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FCE for schools 1e trainer

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Contents Introduction Training and Exam Practice Test P1j>Or I R••d1ng P~r Writing Paper Use of English Paper listening Papor S Spc•klng Test2 P"4)er I Reading 63 72 Practice Tests Test3 Paper Reading P1j> you with d.rftfent parts of the t.ta•lng tlXt Wtth [ust one othtr andid.t.l« but sometlmfl candklatt'i take th~ Speaking test In gtUpsof thrtt Cindida1es art assessed on tht'r ptrformance 1h1oughout Frequently asked questions: What level is First for Schools? Al this level a &earner shoukt be a~ to: • use the main structures of the language W1lh some confidence • demonstrate lcnow~geof a wide range o( vocabulary • • • • • use approl)(iate com.munowe strategies in a variety of social situations peck out it~s of factwl information from spoken languagfl and written text diSlinguish betwffn mam and subsidiary potnts distlngui5h betwttn the ost of a text and specir.cdetail prodvcewritten texts of various typesshO\ving the ability to develop an argument~ wel as descnbe or recount events For more infor·mation on 'C.n Do' statements go 10: http:/Avww.cambndgeesolorgle:ums/exams•info/cefr.html Nole that different Sh.Jdents ~ difff'renl strMgths and weaknesses, Some may be good al speaking but not so good at writing: others may be good at re.xting but not so good it listening The 82 1.evel 'Can Od st.atemenls simply help teachers understand what 5M'st for' Schools candidates should gener;illy be- able to ii this level What grade I need to pass First for Schools? , , Results ere reported as three passinggrades (A.Band C) and two failing grades (D and E) Candidates who don't &fl a pass.ng grad~but show that they ha~ ab1llty in English at a sli~tfy lo;yer level (Council of Eu~ L~ 81) get teve-1 81 on their certjflcare, Candidates who score below levet 81 get• fail grade Independent user Buie use- Al A2 Key tor SChools (KETtor Schools) Bl 82 Pre-liminary First for Schools (FCE for Schools) for Schools (PET for Schools) Proficient user Cl C2 Introduction I What marks I need paper and to~an to pass each Aor Bin the exam? U.ndidales not hilve to get• certain ma rte to ~lSSe-ach paper in the test, The fin.JI m,1rk for FllSl k>f ~hools Is the totJJ number of marts from au tivt papas.; b:.-.ding and W11tlng USf> of Englrsh Ustening and Speaking Uch paper ccntnbutes 40 m•rb to the examination over.111 mark of 200 Candidates rt Wmt•• ,~w1 rea Oil u.~·a11~011th eti.nl EJc•m pr.,;.ttoe C IC t C JO lb Get~• di :- U.r ~ \\M ,.\lUld die, 11o t1t S 'I -1.-7 [~ lhefTI II) at~ L°Kll1r.llt.tdl l'h.'llB IM f4l'C9'' J."1*11 o( YWlft, Try llld IUl!;ft-C •~y• •1 S alwl IDI mi.- cOllW ~lni# l• Malem ~i:, • • md di' 'll!lld• Wiii'\ Mon: lllq- tqa tMS !My re• «:firubee or •aample nf each ~1 \:lldatts Id tlt.:t chc flr.lCMM~ Ttk IDmrf!M f'tonll lhe lat ere " • hnctdl ~• _ "'P¢W11 llldcl'"*' •• fllOd ID ,_ l'IOllt , , -"" ,, l'ltt _,, J'IU'~ fliMrl ,_, ,, ·~ ,,., ~ ,,, ,,,~ ,'°°"" ~ ,.,.,._#Id mo_, ~ ,, ,, , Mid,,.,., ti, So, , , , cl• pr'OO(Mlf fll' m.ril I ,_" M fll'll - • halft'~•IWICMO.Ml-~ol ., ,.,., 8ltd Of~ lll10rlf -"',,.,.,, , , , , OJI ~ lllPl(lp *'Otll , , , _ , attd lftholL fLlllFll Pfll - Wflt' A>il, _,., , ,, ~' Ntd " , ,.,, ll'lial' , ,.II., yourscD "" _ ,,., • l'IN ,,, ~ IOOl'I aod ,_ _ "Ila """.,., on' - ""'1"".,,, , Teachei 's Notes & Keys Test Use of Engfish _,_ _.,_ P.wt 4AkN!lfAsJ/JO~rN¥Mo/ ,_,_.,,. ,,0 ~ ~ ~,, ,, Grft••tsdlr l OIW'l#*lo 12 9llPI rd tollowed by 12: A'9'0dffect ~ heh t°"91:! , , , Plrt I, , _ -·-~·'" ~- I "°""- c ,_,_, a.,.,_ 11,.,., • , .,_ ,., CIJO,~ d.-.ot IEJ!tenolon r l.>triPr rhc ct tl"o r~ Md JM ac:ti •"*P eee er dw ,, • tt lh.-.m bin!:-: 'would_,~11;1~1 Exam practiQe t Ct "cldn.,t-iJ -.17._'f,,_."'J'._e, ~ ,, to' - , ••••_,, JC(_-.lfal,_~ _,bofN_.,.,., , , ~, ,,, , SA,OiP~-·-~>••MllclllftrMr~ • c ,,.,, , ,,, ,,,,,, ~• , n S I .,_, OOflllitl, , ,, _,, ,.,, , ,.,, ,, , """"" 1A •• _ ,, , ,.,,._,_,~~-,,,_,_~ _,._, huia~,,.~ 1ac m ~.,,_., , _,,.,_,be.n , ,.~ , .,.90,_ ,.,, C'Olns MoMid ,, _.,,_, _., , Dut!W_ , , ,,,,,,.,,,,.,, llntl/JIOlll(ll'y , I ; fttOtJ(/l't •y lnQl'9 ., ,., ,,,.,, d , , ~.,.,,,., , • •t.ooin•iJ 15 ~'lrn ~ - mce _f'OI"~-'· •II) A""-~ OI *!I~ !rUt9tf~ IP8&• , Ml'l 10 •I'll-.:: m °'"1Jll'Te t.lc:l'ICt7"111:l II' Piii"! ~ fNA bUl'lllll ,, ,,.,_ ,, , ~ #td, ,.,.- our~ _ ,.,.,._ ._.,,, 11 '~"°'""' (1tt , , Wotflf" A:* oldNA ,,., ,, ••• "ldw;;OWld' - a ~ -Q- Wlf'alfNS./ ~'"*·~ '" at,~• Fatiour:ap fWlll •u11P eo 1:qria,111 rPln Md thim ,.11 "I'll" ,,,,, licl«c ~ ~ so ", lftGrt 11 .,monomgu -"' h "''toPii thql.ni• k1ni!Gf1110nfW) #\! _.}Ch TryllWs•11 cac~ ~t , 1, PWt ,_,, 'TW'k lihlott ,_ •-l6llW-C1U'llr•11~tn • ~ ntm hlb F.Jtd fr'"l"1 adtnta., l•lld t ~Ill -'cd »II tte pp Ti"aink>g t>t.ftirt die)'~(•~ !~"~ ""- ~e"lty JUI t.i~ the lpelkm-.,;11 ··· lw." n.1111 l)JldoN , .-A """"'"' o - thimt to chi!lk tli!Ut •tta= P,, ,, - n "°""" ,., , , ,,, ,, """- °""' ,,.,o.- , I """" M Part Trai~ , , · ft~ tr.,._ w«l ID CtMf (9l'tl ·-"" "'· lM , ,,.,, • , (• llilldJ ~,,.,.,., Par12 ~ ~~#ltit - Of• -"' ~•~our~ , -· •- • , ~~.tit , ",, f/llldldleql~ arog Dw _., ~ .,.,._ ~ , , !;lit ·~ """""'nv \ I •1t1 ,,,, , r.llftheJl#'ft, ,., 227 Test Listening ca 1t oa.r w11a1 Sp.ar I , yat"'I• •'ltidl ~ ar ph.- e~ Pt 1~ A• Idle)' lilu-n •l 6cfTI • tJ9k t.1c~ ollhe 04.'kw ,, ,., •• , ai1r.11;119t bwrl l tlw " , ,.,_ 1r1~ln '-'~ W!'Dllll1 h c.Jeaa aci - ;w , Jrt t!'ll)' • :-1f» ntt IO OOl!IJ*C dlar ~ £,,,, c' 11 ., tofklc .,or,f' f ~at.'d pf'nSO.t 91117lflrt(l "'t'~ , my""""')~~{;; Q)Oo'fD; ri:inn~· )~.tac l c,._ ,_ _.,, , , , ,.,,., , ,._, , "' • , , , , ,°" "'-"""' 011'wpoa-~ ro~ ,,.,,, NI~ ,.,_ to (fftfiy'C all ll'ftlr li9lr kt rl'olH • tboof: ·~-Fl jlllml 1111' ,IOL u.i"'., '°' bGM of ., alllcM,.,, ""',, ,_, ~.OE• ,; c ""-• - ott ol 1WW11P'9 )ll't Coll._,., - • "',_._,-""., - , 0.tlut ,, ~ ~ ,., _ , ""°"""""""., ~·pl\ c.eic 4*': ,_,,,o~to~ rot :O ,,, if~j ~ E 17>!• _ , ~ d1ot:Jltl>g., ~ ZJ A I~_., ,.~~ 11#10 _ _ ,,_ _,~ l'MIClr!f' • ~ •Jro F' ,,.r.:raJ ,,_cine, so'ls~J ~, .~ ors ~ ~ ,, "*'1. ,_ our,,.,- JilM:C ., MB ~she~ ro ,d ou1 ,_rt' to ~ g4 She 41$t'I' '"'°"* b.1' C)f~ tp• ~ ~f'I "'"°-""'"'"' JllCIP9ding lifll!IOQrl -~" "''"" 9Yer" "'°""""' '"*"'- T,.l, ,g I , _thee "'*"" ~ I A•_, ,._, \ii lbldr•·~ to~~ I I Ot1 , , , , ,, , , • -~- t.• ltw -! 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1""7', ,,, l -•Ir\ "'°""" ~ ~ olll•• llllQt , ,, 2~ ~~pr , li•i £: • ""'"'• ,r - 'polee, ~.Or*'IC YIPICWW~- ul dttm kl mllkr a t.rchit - rd• t pis:l•, '°'~ Writing An, , paJ kd mJ In Ot.at ~t.r Onb llwllcJOCIlor)'Ot.lt r:m:tL I'm wty eldi:M tbolll FainJln~ wi1b i:his projea.~ Ir'' mch pxl iOca: io mmouniau !th pt11pk who !»Vt"cb.~r lr.o md cclt:m"S lu &r • dlC' u:iplc: Is COflDUtWd I pmoMly ,iJ,Jpn:licr to bow buu1 die swdc:na· 6amily Ii~ bcoiix C'i:ii kll!C:mllld S"l'rlr la otbtt COWIUio~ Wlr time If bo- I'll P".Jbmit fi.-J (l\ll I bit in'"""" ,.Nl lbca1(._ t•ttlr kt1Viti9 U doft-1 '- it ~.~ ~ oi my &imdi cfoot h;m- co do~ hdp ia: dx: i:.o.-c - my ~.o ue IW: p;w and I.liq opus 1n11 oo ltdp b.t lik P\11 ~ 11- ~, , ··~- °""' Mr lllit, \.fy \'f Mf l.Jfo, ·~ Mlll#ll lhe IWWof1 m"* ~ OG TV is , count~ and ID 1:11 opuUoo le ii orooi oi lM bot 1V chows - F.ftff wnk, I dilf'umt ~la Jil.mftl fuf I J.v .-1 d:w: bs P8"" whkii , ohtn dK !Uwiler •~ _ duol:fi Ille i bitt ~ Thc:- dr.Q ~al dw lDIUic die pctu'l liatrf9 dio tlllP d r P.,~1111"1 ftit rhncu l Wnk 11 womlJ hf pr l'Q put I J"l.tl!lffli•l\lt '"'*"II 011 t!w 'IOCh.ut •u eh 11 pro.,a (llft WI~ wt' ,,., , linaw I'd • 111:.t ro "''( whtno 1.W 01ht1 uu9r would rnlu blf; f.i_"""ll(t _,, IQ ~ htt, tw- l hlr WQnic:d (b Paper Use of English ,.,, I IC JA C: 10 It JC "'"1 11 tiar lt """"' 40 11 D I, eo lO "'lh 'a 6A 7ff 10 ll B IS t,21 M 1• ~.r I"'" llllr ll 111 lJ In II h li Silla hr n· ~.lad ind hr.ie co'° •iniFt ~ mu JChool •n~ ol tbtdloJ .!ing wiib his fncmb, which - Jlt Key -· lS -•h tW 3' tar _ , _ c.'Oidi 'The: c- , hOE ~lb.cmtft' ~ i.,., ~ l.! ad np.outsdt_ sa-1 \Ou ma IJO aiir a a» ol aiuinc .,z , ,- dht domltldoa it(IC t.:.?y , J'lllU mind '6 3' -.um L~u °Wt' uc- oi ori.ng rnea:ills )'Olil- a Paper Uatenlng &•m•e111Mp1111•0·rM · • Lat1 '1 - 111.1 k:a ! -.it c1M - in •II'- "-Ji q •,,,,.Or, J:wooa IC ,_4n'IC617C.: JB ,,,, , -"-' ,,, , ··~ It liglto 17 DJ IA I ~' , It rJ.atkGIPf -· r JO u e: J1A 21 ft 22 F 1J A J6C C'A Jl6 ••Ill• poiipM Li~ •", ,I -, ._ 1lwft- '11.o -.Jri;n fo•11 ~t'" lo lht~tudw m. ~)011'\l-ar.1 , ,t.r.ablc (b dw , ~ .,_id; •• 1.,.lfit)am IO.n:l'ed >ao ll ac dtMl 45 -Jr.urcs W, ~ - thou.Id ~ ld1: Ilk ;mQWU!I earlier, in otdd •.mod• n ft i.ou1 !mid p.dred I·-~ 1'-' ""'c _ '1>;."e ~ow-~ Wide i:hr m~ hnj IJ D ~ /\tt, O •!"Jn • wii!h 41 11ku) ,,Ol ,.,, • -cry awtC _ " flilllgmfy tn tpi•J ol "' ••"'7' II# fw • cf)"* lo~ I d!lnk Wll wuulJ '-W!l'IMm ~l.fo • • -rar HMnf - ,,_of)'UU8r.1, lid- !lb• "lr.d- l!flllfl' Mo 1r- a d r- •U,._ I law -.:1m 11-., n '-wY· gM , 'lllll' C}IJ \of , i at1 chob b efi\1 tdi" 1'1"' ~ term llw< JtA atld a Vita iii• spedll 1.1C1 J1np wlw1t - caild t.,- tOI' l&ai••- rl.cc ,.,, I, 11114 , a 11•111 • lr1rn ti-1 1ht w.,,.~J,,.,,.,_.,,,! ,., ,,o_J ,l>ldaa ,,, _ , ,._ Test r"~ , , wht-1c J •"- dry lrm.-J :;l:t ~, mp 'C\ -~t11111 i.lllilllrl\.-.•i -• ,-an-11.i , _, ,.id\_ wra!l - - • _, rid "6 Paper Read;ng ""'' """'' •o , c , 2J 30 IC -·· , c 10 H ll • l• ·" "c ·12 ·' II 11 •c SA ,, 19 A JOO >60 DA 7A 14 G 21 • 21 I B UC c 22 2'I A Paper Wribng ,._, doh Ju, ~ r c pYr!IC: kl (.-.I , , •4 l>t P"'• r.JI! 111., _ wca.& My~ - lar••l'k1 $pcil Jlllli ,._, _, J liM am or• SMtp." io · _ p.n:ir lr'.ll"l ~ hAnds • • st.t tilt! k i;r funny ~' Joi.ha I IWM • rorrr- •~•r•·•• "''~ , W>ll>IJ be kw( loJ i- ""'°"' 5J Key ,,,,, ' '~ •• 11\•'flltll • ~·n•=tt\' Ill~ a 11• _, od.tr Clwnllft S 1-ies IQ IWik M.w •n•n l.ttn to mllllic l\q oil~ -~-w\ai , _4ni" hbiwd a n F aafl~.dWJ' t.; ~u.g d,_m_ '-"' IO d»o.: iod wl.c.n 6ry d.rgdiicu- ho:!!~ 'lhq _., liMm Oil n ifbc! or ?I~ u.t up ~ ul dit'IQ.ho lir:i:o m Melk di.nth on me -.0 Mati., •~ - • _ 11111.a:.Ullic IM •nil goto w-t if u,.-111:11~1hce •d"C~ fnid¥1111 •1"d Wier a! 1f' m •.;, Tq_ 'Ike.and xhx _,.arc: ••w- ~ ~ tlCiI , m;r.,.a.- t _.,_ \I "' NMbk So r lib hlf ll(llDC jza .-W f.:A i'-1 !f1l!M I~~ 9f nuo1 y late ~Ill Clln'tulr II\ ,., diNt lJ1tf IJlat • Uf" MW:i•I• -t v1•1t1J tthltik~ k., ,.,.-.Lclilla ~llmlllPI 11ipk1(cr••1.a 1- ,._,r ., MMdt T¢'1·•1tat lildp I J·~ •C -.w~, titt.l~"'- j"' 39 siv1-.; I- a "-d wi•h 40 clo11'1: tbq In • "' w~r~ni1m, 42 r DOll"-"~r • Pel)er Ustenlng /'., I B JI 4A l\1J It , ,.,ins1t.i w_ r da.11~ }'Oil -.J'ir Udltw -n q_,., ~ • lrM AJI ct - Miii adicoi¥n hPf 1"1: 61f'om1-., fK .-.!'llr 1'hc ~rti a! haw a~ QMl'lpluml ,._ ol~ di.Mi F-"11 t.-ul.da _ II la,c \~to·lllil""'ditfamr k,tm1, r m die~ o;aa!y _, ~., • ~ wWch i ~ t m- ~.I chial So podliaL.fi 19 C 1• ' ' ""'"" I 10 10 j • II C < D SC 12 D 24C 10 Prt2 l'li Jo I.) k~ ~alrc/lf _, 2~ q~ 21~ """ u-~ 21 ,.,, lllmod •., JI Wit.Tu t lft

Ngày đăng: 07/03/2017, 01:45

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