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чЁ t] а ý, i l,,J I: *' ,ý \\\ ,t l t.\ *, \l f, with r% nh*'-,, сl1, \ ! -*-n"' *.l*:- Мар of the units Family and friends Exploring the world 14 The entertainment industry 22 Active life з0 Learning з8 Natural world 46 People and style 54 Keeping up to date 62 Revision 7q @Cr"**ar reference @witirrg guide 78 86 Irregular verbs 92 \l/ordlist 94 practice test 102 Visuals for Speaking 126 Acknowledgements \28 CONTENTS Е Unit торlýs, Fаmilу and Family celebrations Friends Exploring Vocabulary Reading present and future tenseS state verbs Comparisons words often confused Matching expressions with similar meanings Part 1: multiplechoice questions + long text Adventure and travel Where you live past tenses Prepositions of time Adverb formation Word building (1): adjective suffixes Part 2: gapped text The Films Music Linking words and phrases The passive Film and cinema Music Part З: multiplematching Active life Sports Keeping fit and Modal verbs Prepositions following verbs and adjectives Sports Fооd Wоrd building (2): noun suffixes (-ence, Part 1: multiplechoice questions + long text friends the rMorld entertainment industry healthy (-аЬlе, -aI, -оus) Cities, towns and villages -ity, -(s/t)ion) Learning Ambitions and achievements Education conditionals phrasal verbs School subjects and education Саrееrs Education Part З: multiplematching Natural world Environment and weather Wildlife countable and uncountable nouns Articles so and such (а/ап), too and епоugh Natural environment and weather EnvironmentaI problems Part 2: gapped text Реорlе and style Shopping and fashion People and feelings Verbs and expressions fol]owed Ьу toinfinitive or -iпg Wildlife Clothes Shopping Feelings Раrt 1: multiplechoice questions + Iong text Science ComputeTs Word building (З): prefixes and suffixes Part З: multiple- fоrm Reported speech Е Keeping up to date Science Technology мАр оF тнЕ uNITs Relative clauses matching Listening Speeking Part 1email: responding appropriately, commenting, giving opinions, suggesting and apologising Part 1: multiple-choice cloze Part З: multiplematching Part 1: leisure activities Part 2: comparing rлrауs of spending free time Part Story: Sequencmg, чSlпg афесtiчеs and adverbs Part 2: open cloze part З: word formation Part 1: multiple-choice questions + short texts Part З: discussing preferences, agreeing and disagreeing Part 4: talking about whеrе you live Part review: organising paragraphs, linking words and рhrаsеs Part 4: key word transformations Part 4: multiple-choice questions + long text Part 1: adding extTa information and commentS Part 2: talking about fiims and music, avoiding unknown words, giving preferences Part letter: uлritiпg formally апd informaliy Part 2: ореп cloze Part 3: word formation Part 2: Sentence completion Part З: asking for opinions and reacting to Part report: formal and informal language, making recommendations Part 1: multiple-choice cloze Part 4: key word Part 2: sentence compIetion Part 1: discussing ambitions, achievements and education Раrt 2: making guesses Part article: keeping the reader's attention, formal and informal styles, introductions and endings Part 2: open cloze Part 4: multiple-choice questions + long text Part 3: agreeing, disagreeing, making а comment оr suggestion Part 4: discussing ways of helping the environment Part informa] letteT: linkingwords and phrases, describing а perSon Part 4: key,crord Part 3: multipie- Part 1: expressing likes and dislikes Part 2: comparing different ways of shopping Part еssау: planning ап essay, uslng а range Part 3: vcord formation Part 1: multiple-choice questions + short texts Part З: structuring а conversation Part 4: discussing technology ofvocabulary transformations transformations matching opinions Part 4: discussing sports and keeping fit МАР ОF ТНЕ UNIТS Е Family celebrations Look ct the photos, which oll show {cmilies getting together Is everybody enjoying themselves? Why you think they are spending time together? Wоrk in pcirs Talk cbout fcmily celebrotions Whct you celebrcte with your fcmily? How you celebrate? Which celebrctions you like best? Ф Listen to Emily tclking cbout с fcmily celebrction Answer these questions I Whclt usuolly hcppens? Is lt usuolly weII oTgonised? \л/сs there о chonge of plon this уеоr? Did everything go well? З Did qnyone dlsogree with the plan? Listen cgain Whct does Emily €Ш scy c:bout hеr fcmily's celebrotion? Choose one cnslver from А-Е Yочr cnswers in Exercise wiII hеlр you А It wos less well огgопisеd thon usuol в Тhеrе wos an unexpected event оп the doy с It lclsted lопgеr thcn usuql D Тhеrе wos о difference of opinion Е А change of рlап wos successful Exam tip The question may test а detail оr а large part of what you hear Listen fоr the gепеrаl meaning as well as checking the details against the questions *, Тhе task below is shorterthan in the exam ln Listening Part З you hеаrfiче sреаkеrs and mаtсh them with six possible statements You hаче already hеаrd Emily, Now you will hеаr three mоrе people РЩ You will hecr three people talking cbout с fomily celebrction Choose from the list А-Е whct eoch specker soys cbout the celebrction А wos less weli огgопisеd thqп usuql wсrs cln unexpected event on the doy с It ]osted 1опgеr thcn usuсl D Тhеrе wos cI difference of opinion Е А chonge of plon wos successful It в Тhете Е uNIT LIsTENING Speoker Sреоkеr ,, Speoker , Exam tip ln the exam, you will hеаr еасh recording twice * ]:llii,,lij]' r/!{i]:irl rг]::-l] : : i ll],! @ l,| Vocabula ry - Words often confused l @ Work in pairs Complete the sentences with the correct word or expression Exam tip lп Use of English Part'l you read а textwith 12 gaps and an example The text below has nine gaps and ап example Fоr questions 1-9, recd the text below cnd decide which cnswer (А, В, С or D) best fits eoch gcp Тhеrе is an example ct the beginning (0) This part of the exam tests mainly vocabulary but some questions will, g; test grаmmаr too Нете оrе some fixed expressions with ot Check the meoning of eoch phTase in есrсh gcp crnd then choose the сотrесt expTessi.on at с11 сlt lost ot lecsi А ]Иоst of mу fTiends hqче В I С D ot once one computeT in theiT homes got into bed crnd I wos so tirеd I fell asleep I wcited fоr my friепd foT oges ond she qrгlчеd She dldn't know heT grсrпdfаthеr beccuse he печет vlslted In the countTies whiсh аrе furthest noTth cnd south on еогth, the (0) А of light чогiеs (l) between winter cnd summег Iп the погthеrп hеmisрhеrе the shortest doy is on ог qЬоut 2l DесеmЬег In (2) foct, in some places thеrе is no dcylight at (3).,., duriпg the dcy in the middle of winteT In the sоuthеrп hemispheTe it is the opposite, оf_соuгsе, ond 2I DесеmЬеr is the Iongest day Sometimes you need to look ot the meoning of the woTd ond olso the gтcmmcт Choose the сотгесt wоrd fоr еосh gap ThToughout histогу, people in (4) every поrthеrп соuпtrу hove (5) tгoditions to сеIеЬrоtе the {oct thct the dcys iMould (6) ,, both lightег ond 1опgеr ofteT the midd}e of DесеmЬеr Frоm then опwогds, реорlе rMould wcit impotiently fог the геtuгп of the suп, which they (7) оп Тhеу,иrеrе huпtеrs so the seosons ond the wеоthеr (8) с чегу impoгtont рагt in their llves Fооd rMas in shогt supply in winter months so о whоlе community would shоrе meols during the dorkest doys They lit fires ond cqndles ond song ond donced Some of the trcditions (9) .,, to this doy believes demonds depends А В С D OuT tеqсhеr us to speok English in her lessons Ploying chess с lot of concentrotion Му gгIоппу on us to get o11heT shopping fоr hег Му fother in letting me moke mу own decisions Quickly rеqd the text in the Excm tqsk Апswеr these questions l Whct is significcxnt obout 21 December in the most поrthегп / most sоuthегп places? Whot people се]еЬrоtе in погthеrп countTies iп the middle of Dесеmьег? I Аqmоuпt ВпumЬег Agenulne Alecst Acbout Bactucl Bonce BviTtually Аехtrеmеlу Bhighly Aexponded Bcrdvonced AincTeose Bhappen Adepended Bdemonded Amclde Bplcyed Аsurчiче Bsupport С С С С С С С С С С totcll hugely truе D size D tегтiЬlу D геоl Icst D о11 арргохimоtеlу рrоgгеssеd D D D D D D quite get believed pToduced keep developed chonge expected involved mointcIln Recd the text again cnd check уочr cnswers Does ecch one lit the mecning? USE ОF ENGLISH UNIT , Т I l { Friends t @ Look ct the Specrking Рсrt l questions cnd the possible cnswers in the table below Listen to Gеоrgе and Frспсеsсс cnswering the questions Note down the extrc informction they add .fu Do you апу activities after school? Whеп you уоur homework? What you usually at the weekend? What аrе you going to next weekend? @ ý @ choose the соrrесt cnswer I Аmу, I chonge the time thot we Complete these sentences frоm the recording Listen agoin if you need to l I to dive When I , hоmе frоm school, ] , I \Ме L I ., Grаrпmаr to the cinemq my guitoT most of the doy in о conceTt next Tuesday ' 4 took ct the sentences in А cnd В below which is correct, AorB? д Ilike I0 thinking lthink it is о good ideo to go comping We will be veTy tired when we get / 'JJ get hоmе Тоmогrоw I cqn't соmе to school becouse I '1J 9о / m going to the dentlst I'11 mу hоmеrмогk in the mогпiпg befoTe I 'JJ go / 9о to school I тлrrjtе l 'm writing thls note to tel1 you thot ] m going to mjss / m misslng tоmотгоw's clcrss I'm теоIIу hoppy thct you соmе l 'rе comingr to Itoly @ I'm liking to rеlсх, I'm preferring to my I I'm homewoTk ofter diппег knowing I need Now work with а pcrtner qnd csk cnd onswer the questions in Exercise to prc:ctise What you notice about the verbs,lilce, рrеfеr cnd know? Can you think of other verbs which behave in the scme wcy? Exam tip You will get mоrе marks if you add some detail Think about why, when and how you things to expand уоur Е UNIT ''EAKING S"" page7} в to rеlсх I рrеfеr to mу hоmеwсэrk о{tег dlппеr know I need to proctise lwo,nt l 'm wanting to visit you soon I погmоlJу spend l 'm потmоllу spending most of Iu}y at the seoslde Next ScItuTdoy we 9о / 'ге going to с i'm - Рrеsепt апd fчtчrе tenses Which tense does GeoTge use when he tcllks cbout divlng? Which tense does hе use fог the things hе d"oes геgulаrlу? FTcncescq uses two di{fегепt tenses to tcllk qbout next Scturdoy Whу? Whу does she use о continuous tense to tolk cbout ploying the guitaг on Sundoy? which tense does she use to tclk obout the сопсегt? Is it deflnitely hoppening? l'rе meeting tоmоггоw? GTeek геstоurqпt Work in poirs Look ct the tenses George cnd Frспсеsсс use to tclk obout the present ond future I TV the bus to town mееt answers €l l {i Look ct the first ir two photogrcphs Which of i' l *) i**1 " bored | _.i епегgеtiс i .] crowded i_ ' excited ;_ lozyl _ chcrt i ,_1 concentrote |'- ,il l the following cdjectives, verbs, nouns cnd expressions could уоч use to tolk cbout them? , * i rеlо" | Г] соuпtгуsidе l ехегсisе, iп the distcnce о quiet spot l ] '7 Think I-, оutсlооrs i-""'l оir , rn the shclde' tndooTs frеsh of the cdvcntages of spending your time like the people in these two photogrcphs S Look ct the script your teacher gives you, Does Frcncescc give the scme advantages as you? *r;:ft"lm.п*г - *шптпрлrlg*плg ts These sentences mcke comporisons with different cdjectives cnd nouns Put the words in jtaJjcs in the correct order I З The реорlе in the first photo hoppieT l thоп / seem l mчсh the реорlе in the second photo Тhе реорlе in the second photo сrrе indooTs, which enjoyobJe l Ьеiпg / os / jsn't / os in the fTesh оiг The photogrophs shоw реорlе spending their frее time in dlfferent woys Соmрсrе the i photogrcphs crnd спswеr thls question Whct сrе the odvcntcges fоr the реорlе of l , spending thеiг time in these wcys? l i They gett:ng / exercjse l ртоЬоЬlу / mоrе l оте l They thоп l eneTgetjc l оте lmоrе the реорlе in the Exam tip first photo А question you have to апswеr is printed above the photographs in the exam Make sure you апswеr * this question when you are talking * They /ess / thon l wiL| lmопеу / spend going to the gym lt] Look ct the other two photos above Write two or three sentences compcring them, using some of these words i Work in pairs Choose two of the photographs each Tcke turns to tclk сЬочt youT photogrcphs Time yourselves Try to tclk for cbout one minute each ,-" ", "*"- l expensive toT mоrе [uп I inteTesttng much less thrilling l_ @ S*u page7} When you have finished, csk your portner this question They should spend qbout 20 seconds on their cnsweT г-",",'-, Whi"h of these things would you рrеfег to j wrth уоur fгiепds? l You cre going to read on extrqct frоm а novel cbout three girls Look ct the picture cnd cnswer these questions with а partner Whеrе сrrе the glrls? Do you think they know еосh оthеr welI? One о{ them hcs some news Do you think it's good news от bcd neTrs? Recd the text very quickly cnd cnswer these questions I Whclt news does Siетго give Аmу cInd Vlcki? How does she feel obout it? Ночr does Аmу feel obout SierTo's news? Whot they moke рIсrпs fог? Exam tip Веfоrе you answer the questions, always read the text quickly to get ап idea _ ý of what it is about lп Reading Part 1, thеrе аrе always eight multiple-choice questions about опе text The text below is shоrtеr than iп the exam and there аrе опlу four questions Fоr questions 1-4 on pcge II, choose the cnswer (А, В, С or D) which you think fits best cccording to the text Vicki swept past the tables to the соuпtеr Watching hеr, Siеrга thought about the contrast between her two friends IfAmy zigzagged through life with hеr head down, Vicki moved through hеr days at full speed, with hеr chin to the sky and the wind in her long, silky, Ьrоwп hair That zestful optimism eventually had linked Siеrrа and Vicki, even though Siеrrа originally had interpreted Vicki's bold approach to life as аrrоgапсе, The instant Vicki returned to their table, Sierra spilled her news "Okay, аrе you both rеаdу fоr mу big announcement?" "It can't Ье that huge if you didn't tell mе at lunch today and made mе wait until now," Vicki said, carefully pouring her tea очеr the ýlass of сrushеd ice "I wanted to tell you both at the same time." "I appreciate that," Amy said "So?" Vicki prompted "Last night mу brother called and told mе he's going to Southern California next week He's pretty surе he wants to attend Rancho Corona University fоr his master's degree, but he wanted to check out some colleges before he made а final decision." "That's уоur big news?" Vicki asked Неr pretty face took on а teasing grin "You definitely could have told mе that at iunch." "Wait," Sierra said, hеr enthusiasm unruffled "He's going to drive down there next week, and he asked if I wanted to go with him, and mу parents said yes!" "Good fоr you," Vicki said "Bring back something fоr each of us." ;l ,.,' "Didn't уоu go to California last year fоr Easter vacation?" Аmу asked lll ,] "Yes,' 'And you also flew down there for уоur friends'wedding last summеr." Аmу turned hеr lоwеr lip into а friendly pout "How you expect us to Ье happy for you again? You keep going оп these adventures, and we don't go anywhere I've never been to California - ечеr - in mу life, I've only Ьееп to Seattle - once." "I hope you have а good time," Vicki said cheerfully to Sierra Siегrа Ьrоkе into а wide girin "You mеап you hope we have а good time." "'We' meaning you and Wes?" Vicki ventured "0r 'we' meaning the three of us?" 'A1l of us!" Sierra spouted "Му Ьтоthеr is driving mу parents'van down, and they said I could invite my friends to go "When we leave?" Vicki asked "Wednesday after school," Siеrrа said The three friends bent their heads close They began to make а plan for their upcominý гоаd trip as the spring sunshine their little соrпеr of the world Siеrrа felt а gleeful rush of anticipation and knew it couldn't соmе fast enough for hеr re UNIT KEADI^'G lit ; ' BefoTe you decide on уочr спswеr to ecch question, recd the tip above it to help you Fiпd the part o{the textWhere Аmу is speaking and аПýWеr qUestion I whct rMe find out about siеrго's cttitude tоwогds hеr fTiends in the first роrаgторh? А В С D She wishes Vicki cnd Аmу wеrе mоте simi]сг to eoch оthег She feels mоrе positively torMards Vicki thcn she опсе did She olwoys knew she ondVicH would Ье D Trosn't put off Ьу the геосtiоп she Teceived fe]t onnoyed thot she wcs being hurтiеd felt confused cbout how she should continue dtdn't undeгstqnd why she hod to explcin А С D , l.il ;,l'i,ll Shе thinks Siеrrо isn't gTcteful enough fоr the oppoгtunities she hos She doesn't understqnd why Siегrо rMqnts to go owсty so much She thinks it's strcrnge thot Siегrс keeps going to the sqme places She feels jeclous of the expeTiences which Siеrго is оЬ]е to hqче Whct couldn't соmе fcrst enough? А the plan В the rооd tTip С the sргiпg sunshine D thе rush of onticipotion Vocabulary - Matching expressions with similar meanings ExpTessions I-7 below often арреат in multiple-choice questions Reod the pcragrcph cnd think cbout whot is happening Underline the words which mqtch the expressions below Write the number of the phrcse next to the pcrt of the text it mctches il Маrсus stood and watched as Jake саmе through the school gate Не realised he соцldп't trust Jake and now he wопdеrеd why he had always been so keen to ýet his approval Jake was walking in а way that Marcus had печеr noticed before Не rеаllу thougiht he was better than the rest of them Не was headed поw towards а couple of boys who weTe standing пеаr Маrсus Маrсчs saw them look up Не realised Jake was askiný one ofthem to somethin$ The Ьоу looked very чпýчrе and wоrriеd - it must have been something that wasn't allowed, The оthеr Ьоу relaxed, glad that it wasn't him who had been chosen Marcus started to feel rаthеr annoyed about the way Jake behaved Why should he make that Ьоу something he didn't want to? Маrсчs suddenly made up his mind he would tackle Jake Не wasn't going to let him get away with it this time l1,1ii.,] How does Аmу rеосt to Siегтс's news? В friends She thinks Amy hсrs q Ьеttег орргоосh to life thon Vicki The wгitег uses the ехрrеssiоп'hет enthusiqsm unTuff]ed' in line IB to show thct Siегго А В с 3 еоgег to pleose rMos oTTogont doubtful cbout something seemed relieved iTTitoted б declded stcnd up to Writing о Part Write ап апswеr to опе of the questions 2-5 in this part Write your апswеr in 120_180 words in ап appropriate sty|e Put the question пumЬеr in the Ьох at the top of the page You have had а discussion iп уоur English class about the importance of sport Now youl" tеасhеr has asked you to write ап essay for homework апswеriпg the following question: ls it а good idea for all уоuпg people to sport? Write уоur essay Some English students аrе соmiпg to уоur schoo| on an exchange visit Your teacher has asked you to write а report telling them about your local town lп your rероrt you should describe уоur town briefly, ехрlаiп what is special about it апd say what you would recommend the English students to there during their visit Write уоur report you have seen this аппоuпсеmепt оп ап internationalwebsite, Reviews wanted The Best ТV Series Ever! Do you have а favourite TV series that you watch regularly? Write us а review telling us what it is about, why you enjoy it and whether other young people would enjoy watching it The best reviews will Ье posted on the website next week Write уоur review Answer опе of the following two questions based оп опе of the titles below Write the letter (а) оr (Ь) as well as the пumЬеr iп the question Ьох {a|Touching the Void Ьу Joe Simpson You have had а discussion iп уоur English class about the characters iп Touchjng the Иoid Now уоur teacher has given you this essay for homework: How did Joe Simpson manage to survive iп Touching the Void? Write уоur essay (b|Macbeth Ьу William Shakespeare You have seen this notice оп ап English-language website for young people Articles wanted Ап Exciting Opening We are looking for articles about stories which start in ап exciting way The best articles will Ье posted on the website You have decided to write about the орепiпg of Macbeth Write уоur article, PRACTICE ТЕýТ Щ Use of English , Part Fоr questions 1-12, read the text below and decide which wоrd (А, в, example at the Ьеgiппiпg С оr D) best fits the gap Тhеrе is ап (0) маrk уоur answers оп the separate answer sheet, Example: Amaking Bforcing Ccausing nlA в с Vl_ Dproducing D Е Kites Nobody сап resist the idea of (О) the world for pteasure and as а (2) ап object fty through the sky Kites are flown а[[ around (1) of transporting back thousands of years The ptayed а significant (з) over а house to (4) things and реор[е It,is аП interestthat first kites were flown ,in Asia and Ьу the уеаr 1000 they in mапУ different сulturеs Fоr instance, they were somet'imes ftown the fact that there was а пеw ЬаЬу In some places people (5) thought kite-flying could encourage the winds to b[ow away the rajn c[ouds and frоm flood1ng Eventualty scientists and inventors began to Ье (s) up the crops of the potentia[ of kites then large kites have Ьееп developed which сап pu[[ реорl.е and veh'ic[es and Шft equipment into the air But kite-f[ying doesn't (7) (6) (10) (9) а sport which сап Ье enjoyed Ьу реор[е of a[L ages апd а fortune А[[уоu пееd сап stand If you аrе а beg,inner, уоu to the (12) l wil"| is some wind and (11) jt а hj[[ or а beach where you probabl,y also need sоmеопе to pick the kite uр еvеrу time it fatl"s rc дsЕд ýсIдэlft d loolJ апЬtчtlэа1 Suеаш ] ssаэо.td sаоб spuP]S ] sашоf, Uо[]эuпJ uoLllsod ] аэuпOччЕ s llа1 аS!лрр ] шloJut sпчl аJоJаlач] 1a/t ] uала 1uалаld yoddns ] р[олр lецtшрJ ] aJPMP бuLMo11o; a]ulS ] sЛвls Sапчlluоэ ] sdaa1 puads Леd ] Лllеар1 Лlqeltns ] ЛlaleL.ldoldde puel рuпоrБ ] lSOэ la}P-l alol алlllsuаs 8 8 a]e}lns Лllэа,L:аd а6;еqэ Su[еша] lalJv ал[Juа]lр u[р]чtеш asodlnd slаб а:праэоld Yа y п y 0[ L Y Y б Y Y , Y Y, y Е Е y z v |] 1t Use of English Part Fоr questions 13-24, rеаd the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap, Use only опе word each gap Тhеrе is ап example at the beginning (0) Write уоur апswеrs lN CAPITAL Example: т tп LETTERS on the separate answer sheet, о The Lопdоп мiпa Marathon Сhildrеп соmе frоm all оvег Gгеаt Britain (0) take раrt iп а miпi mаrаthоп in Lопdоп еvегу уеаr lt is fоr сhildrеп aged Ьеtwееп ]-1 and ]-7 but, because it is such they have to Ье selected Grеаt Вritаiп is divided (15} (14) children will rергеsепt each rеgiоп After (16) (1З) рорulаr event, rеgiопs апd team mапаgеrs choose selected, children аrе expected ,,,, , to attend trаiпiпg sessions Тhеrе is also а whееlсhаir rасе but, fоr this гасе, the rulе is that the сhildrеп (17), to Ье оvеr 14, Teams consist (18) а8е 8гоuрS апd each а8е 8rоuр has а slightly different start time ruппеrs frоm thrее different (19) that they аrе not all ruппiпg at the same time Тhеrе is опе thing about the London Мiпi Маrаthоп that makes (20) unique соmраrеd to оthеr'miпi'rасеs fоr kids, lt is (21) опlу ruп оп the same day as the mаiп Lопdоп Магаthоп rасе fоr adults but it is also ruп оп раrt of the same соursе This is (ZZ) it is especially exciting fоr those chosen to аlопg some of the most famous Lопdоп streets, such Palace, whеrе the Royal Fаmilу live (24) (23) раrt in it, They ruп The Mall пеаr Buckingham d,lзн зсllсччd lýlsýv дNзлNl 'шач} }llnq оч чэlчм ul JapJo ач} sо}еэlрч| чсlчм ошеu е шаql sалlб at1 ,ашеч Лlrше1 slц ouo t4эеэ sэл16 iеч} " " " " " " (te) fuол osle s! }| ач рче шlч oi чэJр|Iчс ollt эlе s}oqol slН ,sа|qе}эбэл бчtddоtlэ al|| sалl|Лlrер l1аql ач} ч}lм о} ч1 шrо;.lаd о} poau r{эt;l slse1 """, , (ее) sчешпч o} """"""",(zB) lo aq uеэ чэ!чм s}oqol о)iеш , (le) аsач} Jo} эр!мр|Jом раslчбоээl sl шlе slH """""" чаэq Sеч pue S}oqoJ 0й lоло ореш Sвч ач чоч} oculs мошl :tNпдUоJ ,.B"l р* sшJе чUм ouo о1еш оl рэбеuеш (gg) 1есtчtlэа} s!ч бu!sео.lэчt '1чошtlаdха Лllвчr; оч |l}чп он ,олош о} (0z) 'tnq ll a|qeun seм }l ' ан ,рво}Sчl Jашjв} е ашеэаq о} рапul}uоэ SeM ач Uачм }oqoJ }SJll slч ареш эNlDNз SSзs8о э,lgч чповнэlзN зи|чJ ач (вz) чв ошосоq о} pa)i|l алеч р|пом он ,р|!чс ", ltzl s.п|пл nM }nq seм ач чацм ueбaq s}oqoJ ч}!м ,sбчlч} lэt4lо бчоше 'luup pue е """""" 1uted 'dшп[ о1 (gz) ачl sеч os|e чэlчм loqol е {q увс е u1 бuоlе pallnd бutoq шtц бulаоs ol posn аlе aldoad ' """"""", (gz) stч ч| ,spIlnq ач s}oqol ач} lo} """"""", (o) sI '6ut[tag lo sulls}no эч} uo sол!| очм 'п|пл пм ýloqoJ s!ч рчв чвlч эчо ,lаэчs Jaмsue эlе.lеdэs эчl uo sнэIдэ,l ,tvlldvэ Nl slалls-? лlf :Jr ; sJ:}]Эt ,(9) бuluurбoq оч} }е о;dшехо ue sl оJоч1 ,oul| ошеs оч} ul dеб оч} s}l} }ец ,Mo|oq о} saul| оч} }о ошоs +о puo очt }е slеUdеэ ul uалlб ploм оч} оsг] }хо} оч} peol 're-gz Е uвd о t|s!tбчэ rо lr] |t, Use of English Part Fоr questions 35-42, complete the second sentence so that it has а simi|ar meaning to the first sentence, using the the word given, You must use between two and fiчйоrds, including the word given, [3Е З lТ;i"i]Ш*,;,1""n" Example: There was such а big crowd waiting outside the stadium that l couldn't find mу friends, So There , people waiting outside the stadium that l couldn't find mу friends gap The сап Ье filled Ьу the words 'Were So many', so you write: Example: l WER; so MANу Write опlу the missing words lN 35 cAPITAL LETTERS оп the separate answer sheet Despite having plenty of mопеу, Josh decided not to buy the footba|l boots EvEN Josh decided not to buy the football boots зб , plenty of mопеу, The dance class was cancelled because of а lack of interest аmопg the students ЕNоUGн The dance class was cancelled because з7 not interested lt's а pity l got there after the film had started WIsH l 38 , arrived after the film had started Му teacher suggested that l should епtеr the drama competition WHY Nzly lW teacher said: ржJъfi-:trк{Jж уffi#-.fl ' епtеr the drama competition?' Е дstд rсIдсчlld ,ocвl оч}1о бuluul0oq оq11е оuоfuоло """""" " s)ullp ooll NхлIэ ,ocel оч} 1о 0utuulбaq эчi ]o}sEJ " " " ", " ", оJоч} }аб }Е )juup ооll е 1э0 ам uочм роsо|э oq 1;lM ll|лл оuоfuолз sdor;s oq1 ssrтNп ,о;ач} }аб ом uочм poso|c oq llщ sdoqs оч} ,0/ seм оч lo lo}seJ l|EM |l}un о} poou алл lоqlеlрuе;O {д1 l)IVI ,6uluun; poue}s оч uачм о1 sEM lal1lelpuelб Лщ ,lоочсs 1е бeq Лш """""", ,os snq оч} uo 1по оuоqd Лш 1оо1 LNчэ ,snq оч} uo }по эuоqd {ш 1oo1l osnecoq |оочсs }е беq Лш олео1 },up|p l Mou) l Listenin9 о Part Questions 1-8 €ж you will hear people talking in eight different situations, Fоr questions 1-8, choose the best апswеr n.""-" you очеrhеаr two students discussing а Тv рrоgrаmmе they have just watched What did they both like about the рrоgrаmmе? А В С the mаiп character the unusual plot the background music Yоu hеаr а Ьоу tel|ing а friепd about а sailing course he has just done What is the boy's орiпiоп of the course? А в С lt lt lt was mоrе difficult than he expected was badly affected Ьу the weather conditions was designed for very young students You hеаr а tеасhеr tel|ing her students about а рюjесt they аrе going to do, what does she wаrп them about? А В С using internet material making spelling mistakes writing too much yоu hear а girl talking on the radio about her favourite band Why is she attracted to their songs? А В С ПЕ They sing about familiar things They play unusua| instruments They come from her аrеа, PRA*TI.E yýsт FЕЫ дsýд ýэIдtvtýd ,uB}S ач1 tлol+ Slоч}о оч} SEM очS Jo реочЕ с ,funlul g luo,;1 роlолосэl 1sпtsеq оq5 эчS v ,ЛерlоlsоЛ polodt-uoc олеч i,uр|почs aocвl оч} +о louulм оч} }noqe Леs оц soop }ечм ,ээеl бuluunl е }noqв Outllеl lоluэsэld suods е Jеоч пол е Lu1l11soi;0 е fuols s,uоlр;lцс fuвluошпсор в с Е v бlо1 бul11os рооб е oq р|пом o|}SBc оч} >1ulr;l Лoq оч} Soop }ечлл ,рuе|}оэS ul o|}sec е }noqe бuцlе1 s}uopn}s ом} lеочlоло пол ,uolsecco ,ро)j!| очs dotls Mou е рuпо} очS с so|es оч} ut ule6;eq е 1об ot15 эq5 v ;elэods е Jo} ssolp е iulOnoq i,dul ,du1 oL11 0ulddoL.ls Е }noqe оuоцd оч} uo }noqe Jоч poseo|d }ечлл бul>11e1 plO в lвоt-llало под ,6ulMe;p srq uo Oult11ol-uos pallrds ац ,lnoloc 1uted оlqецпsuп ue po}co|os он он ,Melp о} uoslod бuоlм оч} оsочс э v assе|c slч ul алеч Лоq оql рlр L.uolqold 1еqд ,|оочсs ]е sse|c Ue uB ul pэuoddeu1 }ечм }noqe бuц|е} s}uapn}s ом} lеочlоло пол Шi i l, Listenin9 Part Questions 9-,l8 @ffi-ffi You will hear а young chef called Tom Neilson talking about the сооkеrу competition he has just won Fоr questions 9-18, complete the sentences Young Chef Gompetition The competition, which is аrrапgеd Ьу а grоuр of , began ten years ago l0 Тоm says that teenagers соmраrе top chefs to celebrities they see оп Competitors опlу have to cook а 11 fоr the first stage of the competition 12 Tom thinks that caIculating the рrесisе of the meal you make in the local fina| is difficult, lп the lз localfinalyou аге also tested on various things such as in the kitchen А professional chef gives 14 lп the rеgiопаl finals, the ,5 you fоr the meal is considered чеrу imроrtапt to the people who rеасh the regionalfinals Tom feels that competing in the national final is challenging because the 16 you have to wоrk with аrе chosen fоr you lп the nationalfinal you аrе assessed оп the 17 of уоur food as well as уочr cooking skills lf you get first рrizе, you spend two weeks in the re РRдстIсЕ trffiýт ,l8 of а top chef, I9?Г l g lо>iеоdз ,}lslл оч} бuuпр оброlмоu>lэl+l}uа!сs {ш рэsп lоlеэd5 7 д a ,олl}сеlо}ul os SeM }lslл оч} pasudlns seM lоlеаdз g ,}lslл EI-1 очi }о }|nsol е se 1sвd оц} }о моlл Лш робuвцэ ,}lslл ffiiГ1 оч} uo эрlпб рооб е реч ом 1qбпоц q а lаlеоdз ,}lslл tЕ] l оч} бuuпр |ll)s Mou Е }ulвo| | lo1eodg ,}lslл оч} бuuпр loolec в uo рорlээр | y ,оsп о} poou }ou ор по{ ,ocuo Л;uо la}}o| ,sЛеs lo}}o| еl}хэ ouo sl оJочl lo1eods чсео }ечм (з_ч) tsIl очi шо4 чсео os1-1 suol1sэnb lol ,}solo}ul 1о socBld о} s}lslл |оочсs inoqe бuцlеl оldооd олl+ lЕоч |||м под '0z-6l 0z-6} Listenin9 о Part Questions 24-30 i_ Qi',,,,,, You will hear ап interview with ап American girlwho sings (А, В оr С) 24 iп а choir Fоr questions What does Gina say about the mеmЬеrs of hеr choir? А В С They соmе from schools specialising iп music They have previous ехреriепсе of singing They have formal qualifications iп music, 25 What has belonging to а choir enabled Gina to do? А в С change the way she sings Ьесоmе mоrе self-critical gain confidence in herself 26 Giпа feels that through mixing with people А в С iп the choir, she rras learnt how to understand different cultures how to make пеw friends how to get people to аgrее, 27 What is Gina's attitude to the music she sings? А В G She likes singing а wide rапgе of songs She раrtiсulаrlу enjoys performing jazz songs She appreciates being able to suggest songs fоr the choir 28 What does Gina say about expressing emotion through music? А В С lt is something апуопе iп the choir сап lt is еаsiеr to ехрrеss happiness than sadness lt is hard to сопvеу emotion to оthеr people 29 How does Gina feel about реrfоrmiпg in public? А В G 30 а little frightened slightly stressed rеаdу to Ье criticised According to Gina, what is the choir director's mаiп strength? А В С his personality his musicalability his conducting skills 24-30, choose the bes; Ж J,sHJt.Taxýэvнd (1,ор поЛ ;s{ерllоц |оочэs poqe бult11 }soq оч} sl )u|ч} поЛ ор 1еulц а,олl1 поЛ оlочм BolE оч} Ul ор о} sбulL11 qбпоuо аlоч} olv ор }ечлл) "", ;sЛерllоц оч} Ul Spuoll1.1o {1lшеl lпоЛ qllм о[лl} oloLu puods поЛ об бs{ерllоt.1 оч} Ouunp эu]оч }е Ле}s поЛ д бulop o1t; по{ ор }ечлл asЛepllot1 lоочсs ot-,1i ul Леме об поЛ 4; об no{ ор оlочлл a a a a a sЛер;;оц (аlео о1 o1l1 aрuэ)аом slч} ор о} бutоб поЛ аlв }ечлл поЛ ор }ечлл) "", (,бutuала at]1 ul lаqрбо} lвоu] в олвч Л;lшеl;по{ sэоб 1,6utuэло ач} ul оulоч 1е бutop {o[uo поЛ ор sбult1l1eulд a)Jомоt]lоч lпоЛ ор Лlрпsп поЛ ор uоt.lд (41ооцэs о} }а0 поЛ ор моц) "", a|оочсS оч} lеэU олl; noi{ од;l :suol1sonb pue sэldоl э;dulехэ эцlоs o.1e эlон ,o}l| об a a a a a Лврfuэlз Лерfuоло }noqв suol}sonb поЛ }о чсво >lse ||llи jэ- a(Е/V о}рр!рuез) 'поЛ }noqe }ечм a,(uMo1 эLlJоч s,o}eplpuec }о ошвu7оlоq) ам бutлt1 цоqе ",np,pujl] o1t1 поЛ slt-11 с-; ор }Е-,., Жfi;:,i j;.: aoseold 'S}оочS 1еш jпоЛ элв- aolE So|.lleu апбеа;;ос {ш st -? о _ Jг:; : -: pue """"""""" sl oLueu {щ ,6utuало7uооulоце76u!ulоLL :,:,:: :мо|эq Se SoLueU jlоч} So}Eplpuec оч} S)se pue Sол|оStlJоч} Socnpol}Ul )а,-, -,:; Speakin9 о Part minutes (6 minutes fоr groups of three) The ехаmiпеr gives each of you two photographs and asks you to talk about уоur photographs оп уоUr оWп for about а minute and also to апswеr а short question about your partner's photographs (Candidate А), it's уоur turn first, Неrе аrе your photographs (page 123) They show doing different kinds of exercise |'d like you to compare the photographs, and say of exercise are people what the benefits of doing these kinds When Student А has finished, the examiner asks Student В а question (Candidate В), how you keep fit? Now, (Candtdate В), hеrе аrе уоur photographs (page 124) They show different kinds of birthday parties l'd like уоu to соmраrе the photographs and say what the аdчапtаgеЪ and disadvantages of these kinds of parties are When Student В has finished, the ехаmiпеr asks Student А а question (Candidate А), how you usually SPeakin9 о celebrate your birthday? Parts з and minutes (9 minutes for groups of thrее) The examiner asks you to talk about something together for about three minutes (4 miпutеs for groups of three), Here are some things your school сочld spend Some mопеу оп (page 25), which of these things would Ье useful for most students Then decide which two уоч would choose not to spend the mопеу оп First, talk to each other about Iп Раrt 4, the examiner asks you Some questions related to the activity iп Part You talk together about уоur answers Неrе аrе some examples of questions you might have: , a a a a Ёl.ii, i Some people say students spend too much time studying and not enough time doing other things What you think? Should schools provide sports facilities or should children sроrt outside school? Do you think schools should have ап orchestra? Why? / Why not? which activities you outside school? which you еп|оу the most? Do you think drama is аП important subject to include at school? Why? / Why not? Some people say that practical subjects like design and technology апd art are as important as academic subjects What you think? , ri ii ,,ii4 !1 ]i: *" ж, {$| У'Е-ý; -,ý ^J ý-ý!Е-.*,:, а& a : a ё l ,\з._ \i./ t : : t aaslcJaxa lo Spull эsачl бчlор lo slllачэq эч} alЕ lечм ... letter: uлritiпg formally апd informaliy Part 2: ореп cloze Part 3: word formation Part 2: Sentence completion Part З: asking for opinions and reacting to Part report: formal and informal language,... who (be)to the North Pole seven times before Unfortunately, the сrасks in the ice (Ье) too large for them to cross Doug (not see) problems like that before on his оthеr trips lп the епd, they... range Part 3: vcord formation Part 1: multiple-choice questions + short texts Part З: structuring а conversation Part 4: discussing technology ofvocabulary transformations transformations matching