Cuốn sách bao gồm 500 hoạt động trong dạy và học tiếng Anh dành cho đối tượng là thầy cô giáo, phụ huynh của các bé bắt đầu học tiếng Anh. Cuốn sách được viết đơn giản, dễ hiểu dành cho việc dạy các bé tiểu học, mầm non. Hy vọng cuốn sách là nguồn tài liệu hữu ích cho các bạn và quý thầy cô.
Macmillan Books for Teachers 500 Activities for the Primary Classroom Contents About the author About the series General introduction Section 1: listening and speaking 17 section 2: Reading and writing 48 section 3: Vocabulary and grammar section 4: Storytelling and drama 85 114 Section 5: Games ISO section 6: Rhymes, chants and songs 182 Section 7: Art and craft 211 Section 8: Content based learning 236 Seetion 9: ICT and multimedia 263 Section 10: learning to learn 286 Index: language structures and grammar 310 TOpiCS and lexical sets 311 Learning skills and attitudes 312 Activity titles 318 Further reading 320 MacmlllanEdue$uon 8et"em To""ns Road, QxfordOX4JPP A dMSlOtl of Macmillan Publishers LlIUlted ComPUUesand~I"eslhmughoutthe 'orkl ISB'l978-I-40Sll-9901-3 Texl Caro1Re3d2001 DestlPland Illu.str1ll:lOIlCMacmillanPubII$ha'$ Llmlled2oo1 F~pubhshcd2001 All nghl$ rncned; 110 pan OfthlSpubhcatlOll maybe rqxvt!uced stored m mrienlsystml, tral1Sl111tled in My fOl'm or by any means electronic, n=hanlcal pIIotocopying, recon:IlIIg.OI"othn" ise_ withotll: theprior"mnmpmnw.ionof thcpublrshcrs, Onglnal design by Anthny Oodber Illustrated by Kathy Baxnldale CovndesignbyAoorewOliver Cover photography reproduced with thc kllld permiSllion of AlamylStockConncClionDisuibulion The publisher would like lothank SUSlln Norman and Melanic Williamsforreadingthedrafimanuscriptandfortheir in"aluablesu~estions$ndideas ThcauthorandpubhsherswOllldliketolhankthefollowing forpmntssiontousecopyrightmatcrial: Extraets· 'Food Groups 'and '11u- Kal"rCJ'Cfe' fromThe Magic Peocil wcbsltebyCarol Read and TImothyAckroyd copynght (e)The British Council reprinted by penniSllion of the pubhslln_ GO/1lg/0fhe ~- Words by Tom PUIOII copyngblClI/ImlOnyMusic LimJtedICherry LancMusic Inc, rqIIlnted bypmnissionof8ocks Music Group UK All nghlS rewn·ed.AdapiMrbyme 'I Wiggle t-6'F"rg~'fi'om Brighl ldeali~Raoun:e.byUonono.\'lC:SandfrankJe Labe,copynghlOLeononI>a\·iesandfrankiel t1be 1981, rqIIlnledbypmnlSSlOIloftheauthon Poml'''(}W -eOl"C,a· byA.A.MJIne.copyright:CTheTrusteaofthePooh I'ropertIC:S., publlS!led by Egmoot UIQrIdJTeocher-sBookbyCaroIReadandAnaSoberOn, copynght: CMacmilJan Pubhshcrs Limited 2OOO,rtpnnted by permlsslOOofthepublishn.Extrae1'7"MP=TroUl'from s., 'OrldJ Pup;lsBootbyCarolRe3daodAnaSoberOn, copyrighlOMacmlllan Publishers Limited2000, Tqlrintedby pcm1lssionofthepublisher,Ex\nlClfromSuperworld4 Teoclfe,.sBootbyCU"OIReadandATIlISobnUn,copyrighl CMacmillan PubJishmi limited 2000, ~nted bypermlSSlon ofthe publISher, Ex.lfac"tsfrom LmleBwgs I TeochusBootby Carol Re~ andAna Sober6n,oopynghl OMacrml1an Publ~Limlted2004.rtpnnledbypenrIlSStOnofthe publisher Photocopi.bk WorUbeets &om BNP I and Bugs SpanIsh edl1lOll.bys.emsauthorsCaroI Rcad,AnaSoberOn., E1iscndaPapioland ManaToth.,COJl)nglltCMacmillul PubhsbcrsLlmlltd2004and200SrespeCIJ\'ely,rtpruttedby permlSlIOll of the pubhshcr Extract 'PlaylMrotr>- ? Game' from EngllSlr CM, I BootbyCarol Read and Sagrano Sabbcm, fU'P published by Hl:1nemann 1992 COJl)TighlOMarnullan PublisheJ's Limited rq,nnIed by pmmssion ofthe publISher Exh1K:1 from EnglislJ Cl"bl TeoclJUs Boot byCarol RcadandSaglarioSalaberri,first published by Ikiocmaon 1993,copyrighICMllCmlllan Publishers Limited rcpnntedbypermission nfthe publisher Adapted extl'3(:t from Mucllulla" Childrens Reader 'PenK"i",' The RocelO Ihe$Qu/1J I'ole, original tCJOt by Lutber RClmer, oopyrightCMacmillanPublishcrsLimitcd2005.reprintedby pennission of the publisher Pocm '{'m a Grow" MO'l Now' by Roger McGough, copyright C Roger McGough 1983, reprimedbypcrmiS!lionofPelerFrasc:rlllldDuolop, (www,pfd, fromAc/;on Rhymes& Games from Bright Ideas for Early Years series, copyright C Max De Boo 1992, reprinted by pmnlssion ofMn; Mu De Boo, Ex\nlCI from The Inceflli,-e IW_o!n.CO'l'" Teochn£durolion byH,G Widdo" son, copyrightCOJOford Umvmilly Pras 1984, fltSl published III ELT Joumall984, Volume 38 usedbypmnissiOll ofOxfords Unl\erstIyPras Ex.trae1frorn 'MonhyPl=k"byJulll Dooaldson andAJOeI Scheffin, copyright:C2000 Pan Macmillan Childrm's 8oob reprintedbypmnission ofthe pubhslln Extract from 'Dror ~ 'by Rod Campbell, oopyngItI:02001 Pan Maettll11all Childml's Books, rtprutted b) pmnissionofthepubhslln.MMerialfrom 7JteGn