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Annual Report 2011 12 for website tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận án, đồ án, bài tập lớn về tất cả các lĩn...

[...]... employees transferred to Africa RBB 26 Barclays Bank PLC Annual Report 2011 www .barclays. com/annualreport Page left blank for pagination purposes Barclays Bank PLC Annual Report 2011 www .barclays. com/annualreport 27 Risk management Overview There are no differences in the manner in which risks are managed and measured between the Barclays Bank PLC Group and the Barclays PLC Group Therefore, the explanations... of average equity and average tangible equity c Data for year ended 31 December 2010 and 2011 includes the impact of Standard Life Bank Barclays Bank PLC Annual Report 2011 www .barclays. com/annualreport 13 Retail and Business Banking Europe Retail and Business Banking (audited) 2011 Europe Retail and Business Banking adjusted loss before tax increased to £234m (2010: £168m) reflecting repositioning... regions have been revised since January 2011, Ireland is now included within the Europe region and Middle East is now reported with Africa Comparatives have been updated to reflect these changes Barclays Bank PLC Annual Report 2011 www .barclays. com/annualreport 11 Retail and Business Banking UK Retail and Business Banking (audited) 2011 UK Retail and Business Banking adjusted profit before tax improved... and performance measures exclude the impact of loss on disposal of Barclays Bank Russia of £73m (2010: £nil) and £123m of Spain goodwill impairment (2010: £243m) 2010 adjusted loss before tax has been revised to exclude goodwill impairment of £243m on Barclays Bank Russia 22 Barclays Bank PLC Annual Report 2011 www .barclays. com/annualreport Financial review Analysis of results by business All disclosures... return on average tangible equity and return on average risk weighted assets reflect a deferred tax benefit of £205m Barclays Bank PLC Annual Report 2011 www .barclays. com/annualreport 15 Retail and Business Banking Africa Retail and Business Banking (audited) 2011 Africa Retail and Business Banking adjusted profit before tax improved 26% to £908m reflecting business growth in South Africa and a significant... calculation of average equity and average tangible equity c South Africa cards 30 day arrears rates revised to include approved debt counselling accounts Barclays Bank PLC Annual Report 2011 www .barclays. com/annualreport 19 Barclays Capital (audited) 2011 Barclays Capital profit before tax declined to £2,975m (2010: £4,389) driven by a 22% reduction in income to £10,345m in a challenging market environment,... comparatives have been revised to use 10% of average risk weighted assets (previously 2010) in the calculation of average equity and average tangible equity Barclays Bank PLC Annual Report 2011 www .barclays. com/annualreport 21 Barclays Corporate (audited) 2011 Barclays Corporate adjusted profit before tax improved to £126m (2010: loss of £388m), Amaze (Autism Victoria) 2011-2012 Annual Report Amaze (Autism Victoria Inc) Amaze (Autism Victoria Inc) About Amaze Amaze (Autism Victoria) is a member-based not-for-profit organisation and is the peak body for Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) in the state of Victoria Our Vision That all people affected by an ASD have the best quality of life outcomes possible Our Mission To provide information, advice and support to individuals, families and professionals; to advocate for systemic change; to establish networks, links and communities; and to provide training and accreditation to support services Our Core Values • • • • • • Page Integrity A Person-Centred Approach Inclusiveness Excellence Accountability Courage Amaze (Autism Victoria Inc) - Annual Report 2011-2012 “ If I could snap my fingers and be nonautistic I would not Autism is part of what I am Temple Grandin ” Contents 11 12 14 17 19 22 23 26 Amaze in numbers - 2011-2012 Message from our Chair Message from our CEO The Board of Governance Supporting the ASD Community Supporting Individuals and Families Supporting the Professional Community Supporting our Members Thank you to our Supporters Amaze Staff Directors’ Report Financial Statement Amaze (Autism Victoria Inc) - Annual Report 2011-2012 Page Amaze in Numbers - 2011-2012 75,000 2000 The number of people visiting the new Amaze website from its launch to 30 June 2012 The number of families registering for the Helping Children with Autism Funding Package this year 6500 The number of families who have registered for the Helping Children with Autism Funding since it started in 2008 1000 The number of new resources we are able to purchase for the Autism Library as a result of the 1000 Book Campaign Page Amaze (Autism Victoria Inc) - Annual Report 2011-2012 25,000 The number of contacts the Information services assisted this year 3000+ The number of people joining in the walk on World Autism Awareness Day 55,000 The estimated number of Victorians who have Autism Spectrum Disorder 4500 The number of listings in the Directory of Services Amaze (Autism Victoria Inc) - Annual Report 2011-2012 Page Message from Our Chair On behalf of the Board of Amaze, I have much pleasure in presenting the Chair’s Report to members on the activities of Amaze for 2011-2012 This year has seen the introduction of the organisation’s new trading name, a face lift in the graphics which mark and respresent us, and a new array of communication tools, including the new website This resource allows the community and professionals to access a wide range of information about ASDs It is also a conduit for the organisation to directly engage with the community through our electronic newsletter, the eSpectrum, and for the community to engage with us through social media such as Facebook, which has seen increasing numbers in the past 12 months and Twitter I’d particularly like to acknowledge Amaze’s Marketing and Communications Manager, Fran Ludgate, for her passion and hard work to ensure we remain a recognisable, professional and vital organisation utilising the latest technologies and trends to facilitate interaction between Amaze, its members and the wider community The past year has seen Amaze communicate upcoming events to a wide community and provide opportunities for individuals with ASD and their families to hear about and participate in a range of activitites of special interest to them, and created opportunities to be involved in experiences that might not otherwise be accessible to them The Lego® Road Train Build record attempt in November, saw enthusiasts of all ages descend on Scienceworks to attempt to build the longest LEGO road train in the world, with individuals with ASD being accommodated with a quiet area near to the main LEGO building area Although not officially approved, we believe this was a world record It is heartening to see the growing direct interaction and involvement of members and their families with the organisation, often through fundraising and volunteer activities This year saw an unprecedented range of fun and diverse fundraising activities undertaken, just a few of which were: • • • A field of 45 runners in Run Melbourne, held in July, nominated Amaze as their chosen charity and raised $23,000 Greg Hunt (Federal MP for Flinders) walked 500km around his electorate over 19 days to meet with his constituents and to raise awareness and funds for Autism The Jimmy Dooley Rollers, a group of cyclists, organised a fundraising ride from Adelaide to Melbourne just before Cup Day Battling head winds and rain these fearsome riders covered 1000km in days and raised over $20,000 Page • 16 people with connections to Autism took on the challenge to walk the famous Kokoda Trail in Papua New Guinea: a wonderful achievement, they trekked 96km of notoriously tough terrain, through heat and humidity, to raise funds and awareness of ASD Congratulations to all the participants in these activities, who not only achieved ...reliminaryresultsforthenancialyear Deutsche Bank Annual Report 2011 on Form 20-F [...]... unable to gain or retain entities subject to such prohibitions as customers or as investors in our securities In addition, our reputation may suffer due to our association with such countries Such a result could have significant adverse effects on our business or the price of our securities 21 Deutsche Bank Annual Report 2011 on Form 20-F Item 4: Information on the Company Item 4: Information on the... reforming market infrastructures See “Item 4: Information on the Company – The Competitive Environment – Regulatory Reform.” 16 Deutsche Bank Annual Report 2011 on Form 20-F Item 3: Key Information Legislation already enacted includes the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (the “Dodd-Frank Act”) enacted in the United States in July 2010 The Dodd-Frank Act has numerous provisions... Bank Annual Report 2011 on Form 20-F Item 3: Key Information In 2011, economic growth continued, but the eurozone, where we are based, has lagged behind other segments of the world economy, especially Asia and other developing markets The European sovereign debt crisis has contributed substantially to economic stagnation in the eurozone, even fueling concerns that Europe may already have dipped into... through other arrangements Parties to these transactions, such as trading counterparties, may default on their obligations to us due to bankruptcy, political and economic events, lack of liquidity, operational failure or other reasons 15 Deutsche Bank Annual Report 2011 on Form 20-F Item 3: Key Information Many of our derivative transactions are individually negotiated and non-standardized, which can make... adopt a strategy focusing on capital preservation and creation, in particular involving the reduction in higher margin risk-weighted assets, over revenue and profit growth 10 Deutsche Bank Annual Report 2011 on Form 20-F Item 3: Key Information Any of these measures could have adverse effects on our business, financial condition and results of operations, as well as on perceptions in the market of our... could be forced to accept capital injections from the German government or the European Union (if available) These capital injections could lead to significant dilution of our shareholders, and regulators may impose additional operational and other limitations or obligations on our business as conditions to public funding In addition, any requirement to increase capital ratios could lead us to adopt a strategy... the location of our personnel who entered into or facilitated the transaction Where we record a transaction involving our staff and customers and other third parties in different locations frequently depends on other considerations, such as the nature of the transaction, regulatory considerations and transaction processing considerations Management Structure We operate the three group divisions and the... should not construe any translations as a representation that the amounts could have been exchanged at the rate used 2011 A N U L R E P O T AN R [...]... http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/consultations /2011/ social_investment_funds_en.htm 50 http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/social_business/docs/COM2011_682_en .pdf 51 36 http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/smact/docs /20110 413-communication_en .pdf 48 http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/social_business/docs/working_document2011_en .pdf Annual Report 2011 | European fund and Asset Management Association ... http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/consultations/docs/2010/governance/feedback_statement_en .pdf 33 http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-//EP//NONSGML +REPORT+ A7 -2011- 0074+0+DOC +PDF+ V0//EN European fund and Asset Management Association | Annual Report 2011 31 best practice on an equal footing is appropriate; stresses that it must be complemented by regular external evaluation and appropriate regulatory oversight”34 The report focused on the topics... http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/consultations/docs/2010/ucits/summary_of_responses_en .pdf 4 http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/finances/docs/de_larosiere _report_ en .pdf European fund and Asset Management Association | Annual Report 2011 11 under scrutiny with a view to identifying their potential vulnerabilities and the systemic risks they might create, as well as the actions that may be needed to address them on 12 April 2011, the financial Stability Board... http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L :2011: 174:0001:0073:EN :PDF 11 http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/investment/docs/alternative_investments/level2/mandate_en .pdf 12 http://www.esma.europa.eu/index.php?page=consultation_details&id=176 European fund and Asset Management Association | Annual Report 2011 13 work on the different topics resulted in 2 extensive consultation papers published in July and August 2011: the Consultation... electronic version of the fact Book as well as hard copies are available for purchase on EfAMA’s website: www.efama.org 2 EFAMA’s Fourth Annual Asset Management Report In May 2011, EfAMA published the fourth edition of its Annual Asset Management Report This freeof-charge report, available on EfAMA’s website, provides an overview of the professionally managed assets in Europe, taking into account the overall... http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/finances/docs/de_larosiere _report_ en .pdf 28 http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/company/docs/modern/com2010_284_en .pdf 29 http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/company/docs/modern/com2011-164_en .pdf 30 http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/newsroom/cf/_getdocument.cfm?doc_id=7010 31 http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/company/docs/modern/com2010_284_en .pdf 32 http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/consultations/docs/2010/governance/feedback_statement_en .pdf. .. Guarantee Schemes 13 http://www.esma.europa.eu/popup2.php?id=7702 15 http://www.esma.europa.eu/system/files /2011_ 379 .pdf 16 14 http://www.esma.europa.eu/index.php?page=home_details&id=580 14 http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/securities/docs/isd/dir-97-9/proposal-modification_en .pdf Annual Report 2011 | European fund and Asset Management Association In a detailed Position Paper published in october 201017,... http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/company/docs/modern/com2011-164_en .pdf European fund and Asset Management Association | [...]... of name from IncomBank to VietinBank VietinBank was granted the ISO 9001 – 2000 certification for credit, guarantee and payment activities 04/6/2009 1st VietinBank Annual Shareholders’ Meeting 08/7/2009 Pursuant to establishment and operating permit 142/GPNHNN issued on 3 July 3, 2009 by the Governor of the State Bank, Vietinbank became officially known as a joint stock commercial bank, as reflected... stock commercial bank, as reflected in its new name, Vietnam Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Industry and Trade 11 10/10/2010 VietinBank and IFC signed investment and cooperation agreements 28/12 /2011 VietinBank was granted an enterprise certification (enterprise code 0100111948) with charter capital of VND 20,230 billion by Hanoi’s Department of Planning and Investment, replacing the certificate issued... Vietnam Intellectual Property Research Institute VietinBank is among the top 20 largest enterprises in Vietnam in a list of 500 compiled by VietnamNet and a Vietnamese assessment company VietinBank received the Bank Receiving Best Assessment from the Media » award from Media Tenor (a Swiss company) VietinBank received the 2011 Vietnam Golden Enterprise Award from VINASME VietinBank received the 2011. .. shares, which equates to 95.92% of the Bank s voting shares Opening of VietinBank Fund Management Company (Vietinbank Capital) 14 VietinBank introduces Cremium JCB credit card, issued for the first time in Vietnam 4/10 /2011 VietinBank opens German branch at 44 Reuterweg, Frankfurt am Main, Hessen, Germany 06/9 /2011 August September October 18/10 /2011 July 29/6 /2011 VietinBank opens the 149th branch, Dak... is modern, secure, and stable Develop and establish subsidiaries to provide sufficient financial products and services; Expand network, open new branches and representative offices; Strengthen retail banking operations 17 18 18 Annual Report 2011 REPORT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 19 Report of the Board of Directors Results and Progress Annual Report 2011 In light of the domestic and global economy having... in 2011 20% 3,371,620,270,000 Charter capital as of 31 December 2011 • Total common stock: 2,022,972,161 shares 20,229,721,610,000 29 • Reserve stock, treasury stock: 0 shares Business Performance Results in 2011 Business Performance Results in 2011 Mobilizing funds Annual Report 2011 Taking into account 2011 s high inflation rate, the State Bank of Vietnam issued policies to lower interest rates and. .. Moreover, [...]... 100.0% Foreign shareholders, including: Foreign organizations Foreign individuals TOTAL Shareholder(s) holding 5% or more of Vietcombank s shares As of 31/12 /2011, the State Bank of Vietnam is the only shareholder who owns more than 5% of Vietcombank s shares (representing Vietcombank s State-owned capital) with the percentage of shareholding at 90.72% NAME OF ORGANIZATION/INDIVIDUAL State Bank of Vietnam. .. HUYEN ANH VIETCOMBANK VIETNAM S LEADING BANK Ms LE THI HOA Members of the BOD Members of the BOD Foreign Trade University Postgraduate - Nanzan Nagoya University (Japan) Master of Economics, Foreign Trade University www .vietcombank. com.vn Ms LE THI KIM NGA Members of the BOD Foreign Trade University PhD of Economics, National Economics University National Economics University, Master of Banking and... JOINT STOCK COMMERCIAL BANK FOR FOREIGN TRADE OF VIETNAM Banking Licence No Scope 138/GP-NHNN dated 23 May 2008 issued by the State Bank of Vietnam and Decision No 2719/QD-NHNN dated 27 December 2011 by the Governor of the State Bank of Vietnam adjusting and supplementing the contents of the Bank s operations The banking licence validity is 99 years from the issuance date of the banking licence No 138/GP-NHNN... District, Hanoi Vietnam Finance Company in Hong Kong Tel : (84 4) 3928 9289 Vietcombank Money Inc Fax : (84 4) 3928 9150 Vietcombank Tower 198 Website : www.vcbl.com.vn Vietcombank - Bonday - Ben Thanh Co., Ltd Vietcombank Fund Management Company VIETCOMBANK www .vietcombank. com.vn VIETNAM S LEADING BANK 54 55 5 VIETCOMBANK S RELATED COMPANIES AND VIETCOMBANK NETWORK Related companies Head Office, Operation... target of Shareholders’ General Meeting Loans to customers were VND 209,418 billion, up 18.4%, with growth rate controlled below 20.0% In 2011, Vietcombank successfully selected its foreign strategic partner – Mizuho Corporate Bank, marking a milestone for opening up long-term cooperation between Vietcombank and Mizuho VIETCOMBANK www .vietcombank. com.vn VIETNAM S LEADING BANK 20 21 2 REPORT FROM BOARD OF. .. business The year 2011 ended successfully for Vietcombank s card business Vietcombank continued to assert its leading position in the card market for key operations, generating a wide gap in market shares from its competitors This success not only reflected a successful fulfillment of its 8 targets for card business but also signified public recognition of Vietcombank s brandname In 2011, Vietcombank issued... 18% Profit before tax VND billion ↑ 15% Number of employees persons ↑ maximum 12% ROA 1.22% ROE 15.0% CAR Minimum 12.0% Number of branches and transaction offices 81 NPLs/Gross loans Dividend VIETCOMBANK www .vietcombank. com.vn VIETNAM S LEADING BANK Below 2.8% %/face value 12% 30 ... Directors’ Report Financial Statement Amaze (Autism Victoria Inc) - Annual Report 2011- 2 012 Page Amaze in Numbers - 2011- 2 012 75,000 2000 The number of people visiting the new Amaze website from... - Annual Report 2011- 2 012 Page Message from Our Chair On behalf of the Board of Amaze, I have much pleasure in presenting the Chair’s Report to members on the activities of Amaze for 2011- 2 012. .. Victoria Inc) - Annual Report 2011- 2 012 Page Launch of ‘Amaze’ Branding & Website September 2011 The new Amaze name was launched on 21 September 2011 with the publication of the new website - www.amaze.org.au

Ngày đăng: 05/11/2017, 18:04

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