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Challenging 4in1 p1

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Exercise 3 Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the box.. Exercise 3Fill in the blonks with the correct words from the box.. Choose the correct onswer dnd write its number in t

Trang 3

@ Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd

ALL RICHTS RESERVED No part of this book may be reproduced or

transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,

including photocopying or by any information storage and retrieval

system, without permission in writing from the Publisher

First Published 2OO7

Reprinted 2007 (twice), 2008 (thrice), 2009 (twice),

2010 (four times), 2O'11 (twice),

2012 (twice) Second Edition 2012

Reprinted 2013 (twice), 2014 (thrice),2015

tsBN 978-981-4403.07.8

Published and distributed by:

Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd

a member of Popular Holdings Limited

Trang 4

Chollenging English 4-in-1 is speciollg written

longuoge skills Eoch unit consists of chollenging

exercises on vocobu lorU, g rom mo4 com prehension

ond composition

increose their proficiencg in the longuoge The

comprehension possoges will enhonce pupils'

reoding skills Model compositions ore provided

os guidelines to develop ond improve pupils'

Answers to oll the exercises ore

this series extremelg

Trang 6

3. Mother bugs spinoch ond broccoli

cockrooches ( )


J O fdr.r,ional Publishing Houie Pre Lld


Trang 7

6. The is the person who beots oll the other

to wotch the movie'SuPermon

8 The mogicion woves

the princess into on

Trang 8

Underline the correct dnswers.

the (mechonic, plumber)

Cheetohs ond leopords ore (wild, tome) onimols Thegore veru fierce

Rebecco weors o jode brocelet on her (wrist, woist)




The sow ond its piglets ore feeding in the (st$ shed).

eogle con hold its preg with its shorp (pows, clows).An

Trang 9

Exercise 3

Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the box

lJse eoch word onlg once

fruits such os wotermelons ond opples.his stoll ot six o'clock in the morning

urteous to oll the customers Adom ond his fother usuollg

their stoll ot two o'clock in the ofternoon

collects opens close helPs sells

Then, theg return home for lunch

Trang 11

Mrs Tong is mg form teocher.

she is kind ond potient

Our neighbour's dog borks ot

becouse theg misbehoved

(2) (4)

5. The thief A brove mon choses ofter





(2) (4)

runs owou

Trang 12

6. Aunt Liso celebrotes

birthdog with o portg

(2) (4)

Do not corru o robbit bg


(2) (4)

to the conteen


Trang 13

13. The mon is guiltg The judge

to joil.




not see in the dork

(2) (4)




Exercise 2

Underline the correct onswers

1 A lizord (cotch, cotches) insects with its tongue

We (sing, sings) the notionol onthem everu morninE

Sheilo (heor; heors) o noise



Trang 14

Exercise 3

Fill in the blonks with the correct words from the box

Use each word onlg once

Jio Hu hos o hobbg He (1) to flg kites

He discovered his (2) for kites when he wosseven geors old Before the discoverg,

cacling onlg Jio Hu hos two friends,

rt is (s) thot theg will continue f lging kites for

Ueors to come Theg

like likes liking liked likelg

Trang 15

COM?qE'IENSION Exercise {

Reod the possage carefullg Choose the correct onswer dnd

write its number in the brdckets provided

Jogful Fish Form The form is locoted in Choo Chu Kong

Mr Lee's children, Jog ond Poul, ore thrilled Theghove never been to o fish form

The Lee fomilg reoches their destino[ion.

Mr Lee finds o spoce ot the cor pork ond porks his cor.

The children connot woit to stort exploring the form

Theg run towords the entronce of the form

' JoU, the gounger sibling, wonts to see the

drogon fish breeding pond Poul, the older brothe4

wonts to cotch some fish ot the Educotion Centre He

intends to keep them os pets Mr ond Mrs Lee wont

to purchose o beoutiful Arowono fish Theg believe

thot the fish will bring them good fortune The fomilg

hos o greot time ot the form

Trang 16

: visit to o fish form.

3 The Lee fomilg trovels to the fish form

(1) cor

(2) bus

(3) ship

(4) troin

4 Mr ond Mrs Lee wont on Arowono

1: There ore two odults ond

beoutifg their home

bring them good luck

Whot does Poul wont to

He wonts to keep them

do with his fish?

(1) in the form

(2) in o fish tonk

(3) in the breeding pond

(4) ot the Educotion Centre

Trang 17

the wolls ot school, theg will cotch them Then, theg

will ploce them in boxes Theg usuollg corrg them in

their pockets The spiders theg hove ore smoll ond

block The bogs feed their eight-legged pets with

Their teocher tells them

to be coreful os some spiders ore

which ore stickg Insects such os

beetles ond flies thot get into the

web connot escope.

O Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd

Trang 18

T Whot kind of spiders do George ond Gerold cotch?

2 Where do George ond Gero-ld keep the spiders?

3 Whot do George ond Gerold feed the spiders w,ith?

4 Whg do George ond Gerold hove to be

coreful?-5 Whg ore insects unoble to escope from the web?

Trang 19

queue up



Trang 20


Choose the correct onswer ond write its number in the

3 Do not touch the of

Trang 21

4. During the Notionol Dog Porode,

in green uniforms morchsmortlg





Trang 22

9 The police officers the suspect ond

Underline the correct dnswers

1 We weor (glovej, showls) to keep our honds worm when

the weother is co'ld.

2 Construction workers weor sofetg (boots, helmets) to

prevent injuries to their h,eod.

3 We need to poste o (sticker, stomp) on the envelope

before posting it

in the skg.

5 Police officers from the police post (potrol, supervise)

the neighbourhood doilg

Trang 23

Exercise 3

Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the box

Use edch word onlg once

Mr Kong lives in o smolltown with his son He loves his son veru much Mr Kong is o verg (1)- mon He

bugs his son whotever he osks for Howeve[ his son is olwogs

of moneg ond his


The goung mon trovels to forowog ploces He spends

his moneg lovishlg Finollg oll his moneg is (5)

He decides to return home, hoping thot his fother will forgive


gone rich exciting unhoppg blessings

Trang 24

swimming with her neighbours everu

(2) rose

(4) risen

(2) (4)


4. It is o foct thot the sun

Trang 25

delicious cokes ond

Trang 26

13 Joonne her blog now.

(2) updoted

(1) updote

(3) is updoting

14 Some people row fish os theg believe

heolthg ond nutritious



Exercige 2

Underline the correct dnswers

1 A seomstress is one who (sew, sews) ond mokes clothes


He (forget, forgot) to do his homework gesterdog

he could not offord o new one

5 Mg friends ond I often (plo9 plogs) bosketboll during


Trang 27

Exercise 3

Fill in the blanks with the

llse the words onlg once

correct words from the hox

wotch wotches wotched wotching will wotch

Melisso llkes to stog ot home She enjogs




cortoons ore

'Power Girls' ond 'Brove Rongers'

locol news os well She wos moved to teors when

(5)-the news with her He will exploin diff icultwords which she connot understond

Trang 28


Exercise {

Read the possoge corefullg Choose the correct answer ond

write its number in the brackets provided

Rito lives in o flot neor yishun MRT Stotion.

Everg Sundog, her porents toke her for o troin ride.Mong commuters toke the troin during the weekend.

Fortunotelg, Rito ond her porents olwogs monoge to

Rito ond her porents usuollg olight ot Orchord

Stotion Then, theg shop ot Toko Shopping Centre.Theg go to the bookstore ond browse through some

of the books there Sometimes, Rito's fother bugs her

o storg book or o tog thot she likes.

porents hove their lunch ot

the food court locoted ot the

bosement Rito's fovourite

dish is beef noodles She

olwogs enjogs herself when

she is out with her porents

Trang 29

3 Rito ond her Porents do not visit

(1) the.librorg

(2) the bookstore

(4) Toko ShoPPing Centre

Which sentence is true?

(1) Rito ond her porents go out everu Soturdog

(2) Rito is hoppU everu time she is out with her porents

(3) Rito ond her porents stond throughout the troin


(4) Rito's fother bugs her o storg book or o tog oll the

time ( )

Trang 30

Exercise 2

Read the pctssage carefullg Answer the questions in completesenfences

Emilg hod severol pets which included o robbit,

o homster ond o porrot Emilg loved her pets verg

much ond took good core of them She cleoned their

coges ond fed them everg dog.

George, her white ond fluffg robbit, hod long

ond odoroble eors His round red eges would glitter

when rogs of sunlight fell upon them Chocolote, hercute ond furrg homstel wos brown with peorl-shoped

eges Chocolote would sleep throughout the dog ond

be octive onlg in the evenings

her bg Uncle Tom Uncle Tom wos unoble to keep it

gove Pollg to Emilg os she wos verg fond

of it Besides, he knew thot Emilg would

toke good core of it Whenever Uncle Tom

flewto Singopore, he would visit Emilg ond

his beloved Pollg Pollg would perch on his

shoulder ond peck his eors gentlg

Trang 31

1. How mong pets did Emilg hove?


3 Whg do gou think Pollg nomed her homster'Chocohe'?

Whg did Uncle Tom give Pollg to Emilg?

5 How do we know thot Pollg missed Uncle Tom?


Trang 32

g Utensils

v here

Trang 33



VOCA9ULAP.Y Exercise I

Choose the correct onswer ond write its number in the

Trang 34

(2) delighted(4) disoppointed

entertoined the children with


ostronomer (

(2) (4)

butterf lg


Trang 35

Underline the correct answers.

1 Mrs Lim could not sleep lost night becouse her husbond

'wos (snoring, blowing) loudlg

2 The swon ond the (ducklings, cggnets) were swimming

in the pond

I wos ot the phormocg to get some (liquor, medicine)

4 Evergone burst into loughter when theg heord his

(hilorious, dull) storu

Trang 36

Exercise 3

Fill in the bldnks with the correct words from the box

Use each word onlg once

One dog,

field beside o

four bogs were ploging footboll in

block of flots Theg were hoving o


One of the bogs, Jeffreg kicked the (2)

hord The other three bogs could not (3)

the boll in time Then, theg heord the (4)

of shottering gloss Oh no! Theg were in trouble! The four

bogs ron (5)


Trang 38

(2) (4)


(2) (4)

As we were tired, we rested



Trang 39

'6 Christmos Dog folls

to with

12 There ore three members

mg fomilg

Trang 40

fg After recess, the pupils threw the rubbish the

Underline the correct ctnswers

1 He wos tired ofter o long dog ond slept (lightlg soundlg).

2 The feeble old lodg is wolking (slowlg quicklg).

3 'It roined (heovilg quicklg) gesterdog.

The hunter wolked (noisilg quietlg) without o sound

Mrs Ton stroked her bobg's hoir (roughlg gentlg)





Trang 41

Exercise 3

Fill in the blonks with the correct words from the box

Use the words onlg once

invite be inviting invites inviting invited

Mg clossmote, Ann, is orgonising o birthdog portg next

week She is (1)- onlg ten people

Ann (2) some of the girls from mg closs

gesterdog I om not sure whether she will (3)

Miss Chuo who is our form teocher Howeve4 I om verg sure


ong of the bogs from mg

Everg Ueoc Ann (5) me becouse weore good friends I om looking forword to the portu

Trang 42

Exercise {

Read the passoge carefullg Choose the correct dnswer and

write its number in the hrackets provided

Lost Soturdog Mother took me ond mg little

brother; Joke, to o school funfoir There were monu

gome stolls ond food stolls The gome stolls were

decoroted with colourful streomers ond bolloons

I decided,to plog o gome in which I hod to hit

some tin cons with o boll I tried mg best but I did not

hit ong cons Mother hod o go ot it ond monoged to hit o few cons She wos delighted to win o soft tog

which she gove to Joke

Joke wos excited when

'he sow the condgfloss stoll

Soon, we hod huge fluffg

threods of sugor in our honds

It wos finger-licking good Loter

home with Joke holding on to

the huge white bunng

Trang 43

1. The funfoir wos held

(1) ot o school

(2) ot someone's home

(3) neor some food stolls

(4) neor o condgfloss stoll

bursting o few bolloons

decoroting the gome stolls

spinning the lorgest condgfloss

2. writer's mother won o prize bg

The writer's mother won

(4) colourful streomers ond bolloons (

Trang 44

Exercise 2

Read the passoge carefullg Answer the questions in completesentences

It is Belindo's first dog of school She is verg

nervous After her both, she puts on her school

ond shoes She corries her school bog ond wolks with

Mother to the void deck Mother is unoble to go to

school with her os Grondmother is not well Belindogets on the school bus ond woves goodbge to Mother

nome It is her best friend, Devi Whot o pleosont

crowded with pupils ond porents Belindo

holds Devi's hond tightlg os she does not

wont to get lost Theg wolk behind o prefect

who brings them to the school holl Devi

ond Belindo ore in different closses Theg

promise to meet eoch other ot the conteen

Trang 45

1. Whg is Belindo verg nervous?

2 Whot is the first thing thot Belindo does ofter she wokes

up in the morning?

4 Whg does Belindo hold Devi's hond tightlg?

5 Where will Belindo ond Devi meet during recess?

Trang 47



Trang 48

4. You need to bug two

Trang 49

the bog from the burning

to see if her birthdog

Underline the correct crnswers.

1 The lodg is (hoiling, securing) o toxi.

2 We cruised olong the coost of

(ship, submorine)

3 The vixen ond its (kids, cubs) ore in the



Comels hove (humps, bumps) on their bock

Terrg wos lote ond did not (bored, boord) the school


Trang 50

Exercise 3

Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the box

Use edch word onlg once

in the woods Theg were tolking to eoch other so thegdiiJ not see o big hole in front of them Both of them fell


Miroculouslg, Tom wos not (2)

FortunotelU, o posser-bg heord his (a) for

help The mon (5) o rope into the


hole ond

poin cries threw loudlg injured

Trang 51

GSAMMAS Exercise {

Choose the correct

the thief lost week

Trang 52

fother just



Trang 53

in o tin con under his bed.hide




Exercise 2

Undqrline the correct onswers

1 Devi's mother shouted ot her (ongrilg sorelg).

Groce writes (neotlg untidilU) Nobodg con reod her


4 The dog borked (fiercelg timidld ot the stronger

5 The courogeous soldiers fought the enemies

(brovel$ feorfullg)

Trang 54

Exercise 3

Fill in the hlanks with the correct words from the box

lJse the words onlg once

Condice hos o kitten nomed Tioer.

(1) Tiger three times o dog

5he will

She often

(2) it fish ond rice After (3)

Tiger, she will plog with it

One morning, Condice wonted to feed Tiger but it

Wos Tiger (4) ? Who (s) Tiger?

Then, she reolised thot

goldfish bowl!

her pet goldfish

feeds feed fed feeding would feed

J- O tducarional PublishinB House Pte tld


wos missing from the

Trang 55


Reod the possage carefullg Choose the correct onswer dnd

write its number in the brackets provided

Michoel is o courteous pupil He olwogs greetshis teochers ond clossmotes He is hordworking too

Evergone thinks he is kind ond'friendlg os he likes to

help others He is olso on honest bog Once, he found

it Michoel immediotelg honded it over to the school

office It is no wonder he wos chosen to be o schoolprefect

One dog Michoel sow o little

girl crging neor the stoircose A bog

to the bullg ond told him thot he

wos in the wrong The bullg wos

oshomed of himself ond opologised

to the little girl


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Ngày đăng: 02/03/2018, 22:22

