Unit 6. Let’s sing

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Unit 6. Let’s sing

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Unit 6. Let’s sing tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận án, đồ án, bài tập lớn về tất cả các lĩnh vực kinh tế,...

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HIJ K L@M9NNOMPMQ R"N4N4NMQS:T)UNMVSWWXWXYYYYYYZ[ZZZZZ\\\ \\\\\OO ,R, RR]]]KK !!^^MM_` ]a*ZGW (bcdefgLh>i7jk HUONG TRA EDUCATION AND TRAINING OFFICE HUONG VAN NO.2 PRIMARY SCHOOL Teacher: Le Thi Xuan Monday,November,10 th 2008 Monday,November,10 th 2008 Quan sát tranh luyện lại đoạn hội thoại phần Lets talk Monday,November,10 th 2008 Monday,November,10 th 2008 WINDY(a) RAINY(a) SNOWY(a) CLOUDY(a) Monday,November,10 th 2008 1.New Words 1.Cloudy(a): mây 2.Snowy(a):tuyết 3.Rainy(a):ma 4.Windy(a):gió Play a game RAINY CLOUDY SNOWY WINDY Monday, November,10 th 2008 1.New Words 2.Grammar Hows the weather ? Its sunny Hows the weather ? Its +thời tiết Monday,November,10 th 2008 1.New words 2.Grammar 3.Practice Hows Hows the the weather weather ? ? Its rainy Its Itscloudy windy sunny Its snowy Hows the weather ? Its +thời tiết Hows the weather ? Its +thời tiết MATCHING Howsthe weather ? Its Rainy Snowy Cloudy Windy LUCKY FLOWERS a b Monday, November 10 th 2008 Unit 6:Lets sing(P1) 1.New Words a.Cloudy(a): mây b.Snowy(a):tuyết c.Rainy(a):ma d.Windy(a):gió Grammar How is the weather ? Its + thời tiết Monday, November 10 th 2008 Unit 6:Lets sing(P1) HOMEWORK Học thuộc từ mẫu câu - viết từ dòng Lesson plan: Let’s go 1B Grade: 4 Week: 3 / Period: 6 Teacher: Le Trung Hau Unit 5: Let’s sing (cont) • Aim : By the end of the lesson students will be able to further practice “The Happy Birthday Song”. • Aid : picture, extra board, cassette. • Procedure: Time Contents & Techniques T. & sts’ activities 5’ Warm up and review - Sing a song “The Happy Birthday Song” - Jumple words 1. birthday/ It’s/ my/ today. 2. your/ It’s/ birthday/ today. 3. I’m/ Now/ years/ seven/ old. - Ss listen the tape and sing. - T. models and guides. 12’ Presentation  Introduce the song again:  Introduce the pattern sentence - It’s my birthday today. - It’s your birthday today. - I’m seven years old.  Review vocabulary: - My - Your - You’re = you are - I’m = I am - T. models. - Class -> groups -> Pair work. - T. models. - Class -> groups -> Pair work. - T. guides how to use 10’ Open your books  Set the scene. A: Write 1. It’s my birthday today. It’s your birthday today. 2. I’m seven years old. Happy birthday, Jenny! B: Write 1. Three 2. five 3. six 4. two - T. uses the pictures - T. guides - Individual. - Give feedback - T. checks - T. guides - Individual. - Give feedback - T. checks 5’ Extension - Rivalry the song: “The Happy Birthday Song”. - Class/ group/ individual. 3’ Homework - Practice the song. - Prepare: Let’s learn - T. guides. Lesson plan: Let’s go 1B Grade: 4 Week: 10 / Period: 19 Teacher: Le Trung Hau Unit 6: Let’s sing. • Aim : By the end of the lesson students will be able to sing “How’s The Weather”. • Aid : picture, extra board, cassette. • Procedure: Time Contents & Techniques T. & sts’ activities 5’ Warm up and review - Gap fill A: How … the weather? B: It … sunny. A: Let’s play!. B: … . - Pair work A: How’s the weather? B: It’s sunny. A: Let’s play!. B: Ok. - T. guides - T – class - T. asks some pair speak loudly. 12’ Presentation  Introduce the song: How’s The Weather How’s the weather? It’s sunny. How’s the weather? It’s sunny. How’s the weather? It’s sunny. It’s sunny today. - T -> class -> group -> individual. 10’ Open your books  Set the scene.  Open their book to P.47 - Listen and check. - Listen and repeat.  Practice the song - T. uses the pictures - Ss listen the tape and check. - Class -> group -> individual. - Group work 5’ Extension Sing a song “How’s The Weather”. - Class/ group/ individual. 3’ Homework - Practice the song. - Prepare: Let’s sing (cont) - T. guides. Lesson plan: Let’s go 1B Grade: 4 Week: 10 / Period: 20 Teacher: Le Trung Hau Unit 6: Let’s sing. • Aim : By the end of the lesson students will be able to ask& answer about the weather (cont) • Aid : picture, extra board, cassette. • Procedure: Time Contents & Techniques T. & sts’ activities 5’ Warm up and review - Sing a song “How’s the weather” - Class / group / individual. 12’ Presentation  Pre-teach: - rainy (picture/ situation) - windy (picture/ situation) - cloudy (picture/ situation) - snowy (picture/ situation)  Check: match (words and pictures) - Rainy; windy; cloudy; snowy  Review the dialogue: John: How’s the weather? Lisa: It’s (sunny).  Practice: - T. models. - Class -> groups -> Pair work. - T. guides. - Groups - T & class - T. guides. - Pair work 10’ Open your books  Set the scene.  Open their book to P.47 - Listen and check. - Listen and repeat.  Guessing game: A: How’s the weather? B: It’s (sunny). - T. uses the pictures - Ss listen the tape and check. - Class -> group -> individual. - T. explains - Group work 5’ Extension A. Match (P.47) 1. sunny 2. windy 3. cloudy 4. snowy 5. rainy B. Write (P.47) 1. How is the weather?  It is sunny. 2. How is the weather?  It is snowy. 3. How is the weather?  It is rainy. 4. How is the weather?  It is cloud. - T. guides. 3’ Homework - Practice writing vocab - Prepare: Let’s sing - T. guides. Teacher: Lê Thị Lăng * Listen to music * Em hãy đóng vai bạn Lisa và nói về trạng thái của bạn? Lisa: I’m hungry. I want an apple. * Em hãy đóng vai bạn Jenny và nói về trạng thái của bạn? Jenny: I’m thirsty. I want juice. milk: Unit 7: Let’s Learn (1) Thursday, January 7th, 2010 1. New words: sữa fish: Thursday, January 7th, 2010 Unit 7: Let’s Learn (1) 1. New words: cá chicken: Unit 7: Let’s Learn (1) Thursday, January 7th, 2010 1. New words: thịt gà Thursday, January 7 th , 2010 Unit 7: Let’s Learn (1) 1. New words: pizza: bánh piza Thursday, January 7th, 2010 Unit 7: Let’s Learn (1) - milk: sữa - fish: cá - chicken: thịt gà - pizza: bánh piza 1. New words: Thursday, January 7th, 2010 Unit 7: Let’s Learn (1) - milk - fish - chicken - pizza *Matching Game: [...]... 7th, 2010 Unit 7: Let’s Learn (1) 2.Structure: A: What do you want? B: I want chicken Thursday, January 7th, 2010 Unit 7: Let’s Learn (1) 3.Practice: What do you want? I want fish Thursday, January 7th, 2010 Unit 7: Let’s Learn (1) 3.Practice: What do you want? I want pizza Thursday, January 7th, 2010 Unit 7: Let’s Learn (1) 3.Practice: What do you want? I want milk Thursday, January 7th, 2010 Unit 7:... milk: sữa - fish: cá - chicken: thịt gà - pizza: bánh piza 2.Structure: A: What do you want? B: I want chicken Thursday, January 7th, 2010 Unit 7: Let’s Learn (1) * Shopping: Hai học sinh hỏi và trả lời về những món mình muốn mua Ex: Thursday, January 7th, 2010 Unit 7: Let’s Learn (1) * Homework: - Học thuộc lòng các từ: milk, fish, chicken, pizza - Học thuộc mẫu câu:What do you want? – I want (fish) ... 2008 Unit 6:Lets sing( P1) 1.New Words a.Cloudy(a): mây b.Snowy(a):tuyết c.Rainy(a):ma d.Windy(a):gió Grammar How is the weather ? Its + thời tiết Monday, November 10 th 2008 Unit 6:Lets sing( P1)

Ngày đăng: 27/09/2017, 09:29