reading unit 8 the strory of my village

Unit 8 The story of my village reading

Unit 8 The story of my village reading

... ['meθəd](n):phương pháp canh tác II WHILE -READING UNIT 8: THE STORY OF MY VILLAGE – PART A: READING Task 1: The words in A appear in the reading passage Match them with their definitions in B A B make ... lot thanks to the knowledge their children had brought home (Paragraph 3, line 1,2) III POST -READING UNIT 8: THE STORY OF MY VILLAGE – PART A: READING What will you to help your village if you ... could find a way of bettering their lives (line 5,6,7 ,8)  How did the children help to improve the lifestyle in the village when they finished college or technical high school?  They introduced

Ngày tải lên: 20/04/2017, 23:50

27 3 0
Bài giảng Tiếng Anh 10 - Unit 8: The story of my village (Reading)

Bài giảng Tiếng Anh 10 - Unit 8: The story of my village (Reading)

... 5.Better (v):  Unit? ?8: ? ?The? ?story? ?of? ?my? ?village cash crop TASK 2: Read? ?the? ?text carefully then complete? ?the? ?following table:  Areas? ?of? ? change Before  Now Houses made? ?of? ?straw  and mud made? ?of? ?bricks ... It was poor and simple Key Unit? ?8: ? ?The? ?story? ?of? ?my? ?village 2.Why  did  the? ? villagers  want  to  send  their  children  to  school  and  college  in  spite  of? ? their shortage? Answer: Because they hoped that with an education  ... Answer: Because they hoped that with an education  of? ? science  and  technology,  their  children  could  find a way? ?of? ?bettering their lives Unit? ?8: ? ?The? ?story? ?of? ?my? ?village 3­  How  did  the? ? children  help  to  improve  the? ? lifestyle 

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2020, 02:31

32 123 0
Bài giảng Tiếng Anh 10 - Unit 8: The story of my village (Reading) (Phùng Thị Thanh Giang)

Bài giảng Tiếng Anh 10 - Unit 8: The story of my village (Reading) (Phùng Thị Thanh Giang)

... There were crows on the field The roads were narrow There were a lot of trees There weren’t any cars There weren’t any hotels a The town has many tall buildings b The roads today are wide c There ... column B to describe? ?the? ?differences between them A. Pas t B. No w The town used to have only small houses There were crows on the field The roads were narrow There were a lot of trees There weren’t any cars There ... resurfaced, so the big trees on the two sides of the streets have been (4)………….down The large area of grass land in the suburbs of the town has been turned into an ugly (5)………… park Even the old corner

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2020, 02:31

20 61 0
Giáo án English 10 - Unit 8: The story of my village - Period 47: A.Reading - Nguyen Cong Hoan

Giáo án English 10 - Unit 8: The story of my village - Period 47: A.Reading - Nguyen Cong Hoan

... 15 Period: 47 Date of preparation: Date of teaching: 26/11/2016 / /2016 UNIT THE STORY OF MY VILLAGE A Reading I Aim: Improve Ss’ reading skill Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will ... note the changes in the village and complete the table in the task - Ss read the passage again, then complete the table with the information that they find out from the passage - T has Ss write their ... 15 Period: 48 Date of preparation: Date of teaching: 26/ 11/2016 / / 2016 UNIT THE STORY OF MY VILLAGE B Speaking I Aim: improve Ss’ speaking skill Objectives: By the end of the lesson,

Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2021, 18:30

14 4 0
Thiết kế bài dạy môn Tiếng Anh 11 - Unit 8: The story of my village - Lesson 1: Reading

Thiết kế bài dạy môn Tiếng Anh 11 - Unit 8: The story of my village - Lesson 1: Reading

... Read the text and answer the questions What was life like in the author’s village many years ago? Why did the villagers want to send their children to school and college in spite of their ... shortages? How did the children help improve the lifestyle in the village when they finished college or technical high school? What did an old farmer say about the effect of the knowledge the young people ... college in spite of their shortages? Because they hope that with an education of science and technology their children could find a way of bettering their lives (16) How did the children

Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2021, 21:00

20 13 0
Giáo án English 10 - Unit 8: The story of my village - Period 45: A-Reading

Giáo án English 10 - Unit 8: The story of my village - Period 45: A-Reading

... (1 )Unit 8: THE STORY OF MY VILLAGE Period 45: A- READING I Aims and objectives: Language content: To introduce the students some new words and the passage about the village and the changes in the ... student to go to the board to use the correct tense of the verb in the sentence:When I com back my home ,my daughter(clean) the floor.And then use the correct word to fill in the gap of the sentences: ... IN: Listen to the teacher UNIT 8: THE STORY OF MY VILLAGE - Asks Ss to work in groups to make a list of words related to A- READING the country * Suggested answers: The group with the longest list

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2021, 18:05

12 5 0
Bài giảng Tiếng Anh 10 - Unit 8: The story of my village (Reading)

Bài giảng Tiếng Anh 10 - Unit 8: The story of my village (Reading)

... Period 44 (8) • Many years ago, my village was very poor The villager had to work hard in the field all day and could hardly make ends meet Their lives were simple and they were in need of many ... at the following pictures and answer the questions (3) What is the name of this animal? buffalo (4) Where is this? In a field (5) What are they doing? They are transplanting (6) Who are they? They ... technical high school, they introduced new farming methods, which resulted in bumper crops They also helped the villagers grow cash crop for export Soon, the lifestyle of my village changed Today,

Ngày tải lên: 12/06/2021, 16:08

10 4 0
Giáo án Tiếng Anh 10 Unit 8: The story of my village

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 10 Unit 8: The story of my village

... Tiếng Anh 10 UNIT 8: THE STORY OF MY VILLAGE Theme: The story of my village Unit 8: READING Time: 45 minutes I OBJECTIVES: Educational aim: Students should understand all the changes in the country ... V + O + A? b The use of Adverbs of - Write the forms of verbs on the board frequency - Ask pupils to work in groups to P2: The uses of the present revise the use of the adverbs of simple tense: ... or the sheldue of a tour - Repeat the use of the adverbs of frequency c- The past simple tense: - Work in groups to revise the use - Call pupils to go to the board to write the formation and the

Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2016, 14:26

50 535 4
Giáo án Tiếng Anh 10 Unit 8: The story of my village

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 10 Unit 8: The story of my village

... shows pictures of the countryside Group work make a list of words and ask Ss to make a list of words related related to the country to the country Ss work in group of or (The group with the longest ... mins) + muddy(a ): full of mud - Work in pairs Aims: Sts practice discussing the plans to improve the life in the village and the possible results The villagers are discussing their plans Asks sts ... discuss the answer with a the people who grow it ) friend Task2.Table completion Checks the answers in front of the class as a whole scan the text again and get the information to complete the table

Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2016, 14:27

33 698 0
Giáo án Tiếng Anh 10 Unit 8: The story of my village

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 10 Unit 8: The story of my village

... the passage and Sts read the passage and the tasks the tasks that follow Task 1: Matching b, b, a, e, c Task 2: Completing the table Areas of change Before Now houses made of straw and made of ... between them 5’ Presentation T asks sts to read through the task and think of the content of the talk T gives sts meanings of some words if necessary Practice T asks sts to listen to the tape ... representative of each groups will more results if sts like T can help give sts some ideas (plans) and let them think of the results 5’ Consolidation T asks them to the Conditional sentences (type 1) often

Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2016, 14:28

16 465 0
Giáo án Tiếng Anh 10 Unit 8: The story of my village

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 10 Unit 8: The story of my village

... 10 UNIT 8: THE STORY OF MY VILLAGE The 43rd period Date: Grade 10 Theme: The story of my village Unit Reading Time: 45 minutes I Objectives: Educational aim: Students should understand all the ... revise the use - Call pupils to go to the board to write the formation and the use of the tense - Ask some others to comment - Say and repeat the use of the adverbs of frequency - Write on the board: ... some sentences are the hobbies, the actions with the adverbs of frequency which happen repeatedly or the sheldue of a tour - Repeat the use of the adverbs of frequency c- The past simple tense:

Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2016, 14:29

50 363 0
Giáo án Tiếng Anh 10 Unit 8: The story of my village

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 10 Unit 8: The story of my village

... about the changes in their village nowadays (100 words) at home -Copy down notebooks on the Unit 8: The story of my village The 44th period Lesson 2:speaking I Objectives: *Aim: By the end of the ... Ting Anh 10 Giỏo ỏn Unit 8: The story of my village The 43rd period Lesson 1 :Reading I Objectives: *Aim: By the end of the lesson, Ss wil be able to read a passage about the village years ago and ... present their Homewor conversations in front of k the class - Write a conversation about your village - Listen to the teacher and write down Unit 8: The story of my village - Call representatives of

Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2016, 14:30

44 397 2
Giáo án Tiếng Anh 10 Unit 8: The story of my village

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 10 Unit 8: The story of my village

... for the village than your parents did.” How can people with an education help make the life of their community better ? - Explain the question and divide the class into some groups , then ask them ... pairs, then compare the result with their partners - Get Sts to provide the answers - Remark and correct together -work in pairs, then compare the result with each other - Sts give the answers on the ... finding in discuss the differences between them front of the class -Suggested answers + In the past, there weren’t any hotels, but now there is a hotel in the town + in the past, the town used to

Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2016, 14:31

28 369 1
Giáo án Tiếng Anh 10 Unit 8: The story of my village

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 10 Unit 8: The story of my village

... Giáo án Tiếng Anh 10 UNIT 8: THE STORY OF MY VILLAGE Period : 44 LESSON : READING Date of Students absence Notes teaching Class 10… 10… 10… I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students can: ... can match each of the plan to improve life in the village with its possible result 10m + Task 1: The village of Ha Xuyen are s discussing plans to improve life in the village Match the plans with ... though the extremely bad weather in the mountains , my friends decided not to cancel their trip across the mountain pass 2.Have the play already started when you got to the theater? 3 .My car,

Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2016, 14:31

58 435 1
Giáo án Tiếng Anh 10 Unit 8: The story of my village

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 10 Unit 8: The story of my village

... act out Others listen to HOME WORK - Prepare the new lesson - Learn the old lesson UNIT 8: I/ OBJECTIVES After the lesson, the students will be able to compare the past and present of the town ... part of the talk carefully and have a guess of the missing words - Write the new words - Asks Ss to listen to the tape again and fill the gaps with the words they hear - Plays the ... pairs Asks them to read the letter... to do the exercise 2 - Calls on some Ss to read their answers aloud in front of the class - Asks Ss to review the form of the -Listen to the teacher

Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2016, 14:32

24 531 2
Unit 8 The story of my village (kết hợp) - Reading

Unit 8 The story of my village (kết hợp) - Reading

... lifestyle of my village changed Today, people live in brick houses In the evening, they can listen to the news on the radio or watch TV for entertainment… Sometimes they go to town on their motorbikes ... to send their children to school and college They hoped that with an education of science and technology, their children could find a way of bettering their lives The children have met their ... simple and they were in need of many things Many people had to live in houses made of straw and mud, and a few families had a radio or a TV set However, in spite of the shortages, the villagers...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2014, 17:00

26 857 4
Unit 8:     The story of my village

Unit 8: The story of my village

... asking for the help of the two students • How can you say to help the people who have lost their way?  What directing expressions you usually use to direct the way for the them? Now, look at the map ... pagoda I’m sorry! I’ve lost my way, Could you tell me the way to BaoNham pagoda ? Now discuss in group to answer the questions: What problem is the woman getting? What is the man doing? => He is ... Come out of Turn right/left Keep walking /go straight Go over (a bridge) Walk past (a medical center) Take the first /second turning on the left/right It’s the one with … Activity 2: Read the letter...

Ngày tải lên: 11/10/2013, 14:11

21 604 1
bài giảng tiếng anh 10 unit 8 the story of my village

bài giảng tiếng anh 10 unit 8 the story of my village

... been put there instead They’ve hotel also built a big (2)……… in the middle of the town widened The narrow streets have been (3)…………… and resurfaced, so the big trees on the two sides of the streets ... Everybody in the town likes its changes -> Some people don’t like the changes (They miss the quiet and peaceful life of the old town.) Task 2: Listen again and write in the missing words houses The small ... small quiet town -> They’ve completely destroyed its old atmosphere F ……4 There are more green trees in the town now than there used to be -> The big trees on the two side of the streets have been...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2014, 15:02

12 1.3K 7
Slide english 10 unit 8 the story of my village _listening _ GV N.T Cuc

Slide english 10 unit 8 the story of my village _listening _ GV N.T Cuc

... English 12 Unit 8: The story of my village – C Listening II While you listen Task : Listen to the talk again and choose the best answers to fill in the gaps crop car shop cash The large area of grass ... 10 English 12 Unit 8: The story of my village – C Listening I Before you listen Popffero is a town in England Look at the two pictures of this town Find out the differences between them Match a ... resurfaced, so the big trees on the two sides of the streets have been (4) _ down The large area of grass land in the suburbs of the town has been turned into an ugly (5) park Even the old corner...

Ngày tải lên: 26/05/2015, 16:57

42 1.2K 0
Slide english 10 unit 8 the story of my village _reading _Gv N.T Sen

Slide english 10 unit 8 the story of my village _reading _Gv N.T Sen

... use by the people who grow it UNIT 8: THE STORY OF MY VILLAGE - LESSON 1: READING Task 2: The reading passage tells us about many changes in the village Complete the following table Areas of change ... Number of Quiz {total-attempts} Attempts Continue Review Quiz you read II While UNIT 8: THE STORY OF MY VILLAGE - LESSON 1: READING Task 1: The words in A appear in the reading passage Match them ... 52 51 Unit 10 10 THE STORY OF MY VILLAGE re you read I Befo Look at the picture and answer the questions What are the people in the picture doing? How are they working? What you think of the crop?...

Ngày tải lên: 26/05/2015, 16:57

36 1.3K 1