- Teaching Plan 10 P. Syllabus: 1 Presentation. 3 periods/ week x 35 weeks = 105 periods/ a school year. The first term: 3 period/week x 18 weeks = 54 periods/ a term. The second term: 3 period/week x 17 weeks = 51 periods/ a term. Themes/topics Competences Năng lực Language focus 1. You and me A day in the life of . School talks People back ground Narrating events Talking about daily activities Talking about people's background. Expressing opinions Pronunciation: Sounds: Vowels and consonants. Grammar: - Review: 1. Present simple. 2. Present progressive. 3. Present perfect. 4. Past progressive. 5. Comparatives and superlatives of adjectives. 6. Relative clauses. - New: 1. Past perfect. 2. Gerund and to infinitive 3. To + infinitive as modifier. 4. Going to : expressing prediction. 5. Uses of will. 6. Zero article. 7. Conditional sentences : Type 2 and type three. 8. Reported speech: Questions. 9. The passive. 10. Adjective of attitude. 2. Education: Special education Technology School outdoor activities. Talking about types of special education Talking about new technology in daily life. Making arrangements for an excursion Writing a letter of appointment/ confirmation 3. Community: The media Life in the community. Talking about differently types of media. Comprehending newspaper articles/ radio news. Talking about life in the community. Giving directions 4. Nature and environment: Undersea world Conservation of nature. National parks. Talking about types of sea creatures and undersea life. Talking about national parks. Talking about protection of sea creatures, national parks and environment. 5. Recreation: Music, theatre and film. Sports. Talking about type of music/ film, play. Writing an informal letter of invitation. Giving a profile of a famous person. Talking about the world cup. 6. People and places: Typical English cities. Historical places. Giving information about some English cities. Talking about historical places. Interpreting statistics. Making a report. * The ways to learn: Mục tiêu cụ thể: 1. Listening: Nghe hiểu đợc nội dung chính và nội dung chi tiết các đoạn độc thoại/ hội thoại có độ dài khoảng 120 -150 từ trong phạm vi các nội dung chủ điểm đã học trong chơng trình. - Hiểu đợc các văn bản ở tốc độ tơng đối chậm. 2. Speaking: Hỏi - đáp, trình bày một số chức năng giao tiếp cơ bản: hớng dẫn, bày tỏ ý kiến, hỏi đờng, hỏi thông tin và vcung cấp thông tin . 3. Reading: Đọc hiểu đợc nội dung chính và nội dung chi tiết các văn bản có độ dài khoảng 190 - 200 từ, xoay quanh các chủ điểm có trong chơng trình. - Phát triển kỹ năng từ vựng: Sử dụng từ điển, ngữ cảnh. 1 - Teaching Plan 10 4.Writing: Viết theo mẫu và/ hoặc có gợi ý một văn bản có độ dài khoảng 100 - 120 từ về nội dung liên quan đến các chủ điểm đã học hoặc để phục vụ các nhu cầu giao tiếp cá nhân và xã giao đơn giản. Theme: You and me Unit 1: A day in the life of . P. Syllabus: 2 Lesson 1-Reading - Time: 45 minutes. I. Objectives: 1. Education aim: Students can understand the passage according to the reading comprehension exercises. 2. Knowledge: - General knowledge: Guessing meaning in the context, passage comprehension. - Language: + New words: Words related to daily routine. 3. Skills: Scanning for specific information. II. Method: Mainly communicative. III. Teaching aids: Pictures showing various working day. Extra board. IV. Procedure: Teacher's Activities Students' Activities Warm up (4 mn) - Hand out and ask students to combine the column A with column B about the works with the work places. A B 1. teacher a. market 2. doctor b. school 3. worker c. hospital 4. seller d. field 5. farmer e. factory - Where does the teacher work? - Give some more questions about the words above. - Present new lesson: To understand more about the life of a farmer, today we learn Unit 1. Pre-reading (7 mn) Activity 1- Describing picture: (Hang the pictures on the blackboard.) + Peasant. + Leading buffalo to the field. +Repairing the banks of the plot of land. + Pumping water. + Transplanting + Ploughing and harrowing. + Plot of land. - Hand out and ask students what to do. ( Pick out some activities which Vietnamese farmers usually do. Getting up early, prepare meals for family, doing homework, chatting with friend, learning lesson, taking care of children, repairing the banks of the plot of land, teaching, pumping water, transplanting, ploughing and harrowing, drinking tea, correcting exercises. - Close the text book. - Match column A with column B: 1. b 2. c 3. e 4. a 5. d - He/She works at school. - Students' answers. - Students repeat twice or more. - Work in group. Find out the words and phrases about farmers' work. - Write down on the paper sheet or flat card. * Answers: Leading a buffalo to the field, getting up early, preparing meals for family, chatting with friends, taking care of children, repairing the banks of the plot of land, transplanting, ploughing and harrowing . - Check. 2 - Teaching Plan 10 - Goes around and help. Check in front of the class. Activity 2: Presentation : Mr. Vy and Mrs. Tuyet are farmers. Guess what Mr. Vy and Mrs Tuyet does and what Mrs. Tuyet does. - Give hand out 2 and give instructions what to do: Read the chat and tick (v) into the right column. Their activities 1. boiling water 2. preparing meals 3. leading a buffalo to the field 4. taking care of children 5. transplanting 6. ploughing and harrowing the plot of land 7. drinking tea and chatting with friends. - Teacher's check. (To check the information, read the text.) While-reading (20 mn) - Task 1: Ask students to find out the answer for four words: goes off, to get ready with, chat, contented with (adj) - Give some new words in the passage to teach for students. Task 2: ( page 14) - Ask students to read through the text and answer the questions. - Goes round and helps. - Check some grammatical structures if necessary. Task 3 : (page 14) - Explain the aims of the task 3. - Ask students to work alone. - Read through the text and find out the information in the text and take note the details about Mr. Vy and Mrs. Tuyet's daily activities. - Goes round and helps. - Check in front of the class. Other Activity : Ask students read individually in three minutes then compare with the information which had done in Before you read. - Ask students to read through the passage. - Check in front of the class. Post-reading (12 mn): - Ask students to close the book. - Ask students to talk about other farmers' daily routine activities. - Goes round and helps. - Homework : Write a short passage about a peasant's daily routine activities. (80 words) - pump [pmp] (n) bơm - Civic Education ['sivik] (adj) công dân - literature ['litrt ] (n) văn chơng - district ['distrikt] (n) địa hạt, quận huyện. - routine [ru:'ti:n] (n) lề thói hàng ngày - pedal ['pedl] (n) bàn đạp -alarm /'l!:m/ (n) chuông - buffalo "# (n) Trâu -plough [plau] (n) cái cày - harrow ['hổrou] (n) cái bừa - plot [plt] (n) mảnh đất - Read the chart and tick ( ) into the right column: Mr. Vy Mrs.Tuyet - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Open the book, listen to the recording and practise reading the new words. - Pair work. - Keys answers: 1.C 2. C 3. A 4. A - Read through the text and answer the questions. 1. He's a peasant/farmer. 2. He gets up . 3. In the morning - Read through the text to get information to fill in the gaps. - Group work. *Answers: -In the morning: 4.30: alarm goes off, Mr.Vy get up 5.15: leaves house 5.30: arrives in the field 11.30 -In the afternoon: 2.30: Mr.Vy and Mrs. Tuyet go to the field again 7.00: . -After dinner: Watch TV, go to bed. Sometimes visit neighbours, chat with them. - Read the text and answer the questions. (Pair work) - Divide into many small groups, discuss about Mr. Vy and Mrs. Tuyet's daily routine activities. 3 - Teaching Plan 10 nhá, thöa ruéng - peasant ['peznt] (n) n«ng d©n - tobacco [tə'bækou] (n) thuèc l¸ Comments (2 mn) Theme: You and me Un i t 1: A day in the life of . P. Syllabus: 3 Lesson 2- Speaking - Time: 45 minutes. I. Objectives: 1. Education aim: Students ask and answer the information about daily routine activities. 2. Knowledge: - General knowledge: Asking for giving information from a time table. - Language: Talking about daily activities. 3. Skills: Fluency in expressing opinions . II. Method: Mainly communicative. III. Teaching aids: Pictures showing various working day. Extra board. IV. Procedure: Teacher's Activities Students' Activities Warm up(4 mn) - Ask students close the books. - Hang the extra- board (Subjects are learnt in school) in three minutes then hide it. - Ask students to repeat them. Who remembers much will win. 1. Civil education 6. Technology 2. Maths 7. Chemistry 3. Physics 8. Literature 4. Biology 9. Physical education 5. Geography 10. History 11. Informatics. - Teacher's check. Pre-reading (7 mn) Activity 1- Review the ways to talk about time: -Hand out and present what to do: (Match column A with column B) Give hand out 2 and give instructions what to do: A B 1. 6.00 2. 7.15 3. 8.05 4. 8.55 5. 9.45 6. 10.40 7. 17.00 8. 18.30 9. 19.25 a. a quarter to ten b. three past one c. five to nine d. twenty five past seven p.m e. five past eight f. a quarter past seven g. twenty to eleven h. half past six p.m i. five o'clock p.m - Close the text book. - Remember all the subjects in about three minutes, then repeat all these subjects as many as possible. - Single's work. - Work in group. - Pair work. * Answers: 1. j 2. f 3. e 4. c 5. a 6. g 7. i 8. h 9. d 10. b 4 - Teaching Plan 10 10. 1.03 j. six o'clock a.m - Goes round and help. - Teacher's check. - Review the way to talk about time. - Unite the way to talk about time. While-reading (20 mn) Activity 2: Task 1: (page 14) - Ask students to look at the schedule (page 15) - Read the samples (twice). - Ask students to close the books - Give the aims of the Task which they are going to do. - Teacher's presentation: Give the sample dialogue : + What time does Quan have Civic education lesson on Monday? + What lesson does Quan have at a quarter past seven on Monday? - Teacher and a good student have a role (mode). - Ask students open the books, tell them what to do. - Goes round and help if necessary. - Call some groups to practise in front of the class. * Task 2: (page 15) - Present the situation. - Give the aims of the Task which they are going to do. - Ask students to look at the pictures in Task 2 and describe them. - Explain the aims of task 2. - Goes round and help if necessary. - Teacher's check. - Call some good students to talk about Quan's activities in the afternoon in front of the class. Post- speaking (12 mn): - Task 3: (page 15) - Ask students to close the book and tell them what to do: * Tell your classmates about your daily routine. - Call one or two students to talk about his or her daily routine. - Homework: Write a short passage about your daily routine. (50 words) - Answers: + Quan has Civic education at a quarter past seven on Monday. + Quan has Civic education at a quarter past seven on Monday. - Pair work. - Work in group of three or four. * Answers: At 2.00 o'clock p.m Quan gets up after taking a short nap. He studies his lesson at 14.15. He watches TV at 16.30. Then he goes to the stadium by bicycle at 17.00. There he plays football with his friends. He comes back home at 18.30, takes a shower at 18.45. He has dinner with his family at 19.00. At 20.00 he reviews his lesson. This is a typical day of Quan. - Group work. - Suggestions: 6 a.m, 6.30 a.m, 7.15 a.m, 11.45 a.m 12.00, 2 p.m, 4 p.m, 6 p.m etc . Comments (2 mn) Ngµy th¸ng n¨m 200 Ký duyÖt cña TTCM Theme: You and me Unit 1 : A day in the life of . P. Syllabus: 4 Lesson 3 - Listening - Time: 45 minutes. I. Objectives: 1. Education aim: Students listen and understand the information about daily routine activities (Monologue). 2. Knowledge: 5 - Teaching Plan 10 - General knowledge: Listen and put the right number in each picture. Deciding on True (T) or False (F) statements. - Language: Sentences related to daily routine. 3. Skills: Listening and numbering pictures . II. Method: Mainly communicative. III. Teaching aids: Pictures showing various kinds of a working day. Extra board. IV. Procedure: Teacher's Activities Students' Activities Warm up(4 mn) - Ask students close the books. - Write on the blackboard the following letters. Ask students arrange those letters into meaning words. Jumbled words: CCLOY ⇒ . RIEDV ⇒ NSSEGERPA ⇒ . DOFO SALLT ⇒ After students finish arranging these letters into meaning words, check in the situations: He has a cyclo. He drives passengers everyday. He usually has meals at a food stall. ⇒ Who is he? - Check and guide to new lesson. (Listen to the tape about a cyclo's daily routine). *Pre- listening : ( 7 mn) Activity 1 : - Give the questions in the text book and ask some students to answer. 1. Have you ever travelled by cyclo? 2. When was it? 3. Is it interesting to travel by cyclo? 4. Which do you prefer, going by cyclo or by bicycle? Explain why? - Teacher's check. Activity 2: Get students read the words which will appear in the tape, pay attention to the pronunciation and explanation of new words. - district ['distrikt], routine [ru:'ti:n], office, pedal ['pedl], purchases ['p:t s], drop, passengers ['pæsind3ə], ride, park, food stall. $ (n) quÇy, qu¸n b¸n hµng While - listening (20 mn) Activity 1- Get students open the book and describe pictures in it. - Ask students work in group in order to guess the orders of these pictures. - Teacher's check before listening. Task 1. (page 16) - Make situation and explain: You will hear Mr.Lam, a cyclo driver in Ho Chi Minh city talking about his daily routine. The pictures in your text book ( on page 16) describe his activities. Listen to the tape/ my - Close the text book. - Arrange those letters into meaning words. - Write down on the blackboard: CYCLO, DRIVE, PASSENGERS, FOOD STALL. - Answer : He is a cyclo driver. - Prepare to listen to the tape. - Answer the questions : - Yes, sometimes. - Last summer holiday when I visited my uncle in Ha Noi. - Yes, really interesting. - I prefer going by cyclo because it is slow enough for me to see everything along the journey. - Read the new words. *Answers : In the 1 st pictures, I can see a cyclo driver, he is riding his cyclo. - Some people rae eating something in picture b. - A cyclo driver is riding his cyclo with some children in picture c. - A cyclo driver is riding an old man in picture f. - Discuss in group. 6 - Teaching Plan 10 reading. Then number the pictures in their correct order. - Check to find out who can number correctly. - Check. - Stop the sentence which illustrates for the right pictures. Activity 2: - Make situation and explain: Task 2 (page 17) - Get students read through the sentences in TASK 2 to know their meaning. - Play the tape. - Teacher's check if the students can guess or not. - Teacher's check if who can guess. - Stop the sentence which illustrates for the right pictures. Post- speaking (12 mn): - Ask students to work in pair, ask and answer about Mr.Lam's activities using the given words: name, occupation, start work, passengers, lunch, rest. - Tell the story in front of the class. - Homework: Write a short story about Mr. Lam what you remember about him. - Listen to the tape the 1 st time. - Listen to the tape the 2 nd time. - Listen to the tape the 3 rd time. *Key answers : Sentence 1- Picture e Sentence 2- Picture f Sentence 3- Picture a Sentence 4- Picture c Sentence 5- Picture b Sentence 6- Picture d - Students read. - Students listen the 1 st time. - Students listen the 2 nd time. - Students listen the 3 rd time. * Key answers: 1.F (in district 5)./ 2. T./ 3.F (he gives an old man a ride from district 1)/ 4. F ( Mr. Lam's passenger is an old man)/ 5. F ( Mr. Lam has lunch at a food stall near Ben Thanh market)./ 6.F (After lunch time, he park his cyclo under the tree and takes a short rest.) - Pair work. purchase ['p:t s] (n) sự mua tậu, chỗ bám, điểm tựa passenger ['pổsind%] (n) hành khách occupation [,&kj''pei n] (n) job scream [skri:m] (n) tiếng kêu thét in panic ['pổnik] (n) sự hoảng loạn experience [iks'pirins] (n) kinh nghiệm, sự từng trải narrative ['nổrtiv] (n) chuyện kể, bài tờng thuật lại click [klik] (n) cú nhắp Comments (2 mn) Theme: You and me Unit 1 : A day in the life of . P. Syllabus: 5 Lesson 4 - Writing - Time: 45 minutes. I. Objectives: 1. Education aim: Help students understand the content, use of language of the simple past tense and form of the reported speech essay. 2. Knowledge: - General knowledge: Help students write an essay to tell about the fire at a hotel. - Language: Narrative and the past simple. 3. Skills: Stages of a narrative. Writing a short passage about the fire at the hotel. II. Method: Mainly communicative. III. Teaching aids: Some pictures about the disasters over the world. IV. Procedure: Teacher's Activities Students' Activities 7 - Teaching Plan 10 Warm up(4 mn) - Ask students close the books. Make some questions: - Have you ever heard a frightening story/an interesting story? - When did it happen? - Where did it happen? - How did you feel about that? * Teacher checks and explain. - New lesson: * Pre-writing : (8 mn) Task 1: ( page 17) - Ask students to read the sample essay. Explain the new words (if necessary). - Goes round and helps. - Check in front of the class. (Suggested answers: started, was, arrived, got, took off, began, thought, felt, announced, were, screamed, realized, landed .) - Emphatics to students and a drive them to used The simple past tense when tell about a past story. *While - writing (18 mn) Task 2: - Explain the needs of Task 2 - Goes round and helps. - Check in front of the class. Activity 3: - Explain the needs of Task 3: Students will write a short reported speech passage about the fire at the hotel H, use the available suggestion. - Correct one or two students' passages. Post- writing (12 mn): - Ask students to work in pair, ask and answer about Mr.Lam's activities using the given words: name, occupation, start work, passengers, lunch, rest. - Tell the story in front of the class. - Homework : Complete the story according to the teacher's ideas. - Close the text book. * Students' answers: -Yes, I have - It happened when I was young/When I was in the 9th grade . - It happened at my house/ in my school/ in my neighborhood . - It made me frightened/ happy/ bored. - Open the books. - Read the sample essay, underline the words which are used in the simple past, circle the words which point time such as: At first, then, finally . - Work in pair. - Work in pair in order to point out the events, the turning point and the end of the story. *Keys answers: The events: got the plane, plane took off, hostesses were just beginning to serve lunch when the plane began to shake, plane seemed to dip, people screamed in panic . - Turning point: We thought we had only minutes to live. - Ending: The pilot announced everything was all right. We landed safely. - Work in group. Write down on the sheet. - Discuss with each other to correct mistakes. * Key answers: Last year, I spent my summer holiday at the seaside hotel. The hotel was modern and comfortable. I had a wonderful holiday until the fire. It was Saturday evening and everybody was sitting in the discotheque which was on the ground floor. It was crowded with people. They were dancing and singing happily. Suddenly we smelt smoke. Then black smoke began to fill in the room. Everybody started to screamed in panic. People ran toward the fire exits. One door was blocked. Many people began coughing and choking. Then, just as we thought we had only minutes to live, the fire brigade arrived. Firemen fought their way into the room and soon every was safely out of the building. Luckily nobody was serious hurt. It was the most frightening experience in my life. Comments (2 mn) 8 - Teaching Plan 10 Theme: You and me Unit 1: A day in the life of . P. Syllabus: 6 Lesson 5 - Language Focus - Time: 45 minutes. I. Objectives: 1. Education aim: Help students pronounce two vowel sounds /i:/ and /i/. Revise the usage of the simple present tense, simple past tense and adverbs of frequency. 2. Knowledge: - General knowledge: Usage of the simple present and simple past tenses. Adverbs of frequency. - Language: Help students pronounce two vowel sounds / i:/ and /i/. 3. Skills: How to distinguish between two sounds i:/ and /i/ . II. Method: Mainly communicative. III. Teaching aids: Some pictures. IV. Procedure: Teacher's Activities Students' Activities Warm up(4 mn) - Ask students close the books. - Hang the picture : a ship and a sheep then ask students to look at the picture and complete the following sentence: I see a _____ on the ______ . - Check in front of the class. - Get students pay attention to pronounce two sounds /i:/ and /i/. - Present the new lesson. 1. Pronunciation : Activity 1: - Present two vowel sounds and read aloud / i:/ and /i/. - Present and ask students to practise pronouncing two vowel sound : Minimal pairs: /i/ /i:/ hit heat bit beat meet meat it eat lick (có liÕm) leek (tái t©y) Activity 2: Get students open the books. - Play the recording or teacher's read. + Is he coming to the cinema? + We've miss the beginning of the film. + Is it an interesting film, Jim ? + The beans and meat were quite cheap. + He's going to leave here for the Green mountains. + would you like to have meat, peas and cheese? 2. Grammar: Use a picture with a students who goes/went to school by bicycle/on foot in order to present the points of grammar about the simple present, simple past tenses and adverbs of frequency. - He is a school boy. He usually goes to school by bicycle everyday but yesterday he went to school on foot. ⇒ goes ( simple present) - Close the text book. * Students' answers: I see a sheep on the ship. - Work in group. sheep [ i:p] , ship [ ip] - Students' read. - Pair work. Pay attention to the sentence stress. - Point out which words with /i:/ and which ones with / i/? - Students' read. - Repeat the formation of simple present and simple past tenses. - Repeat the usage of adverbs of frequency. 9 - Teaching Plan 10 ⇒ went ( simple past) Activity 1 : - Explain the aims of the exercise. - Check in front of the class. - Exercise 1. (page 19) - Ask students to work in pair or single. - Ask students to choose the right of the verbs to fill in the gaps. - Exercise 2: - Explain the aims of the exercise 2. Except the adverb : As the rule, I go to bed at ten p.m. Adverbs of frequency are usually stood in front of ordinary verbs and behind "be". Ex: He usually/ sometimes goes to bed at 10 p.m. She is usually/ sometimes/ often late for class. - Check in front of the class. - Exercise 3: - Explain the aims of the exercise. - Goes round and helps if necessary. - Explain the new words if necessary. - Check in front of the class. * Homework : Do all the exercises in Language Focus of unit 1 in Exercise book. - Single's work. * Keys answers: (Exercise 1) 1. is 2. fish 3. worry 4. are 5. catch 6. am 7. catch 8. go 9. give up 10. says 11. realize 12. am. - Single's work. - Pair work. -Single's work. - Pair work. * Key answers: (Exercise 3) 1. was done 2. cooked 3. were 4. smelt 5. told 6. sang 7. began 8. felt 9. put out 10. crept (bß, trên) 11. slept 12. woke 13. was 14. leapt (nh¶y) 15. hurried 16. found 17. wound 18. flowed. Comments (2 mn) Ngµy th¸ng n¨m 200 Ký duyÖt cña TTCM Theme: You and me Unit 2 : School talk P. Syllabus: 7 Lesson 1 - Reading - Time: 45 minutes. I. Objectives: 1. Education aim: Students read and understand the passage . Passage comprehension. 2. Knowledge: - General knowledge: Students understand and use the new words in order to guess the meaning, asking, answering and brain storming. - Language: + New words: Words related to school. 3. Skills: + Reading for gist and for specific information. + Reading for exact information. II. Method: Mainly communicative. III. Teaching aids: Pictures showing various school activities. Extra board. IV. Procedure: Teacher's Activities Students' Activities Warm up(4 mn) Activity 1 - Ask students to close the book. - Hang the picture about the scenery of students' break time. - Ask students to answer the questions in order to lead in the lesson. 1. Where are they? - Close the text book. - Pair work. - Answer the questions : 1. They are in the school yard. 10 [...]... 200 Ký duyệt của TTCM 17 - Teaching Plan 10 Theme: You and me P Syllabus: 10 I Objectives: Unit 2 : School talk Lesson 4 - Writing - Time: 45 minutes 1 Education aim: Help students to write and fill in a form 2 Knowledge: - General knowledge: Help students write and fill in a form - Language: Writing a form 3 Skills: Filling in a form II Method: Mainly communicative III Teaching aids : Some sample... past - Work alone then work in pair - Work alone then work in pair Answers: 30 - Teaching Plan 10 3 had met 8 had moved 1 had just finished - came 4 had not turned off 9 had not seen 2 had seldom travelled - went 5 had ever seen 10 had not broken in 3 went - had already taken Exercise 2: 4 did you manage - had gone - got - Explanation the aim of the task 5 had just got - phoned - was - Ask student work... class - Keys answers: 1 disable 2 read 3 write 4 efforts 5 opposition 6 time-consuming 7 Maths 8 arms 9 fingers 10 proud - oppose ['pouz](v) chụng ụi 36 - Teaching Plan 10 4 In what way did Thuy teach the children how to add and subtract? * Write a short passage about Thuy's special class (about 100 words) Comments (2 mn) Theme: Education P Syllabus: 21 I Objectives: Unit 4: Special education Lesson 2... husband died? Why or why not?) - Answers: a harbored the dream of a scientific career - impossible for the woman at that time - Teaching Plan 10 b kept moving up in her career - Homework: Write a short passage about Marie Curie c difficult living conditions - worked hard (about 100 words) d won the Nobel Prize - Ask students to underline the new words in the text e easing human suffering Comments (2 mn)... - Teaching Plan 10 Theme: You and me P Syllabus: 15 I Objectives: Unit 3 : 27 People's background Lesson 4 - Writing - Time: 45 minutes 1 Education aim: Students can write about people's background 2 Knowledge: - General knowledge: Help students write about one's background - Language: Words relate to people's back ground 3 Skills: Writing a one's background II Method: Mainly communicative III Teaching. .. "Wh-questions" - Language: Help students pronounce two vowel sounds / / and /a:/ 3 Skills: How to distinguish between two sounds/ / and /a:/ II Method: Mainly communicative III Teaching aids: Some pictures IV Procedure: 19 - Teaching Plan 10 Teacher's Activities Warm up(4 mn) - Ask students explain the meaning of the examples - Ask students to read the example to lead in the lesson Eg: - My cousin is my uncle's... and Martin became a minister at a Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama Then he started working for the black freedom movement Thousands of 31 - Teaching Plan 10 4 he met 9 In 1961 people walked to Washington to hear his famous speech at 5 they got married 10 4th April 1968 the Lincoln Memorial in 1963, and he won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 He died on 4th April 1968 in Memphis, Tennessee, from a... Language: Vocabulary comprehension : matching 3 Skills: Scanning for specific information Intensive reading : gap - filling II Method: Mainly communicative III Teaching aids: Pictures showing a special school Extra board Tape script 33 34 - Teaching Plan 10 IV Procedure: Teacher's Activities Warm up (4 mn) - Give some pictures about the special school in your district - Ask students to look at then give them... - Teaching Plan 10 - Hand out exercise 3 and tell them what to do - Ask students to work in group of four - Goes round and helps - Check the result of each group and give the correct answers - Explain the word: aid instruments in the pictures : Dụng cụ trợ thính, bảng các dấu hiệu cho ngời câm điếc của một số nớc Anh, Mỹ - Exercise 3: Look at the requirements Are they necessary for teachers in teaching. .. the new words according to speaking, 21 - Teaching Plan 10 asking and answer 2 Knowledge: - General knowledge: Deciding on True or False statements - Language: + New words: Words related to people's background Vocabulary comprehension : Matching 3 Skills: Reading for gist and for specific information Passage comprehension II Method: Mainly communicative III Teaching aids: Pictures showing various working . work. * Answers: 1. j 2. f 3. e 4. c 5. a 6. g 7. i 8. h 9. d 10. b 4 - Teaching Plan 10 10. 1.03 j. six o'clock a.m - Goes round and help. - Teacher's. Sử dụng từ điển, ngữ cảnh. 1 - Teaching Plan 10 4.Writing: Viết theo mẫu và/ hoặc có gợi ý một văn bản có độ dài khoảng 100 - 120 từ về nội dung liên quan