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Cat Thanh Secondary School PHÒNG GD-ĐT PHÙ CÁT KẾ HOẠCH GIẢNG DẠY TRƯỜNG THCS CÁT THÀNH NĂM HỌC: 2017 - 2018 ******* ******* Họ tên giáo viên: Đặng Thị Diệu Chi Tổ: TA – TD – AN – MT Giảng dạy lớp: 8A4, 8A5 I ĐẶC ĐIỂM TÌNH HÌNH CÁC LỚP DẠY Thuận lợi: Được lãnh đạo nhà trường, hội PH nhiều PHHS quan tâm đến điều kiện học hành em Giáo viên giảng dạy chuẩn hóa, qua nhiều lớp tập huấn chuyên đề, thường xuyên dự đồng nghiệp có trao đổi rút kinh nghiệm sau tiết dạy Khó khăn: Phần lớn học sinh nhiều khu vực nông thôn nên thời gian dành cho việc học tập hạn chế, buổi học trường em phải lao động nhà để giúp bố mẹ kinh tế, số học sinh đến trường chưa chuẩn bò xong Về sau khối lượng kiến thức có tăng nhiều khó so với trước nên đòi hỏi em phải dành nhiều thời gian đểû học soạn tiếp thu tốt học mới, số học sinh yếu chay lười học tập không cố gắng không theo kòp bắt đầu chán nản Nhiều học sinh kỹ nghe – nói – đọc – viết yếu nên việc học tiếng anh gặp khơng khó khăn II THỐNG CHẤT LƯNG: LỚP SĨ CHỈ TIÊU PHẤN ĐẤU SỐ Đầu năm Học kỳ I Học kỳ II Cả năm GIỎI KHÁ TB GIỎI KHÁ TB GIỎI KHÁ TB GIỎI KHÁ TB 8A4 39 10 25 14 20 15 18 16 16 8A5 39 15 18 18 14 19 12 20 10 Teacher: Dang Thi Dieu Chi School year: 2017 - 2018 Cat Thanh Secondary School III BIỆN PHÁP NÂNG CAO CHẤT LƯNG: Sử dụng kỹ thuật dạy học tăng cường sử dụng cơng nghệ thơng tin tiết dạy Làm sử dụng cơng nghệ thơng tin cách hiệu tạo điều kiêïn cho HS dễ tiếp thu hiểu lâu Tổ chức nhiều trò chơi học nhằm gây hứng thú cho em học môn Phân loại HS theo đối tượng, đặc biệt HS yếu để có biện pháp giúp đỡ bồi dưỡng, đôi với việc bồi dưỡng HS giỏi tạo nguồn HS giỏi cho nhà trường Thường xuyên kiểm tra cũ, tập, học đồng thời chấn chỉnh thái độ học tập số HS chây lười học tập Yêu cầu em học thật kỹ nội dung trọng tâm đơn vò học, giúp em nắm vững kiến thức vận dụng kiến thức tốt lớp Tổ chức thật nghiêm túc kiểm tra, tránh thói ỷ lại chủ quan HS, giúp em xác đònh đắn động học tập Phối kết hợp nhà trường phụ đạo HS yếu bồi dưỡng HS giỏi để bước nâng cao chất lượng học tập HS Phối kết hợp tổ môn để tổ chức hoạt động ngoại khóa nhằm khuấy động phong trào học tập môn nhà trường IV KẾT QUẢ THỰC HIỆN: LỚP 8A4 8A5 SĨ SỐ Học kỳ I GIỎI KHÁ TB KẾT QUẢ THỰC HIỆN Học kỳ II GIỎI KHÁ TB GIỎI Cả năm KHÁ TB 39 39 V NHẬN XÉT RÚT KINH NGHIỆM 1) Cuối học kì I: a) So sánh kết đạt so với tiêu phấn đấu Teacher: Dang Thi Dieu Chi School year: 2017 - 2018 Cat Thanh Secondary School b) Biện pháp tiếp tục nâng cao chất lượng học kì II 2) Cuối năm học Teacher: Dang Thi Dieu Chi School year: 2017 - 2018 Cat Thanh Secondary School (So sánh kết đạt với tiêu phấn đấu rút kinh nghiệm năm sau): Teacher: Dang Thi Dieu Chi School year: 2017 - 2018 Cat Thanh Secondary School VI_ KẾ HOẠCH GIẢNG DẠY ANH VĂN Unit - Revision - Introduction the ways to learn English Unit 1: My friend Periods Aims Contents Methods a) Vocabulary: Words relating to one’s charaters and appearances b) Grammar: -Present simple to talk about general truths *(Not) Adjectives + Enough + to -Attributive and predicative adjectives *Method: Communicative approach *Techniques -Repetition -Explanation -Questions -Answers -Pairwork *games Preparation of Teacher and Students Help Ss revise the basic grammar notes in grade *Students practise Skills: L- S–R -W *Ss Can: -Introduce people - to respond to introductions - describe people write paragraph about themselves and about other people * Education factor Ss have a good attitude in Teacher: Dang Thi Dieu Chi School year: 2017 - 2018 a) Teacher’s : +Textbook +Picture +Cassette b) Pupils’ +Preread the lesson find Vietnamese meaning, collect pictures Note Cat Thanh Secondary School Unit Periods Unit Making Arrangements Unit AT HOME Aims communication *Students practise skills: L - S -R - W *Ss Can: -takl about intentions -use telephone to make and confirm arrangements -take a telephone message *Education factor: The inportance of telephone in various fields of life *Students practise skills: L - S -R - W *Ss Can: -describe place and situation -ask for and give reasons -write a description of a room *Education factor: the tidiness and the safety precautions in the house Teacher: Dang Thi Dieu Chi School year: 2017 - 2018 Preparation of Teacher and Students Contents Methods a)Voc: Words relating to phone message and arrangements b) Grammar: Going-on (talk about intentions and activities in the future -Adverbs of place (outside, inside,here, there) *Method: +Communicati ve approach +Teachniques: -Repetition -Explanation -Questions answers -Using picture -pairwork *Teacher’s +Textbook +Picture +Cassette *Ps’: +Finish homework Preread the lesson +Collect pictures, etc * Vocabulary: Words relating to furniture in the house *Grammar: -Reflexive -Pronouns -Modal: Must, have to, ought to -S + must+ Verb (inf without to -S + must’nt + Verb -Must + S + V ? -Why – Because -Why + auxiliary *Method: Communicative approach *Techniques -Repetition -Explanation -Using picture -Pairwork -games -Questions -Answers *Teacher’s +Textbook +Picture +Cassette *Ss’: +Finish homework Preread the lesson Note Cat Thanh Secondary School Unit Periods Review exercises Unit OUR PAST Aims Contents V+ S +V? Revision of the *Review basic knowledge Vocabulary and from Unit to Unit structures in units 1-3 a)Students practise a) Vocabulary: skill: Words relating to L - S -R - W past events and b)Ss Can: folk tales -talk about the b) Grammar: past events +Past simple tense -express fellings S + V-ed -distinguish S + did’nt + V between facts and Did + S + V opinions +Prepositions of -write a short time: in, on, at, imaginary story after, befor, c) Education factor: between the traditional +Used to : S + Used to + V culture and life of (bare) Methods Preparation of Teacher and Students *Method: +Communicati ve approach *Method: Communicative approach *Techniques -Repetition -Explanation -Questions -Answers -using picture -games *Teacher’s +Textbook +Picture +Cassette *Ss’: +Finish homework +Prepare textbooks and notebooks +Preread the lesson a)Method: Communicative approach b)Techniques -Repetition -Pairwork Ask and answers a)Teacher’s +Textbook +Picture +Cassette b)Ss’: +Finish homework +Preread the lesson +Find Vietnamese our county Unit STUDY HABITS a)Students practise skills: L - S -R - W b)Ss Can: -give instuction and advice express an obligation Teacher: Dang Thi Dieu Chi School year: 2017 - 2018 a) Vocabulary: Words relating to student habits advice and obligation b) Grammar: +Averb of maner (Adj + ly = Adv) Note Section: Languag e focus Period: 25 (Ứng dụng kỹ thuật dạy học) Cat Thanh Secondary School Unit Periods Aims Contents -write a letter to a friend c) Education factor: The importance of student habits Unit THE YOUNG PIONEERS CLUB +Modal: should +Command, request and advice in reported speech S + asked/told + Object + (not) + to V a)Students practise a) Vocabulary: skills: Words relating to L - S -R - W youth activities, b)Ss Can: favors and -talk about the assistances picture b) Grammar: -ask for the favors +Present simple and offer with the future assistance meaning -write a letter +Gerund +Modal: may, can, telling about the could Methods Preparation of Teacher and Students -True or false -Transformation -Substitution meaning +Collect pictures a)Method: Communicative approach b)Techniques -Repetition -Pairwork -Using the pictures -Explanation -True or false -Grids -Transformation a)Teacher’s +Textbook +Picture +Cassette b)Ss’: +Finish homework +Prepare textbooks and notebooks +Preread the lesson *Method: Communicative approach *Techniques *Teacher’s +Summary +Textbook +Exercises future plan ¤N TËP KIĨM TRA TIÕT c) Education factor: The importance of youth organizations in society Revision of the basic knowledge from Unit to Unit Teacher: Dang Thi Dieu Chi School year: 2017 - 2018 a)revision in from Unit to b) Grammar: Review: Note Cat Thanh Secondary School Unit Periods Unit MY NEIGHBORHOO D 5 Unit COUNTRY LIFE AND CITY LIFE Teacher: Dang Thi School year: 2017 Aims a)Students practise skills: L - S -R - W b)Ss Can: -make comparisions -ask for information and assistance -write a community notice c) Education factor: The awareness of community notice and the importace of advertisement a)Students practise skills: L - S -R - W b)Ss Can: -talk about differences Dieu Chi - 2018 Contents Methods Preparation of Teacher and Students S + V2 / V-ed S + did’nt + V Did + S + V Prepositions Use to Modals Present simple with the future -Explanation -Questions -Answers *Student review a) Vocabulary: Words relating to comparison information, assistance and community notice b) Grammar: *Present perfect with “ for” and “since” *Adjective: -like -(not) as as -(not) the same as -differrent from a)Method: Communicative approach b)Techniques -Repetition -Explanation -Questions -Answers -Pairwork -Using the pictures -True or false a)Teacher’s +Textbook +Picture +Cassette b)Ss’: +Finish homework +Prepare textbooks and notebooks +Preread the lesson a) Vocabulary: Words relating to differences between the city life and county life b) Grammar: a)Method: Communicative approach b)Techniques -Repetition -Explanation a)Teacher’s +Textbook +Picture +Cassette b)Ss’: +Finish homework Note Cat Thanh Secondary School Unit Periods Aims Contents -talk about future events and changes -write a letter to a friend c) Education factor: The awareness of advantages and disadvantages between country life and city life *Present progress To talk about the future To describe changes with get and become S + to be + V_ing S + to be +not + V_ing Be + S + V_ing *Comparative and superlative adjective a) Vocabulary: Revision in 1st Term b) Grammar: Review: +Simple present +Simple past +Present progressive +Modals preposition +Gerund +Command request and advice in report speech +Comprarative and superlative adjective Revision of the basic knowledge learnt in the first term «n tËp häc kú i Teacher: Dang Thi Dieu Chi School year: 2017 - 2018 Methods Preparation of Teacher and Students -Questions Answers -Using the pictures -True or false +Prepare textbooks and notebooks +Preread the lesson a)Method: Communicative approach b)Techniques -Explanation -Questions -Answers a)Teacher’s +Summary +Textbook Exercises b)Ss’: b) Grammar: Review 10 Note Cat Thanh Secondary School Unit Periods THE 1st TERM EXAM Unit A FIRST AID COURSE Unit 10 RECYCLING Aims Test on writing from Unit to unit Skills L - R -W a)Students practise skills: L - S -R - W b)Ss Can: -Have the knowledge of the situation which require first –aid -Make and respond to offers, promises and requests -Write a thank you note c) Education factor: The importance od the specific information of the first -aid a)Students practise skills: L - S -R - W b)Ss Can: -give and respond to instructions -talk about feelings -write a set of instructions Teacher: Dang Thi Dieu Chi School year: 2017 - 2018 Contents Methods a) Vocabulary: Words relating to first –aid, offers, promises request’s and thank you note b) Grammar: +in order to, so as to +Making requests offer and requests +using modal “will” Will you …? Would you …? +Future simple with “will/shall S + will/shall + V a)Method: Communicative approach b)Techniques -Repetition -Explanation -Using the pictures -Substitution -True or false -Questions Answers a) Vocabulary: Words relating to instructions on how to recycle used things b) Grammar: -Passive foem S+be+p.p+by+ object a)Method: Communicative approach b)Techniques -Repetition -Pairwork -True or false -Explanation -Questions 11 Preparation of Teacher and Students Note Cat Thanh Secondary School Unit Periods Unit 11 TRAVELLING AROUND VIETNAM ƠN TËP KIĨM Aims Contents Methods c) Education factor: The awareness of environment protection and saving natural resources -Adjectives Answers follewed by -Substitution + an infinitive It + be + adj + V to inf + a noun clause S+be+ adj+ noun clause (that clause) a)Students practise skills: L - S -R - W b)Ss Can: -express interest -make and respond to formal requests -make suggestions -complete a narrative c) Education factor: The awareness of protecting the places of interest in VN; The importance of travelling in one’s life Revision of the basic knowledge a) Vocabulary: Words relating to suggestions place of interest b) Grammar: Would/Do you mind if I Would/Do you mind + V_ing _ed _ and _ ing participles a)Method: Communicative approach b)Techniques -Repetition -Explanation -Questions Answers -True or false -Substitution a)Voc: Revision b)Grammar: a)Method: Communicative TRA TIÕT Teacher: Dang Thi Dieu Chi School year: 2017 - 2018 12 Preparation of Teacher and Students Note Cat Thanh Secondary School Unit Periods Aims Contents from unit to unit 11 Revision of: Future simple Passive form Making to request offers and requests Adjectives Would /Do you mind if I Would /Do you mind + V_ing a) Vocabulary: Words relating to foreign places of interest, invitation and plans for vacations b)Grammar: -Past progresssive with “when” and “while” -Present progresssive with “always” Unit 12 A VACATION ABROAD a)Students practise skills: L - S -R - W b)Ss Can: -Make plans -make, accept and decline invitations -ask and answer questions about the weather -Write a postcard c) Education factor: -The importance of the habit of work with intensive plans -The polite speech in making, accepting or declining invitations Teacher: Dang Thi Dieu Chi School year: 2017 - 2018 Methods Preparation of Teacher and Students Note approach b)Techniques -Explanation -Questions Answers a)Method: Communicative approach b)Techniques -Repetition -Explanation -True or false -Questions Answers -Games 13 Section: Write Period: 75 (Thao giảng) Cat Thanh Secondary School Unit Periods Unit 13 FESTIVALS Unit 14 WONDERS OF THE WORLD Aims Contents Methods a)Students practise skills: L - S -R - W b)Ss Can: -Ask for explanations of events -give an account of something -Write a paragraph about what was done c) Education factor: -The importance of the traditional festival a)Students practise skills: L - S -R - W b)Ss Can: -Seek information -Recognize and correct mistakes -Prepare and complete question -Write a letter to a friend c) Education factor: The awareness of protecting the a) Vocabulary: Words relating to festivals traditional events b)Grammar: +Passive form +Compound words Noun + gerund = Compound noun +Reported speech a)Method: Communicative approach b)Techniques -Repetition -Explanation -True or false -Questions Answers -Games a) Vocabulary: Words relating to wonders of the world b)Grammar: -Passive forms -Indirect questions with “if” and “whether” -Question words before to-infinitive - Verd + to + inf a)Method: Communicative approach b)Techniques -Repetition -Explanation -Using the picture -Questions Answers -Pairwork -True or false -Games Teacher: Dang Thi Dieu Chi School year: 2017 - 2018 14 Preparation of Teacher and Students Note Cat Thanh Secondary School Unit Periods Aims wonders of the world Revision of the basic knowledge from unit 12 to unit 14 «n tËp kiĨm tra tiÕt a)Students practise skills: L - S -R - W Unit 15 b)Ss Can: COMPUTERS -Recognize facts and opinions -Express opinions -Agree and disagree -Complete a flow chart -Write a set of instructions c)Education factor: -The importance of computers in our modern life a)Students Teacher: Dang Thi Dieu Chi School year: 2017 - 2018 Contents Methods a) Vocabulary: Revision b)Grammar: Revision of: -Past progresssive +Passive form +Compound noun +Reported speech +Indirect +Questions with “if” and “whether” a) Vocabulary: Words relating to computer and its instuctions b)Grammar: -Present perfect with “yet” and “Already” -Comparison of present perfect and past simple a)Method: Communicative approach b)Techniques -Explanation -Questions Answers a) Vocabulary: a)Method: 15 a)Method: Communicative approach b)Techniques -Repetition -Explanation -Questions Answers -Using the pictures -True or false Preparation of Teacher and Students Note Cat Thanh Secondary School Unit Periods UNIT 16 INVENTIONS CONSOLIDATIO N THE SECOND TERM EXAM Aims Contents Methods practise skills: L - S -R - W b)Ss Can: -Say what something was like -Talk about processes -Write about process c)Education factor: The importtance of the inventions in our life -Revision of the knowledge learned in the second term -To help the Ss to revise the basic vocabulary and structures for the second exam Test on writing about the knowledge of English in grade Words relating to the production process b)Grammar: -Passive forms -Sequence markers: first, second, next, then, finally Communicative approach b)Techniques -Repetition -Explanation -True or false -Questions Answers -Using the pictures -Games -Substitution Teacher: Dang Thi Dieu Chi School year: 2017 - 2018 16 Preparation of Teacher and Students Note Cat Thanh Secondary School Cát Thành, ngày … tháng … năm 2017 TỔ TRƯỞNG CHUN MƠN Cát Thành, ngày … tháng … năm 2017 NGƯỜI LẬP KẾ HOẠCH Võ Văn Hòa Đặng Thị Diệu Chi Cát Thành, ngày … tháng … năm 2017 KÍ DUYỆT CỦA BAN GIÁM HIỆU Teacher: Dang Thi Dieu Chi School year: 2017 - 2018 17 ... Teacher: Dang Thi Dieu Chi School year: 2017 - 20 18 Cat Thanh Secondary School VI_ KẾ HOẠCH GIẢNG DẠY ANH VĂN Unit - Revision - Introduction the ways to learn English Unit... trường IV KẾT QUẢ THỰC HIỆN: LỚP 8A4 8A5 SĨ SỐ Học kỳ I GIỎI KHÁ TB KẾT QUẢ THỰC HIỆN Học kỳ II GIỎI KHÁ TB GIỎI Cả năm KHÁ TB 39 39 V NHẬN XÉT RÚT KINH NGHIỆM 1) Cuối học kì I: a) So sánh kết đạt... 2017 - 20 18 16 Preparation of Teacher and Students Note Cat Thanh Secondary School Cát Thành, ngày … tháng … năm 2017 TỔ TRƯỞNG CHUN MƠN Cát Thành, ngày … tháng … năm 2017 NGƯỜI LẬP KẾ HOẠCH Võ

Ngày đăng: 15/10/2017, 21:08

