcausesheadacheand eyestr ain $= Your group is a team of inventors taking part in a competition to find the best new technology for the future With your team, prepare and give a short presentation about your idea for the future Try to persuade a funding committee that your idea is the be st Technologyof the FutureCompetition:Team3 Newtechnology Ciant mir r o r sflo atingin space Industry A r t i f i c iIal i g h t i n g Po s s i b l ed a t eo f u s e 2035? H o w i tw i l lb eu s e d M i r r o r s( md i a m e t e rr)e f l e c st u n l i g h t o E a r t h Advantages mo r epo w er fulthanelectr icity Fr eenatur alr eso ur ce, Main application I n c r e a sger o w i n gt i m e i n a g r i c u l t u r e O t h e p p l i c a t i o n s Lightingfo r emer gencystaffin natur aldisaster s T o d a y 'te s chnology fr o m o il,gas,n uclear po w erstatio ns Electr icity Li m i t sto to d a y ' st e c h no lo gy N o t s t r o n ge n o u g he, x p e n s i v ed ,r a i n sn a t u r arl e s o u r c e s 0 C r a m m a rt e s t sk e y UnitI Unit I cheap / fast early / noisy cheaper / faster earlier / noisier large / safe t r What the headphonesweigh? Does the weight include the cablesT bad / far Is the headband adjustable? larger / safer 10 worse / farther (orfurther) Howwide is the ear cushion? big / slim 11 combustible / portable Does it (thebox)include an extension cord? bigger / slimmer 12 more combustible / more portable How long is the cord? Do the headphonesuse batteries or electricity? olderthan the salooncar How many batteriesdo they usel fasterthan the salooncar How you carrythe headphones? more quickly than the sports car smal l e r t h a n t h e s a l o o nc a r 10 What / How much the headphones cost? Possible answers more expensivethan the sports car W hydidhedesignit? mechanism, mechanic When was the CD player designed? technician,technology Howwide is it? electrical,electricity How thick is it? engineering,engineer What colouris it? electronics,electronic Which company sells Ít? Canlbuyito nline? Unit2 Howmuch doesthe shipping cost? C-PS B_PC 10 B-PC B_PC D-PS 11 C_PS D-PS C-PS 12 D_PS A-PS A-PS 10 Is f 83.95the total price? Unit4 I to The verbs that changc are: of for to, to from f.or is controlling O controls is warming C warms Compositesare made from plastic and many fibres are carrying C carry is flowing C flows Fibreglassis used for making the hulls of sailing boats 1am am working study installs attend am helping carryout are visiting are doing 10 is building The sails of sailing boats are made of polyester Bicycle helmets are made from polycarbonateand polystyrene is is returns resistant is to resists has flexible 10 bends Cr ammartestsk ey 1 t Fibreglassis tough and slightly flexibie.ThÍsis why Ítis used to make arrows Polystyrenehas good heat-resistanceand lightness.This is why it is used for manufacturing the insides of cycling helmets Polycarbonateis transparent and highly scratchresistant.This is why it is used to make sungiasses TÍtaniumis hard and has corrosion-resistance This is why it is used to make ship propellers Unit6 t f The GPS navigation system locatesyour position anywhere on earth The Rotundus spherical robot patrols and guards buildings and sites The Flashcam warns people not to commit a crime Dynamic grip recognition allows a gun to be used onlyby its owner A police officer protectsthe public and catches crimÍnais Unit tand2 a-7 When you pressthe alarm button, a ioud bell rings b- As you turn the steeringwheel clockwíse,the car turns to the right c- When you ciick on the'save'button,the program storesyour data on the hard disk d- As you turn the steeringwheei anticlockwise,the car moves to the left e- As the pendulum of the clock oscillates,the spring becomestighter f- When you push down the camera button,the camera takes a picture g- As the piston moves in a reciprocating motion, it turns the camshaft in a rotary movement h- As you rotate the volume knob clockwise,the sound on the radio becomeslouder before arter before after after after t As the piston moves down the cylinder,the oil ín the pipe transmits pressureto the brake pad When the pressureof the oil pushes the pad against the disc,the wheel slows down and stops When you reieasethe brake pedal,the piston moves up the cylindertowards the pedal As the piston returns up the cylÍnder,it removes pressurefrom the oil in the pipe When the pads move away from the disc,the wheel is able to move freeiv L protecting to incapacitate detect monitoring protection warn for to for as to as Io as Unit7 Possible answer First,the plug is pushed into the socket.Then,the scart cable is connected between the TV and DVD player.Then,fry6 fuA,A|atteries are inserted into the remote control.Next, the power is switched on.Then, the TV channel is set to AV.Now, the OPEN/CLOSE button onthe DVD piayer Íspressedto openthe door Next, a disc is placed onto the door.Finally,the OPEN/CLOSEbutton is touched again to closethe door Steelplates are bonded using different types of welding (bywelders) Loavesare removed from theÍrtins bv suction devices Plastic parts are moulded using extrusion or other processes Loavesare sliced in a high-speedslicÍngmachine by huge saw blades The hopper is filled first Plastic parts are removed from the mouid when they are cold The plasticis melted using heaters The melted plastic is pushed along the barrel using a ram Dough is made to rise using yeast The loaves are taken out of their tÍnsusing suction The loaves are sliced using giant sawblades 1by 2from 3to 4in 5to 6bV C r a m m a rt e s t sk e y Unit I rwill may / might will Unit lO will not I may / might not Aspirin is a medicine which relievespain may /might A set of step-upgears is a mechanism which íncreasesthe rate of rotation Why won't the office computers work today? Paediatriciansare doctorswho treat children What will the boss announce next week? An operatingtable is a piece of hospital equipment which supports patients durÍngsurgery' Howwillthe heating system operate? Why might wind farms not provide enough powerfor us7 What will become more expensive as fuel costs increase? 2and3 b- Whywon't planes need so muchfuel? will won't won't will may / might may / might will won't may / might f A nurse is an employee who looks after patients 10 may /might Unit9 These ear protectorsmust be carried everywhere in the aircraft hangar c-2 The AbioCor controlleris a devicewhich calculatesthe best heart rate for a patient d- An RP6 is a robot which examines patients remotely e- Ultracane is a device which helps blind people to move around easily f- Mechatronics is a field which combines three types of engineering A What are these components forT B They're for detecting changes in the environment A What's this machine forT B lt's for making molten plastic into products The computers must be repaired by specÍalist technicÍans A What are these devicesforT B They're for pumping blood around the body and into the lungs Thls engine must be checkedby expert technicians The wet concretemust be left for severaldavs before walking on it A What's this machine for? B It'sfor converting a visual image into digital form These gears must be lubricated every day A What's this mechanism for? B lt's for increasing the volume of sound waves in the ear l- Drivers are required to check the brakes,lights, tyres,and water before a long car journey Apprentices must always wear overallsin the workshop An X-ray technician is a specialistwho operatesand processesX-rays 51who 2by 3to 4to 5which 6for All accidentsmust be reportedto your supervisor You must not work at a height without a harness and a lifelÍne A safety helmet must always be worn in this building site Never swítchoff your computer Don't enterthis warehouse Never eat or drink Only start the car and drive away Always switch off the power to the video machine Unit Il t f i think you should close down your computer and restart it now I don't think you should touch that door for at Ieastfive hours after painting it I think you should use a socketwrench to take those wheel nuts off I don't think you should change your office computer system I don't think you should use this machine until you've read the safety manual C r a m m a r t e s t ks e y b in the past,phone messageswere carried by Possible answeÍs I suggestyou check that the mouse is connected to the computer using the correctsocket metal wires, but now they are carried by fibreoptic cables You can re-install the mouse driver using the CD c In the past,tennis racketswere made from wood, but nowthey are made from graphite or titanium I think you should make sure that the mouse is compatible with Windows XP Try opening Control Panel and checking the mouse settings You should Ínstallthe mouse driver from the DoS prompt Do you think we should changeour computersystem? d In the past,documents were printed using dot matrix printers,but now they are printed using inkjet or laser printers e In the past,music was played on tape recorders, but now it is played on minidisks, CDs,and lPods f In the past,letterswere sent using the postal service,but nowthey are sent using email and internet open a new company branch? When were the first telephones installed? r e pai r t h eg r i n d i n g m a c h i n e ? Where was radar first used? write the reportimmedlately? Howwere the first radios poweredi r e pl ac e th e i n j e c ti o n m o u l d e rT When was teievÍsioninvented? You should place the top of the monitor at eye Whywas the spacestationlaunched? level when working at a computer You must wear a hat and hair net when working in a food factory Unit13 You should use a chair with good support for the back and neck when sitting at a desk t hasbeen has worked has setup became was began repaired hastaken You must wash your hands thoroughly after handiing any chemicals You shouldn't play computer games for more than an hour per day A How long have space shuttlestraveiledto spacestations? B They have traveiledto spacestatÍonssince 198]- Unit 12 The first mobile phone was producedin 1973 The first space shuttle was launched Ín1981 A How long did the Russian Mir space station remaÍnin space? B It remained in spacefor fifteen years The first version of Microsoft Windows was s hi ppe din A Howlonghave spacemissionsflowntoMars? The first working version of the World Wide Web was completedin 1990 A How long have satellites orbited EarthT The first clockwork radio was invented in 1996 A How long has the Hubble telescopebeen in spaceT The Akashi Kaikyo bridge in Japan was completed i n 1998 Work on the International SpaceStationwas begun in 1998 The first crew members WeÍebrought to the ISSin 1999 by space shuttles The first supersonicaeroplane,Concorde,was flown in 1969 b-5 c-1 d-2 e-6 f-3 B They have flown to Mars since 1960 B They have orbited Earth since 1957 B It has been in spacesince 1990 A H o w lo ngw astheGalileo M issio ninsp ace? B It was in spacefor fourteen years 104 Grammartests key Unit 14 1 Candidates for the job mustn't be over 65 years old Applicants shouldn't smoke Applicants for this post must be good team players find out given up plugged in work out setup Possible answers Candidates should speak a foreign language What did you find out during the investigation? Applicants mustn't live more than ten miles from London Where they put together the computer parts? 2 yes / no yes / no info info info longer you work longer didyougo have you worked · did you study you worked · did you study did you gain · did you organize Unit 15 1 Did you switch it off? Let's set it up quickly Close them down immediately I'll carry it out tomorrow b-5-off c-6-on d-2-up e-4-down f -l-together How did you cut down the pollution from these chimneys? Why did you set up this organization? OXFORD ENCLISH -4 tsBN 978-0-1 9-456951 llililll [...]... situationfirst.They can aiso suggestsome situationsfrom their own technicalfíeldand then practisemole apo1ogiesand acknowledgements xTip Vocabulary Top margin C o m p a rteh eJ C Bw i t ho t h e rl a n ds p e e d record s: Solap r o w e r e dc a r- 4 8 l 1 m p h( 1 9 8 8 ) 3 ph (19 95) B i c y c l-e1 6 1 O 4m E l e c t r icca r- 2 4 5 5 2 3m p h L a n dc a r- 7 6 3 0 5m 5 ph l fs t u d e n tws a n ts... example:Move your sequence handina rotarymotion aboveyour headas-you moveyour left legforwards and backwards The other student has to carry outthe dual instruction 1, 048,576 1: 8 16 mm 0.0r Referstudentsto the Symbolsand characterstable on p .11 4 x Tip E Additionalactivity e f g h Describingmotion t Beforethey look at this exercise,ask studentsif they can remember any adjectivesdescribing direction of motion... nis( '19 06 -19 88) Bo r nin Smyr na,at that time Cr eek,but m ov ed t o t h e U K i n 1 9 2 3M o t o rc a rd e s i g n e b r ,e s tk n o w nf o rt h e M o r r i sM i n i l958 intr o ducedin Philippe S t a r c k( 1 9 4 9 )- F r e n c hi n t e r i odr e s i g n e ar ,r c h i t e c at ,n d d e s i g n e r o f a w ide r angeo f co nsumerpr o ductsfr o m to o thbr ushes to co m p uters Cio r getto Ciugiar o (19 38o.. .1 2 U n i t2 Beforestudentsdo this exercise,checkthat they know which tensesto use For example,elicit that sentence1 should be Present Simple becauseit expressesa daily or weekly routine.In sentence10,point out that the PresentSÍmpleis also possible- using the PresentContinuousindicatesthe situation is temporary until a new brídgeis built t Or '1 teaches 2 start 3 i s/ '... understanding.Referthem to the Glossaryif necessary 1 4 U n i t3 Background Design is at the heart of technology. This is why most technology coursesinclude design in their syilabus.Look at any manufactured product,and you will see evidence of design.lt may be beautiful,but appearanceis only one aspectof design.lt must alsofunction well.The design processis a seriesof stages,or steps.Itbeginswhen someonenoticesthat there... do a few in pairs as question and answer,using short forms as in Unit 2,e.g 1A Isit safe?B Yes,it Ís Afterstudentshave done exercise2 get themto do a few in pairs as question and answer,using shortforms in the answer, e.g.1AWheredoesshe work? B In London 1 Ask studentswhich sentencesalready have an auxiliary verb in them (1, 3,5, 7,9).Ask them what they will do in the case of sentence 2,with no auxillary... m a n yf u n c t i o n sd o e si t h a v e ? 1 0 c a nl b u y i t ? x Tip CustomeÍCaÍe Top margin P o i n to u t t h e q u o t a t i o nf r o m S h a wa t t h e t o p o f p 1 9A s k s t u d e n t sw h a t t h e yt h i n ki s t h e m o s t i m p o r t a n tq u a l i t yo f a d e s i g n e r (Possible á flSWeÍS: imag i nation, creativity, m u s tb e a d r e a m e r ) T h eans kt h e m w h y t... questÍonssuch as What subjectdoeshe / she haveon Wednesdays? S t u d y i n gt e c h n o l o g y Problem-solving 1 Cet studentsto do this individuallvfirst.and then to discusstireir decisions with their group O'rA8 B5 C4 D3 E1 F6 C7 H2 2 Get studentsto do thls task in small groups.Encouragestudentsto use sentences1-8 as modelsfor their explanatlons Webquest Cet studentsto readthe coursedescriptionas quickly as possibleand... information, Student A makes Iecommendations.For example You'requite tall, soyour bestbetfor sízeis 60 mm size.You want to do hills,so I,dgofor 874 Key woÍds Go through the list of words to checkstudents'pronunciatlonand understandlng.Referthem to the Glossaryif necessary Z Z U n i t5 Background Appropriate technology is technology which uses locaily available materíalsand expertiseto provide inexpensive... Askstudents whatkindof energythe woundspringhas(potential energy).f he machine converts potentia Ienergyi nto electrica Ienergy * Tip 3V=I Volts J 0m A=3 0m i l l i A m p(s1m A = 0 0 0 1 Amps) Notethe smallm and the largeA x Tip Theinventor 1 cet studentsto coverthe reading text (exceptfor the photograph of the inventor)and discuss anything that they already know about the inventor They should note down ... vatio n Year Or der 19 69 I Smo kedetecto r 19 46 M o b i l ep h o n e Microwaveoven 19 45/46/48 19 87 Digitalcamera 19 85 D NA testing l970s Lasereyesur ger y A i rb a g s ear ly197Os 'r9sr C r e d... backwards The other student has to carry outthe dual instruction 1, 048,576 1: 8 16 mm 0.0r Referstudentsto the Symbolsand characterstable on p .11 4 x Tip E Additionalactivity e f g h Describingmotion t... ideas Get studentsto the matching exerciseindividually or in pairs Os ,14 ,8a , , l ,b5 l,8,5 c , 0d , 5e 9f , 6h 12 ,8i 11 j Get studentsto work individually to make a list of uses for computers