This is a useful guide for practice full problems of english, you can easy to learn and understand all of issues of related english full problems. The more you study, the more you like it for sure because if its values.
Trang 1Teacher’s Book
Patricia Mugglestone
Brian Abbs Ingrid Freebairn
New Sky takes the clear syllabus and methodology
of the original course and adds new and exciting
content to make it even more effective and
motivating for both teachers and learners
Visually appealing and easy to use, New Sky
provides short achievable lessons, clearly
contextualised grammar practice and integrated
skills work
With its songs, raps, games, puzzles and stories,
New Sky makes learning English stimulating,
lively and fun!
• New characters, dialogues and situations engage students’ interest
• New reading and listening passages keep students motivated.
• New cross-cultural and cross-curricular content bring the world into the classroom
• New testing package covers all your assessment needs.
• Updated Activity Book provides practice and graded exercises for mixed ability classes.
• Students’ Book
• Activity Book with Students’ Multi-ROM
• Class Audio CDs
• Teacher’s Book with Test Master Multi-ROM
• Photocopiable Test Book with A and B tests
• Two DVDs - Kirsty’s Secret and Life in Britain
Trang 2Teacher’s Book
Patricia Mugglestone
Brian Abbs
Trang 3Pearson Education Limited
Edinburgh Gate, Harlow
Essex, CM20 2JE, England
and Associated Companies throughout the world
© Brian Abbs, Ingrid Freebairn and Pearson Education Limited 2009
All rights reserved: no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the
copyright holders.
The rights of Patricia Mugglestone, Brian Abbs and Ingrid Freebairn to be identified
as authors of this book have been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright,
Designs and Patents Act 1988
First published 2009
Illustrated by Humberto Blanco, Nigel Kitching and Sean Longcroft
Set in 10/11pt Times New Roman
Printed in Malaysia, KHL(CTP)
ISBN: 978-1-4058-7483-0 (Teacher’s Book for Pack)
ISBN: 978-1-4058-7491-5 (Test Master Multi-Rom for Pack)
ISBN: 978-1-4082-0597-6 (Teacher’s Book and Test Master Multi-Rom Pack)
The Publisher grants permission for the photocopying of those pages marked
‘photocopiable’ according to the following conditions Individual purchasers may
make copies for their own use or for use by the classes they teach Institutional
purchasers may make copies for use by their staff and students, but this permission
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Under no circumstances may any part of this book be photocopied for resale
Trang 4Introduction
General description 7
1 Who the course is for
2 What the course is about
3 How the students learn
4 How the syllabus is constructed
5 How the material is organised
Principles behind the course 7
1 Capturing young learners’ attention
2 Making language learning active
3 Keeping learning goals clear
4 Keeping pace with the learners’ development
5 Supporting and monitoring students’ progress
6 Using language learning for general educational
Course components 8
1 The Students’ Book
2 The Activity Book (with Multi-Rom)
3 The Teacher’s Book (with Test Master
4 The Class CDs
5 The Test Book
6 The DVDs
General teaching techniques 9
1 The role of the native language (L1)
12 Homework and homework correction
13 Revision and assessment
21 Lesson by lesson word list
22 Max’s Grammar Store
23 The CEF Portfolio
Before you start 15
1 Timing
2 Classroom equipment and material
3 The first lesson
4 Abbreviations used in the Teacher’s Book
Students’ Book contents 16
Trang 5How does New Sky work?
Lesson 2
Accuracy practice
Lesson 3
Accuracy practice
Lesson 1
Teaching notes
Lesson 2
Teaching notes
Lesson 3
Teaching notes
Lesson 4
Teaching notes
Lesson 5
Teaching notes
Skills Test 1 A B
Skills: Lessons 1–9
Reading, Writing, Listening and Communication
Test Book: Photocopiable A and B tests
(plus rewritable versions on Test Master Multi-Rom)
Test 1 A B
Language: Lessons 1–3
Grammar and Vocabulary
New Sky has forty lessons divided into eight cycles This is how one cycle works:
Trang 6New Sky also offers extra materials:
In the Students’ Book:
• A Grammar Store
• A lesson-by-lesson Word list
In the Activity Book:
• Four Puzzle Stories One story for every ten lessons
• Two plays One for use half-way through the book and one for use at the end
A Student Multi-Rom
Test Master Multi-Rom
In the Teacher’s Book:
• Twenty-four Photocopiable resources
• Answer keys
• Audio scripts
• An alphabetical Word list with phonetic transcriptions
• Interactive language practice
• Activity Book audio material
• Rewritable versions
of the Test Book tests
• Test Book audio material
• All Students’ Book audio material
Two DVDs
• A culture DVD showing teenage lifestyles in the UK
• A teenage drama
Class CDs
New Sky Three
New Sky Three
New Sky Three New Sky Three
Trang 8General description
1 Who the course is for
New Sky is a four-part course for young learners of English
aged from 9/10 to 13/14 There are two possible entry points:
New Sky Starter for complete beginners or for students with
a minimal knowledge of English, and New Sky One for false
2 What the course is about
New Sky Three features a typical British family and a typical
Australian family living in East London Together, they are
seen in domestic and leisure settings The real characters
and the authentic photographs and situations provide an
up-to-date realistic view of the UK today – its people, their
lifestyles and their cultural background Although the main
focus is the UK, the learners also get regular glimpses of life
in Australia and other English-speaking countries
3 How the students learn
New language is presented through dialogue or text, and
practised in a series of simple steps which include carefully
graded listening, speaking, reading and writing activities, and
a lively selection of games, songs and limericks From the
beginning, students learn to communicate information and
ideas in realistic and amusing situations
4 How the syllabus is constructed
The language syllabus is a careful mix of grammar, vocabulary
and communication Grammatical structures are linked
closely to everyday language use, while the topic areas relate
to the students’ own lives and experiences, and have been
specially chosen to present a range of useful vocabulary
5 How the material is organised
Each lesson in the Students’ Book is presented on a
double-page spread in order to foster a sense of achievement and
progress in the student Clear signposting of each activity
enables both teacher and student to identify the learning
focus at every stage of the lesson For more details on the
organisation of the Student’s Book, see Course components.
Principles behind the course
1 Capturing young learners’ attention
We believe it is essential that young learners’ contact with
learning English should be rewarding and fun The first step
towards this is to capture their attention as soon as they open
their new textbook New Sky does this by:
• using colourful, authentic location photography
• introducing real characters with whom young learners can identify
• showing real-life situations which children can immediately recognise and respond to
• presenting lively, everyday language and expressions which they will want to learn
2 Making language learning active
Young learners need to be actively involved in the language lesson This not only makes learning more effective but also
makes it more enjoyable In New Sky, students are involved
3 Keeping learning goals clear
If learners are to stay motivated and make progress, it is important to keep learning goals simple An over-heavy vocabulary load can be daunting, especially if the words are low frequency Equally, too many new grammar points in
one lesson can be confusing Each lesson of New Sky keeps
learning simple by:
4 Keeping pace with the learners’ development
A language course for young learners is more effective if it keeps pace with the children’s physical, cognitive and social
development In New Sky, the learners’ physical development
is mirrored in the main characters; their cognitive development
is reflected in the subject matter and organisation of the texts and task types; and their social development – how they interact with peer groups and adults, and how confident they feel about themselves – is reflected in the methodology, in particular with the types of activities, projects and games suggested for language practice
5 Supporting and monitoring students’ progress
It is important that young learners have regular opportunities
to consolidate the language they learn and are also given the means to monitor their own progress
Trang 9New Sky helps students to revise and check progress
• Skills lessons in the Students’ Book (Across cultures
and Across the curriculum) and the Activity Book (Skills
practice) These consolidate and extend the language
and skills learnt in the preceding cycle of work, while
developing students’ knowledge of the world beyond the
• Picture stories at the end of the Students’ Book
• Revision lessons and What can you do? boxes in the
Students’ Book and Revision lessons in the Activity Book,
the latter containing self-assessment boxes to encourage
students to monitor their own progress
• A booklet of photocopiable tests, containing parallel A and
B tests to minimise students’ opportunities for copying
their neighbours’ answers, as well as rewritable versions
of these tests on the Test Master Multi-Rom supplied with
this book
• Interactive language practice with the Multi-Rom
accompanying the Activity Book
6 Using language learning for general
educational purposes
Learning a new language can be more motivating for
young learners when they realise they can learn about the
outside world through their English lessons New Sky aims
to increase students’ awareness of the world outside the
classroom through texts relating to children and situations
in other countries The Across cultures lessons, in particular,
increase students’ knowledge of the English-speaking world,
and the linked projects encourage them to write about their
own lives and experiences There are also special Across
the curriculum lessons in New Sky, which present topics of
interest relating to other subjects in the school curriculum
In this way students use English to extend their general
Course components
At each level the course consists of:
• a Students’ Book
• an Activity Book (with Multi-Rom)
• this Teacher’s Book (with Test Master Multi-Rom)
• Class CDs
• a Test Book
DVDs also accompany the course.
1 The Students’ Book
The Students’ Book consists of forty lessons These are
divided into eight sections of five lessons Each section
follows a pattern:
Lesson 1 Language input
Lesson 2 Language input
Lesson 3 Language input
Lesson 4 Across cultures + Project
Lesson 5 Revision
Lesson 6 Language input
Lesson 7 Language input Lesson 8 Language input
Lesson 9 Across the curriculum + Project
Lesson 10 Revision
Language input lesson: Presents and practises new
Across cultures: Develops skills, and recycles and
expands language by looking
at culture and lifestyles in the English-speaking world
Across the curriculum: Develops skills, and recycles and
expands language by looking at topics which are related to other areas of the school curriculum
Project: Encourages self-expression
Revision: Provides a controlled progress
At the back of the Students’ Book, there are four Picture
Story lessons These two-page comic strip stories recycle the language which has been used in Lessons 1–9, 11–19, 21–29 and 31–39 Also at the back of the Students’ Book are:
• the words of the recorded Songs and Limericks
• a grammar reference: Max’s Grammar Store
• a lesson-by-lesson Word list
2 The Activity Book (with Multi-Rom)
The Activity Book, to be used in class or for homework, gives further extensive practice of the language in each input lesson
of the Students’ Book Many exercises are at two levels, a) and b), to cater for mixed ability classes The first level, e.g
2a is a basic exercise and 2b is a more challenging exercise At
regular intervals, skills sections reinforce students’ reading,
writing and listening skills For added interest, and to recycle the Everyday phrases from the Students’ Book, the skills
sections also contain short cartoon strips featuring regular
characters Frequent Revision sections, with self-assessment
boxes, enable students and their teachers to monitor progress
There are also six additional songs at regular intervals At the
back of the Activity Book is a unique Stories and Sketches
section This contains four Puzzle Stories designed to encourage students to read for pleasure, and two light-hearted plays for students to act in the middle and at the end of the year
The Student Multi-Rom that accompanies the Activity Book contains:
of the listening material, suggestions for extra games and
Trang 10activities, and ideas for further practice At the back of the
Teacher’s Book are the following:
• Twenty-four photocopiable resource sheets, one for each
input lesson in the Students’ Book These contain extra
practice activities for use in class, and are accompanied by
These contain recordings of the following:
• presentation dialogues and texts, new words, listening
activities, Sounds fun pronunciation activities and the
songs and limericks from the Students’ Book The audio
scripts for the Students’ Book are printed in the appropriate
lessons in this Teacher’s Book
5 The Test Book
The Test Book contains: eight progress tests – one for every
five lessons of the Students’ Book, four skills tests and four
review tests The tests are presented in A and B sections so
that students sitting in pairs cannot copy each other There is
also an Answer key and audio script at the back of the Test
Book Rewritable versions of the tests are available on the
Test Master Multi-Rom, giving teachers the ability to tailor
tests to the specific needs of their students The test audios
are also included on the Test Master Multi-Rom
6 The DVDs
Two DVDs provide a motivating context for further
consolidation and extension of language, and help to relate
language learning to the wider world Life in Britain, a
documentary culture video, provides an insight into the
lives of young teenagers in the UK today Kirsty’s Secret, a
drama, follows the adventures of four friends whose lives are
changed when a new girl comes to town
General teaching techniques
1 The role of the native language (L1)
Some teachers will find it necessary to use the students’
native language to introduce the book and explain what is in
it, to establish who the characters are and where they live,
and, importantly, to explain how they want the students to
work Once lessons start, use of the L1 is helpful to:
3 Photographs and illustrations
Photographs and illustrations can be used for scene-setting and for presenting new language Questions for each photograph occur in the lesson notes Simple questions can
be asked about the characters, their relationship to each other, what they are wearing, what they are doing and what they are thinking
4 Vocabulary
When learning a new language, learning words is as important
as learning grammar For young learners, it can be especially motivating to learn new words Classroom techniques for presenting new vocabulary at this level include:
• showing or pointing to real objects or pictures in the Students’ Book
5 The board
Presentation of new language on the whiteboard or interactive whiteboard is extremely important It focuses the students’ attention and enables the teacher to control the activity effectively Simple line drawings on the board can be used
to explain a new word quickly New structures, words and expressions should be written boldly and clearly, and arranged in sections, e.g new vocabulary in one area and examples of key language structures in another It is a good idea to keep a free area for spontaneous examples, drawings and game scores
Trang 1110 Group work
For certain types of activity, e.g acting the stories and playing games, students may need to work in groups Group work is important because it provides an opportunity for shy students to talk more confidently and teaches students
to cooperate and work together Groups can be formed in different ways, based on:
• position (students turn round to form a group of four with another pair)
• alphabetical order of names (all those with names beginning with given letters, e.g A–D in one group)
• birthdays (e.g all those whose birthdays are in May in one group)
• colour of clothes, etc
11 Oral correction
When students are doing controlled practice and the emphasis
is on accuracy, correction should be immediate It is important
to help students to correct the mistake themselves and then make them actively repeat the correct version In the freer practice stage, e.g in games and open conversations, the students’ performance can be monitored and mistakes noted down to be corrected at the end of a sequence Over-correction in the early stages can be de-motivating, especially for shy, less confident learners
For homework, teachers can set the exercises from the corresponding lesson in the Activity Book, but they may also like to use the extra suggestions which are included in the detailed lesson notes Written work should not be restricted
to homework Writing in class varies the pace of a lesson and gives a change of activity It is important that homework is prepared in class beforehand and help given with any new vocabulary and expressions which may be needed Answers
to homework exercises can be checked in different ways:
Checking on students’ progress is important for teachers, learners and parents Progress can be formally assessed through revision/check lessons and tests Informal methods
of assessment can show a learner’s progress and help teachers
to find out problems that the children might have This can be done in a variety of ways:
• A few minutes of informal oral revision at the beginning
of each lesson focusing on one or more language points from previous lessons
• Regular spot checks on vocabulary and grammar
6 Repetition and choral practice
Repetition helps to reinforce a sound or structural pattern
Repeating in chorus helps students to gain confidence before
they are asked to perform individually Suggestions for
choral practice occur throughout the detailed lesson notes
Different choral patterns can be made by using:
All new words should be thoroughly practised by means
of choral and individual repetition, using the recording as
a model The technique of ‘back-chaining’ for repetition
of phrases and sentences can be most effective with young
learners Students repeat a sentence in parts, starting from
the end and building up to the complete sentence, e.g Say
after me, everybody Brother … little brother … he’s my little
brother …
8 Question patterns
Question and answer patterns play a key part in language
teaching To give as much oral practice as possible, it is
important to build a sequence of question and answer
Many of the exercises in New Sky enable the students to work
in pairs The following patterns are suitable for pair work:
Students can work in open pairs, e.g A–B, then B–C, then
C–D, etc or across the class In this way, the rest of the class
listens while a pair performs Open pair work can be useful
if the teacher wants to hear individuals perform Closed pair
work is also very useful In spite of the increased noise level,
it dramatically increases talking time and encourages learners
to initiate as well as answer Moreover, there is less chance of
students getting bored as they listen to others doing exercises
in turn round the class If there is an uneven number in the
class, the teacher can either make up the pair or ask one
group to work in threes Although students may protest, it is
important to rearrange the pairs on a regular basis
Trang 12• Short gapped dictations of dialogues or texts
• Oral checks to revise communicative functions and
everyday language, e.g You meet your teacher in the
street What do you say?
• Completing checklists of what the students can do in
English with a tick (✓), cross (✗) or question mark (?), e.g
Now you can:
• talk about places in towns
• talk about past activities
• Students can also record their progress and their
achievements through the Portfolio, which can be found
online at
Act the dialogue/story
Ask and answer in pairs
Can you repeat, please?
Can you spell it?
Change parts
Come to the front
Copy this into your books
Do exercise (5) for homework
Don’t look at the book
Fill in the chart
Learn by heart
Listen and say/repeat after me
Listen to this/the dialogue
Look at this
Make two teams
Open/close your book
Write the answers in your notebook
Feedback and encouragement
1 Listen and read dialogues and texts
Many of the new grammatical structures in the input lessons are presented in short, conversational dialogues or texts These are all recorded Play the recording once for students
to listen and read Then play the recording again, this time pausing at the end of each section for students to listen and
repeat The dialogues and texts are followed by a Check
exercise to check students’ comprehension
Procedure for dialogues and texts
• Ask students to look at the photograph(s)
• If appropriate, revise what they know about the characters, e.g their name, age, relationship
• In the case of dialogues, use the L1 to talk about where the characters are, what they are doing, what they are feeling and thinking, and point out any interesting features in the photograph
• Play the dialogue or part of the text again for students to listen and repeat, pausing after each sentence
• Do any Check exercises with the whole class or ask
students to do them in pairs
• Ask students to read and act a dialogue in pairs or groups Choose one or two pairs/groups to act the dialogue for the class
2 Everyday phrases
Conversational words and phrases from the dialogue which are used in everyday idiomatic English are presented in
a box called Everyday phrases These are separate from
the grammatical focus of the lesson Students should learn these by heart, and every opportunity should be made to use them in class Do not attempt to explain the grammar behind the phrases
to translate the relevant word or phrase
3 Look and learn
The Look and learn boxes contain examples of the
grammatical focus of the lesson and draw attention to points
of grammar which need special explanation
Trang 13• Ask students to find the sentences which contain the
structure in the dialogue or text
• Use the detailed lesson notes in this Teacher’s Book for
suggestions for further practice
Key new vocabulary in the input lessons is presented in a
special section of its own, under the heading New words
This section can occur either at the beginning or in the body
of the lesson Each word is recorded, so that students can
hear the correct pronunciation After the repetition stage,
there is often an activity to match the word with the correct
• Draw attention to the list of new words
• Play the recording and ask the students to repeat each
word, first chorally then individually
• If the words are presented as part of a matching exercise,
ask the students to look at the pictures and match them
with the words
• Check the answers
• Revise the new words in subsequent lessons Use real
objects in the classroom whenever possible
5 Speak
The Speak exercises involve controlled spoken exchanges,
often using words, illustrations or photos for cues It is
important to show clearly what is expected of the students by
giving an example yourself
To add variety to their speaking practice, students are often
asked to roleplay a situation or exchange The procedure is
the same as for the Speak exercises.
Any language practice that has a competitive, amusing or
puzzle element to it is called a Game or a Puzzle Games
and puzzles are an entertaining and valuable way for young
learners to practise new language Simple games appear from
time to time in the language input lessons, whereas more
elaborate games and puzzles are included at the end of each
8 Songs
As well as being fun, singing songs changes the pace of
a lesson Songs give intensive listening practice and are a natural context for repetition There are four contemporary
pop songs in New Sky Three Students’ Book These occur at
regular intervals in the input lessons The complete song is printed in the reference section at the back of the Students’
Book and the song title appears in the appropriate place in the lesson There are an additional six songs at regular intervals
in the Activity Book
• Allow plenty of time for the song in your lesson plan
• Give students time to read through the song Explain new words
• Play the song once or twice for students to listen
• Play the song again and ask students to join in
• If appropriate, divide the class into pairs or groups and allot different verses or parts of the song to each pair or group
• Play the song again and ask the different groups to sing their verse
9 Limericks
Like songs, limericks are fun and can add variety to a lesson
They also provide excellent practice in stress, rhythm and pronunciation in an entertaining way There are four limericks
in New Sky Three occurring at regular intervals The limericks
have gaps for the students to listen and complete
• Play the limerick through once Check vocabulary
• Play it once or twice again and ask students to complete the gaps
• Encourage students to think about the rhythm Explain that lines one, two and five contain three beats and rhyme, and lines three and four have two beats and rhyme
• Divide students into groups so that they can listen and say the limerick
10 Sounds fun
Amusing tongue twisters and rhymes appear at regular
intervals in the Revision lessons to practise a particular
sound of English These are recorded
• Play the Sounds fun recording for students to hear the
whole rhyme or sentence
• Help the students to produce the sound in question if they are having difficulty
• Play the recording again and ask students to underline the sounds
Trang 14The listening comprehension activities in the Students’ Book
include short conversations, games, interviews, instructions
and radio programmes
Reading is a key skill in general education and academic
progress New Sky emphasises reading from the beginning
As well as presentation texts (see page 11: Listen and read
dialogues and texts) many lessons contain a short reading text
The Picture stories (to be used after Lessons 9, 19, 29 and 39)
provide easy, entertaining reading material The Across cultures
lessons (Lessons 4, 14, 24 and 34) contain cross-cultural
reading texts about English-speaking countries The Across the
lessons (Lessons 9, 19, 29 and 39) contain cross-curricular reading texts New vocabulary for active learning
is highlighted in a special New words section on the page
To give the students’ reading skills an additional boost, there
are four ‘James Blonde’ Puzzle Stories at the end of the
the students follow in their books
• Read the texts again, stopping to explain or check
• Ask the students to read the text silently to themselves
• Ask the Check questions or get students to do the Check
task You can ask a few more comprehension questions if
you wish
13 Write
Writing activities range from controlled sentence writing
to simple paragraphs, notes, postcards, emails and letters
Many of the writing activities are based on the reading texts
as models Most writing tasks can be set for homework but
should be prepared in class However, short writing activities
like sentence completion can be done in class to vary the
pace of the lesson The following procedure is suitable for
• Ask a student to write the first sentence on the board The others can suggest the next sentence and so on
• Continue until the whole text is written
• Ask students to write their own paragraph for homework
14 Across cultures
New Sky Three Students’ Book includes four special ‘culture’
lessons called Across cultures which come at Lessons 4,
14, 24 and 34 These integrate and consolidate the language
of the previous cycle of lessons and provide additional integrated skills practice in reading, speaking and listening
Each of the Across cultures lessons highlights a different
cultural aspect of the UK
to set a few simple comprehension questions first
• Ask students to do the Check activity individually or in
pairs Give an example first
• Check the answers and continue with any other tasks
15 Across the curriculum
There are also four special Across the curriculum lessons
in New Sky Three which come at Lessons 9, 19, 29 and 39 The Across the curriculum lessons present topics of interest
relating to other subjects in the school curriculum such as Science, Geography and Information Technology (IT) In this way students use English to extend their general education The lessons consolidate the language of the previous cycle
of lessons and provide additional integrated skills practice in reading, speaking and listening
to set a few simple comprehension questions first
• Ask students to do the Check activity individually or in
pairs Give an example first
• Check the answers and continue with any other tasks
Trang 1516 Project
Each Across cultures and Across the curriculum lesson ends
with a Project, which is thematically and linguistically linked
to the text of the lesson The project provides students with
an opportunity to produce a piece of work based on their own
lives and experiences, while at the same time consolidating
the language they have learnt The original texts often serve
as a useful model In addition each project has a helpful guide
and a further model to get students started with their writing
If you choose to set the project for homework, spend a few
minutes in class to prepare the students for this
find photographs, ask the students to do this first
• Ask a student to write the first sentence on the board
Repeat the same procedures as for Write page In some
cases, students may work on a project in pairs
• Go round and monitor as students write their projects
Encourage them to use bold colours so that you can make
a colourful display of their projects on the classroom walls
or in the corridor
• Collect in the students’ finished work and display it
17 Writing tips and Study tips
All the projects in the Across cultures lessons are supported
by a Writing tip, e.g words with difficult spelling The
projects in the Across the curriculum lessons are supported
by a Study tip, e.g using a dictionary Both types of tip are
accompanied by a simple task
18 Picture story
There are four individual Picture stories in New Sky Three
These are grouped at the back of the Students’ Book, but can
be used after Lessons 9, 19, 29 and 39 They bring together
and consolidate the structures and vocabulary from the
previous lessons Any new words are listed below the story in
a New words box All four stories are recorded.
• Introduce the setting for the story
• Present some of the new vocabulary from the New words
• Play the recording, dividing the story into sections Ask
students to follow it in their books
• Pause after each section to check understanding and ask
• Play the complete story again without stopping
• Students complete the Check exercise individually and
compare their answers
• In pairs or groups, students write a scene or scenes from
the story as a dialogue
• Encourage students to suggest different endings for the
story, then get them to write an ending Individual students
can read their endings to the class
• Ask different groups to act out the story in front of the class Encourage the students to memorise their part if they can
19 Revision
The regular Revision lessons give students a chance to
measure their progress and enable teachers to identify areas
of difficulty which need extra practice The Revision lessons
contain exercises and activities to revise grammar and
vocabulary, guided roleplay exercises called Chat time (see
below) to test the students’ spoken language in use and often a
Game or Puzzle which gives special revision of one or more
language items and may be done in pairs or individually
They also contain the Sounds fun exercises (see Section 10,
pages 12–13) The final part, What can you do?, focuses on
the language and functions students have practised in the cycle of lessons and encourages them to evaluate how well they ‘can do’ things in English
20 Chat time
Guided roleplay exercises occur in every Revision lesson
They provide another opportunity for students to use the language they have learnt in a communicative setting and give students another chance to talk about themselves
• Establish the situation clearly
• Ask the students to read through the cues and think about what they would say
• Play the recording for students to listen and compare the conversation with their own
21 Lesson by lesson Word list
New vocabulary should be revised regularly using the lesson-by-lesson list of words at the back of the Students’
Book Only those words which the students are required to produce in either spoken or written form are listed Where appropriate, those words which form a lexical group are linked under a general heading, e.g clothes At the back of the Teacher’s Book there is an alphabetical list of words and expressions with phonetic transcriptions provided
At the back of the Students’ Book there is a grammar
reference section called Max’s Grammar Store This sets
out in clear tables the grammatical structures introduced
in New Sky Three Draw attention to this section at the
beginning of the course so that students can refer to it when they need to It can also be useful for revision purposes
Trang 1623 The CEF Portfolio
Go to to use the
English Language Portfolio that accompanies this Teacher’s
Book It is based upon the requirements of the Common
European Framework of References for Languages, which
was developed by the Council of Europe The Portfolio is
designed as a learning companion for the student It enables
the learner to record details of his/her language learning and
to demonstrate his/her language achievements by collecting
examples of work in English Exercises in the Students’ Book
New Sky Three, including both Students’ Book and Activity
Book, provides approximately ninety to one hundred and
twenty hours’ work Each lesson in the Students’ Book
corresponds in most cases to one teaching period but some
lessons may take longer if all the suggestions for Further
practice are taken up Most of the exercises in the Activity
Book, except for the listening activities, can be set for
It is important to check in the detailed teaching notes for
each lesson to see if any extra materials are suggested for
the lesson As a general rule, it is useful to have in the
• a pin board or an area to display students’ work, notices,
interesting pictures, etc
3 The first lesson
The first lesson with a new book can sometimes be bewildering
Begin in the L1 with short discussion of the sort of activities
the students will be engaged in Give the students a ‘guided
tour’ of the contents of the Students’ Book while you draw
attention to the different features Stress how important it
is to speak English as much as possible and to imitate the
sounds of English as closely as they can
4 Abbreviations used in the Teacher’s Book
T Teacher
S Student
Ss Students
T-S Teacher speaks to student
S-S Student speaks to student
S1-S2 First student speaks to second student and so on
pl plural
Trang 19They’re making a film.
Present simple and Present continuous: positive,
negative and questions
Ask and talk about personal information
Say what is happening
Places in town (Memory check)
Everyday phrases: Look! What’s happening? Oh,
right Quick! Excuse me!
Background information
• Alex Rider /"lIks 'raIdə/ is the title character in
the popular Alex Rider series of novels by British
author Anthony Horowitz Alex is the teenage
agent for MI6, the British international intelligence
• Alex Pettyfer /"lIks 'petIfə/, born 1990, is an
English actor He played Alex Rider in the film
Stormbreaker, 2006
• Melbourne: capital city of Victoria, Australia
Population 3.2 million
• London City Airport is only 10 km from the centre
of London It handles flights throughout the UK and
mainland Europe
• Keira Knightley /"kIərə 'naItli/, born 1985, is a
British actress She began acting professionally at
the age of seven
• International Schools are found in most capital
cities of the world They are private schools with
an international student population The medium of
education is English
Getting started
• If this is the first lesson with the class, greet the Ss and
introduce yourself
• Introduce Ss to the activities and the features of the SB,
using L1 See the advice about ‘The first lesson’ on page
15 in the TB
• Revise Present simple questions and answers in
preparation for Lesson 1, using vocabulary your Ss
already know Ask questions for Ss to answer, e.g
What’s your/his/her name? How old are you? Where
do you live? What sports do you like? If necessary,
encourage Ss to help each other with the answers
1 02 1 Listen and read
• Ask Ss to look at the picture on page 4 and guess where it is and what the people are doing If necessary,
ask questions, e.g What sort of place is this? What’s
happening? Can you describe one person in the picture?
(appearance, clothes, age) If you feel Ss may not cope well with using Present simple and Present continuous in their answers, use just one of the verb forms at this stage
• Play the recording two or three times for Ss to listen and read Check that Ss understand the meaning of building,
spy , accent and autograph.
• Divide the class into four groups to be Jake, Ollie, Rose and Jess Play the recording again, this time leaving a pause after each sentence for the groups to listen and repeat their lines and then change roles
2 Check
• Look at the example item with the class Ask Ss to find
the part of the dialogue that gives the answer (Yes, we’re
2 They’re from Melbourne 3 Ollie has got an
Australian accent 4 His dad works for an airline
company 5 Jake and Rose live in East London
6 Rose asks Alex Pettyfer for his autograph.
Everyday phrases
• Ask Ss to read and repeat the phrases after you several times
• Ask Ss what they say in their L1 for each phrase
Look and learn
• Encourage Ss to say what they remember about the
Present simple and Present continuous Refer Ss to Max’s
Grammar Store (page 95)
• Ss read and complete the sentences in the Look and learn
box Check that Ss remember the third person singular form of both verb tenses
Trang 20They’re making a film.
He/She lives in Melbourne
I/We don’t live in Manchester
He/She doesn’t live in Sydney
Where do you live?
Where does your dad work?
Present continuous:
He/She’s/is talking to a film star
I’m/am/They’re/are not making a TV programme
He/She isn’t talking to me
What’s/is he doing?
Where are you living right now?
3 Read and write
• Encourage Ss to say what they know about Keira Knightley, using English as much as possible
• Read aloud the sentences in the introduction to the article
• Advise Ss to read the rest of the article quickly for general understanding Ss then work individually, reading and completing the gaps with the correct verb forms Ss can compare answers in pairs before checking answers as
a class
• Check Ss’ answers by asking individuals to read aloud the sentences Explain or encourage Ss to guess the meaning of any new words
1 works 2 makes 3 is having 4 isn’t staying
5 is living 6 loves 7 goes 8 go 9 don’t know
10 think 11 ’m/am enjoying
• Check Ss’ answers by asking individuals to make
sentences, e.g Ollie is fourteen Check spelling of the
answers where necessary
Age fourteen School International School (in the middle of London) Home town Melbourne
Favourite sport tennis Favourite food hamburger
5 English in action: Personal information
• Read out the instructions and question prompts
• Elicit the questions and example answers from the
Ss Check the use of the Present simple and Present continuous verb forms
• Ss work in pairs, acting out the conversation and changing roles Monitor but do not interrupt Ss’ fluency
Make a note of any general problems with verb forms and go over these with the whole class afterwards
• If time, some of the pairs can act out their roleplay for the class
Where do you come from? What are you doing here?
Where are you staying? Where do you go to school?
What sports do you play? Do you want to have a hamburger?
6 Memory check: Places in town
• Look at the example item with the class Elicit the answers to the second item
• Ss work in pairs, reading the cues and suggesting which two places the people want to go to Monitor and help Ss
if necessary
• Check pronunciation and spelling when checking Ss’
answers Point out that there may be more than one possible answer for some of the places If Ss ask about
the use of the definite article (the) with station, bus
station and cinema, explain (in L1) that we use ‘the’
when there is only one of these places in the town, e.g
there is probably more than one car park but only one train station in a town
2 a restaurant and a disco/a club 3 a coffee bar/a
café and a music shop/a record shop 4 a bank and a
supermarket 5 a bookshop and a post office 6 a bus
stop/the bus station and the cinema
7 Write Portfolio
• Read through the instructions and questions with the class Ss may need time to find out information about the film or pop star they choose
• Advise Ss to refer to the magazine article about Keira Knightley to help them Ss write their article with the title ‘Star profile’
• Check Ss’ draft article and point out any errors for them to correct before they write out the final version
Encourage Ss to attach a picture of their chosen star to their article
• If there is space in your classroom, Ss can make a display of their articles
Trang 21I like this one.
Object pronoun: one(s)
Going to future for plans and intentions: positive,
negative and questions
Present continuous for future arrangements: positive,
negative and questions
Ask and talk about your plans and intentions
Ask and talk about your future arrangements
Money (Memory check)
Everyday phrases: All right Don’t be late Hang on!
Don’t be silly Hurry up [you two] How much [is
this helmet]? Sure.
Background information
cool is an informal expression of approval It is used
mainly by young people to mean great/good.
Getting started
• Revise vocabulary of colours by asking Ss to say the
colours of classroom objects, e.g books, pencils and
their clothes The colours used in the lesson are red,
black , green, blue, white and brown
• Revise some of the nouns used in the lesson Show
actual objects or pictures of them and elicit the words
and the colours: sunglasses, baseball cap, (cycle) helmet,
1 04 1 Listen and read
• Ask Ss to look at the picture and say where it is and
what the people are doing Check that Ss use the Present
simple and Present continuous verb forms appropriately
• Play the recording for Ss to listen and read Ask Ss:
What are they buying? (A cycle helmet for Rose), What
time is Dad meeting them? (At four o’clock)
• Explain or encourage Ss to guess the meaning of any
new words Check that Ss understand the meaning of
‘stripes’ by asking them to look back at the photo on
page 4 and say who is wearing ‘a striped T-shirt’ (Jake
and Rose)
• Play the recording again, this time leaving a pause after
each sentence for Ss to listen and repeat chorally and
• Ask groups of six Ss to read and act the dialogue, each
S taking one of the parts (Mum, Dad, Rose, Jake, Ranu
and the Man)
• Read the instruction and check that Ss understand what
to do Look at the example answer with the class
• Ss work individually or in pairs, referring to the dialogue and completing the exercise
• When checking Ss’ answers, ask them to correct the wrong sentence
2 ✓ 3 ✓ 4 ✓ 5 DK 6 ✗ (Rose buys the helmet)
3 05 1 Memory check: Money
• Ss work in pairs, reading the prices and working out how
to say them
• Play the recording for Ss to check their answers
• Then play the recording several times for Ss to listen and repeat, chorally and individually
Audio script and answers
a) ninety-nine p/pence b) fifty p/pence c) one pound d) three pounds e) five pounds fifty f) thirty-seven
pounds ninety-five/thirty-seven ninety-five/thirty-seven pounds ninety-five pence
Further practice
• If you have any British coins or notes, bring them to the lesson to show the Ss
• Write more prices on the board to give Ss further practice
in saying prices You may like to include some of the prices that Ss will meet in Exercise 4:
20p £7.85 £95 £13.65 £5.50 £29 £1.75p £49.95
Look and learn
• Ask Ss to read and repeat the questions and answers after
you, first using the singular (one) and then using the plural form (ones).
• Ask Ss to look back at the dialogue and find and read out
sentences containing one or ones.
4 English in action: Shopping
a) Look at the pictures Complete the conversation
with one/ones and the price.
• Ask Ss to look at the two pictures, identify the objects
(black sunglasses, green sunglasses) and say the prices
• Give Ss time to read the dialogue and complete it
Trang 22I like this one.
• Check Ss’ answers by asking two students to read aloud the complete dialogue
• After checking Ss’ answers, divide the class into two groups (to be Speaker A and Speaker B) Ss listen and say their lines in the dialogue after you and then change parts
(Which) ones?
(The green) ones.
(They’re) £7.00/seven pounds.
b) One of you is a customer, the other is a shop assistant Look at the pictures and buy the things.
• Ask Ss to say what the objects are and how much they are, e.g
blue cycle helmet, nineteen pounds ninety-nine red cycle helmet, twenty-two pounds fifty green baseball cap, four pounds fifty white baseball cap, seven pounds eighty-five black trainers, forty-nine pounds ninety-five white trainers, thirty-two pounds seventy-five blue jeans, nineteen pounds sixty-five black jeans, twenty-nine pounds
• Ask two or three open pairs of Ss to make dialogues with
different pictures Point out that Speaker A says Can I
have one, please? when buying a helmet and a baseball
cap (singular nouns) But Speaker A says Can I have
them, please? when buying trainers and jeans (plural
• Ss then work in closed pairs, making dialogues with the pictures and taking turns to be the customer and the shop assistant Monitor and help Ss correct any errors
• Check answers by asking pairs of Ss to act out their dialogues for the class
Look and learn
• Read the going to sentences with the class and ask Ss to complete them Point out that going to is used for plans
and intentions Check that Ss understand the meaning of
plans and intentions.
I’m not going to buy trainers
What are you going to buy?
• Read the Present continuous sentences with the class and ask Ss to complete them Point out that the Present continuous is used for future arrangements Check that Ss understand the difference in meaning between
arrangements and plans by asking them to translate the
words into their L1
I’m not meeting Dad at four o’clock.
When are you meeting Dad?
5 Speak
a) Talk about your plans and intentions.
• Read out the instruction Ask two Ss to read out the example question and answer
• Ask three or four pairs of Ss to work in open pairs, asking and answering the three questions Encourage Ss
to give different replies saying what they are going to do and where they are going to go
• Ss then work in closed pairs, taking turns to ask and answer the questions Monitor and help Ss correct any errors
b) Talk about your future arrangements.
• Ask two Ss to read aloud the example question and answer
• Ask several pairs of Ss to work in open pairs, asking the three questions and giving different answers
• Ss then work in closed pairs, taking turns to ask and answer the questions Monitor and help Ss correct any errors
6 06 1 Listen
• Give Ss time to read through the sentences before they listen to the recording
• Play the recording, two or three times if necessary, for Ss
to listen and complete the sentences
• Check Ss’ answers by asking individuals to read out the sentences
Audio script
Rose: What are you going to do after school?
Lisa: I’m going to do my homework and then I’m going to watch that Alex Rider film on TV Why, what are you going to do?
Rose: Well, some new Australian friends are coming
to our house Their names are Ollie and Jess
They’re really nice, I promise
Lisa: What time are they arriving?
Rose: At six o’clock Do you want to come? Jake’s got
a really cool Australian accent! We’re going to play a computer game
Lisa: Yes, OK I’d love to meet them, but I’m going to finish my History project first I can come after that
2 she’s going to watch 3 are coming 4 are arriving
5 are going to play 6 is going to finish
7 07 1 SONG Dedicated Follower of
Carnabetian (army) refers to Carnaby Street, famous for its trendsetting clothes shops in the 1960s
• Play the recording again two or three times for Ss to
Trang 23What did you do?
Free time (Memory check)
Everyday phrases: It was fun/rubbish I nearly forgot
Guess what [happened] … ! Please write back soon
Thanks very much for the [CD].
Background information
• Bluewater Shopping Centre is in Kent in the
southeast of England It opened in 1999 and has
over 330 shops, restaurants and a cinema
• Limerick /'lImərIk/: a humorous 5-line rhyming
poem, usually with a surprising/funny last line
Getting started
• Ask Ss to look at the pictures of the children on page 8
Encourage them to pool what they can remember about
each one (Jake, Rose, Ollie and Jess)
• Ask one of the Ss to read out the words on Rose’s arm
Ask Ss (in L1) if they remember what happened in
Lesson 1 and to guess why these words are on Rose’s
arm Ss can check their guesses in Exercise 1 in this
1 08 1 Read
• Give Ss time to look at Jake’s email to Sam Draw Ss’
attention to the expressions used at the beginning and
end of the letter and the P.S (postscript) for Jake’s
• Play the recording two or three times for Ss to listen and
• Write on the board:
It was fun It was rubbish He was lucky
Ask Ss to read the first paragraph of the email and to
guess the meaning of fun, rubbish and lucky If you
wish, ask Ss to translate the sentences into their L1
• Explain or encourage Ss to guess the meaning of any
other new words in the text
• Play the recording of the second paragraph again, this
time leaving a pause after each sentence for Ss to listen
and repeat, chorally and individually
2 Check
• Look at the example sentence and answer with the class
Check that Ss understand that the sentences are not in the email but they are what somebody said last weekend
• Ss work individually or in pairs, referring to the email and completing the chart Go round and help if necessary
• Check answers by asking pairs of Ss to read out the sentence and say the name of the person who said it
Ss then listen and say the phrases after you several times
• Ask Ss what they say in their L1 for Guess what
happened and Please write back soon.
Look and learn
• Read through the sentences with the class and elicit the missing words Check that Ss remember how to form the
negative and questions in the Past simple with did.
• Draw Ss’ attention to the phrases with ago Ask Ss to say
the phrases after you
Positive We talked Negative He didn’t talk; We didn’t talk Questions Where did they see him?
3 09 1 Write and listen
a) Find the Past simple forms of these verbs in Jake’s email Then write them in the correct column.
• Read out the instructions and the example verbs in the two columns
• Write the two columns on the board Ask Ss to find the
next two verbs (have, be) in the email and ask individual
Ss to write the verb forms (have/had, be/was) on the
board in the correct column (irregular verbs)
• Ss work individually, finding the verbs in the email and writing them in the correct column, in the Past simple form
• Check answers by asking individuals to write the verbs
in the columns on the board
Trang 24Regular verbs start/started, arrive/arrived,
happen/happened, talk/talked, want/wanted
Irregular verbs have/had, be/was, go/went,
take/took, meet/met, make/made, buy/bought, leave/left, find/found, forget/forgot, see/saw, come/came, say/said, give/gave, think/thought, write/wrote
b) Now listen and repeat.
• Play the recording several times for Ss to listen and repeat the verbs, chorally and individually
Audio script
Regular verbs start/started, arrive/arrived, happen/
happened, talk/talked, want/wanted
Irregular verbs do/did, have/had, be/was/were,
go/went, take/took, meet/met, make/made, buy/bought, leave/left, find/found, forget/forgot, see/saw,
come/came, say/said, give/gave, think/thought, write/wrote
4 Read and write
• Ask Ss to look at the picture Ask Ss what the girl is holding (British £10 notes) and encourage them to guess
why she has got this money Teach the phrase cash
machine before Ss read the text
• Ss work individually, reading and completing the article with the Past simple of the verbs in brackets
• Check Ss’ answers by asking individuals to read out the sentences Correct any serious pronunciation errors
Check spelling where necessary Explain or encourage Ss
to guess the meaning of any new vocabulary
• Ask Ss if they think Lucy was crazy or if she did the right thing
2 wanted 3 went 4 took 5 started 6 gave 7 had
8 talked 9 was 10 said 11 did
5 Speak
• Ask two Ss to read aloud the example question and answer Look at the question prompts with the class and elicit the questions
• Ss then work in pairs, referring to Jake’s email and taking turns to ask and answer the questions Tell Ss
to answer in complete sentences Monitor and help Ss correct any errors
• Check answers by asking pairs of Ss to ask and answer the questions
2 Who did they take? They took Ollie and Jess
3 What did Jake buy? He bought a computer game
4 What did Ollie leave in the shop? He left his mobile
5 Which actor did they see? They saw Alex Pettyfer
6 What did he give Rose? He gave her a photo
6 Memory check: Free time
• Read through the three headings with the class Elicit one
or two more activities for each heading
• Ss work in small groups of three of four, adding more activities to each heading If you wish, give Ss a time limit of one minute
• Write the three headings on the board In turn, Ss from each group add activities to the lists Check spelling and pronunciation of the vocabulary
Example answers
Things to do at home watch DVDs, read magazines Things to do in town go to a café, go to the park Sports play football, go cycling, play tennis
7 Speak
a) Ask your friends what they did in their free time Ask about the times in the box.
• Read out the instructions and the times in the box
Ask two Ss to read out the example dialogue Elicit questions and answers for all the time phrases in the box Encourage Ss to use some of the free time activities from Exercise 6
• Ss work in groups of three or four, taking turns to ask and answer questions Monitor but do not interrupt Ss’
fluency Make a note of any general language problems
to go over with the class afterwards
b) Tell the class.
• In turn, each S tells the class about their friends
8 Write Portfolio
• Read out the instructions and elicit several examples from Ss of something funny or strange that happened
to them Tell Ss they can invent something if they wish
Encourage Ss to use vocabulary they already know in English
• Look at Jake’s email with the class Draw Ss’ attention
to the beginning and ending of the email and how the paragraphs are structured Tell Ss that their email doesn’t need to be as long as Jake’s
• Ss draft their email first for you to check Help with vocabulary if necessary and point out any errors for Ss to correct
• When Ss have finished their email, they can work in pairs or small groups, reading each other’s letters
• Ss turn to page 94 Use the picture to present the words
hot dog and log Ss read through the gapped limerick and
try to guess the missing words
• Play the recording for Ss to listen and complete
• Check answers by asking individual Ss to write the words on the board and say them
• Play the recording again for Ss to listen and say the limerick
Trang 25Across cultures
Background information (contd)
• Greenwich /'renItS, 'rI-, -nIdZ/: the Prime Meridian (zero degrees longitude) runs through the Royal Observatory at Greenwich The National Maritime Museum at Greenwich is a World Heritage Site, along with the Tower of London and the Palace of Westminster
• Canary Wharf /kə"neəri 'wO:f/: London’s newest business and banking district It is called Canary Wharf because, when there were docks there, many
of the imports came from the Canary Islands The tallest building in London is the Canary Wharf Tower
Getting started
• Introduce the topic of ‘London’ Ask Ss to say what they know about London, e.g famous buildings, streets, tourist attractions If you have a large London map, postcards and pictures of London, bring them to the lesson and encourage Ss to talk about them, using English as much as possible If appropriate, introduce some of the vocabulary from the lesson at this stage
• Ask Ss to look at the photos then name the places and say what they know about them (using English as much
as possible)
1 11 1 Listen and read
• Ask Ss to look at the photos and read the ‘Amazing facts and figures’ Ask if they know/can guess the places in the photos
• Play the recording several times for Ss to listen and read
Ss can check if their guesses about the places in the photos were correct You may like to pause the recording after each section and ask a question to check Ss’
comprehension, e.g
Text 1: Is Big Ben a clock or a bell? (a bell)
Text 2: Is the London Eye a tower or a wheel? (a wheel).
Text 3: Is the Tower of London a museum or a palace
today? (a museum)
Text 4: Is Tower Bridge one of the newest or one of the
oldest bridges in London? (one of the newest)
Text 5: Is the line at Greenwich important because of
time or because of the weather? (time)
Text 6: Are the offices in Canary Wharf old or new?
years 1078 1894 metres 135 m 7.5 m degrees 0° longitude
apartment, bell, bend, destination, diameter, docks,
eastern, hemisphere, instead, marathon, mark (v),
offices, palace, prisoner, side, tower, tunnel, western
• To read and understand factual information using
pictures, texts and a recording
• To listen for information about where the speaker
• To discuss interesting facts about London
• To read and understand a writing tip for ending a
letter or postcard
• To write a holiday postcard
• To develop an awareness of the world beyond Ss’
immediate environment
Background information
• The Houses of Parliament: also known as the Palace
of Westminster, containing the House of Commons,
the House of Lords and Westminster Hall Big Ben
is the bell inside the clock tower It weighs 13,760 kg
and was made in 1858
• The London Eye: designed in the 1990s and opened
for the start of the Millennium The London Eye
can carry 800 passengers in its 32 capsules Each
rotation takes about 30 minutes (travelling at
0.9 km per hour) and passengers can step on and off
without the wheel having to stop From the top of
the wheel, you can see around 40 km on a clear day
• The Tower of London: three popular tourist
attractions at the Tower are the Crown Jewels (used
by the monarch on state occasions), the Yeomen
Warders (popularly known as Beefeaters) and the
permanent presence of the Tower Ravens (large
black birds in the crow family) Legend says that
if the ravens ever leave the Tower, the Tower, the
British monarchy and British kingdom will fall
• Tower Bridge: when Tower Bridge was built
(1886–1894), London’s docks were still in use, so
the bridge had to allow access for tall-masted ships
The Bridge consists of two towers (each 60.96 m
tall) and a bridge which can split into two
Trang 26If necessary, write the sentences on the board Check that
Ss understand any new words, e.g striking
4 Speak
• Read the instructions with the class Elicit suggestions
to complete Speaker A and Speaker B’s sentences in the example dialogue Revise some expressions for agreeing
and disagreeing, e.g I agree./I don’t think so./I’m not
fluency Make a note of any general language problems
to go over with the class afterwards
• Each group then reports back to the class Encourage the groups to give reasons for their choice Ss can see how much general agreement there is
Further practice
• Ss work in their groups of three or four and make a list
of three interesting facts about the capital city of their country Give Ss time at home or in class to check their facts Help with new vocabulary where necessary
• Each group tells the class their three interesting facts
The class can see how many different interesting facts they have thought of
Writing tip: How to end a letter or postcard.
• Read out the writing tip Ask Ss if they can remember
how Jake ended his email in Lesson 3 (Please write back
soon Cheers, Jake)
• Ask Ss to complete these two sentences: Give my
regards/love to (your parents/grandma) and Say hi to
(Tim/your sister) Check (in L1 if necessary) that Ss
understand that Give my regards is the most formal and
Say hi to is the most informal of these phrases.
Imagine you are on a week’s holiday in London
Write a postcard to a friend Answer the questions
as you write.
• Read out the instructions and check that Ss understand what to do Read out the first question and the example sentence in the postcard Then read out the remaining three questions and elicit two or three answers to each question Write some of the answers on the board Point out the use of the Present continuous, Past simple and
going to future in the questions and remind Ss to use the correct verb forms in their sentences
• Tell Ss to write a first draft of their letter or postcards for you to check Go round and check Ss’ sentences, pointing out any errors to be corrected Ss then write a fair copy of their postcard or letter
• In groups of three or four, Ss read each other’s postcards
• Some of the Ss can then read out their postcards to the class
New words
• Ask Ss to repeat the words after you
• Ask Ss to find each word in the text Encourage them to use the context to guess the meaning of new words
2 Quiz
• Read out the instructions Tell Ss to cover the texts Ss work individually, matching the questions and answers without looking at the text Ss can compare answers in pairs before checking answers as a class
• When checking answers with the class, ask pairs of Ss
to ask and answer the questions If Ss disagree about an answer, they can refer back to the texts to check it
2 d) 3 i) 4 a) 5 c) 6 b) 7 h) 8 f) 9 e)
Further practice
• Write on the board:
Where? When? What? Who? How many?
• Ss work in pairs or small groups Give Ss one or two minutes to read the texts in Exercise 1 again and to write three or four questions using some of the question words
on the board Remind Ss to make a note of the answers
to their questions Monitor and check question forms
• Ss close their books In turn, the groups ask and answer questions Give one point for each correct answer if you wish The class can see how many different questions they have written
1 ‘Wait, it’s opening to let that ship come through so
we can’t drive across.’
2 ‘If we wait two minutes, we can hear the famous
bells striking 3 o’clock.’
3 ‘We’re so high up I can’t believe how far we can
4 ‘Stand here, with your left foot on this side of the
line and your right foot on the other side That’s it
You’re now standing in two hemispheres at the same time.’
2 the Houses of Parliament 3 the London Eye
4 Greenwich
Further practice
• Play the recording again, pausing after each speaker for
Ss to listen and repeat what the speaker says You may like to use the ‘back-chaining’ technique for repetition,
as described in the TB Introduction ‘General teaching
Trang 27dirty, dishwasher, Swedish
1 A Spanish boy is talking to a
Swedish boy in London Correct
their mistakes.
• Read aloud the instruction and check that Ss understand
what to do Look at the example wrong sentence and
correct sentence with the Ss Elicit the second correction
from the class
• Ss complete the exercise, working individually or in
• Check Ss’ answers by asking individuals to say the
correct sentences and write them on the board
2 I’m staying in a hotel near here 3 I’m visiting
England with my family 4 Do you like London?
5 Yes, I do 6 I’m learning English 7 But you speak
good English 8 No, I don’t.
2 13 1 Sounds fun / ŋ /
• Ss look at the picture Ask: What are they doing?
(They’re cycling/having fun/talking)
• Play the recording for Ss to read and listen only
• Then play the recording several times for Ss to listen and
repeat, chorally and individually Check that Ss do not
pronounce a separate /ŋ/ sound instead of // at the end
of the words
• Divide the class into groups of three or four Ss Each
group in turn listens and repeats the sentences
3 Do the sums and find the total
• Look at the example item with the class
• Ss complete the exercise working individually, matching
the sums and the total prices They can compare answers
in pairs before checking answers as a class
2 c) 3 d) 4 a)
• After checking answers, ask individual Ss to read out the
complete sums, e.g 1 sixty-five pence and one pound
fifteen is one pound eighty
4 Rewrite the conversation
Change the underlined word to
one or ones.
• Read through Sean’s /SO:n/ first speech and the example answer
• Ss work individually, completing the conversation
• Check answers by asking individuals to read out the sentences
2 Which ones do you like? 3 I like those ones in the
window 4 The red one 5 The one with the A on the
front? 6 Yes, that one.
• After checking answers, ask two or three pairs of Ss to read out the conversation for the class to hear
• Ss then work in closed pairs, reading out the conversation and taking turns to play each role Monitor and correct any serious pronunciation problems
5 Complete the conversation using these words and phrases.
• Advise Ss to read through the whole conversation first before they start completing it Ss complete the conversation working individually They can compare answers in pairs before checking answers as a class
• Check Ss’ answers by asking two Ss to read aloud the conversation
scarf (e.g the blue one/the red one with black stripes on
it ) and the price (e.g £10.50/£12).
• Ss then work in closed pairs, making new dialogues and taking turns to be the customer and the shop assistant
6 Complete the sentences with one verb in the Present continuous
and the other verb in the going
• Ss complete the exercise working individually
• Check answers by asking individuals to read out the sentences
Trang 282 ’re leaving ’re going to play 3 ’s taking me
’m going to buy 4 ’s arriving ’s going to work
5 are you going to do ’m meeting
7 Complete the missing forms of the verbs.
• Read the instruction and the example answer with the class
• Ss do the exercise working individually or in pairs
• Check answers by asking individuals to write the past forms on the board and say them
• Ss do the exercise working individually They can compare answers in pairs before checking answers as a class
• Check answers by asking individuals to read out the sentences
2 met 3 took 4 talked 5 had 6 made 7 said 8 was
9 washed 10 didn’t have 11 left 12 gave
Further practice
• Give Ss time to read through the text again Ss then close their books
• Ask the class to retell what happened, beginning
On Saturday the twenty fourth of July, Jake’s cousin from … Encourage Ss to add information to the story if
they wish, e.g We arrived at the airport at nine o’clock
and his plane landed at half past nine Elicit sentences from the Ss and see how well they can remember the sequence of events and use the past tense verb forms
9 Where are these people?
• Read out the instruction Give Ss time to read through the words in the box and the example item Elicit the answer to the second item from the class
• Ss complete the exercise, working individually or in pairs
• Check answers by asking individuals to read aloud the sentences and say the place
2 a music shop 3 a café 4 a bank 5 a station
6 a bookshop 7 a restaurant 8 a post office
10 14 1 Chat time
a) You meet a boy/girl for the first time In pairs, write a conversation Then act it out.
• Read through the first cue for Student A and Student
B and ask two Ss to read out the example question and answer Then read out the second cue for Student A and Student B and elicit the question and answer from the class
• Ss then work in pairs, reading the cues and writing the conversation Monitor and help if necessary Point out any errors for the pairs to correct
• Ss then work in closed pairs, acting out their conversation and taking turns to play each role Monitor but do not interrupt the conversations Make a note of any general points to go over with the class afterwards
• Some of the pairs can act their conversation for the class
• Ss look at Student B’s cues again Play the recording, two or three times if necessary, for Ss to note down Ollie’s answers to the questions
Audio script
Jake: Where do you live?
Ollie: We live in Melbourne
Jake: What do you do in your free time?
Ollie: I do a lot of sport
Jake: What did you do last summer?
Ollie: I went to the beach every day!
Jake: What are you going to do tomorrow?
Ollie: I’m going to buy an English mobile
Jake: What do you want to do on Saturday?
Ollie: I’m going shopping in the morning But I’m free in the afternoon I want to go to the Tower
of London
What can you do?
• Read aloud each sentence, starting it with I can Explain
(in L1) that this section describes what Ss have learnt to
do in English in Lessons 1–4 and gives them a chance to assess how well they can do these things
• For each I can sentence, elicit questions and answers
from the Ss, e.g
Where do you live?/What sports do you play?
What are you doing at the moment?
What did you do yesterday?
What are you going to do this evening?
What are you doing at the weekend?
• Encourage Ss to say how confident they feel about doing
each of the things in the I can sentences Ss then work
individually, ticking the boxes for the language they feel
they can use confidently If most of the Ss feel they need
more practice in using a specific language area, look at this again with the class and give extra practice
Trang 29• Jean Marc Gaspard Itard (1775–1838): began his
working life in a bank and then became a physician
in a military hospital Later, back in Paris, he held
positions in various hospitals and in 1789 became
a physician at the Institute for Deaf Mutes His
work in otology (the hearing organ and its diseases)
gained him a reputation throughout Europe
• The film L’Enfant Sauvage (The Wild Child):
released in 1970 The film’s director, François
Truffaut, played the role of Dr Itard in the film
Victor de L’Aveyron was played by Jean-Pierre
Getting started
• Revise the use of can/can’t with the class Ask Ss: What
sports can/can’t you play? What languages can/can’t
you speak? What other things can/can’t you do? Check
that Ss remember that we use can/can’t to talk about the
1 15 1 Read
• Ask Ss to look at the picture and guess when this story
happened (the 21st/19th/16th century?) and who the man
and the boy are (father and son/school teacher and pupil/
doctor and patient/policeman and young criminal?)
Ss may find it helpful if you explain briefly (in L1) what
autism is before they read the article Encourage Ss to
give reasons for their opinions (using English as much as
• Before Ss read and listen to the story, check that they
understand the meaning of woods and wild
• Play the recording once for Ss to read the article and
listen to the recording to check their guesses about when
the story happened and the two people in the picture
• Then play the recording two or three times Explain or
encourage Ss to guess the meaning of any new words in
the article
• Play the recording of the first two paragraphs again, this time leaving pauses for Ss to listen and repeat, chorally and individually
2 Check
• Advise Ss to read quickly through all the parts of the sentences before they start matching them Ss work individually, referring to the article and matching the parts of the sentences Ss can compare answers in pairs before checking answers as a class
• Check Ss’ answers by asking individuals to read aloud the complete sentences
1 d) 2 e) 3 a) 4 c) 5 b)
3 16 1 Memory check: Verbs of action
• Read out the instruction and the example answer Elicit the second verb from the class Ss complete the exercise working individually They can compare answers in pairs before checking answers as a class
• Check answers by asking individuals to read aloud the verbs
2 read 3 use 4 swim 5 skateboard 6 spell 7 play
8 paint 9 walk 10 write 11 ride 12 tell
Look and learn
• If Ss did the Getting started activity, remind them that
can/can’t is the present form and explain that could/
couldn’t is the past form of the verb
• Ss read the sentences and then repeat them after you
• Ss then answer the ‘Think about language’ question
the same
Further practice
• Ss look at the article again to find and read out sentences
containing could and couldn’t.
4 Speak
• Read out the instructions Ask two Ss to read out the example questions and answers
• Elicit two or three more exchanges from different pairs
of Ss using verbs from Exercise 3 If necessary, teach
the expression I can’t remember (point out that can here
refers to the present time)
Trang 30• Ss then work in pairs, using all the verbs from Exercise 3
to ask and answer questions about what they could and couldn’t do when they were five Monitor and help Ss correct any language errors
• Then, in a chain drill round the class, each S tells the class one thing their partner could do and one thing they couldn’t do when they were five Encourage Ss to help one another correct any language errors
Writing tip
Linkers: when and after
• Read out the information about when and after.
• Ss find and read out another sentence with when in the text in Exercise 1 (When he was about fourteen, he met
Doctor Gaspard Itard.)
5 Write
• Give Ss time to read through the information in the chart
• Ask two of the Ss to read aloud the example sentences
Point out the use of but to join different ideas on a sentence (he could walk but he couldn’t talk) and the use
of when (he was two) to link the sentences.
• Ss complete the sentences working individually Monitor and point out any errors for Ss to correct
• Check Ss’ answers by asking individual Ss to read out their sentences
• Write on the board:
When I started school, I could … but I couldn’t … After a year at school, I could … but I couldn’t …
• Elicit one or two example sentences, using the cues on the board
• Ss then work individually, writing two sentences about themselves Monitor Ss and help with vocabulary if necessary Point out any errors to be corrected
• Ss then work in pairs or small groups, reading aloud their sentences to each other
6 17 1 Listen and read
• Ask Ss to look at the photo and guess where the girls are (at a school) Ss then read through the dialogue quickly for general understanding and to find out if their guesses were correct (the girls are probably at an English language school)
• Ask two Ss to read the first three lines of the dialogue
Elicit the first answer from the class Ss then work individually, reading and completing the rest of the
dialogue with could or couldn’t and the verbs.
• Play the recording for Ss to listen and check their answers
• After checking answers, ask Ss: What’s your biggest
problem in learning English? Encourage Ss to give their own opinion, e.g understanding recordings when there isn’t a text to look at/remembering new words/using new grammar
2 could read 3 could say 4 couldn’t speak
5 couldn’t understand 6 could answer
7 couldn’t answer 8 couldn’t understand
Further practice
• Play the recording again for Ss to listen to the speakers’
pronunciation, intonation and stress patterns
• Ss work in open pairs and then closed pairs, reading aloud the dialogue and changing parts
• Some Ss can read the dialogue for the class to hear
Trang 31We were getting bored.
Past continuous: positive, negative and questions
Conjunctions: when and while
Teens: the word is normally used in expressions
such as ‘She’s in her teens’ to refer to the period in
one’s life between and including the ages of thirteen
to nineteen In the newspaper headline in Lesson 7,
‘teens’ is used as an abbreviation for ‘teenagers’
Getting started
• Revise some regular and irregular Past simple verb
forms that are used in this lesson Write on the board:
help get decide see have call arrive go say leave
• Ask individual Ss to write the Past simple form of the
verbs on the board and say them (helped, got, decided,
saw, had, called, arrived, went, said, left)
• Ss then work in pairs, writing two or three sentences
using the verbs in the Past simple The pairs can read out
their sentences to the class
1 18 1 New words: Prepositions of
• Play the recording several times for Ss to listen and
• Point out the example (1 across) above pictures 1–8.
• Ss work individually or in pairs, matching the words and
the pictures Monitor and help if necessary
• Check that Ss understand the meaning of the
prepositions by asking to translate the prepositions into
• Use the photo to present the words forest fire, smoke and
helicopter Read out the title of the article and encourage
Ss to guess what happened
• Ask Ss to read the article and listen to the recording the first time to find out:
1 Which country it is (France)
2 What kind of holiday Kylie and her friends are on (a school trip at a campsite)
3 Who Kylie phoned on her mobile (the campsite)
• Play the recording several times for Ss to listen and read the article Explain or encourage Ss to guess the meaning
of any new words in the article
• Play the recording of the first and second paragraphs, this time leaving pauses for Ss to listen and repeat, chorally and individually
3 Check
• Read through the instruction and the example answer with the class Advise Ss to read through all the sentences (a–f) before they start numbering them in the correct order
• Ss work individually or in pairs, referring to the article and numbering the events in the correct order
• Check answers by asking individuals to read out the sentences in the correct order
2 f) 3 a) 4 e) 5 c) 6 d)
4 Write
• Read out the words in the box Check Ss’ understanding
by asking them to match the words with the pictures (1–9) of a bridge, a field, a wood, a house, a cottage and
a river
• Ask one of the Ss to read out the example sentences
Elicit the third sentence from the class Draw Ss’
attention to the use of then and after that to join events in
a story
• Ss work individually, looking at the pictures and writing where the man went Ss can refer back to the words in Exercise 1, if necessary
• Check answers by asking individual Ss to read out the sentences
3 After that he went across/through a field
4 (Then/After that) he went along a river
5 He went over a bridge
6 He went around a cottage
7 He went into a river
8 He went out of a river
9 He went under a bridge.
Look and learn
• Ss read through the sentences and then repeat them after you
Trang 32We were getting bored.
• Ss may find it helpful if you draw timelines on the board to illustrate the actions in the sentences with
when and while.
She was watching TV, Kylie phoned
• Ss then answer the Think about language sentences.
when before the Past simple, while before the Past
• Ask Ss to look back at the article and find and read out
another sentence using while (column 1: While they were
staying there, the weather got hotter and hotter) and
another sentence using when (columns 1–2: The four
friends were cycling along a road through some woods, when suddenly they saw black smoke over the hills behind their campsite)
Further practice
• Write prompts on the board for Ss to make two sentences
using when and while:
1 John (walk) through the wood/he (saw) a snake
(John was walking through the wood when he saw a snake
While John was walking through the wood, he saw a snake.)
2 My friend (phone) me/I (have) breakfast
(I was having breakfast when my friend phoned me
While I was having breakfast, my friend phoned me.)
5 Speak
• Ask two Ss to read out the example question and answer
Elicit the question and one or two answers for the second
prompt (8.30 this morning).
• Ss work in open pairs and then closed pairs, taking turns
to ask and answer questions using the prompts in the box Monitor and help Ss correct any errors
Further practice
• In a chain drill round the class, Ss take turns to ask
and answer questions about this morning/yesterday
(afternoon/evening)/last Saturday (morning/afternoon), using different times
6 Speak
• Read out the instructions and give Ss time to look at the pictures Ask two Ss to read out the example question and answer
• Work through the pictures with the class, asking pairs of
Ss to ask and answer the questions
• Ss can then work in closed pairs, taking turns to ask and answer questions about the pictures Monitor and help Ss correct any errors
4 What were Paolo / paUləU/ and Roberto doing? They
were playing volleyball
5 What was Tony doing? He was washing his car
6 What was Nicole doing? She was reading a book.
7 Write
• Read through the instructions and the example sentences with the class Point out that sentences beginning with
While have a comma, i.e While Peter was sleeping, he
heard the alarm.
• Elicit the two sentences about Mr and Mrs White (picture
2) from the Ss Remind Ss to change the pronoun (he/
she/they ) and the verb (was/were -ing) where necessary.
• Ss complete the exercise working individually Monitor and point out any errors for Ss to correct
• Check answers by asking individuals to read out their pairs of sentences
2 a) Mr and Mrs White were having breakfast when
they heard the alarm.
b) While Mr and Mrs White were having breakfast,
they heard the alarm
3 a) Serge was having a shower when he heard the
b) While Serge was having a shower, he heard the
4 a) Paolo and Roberto were playing volleyball when
they heard the alarm
b) While Paolo and Roberto were playing volleyball,
they heard the alarm
5 a) Tony was washing his car when he heard the
• Play the recording, several times if necessary, for Ss to listen and complete
• Check answers by asking individual Ss to write the words on the board and say them
1 was eating 2 night 3 found 4 true
• Play the recording again for Ss to listen and say the limerick
Trang 33She used to play the sax.
Everyday phrases: Not really … not any more Come
on, [Rose] I’m hopeless Here goes [Jess], must
you? You sound like [a sick goat] [Ollie], don’t be
so mean [to your sister]
Background information
• James Blunt /dZemz blnt/: born 1977 English
pop singer, mixing jazz, rock and soul You’re
Beautiful was released in 2004
• Brooklyn /'brUklIn/ Joseph Beckham: born 1999,
the eldest son of David and Victoria Beckham
Brooklyn has two brothers, Romeo James (born
2002) and Cruz /kru:z/ David (born 2005)
Getting started
• Revise the use of play + sports/musical instruments Ask
individual Ss: What sports do you do? (I play football/
tennis/basketball … ) Can you/your father/your mother
play a musical instrument? If Ss answer Yes, ask: What
can you/he/she play? (The piano/guitar/drums) Teach
any new words Ss need to say what they can play
1 21 1 Listen and read
• Ask Ss to look at the picture and identify the people
and say what they are doing Use the picture to present
vocabulary in the text, e.g sax(ophone), karaoke, the
mike (microphone)
• Play the recording several times for Ss to listen and read
Explain or encourage Ss to guess the meaning of any
new words
• Divide the class into four groups to be Ollie, Jake, Jess
and Rose Play the recording again, this time leaving
a pause after each sentence for Ss to listen and repeat,
then change parts Encourage Ss to copy the stress and
intonation patterns of the speakers on the recording
Everyday phrases
• Ss repeat the phrases after you
• Ask Ss to find each phrase in the dialogue and translate
it into their L1
2 Check
• Read through the example item with the class
• Ss work individually, referring to the dialogue and marking the sentences right, wrong or don’t know (DK)
• If Ss disagree about any of the answers, encourage them
to give their reasons for their answer, using English as much as possible
2 ✓ 3 ✗ 4 DK ✓ 6 DK
3 22 1 New words: Musical instruments
a) Listen and repeat Then match Which four instruments are not in the pictures?
• Play the recording several times for Ss to listen and repeat, chorally and individually Check that Ss use the correct word stress
• Ss work individually or in pairs, matching the pictures and words
2 harmonica 3 recorder 4 flute 5 saxophone
6 trombone 7 drums 8 acoustic guitar 9 keyboards Instruments not in the pictures piano trumpet
• The groups feed back to the class and see if they agree
Point out that some instruments, e.g drums, may be found in an orchestra and a rock band
• Check answers by playing the recording again, pausing after each answer
Trang 342 keyboards 3 electric guitar 4 saxophone 5 trumpet
Look and learn
• Read out the first two (positive and negative) sentences
Ask Ss to look at the dialogue in Exercise 1 and say who
these sentences are about (Jake’s mum) Ask Ss: Does
Jake’s mum play the sax now? (No, she doesn’t) Check
that Ss understand that we use used to for things we did
regularly in the past but don’t do now
• Give Ss time to read through all the sentences in the box
Ss then repeat the sentences after you
• Draw Ss’ attention to the negative and question forms of
used to Write one or two sentences on the board for Ss to change into a question and a negative sentence, e.g Maria used to play the flute They used to live in New York
5 Speak
a) Work in pairs A is an American TV reporter B is David and Victoria Beckham’s son Brooklyn
• Ask two Ss to read out the example question and answer
Elicit the question and answer for the second item from the class Remind Ss to use the Present simple for things that the people do now
• Ss work in open pairs, using the prompts to ask and answer questions about things David and Victoria Beckham and their family used to do and what they
do now Encourage Ss to help one another correct any errors Check that Ss understand the vocabulary
• Ss then work in closed pairs, taking turns to ask and answer the questions Monitor and point out any errors for Ss to correct
2 A: Which team does he play for now?
B: He plays for LA Galaxy
3 A: What did your mum use to be?
B: She used to be a pop singer
4 A: What does she do now?
B: She designs clothes
5 A: Where did you use to live?
B: We used to live in London and Madrid
6 A: Where do you live now?
B: We live in Los Angeles.
b) Talk about David or Victoria Beckham’s life before and now.
• Read out the example sentences and elicit the endings
• Each S chooses David or Victoria Beckham and thinks about what to say Ss then work in groups of three or four Check that each group has at least one student who has chosen David and one student who has chosen Victoria Ss refer back to the prompts in part a) and talk about David and Victoria’s life Tell Ss they can invent information if they wish but it must be believable Monitor and help Ss correct any errors
6 Speak
• Read out the instruction and ask one of the Ss to read
out the example sentence Point out that now can come
at the end of the sentence (as here) or after but (as in
• In turn, Ss say their sentences to the class Encourage Ss
to help each other correct any errors
7 Read
• Ask Ss to look at and talk about the photo If necessary,
ask Ss questions, e.g What’s he doing? How old do you
think he is? Can you describe his appearance?
• Ss work individually, silently reading the text Encourage
Ss to guess the meaning of any new words from the context
8 Check
• Ask two Ss to read out the example question and answer
• Ss work individually, writing the questions and answers
Monitor and check Ss’ writing
• Check answers by asking pairs of Ss to ask and answer the questions
2 Which team did he use to play for? He used to play
for a team called Bristol City.
3 Did he use to earn much money? No, he didn’t.
4 Where did he use to live? He used to live with his
5 What kind of car did he use to drive? He used to
drive a small family car.
6 What did people use to ask him for? People used to
ask for his autograph.
9 Write Portfolio
• Read out the instructions and check that Ss understand what to do Tell Ss they can invent information, if they
wish Remind Ss to use the correct form of used to in
their sentences Advise Ss to refer to the text in Exercise
7 to help them
• Ss work individually, writing 5–7 sentences Monitor and help with vocabulary if necessary and point out any errors for Ss to correct
• Ss then work in pairs or small groups, reading each other’s emails
Trang 359 Across the curriculum
The solar system
• Then play the last two sections of the recording several times for Ss to listen and read Explain or encourage Ss
to guess the meaning of any new words Check that Ss understand the vocabulary
Further practice
Use the first and third sections of the text to give Ss practice
in reading aloud Play the recording of these sections (What
did people first believe? and How did Ptolemy change this
idea?), this time leaving a pause after each sentence for Ss
to listen and repeat
New words
• Give Ss time to read through the words in the box and find them in the texts Check that Ss understand the meaning of the words by asking them to translate words
such as ancient, circumference, telescope, astronomer.
• Play the recording of the texts in Exercise 1 again for
Ss to listen to the pronunciation of the new words Then ask Ss to listen and say the words after you, chorally and individually Pay particular attention to word stress
2 Check
• Read through the questions with the Ss Check that Ss
understand any new words, e.g measured, theories
• Ss work individually or in pairs, referring back to the texts and writing the answers to the questions Monitor and help if necessary
• Check answers by asking pairs of Ss to ask and answer the questions
1 Greece
2 Eratosthenes
3 Pythagoras thought the sun was the centre of the
universe, and the earth, the moon and the stars moved around the sun Ptolemy thought the earth was the centre of the universe and the sun, the moon and the stars moved around the earth
4 Poland
5 He watched the movement of the stars with the first
telescope and he could see that the sun was at the centre of our solar system
3 25 1 Listen
• Encourage Ss to say what they know about Copernicus
• Read out the instructions Give Ss time to read through the text and see if they can guess any of the missing words Tell Ss not to worry about understanding every word in the text at this stage
• Play the recording, two or three times if necessary, for
Ss to listen and complete the text and see if their guesses were correct
ancient, astronomer, believe, calculated, change,
circumference, dome, everyone, flat, island,
mathematician, moved, movement, solar system,
telescope, universe, watched
• To read and understand factual information using
visuals, a recording and texts
• To listen to a recording and complete a written text
• To talk about a famous scientist from your country
• To read a Study tip about writing in paragraphs and
identify paragraph topics
• To write three paragraphs about a famous scientist
• To relate the content of the lesson to topics from
other subjects in the school curriculum
• Check that Ss remember what BC and AD stand for
(before Christ and anno domini – which means in
English in the year of our Lord) Elicit how to say the
dates and long numbers Then point at random to the
items on the board for individual Ss to say them
1 24 1 Read
• Use the title of the lesson and the pictures to revise
known words and present some of the new words that
are in the text, e.g the earth, flat, round, the sun, the
moon , the stars, the solar system, the universe
• Ask Ss to look at the picture and names of the five
important scientists Encourage Ss to say what they
know about any of them (using L1 if necessary) Tell Ss
not to worry about using English pronunciation of the
men’s names
• Read aloud the first two questions in the text (What
did people first believe? What did the ancient Greeks
believe?) Encourage Ss to answer the questions if
they can (using English as much as possible) Play the
recording of the first two sections for Ss to check if their
answers were correct Then play the recording of these
first two sections again for Ss to listen and read Check
that Ss understand any new vocabulary
Trang 36Project Portfolio
A famous scientist
• Read through the instructions and the description of each paragraph topic with the class Tell Ss they can either use the scientist they talked about in Exercise 4 or they can choose a different scientist from their own or another country Elicit the names of three or four famous scientists from different countries and why they are famous Ss can choose to write about Charles Darwin, if they wish Give Ss time at home or in class to find out information about their chosen scientist
• Advise Ss to refer to the sentence patterns in the paragraphs about Copernicus when writing their own paragraphs Ss write a draft of their paragraphs for you to check and then write a fair copy Encourage Ss to attach
a picture to their composition
• Ss work in small groups, reading each other’s projects If you have space in the classroom, Ss can make a display
of their projects with the title ‘Famous scientists’
• Check Ss’ answers by asking individuals to read out the sentences containing the answers and to write the missing words, numbers and dates on the board
• After checking answers, ask Ss to read through the text again Explain or encourage them to guess the
meaning of any remaining new words, e.g published,
archeologist , grave, skull.
• Encourage Ss to say what they know about Martin Luther (1483–1546) He was born in Eisleben, Germany and was the greatest of the Protestant reformers of the 16th century
2 ten 3 uncle 4 400 5 1530 6 1543 7 2005
8 astronomy
Further practice
• Revise word stress in some of the words from this lesson
Write pairs of words (subject and person) on the board and ask Ss to say where the main stress is in each word
Individual Ss can underline the letters in the word on the board to show where the stress is:
science scientist mathematics mathematician astronomy astronomer archeology archeologist
• Ss work in pairs, writing three or four sentences containing some of the words Monitor and help Ss correct any errors
• In a chain drill round the class, each S reads out one of their sentences Encourage Ss to help one another correct any errors in pronunciation and word stress
4 Speak
• Elicit the names of three or four scientists from the Ss’
own country Ask Ss to choose scientists who are dead so that they can practise using past verb forms to talk about them Give Ss time in class or at home to find out about their chosen scientist and make notes, if they wish Help
Ss with vocabulary if necessary
• Ss work in pairs or small groups, telling each other about their chosen scientist Encourage Ss to ask and answer questions about their scientists Monitor but try not to interrupt Ss’ fluency Make a note of any general language problems to go over with the class afterwards
• Each S then tells the class about their chosen scientist, saying when the scientist lived and why he/she is famous The class can see how many different scientists they thought of
Study tip
Writing in paragraphs
• Read out the Study tip
• Ask Ss to count the number of paragraphs in the text in Exercise 3 (three) Ss then answer the questions about the paragraph topics
Trang 371 Look at the pictures and complete
the text about Ollie’s mum with
could or couldn’t and the verb.
• Ask Ss to look at the first picture Ask one of the Ss to
read out the first three sentences of the text Elicit the
fourth sentence from the class
• Ss work individually, looking at the pictures and
completing the sentences
• Check Ss’ answers by asking individuals to read out the
2 could jump 3 could swim 4 couldn’t hit 5 couldn’t
kick 6 couldn’t skateboard
2 Underline the mistake and write
the correct verb form.
• Read aloud the instruction and check that Ss understand
what to do Look at the example sentence with the
underlined mistake and the correct verb form Elicit the
mistake in the second sentence and the correct verb form
from the class
• Ss complete the exercise, working individually or in
• Check Ss’ answers by asking individuals to read out the
mistake they underlined, the correct verb form and, if
necessary, write the correction on the board Then ask
the S to read out the complete correct sentence
2 were was 3 walked was walking 4 sees see
5 talked was talking 6 did (she) talk was (she) talking
7 wasn’t knowing didn’t know 8 Were Was 9 were
(you) knowing did (you) know 10 was meeting met
3 Complete the text with verbs in the Past simple or the Past continuous.
• Ask Ss to look at and talk about the picture, using Past simple and Past continuous verb forms If necessary,
ask questions, e.g What time was it? Was it morning or
night? What was on the table? What was the girl doing
at 10 o’clock? Who do you think the man was? What was
he thinking?
• Ask one of the Ss to read out the first sentence Advise
Ss to read through the text quickly before they start completing it
• Ss do the exercise working individually When they have finished, they can compare answers in pairs before checking answers as a class
• Check answers by asking individuals to read out the sentences
3 was 4 were you doing 5 asked 6 said 7 was
finishing 8 started 9 came 10 were (still) talking
Further practice
• Ask Ss to make sentences of their own, beginning:
Yesterday I was having breakfast when …
4 26 1 Sounds fun / U/ and /u:/
• Ss look at the picture Ask: What can you see? What’s
happening? Play the recording for Ss to read and listen
only Point out that the spelling oo is pronounced in two
different ways Demonstrate this by asking Ss to say a
pair of words after you, e.g took/moon.
• Play the recording several times for Ss to listen and repeat
• In a chain drill round the class, each S says one line
of the rhyme Encourage Ss to keep the rhythm of the rhyme going
5 Look at the pictures and unscramble the prepositions.
• Ask Ss to look at the picture and point to a field, a gate,
a river , a bridge and a pond
• Ask one of the Ss to read out the first two sentences
of the text Ss then work individually or in pairs, unscrambling the prepositions
• Check answers by asking individuals to read out the sentences and write the prepositions on the board
Trang 382 along 3 through 4 under 5 into 6 around 7 out of
6 Complete these sentences about an
old man, Ted Use forms of used to
• Ask Ss to look at the two photos Read out the first two sentences of the text to the class
• Ss complete the exercise working individually
• Check answers by asking individuals to read out the sentences
2 used to play 3 did he use to do 4 used to dance
5 didn’t use to come 6 did he use to travel 7 used to
cycle 8 didn’t use to drive 9 used to be
7 Game
• Look at the word puzzle and example answer with the class Check that Ss understand what to do Ss work individually or in pairs, looking at the pictures and completing the names of the musical instruments
• Check Ss’ answers by asking individuals to write the answers on the board and say them
2 flute 3 piano 4 violin 5 trombone 6 harmonica
7 keyboards 8 accordion 9 saxophone
• Ss then work in pairs, reading the cues and writing the conversation Monitor and point out any errors for the pairs to correct
• The pairs then act out their conversation in closed pairs, taking turns to play each role Monitor but do not interrupt the conversations Make a note of any general language points to go over with the class afterwards
• Some of the pairs can act their conversation for the class
Mogadishu (population 1.2 million) is the capital city and chief port of Somalia
• Play the recording for Ss to listen and compare the recorded conversation with their own As a class, Ss discuss what differences and similarities there are
• Encourage Ss to say what they can remember about Student B’s answers Play the recording again for Ss to check if they have remembered correctly
Audio script
A: How much English could you speak when you came
to this school?
B: I couldn’t speak much, only a few words
A: What sports could you do?
B: I could play volleyball and football but I couldn’t skateboard
A: Which school did you use to go to?
B: I used to go to a school in Mogadishu
A: Did you use to learn English at that school?
B: Yes, we used to learn English, but only one lesson a week
What can you do?
• Ask individual Ss to read aloud the I can sentences
Elicit one or two example questions and answers from
the class for each I can sentence
• Ask Ss to work in pairs or groups of three Each pair or
group chooses one of the I can sentences and makes a
short (six- to eight-line) conversation for that situation
Give Ss some examples, e.g asking and answering questions about what you could or couldn’t do before you came to this school, asking and answering questions about the life of Copernicus (from Lesson 9 Exercise 3)
Advise Ss to look back through Lessons 6–9 to check the language they need to use Monitor and help the groups
as necessary
• Each group then acts out their conversation for the class
to hear
• Encourage Ss to say how confident they feel about
doing each of the things in the I can sentences Ss work
individually, ticking the boxes for the language they feel
they can use confidently If most of the Ss feel they need
more practice in using a specific language area, look at this again with the class and give extra practice
Trang 39It isn’t warm enough.
Clothes, patterns and styles
Everyday phrases: Can I try this [pink anorak] on?
What about [this spotted skirt]? What do you think
of [this dress]? It’s a bit [flowery] You’re so
Background information
• The 1950s saw the growth of ‘teenage’ fashion,
influenced by film and rock and roll idols ‘Teddy
boys’ wore long jackets and narrow trousers
Girls wore very full skirts which emphasised
their narrow waists
• UK, European and USA clothes sizes are different
UK and Irish size 10 is size 8 in the USA, size 40 in
Italy, size 36 in Scandinavia, France and Germany
and size 38 in Spain and Portugal
Getting started
• Revise known vocabulary of clothes and colours by
asking Ss to describe what they (and you) are wearing If
possible, bring some magazine pictures of clothes to the
lesson and ask Ss to describe the clothes in the pictures
1 28 1 Listen and read
• Ask Ss to look at and talk about the photo – who is
there? Where are they? What are they doing? Are they
wearing modern clothes?
• Play the recording several times for Ss to listen and read
Explain or encourage Ss to guess the meaning of any
new words
• Check general comprehension by asking: What sort of
party are they going to? (A 1950s fancy dress party)
Where did the girls get these 1950s clothes? (From
Rose’s mum She had them in her wardrobe)
• Play the recording again, this time leaving a pause after
each speech for Ss to listen and repeat
• Develop a freer discussion of some of the points in the
dialogue Ask the class if they agree that it’s easier for
boys than girls to find clothes they like and decide what
to wear Encourage Ss to say what sort of fancy dress
parties they have been to Ask Ss: Is a 1950s fancy dress
party a good idea? What other themes are good for a
fancy dress party?
Everyday phrases
• Ask Ss to say the phrases after you
• Ask Ss to find each phrase in the dialogue and translate it into their L1
2 29 1 New words: Clothes, patterns and styles
a) Listen and repeat.
• Play the recording several times for Ss to listen and repeat the words Check Ss’ understanding of the words
b) Use the words in a) to describe the clothes.
• Look at the example answer for picture 1 with the Ss
Elicit the answer for picture 2 from the class Remind
Ss that nouns such as shorts and socks need a plural
pronoun and verb, e.g They’re (socks)
• Ss work individually or in pairs and complete the exercise
• When checking answers, point out that more than one answer may be possible, e.g It’s a wide/plain belt
2 It’s a flowery cardigan 3 It’s a plain/casual
tracksuit 4 It’s a baggy/casual anorak 5 It’s a plain
mini skirt 6 They’re striped shorts 7 It’s a wide/plain
belt 8 It’s a patterned sweater 9 It’s a spotted vest.
Further practice
• In groups of three or four, Ss discuss the styles and patterns of their favourite clothes and the styles and patterns of clothes that they hate Tell the groups to make
a note of their opinions Monitor and help as necessary
• The groups feed back to the class and see if there is any general agreement about their favourite clothes or about the clothes they hate
3 Check
• Look at the example item with the class
• Ss refer to the dialogue and complete the answers They can compare answers in pairs before checking answers as
a class
• Check answers by asking individuals to read aloud the correct sentences
2 Jess hates tight belts 3 Rose is wearing a flowery
dress 4 Jake is going to wear a white T-shirt.
Further practice
• Ss work in pairs Each pair chooses one of the people in the picture to describe their clothes and appearance (hair,
Trang 40It isn’t warm enough.
height, etc.) Tell the pairs to write their description so they can read it aloud later Monitor and help the pairs correct any errors
• The pairs then read out their description to the class and see who has written the most accurate description of each person
Look and learn
• Ss read through the sentences and then repeat them after
you Point out the use of not with enough (not warm
• Ss then answer the ‘Think about language’ question
too comes before an adjective
enough comes after an adjective
4 Speak
• Read aloud the instruction Ask two Ss to read out the
example question and answer Point out the use of these with the plural noun jeans.
• Ask open pairs of Ss to make questions and answers for the pictures
• Ss then work in closed pairs, taking turns to point to a picture and ask and answer questions Monitor and point out any errors for the pairs to correct
2 A: What do you think of this anorak?
B: It’s not warm enough
3 A: What do you think of this coat?
B: It’s too tight
4 A: What do you think of this belt?
B: It’s too long
5 A: What do you think of these shorts?
B: They’re not smart enough
6 A: What do you think of these trousers?
B: They’re too baggy.
5 30 1 English in action: Shopping for clothes
a) Use these phrases to complete the dialogue
Listen and check your answers
• Read through the phrases and example question with the class Ss work individually or in pairs, reading and completing the dialogue
• Play the recording for Ss to listen and check their answers
• After checking answers, play the recording again for Ss
to listen carefully to the speakers’ pronunciation, stress and intonation patterns Pause the recording after each speech for Ss to repeat, chorally and individually
2 size 12 3 Why don’t 4 Can I 5 The changing rooms
6 too small
b) Practise the dialogue in groups of three.
• Ss work in groups of three, practising reading out the dialogue from part a)
• In their groups of three, Ss use the cues to act out their own shopping for clothes conversations Tell them to change roles for the different conversations Monitor but
do not interrupt Ss’ fluency Make a note of any general points to go over with the class afterwards
• Each group acts out one of their dialogues for the class
6 Speak and write
a) Discuss in groups what clothes you wear for:
• Read aloud the cues Elicit two or three examples of clothes for each of the situations
• Ss work in small groups, discussing what they wear at each of the places Ask Ss to make notes so that they will remember what people said when they do part b) of the exercise Monitor and help with vocabulary that Ss need, e.g (school) uniform, sportswear
b) Make notes and write about what people said.
• Read out the example and elicit one or two suggestions for completing the sentence
• Ss work individually, writing sentences about what people in their group said Tell them to write a short paragraph about each situation (a party, school, the gym,
a friend’s house) Monitor and point out any errors for Ss
to correct
• In their groups, Ss exchange and read each other’s sentences They can see if they agree about what they said in their discussion
Further practice
• In their groups, Ss think of a different situation, e.g on a camping holiday, at a wedding, at a football match Each group writes four or five sentences describing what one
of them is wearing in this situation
• In turn, the groups read out their description to the class who have to guess where the person is when they are wearing these clothes