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Com LISTENING 2 VB1 HVLOC tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận án, đồ án, bài tập lớn về tất cả các lĩnh vực ki...

Detailed Outline Listening Lecturer: Hoang Vinh Loc Course Duration: 45 periods = 11 weeks Course Books: Basic Tactics for Listening 2nd edition by Jack C Richards Starter TOEIC 3rd edition by Anne Taylor Reference Books: Tune In by Jack C Richards Active Listening by Steven Brown and Dorolyn Smith New Headway English Course – Intermediate by Liz and Soars Interactions – Silver Edition for TOEFL iBT – Listenings/ Speaking Let’s Talk by Leo Jones Learning to Listen by Lin Lougheed Unit 1: Small Talk Activity 1: Getting Ready Read these expressions Then discuss with your friend about how people use them in conversation Check the correct answer Greeting someone Ending a conversation Keep in touch How have you been? Well, it’s been nice talking to you How’s everything? Hope to see you again soon Well, talk to you later Hello Nice to see you again Hey, how’s it going? I haven’t seen you for a long time 10 It’s been great seeing you again Activity (page 50) Task 1: Listen to the conversations Is each person greeting someone or ending a conversation? Check the correct answer  in such a long time = in ages = for a long time Task 2: Listen again Write down the expression that you hear in each conversation Activity (page 51) Task 1: Some guests are talking at a party What are they talking about? Listen and circle the correct answer Task 2: Listen again Which statement is true? Circle the correct answer Activity Task 1: Write down the expressions you may use to break the ice with new people in the following situations:  at your friend’s birthday party  on a bus  at the bus stop  in a new class Task 2: Role-play the situations with your friends Activity (page 52) Task1: Two people are talking Does the second speaker know the information or is it new information? Listen and check the correct answer  elementary school  exhibit (v) - exhibition (n)  look forward to + V-ing = expect = be in hopes of Task 2: Listen again Circle the correct answer Activity Listening to TOEIC Task 1: In pairs, write down the sentences that describe the pictures you see in the book Task 2: Listen and choose the sentence that best describes each picture Mini Test The end Unit 2: Vacations Activity Getting ready When you use these words and phrases? Write them in the correct lists Then add your own expression to each list not bad wonderful very disappointing nothing special awful all right so-so terrific fantastic pretty boring really great terrible Didn’t like it Like it a little Liked it a lot Activity In pairs, ask your friend about his/ her recent vacation Suggested questions: - Where did you go? - When did you go? - Whom did you go with? - How long did you stay there? - What did you there? - What did you like or dislike about the vacation? Activity (page 54) Task 1: These people didn’t have a good vacation What did they do? Listen and circle the correct answer Task 2: Listen again Why didn’t they have a good vacation? Activity (page 55) Task 1: People are talking about their vacations Did they enjoy them? Listen check the correct answer What made they like or dislike their vacation? Task 2: Listen again What word completes each statement? Write the correct letter Activity (page 56) Task 1: People are talking about their vacations Listen and number the pictures Task 2: Listen again Are these statements true or false? Check the correct answer Activity Listening to TOEIC Task 1: In pairs, write down the sentences that describe the pictures you see in the book Task 2: Listen and choose the sentence that best describes each picture Mini Test The end Unit Apartment Living Activity Getting Ready Where you usually find these things in your apartment or house? Put the items in the lists Then add one more item to each list toilet bed dresser stove sofa coffee table mattress Living room shower Bedroom refrigerator piano bathtub microwave Bathroom Kitchen Activity (page 58) People are describing their apartments Listen and number the pictures - wardrobe (n) - chest of drawers (n) - wash basin (n) - sink (n) - dressing table (n) Activity (page 59) Task These people are describing rooms in their apartments Listen and check the correct picture Task Listen again Are these statements true or false? Check the correct answer Activity Ask your friend what furniture he/ she wants to have in his/ her apartment Activity (page 60) Task Listen to people talking about their new apartments What they already have? Check the correct answers Task Listen again Are these statements true or false? Check the correct answer Activity Listening to TOEIC Task 1: In pairs, write down the sentences that describe the pictures you see in the book Task 2: Listen and choose the sentence that best describes each picture Mini Test The end Unit Movies Activity Getting Ready What kinds of movies you like? Check your answers and compare them with a partner Add one more kind of movie to the list Like a lot Like a little Don’t like Animated movie Comedy Horror Western Action Romance Musical Other: Activity Work in pairs You’re going to watch 10 movie trailers Decide what kinds of movies they are 1. _ 6. _ 2. _ 7. _ 3. _ 8. _ 4. _ 9. _ 5. _ 10. Activity (page 62) These people are talking about movies What kinds of movies they like? Listen and check the correct answers Activity (page 63) Task Listen to people talking about movies Check the kind of movie they describe - end up (v) = stop - bank robber (n) - weird (adj) - car chases (n) - guy (n) = chap - operation (n) = surgical operation - fall out of (v) - fall in love (v) - time machine (n) Task Listen again Do you think the second speaker will see the movie or not? Check the correct answer Activity (page 64) Task1 Listen to people talking about movies they have seen Check what they liked about each movie - actor (n) – actress - story (n) - music (n) – sound track - special effects Task Listen again Where does each story take place? Write the correct letter Activity Listening to TOEIC - Questions and Responses – Mini Test The end Unit The Weather Activity Getting Ready What’s the weather like in your town or city? Read the words and write them in the correct column Then add your own words rainy dry warm cloudy cold humid hot sunny cool windy wet snowy May August October December Activity (page 66) Task Listen to these weather reports and check the weather for each city - degree Celsius = degree centigrade - minus degrees : -2 Task Listen again Write the temperatures Activity (page 67) Task These people are asking about the weather What will they wear or take with them? Listen and check the correct picture - sunglasses (n) - swim suit (n) Task Listen again Circle the answer that does not describe the weather now Activity In pairs, ask your friends these questions: - What is your favorite kind of weather? - Why you like that kind of weather? Activity (page 68) Task These people are talking about the weather What is it like now? Listen and circle the correct answer Task Listen again Is the weather getting better or worse? Check the correct answer Activity Listening to TOEIC - Questions and Responses – Mini Test The end Unit Shopping Activity Getting Ready Where can you buy the items below? Match the item on the left with a store on the right Write one more item you can buy in each store CD a jewelry store magazines b bookstore tie c music store necklace d clothing store vegetables e grocery store envelopes f sporting goods store running shoes g stationery store Activity In pairs, ask your friends these questions: How often you go shopping? What you buy when you go shopping? Where is your favorite place to shop? Activity (page 70) Task1 People are talking as they shop Listen and number the pictures - You must be kidding! = Are you joking? Task Listen again What are they buying? Activity (page 71) Task Customers are talking to salespeople in a store Do the customers make a purchase? Listen and check the correct answer - make a purchase = buy the item - I’ll take it = I’ll get it = I’ll buy it - I’m just looking around Task Listen again What you think the clerk says next? Circle the correct answer Activity (page 72) Task These people are asking about items in a store Listen and check the item they talk about - sleeves (n) - silk (adj) - band (n) - linen (adj) - blend (adj) - be crazy about = really like Task Listen again and circle the correct answer Activity Listening to TOEIC - Questions and Responses – Mini Test The end Unit Using the Telephone Activity Getting Ready Match the questions on the left with the answers from the right May I ask who is calling? a 319-8236 What number did you want? b Yes, just a minute, please Do you want to leave a message? c No, it isn’t I think you have the wrong the number Is this 891-2168? d No, I’ll call back Thanks Can I speak to Michael, please? e This is Tom Foster Activity (page 74) Which statements about each telephone call is true? Listen and circle the correct answer - hold on = just a moment - She’s not in right now - wrong number - in-coming call - missed call - received call - dialed number Activity (page 75) Task Read these telephone messages Then listen and correct the mistakes in each message Task Listen again Circle the correct information Activity (page 76) Task Listen to each conversation What is each call about? Circle the correct answer - apology (n) - apologize (v) - complain (v) - complaint (n) - cancel (v) - cancellation (n) - give s.o a ride/ lift Task Listen again Is each person pleased or not pleased after getting the call? Check the correct answer Activity Listening to TOEIC - Short Conversations – Mini Test Activity Listening to VOA The end Unit Describing Things Activity Getting Ready Find these items in the picture Write the letter next to each item (page 78) - initial (n) - leather (adj) - strap (n) - handle (n) - design (n) - wheel (n) Activity (page 78) These people are describing items they left in a taxi Listen and check the correct picture Activity (page 79) Task People are describing these items Listen and number the pictures Task Listen again Why does each person like the item? Circle the correct information - compartment (n) Activity (page 80) Task People are talking about items they lost Listen and check the item each person describes - ID card = identification card - Lose (v) – lost – lost -> loss (n) - Sport section (n) Task Listen again Where was each item lost? Circle the correct answer Activity Think about one item in your classroom Give short clues and have your partner try to guess the items Example: A: It’s rectangular B Is it the teacher’s desk? A Not, it isn’t It’s smaller B Is it your desk? A: Yes, it is Activity Listening to TOEIC - Short Conversations – Mini Test Activity Listening to VOA The end Unit Directions Activity Getting Ready (page 82) Match each direction with a map Write the number next to each map - go straight - turn right / left at - take the first street on the left - block (n) - go through - intersection = crossroad Activity (page 82) People are giving directions Listen and check the correct map Activity (page 83) Task Look at the map and listen to the directions Write the number of each place on the map as you listen Task Listen again Complete the statements for each set of directions Activity (page 84) Task People are giving directions to their homes Number the directions in the correct order - on the corner - across from - gas station = petrol station - opposite Task Listen again What should each person bring? Circle the correct answer Activity Pair Work Ask your friend to show you how to get to a place you want to go to in Bien Hoa City Activity Listening to TOEIC - Short Conversations – Mini Test The end Unit 10 People We Know Activity Getting Ready What’s your best friend like? Check words on the list that describe him or her Compare answers with a partner - shy (adj) - generous (adj) - talkative (adj) - kind (adj) - serious (adj) - selfish (adj) - funny (adj) - hard-working (adj) - smart (adj) - wise (adj) - sociable (adj) - boastful (adj) - easygoing (adj) - decisive (adj) - a little crazy at times - tolerant (adj) - hardworking (adj) - reliable (adj) Activity These people are talking about new friends Listen and circle the best word or phrase to describe each person - expect something in return Activity (page 87) Task Are the people in each conversation similar or different? Listen and check the correct answer Task Listen again What you think is true about each person? Circle the correct answer Activity (page 88) Task Mary is telling Anne about people at her school What does she like or not like about each person? Listen and check the correct answer Task Listen again Does Anne want to know each person? Check the correct answer Activity What can your star sign tell about your character? Activity Listening to TOEIC - Short Talks Mini Test 10 Activity Listening to VOA The end Unit 11 Health Activity Getting Ready Match each word with the body part in the picture Write the correct letter (page 94) Activity (page 94) People are talking about health problems Listen and number the pictures - splitting (adj) - left-handed (adj) Activity (page 95) Task Listen to people talking about health problems What is each person’s problem? Write the correct letter Task Listen again When did the problem start? Circle the correct answer Activity (page 96) Task Listen to people describing a health problem to a friend What phrase completes each statement? Circle the correct answer Task Listen again Circle what the friend suggests for each problem Activity Pair Work Take turns One person acts out a health problem The other person guesses what it is Use the health problems below or use your own ideas a headache a cold the flue a backache a toothache an earache a sore throat a sore knee Activity Listening to TOEIC - Short Talks Mini Test 11 Activity Course Revision - Test Format - Marks Announcement The end a stomachache ... hopes of Task 2: Listen again Circle the correct answer Activity Listening to TOEIC Task 1: In pairs, write down the sentences that describe the pictures you see in the book Task 2: Listen and... Task 2: Listen again What word completes each statement? Write the correct letter Activity (page 56) Task 1: People are talking about their vacations Listen and number the pictures Task 2: Listen... desk? A: Yes, it is Activity Listening to TOEIC - Short Conversations – Mini Test Activity Listening to VOA The end Unit Directions Activity Getting Ready (page 82) Match each direction with

Ngày đăng: 18/01/2018, 13:26

