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t r r .? fit, 'amrya4Vricabulqry, nndCOmpfehensiOn MOE sgllobus rommor, Vocobulorg, on notes to reinforce leorning ond Open-ended a I v-Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd J (.a =^.= -rt _E-AsssffiEdAldo.a>- lll r'.'l tll rF-t7 tr.1 E-tJ+ft U '0r Gr frmmfrf,V 0cabulfrry, nndcomprfjhfjnsil;n Geethq fhenon B A., P G D E @ Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd ALL RICHTS RESERVED No part ofthis book may be reproduced or transmifted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the Publisher Published Reprinted First 2010 2011 (twice), 2012, 20 13 {twice), 2014 lsBN 978-981-4i00-91-9 Published and distributed by: Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd a membet of Popular Holdings UmiEd (uEN 199607189N) 20 Old Toh Tuck Road Singapore 597555 Tel: 6462 95OB Website www.eph.com.sg Printed in Singapore Prefoce Ultimote Guide for Grommor, Vocobulorg ond Comprehension o series is written to provide pupils with the proctice needed to develop o strong foundotion in the English longuoge Eoch book is divided i nto th ree sections-G rom moL Voco bu lorg, ond Comprehension The Grommor section introduces pupils to grommor rules thot theg ore required to moster ot their respective levels The Vocobulorg section ollows pupils to increose their vocobulorg through vorious themes with words thot will be useful in writing The Comprehension section is divided into three sections-Grophic Stimulus, MCQ, ond Open-ended-ond oims to provide pupils with omple proctice It is hoped thot through this series, pupils will be rnore proficient in the English longuoge os well os be odequotelg prepored to excel in their exominotions Contents GRAMMAR Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit 10 Unit 11 Unit 12 Nouns Determiners Pronouns Adjectives Verbs Tenses Modo ls Adverbs Prepositions Connectors Questions ond Answers Punctuotion VOCABUURY Unit 13 Unit 14 Unit 15 Unit 16 Unit 17 Unit 18 Unit 19 Unit 20 Unit 21 Unit 22 Unit 23 Unit24 Unit 25 Unit 26 Unit27 16 23 34 41 44 54 61 66 74 78 81 CO M P REHEN S I O N : G RAPHI C STI MULIIS Proctice'l 184 Proctice 186 Proctice 188 Proctice '190 Proctice Proctice 192 194 Proctice 196 Proctice 198 Proctice 200 Proctice 10 Proctice 11 Proctice Proctice 13 202 204 206 208 Proctice 14 Proctice 210 212 COMPREHENSION: MCQ Proctice z to Proctice 218 220 Proctice 222 Proctice 224 Proctice 226 Proctice Proctice B 228 230 Proctice 232 Proctice 10 234 236 238 240 242 244 Proctice Proctice 1 Proctice Proctice 13 Proctice 14 Proctice 15 CO M P REHENS ION : Proctice Proctice 248 250 252 254 256 258 Proctice 260 Proctice 262 Proctice 264 266 268 270 Proctice Proctice Proctice Proctice Proctice |0 Proctice 1 Proctice 12 Proctice 13 ' OPEN.ENDED 272 Proctice 14 Proctice 274 ANSWERS 279 276 Nouns describe vorious things thot we see oround us It is used to refer to o thing, ploce, onimol, or ideo rl3@B8'e.r s-g ! 1.1 t Countoble nouns Countoble nouns ore nouns thot be counted Exomples: pots, clouds, stones (o) 'A ond 'on'ore used with singulor (one) countoble nouns Ex les v Excrmptes.' o bog, o pen, o stick, on opple, qn ont (b) 'Mong','o few', 'some', ond 'ong' ore used with plurol (more thon one) countoble nouns w Exampl Exampres mong bogs; o- few pens; mqnu opples; o few sticks @ Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd Unit i: ffi1.2 E ffi GRAMMAR Nouns I Uncountoble nouns These ore nouns w thot connot be counted Ies: Excrmprcs.' milk, dust, oil, hoir, woter, solt, soup 'Much', 'o lot of' 'o little', 'some', ond 'ong' ore used with uncountoble nouns w Exompres.' - You hove odded too much oil in the frging pon There is o lot of woter in this well Con I hove o little sugor for mg coffee, pleose? She spilt some juice on the toble Is there ong flour left in the pocket? O Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd Unit I: Nouns GRAMMAR Exercise 1A Fill in eoch blonk with o word from the box You moA use edch word more thqn once o o o little few lot of much monu onu milk in mg coffee It too milkg There tickets for the Notionol Dog celebrotion hove been sold I not know if we get Do not odd too like it Are there stomps in her stomp book Jenng hos too She connot keep ong more inside is is solt in the currg I not more coins left in gour purse? There is so lime juice in the jug thot it fill oll our glosses The tent is dirtg There ploce is sond oll over the onlu I foun onl volq deck Some of or the rne void cots ot coTS them must hove been cought bg the SPCA too pens in the pencil cose Con I to odd flour to moke the dough There ore hove 10 I hove th icker O Educationai Publishing House Pte Ltd Ope n-en ded COMPREHEN5ION Affondi ond Ben were olreodg whizzing oheod oround the f irst bend of the skoting circuit Gopol wos fost cotching up while Wei Leong wos still struggling Theg were woiting potientlg when Wei Leong finollg reoched the finishing point "Alright, olright, burger meol on me!" Wei Leong sputtered while the rest loughed heortilg Whot were the friends doing ot the in-line skoting circuit? Whg did theg put on their helmets, ond knee ond elbow pods? Whg did Affondi punch the oir with his right fist? O Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd :iililiiiiiiiil,-#.ffi Open-ended COMPREHENSION Which word in Porogroph hos the some meoning 'jokinglg'? Who come in second ond third in the roce? o os Educational Publishine House Pte Ltd lliiffi ili-j$ij]i#iliiilitliiiil#i1iffi ilfrlliixiiii:ffi it of much mong o lot of monu; o Exercise 1A o lot few 10 Mong; onu ong much few o lot of o Y, '10 '1 .' at 10 shelf The girls'skirts ore too long Bobies'food must be served worm Aunt MoUt dress is beoutiful A cow's meot is colled beef Exercise 1D Exercise 1B The children's ount is ploging with them The lodies'hoirstgles ore verg foshionoble The men's shirts be found on the top The wotches ore not working Mg fother is orronging the furniture in the living room Vinu likes to plog with her little kittens Lorries ore porked in the school cor pork There ore mongoes in the boxes The bogs ore throwing sticks ot the sheep Mg friends opened the windows Mrs Lim invited her sons-in-low ond doughters-in-low for din ner ot her house 'The lodies ore telling interesting stories to their ch ildren The dried leoves ore folling from the sheep onimols koolos teom crowd people fishes Exercise 1E herd l_ stoff flock Exercise 24 o The o o on trees 10 The The the The the Exercise 1C Exercise 2B Rovi's pencil is broken Mg mother's bog wos bought f rom Koreo quite for owog from His cousin's house is his O Educational PLiblishing House Pte Ltd the the the 4.o on Answers Exercise 3D Exercise 2C 10 of o few o lot / some/o few little o little o much much little Exercise 2D o little ong o th is tnor this tnot .10 Which this those this Thot o few who whom Whose Who Whose Which Whot Whot Exercise 3F Exercise 34 8, 10 whot some little me It ' Theg / )ne them these z 10 Exercise 3E Ang A few/A lot oflSome o Those theirs mine ours mgself Vou rs his he Uou us I her Exercise 3G Uou rselves ou rselves us himself Exercise 3B Anuone ongbodu ongbodg someone somebodu Exercise 4A 10 Someone 10 herself someone evergbodU someth ing onUthing beoutifu I luoble vo mischievous heovu rude 10 ncomfortoble intelligent u lozg brig ht delicious Exercise 3C ou rse lves themselves itself gourself himself Exercise 4B muself gou rself herself herself kindest neorest prettier dorkest thin ner 10 quiet sweeter tollest horder cheoper O Educationa! Publishing House Pte Ltd Answers Exercise 6D Exercise 4C prettg greoter prettier better hoppiest Exercise reods hove runs loughs 10 wotch ore swims woit hit 10 greets drin ks reod were orguing wos jumping wos exploining wos crossing wos shouting wos shin ing wos whistling wos kicking wos opplouding f ore OO is wos does corried cost Exercise 68 '1 10 wos woving Exercise 6E Exercise 64 rises ore provide shone brought wolk wolks wolked does did Exercise 6F sholl stog willscore will be willstudg sholl do/will 10 will sove will bug sholl reod will be will remember Exercise 6C f toking ore going is melting is smiling' is fetching ore 10 drinking ore chirping is ore coming ore toking ore storting Exercise 7A connot Con connot connot connot connot 10 Con connot Exercise 7B '1 O Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd MoU will Mog Mog Mog 10 must will not must will sholl ,iii'iiiiiiiflffi";ffi Answers Exercise 8A Exercise 9C hoppilg worriedlg o h^li+61' rudelg corefu llg ! 10 colmlg slowlg pitif ullg gentlu hurriedlg Exercise 8B 10 f bg/before/ot on before in 10 with for bg in ot Exercise 9D todog tonig ht Uesterdog/lostnight z Bentno to z tn under down ot from towords between soon still Exercise 9E Uet finollg lost nig hvuesterdou next week olreodu glodlg z beoutifu llg smortlg A grocefu llg quicklg Exercise 9A l omong I tn ot 10 beside between on ogoinst under obove Exeicise 9B to /- orT up throug from ond 5- )lnce so becouse but 10 but becouse but ond so Exercise 108 behind l bu Exercise 10A Exercise 8C '1 5 h 10 Jrom down out of to '1 so z Since becouse Exercise on(l but 1lA Where Which Where Whot Which '10 Whot Whose Whose Which where th roug h O Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd Answers Exercise 11B Where WhU Exercise 138 Who whot When Exercise 12A I love tropicol fruits like wotermelons, ond bononos Do gour friends like cokes? she is looking for Jim He is nowhere to be found Whg did gou chonge ploces with him? MU nome is Roopini ond I om stouing in Am I going to school with Uou? I wont Uou to drow o bird, o flower, ond o house Are Uou sure Uou hove not forgotten gour pencils, rubbers, ond rulers? There ore monu things Uou ot the 10 beoch like building (2) (3) (4) (3) (1) 10 (3) (2) (4) (2) (1) mongoes, Posir Ris sondcostles, swimming, ond plouing vollegboll I wish I hod John's creqtive tolent- Exercise 13C invited host hostess '1 z celebrote guests Exercise 144 (4) (2) (4) (3) (4) 10 (3) (2) (4) (4) (2) Exercise 148 rgeon ) potients composer o su rtist veterinorion Exercise 128 2.M I ? Exercise 15A e Exer€ise 134 s e (4) (3) (4) (3) (1) 10 (3) (2) (4) (3) (1) Exercise 158 (2) (3) (2) (2) (3) (2) (2) (2) (1) 10 (4) @ Educational Publishing House Ple Ltd f industriol pollute polgtech nic monufocture dockgord Answers Exercise 19A Exercise 16A s e (3) (2) (1) (2) (1) 10 (1) (3) (3) (2) (4) coop morket stoble bure pen s e (4) (1) (1) (1) (4) (4) (1) (4) (4) 10 (1) f light pod closs jets flock s s (4) (3) (4) (4) (z) 10 (1) (4) (3) (3) (1) vose tugged rog (4) (1) (3) (3) u (2) (2) 10 (1) bullg bitch protective nurse puppies s e (1) 10 (1) (1) (4) (1) (3) (4) (4) (1) (3) chirping hum lurking flit doshes e 10 (3) (2) (4) (4) (3) (3) (3) (3) (1) (3) Exercise 218 Exercise 188 (3) Exercise 21A Exercise 18A e (3) Exercise 20B Exercise 178 z Exercise 20A Exercise 17A s (3) Exercise 198 Exercise 168 mug plogpen closhed whipped rooring blored rustled O Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd Answets Exercise 22A s e Exercise 25A 10 (1) (2) (4) (3) (4) (2) (3) (4) (2) (2) Exercise 22B honeg wolf e '10 (3) (4) (2) (4) (1) (3) (3) (1) (4) proises grotitude motivotion s e involuoble (3) (2) (2) (1) (3) 10 (3) (1) (1) (1) (4) (2) (3) (3) (4) (2) (4) (4) (4) opple of her porents' eges kicked the bucket breod ond butter poddle her own conoe everg cloud hos o silver lining e (4) (3) (4) (2) (3) 10 (1) (2) (4) (3) (2) (4) (2) (2) pleosont nostu cheerfu hqted I (2) 10 Exercise 26A s (3) (2) (1) Exercise 25C 't Exercise 248 (3) (3) opportun itg Exercise 24A (3) (3) 10 (3) Exercise 23d e e Exercise 23A s s (2) Exercise 258 enthusiosticollg lork stors 1' gloomu @ Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd Exercise 26B eloted moodg worried pleosed puzzled Answers Proctice Exer€ise 27A e 10 (4) (3) (4) (3) (3) (4) (3) (4) picked on grew qport wore off s (1) get bock ot broke down s s (3) (3) (2) (z) (4 s (1) (1) (3) (2) s (2) (4) (4) s (3) (1) ffi"]ffi' 3 s (1) (2) (1) (3) (3) (3) (2) (3) (4) (3) (3) (4) (1) (4) (2) (2) (3) (3) (3) (4) (4) (1) (4) Proctice 10 Proctice 3 s (4) (3) (1) (3) Proctice Proctice 3 (4) Proctice Proctice (4) Proctice Proctice (3) Proctice (2) (1) Exercise 278 5 (4) (4) (4) Proctice (4) (1) s (1) (1) (4) 11 (3) (1) O Educational Publishine House Pte Ltd Answers Proctice 12 (3) (1) Proctice 4 (3) (4) s (4) (2) (4) (2) 1le ond she (4) (4) rlf to Proctice 13 s (4) (2) Prdctice (1) (1) s (3) Proctice 14 s (3) (3) (4) (4) (1) (4) (3) Prdctice (4) (2) s (2) Prdctice 15 r s (1) (4) (4) (4) (3) (4) Proctice (1) (z) (r) (1) (3) (4) (4) (4) (3) Proctice Proctice 't s s (4) (4) z (4) (3) (3) (4) ' s (3) s (4) (4) (4) (3) (4) (3) (2) (4) Proctice 10 (4) (3) (1) (3) Proctice 3 (4) Proctice (4) (3) Proctice (4) (1) (1) (4) O Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd (3) (2) (3) (4) Answers Proctice s Proctice 11 (3) (4) (4) (1) Proctice 12 s (2) (4) (3) (1) s (4) (1) (3) s (3) (2) 14) (3) soJnple new Theg ore eoting heolthilg bU cutting down on oilg ond fottg food Theg olso order more vegetoble dishes qnd fresh {ruits He wonts to offer locol food cooked in o heolthg wog (4) (1) Chorocters come the odventures unfold Young children hove been entertoined Theg ore Jeffreg Archer ond John TheU cqn olso reod mogozines ond to life os we reod how Grishom Proctice 15 to (4) (4) Theg thot in order Proctice (2) 1- countrles Theg ore posto ond roviolr (4) Proctice 14 Theg like to experiment with different tgpes of food from different cultures ond dishes (3) Prqctice 13 (4) journols (3) (4) Reoding improve our vocobulorg ond expond our knowledge of the world ond people of vorious cu ltures Proctice Proctice ' 1' The onimols ore reodu to welcome ond enjog spring It is Simon Sporrow He sous "Ouch ! " ond sighs hopelesslg He connot woit to enjog the fresh oir outside ond wishes thot Lorrg would stop Theg swim or snorkel together ond olso fish on o boot Theg octuollg go from islond to islond exploring ond discovering ploces of tntere$ TheU discover o hidden cove or the mgsterious wonders o{ the forest The word is 'glimpse' It is 'precious' comploining He hod hurt his pow while chosing Donng naar +ha dnr r ho{nra O Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd Answers Proctice to collect their popcorn ond drinks from the counter She wos surprised os she did not expect to TheU were obout see Th Proctice u nder Dog there The cinemo hod orgonised speciol oppeoronce bg Thu nder Dog she wos feeling impotient It meons thot she wos glowing with E Proctice He hod o lot of fun celebroting his 8th birthdog ot the beoch with his fomilg ond friends He noticed their hoppu foces during the z His sister hod orgonised o portg Loughing is reloxing os it mokes us feel good ond helps us to cope with stress Some people lough loudlg opening their mouths wide Some lough quietlg covering their mouths Some will trg to lough without ong sound (Ang two onswers) portg The sentence is 'Sodie forced herself to get up ond wolk.' The word is 'goilg' 5he clopped ond cheered goilg Proctice hoppiness/joU she 5he collected woter ot the streom o It wos getting dork in the jungle ond wonted to stop to rest thot wos memoroble ond fun for him Terrg li*ed footbollverg much The phrose is 'showered him with monu presents' There mou be teors in our eges ond poin in our stomochs People usuollg lough to show hoppiness with someone or something When we lough ot others, we couse them poin It is not nice os it hurt them Proctice '1 she wos living in o smoll hut mode of twigs ond strow The rock wos stuck in the sond on the beoch The rock wos so grqteful thot it wonted to gront her o wish Tino hod wished thot her mother ond herself would hove enough food everg Proctice 10 l- dou The little rock hod not onlg given her whot she hod wished for but olso turned her little hut into o beoutiful brick cottoge which she did not wish for @ Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd Penguins ore food for the onimols thot hunt them Penguins must olso leorn to protect themselves It is difficult to see the moving penguins in the snow becouse their white stomochs ore the some colour os the snow It is difficult for the eogle to spot o penguin in the oceon becouse its block bock is the some colour os the dork oceqn woter The'survivol instinct'helps o penguin to protect itself ond survive in the wild Answers Prdctice Proctice 14 11 '1 There ore four members in her fomilg We should not obondon or neglect them z TheU ore riding on her A pet connot be obondoned or neglected like o tog once the owner hos become tired of plouing with it The owner must toke greot core of its heolth ond feed it well Besides bringing it to the vet, the owner must olso plou brother's motorcgcle oround town, swimming, ond collecting seoshells She enjogs going for wolks bg the seo Theg ore not proud ond selfish os theg like to help the poor Theg will listen in deep concentrotion with the pet, keeping it hoppu ond cleon os well (Ang two onswers) A Proctice 12 It wos the school holidogs ond his porents hod given him permission to plog with it He chucked it oside ond treoted it A He thought his porents would notice it in the trolleU The coshier looked suspicious He leornt how precious the console wos to him ofter he come close to losing it ^ gift theg could get their fother Both of them hod different gift ideos ond theu orgued obout it Abdulloh suggested moking something for their fother ond Siti ogreed The word is 'beomed' He decided to displog it on his office desk to roce one onother Theg were to protect them from injuries shou ld theg foll down He wos pleosed thot he wos oheod of Theg were going everuone Proctice 13 whot birthdog Theg were discussing obout ish Proctice 15 ? ond give it food olso speciol comfortoble ond ond cleqn woter TheU ore colled ornomentol or decorotive f corelesslg I hove to keep its coge drg The word is'teosinglU' Ben come in second while Gopol come in third @ Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd Ulil|ffite0Uffi t',,GffrmmAf ,VOCA\UIW, r,rd C1WWfehenSiOn Guide for Crammar, Vocabulary, and Comprehension written to provide pupils with the proctice theg need to develop foundotion in the English longuoge Eoch book is divided into r-This section introduces pupils to grommor rules thot theg to moster ot their resoective levels ru-This section ollows pupils to increose their vocobu lorg h vorious themes with words thot will be useful in writing rehension-This section is divided into three comoonenrsStimulus, MCQ, ond Open-ended-ond provides pupils with e proctice on the comprehension component of the exominotion this series, pupils will become more proficient in the os English well os be odequotelg prepored to excel in their exominotions 9^tXer Recommended EPH Titles: ffi corn.s9 o Y tsBN 978-981-4300-91-9 , illltttiltiltillillllliltl $8.90 Educational Publishine House Pte Ltd ... Road Singapore 597555 Tel: 6462 95OB Website www.eph.com.sg Printed in Singapore Prefoce Ultimote Guide for Grommor, Vocobulorg ond Comprehension o series is written to provide pupils with the proctice