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Bioenergy systems for the future 9 h2 production from bioalcohols and biomethane steam reforming in membrane reactors

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  • H2 production from bioalcohols and biomethane steam reforming in membrane reactors

    • Introduction

    • Inorganic MRs

      • Pd and Pd/alloy-based membranes for MRs

    • Hydrogen production in MRs from bio-alcohols reforming

      • Ethanol and bio-ethanol steam reforming

      • Methanol steam reforming

      • Bio-gas steam reforming

    • Conclusions

    • References

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Bioenergy systems for the future 9 h2 production from bioalcohols and biomethane steam reforming in membrane reactors Bioenergy systems for the future 9 h2 production from bioalcohols and biomethane steam reforming in membrane reactors Bioenergy systems for the future 9 h2 production from bioalcohols and biomethane steam reforming in membrane reactors Bioenergy systems for the future 9 h2 production from bioalcohols and biomethane steam reforming in membrane reactors Bioenergy systems for the future 9 h2 production from bioalcohols and biomethane steam reforming in membrane reactors

H2 production from bioalcohols and biomethane steam reforming in membrane reactors A Iulianelli*, F Dalena*, A Basile† *University of Calabria, Rende, Italy, †Institute on Membrane Technology (ITM-CNR), Rende, Italy Abbreviations BH2 BH2 O CR dP Ea JH MR MW n p PEMFC pH2 pH2 Àperm pH2 Àret PSS R T hydrogen permeability preexponential factor conventional reactor pore diameter activation energy hydrogen flux permeating through the membrane membrane reactor molecular weight of diffusing gas dependence factor of the hydrogen flux on the hydrogen partial pressure pressure proton exchange membrane fuel cell hydrogen partial pressure hydrogen partial pressures in the permeate side hydrogen partial pressures in the retentate side porous stainless steel universal gas constant temperature Symbols δ η ΔpH2 ε τ membrane thickness viscosity transmembrane hydrogen partial pressure membrane porosity tortuosity Bioenergy Systems for the Future http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-08-101031-0.00009-0 © 2017 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved 322 9.1 Bioenergy Systems for the Future Introduction The previsions on the hydrogen exploitation in the future indicate that it will play a more consistent role as a fuel for large-scale sustainable energy systems (Fig 9.1) up to substituting the liquid, solids, and methane utilization as well (Dunn, 2002) As indicated by the concepts of the hydrogen economy, hence, hydrogen will represent the main fuel in the next century for an economic sustainable growth (Moriarty and Honnery, 2007) In the meanwhile, conventional techniques used for producing hydrogen need to be strongly revised and redesigned to match the requirements of a sustainable development Therefore, the introduction of alternative systems coupled to the exploitation of renewable sources such as the membrane reactors (MRs) has fostered the production of high-grade hydrogen Furthermore, the International Energy Agency has recently published the technology road map toward hydrogen and fuel cells, pointing out that the world economy is still based on the derived of fossil-fuel utilization and that renewable sources exploitation is strictly required to move on a world hydrogen-based energy system (Van der Hoeven, 2015) Proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) convert efficiently the chemical energy into electricity via indirect reaction of hydrogen and oxygen and, furthermore, are zero-pollutant emission devices (Bose et al., 2011) Low-temperature PEMFCs normally work at temperature lower than 100°C and tolerate up to 10 ppm of CO in the high-grade hydrogen stream supplied, owing to the CO poisoning effect on the anodic Pt-based catalyst Nowadays, Fig 9.1 Prevision about hydrogen utilization in a large-scale sustainable energy system Reproduced with permission from Dunn, S., 2002 Hydrogen futures: toward a sustainable energy system Int J Hydrogen Energy 27, 235-264 H2 production from bioalcohols and biomethane steam reforming in membrane reactors 323 hydrogen is industrially produced by steam reforming of natural gas in conventional reactors (CRs) Hence, the reformed stream coming out from the CR contains besides hydrogen also such by-products as CO, CH4, and CO2 As a consequence, this hydrogen-rich stream needs to be purified before supplying a PEMFC, and conventionally, this takes place via a multistage process (Iulianelli et al., 2012) As an alternative solution to the aforementioned multistage process, the application of the MR technology constitutes an interesting option for intensifying the whole process, by combining the reforming reaction for generating hydrogen and its purification in a single stage (Basile et al., 2016; Lu et al., 2007) Nevertheless, only a few industrial-scale MR applications can be noticed, and one of them is represented by the Tokyo Gas Company Ltd (E-net [1]) More in details, the most significant aspect of a MR is represented by the presence of the membrane in the reaction system, which makes possible to display the thermodynamic equilibrium conversion of the equivalent CR (in an equilibrium-restricted reaction) due to the selective removal of a product from the reaction system (i.e., hydrogen), promoting the so-called shift effect on the reaction itself, which proceeds with a higher product formation and consequent conversion enhancement However, MR technology can be applied in various fields, each of them depending on which kind of process itself has to be performed and, consequently, on which kind of membrane has to be considered as best solution Therefore, the MRs can be classified by taking into account the role of the membranes toward the removal/addition of various chemical species and, referring to their materials or structures, giving particular relevance to the selectivity of the permeation of such products with respect to other ones Hence, it is possible to summarize the different classes of MRs in (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) dense and porous inorganic MRs (Iulianelli et al., 2012; Lu et al., 2007; Lin, 2001), polymeric MRs (Bose et al., 2011; Gu et al., 2016), zeolite MRs (Wang and Yan, 2015), photocatalytic MRs (Mozia, 2010), enzyme MRs (Uragami, 2011), membrane bioreactors (Lebrero et al., 2013; Calabro`, 2013), electrochemical MRs (fuel cells, electrolytic cells, etc.) (Datta et al., 2015; Chatenet et al., 2010) In particular, the purposes of this chapter are related to the MR technology application to biofuel reforming reaction for producing hydrogen, with particular relevance to the application of Pd-based membranes 9.2 Inorganic MRs A real interest toward the application of MR technology was noticed when innovative inorganic membrane materials and development of high-temperature membrane processes took place (Basile et al., 2013; Menendez, 2011) Industrially, various heterogeneous gas-solid catalytic processes, conventionally carried out in fixed-, fluidized-, or trickle-bed reactors, are mostly performed at high temperatures and 324 Bioenergy Systems for the Future in chemically harsh ambient Consequently, inorganic membranes are favored material with respect to the polymeric ones for their utilization in MRs It is well recognized that the separation behavior of an inorganic membrane housed in an MR gives several benefits to enhance the performance of a catalytic system Here, we present the advantages due to the utilization of inorganic MRs to integrate a chemical reaction involving a biosource as a reactant (e.g., ethanol, methanol, glycerol, biogas, and acetic acid) with a membrane process (i.e., H2 separation) Thus, by taking into account the crucial role of the inorganic membrane, it is useful to subdivide them as generically resumed below: l l l l Macroporous membranes, with a pore size >50 nm Mesoporous membranes, with a pore size between and 50 nm Microporous membranes, with smaller pore size of nm Dense membranes, with pore size 90 % 38 % 100 Unsupported Pd-Ru-In Unsupported Pd-Cu Singh et al., 2014 MateosPedrero et al., 2015 Liguori et al., 2014 Israni and Harold, 2011 Rei et al., 2011 Lin and Rei, 2001 Basile et al., 2006 Lytkina et al., 2016 Iulianelli et al., 2008 Itoh et al., 2002 Wieland et al., 2002 Bioenergy Systems for the Future Supported Pd-Ag on α-Al2O3 Supported Pd on α-Al2O3 Reference SiO2/γ-Al2O3/PtSiO2/PSS Carbon molecular sieve Carbon supported Carbon supported a 330°C Cu/ZnO/ Al2O3 Cu-Zn/ based Cu-Zn/ based CuO/ZnO/ Al2O3 CuO/ Al2O3/ ZnOMgO Cu/ZnO/ Al2O3 50 3/1 280 2.5 91 46 % 100 – 3/1 260 – 42 98 – 1.3/1 230 – 100 9,1 – – 4/1 200 % 95 % 84 – – 3/1 250 55 – % 80 Bricen˜o et al., 2012 – 1.5/1 250 % 99 – 97 Zhang et al., 2006 Ghasemzadeh et al., 2013 Lee et al., 2008 Lee et al., 2006 Sà et al., 2011 H2 production from bioalcohols and biomethane steam reforming in membrane reactors Unsupported Pd-Ag SiO2/γ-Al2O3 335 336 Bioenergy Systems for the Future while Iulianelli et al (2008) and Ghasemzadeh et al (2013) adopted a thinner Pd-Ag (50 μm of thickness) unsupported membrane in tubular shape, and Wieland et al (2002) utilized a Pd-Cu unsupported membrane with a wall thickness of 25 μm In all the aforementioned cases, around 100% of hydrogen purity was reached during MSR reaction for temperatures ranging between 200°C and 300°C However, for both supported and unsupported Pd-based MRs reported in Table 9.2, it was demonstrated that the MRs show greater performance than the equivalent CRs in terms of methanol conversion, with the further advantage of recovering high-grade hydrogen in the permeate stream Table 9.2 also reports some option in the utilization of Pd-based membranes in MRs For example, Lee et al (2006, 2008) performed MSR reaction in supported SiO2/γ-Al2O3/Pt-SiO2/PSS and SiO2/γ-Al2O3 MRs, achieving 100% of methanol conversion by using the SiO2/γ-Al2O3/Pt-SiO2/PSS membrane, although the hydrogen recovery was quite low (80% Bricen˜o et al (2012) prepared a carbon-based membrane supported on a porous ceramic support of TiO2 coated with ZrO2, to be housed in an MR for carrying out MSR reaction, obtaining more than 50% of methanol conversion with a recovered stream having a hydrogen permeate purity of around 80% Really interesting results were obtained by Zhang et al (2006), who studied MSR reaction in an MR housing a tubular carbon membrane with an ID of mm and a wall thickness of 20–30 μm and sealed inside a stainless steel tube Around 100% of methanol conversion was obtained in the temperature range of 200°C–250°C, with a hydrogen permeate purity around 97% 9.3.3 Bio-gas steam reforming Currently, most of the worldwide demand for hydrogen comes from natural gas, which can be processed in conventional reformers via steam reforming, partial oxidation, and autothermal reforming reactions In particular, $50% of the global hydrogen demand is satisfied by natural gas steam reforming reaction, which represents the most common process for generating hydrogen, although its impact on the climate is quite negative due to the collateral emissions of greenhouse gases The entire conventional process to transform natural gas into hydrogen involves a conventional reformer, water-gas shift (WGS) reactors (high-temperature and low-temperature WGS reactors), and successive stages for the hydrogen separation and purification such as pressure swing adsorption and preferential oxidation reactors (Fig 9.4) In the viewpoint of process intensification strategy, numerous studies in this field evaluated the benefits in using alternative solutions to the conventional processes such as the MRs for producing and simultaneously purifying hydrogen in only one stage (Iulianelli et al., 2016a,b) H2 production from bioalcohols and biomethane steam reforming in membrane reactors LT-WGS reactor H2, CO, CO2, not Conventional reacted CH4 and steam reformer T = 800°C–1000°C HT-WGS reactor WGS stages Natural gas + Steam 337 PrOx reactor PSA Other Fig 9.4 Conventional multistage process for natural gas steam reforming and hydrogen separation/purification More recently, the need of coupling green processes and bio-derived sources is strongly emerged, and a growing attention has been paid toward the hydrogen generation from biogas (Brunetti et al., 2015; Bollini et al., 2013) As a versatile raw feedstock, biogas can represent an alternative to natural gas exploitation, thereby reducing the greenhouse gas emissions Its composition depends on the typology of residual biomass (among animal waste, sewage treatment plants, or industrial wastewater) used during the anaerobic digestion process Nevertheless, biogas is mainly constituted by methane and carbon dioxide, besides traces of H2S, NH3, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and steam Regarding the combination of biogas reforming with MR technology, at the moment, only a few works are noticeable, and Table 9.3 reports the performance of a restricted number of applications in this field As shown in Table 9.3, only Iulianelli et al (2015) adopted a supported Pd/Al2O3 membrane (7 μm of palladium layer) in the MR for carrying out the biogas steam reforming reaction, obtaining at relatively low temperature and pressure (450°C and 3.5 bar) a methane conversion around 30% with a correspondent hydrogen recovery of 70% and 96% in concentration In the other cases, really thick unsupported Pd or Pd-Ag dense wall membranes were used, favoring a recovery of a high-grade hydrogen stream (nearly to 100% in purity) with interesting conversions close to 90% as observed by Raybold and Huff (2002) but achieved at high temperature (700°C) The restant recent literature in this field is more concentrated on biogas steam reforming in CRs (Araki et al., 2010; Okubo et al., 2010; Izquierdo et al., 2012, 2014; Galvagno et al., 2013; da Silva et al., 2012; Appari et al., 2014; Saha et al., 2014; Lin et al., 2012; Xu et al., 2010; Damyanova et al., 2011; Lucredio et al., 2012) and, concerning the MRs area, on methane/natural gas steam reforming reaction (Basile et al., 2011a; Iulianelli et al., 2010b; Dittmar et al., 2013; Ligthart et al., 2011; Saric et al., 2012; Hwang et al., 2012; Anzelmo et al., 2016) 9.4 Conclusions This chapter dealt with the production of hydrogen from reforming processes of bioalcohols and biogas to constitute a combination within the renewable sources and green fuel processors as the MRs This combination could drive to an enhancement of the hydrogen generation devices, preserving the ambient from the negative effect due to the derived of fossil-fuel exploitation Therefore, it is expected that 338 Table 9.3 Experimental data from literature about biogas reforming reactions in MRs Membrane typology in MR Supported Pd on α-Al2O3 Unsupported Pd Unsupported Pd-Ag Unsupported Pd-Ag Catalyst Palladium layer (μm) T (°C) p (bar) Conversion (%) H2 recovery (%) H2 purity (%) Ni/Al2O3 450 3.5 30 70 96 Pt/γ-Al2O3 50 650 – 88 – % 100 Ru/Al2O3 200 450 – – % 100 Ru/Al2O3 200 450 – 50 % 100 Reference Iulianelli et al., 2015 Raybold and Huff, 2002 Sato et al., 2010 Va´squez Castillo et al., 2015 Bioenergy Systems for the Future H2 production from bioalcohols and biomethane steam reforming in membrane reactors 339 the utilization of renewable alcohols, such as methanol and ethanol, or biogas could have a higher green impact on both future stationary and portable applications Nevertheless, Pd-based MR technology still presents some issues and challenges to be considered prior to its implementation at industrial scale For sure, in the future, the preparation of composite membranes based on very thin Pd layer, presenting high hydrogen permselectivity and stability under long-term operation, will constitute a possibility of applying realistically the principles of the process intensification strategy, substituting the conventional processes References Adhikari, S., Fernand, S., 2006 Hydrogen membrane separation techniques Ind Eng Chem Res 45, 875–881 Al-Mufachi, N.A., Rees, N.V., Steinberger-Wilkens, R., 2015 Hydrogen selective membranes: a review of 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H2 production from bioalcohols and biomethane steam reforming in membrane reactors 9. 3 3 29 Hydrogen production in MRs from bio-alcohols reforming 9. 3.1 Ethanol and bio-ethanol steam reforming. .. al., 2015 Bioenergy Systems for the Future H2 production from bioalcohols and biomethane steam reforming in membrane reactors 3 39 the utilization of renewable alcohols, such as methanol and ethanol,... production from bioalcohols and biomethane steam reforming in membrane reactors 323 hydrogen is industrially produced by steam reforming of natural gas in conventional reactors (CRs) Hence, the reformed

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