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Teacher'sBook Virginia Evans- JennyDooley Express Publishing Publishedby Expresspubtishing LibertyHouse,New Greenhampark Newbury,BerkshireRG196HW Tel: (0044)-1635817 363 - Fax:(0044)-1635817 463 e-mail:inquiries@expresspublishing.co uk http://www.expresspu blishing.co.uk O VirginiaEvans- Jenny Dootey, 2000 Firstedition1996 New edition2000 All rightsreserved.No part of this publicationmay be reproduced,storedin a retrievar system,or transmittedin any form,or by any means,electronic,mechanical, photocopyrng or otherwisewithoutthe priorwrittenpermissionof the Publishers Testsr"y'b" reproduced withoutpermissionfor classroomuse onlv Note: Thereare threetests in two versions.Each test is providedwith a marking scheme based on a total of 20 marks lsBN 1-84216-804-5 Contents Unit Part Part Part Unit 1: Part Unit I I Unitl-Part1 Warm-upActivities:Part (p 6) (Suggestedanswer) Sports eg team, coach,match,pitch,tenniscourt,swimmingpool, bicyclerace,basketball,football,stadium, Olympics,medal,trainingprogramme,rowing,footballstrip etc As an alternative T draws on the board the following spidergram and wiltes down some words related to the topic (sports), then T asks Ss to come up with words related to each sport linesman team coacn feree racket court umpire match | -/ \l#l football grouno cyclist flagsman bike races rane \ Tourde France linesman Olympics pool I trophy b""l*tdt 1- rereree coacn (Suggestedanswer)Thetextcouldbe aboutcycling,racing,a cyclingchampionshipetc becauseI can seecyclists competing.As an extensionT can ask Ss to report on the most popular racesin their countrythen comment on the dangersinvolved.e.g RallyAcropolisis held everyyear in my country.Many driverscompete in it lt's quite dangerousthough, becausethere are lots of inluries a True b False c False d True Reading Task: Part (p 6-7) E 2.H 3.8 5.F 6.A 7.C VocabularyExercises:Part (p 8-9) (lf Ss have difficulty explaining the words T should help Ss by elicitingthemeaning.Thesewordsaretestedin thenext /essonafter Ss have read aloud the relevantbrt The same instructionsapply to Ex in all units.) favourites - those expectedto win compete in - take part in a competition heading off - going somewherein particular tendon - body tissuethat joins musclesto bone paths - linesof direction heightened - made more intense suspense - excitementand anticipation battle royal - grand challenge calculating - able to arrangethingsto get what you want strengths - strong points to dismiss - to reject,not consider victory - completesuccess desire - wish objective - aim or goal ambition - desireto succeed equally - same as f in isolation distinctive altitude highlighted in anticipationof obsession on the sidelines culmination Unit 1: Part2 (Ssshou/dbe encouragedto memorisetheselext relatedcollocations and expressions T checksin the next/esson.) (Suggestedanswers) GroupA 53; WillMiguelIndurainrestbefore takingpartin theTourde France? GroupB 53; No,he won't to beat far to take complimentary5 a lifetime's to dismiss J to come to win a stepup oddsand ends put an end to t to make ends meet dead end light at the end of the tunnel GroupB 54 ls winningtheTourde Francean obsession for Rominger? GroupA 54;No,it'snot brought o an end got the wrong end ol the stick at a loose end GroupA 55; WillIndurain takepartin morethanone racein his preparation for theTourde France? GroupI 55; Yes,he will GroupB 56; DoesRominger believethatIndurain is capableof winningtheTourde France? GroupA 56: Yes,he does etc (Ss Ex on their own then T checks answers givingleliciting definitions for all distractorsand explaining the slight differences between the words and how they are used.) train alike wounded capacity train (v) = to practisea sport regularlyin order to improve,e.g athletestrain daily instruct (v) = to teach (instructsb to drive) master (v) = to become expert at sth discipline (v) = to train sb/oneselfin a skill, behaviouretc like (prep) = similar(followedby a noun) alike (adj) = similar identical to (adj) : exactlyalike;havingno differences.(However,we say: they are so alikethat you can't tell them apart) same as (adj) = (followedby a noun) identical damage (v) = to harm sth (damagea car) break (v) = to damage so that sth separates into pieces (breaka glass,break your leg etc.) spoil (v) = to ruin; go off (spoilthe broth,spoil a child etc) wound (v) = to hurt a livingthing (wounded soldiersetc) ability (n) = skittor power neededto sth capability (n) = power to sth skill (n) = abilityto sth well capacity (n) = abilityto hold an amount/number of sth j 2.a 3.b 4.d 5.h 6.f 7.9 8.e f.i c Follow-upActivities:Part (p 9) (Two cassettesare availabte with all reading fefs f should encourage Ss to listento the tape at home and follow the lines of each text This activityshould be assignedin a///essonsand Tshoutdcheck Ss'oronunciation in each /esson.lt is extremetyimportantthatthis activity should not be skipped in any lesson and T should emphasize the need for Ss to become fluent and pronounce words correctlv.) Comprehension Question/ AnswerContest GrammarCheck:Part1 (p 9) (T refersSs to fhe GrammarReference Sectionfhen Ss the exercise.Thesame technique appliesto all Grammar Checks.) a m g o i n gt o will Shall will a m g o i n gt o Unit - Par t2 Warm-upActivities:Part2 (p 10) (Suggested answer) The articlecould be about the sea, travelling,high speed trainsetc (T should ensure fhat Ss tisten fo the cassette with books closed and anticipate the end of the story.) (Suggested answer) The story could end with a fire breakingout and the train being evacuated/ the passengersbeing injuredand trapped in the tunnel etc ReadingTask: Part2 (p 10-11) 10 11 A B B A ( L n1 ) (Ln 3) ( L n7 - ) ( L n1 - ) B ( L n1 - ) 13.C (Ln 20-22) 1a.D (Ln36-38) 15.D (Ln38-40) VocabularyExercises:Part2 (p 12-1Sl railwaycomplex- allthe buildings on a railway site brand-new- completely new immigrationpoints- pointswherepeople entering a countryhavetheirdocuments checked loudspeaker- deviceto increase thevolume of someone's voice predictably- as onewouldhaveguessed underground- metro,subway - acrossthe EnglishChannel cross-channel undoubtedly- mostcertainly Unit1: Part2 d 2.n 3.b 4.e -7 5.i 6.j expectations attractive unpredictable 8.c On a failure Undoubtedly/Doubtless requirements (Ss shou/d be encouraged to memorise these text relatedcollocationsand expressions.T checks in the nexf /esson.) halfway to deal with double-decker the crossing to hit a crew we shot back a fire alarm the cry of (Ss Ex then T elicitslpresentsthe differences between speak, talk, say or tell.) '1 tell speak talks say talk speaking etc/foroneself speak: to sb/well/badly/English talk: to sb about sth say: sth to sb/that/goodmorningetc/one'sprayers/ a few words/so/no more/for certain/forsure etc tell: sb to sth/sbthat/sb how to sth/thetruth/ a lie/sbthe time/sb one's name/astory/sba secret/ sb the way/onefrom another/sb'sfortune/sbsoi the differenceetc (AfterSs have done Ex T checks answersgiving eliciting definitions for all distractors.) 'I opportunity z- steering requirements rugged recruits A occasion (n) = a particulartime when it's possibleto sth B opportunity (n) : chance luck (n) = successusu unexpected D fortune (n) = chance/luckusuallyaffecting people'slives A drive (v) = to operateand controlthe direction of a vehicle(car,train, bus etc) B lead (v) = to show sb the way, esp by going in f r o n t( e t h e g u i d el e du s r o u n dt h e m u s e u m ) tour (v) = to make a journeyusuallyfor pleasure and to see placesof interest(e.9.tour of France) D steer (v) = to directthemovementofa boat/car (to steer a boat, to steer a car) A requirement (n) = thing that is demanded/ needed B desire (n) = strongwish to have/dosth request (n) = thing that is asked for about D inquiry (n)= requestfor help/information sth A hire (v) = to givesb a job/position(hiresb, also hire a hall/boatetc) B engage (v) = to arrangeto anPloY sb recruit (v) = to find new peopleto join a company/organisation D dismiss (v) = to fire sb A smooth (adl) = havingan even surface,without rough patches B even (adj) = level,smooth,flat C crude (adj) = in its naturalstate,not refined D rugged (adj) = rough and uneven a car - get in (to),get out of, drive,steer a train - catch,miss,disembarkfrom, get on(to),get off,take, drive a plane - catch,miss,get on(to),get off,take, board, d i s e m b a r kf r o m a motorbike - get on, get off, ride,steer a boat- miss,disembarkfrom, get on, get off, catch, steer a bus - catch, miss,get on to, get off, take, drive a b i c y c l e - g e t o n ( t o ) ,g e t o f f r i d e ,s t e e r a ship - disembarkfrom, get on, get off, board a taxi - catch,get in(to),get out of, take, drive,steer out downwith along with roar purr buzz through over ahead with howl squeal moo 7.after quack 11.squeak '1 neigh chirp b a r k F o l l o w - u pA c t i v i t i e s :P a r t ( p ) ( S u g g e s t e da n s w e r ) S A : l c " e : c : ' a =: : : a : : : : a - : : ' : S : W e t l c ( e : : ' a , =3 , a : ' : : a ' = a q u r c K e swla y c ' : ' a , e ^ : e : : S A ; I d u s et h e p r a n eo e : a - s e: : - : means of transport S B ; T h a t ' st r u e I d c h o o s el h e : a ' : - : - l y o u c a n s t o p w h e r e v e yr o u w a n i a - : : - : ' sceneryetc (Suggested answers) SA; l'd like to travelby plane becauseit s the fastest means of transport SB; Well,actuallyI hatetravellingby plane lt scares me I prefertravellingby car so that I can stop whereverI want and enjoy the sceneryetc SA: Travellingby boat is slowerand more relaxing than travellingby car SB; However,travellingby car is more convenient than travellingby boat by motorbikeis more dangerousthan SA.'Travelling t r a v e l l i n gb y b u s SB: Yes,buttravellingby motorbikeis alsofasterthan t r a v e l l i n gb y b u s SA; Travellingby plane is fasterthan travellingby train SB; However,travellingby train is more economical t h a n t r a v e l l i n gb y p l a n e SA: Travellingby taxi is more comfortablethan t r a v e l l i n gb y b u s Unit 1: Part3 SB.'However,travellingby bus is lessexpensivethan travellingby taxi SA.'Travellingby bicycleis less pollutingand more leisurelythan travellingby car SB; Yes, but travellingby car is more convenientand fasterthan travellingby bicycle SA.'Travellingby train is more reliableand pleasant than travellingby bus SB.'However,travellingby bus is more economtcal than travellingby train SA.'Travelling by planeis fasterand more reliablethan travellingby boat SB.'However,travellingby boat is less crampedand more leisurelythan travellingby plane,etc GrammarCheck:part2 (p 13) which where whose estatedeveloper- companywhichbuildson empty sites departmentstore- largeshopsellingvarious products employee- personwhoworksfor someone checkit out - havea lookat it refrigerator- appliance usedto keepthingscold heat- warmth unique- oneof a kind spray- coverwithsmalldropsof liquid leisure- relaxation powdery- havingthetextureof powder microns- verysmallunitsof measurement asserts- claims chairlifts- chairswhichyou sit on to be carriedup a hitl fake - not real who 5.why Unitl-Part3 part3 (p 14) Warm-up Activities: T draws the following diagram on the board divided into four sections,then elicitslrom Ss words relatedto natural features,people, equip ment and structures Ibuitdinas NATURALFEATURES steeland concrete courtesy insulation whisked nozzle compressed misty steep (Ss Ex on their own then T exptainsleticlfs the meanings of the highlighted words.) convert persuade influence convince convert = change into persuade = cause sb to believesth influence = affect convince = make sb feel certain (Ss should be encouraged to memorise these text related collocationsand expressions.T checksin the next /esson.) experienced skiing to charge ski instructor chairlifts t o m i s so u t sandy entrance base internal well-off ski g to spread scientific forbid (Suggested answers) (Ss Ex on their own, then T exptainslelicits Indoor activities:squash,tennis,boxing,basketball, the definition of each word.) snooker,swimming,ice hockeyetc tenant native inhabitants Outdooractivities:football,rugby,tennis,basketball, residents citizen dwellers hockey,skiing,horse ridingetc tenant = personwho pays rentto a landlordto use a a No b No c yes d yes house,room, flat etc residents = someonewho livesin a place perma_ ReadingTask: Part (p 14-1S) nently native = local inhabitant E G D t H A F citizen = personwho haslull rightsas a memberof a country;personwho livesin a town part (p 16-17) VocabularyExercises: inhabitant = perSonlivingin a place dweller = person livingin a specifiedplace (used head off - set off for somewhere e s p e c i a l l yi n c o m p o u n dn o u n s ) slope - area raisedabove the oround excursions - outinos Unit 1: Part4 speedtrap Morehastelessspeed fullspeed highspeed pants boots goggles prckedup speed at lightning speed fn qnocd Unitl-Part4 rrn poles tift slopes u Jump instructor Warm-upActivities:Part3 (p 18) (Suggested answers) Follow-upActivities:Part3 (p 17) a) b) c) d) e) D RyosukeUematsu Funabashi,a town 30 minuteseast of Tokyo $ 4m i l l i o n Two Restaurant,TV, swimmingpool, sauna $3s (T d.rawsthe following diagram on the board divided intofour sectionsthenhe lshernvifesSsto come u.pwith as many words as posslb/e relatedto pertormances.) Pavarotti rehearsal stage opening srnger ptay orchestra dress rehearsal (Suggested answer) The world'slargestindoor-skifacilityhas been builtin Funabashi,Japan,a town 30 minuteseast of Tokyo by train.The resortcost $364 millionto buildand has two ski slopes- one for beginnersand one for more experiencedskiers.The managerof the resort,Ryosuke Uematsu,saysthatto get the same high-qualitysnow elsewhere,one would haveto travelto the mountains of northernJapan.Whilewaitingto ski, visitorscan eat,watchTV,swim or sit in a sauna.The entrancefee r s$ J (Suggested answer) Academv Awards SNOES director Nureyev GrammarCheck:Part3 (p 1Z) mustn't didn'tneedto needn'thave oancer prem I l i k eg o i n gt o t h e c i n e m as o m e t i m e si ,ft h e r ei s a g o o d f i l m s h o w i n g I a l s o l i k eg o i n g o u t f o r c o f f e ew i t h m y friendso , r p l a y i n gb i l l i a r d so r v i d e og a m e s e t c Lastsummer I visitedthe resortof Brighton which rs on the south coast of England,fifty milesfrom London.Apartfrom swimming in the sea,therewere plenty of things to do, likego to the funfair,visit the D o l p h i n a r i u mw , a l k a l o n g t h e p i e r ,v i s i t B r i g h t o n Pavilion,and ride on Volk's Railway,a mini-train that runs along the seafront.At night there were many differentforms of entertainmentto choosefrom Thereare a lot of night clubs, or you can go to the theatre, or to see a film at the cinema We stayedat t h e G r a n dH o t e l ,a l u x u r i o u hs o t e l o nt h e s e a f r o n tb, u t there are also dozens of smaller hotels or bed and breakfaststo stay in, which are cheaper n e e d n ' th a v e needn't d i d n ' tn e e dt o ballerina aF bF cT dF R e a d i n gT a s k : P a r t ( p - ) 22 F 23 B 24 D zJ t\ i G H i n a n y o r d e r 8G , inanyorder / C , D , i n a n y o r d e r 32133.A, D, in any order 3j * 35 C VocabularyExercises:Part4 (p 20) m e m o r a b l e- t h a t w h i c hw i l l b e r e m e m b e r e d blend with - are mixedwith delivered with - performedwith vocal coach - singinginstructor m a n i p u l a t i n g- c o n t r o l l i n g tames - makes sth manageable swallows - moves sth from mouth to stomach opaque - not transparent twinkle - sparkle a n g u i s h - m i s e r y t, o r m e n t to pursue - to follow animates - bringssth to life coarse - rude/withoutmanners F f ExamFocus:Unit (BeforeSsdo Ex.2 T asksSsquestionsabout Batman as warm-upe.g Haveyou seen "BatmanForever?"Did you enjoy it? Wouldyou like to go and seeit? etc Then Ss Ex 2.) cast winner villains evil plot director sensational '10.captures breathtaking 11.masterpiece '12 contemporary passion ExamFocus- Useof English:Unit (p 21) (Part is a modified open-cloze consistingof 1S blanks to be filled in with one word each Emphasrsis placed on grammar and vocabula4z.Ss read the text onceto getthe gistof thetext,thenre-readandfill inthe mlssrng words Ss read the text once more to see if the text makessense and check for spelling mistakes.) Parl2 (Ss shou/d be encouraged to memorise these text relatedcollocationsand expressions.T checks in the nexf /esson.) '1 gift a overflowing climbed a memorable major to die performing eccentric vocal (Ss Ex on their own, then T elicitslexplainsthe meanings of the highlighted words.) toact to play toperform to execute toperform to execute act : performa part in a play or film; be an actor/ ACTTCSS play = take part in a game perform : 1) as one has agreedto (e.g performan operation); 2) act and play, play music execute = performa task (e.9.executea plan) over but which/that thoughts/ones who themselves from that/which more 10 so Z (Part conslsfs of 10 discrete lfems with a lead-in sentenceand a gapped responseto complete using a given word Grammarand vocabularyare tested in this part Ss read the lead-in sentence and the given word and think how it can be usedgrammatically in the gapped response,then write their answers, keeping the meaning similar to that of the lead-in sentence Ss haye to keep in mind that they must use tuvoto five words (the given word counts) to fill in the secondsentence.Ss re-read theirfinalanswerschecking for correct spelling and grammatical accuracy.) Follow-upActivities:Part4 (p 20) (T should write on the board useful vocabulary for fitm reviews, e.g the film is set in, the film is called, it telts the story of, it's a love storylscienceiictionlcomedy etc, lt is well directed, the plot centres on, I can thoroughlyrecommend, the plot is ratherunconvincing, it's a masterpiece of its kind, etc.) (Suggested answer) The film "Senseand Sensibility"starringEmma Thompsonand Hugh Grantand directedby Ang Lee, is a romanticfilm adapted{rom the book by Jane Austen It tellsthe story of two sisterswho are completely differentin character,and their experienceswith the men they love "Senseand Sensibility"managesto recreatethe atmosphereof early 19thcenturyEngland,which helps the film-goerto understandthe reasonsfor someof the characters'actions,and is bothhumorous and moving.Althoughthe Jilmis not particularly excitingin terms of action,it is dramaticenough to keep you wonderingwhat's going to happen next.I can thoroughlyrecommendgoing to see it if you feel likea changefrom modern-dayviolentand shocking films 10 11 b e 12.able/taught b y 14.these/such l i k e l y Part3 10 d i d n o t f i n d t h e s t o r y q u i c k e t t y p i n gt h a n h a v i n gt r a i n e d u n t i lt h e c h i l d r e nl e f tb e f o r e a d i a m o n dr i n g w h i c hw a s w a s r u n o v e rb y w o n d e r e dw h e t h e rs h e w o u l d e v e r a p o l o g i s e df o r b e i n g s t a n db e i n g l a u g h e d .t o b r i n gu p a c h i l d Prepositions (Thisexercisewillalways beassignedasHW.T checks the answersand in the next /esson helshe checks the exercise usually with closed books.) e.g T: close your books to be _isolation 57; to be in isolation T: to come _an end 52; to come to an end etc in z to for o l on in with of a b o u t o f 11 atlfor b y o n '14 in o f '16 of '17 on a t a t 20.in o t 22.in 23.with 24 oflltor 25 of/about ExamFocus:Unit ExamFocus-Listening(Part1):Unit1 (p.221 (Part focuses on understandingmain points,Iocation, roles, function, attitude, feelings, opinions,intentions etc /f conslsfs of eig ht s ho rt unreIated extractsof about 30 seconds each,followedbythree option multiple choice questions Whilelistening forthe firsttime, Ss /ook out for key words related to one of the three choices, paying attention to what is heard because these key words may be included in the incorrect choice While listening to the extracts agarn, Ss check their answers.) Partl 1.A 2.8 A 4.C B 6.C 7.4 o.u Part You'll hear people talking in eight diflerent sltuafions For Questions7 fo 8, choose fhe besl answer,A, B or C You will hear a boy talking aboul sporls Which sport does he mostlyplay at the moment? A volleyball B football C hockey Boy; Well, I haveto say I was mad about footballfor a while and I stilllike it of course,but I've been really into volleyballfor the past three years.l've been thinkingabouttakingup hockeylately,but my friends all say it'sa boringsportand to stickto what I'm good at I'd reallylike a bit of a changethough You will hear someone talkingabout the weatherin London at Christmas.Whatis the weathernormallv like? A snowy B dull C sunny Woman: Most people think we always have a white l e t h e d a y ! | m e a n ,y e s , C h r i s t m a si n E n g l a n dT h a t ' l b of course there's snow in Scotland - well, in the Highlandsanyway- but to be honesteveryChristmas that I can remember has been your average dark, miserableday There'sthe odd ray of sunshinenow and then, but generallyit's just gloomy You will hear tvvogirls discussrng what to on Saturdaynight Where they decide to go? A the local disco B the cinema C the roller-skating rink Anna.'Well, I suppose we could go to the cinema What'son at the moment? Fiona:Oh, that film with WilliamHill.I'd like to see it, but you're not keen on him, Anna; Not really.How about the disco around the corner? F i o n a :M a y b e o r w e c o u l de v e ng o t o t h en e wr o l l e r skatinorink in town Anna.'Let'sstick with havinga good dance instead You work in an office where you overhearthe following conversation.Whatis the boss worried about? A the company'sfinancialposition B his speech at the board meeting C his dinner guests Boss; Well, Mary,I'm just not sure what to about tonight I've got that speech to give at the board meetingand then I'vegotto rushstraighthome.We've g o t p e o p l ec o m i n gf o r d i n n e r Mary: So what's the problem? Boss.'Welloneof the guestsis afinancialdirector,and a very important one, and another is a university professor.How can I keep them entertained? Mary: \Nell,I think (fadeout) Llsten fo thisactor talkinoabout his life Wheredid he meet his wife? A at a shooting gallery B at a cinema C on a film set Actor: You see,l'd justaboutcompletedthe film"Dark Dance"and, er - well, it was kind of strangehow we met We'd been shooting all day and I decided I wantedto seea movie.lt was "TallBoys"- somebody'd recommendedit Anyway,just as the Jilmstartedthis woman sat nextto me and sort of - | don't know how it happened- spilledher coke all over me! And that's how we got to know each other Listento this woman talkingabout her car Whyis she happy with it? A lt is an antique car /t ls a nice colour C /t is reliable Woman:ActuallyI'vehad this car for nearly20 years I know it'sa bit old and there'sa lot of ruston it lt's not very fast either,and it doesn'teven look that good - | mean,the colour'scompletelyout of fashion,isn't it? But it does get me from A to B and back again- in fact it's never let me down, and that'swhy I keep it You will hear a reporter talking about earthquakes When did the one in Mexico take place? A lastweek B three months ago C lastyear Reporter;Well,if you think back to last year, you'll rememberthat terribleearthquakethat struck Kobe, Jaoan.And then there'sthe more recentdisasterin MexicoCity which shook the capitala week ago and measured6.5 on the Richterscale However,these two are nothingcomparedto the quakethat hit one of Mexico'sneighboursabout 12 weeks ago, causing thousandsof (fadeout) 1'l Mission:FCE TEST3 A A 1.8 2.4 KEY 3.D 4.E 5.C 6.A 7.D 8.E 9, 10 A, D (in any order) 11 C B 15 a wide 16 news 17 to adjust c 27 remains 28.affected 29.peak F 44 on 45 for 46 in 18 climbable 19 to pick up 20 to overcome 21 forthcoming 22 charity 23 in low 12,13C, B (inanyorder) 't4 E 24 supernatural 25 to strengthen 26 to obtain 30.lanes 31.subscribe 32.contamination D, 33' commercial 34.breed 35.amateur 36.disposal 37.persecution 38.coach E 39 down on 40 down 41 up 42.away 43 over G 49 fair gamefor 50 out of the blue 51 a lightheart 52 the name of the game H 54 alternative t 59 was made to rewrite 60 had hervegetablegarden 61 to havethe roomtidied J a t 47 to 55 adjustments 56 modifications 4g in 53 rollingin money 57 unpredictable 58 disgraceful 62 makeup theirmind ffi is said to have been (Suggestedanswers) LastFridayon the 29thI was in BarloydsBank.l'd goneto pay in my wages.I was waitingin the queuenearestthe door whensuddenlythreemaskedmen holdingsawn-offshotgunsran in We all fellto the floor.One of the gunmen,who had blackhair,shotat the seiuritycamerasso theywouldn'twork.Thesecondone,who wasshortand ratherfat,waswatchingall oi us He kept shoutingin a nervousvoice"Don'tmoveor l'll shoot".Thethirdguy,seemedlik; the leader.He went behindthe counterto get the money.I thinkthey had chosentnat Fridaydeliberately becausea lot of peop]ggot theirwageson that day,so therewouldhavebeena lot of moneyin the vault Afteraboutten minutes,the thirdmancamebackfrom behindthe counterwithseveralbags ol money.Stillpointingtheirgunsat us, the threeof them leftthe bank.The bankmanagerraised the alarmand withinminutesthe policearrived To: From: Subject: MrsJancisNorton JeanWhite Properties for Salein Thornburryarea lntroduction:As requested,I haveinvestigated the followingthreepropertieswhichmightinterestyou Property1 A spacioussemi-detached housewiththreebedrooms,recenflymoderriised bathroom and largegarden.Althoughidealin manyways,it is 25 minutesfromthe centreof townand is not well servedby publictransport A gosytwo bedroomterracedproperty,newlydecoratedand fully-carpeted.lt is only fropgrty fiveminutes'walkfrombusandrailstations,andcloseto localshops.Noisefromneighbours canbe a problem withterracedhouses.Nevertheless, thishousehasmanypositivefeaturesincludingdoubleglazinginailrooms Property A largesemi-detached house,withthreebedroomsandtwo livingiooms.tiwittneedextensive redecoration and thereforeis beingofferedat a bargainprice.lt is quitecloseto localfacilitiesand on an excellentbus route Conclusion At firstsight,Property1 seemedideal,but its distancefrom amenitiescouldbe problematic Properties2 and are both attractive,but takingeverythinginto account,| fully recommendproperty2 as the bestwithinyourpricerange MarkingSchemefor Test A SectionA: SectionB: SectionC: SectionD: SectionE: 14 itemsx pointseach = 12 itemsx pointseach : itemsx pointseach = itemsx pointseach = itemsx pointseach = 14 12 12 12 SectionF: SectionG: SectionH: Sectionl: SectionJ: itemsx points each = 5 itemsx points each E E itemsx points each itemsx points each =25 (Writing) Total 100x2=20,0 113 Mission:FCE TEST3 B A KEY 1.A 2,E 3.C 4.D B 15 the road 16 to power 17 sudden c 27 track F 44 to B E 7,I BIC (in any order) 9, 10 G/A (in any order) 18 poorly-lit 19 thesaying 20 to giveit 11,12 HIF(inanyorder) 13,14H/G(inanyorder) 21 comic 22.to reach 23 pitiless 24 widespread 25 troubled 26 stressful 28 impact 29.descendant 30.artificial D 33 consultation 35 entrepeneur 37.register 34 adveftisement 36 extinct 38.acquired E 39 up 40.into/to 41.out 42 oft 4i! by 45 on G 49 struckit rich 50 oncein a bluemoon 46.ot 47.tor 51 pitchdark 52 screamedbluemurder J 59 .wasmadeto 60 .hadhismotorbike thekitchenneedsto be 32 leftovers 48.of H 54' administration 55 independently 56 motivation t 31 recruit 53 has moneyto burn 57.generosity 58 assassination 62 .makeup theirminds 63 .saidto havebeen (Suggestedanswers) On Fridaymorningin centralLondona fire brokeout in a blockof flats.Mostresidentsof the buildinghad alreadyleftfor workand onlya fewpeoplewereinsideat thetimeof the blaze.Theywereableto escap6w1h minorinjuries At 9.20am thefirealarmssoundedat'17-20 TowerStreet,centralLondon.Fireand rescueteamsarrivedon the sceneto find flamesshootingout of the basementwindows.Thefirequicklyspreadto the floorsabove Residents who wereinsidemanagedto get out of the buildingby wayof the firsescape.Two elderlytenants werehelpedby rescuersto escapefroma thirdfloorbalcony.Thetwo lenants,Johnand MaryAckerlywere treatedfor the effectsof smokeinhalation at St ThomasHospitaland werereleasedshortlyafterwards Thebasement, firstand secondfloorsof the four-storey buildingwerecompletelydestroyed.Thicksmoke filledthe thirdand forthfloorsbut the damagewas minimal Fireinvestigators suspectthatthe blazewascausedbyfaultyelectricalwiring inthebasement Residentswho -by werelefthomelessby thefirearetakingshelterat temporaryhousingset up the RedCross.FirechiefRick Marshall commented:"Thebuildingsin thisareaof townarequiteold.Extracareandattentionis neededwhen replacing the wiring" Asa resultofthefirethecity'sBuildingInspectors willbecheckingtherecently-repaired wiringin neighbouring buildings Fashion Men Women News Sports 3lo 20"/o 37o/o 11o/o 25/" 327" 15o/o 3o/o 8o/" 25o/o Technology Health/Fitness Home/Gardening 40h 17o/o Introduction The purposeof this reportis to analysethe resultsof a reeentsurveyabout people'sreading preferences Onehundredmenandone hundredwomenwereaskedwhichmagazinestheyprefenedreadiig: fashion,news,sports,technology,health/fitness, or home/garden Men's preferencesThe surveyshowedthat most men preferreadingabout sports.This is illustratedby the fact that 37o/"of men in our surveypreferreadingsportsmagazines.bne out of four men preferhealth/ fitnessmagazines,whileonly a smallminoritypreferfashionind home/gardenmagazines.Twentypercentof men surveyedpreferreadingnewsmagazines Mission:FCE TEST3 B KEY Women'spreferencesTheresultsindicatethata largenumberof womenpreferreadingfashionmagazines A minoritypreferreadingsportsmagazines and only 8o/oprefertechnologymagazineJ Somewomenare concernedabouttheirhealth.Thisis shownby the factthatone in fourwomenpreferreadinghealth/fitness magazines Only 15%of womenprefernewsmagazineswhilea slightlyhigherpercentagepreferhome/ gardeningmagazines ConclusionOnthewhole,mostmenprefersportsmagazines, whilemostwomenpreferfashionmagaztnes A smalfpercentage of menand womenreadtechnologymagazines whileit is shownthat both 21o/o of men and womenpreferhealth/fitness maqazines MarkingSchemefor Test B SectionA: 14 itemsx points€€lch= SectionB: 12 itemsx pointse?ch = SectionC: itemsx oointseach = SectionD: itemsx pointseach = SectionE: itemsx points€dch = 14 12 12 12 Section F: Section G: SectionH: Sectionl: Section J: itemsx pointseach itemsx pointseach itemsx pointseach itemsx pointseach =25 (Writing) Total 100x2=20.0 ttc "Use of E lish" Sectioh (pp.1s2.1s61 "Key"Word Transformations 1 2, 10 11 12 13 14 15 2 3 10 4 10 11 12 '13 5 w e e k ss i n c e| ( l a s t )p l a y e d s t i l lh a s n ' tc l e a n e d d i d n ' t l e a v eu n t i l .w e n tt o t h e g y m w a s h a s b e e n l e a r n i n gJ a p a n e s ef o r 've n e v e rs e e n s u c h a i s i t s i n c eS a l l yg o t t i m e h e w e n tj o g g i n gw a s s w i t c h e f f t h e T V w h e n h a s b e e n p r e p a r i n gd i n n e rf o r h a v e n ' ts e e n h e r s i n c e b e e n o n a p i c n i cf o r m e t s u c n i c e s t a r t e dw o r k i n gh e r e s t i l lh a v e n ' td o n e r e g r e t e l l i n g / h a v i ntgo l d h e r / t h a It t o l d h e r w i s h y o u w o u l d s t o p t a l k i n g I c o u l dw a t c h '10 a s t h o u g hh e w e r e 11 ( a b o u t / h i g ht )i m e s h e w e n t h a d b e t t e rs t o p i n t e r r u p t i n g w o u l d h a v eb e e n b e t t e ri f w o u l ds o o n e rM a r kp o s t e d '1 w o u l d n o t h a v em i s s e d y o u w o u l d s t o p b i t i n g h a d b e t t e rt a k e a s l o n g a s y o u h a v e f o r h e r c o u r a g e u n l e s sy o u p u t 6 B 10 11 12 13 14 15 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 22 .i s n e e d e dt o m a k e .s o s a d t h a t a r e f e w e g g s l e f t i s c o n s i d e r e d g a v e u s v e r y l i t t l e .w a s t o o i l lt o g o w e r e r a t h e rd i s a p p o i n t e d i s n ' tt a l l e n o u g h e a t i n go u t t o c o o k i n g h a d d i f f i c u l t y( i n )u n d e r s t a n d i n g w a s a l l o w e dt o g o u s a w e e kt o p a i n t w a s m a d e t o r e w r i t e y o u m i n d s p e a k i n g .f o u n d i t d i f f i c u ltto m a y n o t h a v es t o l e n .l i k em e t o h e l py o u m i n d i f I u s e o n e e d n ' th a v eg i v e nm e m u s t h a v ep r e p a r e d n e e dt o s p e n d may be going i s l i k e l yt o a c c e p t c a n ' t h a v ea t t e n d e d w e m e e to u t s i d e d o n ' t n e e d / n e e dn o t w e a r m u s tn o t w a l k m a y b e a s l e e p J u l i eh a v et o l e a v e w i l l p r o b a b l ym o v e o n l yh e c o u l c w i s h y o u h a d l i s t e n e d ' d r a t h e rS h e i l ah a d t o l d I h a d n ' tl o s t p r o v i d e dy o u r e c h a r g e .w e r e y o u I w o u l d p r a c t i s e h a d h i sl e g p u t h a s t h e h o u s ec l e a n e d .m a k em e c o m e i s b e i n gh e l d i s s a i dt o h a v e b e e n l o v e sb e i n gt o l d w i l lh a v eb e e nc o m o l e t e d i s g o i n gt o b e r e p o r t e d h a d t h e f l o w e r sd e l i v e r e d h a s t o b e v a c c i n a t e d .w a s m a d et o g o w a s k n o w nt o b e h a d w i n es o i l l e d h a s h a d h e r p u r s es t o l e n .c a n b e f o u n d s u g g e s t e d( t h a t )t h e y s h o u l dt r y a c c u s e dE r i ko f r u i n i n g / h a v i nrgu i n e d b e g g e dm e n o t t o t e l l d e n i e db r e a k i n gt h e w a r n e du s n o t t o g o w o n d e r e dw h e t h e rs h e w o u l d p r o m i s e dt o t a k e u s preferredto cook ratherthan r e m i n d e dJ a n e tt o s w i t c ho f f a p o l o g i s e dt o S a l l yf o r b e i n g a g r e e dt o h e l pm e o f f e r e dt o h e l o h e r t h r e a t e n e d t o p u n i s hm e e x c l a i m e dt h a t t h e p a i n t i n gw a s i n v i t e dt h e m t o h i s p l a c e w o n d e r e di f l w h e t h esr h e w o u l d b e h a v e r e fu s e dt o w a s h a l l t h o s e s u g g e s t e dt h a t t h e y s h o u l d .admittedtelling/having told/thathe had told a c c u s e dm e o f l o s i n g / h a v i nlgo s t a d v i s e dm e t o t a k e p r o m i s e dt o l e n d h a d t o f e e d w o u l d n o t h a v et o t y p e s a i d t h a t J o r d a nc o u l dt e l l 117 Use of English"Section '1 9 H e l e nd i d n ' th a v et o t o l d m e t h a t t h e y m i g h t w o u l d b e a b l et o g o i f h e c o u l dg o o u t w o u l d n ' th a v et o p r e p a r e s a i dt h a t s h e m u s t b e w o u l d b e a b l e t o c a n c e l .t h e c a b i n e tw h i c h c o n t a i n s .n o n eo f w h i c hi s m o s t o Jw h o m w e r e the hotelwhere we stayed w h o J o h n w a s t a l k i n gt o t h e t e a c h e rw h o s ec l a s s w h i c hw a s v e r y n i c e o f w i t hw h o m I s p e n t o f t h e f i l m ,w h i c hw a s 10 10 11 r u n b e c a u s eo f i t s i n c a s e S u s a ni s a s i t w a s g o i n gt o f o r f e a r h e m i g h t / s h o u l d t o a v o i db e i n g p r e v e n t h e c h i l d r e nf r o m f i n d i n g t h e r e a s o nf o r h i s r e s i g n a t i o n a n d a s a r e s u l t p r e v e n t h e r a i nf r o m g e t t i n g .s o a s t o p a s s i n s p i t eo f b e i n g / d e s p i tbee i n g 11 i n a v e r y s w e e tw a y w o r k e dh a r d e rt h a n d a n c e s / c a nd a n c ea s w e l l a s t h e b e s t p h o t o g r a p h i s l e s ss o c i a b l et h a n more he practisesthe better t o s o u n d s i m i l a rt o the most comfortablehostel a s m a n y h o u r sa s i s a s i m a g i n a t i va es 10 Mixed"Key"Word Transformations 12 B 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 '1 18 h a v et o w e e d i s n ' tf a r f r o m m y i s i t / h a si t b e e n s i n c e 'd r a t h e rn o t t a k e h a v er u n o u t o f a p o l o g i s e d( t o m e ) f o r c a l l i n g p u t o u t t h e f i r ew i t h h a v e n 'tb e e n c a m p i n gf o r y o u h e a r dl r o m t h e h a d h a d t h e c a r s e r v i c e d i s s a i dt o b e w a s t o o t i r e dt o h a s b e e na b l e t o w e r e m a d e t o s t a y g a v e u p e a t i n gm e a ty e a r s r e m i n d e dP e t e rt o g o t o t u r n e u t t o b e 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 7Q 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 c a n ' t h a v ek n o w na b o u t y o u o b j e c tt o m y / m e necessary(foryou) to speak b e i n gs h o r t J a m e si s t a k e sm e t w e n t ym i n u t e s a r e f o r b i d d e nt o t a k e d a n c e de x c e p t( f o r ) d o e s n ' ta p p r o v eo f w a s c h o s e nb y b e l i e v et h a th e i s was postponedbecauseof i s n o t u s e dt o s p e a k i n g .s o c o l d t h a t I c o u l d n e e d n ' h t a v eb o u g h t s o h a p p yt h a t h e c o u l d h e h a d g o n e w a r n e dm e n o t t o c o u l d n o t l e a v et h e t a b l e must have forgotten m i s t o o km e f o r u n l e s st h e l i g h t sa r e t u r n e d .a g o d i d y o u e a t h a d b e t t e rw a l k wonder whether/ifCarl teleohoned h a d h e r w e d d i n gd r e s sd e s i g n e d r u n a s f a s ta s y o u l o o k a f t e r p r e f e rt o g o p l a y w o u l d b e s u c h a / p l a yt o b e s u c h a m a k eu p m y m i n d w i l l h a v eb e e nf i x e d y f t a k i n g i s n o p o s s i b i l i to w e r e i n y o u r s h o e s i n c a s ei t r a i n s g e t r i d o f a v o i d e dd r i v i n gd u r i n g m a y h a v ew o k e n u p y o u ro p i n i o no f g i v em e a h a n dw i t h t u r n e dd o w n P a u l ' s h e r i n t e n t i o nt o g o bad weatheroreventedus from s u g g e s t e dg o i n g i s i n t e r e s t eidn c o l l e c t i n g h a v eb e e n i n v i t e d l o o k i n gf o r w a r dt o t h e t a l l e s tl a d d e r u s e dt o w o r k i s o u t o f o r d e r t o c a t c g l i m p s e i n o r d e rt o a r r i v e .t o o k t o t h e i rn e w t e a c h e r m a y h a v e m i s s e d .l i k eh e rt o t a l k a b o u tg o i n g o u t n o p o i n t ( i n )c a l l i n gC h r i s d o e s n ' ta p p r o v eo f o l d e n o u g ht o g e t a r e n o t i c k e t sl e f t A l i s o nn o r S h e i l al i k e i s s i m i l a tro "Use ol Enqlish"Section 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 11 112 113 114 115 .l 16 117 118 1'19 120 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 a s i f l t h o u g ht h e y w i l l g o a r e o n g o o d t e r m sw i t h h i sf a m e h e h a s n o t n e e dt o b e h a s n 'tb e e n d e l i v e r e d p u t o n w e i g h tw h i l e| o b j e c t st o m e w a t c h i n g becauseI was too g a v e i n a n d m a d e a a n d h e r s i s t e r e p e n b e l o n g st o being treatedbadly by w o u l d r a t h e rn o t l e a r n agreed that the film was w i s h y o u w o u l d / c o u l dc o m e w e r e a m u s e db y s u g g e s t e d( t h a t )| s h o u l dw a i t t o F r a n c e w , h e r eh e s p e n t a l l o f w h i c h h e s o e n t i s t h o u g h tt o h a v eb e e n a has been/isten years since p i c k e du p t h e r u b b i s hf r o m w e r e m a d e t o c o p y t h e i r i s a b e t t e rs i n g e rt h a n s t a m pc o l l e c t i o ni s w o r t h w i s h I c o u l d a f f o r d h a d t o h a v eh i s h o u s e m a k e a n y s e n s eo f b e c o m ea m e m b e ro f t o o k h e r h o u r st o b a k e was scared otlby w a s s o h e a v yt h a t w a s n ' ts h a r pe n o u g h .f i r s tt i m e l ' v e e v e r t o o e x p e n s i v e for me g a v eu p s m o k i n g a n d I l i v ec l o s et o s o i t eo f t h e r a i nw e preferschocolateto ice-cream a c c u s e dT i n ao f s t e a l i n g m u s t h a v eb e e n J o h n i s l i k e l yt o g o t o t u r n e dd o w n m y a p p l i c a t i o n i t h a d n o t b e e nf o r h i g h / a b o utti m e t h e c h i l d r e nw e r e came to/roundafterbeing o u g h tt o h a v ec a l l e d carriedon writingthe test s i x - h o u frl i g h t beforehad I met h a v et h e y g o t a h a s t o l o o k a f t e rh e r t a k e sa f t e rh e r f a t h e r regrettellingher/regrethavingtold her/that I told her m a k e u p t h e i rm i n d s s u c h a l o n g d r i v et h a t J e n n yw a s t o b l a m ef o r t i m e y o u h a d y o u r h a i r out off due to ErrorCorrection D o n ' tw o r r ya b o u tt h e d o g ; i t w i l l b e t a k e nc a r e of it The woman who just came in she is our boss The tea too hot for me to drink it A man whose name it was Georgewas looking for you I will neverforgetthat man who he was so kind to me I l o v eh o l i d a y i n g a t t h e L a k eG e n e v a v e r ym u c h She won the lotteryand she bought a {urniture for her new flat Many people think that happinessis the most importantthing in the life S h e i s c r a z ya b o u tt h e E r i cC l a p t o n ' sm u s i c The many people have visitedthis area for the past couple of months Jim saw Maryto take the book from the shelf Motherneverlets me to stay out aftermidnight D o n ' tm a k e m e t o d o t h i s ,p l e a s e ! S h e h e a r dt h e d o o r t o s l a m b e h i n dh e r Y o u m u s tt o n e v e rl i e W h e n y o u w i l l r e t u r nw e c a n h a v e d i n n e rt o gether Don't start doing the exerciseunless I will tell you so Tracywill make all her callsafterwe will leave I w i l l g o s h o p p i n gi f I w o u l d f i n i s hw o r k e a r l y l ' l l w a i t u n t i ly o u w i l l c o m e b a c k I c a l l e dt o h i m t w i c e ,b u t h e d i d n ' t a n s w e rt h e ohone They answeredto my questionimmediately When shallwe discussabout it? The train reachedat the stationa few minutes afterfour Childrenare to obey to their parents Mary resembleswith her grandmother I regretfor not buying ticketslast week We enteredinto the room and sat down on the sofa He livestoo much fartherfrom schoolthan I Mark was wearingthe same colour tie as was Tom H e i s m o r e t a l l e rt h a n h i s f r i e n d He is not as cleveras is Jane l'm afraid I cooked many too much food for tonight 119 Jse ol English" Secflon Error CorrectionTexts 't f it tor 3./ had 2 ,/ the for the s./ one the ,/ 10 11 12 tar 10 had '11 ,/ 12 / as ,/ to at can ,/ of more 13 ,/ 14 tor 15 much of from 7.a being 10 11 12 / ,/ the have 13 with 14 / 15 / 4 be ,/ ot the 10 'r 12 ,/ must ,/ out 13 ,/ 14 were 15 ,/ as them ot / 10 11 12 being on for ,/ 13 as 14 ,/ '15 ,/ the / on 4.ot D 4.8 MultipleChoiceClozeTexts How to recognise a seasoned traveller A 2.C 'lR7r, 4,D A 6.D 8.C 9.A 10 D 11 A 12 C D 8.A 9.B 10 D 11 A 12 C 13.D 14 B 15 C 1 One next with are others should which/that them 10 11 12 13 14 15 such as most at since there would/could 2 tar that Due been no into with every/each/per 10 11 12 13 14 15 worse by way/means by/about far out not 3 on wide/targe/big from some iho 10 11 12 13 14 15 because lf most where from whatever much Have while yet/still The Telephone 1a 2.D 3.A 4.4 9.8 c '11 A 12 B 13 D 14 D '15 B Dreamingof Becoming a Lifeguard?ThinkTwice! 1D 2.4 C 4.8 120 5.8 o.u 7.D 8.A 5.D 6.A D 8.C on '10 A 11 B 12 B 1',1 a 14 C 15 B 13.8 14 C 15 A Open ClozeTexts from 14 beino 15 ,/ much so 3.,/ to 1.t\o.u '13 had about it ,/ Transport C B 4 as still are this but which other that By '10 their 11 f r o n t 12 why 13 up 14 Until 15 will Revision Secfion Revision SeCtiOh (pp.iez 2161 A MultipleChoiceQuestions 1.B 2.C 3.4 4.8 5.C 6.D 7.4 8.8 9.C 10 B 11 A 12 B 13 C 14 B 15 B 16 C 17 D 18 B 'r9 D 20 c 21 B 22.8 23 B 24.A 25 D 26 B 27 D 28 D 29 C 30 D 31 D 32 B 33 C 34 B 35 B 36 B 37 A 38 C 39 A 40 B 41.A 42 B 43.8 44.C 45.A 46.B 47 D 48 B 49.C 50 B 51 C 52 C 53 D 54 B s5 C 56 A 57 B 58 A 59 B 60 A 61.D 62.C 63.A 64 D 65.8 66.C 67 B 68.4 69.8 70 C 71 B 72 D 73 C 74 A 75 C 76 B 77 B 78 C 79 C 80 D 81 A 82 C 83 B 84 B 85 D 86 A 87 D 88 A 89 A 90 D 91 A 92 A 93 A 94 C 95C 96 D 97C 98 B 99 A 100 D B Key-WordTransformationSentences i s u n u s u a fl o r u s t o a s l o n g a s y o u b r i n g i n c a s e i t w a s h a r d l ya n y t h i n g i a n y o nien b e a b e t t e ro p t i o nt h a n y o u m u s t p r o v i d e y o uc a n n o tb o r r o w n o p o i n ti n s p e a k i n g n o t l i k eh e r t o b e h a d a d i s c u s s i o na b o u t 1 a t t h e a g e o f t i m e y o u l e a r n e d / l e a r n .t l a s tt i m e I s a w T h o m a s i s i n c l u d e di n h a d b e t t e rs e e '16 .w a s c a n c e l l e w i n gt o g a v e u s p e r m i s s i o nt o w a s t o o h o t f o r i s r e s p o n s i b l feo r l o o k i n ga f t e r w i s h I h a d t a k e n i s n o t b e i n g o p e n e d 2 d o t h e s ec d s b e l o n gt o h a d d i f f i c u l t y( i n )p e r s u a d i n g w i l l h a v et o b e g i v e n 25 is a betterpainterthan i n c a s ey o u g e t i s n o t e a s yf o r F r e d 28 last heardfrom my brother w a s n o b o d yL u c y k n e w 30 one of the tyres was t e l lt h e d i f f e r e n c e h a s t e n d e n c yt o b l u s h 3 u s a d e t a i l e dd e s c r i p t i o no f n o d o u b tt h e b o y s w i l l u n t i lt h e y h a d p a i n t e d i n o r d e rt o b e w a s b e t t e rt h a n w e u n l e s ss h e d o e s 39 whatday it d i d n o t s u c c e e di n p e r s u a d i n g i s a m o n t hs i n c e f o l l o w i n gt h e p u b l i c a t i o no f w o u l d r a t h e rs t u d y e n g i n e e r i n g 4 l o o k e du o t o 45 exactlywhat the captain b e e v a c u a t e da s a r e s u l t 47 everybodyapart f rom d o e s n o t f e e l l i k ec o m i n g b o r r o w e dh i s l a p t o pw i t h o u ta s k i n g n o t l i k eW i l l i a mt o b e w a n t a n y b o d ye l s et o d i s c o v e r i n c a s et h e C D - R O Mi s t o o f a s tf o r u s t o d o e s n o t m a t t e rw h i c h r e c i p e 5 h a s n o t b e e nt o i s t h e s a m e s i z ea s t h e e x c e p t i o no f M r O l s o n i n c a s ey o u a r e i s e s t i m a t e dt o b e w o r t h a s l o n g a s y o u p r o m i s e i t i s n o t w o r t h s t a y i n g i s s u p o o s e dt o b e m a n a g et o d e f e a t d i d n o t r e m e m b e n y t h i n g i s u n l i k e l tyh e r ew i l l 6 i s r e s p o n s i b l feo r a r r a n g i n g t o o k / m a d ea n o t e o n l ya f e w i s n o p o i n ti n f i n i s h e db y t h a n k i n g t u r n e dd o w n n o t i n t e r e s t e di n g o i n g c a n ' t h a v es t o l e n i s n o w i n s e a r c ho f i s v e r yg o o d a t i f t h e y w e r e s u p p o s e dt o 7 b e c a u s eI h a d b e e n p a i n t i n g w e r e g i v e nv e r y l i t t l e s o o n a s F l o r a( h a d )l e f t f i r s tt i m e J o a n n ah a s e v e r h a d h e r t h e a t r ec o s t u m e sd e s i g n e d h a t e b e i n gt o l d w h a t i s b e i n gd e s i g n e d w a s n o t t h i c ke n o u g h i s s t i l lp r e p a r i n g m a d e a d e c i s i o na b o u t w a s t o o b o r i n gf o r u s 8 o n l y I h a d c o n t r a c t e dh e r m i g h t b e d e l a y e ds o 121 Revision Section 90 .doesthiscarbelongto matterwhathe tellsyou 92 .hadbettersee 93 .is as interesting as 94 wonderif Jacky(has)sent 95 .the lasttimeyou attended 96 .objectto meimyusing 97 .forbiddenfor visitorsto feed m a k eu p h e rm i n d 99 .I werein yourshoes 100 .regrethavingtakenmy mother's a B,E,F Static and moving features Yes Narrativetechniquesare appropriateif the descriptionis detailedand chatty (Suggested answer) The Best Place on Earth London,the capitalof England,is situatedon the RiverThames.lts varietyof cultures,wonderful entertainmentand bustlingstreetsmake it one of the most excitingcitiesin the world Thereis so much to and see in London.No visitwould be completewithouta tripto a marketor a largedepartmentstore.From PortobelloRoadto Harrods,it is certainthat you'll find somethingto buy When you get tired of shopping, a stroll through beautifulHyde Park will help you forget you are in the middle of an extremelybusy city Londonis well-knownfor its amazingnight-life For the theatrelover,the West End is definitelythe place to go as the choice of serious plays and musical shows is endless For those who enjoy eating good food, there are literallyhundreds of restaurants to choose from and every taste is cateredfor Certainly,a nightout in Londoncan be an unforgettableexperience London is a city that has plenty to offer lt really is the perfect destinationif you are looking for somethingdifferent.No matterwhatyou chooseto do, you are sure to have a memorabletime C ErrorCorrectionTexts 1 z- a himself tn bit 2 much she being to will WAS a A AS myself z A SO her of despite to ,/ out 10 / 11 w h i c h 12 ,/ 13 more 14 / '15 been itself on of 11 l i n l e 12 / 13 ,/ 14 ,/ 15 that too in ,/ had 10 / 11 ./ 12 very '13 most 14 so 15 some b 10 being / himself quite / 11 12 who some s the D CompositionDiscussion '1 A descriptivearticleabout a place To writeabouta placeI know and to havemy article published The editorof the publishingcompany; people w h o w i l lb u y t h e b o o k 4.A.C.G Para name and locationof olace Para 2: reasonsfor choosingplace Paras & 4: particulardetailsof the place (sights to see, how to spend free time, etc) Final para: feelingsand final thoughtsabout the otace Note: The name, locationof the place and the reasonsfor choosingit can be includedin one paragraph 6.8 Sight,sound, smell,taste and touch 122 B A letterof application z ? o To apply for a job Mrs Sarah Flavell Para 1: reason(s)for writing Para 2'.qualifications- previousexperience Final para: closing remarks Formallanguageshould be used as this is a letter of applicationto a personwho is unknownto us, so the languageneedsto be appropriate B 18, 2A 1B would be suitablefor mv letter B.C.E.F (Suggested answer) Dear Mrs Flavell, I am writingin responseto the advertisement in yesterday'seditionof "LocalNews".I would liketo apply for the positionof assistantchef I graduatedfrom HopetownCollegeof Technology with a degree in catering in June, 2000 Moreover, I have passed exams in written and spokenFrenchand therefoream a fluentspeaker In addition, I have worked for "Chez Nous", my cousin'spartyfood cateringcompany,for a year While working at "Chez Nous", I gained valuable experiencein cateringfor large groups Revision Section t am enclosing a curricu\um v\tae and two re{erences.I look forwardto hearingfrom you soon Yourssincerelv Jan Wright C A narrative To entera comoetition T h ej u d g e s The plot line Para 1: settingthe scene Para 2: beforethe main event Para 3: the main event Para 4: the end of the story Simple past, past continuous,past perfect,etc I n t h i r dp e r s o n Yes, becausethose are techniquesused in narratives 9.4,C 10 A, B, D, E 11 n o s o o n e r t.h a n ,f i r s t a , s s o o na s ,w h i l e ,a f t e r t h a t , by the time, finally 12 A, C, D 6.E,F,H positive points: B, C, G negative points: A, D B B, 2A B is most suitablefor my letter (Suggested answer) Dear Peter, Sorry I haven'twrittenfor so long but I've been reallybusy with my new job So far everythingis great and I reallylove teaching Firstof all,the workingconditionsare excellent and the environmentis very pleasant.What is more, my colleaguesare really friendlyand I've made many friends Secondly, the job itself is extremelyinterestingand challengingand I enjoy it very much.There'salwayssomethingdifferentto and I neverget bored However,there are a few things that I'm not happyabout.Firstly,the salaryI receiveis a bit low but I have been told that I will get a pay rise soon, so I hope everythingwill be alright.What's more, the childrenare sometimesnaughtywhich can be very tiring All in all, this has been a great experience.I reallyhope you manageto visitme soon and who knows?Perhapsyou'lldecideto stay!pleasewrite and tell me your news (Suggested answer) "Don't be frightened,everything'sgoing to be alright," Tom told his brother, Dave, who was clingingto the sideof the lifeboat.lt was bitterlycold as the wavestossedthe boat around like a toy Theirsailingweekendhad startedthat morning full of excitementand promisebut then everything had gone terriblywrong Two hours into their trip they had sailed into a violent storm They had managedto get the lifeboatinto the waterjust as theirboat beganto sink.Now,theywerelostat sea, with no sign of rescuein sight Suddenly,Davepointedwitha shakingfingerto a huge rock,whichwas directlyin frontof them.',Oh no! We're going to hit itl' he screamed.The boys tried to steer away from the rock with their hands but the boatseemedto havea mind of its own.Just as they were about to crash,the boys jumped into the water and startedswimmingfranticallytowards the rock No sooner had they reachedit than they hearda helicopterabovethem "We'redown here! We're down here!"they shoutedat the top of their tungs Later,when they wereon dry land,the brothers lookedat each other.No words were said but they both knewwhatthe otherwas thinking- it would be a long time beforeeitherone went sailingagain D Informalletter To give information/tell my latestnews to my pen friend My pen friend Para 1: reason(s)for writing Paras & 3: development(what I like ano don'tlike) Final para: closing remarks Informal- the letteris to a Jriend Best wishes, Amy E 10 11 12 A descriptivearticleabout a person To enter a competition T h ej u d g e s Para 1: place and time you met him/her Para 2: physicalappearance Para 3: personalitycharacteristics Para 4: activitiesiachievements, etc Para 5: commentsand feelings Note: Dependingon the aspect(s)given in the topic, certainparagraphsmay be omifted Tenses: simple past, presentand future past and present perfect past continuous A variety of tenses need to be used to describe past and present activities/ states Good and bad qualitiesshould be mentionedin order to make the writingmore balanced s e e d t ob e j u s t i f i e d A l lq u a l i t i e n i no r d e r t o m a k e t h e articlecredibleand realistic T h e l a n g u a g es h o u l db e m i l d 1C 2A 3E 4D 58 'l beaming muscular plump shabby freckled ( S s 'o w n a n s w e r s ) ( S s ' o w na n s w e r s ) 123 f evisionSecfion (Suggested answer) The Most lnteresting Person I know l f i r s tm e tS t e l l ao n a t e n - h o u r f l i g h t tRoo m e S he was the lastpersonto boardthe planeand it just so happenedthat she sat next to me Stella is a very graceful woman in her late forties.She has got strikinggreen eyes and the most beautifulsmile I have everseen.Stellahas a taste for expensivedesigner clothes and always dresseselegantly Stella has a warm personalityand is a very optimisticperson.Peoplefeel relaxedwhen they a r ei n h e rc o m p a n ya n d t h i si s n o s u r p r i s eb e c a u s e she alwayslookson the brightsideof liJe.However she can be a bitforgetfulat times.Forexample.she oftenforgetspeople'sbirthdaysbut herclosefriends don'tmind One of Stella'sgreatestinterestsis cooking S h e l o v e st o g i v ed i n n e rp a r t i e sa n d r sw e l l - k n o w n f o r t h ee x o t i cd i s h e ss h em a k e s S h e ' sa l s ok e e no n potteryand has even sold a few of her piecesto localshops.Stellais one of those rarepeoplewho are good at everythingthey A l li n a l l ,S t e l l sa t r u l yr e m a r k a b l pe e r s o n I.f e e l very fortunateto have her in my life F An argumentativecomposition,outliningadvantages and disadvantages My teacherand perhapsother students Yes, I would Formalstyle is alwaysused for this type of composition Para 1: statetopic by makinga generalstatement Para 2: advantages/statements to supportthem Para 3: disadvantages/statements to support them Para 4: a balancedconsideration/ooinion B,C,F 1D 2A 3A 4D 5D (Suggestedanswer) The Advantages and Disadvantages of Being a Vegetarian Nowadays,vegetarianismhas becomea trend for people who are in search of a healthierlife However,it can be said thereare both advantaoes and disadvantages for decidingto be a vegetarLn Firstly,vegetariansfeel that there are certain advantagesto be gainedby not eatingmeat.They consider substitutefoods such as soya, cereals and vegetablesarean evenbettersourceof protein than meat.lt is maintainedthat such foods are low in fat and cholesterolthereforepromoting better health.Finally,by avoidingmeat,vegetariansbelievethey are not eatingcontaminatedfood which is often a source of many illnesses O n t h e o t h e rh a n d ,s o m ep e o p l ef e e lt h a tb e i n g a vegetarian has disadvantages.For example such a diet can be boring and tasteless.Also,the choiceof food availableis oftenlimitedwheneating out In addition,not eatingmeat can often lead to iz4 a deficiencyin iron and proteinwhich can resultin i n a l l yh, u m a n se v o l v e d s e r i o u sh e a l t hp r o b l e m s F as meat-eaters, so by not eatingmeat,they might be atfectingtheir very nature To sum up, I believeit is a matterof personal opinionwhetheror not someoneeatsmeat.People are free to decide on their own eatingpatterns G A transactional letter(givingand requestingfurther information) a To give and requestfuftherinformation M r J a m e sM a r k s A Y e s i t i s That the style (formalor informal)is appropriate That all the informationin the questionhas been g i v e ni n m y o w n w o r d s Thatall the questionshave been asked in my own words That each paragraphhas a topic The languageshould be formalas Mr Marks is u n K n o w nt o m e P a r a : r e a s o n ( sf)o r w r i t i n g Paras2&3: development F i n a l p a r a : c l o s i n gr e m a r k s B, 2A I would use A in mv letterbecauseit is a formal letter Two Informationand questionsshouldbe appropriately d i v i d e d ;o t h e r w i s eo n e p a r a g r a p hw i l l b e f u l l o f q u e s t i o n sa n d t h e o t h e rn o t 11 A, B C E (Suggested answer) D e a rM r M a r k s I am writingwith regardto your advertisement on the noticeboardof the St JamesSchool.I would greatlyappreciateit if you could provideme with some informationabout the private lessons for computerprogrammes, I am a 19-year-old studentand at the momentI am doing my A-levels.I intend to study accountancy at universityand I need to improvemy computer skills.Therefore,I would be gratefulif you could tell me whetherExceland Accessare available M o r e o v e rI,w o u l dl i k et o k n o ww h e r ea n d w h e n the lessons will be taking place Also, I would appreciateit if you could let me know if the lessons w i l l b e h e l d o n a n i n d i v i d u aol r a g r o u p b a s i s Finally.could you pleasetell me what the fees are and if it is possibleto pay monthly? Thank you in advancefor your cooperation.I am lookingforwardto hearingfrom you Yourssincerely, C l i v eB r o n s o n RevisionSectlon H An assessmentreoon To assessthe good and bad pointsof a new campsitewhich has just opened in the area The manager(of the international travelaqencv I work for) I should use formalstyle 5.A,C,D,F,G Introduction:statepurposeand contentof your reoon Development:summariseeach point giving both positlveand negativeaspects C o n c l u s i o n :g e n e r aal s s e s s m e nat n d r e c o m m e n _ dation / A, U, tr l- (tr ln the final paragraph Yes, becauseassessmentreportsshoulo oe objective 10 Presenttenses 11 express reality: as a matterof fact actually, in practice make contrasting points: nevertheless Vet, in spite of, however express the difference between appearance a n d r e a l i t y :a p p a r e n t l ya.t f i r s st i g h t ,o n t h ef a c e of it Restaurant T h e r e s t a u r a nht a s a w i d ev a r i e t yo f d i s h e si n c l u d i n gs p e c i am l e a l sf o r y o u n gc h i l d r e na n d t h e r ei s a wide choice of dishes for vegetarians.Although some dishes are ratherexpensive,the prices are generallyreasonable.Last but not least,the staff a r e w e l l - t r a i n eadn d p o l i t e RecreationRoom The recreationroom is large and has a friendly a t m o s p h e r eT h e r ei s a b i l l i a r d st a b l ea t o n e e n a and table tennisat the other.Moreover,there is a large screen TV in the middle oJ the room Elect r o n i ca n d c o m p u t e rg a m e sf o r c h i l d r e na r es e t u p in one corner.The recreationroom is open every day from 10 am to 10 pm and it is very popularwith teenagers Recommendation To sum up, I would recommendLakeviewCamositefor touristswith children.lt is a well-organised campsitewithgood facilities,highsafetystandaros and helofulstaff E SpeakingTests (Suggested answer) To: From: Subject: Date: M r F M o r t i m e rM , anaoer S u s a nT a y l o r ,A s s i s t a i tM a n a g e r LakeviewCampsite N o v e m b e r2 Introduction The aim of this reportis to assessthe surtabilrty of LakeviewCampsitefor touristswith children Sports Facilitiesand Swimming pool The campsite'ssportfacilitiesare suitablefor both a d u l t sa n d c h i l d r e nF o re x a m p l ey, o u n g e rc h i l d r e n c a n e n j o yp l a y i n gi n t h e c a m p s i t e ' sw e l l _ e q u i p p e d playground,whileteenagerscan make use of the c a m p s i t e ' sc o u r t sa n d g r o u n d sa n d o r g a n i s et o u r naments and recreationalactivities.The camp_ site'sownersare very proud of their Olymprcsrze s w i m m i n gp o o lw h i c hh a st h r e ed i v i n gb o a r d sa n d two qualifiedand experiencedlifeguards.What is more,thereareswimminginstructorswho givefree l e s s o n st o c h i l d r e n Bathroom facilities The fact of the matteris that the bathroomfacilities are excellentand well-maintained In addition,hot wateris availableon a 24-hourbasis.Furthermore, thereare changingroomsand lockersfor all camp_ ers However,there are not enough showersfor everybody.As a result,when the campsiteis full, there are often queues Part (Par7 /asls aboul four minutes and has to with socialisingand giving personal information.Ss shou/d be able to talk about themse/yesfor two minutes.) Parl2 (Part lastsabout four minutesand focuseson exchano_ ing personaland factualinformationbasedon given visial prompts Ss are given two colour photographs each and they have to talk about them in relation to themseues withoutbeing interruptedand hetped by the T Theyare also asked to comment on each other's pictures.) Part3 (ln Part Ss are examined in parrs.They are given visual p rom ptswh ic h g eneratea discusslonand they tatk with one another.Ss look carefullyat the visual promptsconcentrat_ ing on relevant details The conversation should not be dominated by one student Ss have to tatk onty about the taskthe interviewerhasgiven them Thisparf /asfsabout minutes.) Part (ln Part Ss falk with one another about matters relatedto the theme of Part Ss shou/d listen to their paftners' answers and respond accordingly lt is impoftant to re_ member that when one partneris speaking helsheshoutd not be interruptedbythe other.Part 4lastsabout4 mtnurcs.) 125 RevisionSecflon SpeakingTest SA: I wouldloveto justsiton a beachor go swimming all day Parts & (Suggestedanswers) Picture A shows a team of rugby playerswhereas picture B shows a windsurferalone.The main difference is that windsurfingcan be done alone whereas rugby is a team sport I would prefer to windsurfingbecause it is very excitingand I love the sea To team sports you need to consideryour teammates and not be selfish.With individualsports you only have yourself to depend on so you have to concentratemuch more Peoplechooseto dangeroussportsbecausethey have a desirefor excitementin their livesand so are preparedto take risksto achieveit Picture C showsstudentssittingInformallyin a classr o o m T h e yc o u l db e d i s c u s s i n gt h e i rl e s s o nw h e r e a s picture D showsa teachertalkingto some studentsin a formalclassroomsituation I believe that students learn better when they are listeningto a teacher.They are more likelyto concentrate and learn somethingthan if they just sit around talkingto other students I believethis is only possible if parentsare actually teachersthemselves A teacherneedsto be kindand patient.Theyalsoneed to know their subjectvery well and possessa skill in puttingil acrossin an enjoyableway so that students take pleasurein what they are learning Part (Suggested answers) SA: I think that you would definitelyneed to take your passport especiallyif you are gong to a foreign country SB: Well, yes! Otherwiseyou wouldn't be allowed into the country.What about luggage?You would certainlyneed to take clotheswith you, wouldn'tyou? SA: Oh yes lt would be almostimpossibleto buy everything you need once you get to your hotel.Well, I w o u l d n ' t a k e a n u m b r e l l aw , o u l dy o u ? SB: No, nor an alarm clock, but I think I would take a camera.lt's good to take photosof placesyou visit, isn't it? SA: Of course,but don't you think it would be betterto buy postcardsand take good sunglasseswith you instead SB: No, you can alwaysbuy sunglassesbut you might not be ableto buy a postcardof everythingyou see At leastyou can photographwhat you want, when you want Part (Suggested answers) SA: My idealdestinationwould be one where lcould just relaxunder the hot sun all day, somewhere l i k eC u b a o r J a m a i c a SB: Well, I would preferto go somewherecold like Alaska.I livein a hot countryso it's alwayssunny It would be nice to have a change S A : l t h i n k y o u w o u l dm i s s t h e s u ne v e ni fy o uj u s t w e n t away for a few weeks tzo S B : I w o u l dg o m a d d o i n g n o t h i n g I w o u l d l i k et o d o some kind of activityon holidaysuch as skiingor snow-boarding SA: I believethat holidaysshould be differentfrom what we every day, so that's why I would chooseto nothingbut sit about on a beach SA: Weneedholidaystorelaxandchangeourroutine SB: Yes,everyoneneedsa holidayand whenwe have two or three weeks break, we can often travel to anothercountry SA: I believe that there are several advantagesin travellingalone Firstly,you can exactlywhat y o u l i k ew h e n y o u l i k e SB: Also you are likelyto meet many more peopleas you will probablyfeelthe needto havesome kind of contactwith people.lt would be impossibleto spend a holidayalone without speakingto anyone SA: I think that travellingalone also makes a person more independenttoo SA: This dependson whetheryou travelin a group or not SB: lf you stay with a group in a hotel and never explorethe localarea,you willneverget to seethe countryyou are visiting SA: Yes,but if you travelalone,you are more likelyto exploreand get to knowthe localpeopleand way of life SpeakingTest Parts & (Suggested answers) Picture A shows people receivingtheir food at the counter of a fast food restaurantwhereaspicture B shows peopletalkingto a waiter.They are sittingat a table in a restaurant I would preferto go to a peacefulrestaurantwhereI can enjoygood food and be servedby a waiter.lthink that fast food placesare noisy and you can't reallyenjoy your food there Peopledon't have so much time to cook these days and so it is much easierto buy food from a takeaway or a fast food restaurant.Also, teenagersseem to prefereatingburgersto eatinghealthyfood Withfriendsyou can talk,laughand enjoyyourfood in a more relaxedway You can't alwaysbe likethis with your family Picture C shows a teacherhelpinga studentread a book whereaspicture D shows a young boy working on a compurer I think it is easy to learnfrom a computeras you can take your time doing the lesson and the computer never gets upset if you make a mistake or don't u n d e r s t a n ds o m e t h i n o Revision Section I don't thinka computerwould be successfulat teach_ ing languagesbecauseonly peopleare able to hold a real conversationand this is importantwhen learninq a language Computershave made our liveseasierin many ways b y d o i n gt h et h i n g st h a ta h u m a nb r a i ni s u n a b l et o d o Theyare alsoableto storevastamountsof knowledoe and rnformation Part (Suggested answers) SA: For me, the most seriousenvironmentalproblemis that of pollutionin towns and cities SB: Yes, it is a seriousproblem but I believethat forest fires are a bigger threatto the planet SA: Butif allfactorieswerebuiltoutsidetowns,thenthere wouldn'tbe any pollutionand peoplewouldn,tsuffer from serioushealthproblems SB: That'strue, but trees provideus with valuableoxv_ gen so if the alreadydestroyedforestsare not re_ planted soon, we are all going to have bigger problems SA: I agree.So if the factonesare movedand forestsare planted,the treescan balancethe damaqe caused by pollutants SB: Yes I believewe have to starttalkingbettercare of our naturalenvironment Part (Suggested answers) SA' I believethat humanbeings are responsiblefor all the environmentalproblemswe have nowaoavs SB: Yes, unfortunatelywhen plastics and certiin chemicalswere first developed,no one saw the problemsthey would cause SA: lt would be difficultto stop usingthesethings,but we have to find a way to solve the problemswe nave SA: One of the major benefitsis that thingswon.t be b u r i e du n d e rt h e g r o u n d M a n yt h i n g sl i k ep l a s t i c neveroecompose,so they haveto be recycled SB: And if we recycleall our paper,then not so manv treeswill haveto be cut down SA: So recycledmaterialscan be usedto make other usefulproducts SA; Global warming is changing our planet quicker than scientistsexpected.For example,the polar ice-capsare meltingand this will resultin manv low-lyingcountriesbeing flooded SB: Not only that.The hole in the ozone lavermeans the sun's rays are strongerand more peopleare gettingskin cancer SA; Yes and animalsare losingtheirnaturalhabitats lf the land is not floodedthen it is drying up and places are becoming deserts,so animals have nowhereto live SA: I thinkthattherewill be fewerforestsand certainlv no animals SB: Yes, and most people will be living in northern parts of the world because the south will be a desert SA: Becauseof the pollutionmany people will have healthproblems,too S A : I t h i n ki t w o u l db e a g o o d i d e at o l i v eo n t h e m o o n At leasttherewouldn'tbe so many peoplethere S B : Y e s ,b u t i t w o u l d n 'tb e a s g o o d a s l i v i n go n E a r t h The atmosphereis not the same and there rs no greenerythere SA: Maybeatsometimein thefuturescientistswill find a way to make it look more like Eafth SpeakingTest Parts & (Suggested answers) Picture A shows a man who is very happy perhaps because of somethinggood that happened at work whereaspicture B showsa man who is standingby a f i l l i n gc a b i n e ta n d a p p e a r st o b e v e r y s t r e s s e d P e o p l ea r eh a p p yw i t ht h e i rj o b w h e n t h e yh a v ea g o o d s a l a r ya n d t h e i rj o b i s r e w a r d i n ga n d s t l m u l a t i n g The perlectwork environmentwould be a placewhere t h e c o n d i t i o n sh e l p p e o p l et o p r o d u c et h e t rb e s t a n d where colleaguesare friendlyand loyal I would not sacrificemy familyfor my 1obbecauselobs can be replacedbut familiescannot Picture C shows a man working out liftingweightsin a gym whereas picture D shows a man takino his e x e r c i s eb y r i d i n ga b i k e Both sports help develop a good body and make people fit and healthy They also help deveropmus_ cles Some footballfans see othersbehaving badly and so they the same Others use violenceas a wav of expressingtheir anger and aggression Peopleshould be shown, perhaps on TV or in maga_ zines,what the effectsare of leadingan unhealthylife Part (Suggested answers) SA: I believe that the satellite is probably the most impoftantinventionin the 20th century.Withoutthis, m a n y o t h e r i m p o r t a n t t e c h n o l o g i c a li n v e n t r o n s wouldn't have happened.What vou think? S B : Y e s ,I a g r e e ,b u t t h e c o m p u t e ri s a l s o i m p o n a n ta s our liveshave become easierby using computers SA: Yes, but don't forget that without satettites,tne Internetwouldn't be possible S B : N e i t h e rw o u l dt h e m o b i l ep h o n e ,b u t I d o n ' tt h i n k i t is the most importantinvention.I alsothinkthat highs p e e dt r a i n ss h o u l db e i n c l u d e di n t h e b o o k SA: Definitely, as travellingin thisway hasopenedup the w o r l dt o m a n y p e o p l e SB: Thesetrainsalso help goods be transportedmuch qutcker,so they are reallyimportantto all of us 127 Revision Section Part (Suggested answers) SA: Readinga real book is much betterthan reading i t o n t h e c o m p u t e rT u r n i n gt h e p a g e so f a b o o k cannot be comparedto clickinga key on a keyboard S B : l t h i n k t h a tc h i l d r e nw o u l df i n d i t m o r ei n t e r e s t i n g to read from a screenthan from a book SA: But readinga book has more of an "atmosphere' t h a n s e e i n gi t b r i g h t l y - l u i o n t h e s c r e e n S A : T h eI n t e r n eht a sr e a l l yc h a n g e u r l i v e sY o uc a n find any informationyou want.you can buy whatever you need and you can even make new friends SB: Yes,but manypeoplehavesacrificeda normallife t o s p e n d h o u r so n t h e N e t SA: Just think how it has helpedpeoplewho are d i s a b l e r u n a b l et o g e t o u t o f t h e i rh o m e s Part (Suggested answers) S A : I t h i n kt h a t t h e c u r r i c u l u ms h o u l dg i v e l e s s o n st h a t will be usefulto peopleafterthey leaveschool,such a s c a r m a i n t e n a n c eW h a t d o y o u t h i n k ? S B ; Y e s b u t g i r l ss h o u l db e a l l o w e dt o l e a r na b o u t i t a s well.What about teachinganotherpracticalsubject suchas plumbing? S A : T h a ts a g o o d i d e a B u t w o u l dg i r l sb e i n t e r e s t e d in such a thing?They might find cookery better S B : N o b o y s a n d g i r l sc a n l e a r nt h a tf r o m t h e i rf a m i l y I t h i n k p l u m b i n gi s a g o o d i d e a D o y o u t h i n k t h e c u r r i c u l u ms h o u l d i n c l u d ec o m p u t i n g ,f i r s t - a i r swimming? S A : W e l l c h i l d r e nc a n l e a r ns w i m m i n ga t t h e l o c a lp o o l Many childrenalso learncomputingby themselves at home But I think it would be importantto learn b a s i cf i r s t - a i d SB: Yes.that would be very useful SA: I believe that scientistswill never accept that technology has a limit and as far as they re concerned there are always going to be new things to discover S B : L o o ka t c l o n i n g f, o r e x a m p l eW h e r ew i l lt e c h n o l o g y s t o p ?S h o u l d n ' t h e r e b e a l i m i t ? S A : N o N o t i f i t ' s g o i n g t o h e l p i m p r o v eo u r l i v e s Part (Suggested answers) SA: Most of the games children have are not very educational.even the computergames S B : B u t d o n ' tc o m p u t e rg a m e st e a c hc h i l d r e nh o w t o t h i n kl o g i c a l l y ? SA: Butgamesnowadaysarefullof monstersor aliens and that's not very educational SA: One of the advantagesto livingso long would be thatyouwouldgetto knowyourgreat,great.great grandchildren S B : A l s o y o u w o u l d s e e n e w t e c h n o l o g ya n d m a n y excitingeventsthroughoutthe years However, u n l e s sm e d i c i n eh a s i m p r o v e dy, o u m i g h tb e j but too weak to move or understandwhat is h a p p e n i n ga r o u n dy o u S A M a y b eb y t h e n ,t e c h n o l o g yw i l l h a v ed e v e l o p e d so much that we will want to liveto be 250 vears old! SA: Learning"dead"subjectsat school like historyor Latin is not very useful,becausewe hardlyever need these sublectswhen we leaveschool SB: Yes, but we can't live our lives not knowing the history of our country or where our language c o m e sf r o m SA: I supposeif you were reallyinterested,you could alwaysreadaboutsuchsubjectsin yourfreetime SA: There are so many people nowadayswho have f i n i s h e du n i v e r s i toy r c o l l e g eb u t w h o c a n ' tf i n da j o b B e i n go v e r - q u a l i f i eddo e s n ' tm e a ny o u ' l lg e t the job you want SB: Yes.becauseeveryoneneedsto work,thrsmeans thatthey haveto takeany 1obwhichwill pay them a salary whether it is what they want or not regardleso s f t h e i rq u a l i f i c a t i o n s SA: Yes, there are so many people trying to get the samefew jobs that peoplefeelthe more qualifications they get the more chances they have of gettingthe job SA: Alreadymanypeoplehavelosttheirjobs because computerscan the work betterand faster S B : Y e s b u t t h e r ea r e s o m ej o b s w h i c hn e e d p e o p l e to them as computerscan't SA: I don t think that computers can every job There won't ever be a time when people don't work becausecomputershavetakenoverthe iob market SpeakingTest4 Pafis & (Suggested answers) P i c t u r eA s h o w sa s c h o o lb u st a k i n gc h i l d r e nt o s c h o o l w h e r e a sp i c t u r e B s h o w sa c h i l dr i d i n ga b i c y c l e T h e m o s t e n j o y a b l ew a y i s o n e w h r c h i s q u i c k a n d comfortable I n m y o p i n i o n ,t h e m o s t d a n g e r o u sw a y w o u l d b e f o r a childto cycle as they could easilybe knockedoff by a car The best way is to travelby car In this way, you can comfortablyenjoy your journey and stop wnenever you want Picture C shows people playingtennrson an outside court whereaspicture D shows a swimmerin a pool In my opinion,tennisoffersthe most exerciseas you not only get to exercisebut also to enjoythe freshair I believe(that)winningis more importantthan taking part becauseit feelswonderJulto be the best N o , I d o n ' tt h i n kt h e yd o T h e yd o n ' td o a n y t h i n gm o r e than any other spor.tsperson, tz6 ... ReadingTask: Part2 (p 10 -11 ) 10 11 A B B A ( L n1 ) (Ln 3) ( L n7 - ) ( L n1 - ) B ( L n1 - ) 13 .C (Ln 20-22) 1a.D (Ln36-38) 15 .D (Ln38-40) VocabularyExercises:Part2 (p 12 -1Sl railwaycomplex- allthe... services 10 reservation manager consideration possibly central Prepositions for 2.ot on i n ,o f on at L 10 11 12 of in at in in with 13 for 14 at 15 .of 16 with 17 at 18 for/at 19 at 20 oI 21 on... nastyexperience of their own.) 16 out through do make make d o w nt o a w a y forward off 10 make make make 11 12 make 13 make 14 15 on up 16 .make 17 make 18 19 make 20 make Follow-upActivities:Part2