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Unit 8. The story of my village

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Cấu trúc

  • Slide 1

  • Slide 2

  • Slide 3

  • Task 1: Matching plans with possible results

  • Task 2

  • Slide 6

  • Slide 7

  • Conditional sentence type I

  • Task 3 Continue the dialogue

  • Slide 10

  • Homework

  • Slide 12

Nội dung

Unit 8. The story of my village tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận án, đồ án, bài tập lớn về tất cả các lĩnh...

a b e c d Widen the roads Raise and resurface the roads f g Build a medical centre Build a football ground Grow cash crops Build a bridge over the canal Answer: – e – a – b Build a new school – g – d – c -f Unit : The story of my village Lesson 2: Speaking Task 1: Matching plans with possible results Answer: 1-b 2- g 3- d 4- e 5- f 6- c 7- a Task A: I know what we should first We should widen the roads B: That’s If the roads widened, That’sa agood goodidea If the roads areare widened, cars cars and lorries can and lorries can getget to to ourour village idea village C: Yes Yes And ififlorries lorriescan canget gettotothe thevillage, village,we we won’tto have cart heavy loads of farming have cartto heavy loads won’t of farming products products the city to the city to A: And we should also resurface and raise the roads Yes If we resurface and raise the roads, they B: won’t Yes Ifbe weflooded resurface raisewhen the roads, they andand muddy it won’t rains be flooded and muddy when it rains C: And the villagers will be able to get around more easily, too Task A: I know what we should first We should build a medical centre B: That’s a good idea If a medical centre is built, people’s health can be looked after C: Great And we should build a football ground too B: If we build a football ground, young people can play sports Task Ways to show agreement: + Yes + That’s a good idea + Great + That’s right + I agree with you Conditional sentence type I If + S + V( present simple), S+will/can/may+ V-inf E.g: If we widen the road, cars and lorries can get to the village Task Continue the dialogue A: We should…… B: Great If we… Some more possible results a) people’s educational level is improved b) it will be safe for the children on the way to school c) people will live longer d) people can entertain themselves after work e) their living condition will be improved f) they can save time when going out of the village Homework Write 10 sentences using Conditional sentence type Thank you for your attendance! ... lorriescan canget gettotothe thevillage, village, we we won’tto have cart heavy loads of farming have cartto heavy loads won’t of farming products products the city to the city to A: And we should... -f Unit : The story of my village Lesson 2: Speaking Task 1: Matching plans with possible results Answer: 1-b 2- g 3- d 4- e 5- f 6- c 7- a Task A: I know what we should first We should widen the. .. the children on the way to school c) people will live longer d) people can entertain themselves after work e) their living condition will be improved f) they can save time when going out of the

Ngày đăng: 18/11/2017, 11:02

