Target KET4 for schools teachers book

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Target KET4 for schools teachers book

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Target KET4 for schools teachers book tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận án, đồ án, bài tập lớn về tất cả các...

TARGET [ FOR SCHOOL :!:] TEACHER'S BOOK P tri cl . Chappell Mark Lloyd Richmond wIth Class Aud IO CD TARGET FOR SCHOOLS TEACHER'S BOOK Patricia Chapp('11 Mark Lloyd Richmond "U,,,,,H""', Ric "mond Pubh l"ing 41" floor 26-28 H,,, rnelSlflllh GrI)'<C " Wn 78.A ISBN: 978'84'668~863'7 Publ l s~r: Ot>bof~h T rick" Convnisslonlng [dlt or: MjUf\Cw Ourry l opment [ dltor: Graham S ~ "'1t Copy Editors ; Sh(olld Dlgn.n, Klfl'n Whltl' Proolrl'lIlIl' r: Sue lig"tloot Desi gn and laYOI.I t: D~ve KUllru<ki Cove l desig o; AquedL>(t, LOndon PIloto rc sur c" ; M;)gII.lliO.l M.l yo Audia rccord,no : P ~u l Ruben Pfodu(t ion), Inc, N YC Le ,,1 consul tln o .nd coPyrl9ht clearanc, : Ruz L.,.a l. Sp Jin Publisher ae knowle d9fm , nls: T he pll bl i s hf f~ W Oll in I tk f to IMnk t hl' ro i l ow in ~ revi~ w e l ~ r!)l I h~OI ~~ I uab l e rU'dtli'lCk whi ch ha5 mJde T ~f~ t KET lor SC fl oois pOlriib l e. E lildbeth (IKk (I taly), Gert rude B ader (UnivClwd TC(nologiCJ de IJ MI . t"~, M. xicol. Claudl~ 80nilla Ca"~nl (COlf91O dfl T ~v"'" M xi,o). Milli. Con$uelo Vela5Co ((;olomll"I. K,r('n OYCI (M,)dlld. SpJ,n). M ellsso1 hrnn lunovl"~11 , .(noi09I(I (It II Mldeld. Melleo), Ang,eslkil (;uqnaoda<ook IHC L 6d z, Poland), Andr~ Ha'tlti iThe [ngllm Company. CoIoo"l>o6)' " ,,,,lid Kdlodl'l (A '9"nlir",), Gcibby M <tQU,fl' I1ntl'rn.1lllOn.1Il Hou~e 8arcel~. S"",n). Roberla Nal~hni (lllluohon L~l'I9u~geri IH. UK). Laura Renall liSP Dr S.!oenl. linovtfSld V lualll¥' Oud'Ile'S ilrqcnl inlO), " n.ell'" TYSll"(''W'C~'Z'or a (ELC tOdt, Poland) Tile puCliSl\('(S WOUld I,k(' II) llIaflll "II those 1'1 1'10 h.:Ivt' g,~en l)wlt k,nd ~Im'~"on 10 Iep!'OOL>(l' or <l<Iap t ItKlI"'i61 to< Ihi. !>wk. Ev('fy erlor l h.J$ b('Cfl made II) hiKe the hoId l' rs I) t COPVtl9h t, bui ll MV om'S~oon1 (;In be f1!ct.t,~. lhe pubhsMn will be pleased 10 make the necfswly arr~ng " . nl~. All righ" r"~f!d. Nop.vl 01 llli~ booII ~y bt" ff'(JtorlI1COO. dorl!'d UI;I rei" ., !~~r('l" or rr~'noo lorm by.NW wIS. "1"<"01'11{. medl.Jnkofl. pho/I)(Oj)f;"9- IKo<dlnp or o/I!f/'w.~( wI/hom file pr>or permISsion ill ""f<f19 01 tl>fl pub/'sl'ltr. Pnnted bV PIIQraphic, S il lustrat IOns: J"son r orll, 1I11ol111! Oser. Colon Sl\('lllouln Photog<';lph s.: G(TTY IM'o'G[S SALES SPAIN/George Aose, Am~na productions inc.: HICl-iRES MHSS ST OCK/ "'bl Stock corn; SERIDEC PlIOTOIMA(;(NLS CO: ,O, RCHNO S AN TILLANA TARGET KET 'O.oeMO'''. Contents Whea do ,., h.noo f'n9Mb? look lab? Whal doeo Ire do?"do~ C "'" bnng .a <b1nb1 ' "'. Co , III, ""' _,, Wy tllln9s IjulgoI.T-&hJr\ on IIoGM ""'_ [ b Woo " ~ lJOIuJ''''Uk JOU ty 10 ordof'? "., u bal&logh I ~booa[ He ellJo07'l bemg In \)I. ~ Yoo moglII lone tAo. a- uJOI' WId d>oo __ _ bo9Irer Ihuo • _ ~ ___ h'l g<IU'I9 ,. ~Jc;""""*,,,,,, c""""""' ~J Going hoIIHy Wlw doia9 0II1ooraJd.oy? n m lOG u_ded ~-,w"'.IM"~ Turn 11111 .01 tile fral!ic: bgm. I thinlt !eChro>Iogr 10 ~ AD ~ 01')' ___ _ Richmond pu,,' '~"'N", Student's Book Contents 'l"lpo nqPoO,i~ · 5peoOI.IllIj I ,," I • L ,( 1',,,' . " ~ <lW',' ., " ,. "po Inog ~<lrt leninlj , "rl 2 """ 'Ill p~ I - d ,v· "l P4" • lIe",;hng .w, ,- "'~Pd'~ Y"~ ~I' ., " - - - - • L ~,nQ P.d 3 · II" ,"') ""~ 1';" '''Q ;oMI, - - • I "1<. r"n~ P.rl ~ · R~ol~'ntl f>d l'I"t,nQ PJ<i I'Iftl 'II I'., II r.:: - - - 'lIcon,,,,! W,; I,,, I',"I J fe) · II~Jd;ny 41\'1 w,,! ,~~ PM! 4 ' l"le O"'J p,",' ,1 'IINriln~ ,'M wr t P,lrI q IIO'V~ .r.c.o bootsl ' l l,n;"'lI'~1 ., • R ""~ •• "" ~",tf"'l df'" • Ii "'l ,,,,d IIr 11Il0:l '>' , 7 • Wr nq ,,,,,, w, hnq • "ft 3 · II~ nq ~1Ioj Wf ,I,nq , dr, 9 • 1I,,"'""'IoO!ICI W"lor'l<j ~r, 8 · S;:.w~ Ifl • R~.I(!ofIQ""II ""'"Imq ~<t 5 • l",po IQ P • IIr;>Ol!ICI ~<>d '.\',,' 'fIQ P , I 9 - - , nato"'" HoI." you been 'bo<n>" "1>1 rqP ,~ • 110"''''''1<) """ "1 "") Pd'\ 4 • 1Il"ftd""J ~r,~ Wrt"fIQ Pd,' I · ~"OCl nq i1'Jd Wrlt1r"IQ p~,t , I think loc~noloqy i. great "'n amuing ",ory ~~'~.~~~}"M~;.j'=~".~,,~,~.~.~~=~~ " , 'c'o~cc~","", ___ "" , ,,,,"",",",.,,,,. , WMIJ\W)' · Sp,'""nq P,llt 2 · Rpila nq ~nd \IIr;1 ""1 "AI' 4 -" ''''''''9 fbool joo. · p,n""'l \ • rr ifNoa<1 lIin tv Inln -= i '-' • I 11.110, , ~~~ , 'c t · """" · .""rlr>q 1000:1 · ~, · I" 01>0 . ,. • " · ~ .::.::"_'_"_IbIIIIY • o obIiq.1: _______________ :_' __ ,~, - . . • hHlth , " ·, • • If' · ,r "'. -I ~_ "," ·Ie.; ~ - • tIM!. •• nd 'e Q t Introduction About th e KET for School s examin a tion I(fT for .~ri'>n< r, "oJ ,,~w ver~i"n 01 the io(ET (' mIMI,,.,,., ~~l try Un, 01 Cambf,dl/t [SOL [umjn~tlon>. It is ~t Ihlo 'am~ r~vrl~' I<[T. and has Ih. <.<1m", 1""", 1 ijnCl ta$~ type~, but 'oc\J~p~ on topjc~ rod s it uat, on5 1M ! <'Ire rClcv~nl ,)n<l InlNPst,nq 10 sludenh aq@'dh<'tw«n 11 nd 14 SI't' J"I')~ S ",Ill •• Sl~de~"s Boo/( lor;) bri",1 s"mm"'~ 01 It, t ~k type$ u~ ,n lIle C~Jmln.ltlOn, Ih. [.,:,m q!Jodp on pa~r 68 01 It S'lIden"~ Boo~ ('''~'''''s I~f t e~tl'l!llocus 01 each "urn t<'lSk, illle! !.l,ves slfate(lo('S aM .ld'< f"'I~'kln()e~ " About Targe' KET for School s TiI'9Cf Kl' lor s( ·oVldl:'S ~ Ilh"l~ n. vw ft'd to I'It'IP your 5tudenh prep~fP If)( II)(> IIET lUi Scllool$ c'Jm,lI,)t,oo: Easenlial exam practice, tips and strategies ~tuCl~rs orr pk'ntv ill prilchc" of ~r" P<lfl 'J! Ih, "<1m i!t>.It 1,,')51 0"'" ~ m ta~. In tv,. V h!s,on al'l(l ,)(Id,lIon ,' ""1m 1)1' a(\ U sedion~ '" Ih~ Woru 00.1;. n , •• 'P ~I'>O [~ 'i'rllips ""d to .6th e am las~. and , com~lc!e ~d't by· P¥I e,pl.lnahon ,n tM C 'O"Im quode. r "'lIpt KL r lor 5<110011 ,,~O C011 ,ns loor prad; It"S 10. YOU 10 uloe w'l~ your ~lass: one ii' the L .of,., 1J~1d<'. OM' ,n the w()(~bot>~. dnd 1 0 on Iht CO-ROI,4 o Engagmg IOpIC', texIS and artwork l'~t" llll.' I([r for 5cnools t'xam. r"'9,,1 K[T lor S(IIOQ1~ rlllu~e, on tecn '"ter~,ts "nd expPf'~n<es. The tOPKS ar~ all thi"Qs 11'1"\ tPM' (iU"lI~I~ doout .nd lht I~lts and ,).\work ~r", s~,,'llv d~)i\lnl'd to appeal to tHni and get 11'1(>01 u~'nd En9lish. o Key language pracllce to qoOd ~(. Vl'CJOUL.1ry ,'''''Hlf'iII f' ~"»ioo;I thp .'anI T """,I K[T fO" Scll[)('ll. (.t>t'I\"ns 1"1"" ~,II( ~I \0 ~;l(t,se uS "9 nd uf'dersl¥l(hng In. ords from t ollie"", voc.t!>u'.ry ',st tor II[T lor 5cllooli. E II 100 aka c(W"lt~'ns ~ L.lfl9VoJ9p fOCI/< <"'lOt .1tidI1ooIo.~ ~I Qf ,J", :v Of lunchO<l'l.\lI.\oq""()f' 1'1011 11';\1< a~rl\1' in the •• .om. Stud(' ", .n,' ""'-OU. ~ 10 e >I'.J(I the """ Irnm "'0"l1'li.4,., in lilt diai~ I 1f'.II. and ",'or~. out \I,. ru'ts to< II\emS('iVH, r~""f!<"~ <l (~",[.>Iel\! t""9'" SUfI'Ifn.fI)' dt tl'\c b.Jd<. 01 Ihf 1>00II w~l(h PfovKle"5 ~etJ'1 d "r(~l\iIt,ons,)OO ( ~r eump(ps of IJnnud<)C UIC o Fun communicative tasks ~luU\! I ,I, "Isu gel lots of p'JCl l c~ at us 1 1"Kl Ihe IJnguyqe. with flln '1Amr~ an d s[)~Jki"y I ~ ) k ~ to enQaqe them iln<! (cm~n ( t ~e l r learn,ng. 1 npsp !"<k~ ""~lJre D"nly of vd' l ~ty 'n the Classroom al\d ~l>Ow '.(ud,·nls MW th.y [an u,p tho' 1'Il">Qua '" tht-y dl ~ ~ , ~'roq '11 l'>e rei); W(lrl([. o Innovatlve CD-ROM T CO·Rnl,4" )W~ ~Iud<>nt, 10 pi' iet,,,, IAI' ""¥II ill 11III1\e' ,r " wily hod> leendQC's ',,'0(1 'I\Ot.yoll'l\9 . . II Y"-f la.,"') i'>(' «"" ,If'! b.I~1'CI vefSoon ot lifT '01' SCl'OOis 0' no'- The CO, ROt.! ~<.O one: • Lxam /(d.'flef SI'<:tlOtl ~,(h shO'""s ~hjdtfll< how Itl N(h u ,liun llw~ InIm.loons ¥Id o Exam-focused sell assessmen t "t,it'" ~td,oM In(ludr On T,,'gef? nll'as5C5~me~1 pJne'ls. whir h 9"'(' 51uo.lenh d c~nce 10 r~!~1 on the \k,l/\ It ~V I v~ '''<lrnt and \e~ Ifle p'O<jffn Ihl')' ha e bee'n m •• 'nq Bow th e Teach er's Book work s TI'>fo f N<.1~r'. 8oo/r provides Il.'sson pla~~. ~~ 1 iv,ly Ideas and I."ilm taking ,tdvi~1.' 10 .accompany I.'J~h "Ilre<ld ul I~e SII,I(/('Ill-s Book ~ 'Ih dn~ ers and Ir"n~(roph light notAl lu e.tCh ad,yity. T~ '-$s.on notes (onl",n: • Ob,.~hYO!'s: d '>Uffirnary 01 I~ rrtJlf1 ~ms or NCh 1000ss.on • W.rmer:" ,",arm up acllV,ty;o.d 10 inlrodo.KO!' II\c lop" 0100 O!'I",t ~oc~""y ttwl tl\lCk'nlS fT'i9hl UI'iJdy know [d,,, 1Hn~ls, opt;.;" 1 edra adlv'I,cs h,~h po-ovlC'!f' 1.'. 1('t,,,ion or add't~ 1 pr acl,c. a~ . 9ro ",nd u fr : ,ultur ~ I i f\lorm~tlo" ,," 'hieh 'v l ~le$ to Inc top,c O. phnln' • [urn 9"'ld~ P<J nI! I 'i: ,1 brlp l ~umm J 'Y of rach l as~ ty~, nplamlng ,"h~t i~ requirtd 01 ~Iudcnis • Pholocopl, b l. oK liyjlit's; 1,"l.'lvl.' wQfkshc.ts (tine ~r unit) to gIve extra (ommunlCa"v~ prM;Ii(1' Common effors ,"or/ls.ll('ets: lour "'or\~tlt'\'l' lu prov.oc ~"r,) prolcloc 01 Irl(ky 9' mar pomls More ptllC/"": qu,ck ImkS 10 I~ WQf~booI!. Common error~ wQl1,S/Iwh "00 1't>0toropi'bI~.Jctjv,r,ps The threl' lenn, ,n Ihe Sf",dMt's lIoo~ ill <'Ilso help yOu f,nd It, support you need: , Thl~ sh<.>w'i the Irack number for In. (.0 . Ten tip s for teaching KET for Sch o ol s classes I. Tell .I"dl'nls to dl ys re.cllhe '"~lrllChon' tor IE',I qlleSt lOTls ~cry Collrelutly. Tktoy ,II 9~1 us lul Intormolll'on "'hich ",,;11 he-tp ttwom ""OO!'f,I"nd wll.Jl tht' It'd;s olbout Of undl't"~l~oo whO the ~pe3¥.efS arc ~nd wh;ollrn.y are Idlking ~bout. 2. Holve 'tUl1E'nl~ look t Iht' los/COli Iranswp r ~ \0 ~~'<' how the questions work _ an t~ ~"ibl nsWE'rs ,yOI' ment,oned, but Or'Ity OM 'S I~ fighl,,"iwrr. J. (tl(OI.WJqf sto o<len ts to kHp, wocallulary notebool< or~ by topoc, The-y c,n oj.,). ""h"~ or wrolr Iroll~liItion defln,t.ons and e_.Impl!' !#f\1~1"'i 10 help llIe-m rcmcmbe< t~ wo<o~, 4. Gel stlldenls 10 pracl,'I4! 'Nd'l'I9le'ls qUIckly alllhc oIIy through at "r~IIO 9"1 d \ll!'nrroJl ~ 01 Ih('t. ffiCoIInln9, "'llho"t worryin9 dboul unknown ords, S. Encour<'lgt' studl.'nts to p idlsc 9uessing Ihe mt'~ninq of ordS from cont~.1. T IlIn.m to work <.lUI ",hat k,nd 01 "oTlI it is from Ihl' 9f al1lrnar le.q. v(!rb. noun) JOld use Ihe whole senllrnce 10 QU~s IhI.' lTIf'olnlnl) 6. Sludl'l1h Med to be ble 10 spell bolSOC words (O"('(tty in th urn_ r.o spend som. I' ",ork,ng on $pcllin9 praclict', You can 9'''1' <e<,Jul"l wcliing lesls <'Ind as k stulk'nis 10 mak~ postE'rs lu rcmind Ihem 01 thE' <pelll!1<Js Of tricky words. 1. GIV' studl.'nls plenty 01 pradicr olI wrillnO) po»t(d'~. "od em ils so Ih<'V gt'l used 10 till' phr~~E'S used to stir! Jnd tnd letlers_ 8. Show !.h.df'nI s how IIw ~slO)l'ls U$.(' Pd' aphl' ol~lnq - 1I1f'r !oily the \done things as Ihc I e.ts tlut US<' dirrl'l"l'fII words H'9hlighl p.1r!s 01 1M !fIls or dI<IIuyues. here thIS I\o1IPIlCfIS so shldl>nls know lhey nC'C<l 10 hsten or rl.'OJd lor IIIf' ~an'lI9 ratMr tll(ln c'iKI words. 9. Rem'nd sludent' Ih~t IhE'y will ~;lr each di')Io<,lUE' t ICP. ~o IhE'y will h.:we- oil cllo/IflCc 10 Check IIIf'.r ilnSWE'rs or liste-n "'lain il tllf'V mlul.'d wmPlhlng. 1 0. Rtdo.Kl.' studenls' SIlt's~ olbuut Ihe t~lm by g'Y'flQ them ~$ much information oIboul it IS you Coln: • sno them thl' Silmple iI~5wE'1 IlIftls !P<'I<jC 94. • look ilt I~ photogr oIIphs 01 1 11(0 sc»aklng t~,t tovo.:thl'< (S/",dent'5 800.1' p.l9f! 'PI • COI1duct mock speak'ng t'-'sts With (Uhf-( t('d~he-rs lak1f19 II\{' rol" 01 thl' "'dminer • do pr~clice tests under e.~m COnd i tiOM 10 rcerNl" t~~ l i m~ D(e~~Ule • liSE'the (E'sults 01 I~ prdClicr tes ts to ~o shldE'nt~ huw w 11 lhey Ire ClO'''9 - - Where are you from? - - £>tam p •• etloo - Vocaloll.l&l"J' La.paga iDeoo. - - • L"t"';I\Q Par' " . ("""It;.,,., 'ldlOot\a~tlC'S .Jncl . ,<M,oducliom - · Sf)f'dk'"9 Pari I "e"",,, o - " Ll ",t>.rs and t ~ Wanner • ,l,t .I odoMts; ~~~t countJ' e roo from? Wh.J1 II.,/lOfW/jly Mf!- roo' WIIM """'''''9" ao )'OU spNo'.? Vocabulary: countn ea. nationalJhM and Janqua<;JCI D • r.l odeIMlLld,,1I proou' ,I.,on 01 tbe '1/I,IIl1rln- • .,k st""""'h tOil"" the cOU\!r~. on tht ma p. • (he<:k ~"\,.",,_ It ,tOOent.' o n 'OU'llroes art' not on lh~ Ii'l. d,k tbem 10 hod mem 0'1 Ir.e m~p. (I i eol 1"*, """" in (n~I'lh, ",-, , ,l"""'II"~ J Irpl., n<! B "' .",1' l (I"" . [ ,I d ly C af~" 1 c.,_~ H 1\ Me • :" I Speaking e;ltra • Wrltf II ""meo ollrw ,onll"enls on tile bo¥d INorth "'''''''ICa. South A _nc;,. (u'ope. A $i~ , IIoUI" ~Id"d. Atriell • SIud nts c~n work In pows tG sk whfor, dJU_1 ,,,,,,,It ~ are: Wloerc tI J~ II., In AJoiI. a . UI SllIdcr>ts U5t. d,Woo"'Y 10 r'nd tile ""1"~I.l l it ie, and la"'lu~9t" • eN' k ,"''N er , ~f'Id w"le th~m un t ht bo.rd. , , ArCl"'!in' AI'JIl"'I" n S""n,,~ Au,!,.h" A u 'lr.I,~n [n gl, ,1 1 C.n~da C' m .dl'~ C"Q ll l h I F'<'I1cll C/'I."" Clt'"~s. 1oI;)!'I(!.)r In "_. Om "m ~ 11111 - It~ Ital " ' "" loIe,"''' ~ . ;" Span"h P'uI<oM ~"" ~"" Sp.WIM ~ ; "". ,~ Th., ,~. o • Or ~ 1.Jb on It", oo.rllll, Ih ln 1h1p .~wcr ~fY bo'k>w • As~ It\lden\, to <opy I"" tab le lhen 'ead lilt' 'P""'<II butlble, ~.od <omplelC il • CII(-'k ,)f'IS""" Ih~n as~ stU(lfntl aboul Ihip prropl In the 1J!><JItll. tW~e n (),In 1m",? WIwl ""IO'>.)I!y" C",IQ,?) al p",",bel - - - ",- , , C "lry N;o llon~. l y p ,ol a 1I~lf .~~ II~~an , A",Uaha Au'I, h." C"9 I .", Carl es Me ' KO 1010' " ,4" Spaol.h Language focus: mlrOdUClIons a . loIod ~ 1 Jnd dn~ proo u ""a tron 0' tile pllra,f.'. • Ask sludeols 10 "",It II Ihe pl'rfJ'C~ In parn _ • Chcc.l ,)IIs er~, '>i",,", ls Illefl p' ~cl~ I - - NC~ 1/'1 p.ool~. StudMl A s;r,~. phra<.p 10 6) Clnd SI\IdenI R ",.} "" 'Ih I COI'f~ 1 plM'ISf lA-G), • Ttwy sw ap Wh', ~nd p ra ct,~ ;lQJ' n. , - - I C ~ f l 8 . G S "' 6 l Vocahulouy: number. and tho alphabot D . In the IlEr r , s l udH.I~ rnay flHod to S po! Il tnei' Nmf'S Of' bsleon and 01 down. -ofd th.irt II ,!'W'I oul. Pr"t.~ ~ ng r"'Jl-d.tr11 b'( spcI!;"" out Ofds or N;k'ng Itu<!.,oh 10 I~II ords. ~ • I'l. Y l he CO, Slu~nt ' r~tJ<!dllogelhel - '1' - u lpi A BCD( r GHIJ K LMtlOPQI1S TUVW,," Y Z t ;; ); I 'v> Spe lling • Chcc.k ~ludfn T ~ unck» ,I ,d l ll e me~"'ng of '''')J T ~( - ,."",,," ~ • Spell ~ Word ""III d ti(lll/)lO' tellO'(. e4 Morocco, 1 IISk Sluo:ltn1llQ ,I 1\ do""'_ .". ,Te ~ on I'" tIOol, II MId t~c k " s"""'n!5 Ita". "''' li en It cor",Hy, a . pt~y lhO' CO •• \d d" , 1~nll to Compl ele Ihp "' OIds • Check JniW~'~ lCf WflIf lhe tOl"KI s.pellifl9J on Ihip boMd. - OJ Tran.aipl and J\nsvntr key o Soull. K< H" a 1 $""""1 2 M, I> 'PI" .3 v e n, c~ M.onc-r.,.,t ,.,- 5 IlIaz~ • As\< ,~ts 10 m~lth , pl.,icfl 10 lhe descr",tJOOS tllefl theot k "'~ in ~irs "' " '"" r , , 1 2 8 1 F 4 l "l Q I Wh<oler1 2 C~n.Jd ,n l Il 4 Tor"n~lon 5 5466-8907 • In p~;rs, students <~n take turns to s~1I th~ n<lmes or countries or cilies fOt tne" fMrh"" , to write. Can Quess the wo rd tlf>lm~ l he ir partner Hnist",. ,pcll i ng It ouP D . Play tne CD ~r>d as . st udent, Ie rep./"M trw numDers. • wrote $Orne more number~ "" If'1(>, bOd'!! ".ld ,,~k sluCk'n!! to INd tht>m out -100 TnlnIcri pl 1I1l1J 14 1S 16 1118 19 20 I I J2 "154 oS 7& 87 96 100 iii . Tell slud<tnU tney are going 10 I'~ar , people as "o g lor i nform~ t l"n . ,hk the m to look at the o n,we. s ~nd g Ll ft~~ 'Nh ~ ll l , e que,t l Oni mi gnt tK>. • You may w ao tt o pre'le" cI, i t", wordS caSI l e. ,,1m and Journey, • the CD aod d<k ~I u.wnt, to nle dO wn tho:' num*~ Cherk n~w~rs. 0 TranK:npl 18:80 •• G_ C-r o Ii: Thdl", rl bNutllul (<l5Ue' HOw 0I<l is ,j? c: It', 970 y~J" old. G: Whic~ 005<1<*1 pd. l 1'00' h<~,,~? B: fl uml>\> , ~J , 2; G: How ""'fly ptop l" "'~ 01 I hI> p.:>rty7 B: r,e(! I,n 't ~e.o lI1fI~ ., . 129 J II: K',. lo"~ t, IhlS "tm~ G: lei "'~ , _ 98 m tn 4 G, How m;ony p;)(}Kirf thel~ irr 1 1 book? II: ~ _ 5 15: Ilow long i. the lOUI'~7 G: 16 hour<. Speaking extra • Teuch th<' Eng l Is h 'fiords tor + (plus) ~rod - (mjrn,s). • C~ I I out ,o m ~ stmple su ms (e.g. !J. 6) ~nd ds k .tu denls lor tM answers, • Stud en t, «In w rote live slmp~ ! Ums. t hf>n ~sk ~ n d ~"~w ttw-ir .urnS In pairs. Exam practice: Listemng Part 4 .,. , ullIn g»i<k • S ! u~nt' li,t n to'} d.alogue and coo,plt'!~ >et "I nol~, with 01><' or more words '" ~ "urn I , • Ttw-y mJy nC«! to I ,ste~ lor times. ~umt>t." , d, I." prices or Spe ll ing. of words. D . Go throuqh the note s JS a class and e l Lc it whilt ,nfCrn'l<}tiOt'l ~loot'(lIS ne~ to h~l~n t"r • Read IhrOUf)h the E.Jm tip wi th 1M cla ss _ bpl"in Hwt in the eMm th ~ y w,1I OOr Ihf> rfKordinq Iwi<_~_ • Play t~ CD. Stud~nts h~tl!1l Md m~~" rlOI~,,- • Play the CD" 'it'Co~d t,me and 11'11 ~Iud~nls to wult' th. ", ilnswer;. Ch<K ~ ~nswe(~. 06 'l'nmsc.ripl IT ~ TQN¥< ~ • ~" . S~ " ". S ~ s ) T: Good "",rnlr>C). ~rs Sm,th. ~: liO'lIo. Tony. liD" "re yoo? T: t"m tme tt\,}rr~~. ~ " 5".1h. I""" my Iri ~ nd Sar~. SI>c'~ going to """ my ctau 10< rCw W("<'W,,. 101: Oh , ,. _. s."r J_ N,ce to m~pt y""- Wek:om~ to oor S: I hd"k you. ~: NO b~ror~ you ~o to your If\wn.' need >on", 'nrorm~t",n Itom \"OIJ. I .,,"'" Y"''' torsI !\am<' i, !>.Ir J, WIldI", yo ", """"me' s: I t', Whalen_ ~: How do you ,pe ll Ih at? S: W-H-A-l -l - N. W' T ,~ ¥oo_And wt><-rc do you cl)lylp rrom? 5: I'm CiJn.Jd","_ W: Oh. n",l". inIPf hng. I'~ Just wrile '''''' ~O "' ''- And how nI<I itI ~ roo. Sa, a7 5: ;'", Ihltl n. W: And 1",1'> your ~dd,~\\? s: W~". I u\ually li.~ 011 i OOoJl.l>Ut w~~re ,tay"",,1 2~ T O' Hnglon St,,,,,, lor tM oed It ""h. _ ~: So'ry. <an yo u ""y \1",1 "Y;''''? 70; , s: I"' ''''glnn SI, •• '. T ""I'S T-O-R-R'I-N-Ci-y-o- N, M: OK, And wh" !', you , home pI>O<Ie nu"'~" s: !;466·890 7. M: Col" you "'Y 11'1.)1 m()re IIOW\y please? S: Oh so<ry. 5466-8907_ W: Th~l'~ , Sal a. You <iln 90 lu V"'" <1.0,,, nnw_ Exam. practice: Speaking Pan I "" •• E:raIn guId e • The;"", ~sk, eJch studenl som~ q,,,,,lior,s ~oo u t their lives ,,,,,h ~s Joout thelt n~ m e. "~e and whc r~ they li , c, • Read the [.~m lip wi th the CIJSs A~ k Itudents to unstr ~mblc Ihe question,. Che<:~ JnSWfr$, tnen moc!el ~nd drill pronunciJtron of Ihe QlIt',tion._ - ANwer1<ey 1 C~n you that ;"1 z c n \"OIJ"'Y 1M! mor~ \ !:tv'! l t\owdoyou'f)ellitoal? • Rtad tnrough the torm ~ s a Class Md e lL cit the que~lro"s student> wi ll n ~ to JS~ thf>l r pAr tner_ • Re mi nd st lldents to a$~ their p;J ' lner to r!P"~1 n, spell words t hey ~re not ,ure Jbo~t. • As~ students to or~ jn p~".lo complete nue ot lhf> lorm~. Thf>y l hen thilllQl' p;Jlrs to compl<>te lhf> second lorm. More pra<:l1Ce wor~boo~ WQf 2 [...]... tn.n.cript II (O.O L·L I D: HI L", ~ _ ~n vlOppin'uon l.: Yel,' Iodoty u""- III ~ etnlre w~ ,!oK'd ~"r~r _ I'm buv si>ICI Tl'W:'te _f _ poe'urt bOOkcx,1 In 1\, but ~ tI KlI I>Ou MIll d I'dl "" "" "'~ ~llw@r,I!" f.,"e ~t ple"pn~" it S9rt~... ~dnQ)L butonl~ _~COl'r-I M,.11\s or 11,,"'Y, G: v.~~ "'~vt"'''' • Siudenl\ rhoc"e I' or"".-I ",d 1l'0III ' H O\lI:ion lu t'D< _ Read ir>g ind Vocabool , w, illng "art 1I ) • rrt~ - ~.f_ lime 6C1,v,,1 . TARGET [ FOR SCHOOL :!:] TEACHER'S BOOK P tri cl . Chappell Mark Lloyd Richmond wIth Class Aud IO CD TARGET FOR SCHOOLS TEACHER'S BOOK Patricia Chapp('11. It, support you need: , Thl~ sh<.>w'i the Irack number for In. (.0 . Ten tip s for teaching KET for Sch o ol s classes I. Tell .I"dl'nls to dl ys re.cllhe. "," ·Ie.; ~ - • tIM!. •• nd 'e Q t Introduction About th e KET for School s examin a tion I(fT for .~ri'>n< r, "oJ ,,~w ver~i"n 01 the io(ET ('

Ngày đăng: 27/08/2015, 16:10

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