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Oxford English Technology 1 sb

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\\ '\ *-'7' / f *r, \" \ bli\4{ I n t I - \ \ a r \ Student's Book oxroRD \INIVERSITY PRESS Contents It'smyjob Customercare Listening Project/ Webquest/ Problem-solving Reading Technological innovations Branchesof technologY I Technologyand societY P.4 Technologyand work StudyingtechnologY P.]o Thecourse Branchesof technology Coursedescriptions Design p.16 a chair The designprocess Designing Blake: UsingnonKenneth language specialist Furniture Workingwith Designer design in sPort P-7) Technology Making PedroFernandez: BikeMaker Exchanging information recommendations Appropriate technologY P.28 Stirlingengine the Explaining differencebetween Products The inventor Crime-fighting and security p.34 Usinginformal language Manufacturing Manufacturing processes Modern manufacturing processes Lesscommon formsof transport Thecarofthe future Transport p.46 JanBronec: Mechanical Engineer Makingand acknowledging aPologies Carengines with Recordingnew Comparisons words adjectivesand adverbs Wordgroups Wordstress Thetimetable PresentSimplev PresentContinuous Strongandweak formsof auxiliary verbs Famousdesigners Questiontypes Skateboardv snowboard Describing usedto,usedfor, madeoJmadefrom materials E x p l a i n i nag diagram Benefitsof appropriate technology Timeclauses motion N u m b e r sa n d Describing quantities Describing function -proof,-resistant, -tight PresentPassive Compoundnouns Prediction: will,may,might Recordingnew expressions Crime-fighting devices a large Crime-fighting Protecting equipment storefrom shoPlifters P.40 NasserAziz: Manufacturing Engineer Satellitelaunch sysrems Shortreportand linkingwords CD manufacturingShortsequence F o o da n dd r i n k manufacturing lntonationfor questlons corÍectiVe stre5s Writing bank o p.52 Technology in sport Appropriate technology Crime-fighting andsecurity Manufacturing Transport High living:skyscrapers Medicaltechnology Personalentertainment Careersin technology High living:skyscrapers.p.68 Showingvisitors LeonPeters: rounda SteelErector construction site Thetallest buildingsin the world How slgrscrapers are built Thefuture of technology Reading bank key p.66 Foundationtypes Safetysignsand safety advice Stressin long words (1) 10 Medical technologyo p.7+ Phillipe Rugeri: Givingclear Mechatronics instructions Engineer 1l Personalentertainmento o.80 BrunoSchleef: Makins VideoGames tuggeitions uesrgner 12 Informationtechnologyo p.8o DianaMayo:lT Support Technician Devicesforthe blind Best-selling computergame genres Devicesforthe elderly Opinions Opposites Linkingwords Videogames should/ shouldn't Newvocabulary CADCAM Computer peripherals PastPassive Collocations VolP phone systems Mobile phones PastSimplev PresentPerfect PastSimplev PresentPerfect Job descriptions PersonalitycareerCV test Jobinterview Job requirements Stressin long words (2) Future developments Phrasalverbs a Workingona help Supercomputers Describing desk changes o p.92 13 Telecommunications in ToddMcArthur: Explaining Telesimpleterms communications Technician Shortdescription Relativeclauses Satellite communication systems -edformofverbs and wordswith silentletters 14Careersin technologyo p.98 15Thefuture of technologyo p.lo+ Sayinggoodbye Pairworkactivitieso o.110 Predictions Symbols and characteÍs p.1l4 Grammarreference o.ll5 Affixes Listeningscriptst p.124 Linkingin phrasal verbs Glossary p.t31 U n i t1 Switchon t Look at pictures A-F They show ways in which technology affects how we live Identlfy the different items in each oicture Match the effectsof technologyto picturesA-F Declde which effectsare posltive,and which are negative fasttravel roaddeaths ) spaceexploration rttrav -^ll' '+i^- nuclearmissiles less housework \ nheen overweight people 10 globa1warming 11 easy communication n^r^raT noise pollution 12 mass entertainment EXAMPLE PictureA (PositÍveeffect) lil /t I- Ia - I - trttF $;: ffi" tr ,/ j (Negative effect) Technologyand society o speakingaboutthe way technologyaffectsou r lives o listeningto peopledescribingthe effectsof new technologyon theirwork o comparisonswith adjectivesand adverbs o how to stresstechnicalwords o h o wt o g r o u pa n d r e m e m b e n r e wt e r m s listening o Languagespot Technologyand work Comparisonswith adjectivesand adverbs I f) fisten to four people describing the effectsof new technology on their work Match each person to his / herjob The speakersare comparing howthings are now with how they were before: It'smuchfaster It'smore realistic It'ssafer My salesare muchworse t We make comparisons with short adjectiveslike/ast by adding -er)faster With long adjectiveslike realistic,we use more and less ) more / Iessrealistic Note the irregular form s:Qood) better and bad ) worse Some adverbsare the same as adjectives,for example early,fast,high,late,Wíth these adverbs,we use -er) earli er,fa st er, high er, Iat er With adverbs ending in -ly,we use more and less.We can add much to emphasize the comparÍson: With a computerI can work more efficiently and much faster )) Go to Gtammat reference p.115 I fiU tne gaps to compare computers now and ten years ago.Use the adjectivesÍnbrackets I Vera a shop owner Computers to day are moreP owerÍul' (powerful)' I Lnrrstrne b doctor They operate -'(fast) and they have much (large)memories Becausethey contain Gupta c musicÍan -' Anton d teacher more electronics,thecaseshave become Q Listen again Decide whether each person makes comments which are posÍtive,negative,or both Tick (/)the correctcolumn(s) Positive i Negative Vera Christine Gupta o (big) but the flat-screen monitors are -5 (heavy) and fit into a -' desk.Computers are also 8(low) nowthan is in the past.The programs too e (good).They are are -to Anton (sophisticated) and you Q Work in pairs Listen to the shop owner again and write down what he says.Help each other to make a complete and accurateversion.Then compare withthe Listening script on p.124 canworkmuch 11 (effciently) (small) space on your 7(cheap).The price ) o t d i v i d e di n t o l-class(adjn f i r s tb , u s i n e s sa,n d e c o n o m y classes r a n g e ( n )t h e d i s t a n c et h a t a l e f o r ei t n e e d s p l a n ec a nt r a v e b m o r ef u e l r : e i l i n g( n ) t h em a x i m u m h e i g h t h a t a p l a n ec a nf l Y "i*'" {$\ í!'h\ Tno'u "'u,, € -,' \\\* l Lookat the diagramsof the Airbus A380 and the Boeing747.Then studythe table and completesentences1-8 comparingthe two planes' (long)than the Boeing A i r b u sA l Boeing747 The Airbus is _- length 73m 7O.1m w r n g s pna 79.8m weight (empty) , 0 0k g 64.4m '180,800 kg The Boeingis a little -Airbus weight ( m a x i m u mt a t e o f f ) 5a8,000kg kg 39r,ooó The Boeingis The Airbus can fly - (far)than the Boeing s p e e d( m a x i m u m ) 5k p h , 2k7p h (high)thanthe range , 0k0m 0k m The Boeingcan flYAirbus cllins 13,100m 13,500m c a p a c i t (ym a x i m u m ) ( l - c l a s s ) 5 0( - c l a s s ) engrnes 4turbofans turbofans t hr u s t , 8k N , 6k N r,r,tintr.oauá zooi r9 ó (short)than the (heavy)weight The Airbus can carry a than the Boeing (fast)than the Airbus The AÍrbusengines ale -.8 The Airbus was introduced_- (powerful) (recently) Now write three more sentencesof your own comparingthe two Planes T e c h n o l o gayn d s o c i e t y Reading Vocabulary Branchesof technology Recordingnewwords Readheadlines1-8from recentnews stories.Match the headlinesto the correctbranch oftechnologya-h One effectiveway of recording key words used in technology is to group them into word sets.Study the example of how to group words related to biotechnology l'| L \I i ( ' r ' t l V t ' l l l ' lt l l l l i l l l b r ' r i nc c l l s .t' í j i i * .,.,.rrl$,' -t ,L | 15billiontext messagessenteverymonth i;l ! USA developing a vveaprrn to fire microwaves E] L[...]... work on his course? StudentA Go to p .11 0 StudentB 09.00 -11 .00 11 .15 -'t3.00 | 14 .00 -15 .30 'r5.30-'r6.30 SELF-STUDY Mon Tues Tutorial Hardware Clientoperating installation systems & maintenance R ]10 Rl02 Wed Computer operating systems R]05 Structured programming Thur lT applications R]07 Fri R]05 Computer architecture 410 4 C o m m u n i c a t i o n Free skills Free Free 1 4 U n i t2 Problem-solving I Pictures... Student B Go to p .11 1 Go to p .11 3 f) Togetherdecide how the device operates.Then compare your explanation with the recording Speaking Studythesestatementsaboutappropriatetechnology Tick(/)the onesyou agreewith and cross(X)thoseyou with dÍsagree 1 Appropriatetechnologyis onlyfor poorcountries 2 Technologystudentsshouldinvent and make appropriatetechnologydevices.3 StudyÍngappropriatetechnologyis a waste... i t , ' ; 1r r l ; l l 1 p ; ro i 3 \ i ; i t ; t l r - , r i.tl O n t l \ T h r : s i ; r i n 1 ,1 t ; t sc i t o t t l l i r l ) ) I / 1i i:.r ( ' r r i i r l l t i t r r li r t [ o r 3 0 n t j i ' r t l r bs r ' Í l t ' ) , r l hr rl i ' r i :i o r v i l l r ti t i | ] ) , l r ' l Jt 1 ' | Á ( ) r c t h a n t r n , om i l I i o n 1 ] ; l i i i ' ' "l lI i : l l i ] i ' ]; 1 I {1 l l r t... Pronunciation Nurnbersand quantities I ( ) t < e u d o L t l i l tr tt l t t t t l t t : i , tcr1 l' 1 , r - i t i t i , : ' s ' l ' l i , r t t I i r ; l r t a t r l c l r c i \ r r - l l rr , v v r s a 3.742 r' 16 KJ lz i 12 V t)(' b 11 50lrurr Í 30rrrÁ i 10 " c 250Nlu B OoC '7')",'" h l.: 10 " d 60 cl-l I 40:l 2 ( ) L i s t r : n : , r rrr"lv r i t r - ' J r r ,tr vhntr r L r r n b ear... p .11 5 t Put the verb in the sentencesin the correcttense Present Simple or Present Continuous (teach)Maths 1 Ms Davis - 4 He - (take)an HND course (study) at Telford College this year 5 On Tuesdays, he 6 He He bridge (carry)ten times the 10 The old bridge traffic Ítwas designed to carry 2 Answerthese questions about yourself with complete sentences.Use the timetable you wrote in 5 on p .11 to help 1. .. design? )) Go to GramrnarreÍerencep .11 6 1 8 U n i t3 Custome]CaÍe 1 Make the statements into Yes/ No ouestions 1 It'ssafe Usingnon-specialist!anguage 2 It works well 3 You can mould some plastics easily 4 She made a model 5 Hehas desÍgnedalot of products 6 You design sports equipment 7 The materials are available 8 He built a prototype 9 They've drawn a lot of sketches 10 She thinks nylon is the best choice... self-studytime andfreeperiods Civil engineering, Semester 2 l 5 - 1 2 l 5 09.00-l L00 Mon 3,r 4,5 H.Lomax B'Daüs Ttre llVed 4.30 -16 .30 3 1 5 - 1 4l 5 2 Maths G2 WeiMing Civil engineering Materials Labs 4.4 D.Cowan SELF-STUDY 3 Calculus 4.2 B.Davis J,Bell c.IDoyle T) Cowan 4.5 Íhur 4.5 FREE J.Bell T'DY Fri C4 T) (lowa D.Cowan 1 2 U n i t2 18 % ofengineering students on unrversrty coursesIn the U5A in 2004were... EngÍneer,and check yortransr,vcrs ln this unit O , l r ' , ' 1, ; ir ' i , l'i,rr í |l i O h c , n rt l , r tj e i i ,i l ', irt 1 r ,l r i L i r l lrirl O l i ; ) t t r , l t ' :ri ; il ' O l i ! t r l l i l i j r r ' : lli1, - )l i i l:rl, rr,ir,t.: The clockrruorkr a clii'r I ' r c , , r cI lr, i , ' i iIl ;l ;: r t ti n , i r ' I t t o t I L t1 9 9 1h, e l i c a t , ia l r o r tt l i e p r o b l c r... n ga n d l i s t e n i n ga r eg o o d e n o u g ht o u n d e r s t a n dm o s to f e a c ht e x t i n t h i su n i t Go to p .11 0 S t u d e n tA s designer StudentB's designer Name Dates N a t i o n al i t y F a m o u fso r d e s i g inn g Student B FerdinandPorsche (18 75 -19 51) Austrian car designer who contributed to the design of the first Volkswagen and the Auto Union racing cars 2 ln your pairs,find... shock a sealwhich air can't pass through )) Goto Grammar referenceP .11 8 Explain examples 1- 8 inthe same way I Matchthe items in the first columnwith their function inthe secondcolumn 1 a gas-tight seal ahelPPeoPleknow exactlYwheretheYare \ \b incapacitatesuspects 2 PersonalIdentificatÍon without serious injury Numbers(PINs) ltasers .1 3 tagging c helpprotectair travellers 4 anti-virussoftware d keep ... StudentA Go to p .11 0 StudentB 09.00 -11 .00 11 .15 -'t3.00 | 14 .00 -15 .30 'r5.30-'r6.30 SELF-STUDY Mon Tues Tutorial Hardware Clientoperating installation systems & maintenance R ]10 Rl02 Wed Computer... t l i r f i 1 ; -; r1 , , i r lr l r t r l :t t i ,r ; ; : , r i , a r t 'i l 'r l l , : i ^ / h a t k i r t ' ]r l Í Í r ' r r l r l l r l : s t ' h i : ; 1 ] 11 111 ';' 41] ! l , i... belov"r 1. 1;r,lo for 11 6'r ti'ir yr-'ars into the frrturc.Therlcolnparcyour ,oith lrour partner.Try to reach agreernent 1: rc-'lictions thr' mrmber of cars in Vour countrv p1i6's 61, )i1 tl.rr:

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