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t r r* Gr frmmfrf,V ocabulfrry, andCOmprrlhrlnsion Follows lotest MOE sgllobus sections*Grommor, Vocobulorg, ond Comprehension ,-ry ',tFwrss!.eF@4{ Grommor I Cleorlu exploined notes Exercises provided to reinforce leorning |W*? i Vocobulorg I Gw!1q$e!:5rfry"e.'d Sorted occording to themes Word lists provided with meonings Ample proctice provided Geelho Menon B A P G, D E a Y Gn+*:trttrEr,{D Educational Publishine House Pte Ltd eosel? E-Assersmeht on Andrcil mdsffi f'Fiik:1 ffi#w cfrbulw, ehrlnsio:n Geetho tlenon B A., p c D E @ Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd ALL RICHTS RESERVED No part of this book may be reproduced or transmifted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or by any information storaSe and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the Publisher Published Reprinted First 2010 201 (hvice), 012 (twice), 201 3, 2014 (twice) DI N ĐÀN H C TI NG ANH - Admin: TR N M NH TRUNG TÀI LI U LUY N IELTS - Admin: TR N M NH TRUNG rsBN 978-981-4300-90-2 Published and distributed by: Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd a member of Popular Holdin+s Limited (uEN 199607189N) 20 Old Toh Tuck Road Singapore 597655 Tel 6462 9608 Website: www.eph.com.sg Printed in Singapore Prefo ?6i Ultimote Guide for Grommor, Vocobulorg ond Comprehension is written to provide pupils with the proctice needed to develop o strong foundotion in the English longuoge Eoch book is divided o series into three sections-Grommor, Vocobulorg ond Comprehension The Grqmmqr section introduces pupils to grommor rules thot theg ore required to moster ot their respective levels The Vocobulorg section ollows pupils to increose their vocobulorg through vorious themes with words thot will be usef ul in writing The Comprehension section is divided into three sections-Grophic Stimulus, MCQ, ond Open-ended-ond oims to provide pupils with omple proctice It is hoped thot through this series, pupils will be more proficient in the English longuoge os well os be odequotelg prepored to excer in their exominotions Contents GRAMMAR Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit 10 iJnit 11 Unit 12 Nouns Determiners Pronouns Adjectives Verbs Tenses Modo1s Adverbs Prepositions Connectors Questions ond Answers Punctuotion VOCABUIARY Unit 13 Unit 14 Unit 15 Unit 16 Unit 17 Unit 18 Unit 19 Unit 20 Unit 21 Unit22 Unit Unit Unit Unit 23 24 25 26 16 24 37 40 44 55 59 66 72 77 82 CO M PREHENSION : GRAPHIC STI MULIIS Proctice Proctice 180 Proctice 182 184 Proctice 186 Proctice 188 Proctice 190 Proctice 192 194 tvo Proctice Proctice Proctice 10 Proctice 11 Proctice 12 Proctice 13 Proctice '14 Proctice 'l 198 200 202 204 206 208 COMPREHENSION: MCQ Proctice 211 Proctice Proctice 213 215 Proctice 217 Proctice 219 Proctice 221 Proctice 223 Proctice 225 Proctice 227 Proctice 10 Proctice 1 Proctice 12 Proctice 13 229 Proctice 14 Proctice 'l 231 233 235 237 239 CO MP Proctice REHEN S IOM OPEN-ENDED Proctice 243 245 Proctice 247 Proctice Proctice 249 251 253 Proctice 255 Proctice 257 Proctice 259 261 263 26s Proctice Prqctice 10 Proctice 1 Proctice 12 Proctice 13 267 Proctice 14 Proctice 269 271 Nouns describe vorious things thot we see oround us A noun is used to refer to o thing, ploce, onimol, or ideo W t.t J Countoble nouns IYrfsYM Countoble nouns ore nouns thot be counted Exomples: choir books (o) 'A ond'on'ore roses dogs stones people used pons with singulor (one.)countoble nouns Exomples: o child on opple (b) o pen on ont o rock o cot 'Mong', 'o few','some', ond'ong'ore used with plurol (more thon one) countoble nouns Examples: mong children some rocks O Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd o few pens ong opples Unit i: Nouns ffi| tr 1.2 GRAMMAR i Uncountqble nouns tflr.'??mr:{ Uncountoble nouns ore nouns thot connot be counted Examples: milk woter dust sugor oil oronge juice hoir 'Much','o lot of''o little', 'some', ond 'ong'ore used with uncountoble nouns Examples: mother odded too much solt in the currg I like to drink o lot of milk everg dog Con I hove o little sugor for mg drink, pleose? She spilt some oil on the floor while cooking Is there ong rice left in the contoiner? Mg iiiiili: O Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd Unit l: Nouns GRAMMAR Exercise 1A Fill in each blank with a word from the box You mdA use eoch word more thon once o few There o little much mong o lot of sugor in the teo It is onu is too sweet I wont to bug stickers for mg sticker book Lucg odded too solt in her soup It is too soltg The kettle hos onlg hot woter left It is not enough for me to moke o cup of coffee Jenng hos too connot keep O Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd coins in her purse 5he more in it Open-ended COMPREHENSION Proctice 14 Read the passage cdrefullg ond answer the questions that follow Allanswers must be in complete sentences A miser sold evergthing he hod ond bought o lump of gold He buried it in o hole in the ground bg the side of on old woll He went to look ot it doilg One of his workers noticed his frequent visits to the spot He soon discovered the secret of the hidden treosure He stole it The miser, on his next visit, found the hole emptg He wos furious The miser storted screoming ond shouting His neighbour, Jofor, sow him looking so upset The miser told Jofor whot hod hoppened Jofor told the miser, "Don't be so sod Go ond toke o stone, ond put it in the hole Then just imogine thot the gold is still lging there It will moke no difference to gou When the gold wos there, gou did not put it to ong use." @ Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd Open-end ed COMPREHENSION Whot did the miser sell to bug the lump of gold? Which word in Porogroph tells us thot the miser went to look ot the gold everg dog? Whot secret of the miser did the worker discover? How we know thot the miser wos veru ongrg? Whg did Jofor think thot replocing gold with o stone would not moke o difference to the miser? O Educatidnal Publishing House Pte Ltd Open-ended COMPREHENSION Proctice 15 Reod the passage cdrefullg and answer the questions follow All onswers must be in complete sentences Arjun loves to follow his mother when she goes grocerg shopping His fovourite store is right next to the grocerg store It is Jerrg Bookstore As soon os his mother porks the cor, Arjun heods stroight to the bookstore He spends oll his time there while his mother bugs groceries Arjun's fovourite section is the sports section Theg hove oll kinds of books obout sports There ore olso mogozines on footboll, bosketboll, rugbg, ond oll kinds of woter sports Arjun olwogs woits in the bookstore for his mother to come ond get him It is o nice wog to spend o Soturdog ofternoon O Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd thot Open-ended COMPREHENSION Whg does Arjun love to follow his mother when she bugs groceries? Whot is the nome of the bookstore? How Arjun ond his mother get to the grocerg store? Whot mogozines be found ot the sports section? On which dog of the week does Arjun visit Jerrg Bookstore? O Ldut alronal Publi'hing House PIe Lld o little Exercise 2A Exercise 1A q lot of much mong; onu o lot of o little 10 o lot oflo fewmong o little much mong; o few o lot of on kittens Cors houses sons-in-low;doughters lodies; stories (3) (1) (3) (3) (4) leov-es spectocles teeth l 'r (1) (2) (2) (1) (4) 4.d the Some o the Exercise 2D The sheep's pen is quite for owou The children's mother is looking forthem The lodies'coots look expensive The men's store is on the second level The girls'skirts ore too long The bobies'food hos been cooked Aunt Roshni's dress is beoutiful The bird's wings ore long few o lot o on Dovid's pencil is broken MU sister's ribbon is prett., o 10 on the tne Exercise 2C A A few monv mucn O Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd much ong Exercise 3A him u5 5he I gou Exercise 1D d beds looves Exercise 1C 10 the Exercise 28 Exercise 1B 10 on .' them her It me 10 Theg Answers Exercise 54 Exercise 3B s (4) (1) (2) (3) (3) 10 (1) (3) (4) (2) (3) Exercise 3C J These tnot InOSe Thot Those z 6 10 tnose This These Which Who Whot Whot whom 10 him it these whom Whose Who Which Whose )ne mine hers ? q spoke likes hrr rch an ri