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Đề thi tuyển sinh lớp 10 các năm - Phòng Khảo thí và Kiểm định chất lượng giáo dục - Sở Giáo dục và Đào tạo Kiên Giang Anhchuyen_deda

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Nội dung

Trang 1



DE CHINH THUC Mén thi : TIENG ANH (chuyén)

(Dé thi cd 07 trang) Thời gian : 150 phút (không kê thời gian giao để) Ngày thi : 12/6/2016 (Thí sinh làm bài trực tiếp trên đề thi này) GIAM THI oo (Kí và ghi rõ họ tên) SÓ PHÁCH GTI GT2 Phần nghe bắt đầu và kết thúc bằng nhạc THÍ SINH PHẢI ĐỌC KĨ PHẢN CHÚ Ý NÀY TRƯỚC KHI LAM BAI

Giám thị chỉ cho phép thí sinh mở xem nội dung bài thi khi có hiệu lệnh tính giờ làm bài, yêu cầu thí sinh kiểm tra số trang, rồi bấm nút “play' sau đó vài phút

Họ và tên thí sinh: c2 2222

Thí sinh chú ý:

v Ghi đầy đủ các mục ở bên phải E1 1.4HHadẳiiaidaẢ

⁄ Không được dùng bất cứ kí hiệu gì để đánh :

dấu bai thi Nam hay nts oo ec cceeccceeeseneeeeeeeeeeeeseaeesennene

¥ Khéng duge viết bằng mực đỏ, bút chỉ; không viết bằng hai thứ mực

* Phần viết hơng, ngồi cách dùng thước gạch Nơi sinh:

chéo, không được tây xóa bang bat kì cách nào

khác (kế cả bút xóa) ` Học sinh trường: .c c2

* Han ché stra đổi câu trả lời vì có thể bị trừ

Trang 2



ĐÈ CHÍNH THỨC Mơn thi: TIÊNG ANH (chuyên) ;

(DE thi có 07 trang) : Thời gian : 150 phiit (khéng ké thdi gian giao đê) Ngày thi : 12/6/2016 | Điểm: GIÁM KHẢO SÓ PHÁCH ` GK 1: Bang cht inn ccccnnvnsevevceceecececeeeveuaeveesesse GK 2: I USTENING | Mark 700 |

Section 1 Cindy’s father is taking phone messages for her Listen and complete the forms

(Điền vào chỗ trống có đánh số; đánh dấu v vào 1 trong 2 ô vuông)


| Name : Bob Jackson | Name : Nancy |

| Telephone: (yb blak a9 | Telephone :(2) 4 4-4 (.2 4£

Here’s the message: Here’s the message: (make a v’)

| M Please call | | (3) KiPlease call

D He/She will call you | 0 He/She will call you |


Name (4) LG aaa dees wiyed (| Name : Miss Wilson |

Telephone : 271-8914 l Telephone” : x

Here’s the message: (make a v’) Here’s the message: (make a “)}

| (5) L1 Please call | (6) 0 Please call

a He/She will call you | He/She will call you |

_ = = ————

Listen again Circle the correct answer (Khoanh tròn a, b hoặc c}

1 Bob knows poe from , 3 Cindy can’t take the call because she is a work ib sschool oc home a busy b asleep ( c not home

2 _-wemis the person who answers the phone 4 The caller is Cindy’s

( a Tom b Cindy c Nancy a boss (b /teacher c friend

Trang 3

Section 2 Some parents are looking for their children in a department store Listen and write

each child’s age (in numbers) (Viét tuổi mỗi đứa trẻ [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] bằng số.)

1 3 2 © | 3 AC 4 Â Is 42 |

Listen again Which child is being described? Number the pictures

Trang 4



Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence

Write your answers (A, B, C or D) in the ANSWER box (0) has been done as an example 0 He a student A be B am C is D are

1 Mymothertoldme _ her back the dictionary

A to give B give C gave D giving

2 you arrive in Ha Noi, I’ll pick you up at the station and then we’ll go sightseeing

A Before B After Cc By D As soon as

3 Nga’s grandmother live in the North, but now she lives in the South

A has to B had to C ought to D used to 4 David can speak English because he practices speaking it every day

A very good B very hard C very well D very badly 5 They are about an experiment on these trees

A carry out B to carry out C carrying D not carry out

6 He likes playing football so he decides to football club at his school

A perform B take part in C look after D care

7 Thu her grandparents alone this Sunday because her parents are very busy A is visiting B will visit C visits D visited

8 The weather in developing countries is becoming

A bad and bad B worse and worse C worst and worst D the worst

9 Mai is calling Andrew to say that she has received his postcard

A yet B for C already D since

10 When the Queen gets up in the morning, seven people her

A look at B look after C look into D look for

11 Isuggest that we collect used paper, bottles and cans every day

A can B could C would D should

12 Plastic bottles can be into clothes and rugs

A changed B made C turned D recycled

13 His father was extremely that he got mark 10 for his English test

A please B pleased C pleasing D pleasure 14 She still told a lie she knew that it was not good

A though B so C because D that

15 The Wai, is the traditional greeting, involves putting your palms together

A, what B which C that D where

16, People in Mexico wear red underwear to the New Year

A welcome B greet C open D start

17 The oldest part of it is the White Tower, gives the castle its name

A where B that C which D who

18 If] my life again, I make the same mistake

A have ; don’t B have ; won’t C had ; wouldn’t D has ; won't

19 you do better work than this, you won't pass the exam

A Although B If C Unless D When

20 There was a strange like a huge wheel above the garden

A object B place C person D animal


eet |? ! |4 £[5 |6 |7 ¿ |8 |9 10 | jis [2.3/6 nis | 16 7, [18 ¿ |19 20 ¿|

Trang 5

“Mark | It SPEAKING Part A /20 | |

From the 20 words in the left column:

1 Pick out 5 words in which the letter ‘o’ in italics and bold is pronounced /ou/ (au)

Write them in ANSWER 1 0 Enclosure is an example

2 Pick out 5 words which are stressed on the second syllable Write them in ANSWER 2 0 Enclosure is an example wonderful control association development history nowadays pøpulation preduce (v) lIỂ wømen popular occasion opposite complete memory here eaclesuss grocery movement | hemework photograph _ANSWERI | ANSWER2 “|| | The words in which the letter “Ø' is pronounced /ou/: 2 enclosure

The words which are stressed | on the second syllable: |



Part B Choose a suitable response in PROMPT for each question in QUESTION

Write the response in ANSWER after each question (0) has been done as an example


0 What's your name? fm Tom | Te

k=— SS | ——— | ai -

|! When will you come? el | | \Ó ¿ ex 4 iy 4 La in, AL | 1m Tom It’s ime E Why d don’t we go for coffee? | len tl Lá coat ; 'da Z| Two years

: :

L3 How did he drive to school? 50 miles

ty rw dic nine ¬ | Cares sy Fen,

ow much does it cost? ¬ — = 1 PO AC í en pounds Yesterday [> How coldris ite ee | 3 Lo (ne DEV That’s a good idea

_E Ten below zero

| SHow sooncan yougethere? | iy Lew nuluuter | By bus

|7 How fast were you driving? Cy “(pd v2 bare It’s mine

SS att a La 50 miles an hour

E How long ha has he been here? , 4 Care In ten minutes

T , Because I’m tired


9 Which book should Jbuy? =< fut Ome , Next Monday

10 Whose key is it? + ' eon VŨ \Ó Carefully

Trang 6

[ |

IV READING Mark | /20 |

—————— —

Part A Circle the correct answer (A, B, C, or D) to complete the passage (0) has been done as an example

Ho Chỉ Minh City (0) — themost(l) _ economic center in Vietnam Ït accounts(2) a

big percentage of Vietnam’s economy Some 300,000 businesses, including many large enterprises,

are involved in high-tech, electronic, processing and light industries, also in (3) _, building

materials and agro-products Investors are still pouring money into the city There are 171 medium

and large-scale markets, (4) sof supermarket chains, dozens of luxury shopping malls and

many modern fashion or beauty centers There are over 50 banks with hundreds of branches and

about 20 insurance companies in the city The city opened the first Stock Exchange of Vietnam in 2001 and it is today one of the most important Asian Stock (5)

0 A.be B been © is D are

1, (ai important B importance C importantly D unimportant

2 A.to B at Ce for D on

3 A construct B construction C constructing D constructer

4 Aten B/ tens C tenth D tenthly

5 A Market B Markets C Marketing D Marketable

Part B Read the passage and choose the word from the box which best fits each space

(0) has been done as an example Four words are left unused

better museums schools office that happen badly teachers studying stop |

Some people believe (0) (ha£ soon schools will no longer be necessary These

people say that because of the Internet and other new technology, there is no longer any need for

school buildings, formal classes, or (1) Vụ ack a(je _ Perhaps this will be true one day, but it is hard for me to imagine a world without schools In fact, we need to look at how we can use new

technology to make schools (2) ty A ae but not to eliminate them

We should invent a new kind of school that is linked to libraries, (3) we un , science

centers, laboratories, and even companies Experts could give talks on video or over the Intemet TV networks and local stations could develop programming about things students are actually


Is this just a dream? No Already there are some towns where this is beginning to

l¿¡(vS4, at school

Trang 7

Part C Read the passage below and circle the correct answer (A, B, C, or D) (0) has been done as an example

Even though spaceships have traveled to the Moon, people cannot visit the Moon without

special suits The Moon has no air or water Plants and animals can’t live there either, Astronauts first landed on the Moon in 1969 After that, there were six more trips to the Moon They brought

back Moon rocks, which scientists are still studying There are holes, or craters, all over the Moon’s

surface Scientists believe that meteorites smashed into the Moon millions of years ago and formed the craters

The Sun is the closest star to Earth A star is a hot ball of buming gas The Sun looks very big because it is so close But the Sun is just a medium sized star Billions of far-away stars are much bigger than our Sun The burning gases from the Sun are so hot that they warm the Earth from 93 million miles away! Even though the Sun is always glowing, the night here on Earth is dark That’s

because the Earth rotates, or turns around, every 24 hours During the day, the Earth faces the Sun Then we see light During the night, the Earth turns away from the Sun Then it faces the darkness of space

0 Spaceships have traveled to the :

A Sun - B star © Moon D bai

1 What is the main idea of the article?

A Plants and animals can’t live on the Moon B Without the Sun we would have no heat or light

.C We know a lot about the Earth, Moon, and Sun, but there is still more to learn

D From outer space, the Earth looks tiny, even though it is thousands of miles around

2 Why did the astronauts bring rocks back from the Moon?

A Because they didn’t know if they would return to the Moon ever again B Because they wanted to prove that they went to the Moon

C Because they wanted to remember how the Moon looked

_D Because they wanted to study them and learn more about the Moon

3 What causes daylight on Earth?

A The full Moon causes daylight

B Daylight is caused by the Earth facing away from the Sun

C The heat of the Sun’s rays causes daylight

\D, Daylight is caused by the Earth facing toward the Sun

4 Which of the following sentences BEST describes the Sun? A The Sun looks small because it is so far from Earth

_B, The Sun is a ball of burning gases that gives the Earth heat and light `C The Sun is a small star

D The Sun is not as hot as it looks

5 What does the word “glewing” mean? N

A tuming B rotating ‘C burning D heating

Part D Fill each blank with ONE suitable word (0) has been done as an example

Living in the country is something (0) ÉÁAÉ people from the city often dream about However, in reality it has both advantages and ( 1yA averse of living in the countryside

First, you can enjoy peace and quiet Second, there is (2) Se traffic, so it is safer for young children Third, everything is cheaper than in the city

However, children can’t get better cntertainment in the countryside (3) L -: is also

difficult to have good conditions for health care-and education here Besides, people in the countryside have to work very hard to earn a @).kÍxba4, "— That is the reason why more and more young people leave the (5) Kha, tái ⁄2 b6 \ for the town to find better jobs

Trang 8

V WRITING [Mark | /20 |

Part A Complete each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as



the sentence printed before it, using NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS Nearly every seat was taken in the cinema

There werenft lyl ) „016 A) Lee in the cinema

Jane had a worse seat than ‘bas,

Dave had .Qhyesuads6u\ad "¬.-

Jane couldn’ t see the screen snyecyavell

Jane found bekiwuckl to see the screen

Dave said that he had seen the film before

Dave said: “I ra

They spent two hours watching the film

The film L,&( 4Á for two hours

None of my Tưng enjoy reading as much as | do this film before.”

| enjoy reading t2 any of my friends | borrowed a very 08 book from my teacher

My teacher , ioe 4 bh a very good book

it doesn’t file k to me if a a book i is rienge or short

I don’t .tiseas d J.<Ẳ ki Lo KG if a book is long or short

My mother he War and Peace in only three weeks

FE QIUY, rvoyorsvssesenied Stes cot Weep ncccasvssenerccasecesseny my mother three weeks to finish War and Peace

1am often given books as presents

People often .Z[‹ đá VGHẤ TA sve me books as presents

Part B (10mks) ín 120-140 words, explain why you like learning English

(Your writing should have 3 parts: Introduction - Body - Conclusion)


Trang 9



Hướng dẫn chung:

vˆ Thang điểm 100, không làm tròn Chấm xong quy về thang điểm 10

+ Không cho điểm có giá trị nhỏ hơn 1

¥ Thi sinh làm trái quy cách đã hướng dẫn trong mỗi Part thì bị trừ 1⁄3 số điểm các câu ding trong Part đõ Nếu ký hiệu chọn câu không thống nhất thì chấm theo ký hiệu đúng nhiều nhất (không trừ điểm) Số điêm trừ thực hiện theo quy định làm tròn, vi dụ: Đạt 4đ thì trừ 1,3d = 1đ; Đạt 5đ thì trừ 1,6đ = 2đ vˆ Trừ điểm theo hướng dẫn và chỉ trong phạm vi mỗi Part Nếu viết bút chỉ, mực đó, bút xóa, hoặc thay đôi câu trả lời 3 chỗ trở lên (ngoại trừ phân LISTENING và WRITING) thì trừ ! điểm trong mỗi Part vị phạm Ý Nếu phát hiện bài làm khác đáp án nhưng hợp lý, báo ngay cho tổ trưởng chấm thi, không tự ý cho điểm v“ Tham khảo mục Thí sinh chú ýÄrong khung

Thí sinh chú ý: (mục này được ghi tại trang phách của bài thi)

v Không được dùng bất cứ kí hiệu gì để đánh dấu bài thi

Y⁄ Không được viết bằng mực đỏ, bút chì; không viết bằng hai thứ mực

¥ Phan viết hỏng, ngoài cách dùng thước gạch chéo, không được tẩy xóa bằng bất kì cách nào khác (kể cả bút


v Hạn chế sửa đổi câu trả lời vì có thể bị trừ điểm trình bây

Quy trình chấm thi:

¥ Git khảo có mật và ra về đùng giớ quy định, tât nguôn điện tíuoại và không làm việc riêng trong thời gian chấm thi

* GKI chỉ khóa chỗ sai bằng dấu X, khi cần thiết thì ghi chủ theo yêu cầu của tổ trưởng chấm thi; ghi

điểm vào phiếu chấm theo § cột (1, 2, 3, 4 và 5)

ý GK2 xác nhận chỗ đúng bằng dấu ⁄; ghi điểm vào phiếu chấm, điểm từng phần trong bài thi (chưa ghi

điểm toàn bài) và ký tên vào bài làm -

x GK2 cùng GKI thống nhất điểm, ghí điểm con vào 5 ô cho sẵn đầu mỗi phần trong bài làm, ghí điểm tong và ký tên (ghi rõ tên) vào bài thi GK1 ký trả bai

*ˆ Chênh <0.3đ thì lẫy trung bình (làm tròn); chênh >0.4đ phải xem lại bài Chỉnh điểm con trong bài cho

đúng điểm tông, không chỉnh điểm trong phiếu cá nhân

Đáp án này đã được thông qua tổ chdm thi, co chỗ điều chỉnh nhự sau:

Phải sinh thêm:

Chữ ký của Thanh tra (hoặc Kiểm tra), I Giám khảo và Tổ trưởng:

Trang 10

Đáp án: Mỗi chỗ đúng nhận 1điểm I.LISTENING (20Ð) Section 1 1 6913839 2 3918246 3 M Please call 4 Brian Kennedy

5 He/She will call you 6 He/She will call you

1 b school 2.a Tom 3 c not home 4 b teacher Section 2 1 7 (seven) 2 5 (five) 3 10 (ten) 4 8 (eight) 5 13 (thirteen) A.4 B.5 C.2 D.1 E.3 II LEXICO-GRAMMIAR (20Đ) (gach bỏ, tẩy xóa 3 chỗ trở lên trừ 1đ) ANSWER [1A |2D [3D [4C [5B |6B [7A 8B 9c 10B (11D 12D (132B 14A |I5B |l6 A 17C 18C 19C 20A 1 SPEAKING (20D) Part A (2 lỗi chính tả trừ 1 điểm; gạch bỏ, tây xóa 3 chỗ trở lên trừ 1đ) ANSWERI ANSWER2 Ex: Ex: wonderful control association development enclosure enclosure history newadays

population produce (v) association occasion

women popular hero complete

eccasion oppesite grocery control

complete memory homework development

Trang 11

Part B (2 lỗi chính tả trừ 1 điểm; gạch bỏ, tay xóa 3 chỗ trở lên trừ 1đ}


6 What’s your name? ỷ Pm Tom That one

1 When will you come? Next Monday Thị THing

It’s me

2 Why don’t we go for coffee? | That’s a good idea Two years 3 How did he drive to school? | Carefully 50 m iles Fifteen 4 How much does it cost? Ten pounds Ten pounds

—— Yesterday

5 How cold is it? Ten below zero That’s a good idea

6 How soon can you get here? | In ten minutes Tenely ae By bus 7 How fast were you driving? | 50 miles an hour It’s mine

8 How long has he been here? | Two years

9 Which book should I buy? That one

Trang 12


Part A Hoàn thành câu thứ hai, viết không quá 3 từ, sao cho nghĩa tương đương câu thứ nhất

1 Nearly every seat was taken in the cinema

There weren't many seats (left) in the cinema 2 Jane had a worse seat than Dave

Dave had a better seat than Jane

3 Jane couldn’t see the screen very well

Jane found it difficult/hard ta see the screen 4, Dave said that he had seen the film before

Dave said: “I have (already) seen this film before.” 5 They spent two hours watching the film

The film lasted for two hours

6 None of my friends enjoy reading as much as | do

| enjoy reading (much) more than any of my friends 7 | borrowed a very good book from my teacher,

My teacher (has) lent a very good book

8 it doesn’t matter to me if a book is long or short

| don’t mind/care/worry if a book is long or short 9 My mother finished War and Peace in only three weeks

It only took my mother three weeks to finish War and Peace 10 lam often given books as presents

People often give me books as presents

Part B (10mks) In 120-140 words, explain why you like learning English

(Your writing should have 3 parts: Introduction - Body - Conclusion)

1 Hình thức: 3đ: 120-140 từ, có đủ 3 phần, chữ viết rõ nét

2đ: đạt 2 trong 3 tiêu chí trên 1d: dat 1 trong 3 tiêu chí trên

2 Nội dung: 4đ: nêu được ít nhất 2 lý do thích học tiếng Anh, ý mạch lạc, hiệu quả 3đ: nêu được ít nhất 2 lý đo thích học tiếng Anh, rõ ý

2đ: nêu được ít nhất 2 lý do thích học tiếng Anh nhưng ý lủng củng 3 Ngôn ngữ: 3đ: chỉ sai vài lỗi từ vựng hoặc ngữ pháp không ảnh hưởng giao tiếp

2đ: sai vài lỗi nghiêm trọng, ảnh hưởng đến giao tiếp 1đ: sai nhiều nhưng có thé hiểu được

Chú ý: - Mỗi mục chia làm 3 mức độ (cách nhau 14) để chấm;

- Đọc nhanh lần | cho điểm 'ắn tượng);

- Đọc chậm lần 2 để điều chinh; không cho điểm nhỏ hon 1 THE END

Ngày đăng: 25/10/2017, 19:43


(Điền số của các hình vào ô vuông sau các chữ A, B, C, D và E.) - Đề thi tuyển sinh lớp 10 các năm - Phòng Khảo thí và Kiểm định chất lượng giáo dục - Sở Giáo dục và Đào tạo Kiên Giang Anhchuyen_deda
i ền số của các hình vào ô vuông sau các chữ A, B, C, D và E.) (Trang 3)


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