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Put a tick ( ) to show the correct stress of these words Words Stress ooo o oo oo o biography information economics mathematics psychology dictionary ? How many syllables these words have? - More than three syllables Friday October 28th, 2011 LANGUAGE FOCUS CONTENT Lesson: LANGUAGE FOCUS S - Warm-up - Pronunciation - Grammar - Exercise - Homework Put a tick ( ) to show the correct stress of these words Words biography information economics mathematics psychology dictionary Stress ooo o oo oo o I Pronunciation: Stress in words of more than threesyllables (Trọng âm từ có âm tiết) Từ ba âm tiết thường có trọng âm tùy thuộc hậu tố (tiếp vĩ ngữ) - Trọng âm đặt âm trước hậu tố: -ics, -ity, -logy, -graphy, -ical, -ian, -ion, Ex: economics, university, sociology, geography - Trọng âm đặt âm thứ hai trước hậu tố: -ate, -ary, ize Ex: communicate, dictionary, computerize Practic e Listen and repeat: - economics ● psychology ● philosophy - geographical ● archeology Practic e Read the sentences: ● Mathematics is his favourite subject at high school ● Some geographical names in Australia are difficult to remember ● The GCSE examination in Vietnam always takes place in June What will you if you pass the GCSE examination? - If I pass the GCSE exam, I will _ take the entrance exam to the university What kind of sentence is it? passive reported conditional II Grammar: Conditional sentences (Câu điều Có loại câu điều kiện: kiện) Loại 1: việc xảy tương lai If clause Main clause If + S + V1/s/es S + will + V1 (“be” = am/is/are) Note: dùng can, shall, may, must … mệnh đề câu điều kiện loại If I pass the GCSE exam, I will take the entrance exam to the university Ex: wait for you if you are late I (not wait) won’t rains If it (rain) , we (stay)will _ at home and watch stay TV Grammar Conditional sentences: Câu điều kiện Loại 2: việc thật tương lai If clause If + S + V2/-ed (“be” = were / weren’t) S+ Main clause If it didn’t would / could + V1 rain, I could go out Note: dùng should, might … mệnh đề câu điều kiện loại Ex: were If I (be) _ you, I would study hard left She (catch)would the train if she (leave) catch earlier Grammar Conditional sentences: Câu điều kiện Loại 3: việc thật khứ If he had studied hard, he If clause Main clause have failed the exam If wouldn’t + S + had + V3/-ed S + would / could + have + V3/ed Ex: had If yesterday (be) _ a holiday, we would have gone for a picnic been would have had known I (visit) _ her if I (know) visited she was ill Grammar Conditional sentences: Câu điều kiện Note: Unless = If … not (nếu không) Ex: Unless you water these trees, they will die you don’t → If these trees , they will die water Lược bỏ if: ta lược bỏ if mệnh đề điều kiện phải đảo ngữ Ex:Were I you, I would study hard a/ If I were you, I would study hard → Had yesterday b/ If yesterday hadbeen beena aholiday, holiday,we wewould wouldhave havegone gonefor fora a picnic → picnic EXERCISE Choose the word that has different stress from the others A examination B photography C psychology D philosophy A university B mathematics C information D identity A application B conditional C certificate D curriculum EXERCISE Choose the best answer: If you had told me earlier, I it to you A would give B will give C would have given D must give She will buy a new computer if she _ enough money A will have B has C had D had had I’m very busy If I free time, I _ to the cinema with you A have / will go B had had / would have gone C have / would go D had / would go _ more slowly, I would have understood him A Had he spoken B He spoke C If he spoke D He had spoken Unless you tell me the truth, I can’t help you A If you tell me the truth, I can’t help you B If you don’t tell me the truth, I can help you C If you don’t tell me the truth, I can’t help you D If you tell me the truth, I won’t help you EXERCISE Choose the underlined part that needs correcting: All the trees SỞ GD– ĐT - BÌNH ĐỊNH TRƯỜNG THPT SỐ AN NHƠN SBD: ĐỀ THI HỌC KÌ I (2015-2016) Môn : Sinh - Khối : 11 (Cơ bản) - Mã đề : 123 Thí Sinh làm trực tiếp đề thi Điểm Số báo danh : Chữ kí giám thị I.TRẮC NGHIỆM: (5đ) 1/ Trong trình hô hấp, giai đoạn đường phân có đặc điểm: a Xảy tế bào chất kị khí b Xảy ti thể kị khí c Xảy tế bào chất hiếu khí d Xảy ti thể hiếu khí 2/ Vận động cảm ứng là: a Sự vận động sinh trưởng thực vật hướng tới tránh xa nguồn kích thích b Sự vận động định hướng thực vật hướng tới nguồn kích thích c Sự vận động định hướng thực vật tránh xa nguồn kích thích d Sự vận động sinh trưởng thực vật không xác định hướng tác nhân kích thích 3/ Cùng cường độ chiếu sáng quang phổ ánh sáng sau có hiệu quang hợp? a Ánh sáng đơn sắc màu xanh tím b Ánh sáng đơn sắc màu da cam c Ánh sáng đơn sắc màu vàng d Ánh sáng đơn sắc màu đỏ 4/ Sản phẩm trình hô hấp hiếu khí là: a ADP NADP b Tinh bột c CO2, H2O, lượng d Đường C6H12O6 5/ Tại sau giông , xanh tươi trước? a Vì tia lửa điện phá vỡ liên kết N ≡ N tạo nitơ tự do, sử dụng để tổng hợp diệp lục b Vì mưa giông tạo điều kiện cho vi khuẩn cố định nitơkhí hoạt động mạnh c Vì cung cấp đủ lượng nước d Vì rễ hút nhiều nước kèm theo khoáng 6/ Người ta phân biệt nhóm thực vật C3, C4 chủ yếu dự vào: a Có khác cấu tạo mô dậu b Sản phẩm cố định CO2 loại đường c Sự khác phản ứng sáng d Có tượng hô hấp sáng hay tượng 7/ Sản phẩm chu trình Canvin là: a RiDP (ribulôzơ - 1,5- điphôtphat) b APG (axit photphoglixêric) c ALPG ( anđêhit photphoglixêric) d AM (axit malic) 8/ Cần bảo quản nông sản, thực phẩm, rau nhiệt độ thấp, : a Nhiệt độ thấp ức chế trình hô hấp b Nhiệt độ thấp, trình trao đổi chất tạm dừng lại c Nhiệt độ thấp vi khuẩn không hoạt động d Nhiệt độ thấp, đường chuyển hoá thành tinh bột dự trữ 9/ Loài thải chất cặn bã qua lỗ miệng : a Đã có hệ tiêu hoá hoàn chỉnh b Vừa tiêu hoá ngoại bào vừa tiêu hoá nội bào c Chỉ tiêu hoá nội bào d Chỉ tiêu hoá ngoại bào 10/ Ở động vật đa bào bậc cao trình tiêu hóa thức ăn thực nhờ a Ống tiêu hóa b Tuyến tiêu hóa c Ống tiêu hóa, tuyến tiêu hóa d Dạ dày miệng II TỰ LUẬN [2 câu] (5đ) Câu 1(3đ)a/ Thế vòng tuần hoàn đơn, vòng tuần hoàn kép? Cho ví dụ minh hoạ b/ Ưu điểm hệ tuần hoàn kín so với hệ tuần hoàn hở? c/ Cho biết mối liên quan vận tốc máu tổng tiết diện mạch? Câu 2(2đ) :Hô hấp sáng gì? Nêu khác hô hấp hiếu khí lên men thực vật ? Tiêu chí phân biệt Hô hấp hiếu khí Lên men Ôxi Nơi xảy Sản phẩm Năng lượng BÀI LÀM: I.TRẮC NGHIỆM: (5đ) 10 II TỰ LUẬN(5đ) Câu 1: Câu 2(2đ) :Hô hấp sáng gì? Nêu khác hô hấp hiếu khí lên men thực vật ? Tiêu chí phân biệt Hô hấp hiếu khí Lên men Ôxi Nơi xảy Sản phẩm Năng lượng SỞ GD– ĐT - BÌNH ĐỊNH ĐỀ THI HỌC KÌ I (2015-2016) TRƯỜNG THPT SỐ AN NHƠN Môn : Sinh - Khối : 11 (Cơ bản) - Mã đề : 456 Thí Sinh làm trực tiếp đề thi Số báo Điểm SBD: Chữ kí giám thị I.TRẮC NGHIỆM: (5đ) 1/ Ống tiêu hoá có cấu tạo hoàn chỉnh túi tiêu hoá, vì: a Miệng hậu môn phân biệt b Có phân hoá rõ rệt c Có kích thước dài d Hệ enzim tiêu hoá đa dạng 2/ Nguyên tắc cao việc bảo quản sản phẩm là: a Nơi cất giữ phải cao b Phải để chỗ kín , không cho thấy c Nơi cất giữ phải có nhiệt độ vừa phải d Giảm cường độ hô hấp đến mức tối thiểu 3/ Trong nguyên tố khoáng sau nguyên tố thành phần diệp lục a diệp lục b: a Nitơ, magiê b Kali, nitơ, magiê c Nitơ, phốt d Magiê, sắt 4/ Người ta phân biệt nhóm thực vật C3, C4 chủ yếu dự vào: a Có khác cấu tạo mô dậu b Sản phẩm cố định CO2 loại đường c Sự khác phản ứng sáng d Có tượng hô hấp sáng hay tượng 5/ Ở động vật nhai lại, thức ăn di chuyển qua ngăn dày theo trình tự sau: a Dạ dày cỏ - tổ ong - sách - múi khế b Dạ dày cỏ - sách - tổ ong - múi khế c Dạ sách - tổ ong - múi khế - dày cỏ d Dạ tổ ong - dày cỏ - múi khế - sách 6/ Quá trình lên men hô hấp hiếu khí có giai đoạn chung : a Đường phân b Tổng hợp Axetil-CoA c Chu trình Crep d Chuỗi chuyền êlectron 7/ Điểm bão hoà ánh sáng quang hợp là: a Cường độ ánh sáng tối đa để trình quang hợp bị ngừng lại b Cường độ ánh sáng tối đa để cường độ quang hợp đạt cực đại c Cường độ ánh sáng tối thiểu để bắt đầu tiến hành quang hợp d Cường độ ánh sáng tối thiểu để cường độ quang hợp hô hấp 8/ Các giai đoạn hô hấp xảy tế bào thực vật là: a Chuỗi truyền điện tử hô hấp → Đường phân → Chu trình Crep b Đường phân ... Brainstormin g Warm up Brainstorming Water polo windsurfing Scubadiving Water sports rowing swimming Synchronized swimming - horizontal [,hɔri'zɔntl] (adj): ngang, phương ngang ≠ ≠ - vertical ['və:tikl] (adj): phương thẳng đứng Pre reading Pre teach-vocabulary: - (to) raise[reiz]: nâng, giơ tay lên Pre reading Pre teach-vocabulary: - (to) look straight ahead: nhìn thẳng phía trước Pre reading Pre teach-vocabulary: - fingertips['fiηgətip] đầu(n) ngón tay Pre reading Pre teach-vocabulary: - ground: mặt đất UNIT 12: WATER SPORTS - WRITING Look at the pictures below Write the instructions warm-up exercise before playing water polo Use the verbs in the box set raise stand touch bench put UNIT 12: WATER SPORTS - WRITING SUGGESTING SENTENCES: Set yourself in vertical position UNIT 12: WATER SPORTS - WRITING Stand with your feet apart, raise your hand above your head UNIT 12: WATER SPORTS - WRITING Bend forward, fingertips touch the ground UNIT 12: WATER SPORTS - WRITING Bend again, fingertips touch the ground between the feet UNIT 12: WATER SPORTS - WRITING Finally, put each arm back to the first position UNIT 12: WATER SPORTS - WRITING Lucky Number You’re very lucky! You have a question! Give a sentence about this action Bend forward, fingertips touch the ground You have a question! Give a sentence about this action Put out your arms to the sides horizontally You have a question! Give a sentence about this action Set yourself in vertical position You have a question! Give a sentence about this action Bend again, fingertips touch the ground between the feet You have a question! Give a sentence about this action Stand with your feet apart, push both arms out straight in front of you Learn vocabulary by heart Write down the instruction for warmup exercises before playing water polo [...]... yourself in vertical position UNIT 12: WATER SPORTS - WRITING UNIT 12: WATER SPORTS - WRITING UNIT 12: WATER SPORTS - WRITING UNIT 12: WATER SPORTS - WRITING UNIT 12: WATER SPORTS - WRITING UNIT 12: WATER SPORTS - WRITING Look at the pictures below Write the instructions warm-up exercise before playing water polo Use the verbs in the box set raise stand touch bench put UNIT 12: WATER SPORTS - WRITING SUGGESTING... UNIT 12: WATER SPORTS - WRITING Task 1: Look at the following pictures and complete the task A UNIT 12: WATER SPORTS - WRITING B UNIT 12: WATER SPORTS - WRITING C UNIT 12: WATER SPORTS - WRITING D UNIT 12: WATER SPORTS - WRITING Task 1: Look at the following pictures and complete the task E D 1 Put out... in vertical position UNIT 12: WATER SPORTS - WRITING 2 Stand with your feet apart, raise your hand above your head UNIT 12: WATER SPORTS - WRITING 3 Bend forward, fingertips touch the ground UNIT 12: WATER SPORTS - WRITING 4 Bend again, fingertips touch the ground between the feet UNIT 12: WATER SPORTS - WRITING 5 Finally, put each arm back to the first position UNIT 12: WATER SPORTS - WRITING WHO’S QUICKER? Sentences What you think of this situation? What kinds of sentences are they? Question Statement Imperative ✓ Hurry up! It’s late ✓ The World Wildlife Fund was established in 1961 ✓ Come in and sit down How many goals are set by the UN? They have: ✓ the falling tune the rising tune ✓ ✓ Phrasal verbs hurry up come in sit down Friday March 16th, 2012 LANGUAGE FOCUS Lesson: LANGUAGE FOCUS CONTENTS WARM-UP - Game: Who’s quicker? INTONATION: - The falling tune GRAMMAR: - Phrasal verbs PRACTICE: - Exercise 1: Gap filling - Exercise 2: Matching - Exercise 3: Multiple choice HOMEWORK I Intonation: The falling tune (Ngữ điệu giáng) Wh-questions, statements and imperatives have the falling tune Practise the following sentences with the falling tune How many goals are set by the UN? What you think of this situation? The World Wildlife Fund was established in 1961 Come in and sit down Hurry up It’s late II Grammar: Phrasal verbs: Động từ kép Định nghĩa: Động từ kép cấu tạo động từ với giới từ hay với tiểu từ hurry up Một số động từ kép thường gặp: come in sit down - look up tra cứu - wash up rửa chén bát - hurry up nhanh lên - turn round quay lại - go away xa - lie down nằm xuống - fill in điền vào - give up # go on từ bỏ # tiếp tục - put on # take off → You should give up smoking mặc vào # tháo → You shouldn’t go on smoking vào # - go in # go out * Note: take off: cất cánh He is looking Hurry up or we upwill newbe words late for in the school dictionary Smoking is harmful to your health EXERCISE Fill in the gaps with appropriate prepositions on in out away up off round down John got ill and had to give smoking It’s dark in here Can I turn the lights? Please fill this form and post it I hear a noise behind me and turned _ , but there was nothing I’m bored Shall we go _ this evening? I’m not feeling well I’m going to lie _ for an hour II Grammar: Phrasal verbs: Động từ kép Một số động từ kép từ đồng nghĩa: - look after = take care of chăm sóc - turn up = arrive đến - take after = resemble giống - get over = recover from hồi phục, vượt qua - go off = explode nổ - try out = test kiểm tra, thử - hold up = delay trì hoãn He is late again He never turns up on time * Note: go off: reo They are twins They take after each other A bomb went off and He is still very sad HeBecause never gets of the over storm, the the flight was I’d like to try outshock this TV beforehis I buy it killed of losing wife held up many people EXERCISE Match the phrasal verbs in column A with their meanings in column B A B look after a test try out b take care of turn up c recover from get over d delay go off e arrive f explode EXERCISE Choose the best answer He is too tired to _ working A put on B fill in C give up D go on EXERCISE Choose the best answer Hurry ! The bus is coming A on B in C up D out EXERCISE Choose the best answer Please come in and sit _ A up B back C round D down EXERCISE Choose the best answer John put his best clothes for the interview A on B away C in D out EXERCISE Choose the best answer He never turns up on time for a class A meets B arrives C leaves D does EXERCISE Choose the best answer My sister took care of my son when I was on holiday A got over B went off C looked after D tried out EXERCISE Choose the best answer What a lovely baby! He resembles his father A takes after B gets over C tries out D holds up EXERCISE Choose the best answer 10 The bomb _ with a loud bang A exploded B went off C got over D A and B EXERCISE Choose the best answer You can _ the new words in the dictionary A look up B put on C go on D give up _ the lights when you are not using them A Turn on B Turn off C Take off D Wash up He is too tired to _ working A put on B fill in C give up D go on Hurry ! The bus is coming A on B in C up D out Please come in and sit _ A up B back C round D down John put his best clothes for the interview A on B away C in D out He never turns up on time for a Match the symbols with their names International Organizations 1) 2) 3) 4) a) The United Nations (UN) b) The World Health Organization (WHO) c) The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) d) The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Friday March 11th, 2011 A READING CONTENTS I WARM-UP II BEFORE YOU READ ● Brain storming ● Pre-teach vocabulary III WHILE YOU READ - Task 1: Gap-filling ● Task 2: True/False statements ● Task 3: Multiple choice questions IV AFTER YOU READ: Discussion V HOMEWORK What you know about the Red Cross? headquarters symbol In Geneva The white flag bearing a red cross The Red Cross activities Help to reduce sufferings of victims of disasters Give medical care to needed people the disaster-stricken disaster-stricken /dI‘za:stə ‘strIkən/ (a): bị thiên tai tàn phá UNICEF’s mission is to provide supports and funds for disadvantaged children mission /‘mI∫n/ (n): nhiệm vụ, sứ mệnh tsunami /tsu:‘na:mi/ (n): sóng thần Whilereading TASK 3: Choose the best answers The foundation of the Red Cross was initiated by A Jean Henri Dunant B Henry Davison C Red Cresent National Societies D The American Red Cross War Committee When was the symbol of the Red Cross adopted? A 1991 B November 1991 C 1864 D 2004 The Red Cross Federation’s mission is _ A to carry out research on medical development B to improve the lives of vulnerable people C to carry out education programmes for children D to improve international health care How many countries in the world have national Red Cross societies? A 186 B 12 C 198 D 174 The word “it” in paragraph 3, line refers to _ WHO A 13 B 30 The Red Cross Federation’s mission is _ A to carry out research on medical development B to improve the lives of vulnerable people C to carry out education programmes for children D to improve international health care When was the symbol of the Red Cross adopted? 1991 B November 1991 C 1864 D 2004 The foundation of the Red Cross was initiated by A Jean Henri Dunant B Henry Davison C Red Cresent National Societies D The American Red Cross War Committee How many countries in the world have national Red Cross societies? A 186 B 12 C 198 D 174 Congratulations! The word “it” in paragraph 3, line refers to _ A the American Red Cross War Committee B an international medical conference C the League of Red Cross Societies D the Federation’s mission Whilereading TASK 3: Choose the best answers The foundation of the Red Cross was initiated by A Jean Henri Dunant B Henry Davison C Red Cresent National Societies D The American Red Cross War Committee When was the symbol of the Red Cross adopted? A 1991 B November 1991 C 1864 D 2004 The Red Cross Federation’s mission is _ A to carry out research on medical development B to improve the lives of vulnerable people C to carry out education programmes for children D to improve international health care How many countries in the world have national Red Cross societies? A 186 B 12 C 198 D 174 Postreading DISCUSSIO N Ask and answer the following questions Is there a national Red Cross Society in Vietnam? What are the advantages of having national Red Cross Societies? Homework ● Learn vocabulary by heart - Read the passage and task 1,2,3 in the textbook again - Prepare for lesson Speaking Whilereading TASK 3: Choose the best answers The foundation of the Red Cross was initiated by A Jean Henri Dunant B Henry Davison C Red Cresent National Societies D The American Red Cross War Committee When was the symbol of the Red Cross adopted? A 1991 B November 1991 C 1864 D 2004 The Red Cross Federation’s mission is _ A to carry out research on medical development B to improve the lives of vulnerable people C to carry out education programmes for children D to improve international health care How many countries in the world have national Red Cross societies? A 186 B 12 C 198 D 174 The word “it” in paragraph 3, line refers to _ [...]... that her husband had been arrested Listen and reread: - Put a tick ( ) to show the correct stress of these words Words Stress ooo o oo oo o biography information economics mathematics psychology dictionary ? How many syllables these words have? - More than three syllables Friday October 28th, 2011 LANGUAGE FOCUS CONTENT Lesson: LANGUAGE FOCUS S - Warm-up - Pronunciation - Grammar - Exercise - Homework Put a tick ( ) to show the correct stress of these words Words biography information economics mathematics psychology dictionary Stress ooo o oo oo o I Pronunciation: Stress in words of more than threesyllables (Trọng âm từ có âm tiết) Từ ba âm tiết thường có trọng âm tùy thuộc hậu tố (tiếp vĩ ngữ) - Trọng âm đặt âm trước hậu tố: -ics, -ity, -logy, -graphy, -ical, -ian, -ion, Ex: economics, university, sociology, geography - Trọng âm đặt âm thứ hai trước hậu tố: -ate, -ary, ize Ex: communicate, dictionary, computerize Practic e Listen and repeat: - economics ● psychology ● philosophy - geographical ● archeology Practic e Read the sentences: ● Mathematics is his favourite subject at high school ● Some geographical names in Australia are difficult to remember ● The GCSE examination in Vietnam always takes place in June What will you if you pass the GCSE examination? - If I pass the GCSE exam, I will _ take the entrance exam to the university What kind of sentence is it? passive reported conditional II Grammar: Conditional sentences (Câu điều Có loại câu điều kiện: kiện) Loại 1: việc xảy tương lai If clause Main clause If + S + V1/s/es S + will + V1 (“be” = am/is/are) Note: dùng can, shall, may, must … mệnh đề câu điều kiện loại If I pass the GCSE exam, I will take the entrance exam to the university Ex: wait for you if you are late I (not wait) won’t rains If it (rain) , we (stay)will _ at home and watch stay TV Grammar Conditional sentences: Câu điều kiện Loại 2: việc thật tương lai If clause If + S + V2/-ed (“be” = were / weren’t) S+ Main clause If it didn’t would / could + V1 rain, I could go out Note: dùng should, might … mệnh đề câu điều kiện loại Ex: were If I (be) _ you, I would study hard left She (catch)would the train if she (leave) catch earlier Grammar Conditional sentences: Câu điều kiện Loại 3: việc thật khứ If he had studied hard, he If clause Main clause have failed the exam If wouldn’t + S + had + V3/-ed S + would / could + have + V3/ed Ex: had If yesterday (be) _ a holiday, we would have gone for a picnic been would have had known I (visit) _ her if I (know) visited she was ill Grammar Conditional sentences: Câu điều kiện Note: Unless = If … not (nếu không) Ex: Unless you water these trees, they will die you don’t → If these trees , they will die water Lược bỏ if: ta lược bỏ if mệnh đề điều kiện phải đảo ngữ Ex:Were I you, I would study hard a/ If I were you, I would study hard → Had yesterday b/ If yesterday hadbeen beena aholiday, holiday,we wewould wouldhave havegone gonefor fora a picnic → picnic EXERCISE Choose the word that has different stress from the others A examination B photography C psychology D philosophy A university B mathematics C information D identity A application B conditional C certificate D curriculum EXERCISE Choose the best answer: If you had told me earlier, I it to you A would give B will give C would have given D must give She will buy a new computer if she _ enough money A will have B has C had D had had I’m very busy If I free time, I _ to the cinema with you A have / will go B had had / would have gone C have / would go D had / would go _ more slowly, I would have understood him A Had he spoken B He spoke C If he spoke D He had spoken Unless you tell me the truth, I can’t help you A If you tell me the truth, I can’t help you B If you don’t tell me the truth, I can help you C If you don’t tell me the truth, I can’t help you D If you tell me the truth, I won’t help you EXERCISE Choose the underlined part that needs correcting: All the trees SỞ ... 5/ Cùng cường độ chiếu sáng quang phổ ánh sáng sau có hiệu quang hợp? a Ánh sáng đơn sắc màu xanh tím b Ánh sáng đơn sắc màu da cam c Ánh sáng đơn sắc màu vàng d Ánh sáng đơn sắc màu đỏ 6/ Cần... 7/ Điểm bão hoà ánh sáng quang hợp là: a Cường độ ánh sáng tối đa để trình quang hợp bị ngừng lại b Cường độ ánh sáng tối đa để cường độ quang hợp đạt cực đại c Cường độ ánh sáng tối thiểu để... 3/ Điểm bão hoà ánh sáng quang hợp là: a Cường độ ánh sáng tối đa để trình quang hợp bị ngừng lại b Cường độ ánh sáng tối đa để cường độ quang hợp đạt cực đại c Cường độ ánh sáng tối thiểu để

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